Unit 10 Strain Energy: Structure

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10.1 Introduction
10.2 Potential Energy
10.3 Concept of Strain Energy
10.3.1 Strain Energy in Axial Loading
10.3.2 StrainEnagy in Shea~
10.3.3 Strain Energy in Bending
10.3.4 Strain Energy in Torsion
I 10.4 Suddenly Applied Loads
10.5 Impact Loads
10.5.1 Stmses duct0 AxialLoade
10.5.2 Stressea due to Bending Loade
10.6 Castigliano' s Theorem
10.6.1 Application of Cartigliano's Theom to Angular Movawt ~
10.6.2 Application to True8 Problem8
10.6.3 Application to Beam Problems
10.7 Summary
10.8 Answers to SAQs
This unit introduces you to the concept of strain energy, how it is elated to stress and slqain
and the method of estimating this energy in different modes of application of forces or loads
on the body. It also explains to you how to obtain the stresses in the case of sudden and
impact loads using the strain energy concept. Further, it deals with Castigliano's theorem
which can be employed to estimate the deflections of deformable bodies under loads.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
wnceptualise the potential energy,
estimate the strain energy under different types of loads,
obtain the stresses in a body when subjected to suddenly applied or impact
loads, and
determine the &flections of beams through the application of Castigliano's
Energy is defmed as capacity to do work. It may exist in many forms, e.g., mechanical
(potentid or kinetic), thermal, nuclear, chemical, etc. It is also well known that energy is
wnservd through transformation from one form to another. The potential energy of a body
is the form of energy which is stored by virtue of the work which has previously been done
on that body, e.g. in lifting it to some height above a datum. In this case, work is done on the
body by displacing it against the force of gravity. ?his potential energy is converted to an
equivalent kinetic energy if the body is allowed to fall from the height by developing
velocity of fall. Let us now consider the case of a deformable body subjected to certain
external forces or what we call as loads. Because of the property of deformability of the
body, each of the points of application of these forces may undergo certain displacement.
Thus, the force moves through a certain distance, which is equivalent to doing work on the
body, i.e. a certain energy imparted to the body. One may now ask a question, 'where did all
go ?', because it had to be conserved.
we shall answer in the next section.
Forces and Stresses
From some of the earlier units, we how that when a defonnable body is subjected to
external forces the body internally develops stresses and strains. For example, if we apply a
compressive force on a spring, the spring &forms developing internally shear stresses and
shear strains. At the same time we observe that the point of application d4he comptessive
force moves through s distance of the spring deflection (amount of contraction). We also
how that this compressed spring has a capacity to do work when released. 'Ihis means that
a certain amount of energy is stored in the spring in its strained state. Earlier we noted that
work was done on the spring by the compressive force. Now when we link the above two
statements we realise that the work done on the spring is transformed into energy stored in it
by virtue of the strain in the spring. This form of energy emanating out of the internal strain
in the body is hown as strain energy. Thus, strain energy is a particular form of potential
energy which is stored within materials which have been subjected to strain as a result of
work done on the material.
Also, we have seen that strain energy,
U = external work done.
Thus, for a gradually applied load the work done in straining the body is given by the
shaded area under the load-extension graph of Figure 10.1.
Figure 10.1
The strain energy per unit volume is aften referred to as resilience. The resilience at the
yield point or proof stsss is termed as proof resilience. The strain energy stored upto the
fracture of the material is generally hown as toughness.
In the earlier units, it is seen that loads may be applied on a body in different modes, viz. as
axial loads, as shear loads, as bending loads or as torsional loads.
In the following sections, we shall derive expressions for the strain energy stored under each
of the above forms of loading.
10.3.1 Strain Energy in Axial Loading
Consider the bar of length & and cross sectional area A shown in Figure 10.2 to which an
axial load P is applied. ~ d r this load, the bar may extend or contract (extend if P is
tension and contract if P is compression) by an amount A where the P - A relationship is as
shown in Figure 10.1.
Figure 103
The work done by the force Pis equal to the strain energy stored in the bar.
But, we how that the deformation, A = strain x L
StrPln Energy
If we rewrite the above expression in terms of the stress (P/A) and the strain in the bar,
The strain energy per unit volume of the bar = - x Stress x Strain
Hence, strain energy per unit volume of the material is as follows :
- - (stress12 - - young's modulus
2 x Young's modulus 2
X ( ~ b a i n ) ~
10.3.2 Strain Energy in Shear
Consider now an element of length ds of the bar subjected to a shear load Q at one end
causing deformation through an angle y (the shear strain) and a shear deflection 6, as shown
in Figure 10.3.
1 1
Strain energy, dU, of the element = work done = - Q 6 =
Q y ds
- Shear Stress, z Q
- -
But, shear y = Shear Modulus, - GA
:. Total strain energy in the bar, resulting from shear is as follows :
= - x Volume of the bar
10.3.3 Strain Energy in Bending
Let the element now be subjected to a constant bending moment M causing it to bend into
an arc of radius R and subtending an angle de at the centre, as in Figure 10.4. ?he beam will
also have moved through an angle do.
Strain energy of the element, dU = wokk done
= - x moment x angle of rotation
Forces and Stresses
in Beams
= 5 Mx d 0
1 ds
- - M x - (since, ds = R de)
- 2 R
Total strain energy in bending, U = I -
2 El
For small curvatures this reduces to U = I
where dx is the undeformed element length.
If M is constant throughout the length L, then
10.3.4 Strain Energy in Torsion
The element ds is now considered subject to a torque T as shown in Figure 10.5 producing
an angle of twist d0.
Strain energy = work done.= - T d0
T d0 Tds
But, fmm the theory of simple torsion, - = G x - or d0 = -
cis GJ J
where J is the polar moment of inertia and G is the shear modulus of the material.
9 ds
Therefore, toM strain energy resulting from torsion, U = I -
2 GJ
For constant T, we get, U = -
2 CJ
Example 10.1
Determine the diameter of an aluminium shaft which is designed to store the same
amount of strain energy per unit volume as a 50 mm diameter steel shaft of the same
length. Both shafts are subjected to equal compressive axial loads. What will be the
ratio of the stresses set up in the two shafts ?
2 2
Take Es,l = E, = 201 GNJm and E a l u ~ i u m = Ea = 67 GN/m .
Since the strain energy per unit volume of the two shafts is equal, we get
But we know stress, a =
area of cross section'
or :. 04, = 3 x ( 5 0 ) ~
or Da = ( 3 x (50)4 = 65.8 mm.
The required diameter of the aluminium shaft is 65.8 mm
Example 10.2
Two shafts are of the same material, length and weight. One is solid and of 100 rnrn
diameter, the other is hollow. If the hollow shaft is to store 25% more energy than the
solid shaft when transmitting torque, what must be its intemal and external
diameters? Assume the same maximum shear stress in both the shafts.
Let A be the solid shaft of diameter Da and B be the hollow shaft with external
diameter Db and intemal diameter db. Since both the shafts are of the same material
and of equal weight, their volumes should be equal.
- x L 4 = " ( G - I x L 4
Since the maximum shear stress is the same for both the shafts, we have,
Ta = Zb
But it is also given that the strain energy of B = 1.25 x strain energy of A
Strain Energy
Forces and Stnssrs
in Beam
From the earlier relationship, this reduces to
Therefore, :. dg = (115.47)'- lo4 or db = 57.74mm
Thus, the internal abd external diameters of the hollow tube are 57.74 rnm and
1 15.47 mm respectively.
Calculate the straln energy stored in a bar o f r i r cul , ~ cross sectton of di ar~i er~r ;III,~
length of 0.2 nj and 2 rn re\p:i. t i v~t i ~ wh~!n r ! rs
subjected 10 a tens~le 11,7311 111 .t5 kh.
subjected to a torque ol 25 kK m, 'and
subjected to a uniform bending mnment of 25 IdV rn.
Take E = 208 ~;l\ilm', (; = 80 c ; N / ~ ~ for llle bar material.
Compare the strain energies of two bars ef the same material 'and length and carry lng
the same gradually applied compressive load if one is 25 mm diameter throughcwt
and the other is turned down to 20 mm diameter over half its length, the rernander
being 25 mm diameter.
If both bars are subjected to pure torsion only. compare the lorsioriii! strain cnergica
stored if the shear stress in both bars is limited to 75 ~ / n m ~ .
,Z .i t? i ~ l n ~ s ~ u a r e allo~r..stet:l b;ir 1 I I I !c,r,!g i s a part of a machine and must resis! 21;
axial energy load of la.) N In. Wh~k must be the psoportionzl limit of' the slecl I!:
safely resist ihe energy 1nad elastically with a factor of safety of 4 '? E= 2CjO <3l1;i.
S h i n Energy
If a load P is applied gradually to a bar to produce an extension 6, the load-extension graph
will be as shown in Figure 10.1. However, if a load P' is applied suddenly to the bar (by
suddenly we mean that the value of P' is reached instantaneously but not gradually as is the
case with P) so as to produce the same extension 6, the load extension graph now looks as in
Figure 10.6.
+ r r
WORK DONE, W = 3 - P 6
Since the bar is strained to the same extent in both the cases, the strain energy should be the
same for the two cases. However, strain energy is equal to the work done by the load.
This means that the suddenly applied load which is required to produce a certain value of
instantaneous strain is half the equivalent value of static load (gradually applied load)
required to produce the same strain. Vice-versa, one can say that the effect of a suddenly
applied load is two times that achieved when the load is applied gradually. Thus, greater
care must be exercised while designing structural elements that are susceptible to sudden
loading conditions.
If a body that possesses kinetic energy by virtue of its motion strikes an elastic member and
is brought to rest, it chn be conservatively assumed that all the kinetic energy of the body is
converted into strain energy in the member. Equally, if the body falls from a certain height,
the potential energy that the body has lost or the kinetic energy gained by the body will be
converted into strain energy in the member. Such a loading where there is a transfer of
kinetic energy into strain energy is termed as impact loading.
10.5.1 Stresses due to Axial Loads
Consider the problem of a vertical rod of length L and cross sectional area A shown in
Figure 10.7. A load W, concentric with the rod and free to slide vertically, is dropped from a
height h on to the end stop which.rnay be rigid collar.
Forces and
in Bearno
The rod is suspended from a rigid support. When the load is dropped it will produce a
maximum instantaneous extension 6 in the bar, at the point of impact. Then, the load would
have done work equal to W (h + 6). This then must be equal to the strain energy stored in the
bar. If o is the instantaneous stress produced in the bar.
The strain energy, U = - x AL
w [ h + %) = 2ExAL
~ e n o t i n ~ --W as a,, which would have been the stress in the bar if W were to have been
applied gradually, the above equation can be written as
Tbe solution of this equation results as follows :
The instantaneous deflection 6 then can be obtained from
If the load is not dropped but suddenly applied from effectively zero height
(h = 0 in the above equation), the stress developed would be
It is a result which we have already predicted in the earlier section.
Tbus, it can be seen that the stresses resulting from impact loads will be even higher and any
design work where impact loading is possible should always employ a safety factor well in
excess of two.
siy 4
An axial puil of 59 kN is suddenly app'nkd to a ; t ~: ! ntd 2 in Inng and 1006 r:urtq l a ]
~rcss section. Calcr~laie the strain er.cr$? t h r i,an "r, at~s.)rB8ed, if E = 2(K GFa
10.5.2 Stresses due to Bending Loads
Consider a simply supported beam as shown in Figure 10.8 subjected to an impact load
produced by a weight W falling from a height h. It will be assumed that the weight of the
beam can be neglected in comparison with Wand that the work done by W is completely
transformed into strain energy of bending.
Then, the strain energy, U = Work done by W = W (h + 6)
where 6 is the instantaneous maximum deflection under the load W.
If We is an equivalent static load which, when applied gradually, produces the same
deflection as the impact load W, the work done by We will be equal to the work done by W.
- We6 = W(h +6 )
Let be the deflection of the beam if W were applied gradually. Then, by the linear
relationship of load to deflection, it can be written
Substituting this in the above work equation, we get,
W 6
-x-x6 = W( h+6) .
2 6st
On simplifying, we get, 62- 26a6- %Bt h = 0.
Solution of this quadratic equation gives
This then will be the instantaneous deflection under the impact load W.
Once 6 is known one can obtain We and the maximum bending moment, M,, produced in
the beam by the application of We. Then, the maximum stress a , , occurring in the beam
can be obtained from the bending equation as
where I is the moment of inertia of the cross section and C is the extreme fibre distance
from the neutral axis.
; ' ~ i r 3 111 !cmg rmd 5 clrl diameter h;ul_rs vcrt~cally and has a collai vecurely attach;.(!
;(-.A cr c~rd. Fnnd [hi: ma r mum stress ~otliacet.! when,
: : I ) .I weight 2 2 kN falls From a height of 12 c~t l on the cc)lla~
: hl ;I weight of 25 kN falls from a helght of P cm on the collar.
: akr i;: - 21%GPa.
Example 103
What will be the instantaneous stress and elongation of a 25 mm diameter bar, 2.6 m
long, suspended vertically, if a mass of 10 kg falls through a height of 300 rnm onto a
collar which is rigidly attached to the bottom end of the bar ? Take E = 200 GPa.
Forces and Stresses Solution
h B e .
= 96.24 MPa
oL 96-24 x lo6 x 2.6 = 0.00125 = 1.25
Now, 6 = - =
E 200 x lo9
Thus, the maximum stress and elongation are 96.24 MPa and 1.25 mm respectively.
This elongation of 1.25 mm is very small compared to the height of fall namely
300 mm. Let us find out the stress if this elongation were to be neglected in the
calculation. When it is neglected the work-strain energy equation becomes.
This shows that the error in the stress calculation is insignificant even if the
elongation is neglected.
Example 10.4
When a concentrated force of 1 kN is applied at the midspan point of a simply
supported beam a static deflection of 5 mm is produced. The same load produces a
maximum stress of 158 MN/m2. Determine the magnitude of the instantaneous stress
produced when a weight of 10 kg is allowed to fall through a height of 12 mm onto
the beam at mid-span. What will be the instantaneous deflection ?
Let We be the equivalent gradually applied load which produces the same static
deflection 6 , as that of the impact load.
Now, equating the work done by the impact load to that done by the equivalent static
load, we get
We 0.791
a,& = - - - -
200 - 200
- 0.003955 m = 3.955 mm = 4 mm
It is given that a load of 1 kN produces a maximum stress of 158 MN/m2. Therefore a
load of We should produce a maximum stress, o , equal to (158 We) MN/m2.
Thus, the maximum stress and maximum deflection are 125 MN/m2 and 4 mm
When a load of 20 W is gradually applied at a certain point on a beam. it produces a
defleclion of 13 mm and a maximum bending stress of 75 ~ N f r n ~ . From what height
can a load of 5 kN fall onto the beam at this point if the maximum bending stress is tca
be 150 M N ~ ~ I ~ .
A beam of uniform cross section with centroid at mid-depth and length 7 In, is simply
supported at its ends and carries a point load of 5 klj at 3 m from one end. If the
maximum bending stress is not to exceed 90 MNIrn' and the beam is 150 mm deep,
(a) working from the first principles, find the deflection under the load
(b) what load dropped from a height of 75 mrn onto the beam at 3 rn from
one end would produce a stress of 150 M N I ~ ~ at the point of application
of the load ?
Take E = 200 G N / ~ ~ .
In the previous sections we have seen that the strain energy stored in an elastic body is equal
to the work done by the external forces on the body during the process of deformation. This
suggests that there should be some way by which one can deennine the displacements of
the body given the strain energy stored in the body. A general theory for determining
displacements of points in an.elestk body was first stated by Castigliano. Castigliano stated
"If the total strain energy of a body or aframework is expressed in t e r n of the external
loads and is partially diflerentiated with respect,to one of the loads, the result is the
I displacement of the point of application of the load in the direction of the load."
Mathematically speaking if the tdal strain energy, U, is a function of the loads Pi
(i = 1 to n), then
S,=- where I&, is the displacement of the point of application of the load
a p m
Pi in the direciton of P, .
Let us prove the theorem now. Consider the beam in Figure 10.9 with forces PA, PB, PC,
etc. acting at points A, B, C, etc.
Strain Eaergy
Forces and Stresses
in Beams
Let aA, 6 ~ . 6~ etc. be the deflections in the direction of loads at the points A, B, C, . . .
Then, the total strain energy of the system is equal to the work done.
If one of the loads PA is now increased by an amount MA , the changes in deflection will be
AsA, A ~ B , A6c etc. as shown in Figure 10.9. In increasing the load from PA to (PA + MA) ,
extra work is done and it is as follows (refer Figure 10. 10 also).
Extra work done at A =
Extra work done at B = PB x 8 6 ~
Extra work done at C = PC x AaC
Similarly, in the case of other loads also. Then, the total extra work done,
This should be equal to the increase in strain energy AU.
.Neglecting the product of small quantities (APA AsA) since they are very small as compared d
to the other terms.
AU = PAA6A+PBA6B+PCA6C+. . .
6A dA+ A ~ A de 6e+A6e
Fi yre 10.10
Let us now consider the case where we apply the loads (PA + MA), PB, PC etc. gradually to
the full value. As the final loads in this case are exactly the same as in the earlier case and as
all the loads are applied statically, the final deflections should also be the same.
Then, the strain energy in this case, U' (neglecting product of small terms APA A&) would
be as follows :
1 1 1 1 1
= - PA6A+- PAA6A+- APA6A+- PB6B+- PBA6B
2 2 2 2 2
1 1
+- Pc Sc +- Pc A6c +. ..
2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
= - PA6A++PB6B+- PC6c f . . . +- PAA6A++pBA6B+- PCA6C
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
= U+- PAA6A+- PBA6B+- PCA6C+. . . + - h P A 6 ~
2 2 2 2
However, since loads as well as deflections are the same in both the cases, the total strain
energy should also be the same. Hence,
U' = U+AU
:. 2Au = PAA6A+PBA6B+PcA6c+. . . +MA8A
Earlier we have obtained,
AU = PAA6A+PBA6B+PCA6C + ...
Now, from the last two expressions, we get
Au= MA6A of - -
- SA
In the limit, aA = -
- 6B, - -
Similarly, it can be shown that - -
- 6~ etc.
~ P B ~ P c
- 6 , ~ . Thus, in general, - -
As a simple example of the application of Castigliano's theorem, let us consider a bar of
cross-sectional area A and length L under axial tension P. From earlier section we have
known that the strain energy U in this case is given as
au PL
If we differentiate U with P, we get,
ap - AE
which we recognise as the extension of the bar under the load P, i.e. me displacement of the
point of application of the load P.
10.6.1 Application of Castigliano's Theorem to Angular Movements
The terms load and displacement in Castigliano's theorem have a more general meaning
than is indicated in the previous section. The load may be a couple and the displacement a
rotation produced by the couple. Thus, as per Castigliano's theorem
"If the total strain energy, expressed in t e r n of the external moments, be partially
differentiated with respect to one of the moments, the result is the angular deflection (in
radians) of the point of application of that moment and in its direction."
This form of the statement will be useful is determining rotations in either bending or
torsion problems. ,
10.6.2 Application to Truss Problems
In this section, we shall apply Castigliano's theorem to determine the deflections in a truss.
Let a truss with m members be subjected to a system of loads PI, P2, . . . etc. 'Ihe forces In
the members of the truss can be obtained by standard methods. Let Fi be the force in the ith
member due to the above system of forces. Let Li and Ai be respectively the length and area
of cross section of the member. Then the strain energy stored in this member will be
Fi2 Lj
2 AiE
where E is the Young's modulus of the material.
Then, the total strain energy stored in the truss can be written as follows :
Now, as per Castigliano's theorem the deflection 6, under the load Pn in its direction will be
Strsln Energy
Forces and Stresses
Let us observe this equation closely.
-is the rate at which Fi varies with Pn with all other loads remaining constant or in other
words it is the force in the member when a unit load is applied instead of P,, while all other
loads are zero.
'Ihe above concept can still be applied to fmd the deflection in any direction at any joht of
the tnrss even when no load is acting in that direction or at that point. In this case, we
introduce a fictitious force Q at the point in the direction in which we need the deflection.
Then we determine the member forces for the load system which now includes Q also.
$ L ~
u = C -
2 A&?
(Fi now includes the effect of Q also)
i = 1
a~ Fi Li aFi
i = l
Ai E aQ
However, in actual problem there is no Q or its value is zero. So we put Q = 0 in the above
expression and obtain tjQ.
The concept of unit load can be brought in even here. Now when we include Q in the load
system Fi can be written as
Fi = Fip + F ~ Q (principle of superposition)
where Fi p and FiQ are the member forces only due to the Ps and Q respectively.
a F i ~
(since Fip does not involve Q and, hence, - -
- 0)
When we put Q = 0 in the above expression it reduces to
is nothing but the member force due to a unit load in the direction of Q at the point of
application of Q while all other loads ate zero.
Example 10.5
In the truss shown in Figure 10.1 1, the cross sectional area of its top and bottom
chords is equal to 2.4 x ld mm2, while the cross sectional area of its diagonal and
vertical members is equal to 1.6 x ld rnm2. The modulus of elasticity of the material
from which the members are made is E = 200 GPa. Compute the vertical and
horizontal components of the deflection at joint 7.
(a) Vertical Deflection at Joint 7
Since there is a 40 kN acting vertically at joint 7, this is a case of straight forward
application of Ca$tigliano9s theorem.
As a first step; the forces in the members of the truss (F) are determined under the action of
the two 40 kN loads that are acting on the truss. These forces are shown in column 2 of
Table 10.1. Then, the respective - are calculated. Tbese are presented in column 5.
Sign convention : - ve wmp.ession and + ve tension
** Positive sign indicates that the deflection is in the direction of the load, i.e. downwards
Next, all the external loa,ds are replaced by a single unit load acting vertically down at
joint 7 and the member forces are obtained. The result will be equal to - These values are
t ap-
presented in column 6 of the table. Then, the rest of the calculations are completed to obtain
. $ which according to Castigliano's thedrem will be equal to the vertical
deflection at joint 7. We can see this deflection is 6 mm downwards.
(b) Horizontal Deflection at Joint 7
In this case, there is no horizontal load at joint 7. So to apply Castigliano's theorem, we
have to fust introduce a fictitious horizontal load Q at joint 7, then find the member forces
and differentiate these forces with respect to Q, Finally, . $is determined. Then, Q
is made equal to zero in this expression to get 67 (horizontal). ow ever, here we use the
unit load concept and solve this problem. But you are advised to (9 bck the rmult by the
above procedure.
Here also, the first step is to determine the member forces (F) under the external load
system. Thus, column 2 of the table remains the same. Now the external load system is
Strain Energy
Forces and Stresses
replaced by a single hoiizontal unit load (because we require horizontal deflection). Let us
in Beams
assume that this unitioad acts left to right. Now, the member forces are determined again
under the action of this unit load alone. The result will be equivalent to -
[g Q=1at 7'
, , -
These values are shbwn in column 6 of Table 10.2.
Now the horizontal deflection at joint 7 is given by . The results are presented in
Table 10.2. From this table, it can be seen that of joint 7 is 0.75 mm
towards the left.
Table 10.2
Negative sign indicates that the deflection is opposite to the direction of unit load.
8.4Q 9
Dt:tcnnins tJrc vertical and horizontal dt'flct:hnr~s of pcint .A in the pin-jl;ined franii-
shnwn !r; Figure i Q. I?., ,%il !?~!:~fik-ery J ~ ~ v c j:,q :: 3j MN.
Ciivr?n is AR . : : A(':= RC=: 1, nn;j (:i.5 r , ) .
SO kPf
Rmm 10.12
10.6.3 Application to Beam Problems
In beams, the strain energy stored is mostly due to bending with shear contributing less and
this contribution is generally neglected. Thus, the strain energy U can be written as
u = I - = MZdr (for very small curvatures)
The bending rpoment will he a function of the loads. Then, by Castigliano's theorem the
deflection under one of the loads, P, in its direction will be
au a M ~ ~ X M aM
6 = - = - J - = l i i . d p d x dP aP 1 2EI
0 , l
If we have to find, the 'deflection at a point where there is no load, a fictitious load Q has to
be introduced at thit voint in the direction in which the deflection is needed and U is
a u-
computed. Then, - is computed. If in this expression Q is made equal to zero, the reshlt
t aQ
will be the deflection at the point of application of Q.
From the similarities with the truss pr blems, it can easily be recognised that - will be the
9 ae
moment at a section due to a unit loadaat the point of application of Q with no other loads
present on the beam. We shall now apply these concepts to some practical problems.
1 Example 10.6
Determine the vertical deflection at the tip of the cadtilever shown in Figure 10.13.
4 E , I 1
* L +
Figure 10.13
Measuring the distance x from the free end, the bending moment at any section
distant x from the tip is given as
M = - Px
au P L ~
Hence, the vertical deflection below P = - = -
aP 3EI'
The positive sign shows that the deflection is in the direction of P, i.e. downwards. It
my be seen that - can be written as follows :
a p
Px M aM
where-- = - and - x = -
EI EI a p *
Example 10.7
Determine the deflection (vertical) at a distance 'a' from the tip in Example 10.6.
Since in this case there is no load at the point where the deflection is needed, we
introduce a fictitious load Q as shown in Figure 10.14.
Stra:n Energy
Forces and Stressas
in Jkams
Then, M=-Px and - = 0 f o r O S x S a
and M = -Px-Q(x-a) and - = -(x-a) for a S x I L
Example 10.8
Determine the slope of the cantilever given in Example 10.6 at its free end.
To determine rotation in a beam we should have a couple acting at that point. Since at
the free end, there is no couple. we introduce a fictitious couple M' as shown in
Figure 10.15.
(Positive sign indicates rotation in the sense of M', i.e. clockwise) eA = -
Thus, we see that the tip slope of a cantilever loaded with a concentrated vertical
force Pat its free end is -
Strain Energy
SAQ 10
Us~ng Castigliano's theorem, determine thc def lect~on at the ccnrrc (11 il!? hc;:lnl
loaded as shown in Figure 10.16. The E! is constant.
Figure 10.16
SAQ 11
A steel rod, of flexural rigidity El, fonns a caintilevcrAB4'lyi:1g ii; a vcrticai ~ i ' i . ? ~ : <
shown in Figure 10.17. A horizontal load P acts at C.
(a) the horizontal detlectiorl of C,
(bi the vertical deflection of C, and
( c) the slope at IZ.
Consider the strain energy resulting from bending only
Figure 10.17
In this unit, we have
(a) introduced the concept of potential energy,
(b) introduced the concept of strain energy.
(c) shown the relationship between external work and strain energy.
(d) derived the expressions for strain energy in different modes of loading,
(e) seen the differences between gradually applied loads, suddenly applied loads
and impact loads,
derived the expressions for instantaneous stresses and deflections for axial and
bending impact loads,
(g) stated and proved Castigliano's theorem, and
(h) applied Castigliano's theorems to determine the deflections in trusses and
Forces and Stresses
in kams
0.096 N m, 49.7 N m, 38.2 N m
235 MPa
50 kN m
142.83 N/mm2, 143.6 N/mm2
133.3 ~ / m m ~ , 6666.7 N
78 mm
24 mm. 1.45 W
9.2 mm, 1.45 mm
SAQ 10
SAQ 11
( 1 ) Prasad, Jainti, Strength of Materials, CBS Publishers & Distributors.
(2) Timoshenko, Stephen. Strength of Materials - Part I & 11, CBS Publishers &
(3) Schaum's Outline Series, (1989), Strength of Materials - Second Edition, McGraw Hill
Book Company.
(4) Popov, E. P., (1993), Mechanics of Materials - Second Edition, Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited.
(5) Ryder, G. H., (1993), Strength of Mateyials, Educational Low Priced B& Scheme.
( 6) Case. Joe. ~hilver, L.. Ross. Carl T. F., (1993). Strength of Materials and Structures -
Third Edition, Educational Low Priced Books Scheme.

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