Scarlet Ibis Study Guide
Scarlet Ibis Study Guide
Scarlet Ibis Study Guide
The Scarlet Ibis
James Hurst
Part I: Literary Devices
Directions: Write the definition for each of the following literary devices (focus of our reading):
Figurative Language:
Part II: &nticiation 'uide
Directions: For each of the following statements( circle &gree or Disagree) If you are not sure( ic* the one with
which you most agree)
$) It would !e em!arrassing to have a !rother or sister with a handica) &gree Disagree
%) If I had a !rother or sister with an em!arrassing handica( I would do whatever I could
to hel this erson !ecome +normal),
&gree Disagree
-) It is o*ay to ma*e fun of other eole.even if it hurts their feelings) &gree Disagree
/) It0s what is inside the erson that counts) &gree Disagree
1) Family is more imortant than friends) &gree Disagree
2) 3aving too much ride in someone may ma*e someone do cruel things to that erson) &gree Disagree
4) 5ou can love someone and also !e ashamed of him#her) &gree Disagree
Now, pick one of the above that you feel strongly about. Write down the number and tell
why you feel strongly about it. (12 pts)
I feel strongly a!out
"""""" # $%
Part III: 7uestions """"""# -8
Directions: &nswer the following 9uestions on a searate sheet of aer:
Pre.reading 7uestions: (Ma*ing Predictions)
$)Loo* at the title of this short story) What color is scarlet: What is an i!is:
%);ead the <uilding <ac*ground section on age %12) List( at least( $= things you *now a!out the South( the
$>$=0s( WWI)
During.reading 7uestions: (Point of ?iew and @haracteriAation)
-)What ronouns are used in this story:
/)From what oint of view is the story told:
1)Who are the two main characters:
@reate a !u!!le ma for the following two 9uestions:
2)Descri!e <rother (aearance( attitude( desires( feelingsBetc)) &t least( 1 characteristics needed)
4)Descri!e Doodle) (aearance( attitude( desires( feelingsBetc)) &t least( 1 characteristics needed)
8)Descri!e the Scarlet I!is) &t least( 1 characteristics needed)
&fter.reading 7uestions: (Sym!olism)
>)Do you thin* what haens to Doodle is <rother0s Fault: Why or why not: CDlain in detail for full credit)
$=)Why do you thin* <rother is not given a name in this story: CDlain in detail)
$$)Loo* at the descritions of the death of !oth the i!is and Doodle) In the ?enn Diagram( List 1 similarities and 1
differences !etween the two) Ehat means 1 in each circle( $1 total (oints)F
!" #$$#%&
$%)Why did the author choose the i!is to reresent Doodle: 3ow are these two erfect sym!ols: CDlain in detail)