Reduction of Leakage Power in 8T Sram Cell Using Virtual Ground
Reduction of Leakage Power in 8T Sram Cell Using Virtual Ground
Reduction of Leakage Power in 8T Sram Cell Using Virtual Ground
This paper describes stability problems in 6T SRAM cell and their solutions with 8T SRAM cell. 8T SRAM with
the virtual ground concept has been proposed which reduces leakage power. Comparison of 8T SRAM cell proposed
with conventional 6T SRAM cell with respect to leakage power are proved by simulation and experimentally using
the tool cadence (180nm technology).
Keywords: Cell stability, Leakage power, Virtual ground.
1. Introduction
The embedded memories account to 65 percent of the area in modern SoC. The memory area increases
with the complexity of SoC and by the year 2018, it is expected to go to 90 percent. Most of the memory is
composed of the SRAM cells. With increasing variability in the future CMOS manufacturing processes, the SRAM
cell stability, which depends on the balance of transistors, becomes a major concern. As the device dimensions
decrease, the SRAM cell becomes more and more susceptible to process variations. The effect of random variations
in logic paths can be overcome to a certain extent by placing multiple stages, but in the case of memory, each
SRAM cell must function according to the specifications [1]. In addition to the data stability issues, the increasing
leakage energy consumption of the embedded memory circuits is also a growing concern. In modern high
performance microprocessors, more than 40 percent of the total active mode energy is consumed due to leakage
currents [2].
In the conventional six transistor SRAM cell, the read and write operations impose conflicting
constraints on the transistors. Due to this any improvement done to enhance the stability for one operation will result
in performance degradation in the other operation. The problem of improving the SRAM cell stability is further
aggravated by lower supply voltages. As the supply voltage decreases, the threshold voltage variation account for a
large fraction of the supply voltage. Many design techniques have been proposed to overcome the variability
problems. A higher supply voltage exclusively for the SRAM array apart from the normal supply voltage is one way
to enhance the noise margins of the SRAM cell [3]. In this case, the supply voltage of the SRAM cell will not scale
with the technology. Further, it may increase if the variability problems become prominent. The supply voltage can
be dynamically modulated for read, write and standby operations to achieve the required noise margin [4].These
separates the read and write operation from the standby operation. While these techniques provide better noise
margins, they add to the complexity of the circuit. Also these techniques may result in increase of dynamic power
consumption during the read and write operations. An 8T SRAM cell with two extra transistors and virtual ground
has been proposed which is used to separate the read and write current path and avoid accidental cell flipping during
read operation. This cell provides significant large SNM during Read operation improves cell stability, reduces
leakage power and read power consumption.
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In this paper leakage power reduction in 8T SRAM cell is shown with the use of virtual ground concept
when compared to conventional 6T SRAM cell signal. By designing 8T SRAM cell with the help of virtual ground
concept, the read SNM is increased (almost doubled).The cell also supports low power operation. This new
asymmetric cell structure is capable of using differential sense technique for high speed read operation.
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