1. To what extent was this country ruled by others? Use evidence to support your
Rome ruled Italy before it was unified in 1870.
2. Which 20
century events had the greatest influence on this country? Choose two
events and explain their impact.
World War 2 had the greatest influence on Italy because it resulted in a unstable
government. Secondly, In the 1950s, Italys growth in their economy was significant it was
called the Italian Miracle.
3. Identify the following:
Topic Details
Well known cities, regions, or landforms Sicily, Sardinia, Northern Italian Plain,
Italian Alps
Relative size (size in relationship to another
About the size of the Uk
Description of natural environment Mainly a peninsula. Many islands and
one major river, the Po.
Population size 58 million
Degree of diversity (1=homogenous; 10=very
diverse) with explanation
Very diverse due too high amount of
illegal immigration.
Languages/Alphabets Italian, French, German, Slovene
4. How does folklore influence the peoples worldview or actions? Explain your answer
using specific details.
They thought Remus was killed by his twin brother Romulus because he wanted to be the
solo founder. They probably are influence to not be greedy due to the way Italy was
5. What religion(s) is practiced in this country, and how does it impact the people?
Italy is 90% Catholic, they believe in education and family life.
6. Are rites of passage in this country similar to or different from rites of passage in the
U.S.? Explain your answer using specific pieces of evidence.
Simular because the U.S. is mainly Catholic as well. They believe in what Catholics believe
in the U.S. such as baptism, first Communion, confirmation, and marriage.
7. What tips on interpersonal behavior might you give to an American who is about to
travel to this country? Provide at least three.
I would warn them of the crime rate so they could watch their backs, I would warn them
about the 500,000 protestants in Italy, and I would give them a tip about the high
unemployment in Italy.
8. Is the standard of living in this country better, worse, or about the same as that of the
U.S.? Justify your answer with at least three pieces of evidence.
Their standard of living is worse than the U.S due to their slow economic growth. Also, they
have high unemployment, and a high crime rate.
9. Is family important in this country? Why or why not? Use specific details in your
Yes because they are Catholic and Catholics they believe in family life.
10. Does this country have distinctive traditional clothing? Explain your answer citing
specific details.
Suit and tie, jeans, and dresses are all worn in Italy. They have similar style to the rest of
the world considering they make their most money on clothing out of all of their exports.
11. How has globalization impacted food and diet in this country? Explain your answer
using specific facts.
Italians usual dish is pasta, lasagna, spaghetti, and tortellini. Italy has affected nations food
and diet with globalization more than globalization has affected them considering pasta is a
well-known dish all around the world.
12. How might your educational experience in this country differ from the schooling you
receive in the U.S.?
Italys 98% literacy rate proves that their education is similar to the U.S. They are mostly
Catholics as well and Catholics believe in high education.
13. What cultural influences or accomplishments is this country best known for? List and
describe at least three.
Italy is best known for their impact in the art world. Leonardo da Vinci was from Italy who is
one of the most famous artists up to this day. Also, their sculptures and architecture have
been one of the best throughout the world dating back to Ancient Rome. The third
accomplishment of Italy is Monteverdi, the father of opera. Also, Rossini, Puccini, and
Verdi, who is considered some of the best composers of opera.
14. Summarize the overall economy of this country in 2-3 sentences.
They have a slow economical growth. They also have low income and high unemployment.
Overall, Italys economy is not good.
15. How do people of this country spend their leisure time? List at least five
activities. Would you want to live there?
Basketball, Soccer, Boxing ,Tennis, and betting pool are popular activities in Italy. Someone
who enjoys watching soccer would want to live here because Italy has had a very good
soccer team over the years. In 2006, Italy won its fourth World Cup.
16. List (in order of significance) what you feel are the three biggest problems that this
country needs to resolve.
The first problem Italy needs to resolve is there organized crime rate. High crime rates
decrease the amount of tourists in the nation. The second problem Italy needs to resolve is
their high unemployment. Not only does Italy have a high unemployment, they have a low
average income as well. The third problem Italy need to resolve is their government issues.
In 2008, they elected their 62nd government since World War 2.
17. Are all people treated equally in this country? Why or why not? Explain your answer
using specific evidence.
Yes, men and woman are treated equally. More and more woman are getting jobs and
pursuing professional carrers.