Turkey A
Turkey A
Turkey A
Unit I Europe
- Ankara is the capital City.
- Mardin is the capital of the Mardin Province.
- Konya is the largest city in Turkey
Population size
Degree of diversity
(1=homogenous; 10=very
diverse) with explanation
4. How does folklore influence the peoples worldview or actions? Explain your answer using
specific details.
- There are many Turkish dances which keep the traditional aspect of life in turkey.
5. What religion(s) is practiced in this country, and how does it impact the people?
- Muslim is the main religion and Christians are a minority at only 2%.
6. Are rites of passage in this country similar to or different from rites of passage in the U.S.?
Explain your answer using specific pieces of evidence.
- The US has more equal rights. Men have more Power in Turkey.
7. What tips on interpersonal behavior might you give to an American who is about to travel to
this country? Provide at least three.
- They dont like Americans.
- They will most likely be against your religion.
- They wont treat you well.
8. Is the standard of living in this country better, worse, or about the same as that of the U.S.?
Justify your answer with at least three pieces of evidence.
- The standard of living in Turkey is Decent but growing and improving.
- 49% of adults have a paying job.
- 36% of men have completed high school.
- Life expectancy is 75.
9. Is family important in this country? Why or why not? Use specific details in your response.
10.Does this country have distinctive traditional clothing? Explain your answer citing specific
- Turkish people wear modest and clean clothing. More traditional than the US.
11.How has globalization impacted food and diet in this country? Explain your answer using
specific facts.
- They have a traditional diet with many stuffed foods.
12.How might your educational experience in this country differ from the schooling you receive
in the U.S.?
- Most people only have a high school degree or less.
13.What cultural influences or accomplishments is this country best known for? List and
describe at least three.
- Ottoman Empire impacts.
- Affects from traditional way of living.
- Affects from geography, using the bodies of water.
15.How do people of this country spend their leisure time? List at least five activities. Would
you want to live there?
- Go to beaches
- Dance
- Church
- Shopping
- Time with family
- I wouldnt want to live there because I dont think I would like the people.
16.List (in order of significance) what you feel are the three biggest problems that this country
needs to resolve.
- Terrorism
- Equal rights
- Energy issues
17.Are all people treated equally in this country? Why or why not? Explain your answer using
specific evidence.
- No, Men have most of the control. They live an old fashioned way of life and this means
that men are seen as superior. Men take the power roles.