This document outlines standard terms and conditions for a short form option agreement between an owner and purchaser for film rights to a book. It grants the purchaser exclusive rights in perpetuity to purchase all rights to the original literary work, including future adaptations and copyright renewals. The option can be exercised as outlined in a separate option agreement between the parties.
This document outlines standard terms and conditions for a short form option agreement between an owner and purchaser for film rights to a book. It grants the purchaser exclusive rights in perpetuity to purchase all rights to the original literary work, including future adaptations and copyright renewals. The option can be exercised as outlined in a separate option agreement between the parties.
This document outlines standard terms and conditions for a short form option agreement between an owner and purchaser for film rights to a book. It grants the purchaser exclusive rights in perpetuity to purchase all rights to the original literary work, including future adaptations and copyright renewals. The option can be exercised as outlined in a separate option agreement between the parties.
This document outlines standard terms and conditions for a short form option agreement between an owner and purchaser for film rights to a book. It grants the purchaser exclusive rights in perpetuity to purchase all rights to the original literary work, including future adaptations and copyright renewals. The option can be exercised as outlined in a separate option agreement between the parties.
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Standard Terms and Conditions
Short Form Option Agreement
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that in consideration of the payent of !do""ar ao#nt$ %&'('') and other *ood and +a"#a,"e consideration- receipt .hereof is here,y ac/no."ed*ed- the #ndersi*ned- !O.ner$- does her,y se""- *rant- assi*n and set o+er #nto !P#rchaser$ %0P#rchaser1)- and his2her2its heirs- representati+es- s#ccessors- "icensees and assi*ns fore+er- the e'c"#si+e and irre+oca,"e ri*ht and option to p#rchase and fro the #ndersi*ned a"" ri*hts thro#*ho#t the .or"d in perpet#ity- in and to ,oth that certain ori*ina" "iterary .or/ and that certain adapted "iterary .or/ descri,ed as fo""o.s: Boo/ 2 Screenp"ay Tit"e: !Tit"e$ Written ,y: !O.ner2Writer$ Boo/ P#,"isher: !P#,"isher %or #np#,"ished)$ 3ate and P"ace of Boo/ P#,"ication: %0n2a1 if #np#,"ished) 4opyri*ht Re*istration No( %Boo/): !if any$ inc"#din* a"" contents thereof- a"" present and f#t#re adaptations and +ersions thereof- and the thee- tit"e and characters thereof- and in and to the copyri*ht thereof and a"" rene.a"s and e'tensions of s#ch copyri*ht( The option herein *ranted ay ,e e'ercised ,y P#rchaser- or his or its heirs- representati+es- s#ccessors- "icensees or assi*ns at any tie as set forth in that certain option a*reeent dated !3ate$ entered into conc#rrent"y here.ith ,et.een P#rchaser and the #ndersi*ned- and this a*reeent is s#,5ect to a"" of the ters and conditions of said option a*reeent- a"" of .hich are incorporated herein ,y reference( 6N W6TNESS WHEREO7- the #ndersi*ned has e'ec#ted this instr#ent this 8888day of888888888- !Year$( 888888888888888888888 !O.ner si*nat#re$
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