Mcgowen Cip - Revised 11-12-14

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McKinney Independent School District

McGowen Elementary
2014-2015 Goals/Performance Objectives/Strategies
Accountability Rating: Met Standard

McGowen Elementary
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Campus #043907123
November 12, 2014 2:34 pm

Mission Statement
We will provide engaging learning experiences so students can become effective communicators, quality contributors, and socially responsible citizens.

We are a cohesive, diverse community providing engaging learning experiences for all.

Core Beliefs
Partnerships between students, parents, community members, and staff are foundational to educational success.
Positive school culture and a safe environment foster growth.
Everyone has inherent value and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
Learning is an active process requiring engaging tasks and engaging minds.
Relevant and authentic experiences ignite continuous, deeper learning.
Meaningful relationships enrich learning.
Confidence fuels risk taking and higher achievement.
Financial stewardship ensures a tomorrow for education.

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Table of Contents
Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Goal 1: All McGowen students will actively participate in learning experiences that are challenging, relevant and engaging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Goal 2: McGowen Elementary will create a collaborative community of staff, students and families where all groups feel physically and
emotionally safe and communication remains open among all groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

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Goal 1: All McGowen students will actively participate in learning experiences that are challenging, relevant and engaging.
Performance Objective 1: All 2nd-5th grade students will meet or exceed individualized projected growth in Reading, Math and Science (3rd-5th only) on
MAP by the end of the 2014-2015 school year.
Summative Evaluation: End of the year MAP data will show that 2nd-5th grade students have met or exceeded their individualized projected growth in
Reading, Math and Science (3rd-5th only).
Strategy Description

Staff Responsible
for Monitoring

1) McGowen teachers will implement research based instructional Teachers and

best practices in all content areas.

2) Conduct grade level data meetings with 2nd-5th grade teams

following each administration of MAP assessments.

Evidence that Demonstrates Success

Formative Reviews
Nov Jan Mar June

-Documented classroom walkthroughs, MAP data, iStation data,

results of district assessments and results of EOY summative
-Accountability Comparison Index 2 will reflect an increase of 6
points in the area of Reading
-Accountability Comparison Index 4 will reflect an increase of 11

Campus administration -Review MAP data from BOY, MOY and EOY assessment
events to determine trends and plan interventions
-Accountability Comparison Index 2 will reflect an increase of 6
points in the area of Reading
-Accountability Comparison Index 4 will reflect an increase of 11

3) Teachers will intervene with students based on their academic Teachers, Counselor,
-Formative and Summative data indicates adequate growth
Instructional Coach and throughout the school year
Campus Administrators -Appropriate RTI documentation
-Accountability Comparison Index 2 will reflect an increase of 6
points in the area of Reading
-Accountability Comparison Index 4 will reflect an increase of 11
4) IEPs, At Risk, and RtI will be closely monitored to ensure
mastery of goals and objectives.

McGowen Elementary
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Campus administrators,
general education
teachers, and special
education teachers

-IEP goals and objectives will be met during the one year period
for which they are written
-Accountability Comparison Index 2 will reflect an increase of 6
points in the area of Reading
-Accountability Comparison Index 4 will reflect an increase of 11

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5) iStation will be fully utilized throughout the year to assess

Teachers and
students and provide individualized targeted student interventions administrators
in reading.

-iStation reports will show marked student growth in reading

-Accountability Comparison Index 2 will reflect an increase of 6
points in the area of Reading
-Accountability Comparison Index 4 will reflect an increase of 11

6) Vertical Teams in each of the core content areas will meet on a Administrators, MRS,
monthly basis to address areas of concern in assessment data.
IC, Vertical Team

-Improved assessment data

-Accountability Comparison Index 2 will reflect an increase of 6
points in the area of Reading
-Accountability Comparison Index 4 will reflect an increase of 11

7) McGowen teachers and students will regularly utilize available Classroom teachers,
and current technology tools to promote students as producers
Administrators, MRS
and creators, increase student engagement and provide rigor in

-State Technology STAR Chart Survey; Classroom observations

and walkthroughs; Student products
-Accountability Comparison Index 2 will reflect an increase of 6
points in the area of Reading
-Accountability Comparison Index 4 will reflect an increase of 11

8) Administrators will provide frequent feedback to McGowen

teachers that is focused, meaningful and evokes positive change.

Principal and Assistant -Documented walkthroughs and formal evaluations

-Accountability Comparison Index 2 will reflect an increase of 6
points in the area of Reading
-Accountability Comparison Index 4 will reflect an increase of 11

9) McGowen teachers will begin to strategically utilize

Intellectual Standards to maximize student learning.

Principal, Assistant
Principal, MRS
Counselor, IC

-Improved assessment data

-Accountability Comparison Index 2 will reflect an increase of 6
points in the area of Reading
-Accountability Comparison Index 4 will reflect an increase of 11

10) Administrative team members will attend grade level


Instructional Coach,
and MRS

-Knowledgable and constructive feedback on walk throughs and

-Improved assessment data

11) Grade level teams will participate in extended planning based Campus Administration -Improved assessment data
on the needs identified by each team.
-Lessons designed based on current data at the appropriate level
of rigor
-Higher student engagement
= Accomplished

McGowen Elementary
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= Considerable

= Some Progress

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= No Progress

= Discontinue

Campus #043907123
November 12, 2014 2:34 pm

Goal 1: All McGowen students will actively participate in learning experiences that are challenging, relevant and engaging.
Performance Objective 2: All Kindergarten-1st grade students will achieve or exceed EOY grade level standards in reading, math and science.
Summative Evaluation: iStation results, TEMI, classroom science/math observations and assessments
Staff Responsible
for Monitoring

Strategy Description

Evidence that Demonstrates Success

Formative Reviews
Nov Jan Mar June

1) Conduct grade level data meetings to review iStation data,

Campus administrators, -Adequate progress in all forms of data
DRA (as needed), TEMI, math quick checks and/or assessments, instructional specialist, -Implemented interventions designed to meet the needs of
and science observations at the end of each nine weeks and plan all K-2 teachers
individual students
appropriate interventions and instruction that meets the needs of
all students.
2) McGowen teachers will implement research based instructional Teachers and campus
best practices in all content areas.

-Documented classroom walkthroughs

-iStation data
-Results of district assessments and results of EOY summative

3) iStation will be fully utilized throughout the year to assess

Teachers and campus
students and provide individualized targeted student interventions administrators
in reading.

-iStation reports will show marked student growth in reading

4) Teachers will intervene with students based on their academic Campus administrators, -Formative and Summative data indicates adequate growth
teachers, instructional throughout the school year
specialist, and
-Appropriate RTI documentation
5) McGowen teachers and students will regularly utilize current
technology tools to promote students as producers and creators,
increase student engagement and provide rigor in instruction.

Classroom teachers,
Administrators, MRS

6) Administrators will provide frequent feedback to McGowen

teachers that is focused, meaningful and evokes positive change.

Principal and Assistant -Documented walkthroughs and formal evaluations


7) Administrative team members will attend team planning.

-Knowledgable and constructive feedback on walk throughs and
Instructional Coach and observations
-Improved assessment data

8) Grade level teams will participate in extended planning based

on the needs identified by each team.

Campus Administration -Improved assessment data

-Lessons designed based on current data at the appropriate level
of rigor
-Higher student engagement

= Accomplished

McGowen Elementary
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= Considerable

-State Technology STAR Chart Survey

-Classroom observations and walkthroughs
-Student products

= Some Progress

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= No Progress

= Discontinue

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Goal 1: All McGowen students will actively participate in learning experiences that are challenging, relevant and engaging.
Performance Objective 3: All LEP students will advance by at least one proficiency level in all areas assessed by TELPAS, and will meet all passing
standards for all district and state assessments.
Summative Evaluation: MAP assessment data, TELPAS
Staff Responsible
for Monitoring

Strategy Description

Evidence that Demonstrates Success

1) ESL students will receive instruction from a certified ESL

teacher and will utilize all resources available as necessary.

Campus administrator, TELPAS results, MAP data, iStation data and STAAR data.
ESL teachers
Accountability Comparison Index 3 will reflect an increase of 7
points. STAAR Reading data will reflect an increase of 25
percentage points. STAAR Math data will reflect an increase of
12 percentage points.

2) All teachers will be ESL certified and have professional

development in working with ESL students including SIOP
strategies, ELPS and/or RTI for ELLs.

Campus administrator, Eduphoria Professional Development. Accountability Comparison

ESL teachers
Index 3 will reflect an increase of 7 points. STAAR Reading data
will reflect an increase of 25 percentage points. STAAR Math
data will reflect an increase of 12 percentage points.

3) All McGowen teachers will post language objectives along

with the learning targets in student friendly language.

Campus administrators TELPAS results. Accountability Comparison Index 3 will reflect

an increase of 7 points. STAAR Reading data will reflect an
increase of 25 percentage points. STAAR Math data will reflect
an increase of 12 percentage points.

4) ESL Cadre teachers will provide PD for all staff at Academy

regarding strategies for teaching ELL students.

Campus Administrators TELPAS Results. Accountability Comparison Index 3 will reflect

an increase of 7 points. STAAR Reading data will reflect an
increase of 25 percentage points. STAAR Math data will reflect
an increase of 12 percentage points.

= Accomplished

McGowen Elementary
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= Considerable

= Some Progress

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= No Progress

Formative Reviews
Nov Jan Mar June

= Discontinue

Campus #043907123
November 12, 2014 2:34 pm

Goal 1: All McGowen students will actively participate in learning experiences that are challenging, relevant and engaging.
Performance Objective 4: All 3rd-5th grade students identified as economically disadvantaged will meet or exceed expectations in all areas on the
standardized state assessment (STAAR).
Summative Evaluation: STAAR results
Staff Responsible
for Monitoring

Strategy Description
1) Campus teachers and administrators will hold quarterly data
meetings to ensure that students identified as economically
disadvantaged are making appropriate progress on MAP,
benchmark assessments and classroom assessments.

Evidence that Demonstrates Success

Formative Reviews
Nov Jan Mar June

Campus administrator, Economically disadvantaged students will make growth on

IC, general education assessments at the same rate as their grade level peers.
Accountability Comparison Index 1 will reflect an increase of 4
points. Accountability Comparison Index 3 will reflect an
increase of 7 points. STAAR Reading data will reflect an increase
of 14 percentage points. STAAR Math data will reflect an
increase of 8 percentage points. STAAR Writing data will reflect
an increase of 17 percentage points. STAAR Science data will
reflect an increase of 19 percentage points.

2) Teachers will implement flexible grouping strategies to best

Campus administrator, Walkthroughs and/or observations; Economically disadvantaged
meet the needs of all students within smaller, more individualized IC, general education students will make growth on assessments at the same rate as their
grade level peers. Accountability Comparison Index 1 will reflect
an increase of 4 points. Accountability Comparison Index 3 will
reflect an increase of 7 points. STAAR Reading data will reflect
an increase of 14 percentage points. STAAR Math data will
reflect an increase of 8 percentage points. STAAR Writing data
will reflect an increase of 17 percentage points. STAAR Science
data will reflect an increase of 19 percentage points.
= Accomplished

McGowen Elementary
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= Considerable

= Some Progress

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= No Progress

= Discontinue

Campus #043907123
November 12, 2014 2:34 pm

Goal 1: All McGowen students will actively participate in learning experiences that are challenging, relevant and engaging.
Performance Objective 5: All eligible students will be appropriately identified and served through RtI, 504 or SpEd. Special Education students will meet
passing standards for all district and state assessments.
Summative Evaluation: IEP information, Special Populations Campus Data, district assessments, state assessments
Staff Responsible
for Monitoring

Strategy Description

Evidence that Demonstrates Success

1) Review special education enrollment data to monitor

appropriate placement and delivery of services.

Campus administrator, Data will show that instructional programs for students served in
general education
special education will be delivered in the least restrictive
teachers, and special
education teachers

2) In an effort to determine the possible cause of

overrepresentation of special education students at McGowen,
data will be analyzed related to the existing special education

Campus administrator, SpEd data, staff/teacher conferences, differentiated lessons

special education
teachers, general
education teachers

3) Quarterly data meetings will be held to ensure that SpEd

Campus administrator,
students are making adequate growth on district assessments and general education
IEP goals.
teachers, special
education teachers, IC

SpEd data and appropriate assessment data. Accountability

Comparison Index 3 will reflect an increase of 7 points. STAAR
Reading data will reflect an increase of 13 percentage points.
STAAR Math data will reflect an increase of 30 percentage
points. STAAR Writing data will reflect an increase of 21
percentage points. STAAR Science data will reflect an increase of
6 percentage points.

4) McGowen Elementary will ensure that students being served

through special education are provided with instructional
programs that are delivered in the least restrictive environment.

ARD/IEP data, classroom performance data and assessments, RTI

process. Accountability Comparison Index 3 will reflect an
increase of 7 points. STAAR Reading data will reflect an increase
of 13 percentage points. STAAR Math data will reflect an
increase of 30 percentage points. STAAR Writing data will reflect
an increase of 21 percentage points. STAAR Science data will
reflect an increase of 6 percentage points.

= Accomplished

McGowen Elementary
Generated by

Campus administrators,
general education
teachers, special
education teachers, IC

= Considerable

= Some Progress

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= No Progress

Formative Reviews
Nov Jan Mar June

= Discontinue

Campus #043907123
November 12, 2014 2:34 pm

Goal 1: All McGowen students will actively participate in learning experiences that are challenging, relevant and engaging.
Performance Objective 6: McGowen teachers will participate in professional development activities to enhance their abilities as leaders, designers and
guides of instruction.
Summative Evaluation: Evidence of application of new learning will be observed by administrators during walkthroughs, data meetings, team meetings and
formal evaluations.
Staff Responsible
for Monitoring

Strategy Description

Evidence that Demonstrates Success

1) McGowen teachers will continue learning to fully utilize

Aware and Forethought.

Administrators, MRS,

Teachers will use Aware to document interventions and report

progress to administrators. Lessons in Forethought will be deeper
in detail and specific to student needs.

2) Teachers in Grades 3-5 and administrators will utilize "All in

Learning" to formatively assess student learning.

Administration, MRS

Formative assessment data will be in Aware and lesson plans will

address non mastered objectives.

3) McGowen teachers will continue to utilize design qualities and Administrators, IC

learning standards to increase student engagement to meet the
needs of all students.
4) All ESL teachers will have professional development in
working with ESL students including SIOP strategies, ELPS
and/or RTI for ELLs.

Campus administrators, ELPS will be listed on the lesson plans and SIOP strategies will
ESL teachers
be observed in walk throughs.
Increased student performance in all subject areas.

6) Teachers will design rigorous problem solving lessons to be

used in whole group and in small group sessions during math
instruction. Problem solving methods and thinking patterns will
be posted, modeled and utilized daily.


All K-5 students will master grade level standards.

7) Teachers will be provided with opportunities to participate in

professional development focused on embedding available
technology in engaging lessons.

MRS, Campus

McGowen Elementary
Generated by

Nov Jan Mar June

Observations of small groups and student progress.

5) Work Group members will collaborate to ensure that crossMcGowen, McClure,

campus vertical teams meet to develop a deeper understanding of McNeil, Minshew
the learning standards.

= Accomplished

Formative Reviews

All 3-5 students will meet or exceed 2014 Math STAAR


= Considerable

Increased performance rating on Key Area II, EP4 of the Texas

Campus STaR Chart.

= Some Progress

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= No Progress

= Discontinue

Campus #043907123
November 12, 2014 2:34 pm

Goal 2: McGowen Elementary will create a collaborative community of staff, students and families where all groups feel
physically and emotionally safe and communication remains open among all groups.
Performance Objective 1: McGowen will maintain a focus on citizenship, conflict resolution, healthy life styles and leadership opportunities for students.
Summative Evaluation: Reduction of office referrals, counselor referrals and reports of bullying; Increased attendance rate and participation in school-wide
events. Better overall performance on the state physical fitness assessment.
Staff Responsible
for Monitoring

Strategy Description

Evidence that Demonstrates Success

1) Monthly guidance lessons will be provided for students in each Counselor

grade level.

-Positive peer relationships observed by staff and parents

2) All staff will receive conflict resolution and bully prevention


-Staff will identify and respond timely to bullying behaviors

-Office referrals due to bullying behaviors will decrease


3) The Character Counts program will be used campus-wide, both Counselor, general
by the counselor and classroom teachers.
education teacher

Formative Reviews
Nov Jan Mar June

-Fewer discipline referrals

-Fewer reports of bullying

4) 5th Grade students will participate in a leadership programs

-Students will demonstrate leadership qualities through
such as, 5th grade Event Staff, P.E./Recess Crew and News Crew Administration, 5th
participation in school activities
that promotes helping members of the school community.
Grade Teachers, MRS,
PE Teacher
5) Staff will begin to utilize the campus discipline support process Campus Administration -Reduction in office referrals
to help teachers and teams work collaboratively to support
-Reduction of students placed on RtI for behavior
6) McGowen students will have the opportunity to participate in
leadership activities such as, Library Crew, Safety Patrol, Tech
Team, Green Team, and Maverick Mentors.

Administration, MRS,
PE Teacher, Grade
Level Teachers

-Students will demonstrate leadership qualities through

participation in school activities

7) The campus will switch the lunch and recess schedule so that Campus
-Reduction in food waste
students participate in recess prior to lunch. This initiative aligns Administration, SHAC, -Reduction in recess/lunch referrals
with The Alliance for a Healthier Generation recommendations. Grade Level Teachers
8) McGowen students will be given the opportunity to participate PE Teacher
in the Mavericks in Motion program. This program promotes a
more active and healthier lifestyle.
= Accomplished

McGowen Elementary
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= Considerable

-Increased of student participation

-Reduction of office referrals
-Improved performance on the state physical fitness assessment.
= Some Progress

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= No Progress

= Discontinue

Campus #043907123
November 12, 2014 2:34 pm

Goal 2: McGowen Elementary will create a collaborative community of staff, students and families where all groups feel physically and emotionally safe
and communication remains open among all groups.
Performance Objective 2: All McGowen students will report feeling safe and secure as measured by the Student Quality Survey.
Summative Evaluation: Results of Student Quality Survey, attendance rates
Staff Responsible
for Monitoring

Strategy Description
1) All McGowen students will participate in character education
programs that promote a safe and orderly school environment

Counselor, campus

2) The McGowen SHAC Committee will promote healthy school SHAC Committee
initiatives that are focused on student, staff, parents and the

Evidence that Demonstrates Success

Formative Reviews
Nov Jan Mar June

-Positive feedback from Student Quality Survey

-Decline in office referrals
-Increased awareness of SHAC initiatives
-Increased participation in SHAC initiatives

3) The campus will utilize feedback provided by lockdown drills, Campus

-Positive feedback from Student Quality Survey, drill feedback
tornado drills and fire drills to promote school safety.
Administration, SHAC and the Fire Marshall.
= Accomplished

McGowen Elementary
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= Considerable

= Some Progress

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= No Progress

= Discontinue

Campus #043907123
November 12, 2014 2:34 pm

Goal 2: McGowen Elementary will create a collaborative community of staff, students and families where all groups feel physically and emotionally safe
and communication remains open among all groups.
Performance Objective 3: Parents and staff will receive timely and accurate communication as well as opportunities for home/school connection.
Summative Evaluation: Positive feedback on staff and parent surveys
Strategy Description

Staff Responsible
for Monitoring

Evidence that Demonstrates Success

Formative Reviews
Nov Jan Mar June

1) A weekly electronic newsletter will be sent to all subscribers of Campus secretary,

-Positive feedback from parent surveys regarding communication
McGowen's Constant Contact messaging system.
principal, and assistant
2) McGowen will maintain an up-to-date webpage to provide
information about the school.


-Positive feedback on parent surveys regarding communication

3) Utilize the campus marquee to publicize current and upcoming events for the school.

Campus secretary

-Positive feedback on parent surveys regarding communication

4) Classroom teachers will electronically communicate with their Classroom teachers,

parents on a weekly basis.
principal and assistant

-Positive feedback from parent surveys regarding communication

5) The Parent Link phone system will be utilized to keep parents

apprised of important information and upcoming events.

Campus secretary,
receptionist, principal
and assistant principal

-Positive feedback from parent surveys regarding communication

6) McGowen staff members will receive a weekly newsletter

from the principal.

McGowen staff
-Positive feedback from staff surveys regarding communication
members will receive a
weekly newsletter from
the principal.

7) Teachers will conduct parent conferences during the first 9

weeks window.

Campus administrator -Conference logs

and classroom teachers -Positive feedback from parents

8) The Campus Administration Team will continue to utilize

-Positive feedback from parent surveys regarding communication
Facebook and Twitter to communicate timely information as well Administration, MRS,
as to share our story with the community.
IC, Campus Secretary,
and Counselor
9) The Campus Administration Team will initiate the use of
Remind to communicate timely information to the school

Campus Administration -Positive feedback from parent surveys regarding communication

10) McGowen will host events such as Back to School Night,

parent conferences, Mav Fan Jams, Family Fun Nights, school
dance, and restaurant nights.

Administration, PE
coach and MRS

McGowen Elementary
Generated by

-Positive feedback from parent surveys regarding parent

opportunities for involvement and input

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11) McGowen administration and staff will collaborate with PTA Campus Administration -Positive feedback from parent surveys regarding parent
to host events such Back-to-School Social, Movie Night, Talent
opportunities for involvement and input
Show, Fall Festival, Mav Dad First Friday Lunches, Family Ed
night, and class parties.
= Accomplished

McGowen Elementary
Generated by

= Considerable

= Some Progress

14 of 14

= No Progress

= Discontinue

Campus #043907123
November 12, 2014 2:34 pm

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