Lo 2011

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3, MARCH 2011 695

P-P-N Based 10T SRAM Cell for Low-Leakage and

Resilient Subthreshold Operation
Cheng-Hung Lo, Student Member, IEEE, and Shi-Yu Huang, Member, IEEE

Abstract—SRAM has been under its renovation stage recently, on the SRAM SNM (Static Noise Margin) when operating in the
aiming to withstand the ever-increasing process variation as well as subthreshold region. This makes the SRAM performance highly
to support ultra-low-power applications using even subthreshold sensitive to the process variation. Besides, the bitline leakage
supply voltages. We present in this paper a novel P-P-N-based 10T
SRAM cell, in which the latch is formed essentially by a cross- (current) often imposes as another threat. An on/off current ratio
coupled P-P-N inverter pair. This type of cell can operate at a is often used as a gauge for this issue, where the on-current refers
voltage as low as 285 mV while still demonstrating high resilience to the cell current drawn by an accessed cell during the read op-
to process variation. Its noise margin has been elevated in not only eration from the sensing bitline while the off-current refers to
the hold state, but also the read operations. As compared to pre- the leakage current drawn by all the other unaccessed cells from
vious 10T SRAM cells, our cell excels in particular in two aspects:
1) ultra-low cell leakage, and 2) high immunity to the data-depen- the other complementary bitline on the same column. Typically,
dent bitline leakage. The second merit makes it especially suitable a rule of thumb demands that this on/off ratio is greater than 10
for an SRAM macro with long bitlines – a property often desirable so that there will be adequate voltage swing between the bitline
in order to achieve high density. We have fabricated and validated pair at the moment when the sense amplifier is activated to en-
its performance through a 16 Kb SRAM test chip using the UMC sure reliable read operation. However, this ratio has deteriorated
90 nm process technology.
in advanced process technologies especially at low voltages due
Index Terms—10T cell, bitline leakage, low-leakage, noise to the increased off-state leakage current associated with a tran-
margin, PPN, SRAM. sistor. The overall bitline leakage is data dependent in the sense
that it is strongly related to the data pattern stored in the cell
column being accessed. Thus, the bitline leakage varies from
one cell column to another over the time, making the distribution
of the access time of an SRAM macro even more dispersed. In
SUBTHRESHOLD SRAM is a type of SRAM that is able order to accommodate the worse-case bitline leakage, one may
A to support normal operation even when the supply voltage
is below normal threshold voltage of a transistor, e.g., as low as
sometimes need to limit the bitline length, i.e., the number of
cells attached to a bitline, which in turn reduces the area effi-
0.3 V. It has drawn great research attention recently due to its ciency.
ultra-low-power merit and resilience to process variation. Con- In general, the reduced cell stability and writeability for the
ventional 6T-based SRAM cannot support reliable low-supply- conventional 6T SRAM may sporadically experience data-flip-
voltage operation due to degraded noise margins. As a result, ping (i.e., a bit cell changes its state from ’0’ to ’1’ or vice
with the voltage down-scaling in many low-power applications, versa after being read) or write failure (i.e., the data to be
designing a new and robust SRAM cell with the capability of op- written into a bit cell fails to overwrite its previously stored
erating at a subthreshold voltage while consuming low leakage value). To cope with these problems, several new SRAM cells
power during the standby mode is highly demanded. equipped with some supportive peripheral circuits have been
As the CMOS process technology continues to scale to the proposed. These emerging SRAM cells could be categorized
nanometer regime, process variation and leakage current of tran- into two types, namely single-ended sensing cells [2]–[6] and
sistors become more severe, which are further aggravated by differential sensing cells [7], [8]. Fig. 1 shows the schematics
the fluctuation of the operation conditions such as the variation of four of such 10T SRAM cells. In general, a single-ended
of the supply voltage and/or the temperature leads to a higher sensing cell is not as robust as the differential one, and hence,
chance of device malfunctioning. For example, as indicated in it often requires some extra compensation scheme to maintain
[1], the impact of the threshold variation could be exponential the reliability as proposed in [5]. Moreover, it is not easy if not
impossible for a single-ended sensing cell to support column
Manuscript received July 21, 2010; revised December 16, 2010; accepted De-
multiplexing (also known as bit-interleaving) in which an IO is
cember 16, 2010. Date of publication January 31, 2011; date of current ver- shared among several cell columns. Fig. 1 shows two variants
sion February 24, 2011. This paper was approved by Associate Editor Peter of differential-sensing 10T cells. Fig. 1(c) is referred to as
Gillingham. This work was supported in part by the National Science Council
of Taiwan (NSC) under Contract NSC 98-2220-E-007-033.
10T Schmitt-trigger cell, or ST cell for short throughout this
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National paper [7]. The stability and writeability of this cell have been
Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (e-mail: chlo@larc.ee.nthu.edu.tw; improved by using two cross-coupled Schmitt-trigger inverters
syhuang@ee.nthu.edu.tw). to form the storage cell. There is a minor problem with this type
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. of ST cell – it still suffers from the read disturbance problem,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2010.2102571 which refers to the phenomenon that a storage node with data
0018-9200/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

Fig. 1. (a), (b) Single-ended 10T SRAM cells [2], [3]. (c), (d) Differential 10T SRAM cells [7], [8].

’0’ will experience a transient voltage glitch when it is being

read. This voltage glitch may sometimes cause the cell to flip
To overcome the read disturbance problem, another 10T cell
was proposed in [8], as shown in Fig. 1(d). The design of this
cell incorporates several sophisticated features, e.g., it uses two
wordlines. One of them (denoted as WL) is for the read operation
and the other (denoted as WWL) for the write operation. Each
storage node (either Q or Qb) is now connected to a bitline by
two cascaded access transistors, controlled by WL and WWL,
respectively. Although this cell can have a better Read SNM
(Read Static Noise Margin), its writeability is sacrificed due to
the larger resistance between the bitline to the storage node,
since the driving path is now formed by two access transistors
connected in series.
In this paper, we propose a P-P-N based differential 10T
SRAM cell as shown in Fig. 2. In additional to the standard Fig. 2. Proposed P-P-N based differential 10T SRAM cell.
IO’s of 6T SRAM cells (such as VDD, GND, one wordline, and
one bitline pair), we need only one extra signal called VGND
like [8], denoting a virtual ground signal. This VGND signal is discharging path is used to discharge a precharged high bitline
connected to GND only during the read operation. Otherwise, it during the read operation.
is connected to VDD. This cell is called P-P-N based since each In general, this new SRAM cell design offers several merits
of the cross-coupled inverters is composed of three transistors over the previous ones; (1) Unlike the ST cell [7], ours does
cascaded in a P-P-N sequence from top to bottom. The nodes not have the read disturbance problem at all, considering that
between the two cascaded P-MOS transistors are called pseudo the discharging path is now isolated from the true storage node.
storage nodes (including pQ and pQb in the figure), which are There might be some transient voltage glitch at the pseudo
separate from the true storage nodes (named Q and Qb in the storage node during the read operation, but not the true storage
figure). In addition to the inverter pair, there is a discharging nodes. In some sense, a true storage node is better guarded
path on each side of this SRAM cell, each of which is formed inside our P-P-N structure. (2) Unlike [8], the writeability
by an access transistor plus some pull-down transistor that is not sacrificed in our design. It can be easily enhanced by
connects a pseudo storage node to the VGND. For example, employing the previously proposed RSCE (Reverse Short
the left-hand-side discharging path is formed by PGL (meaning Channel Effect) scheme [3] or simply by boosting the wordline
Pass-Gate-Left) and PDL1 (meaning Pull-Down-Left 1). The voltage if needed. (3) Unlike the design in [8], our cell uses

Fig. 3. (a) Cell status during the read operation. (b) Read SNM comparison of our cell and ST cell [5].

Fig. 5. Read current ratio (P-P-N/ST) at different supply voltages.

Fig. 4. Monte Carlo simulation results for the hold SNM and the read SNM in
the worst case corner (i.e., FNSP – Fast nMOS Slow PMOS).
(standing for Pass-Gate-Right) are access transistors controlled
by WL. Either PDL1 or PDR1 provides the read current path
only single wordline for both the read and the write operations. for discharging a bitline (BL) or its complementary (BLB), de-
(4) The notorious data-dependent bitline leakage problem is pending on the stored values of Q and Qb, respectively. The
almost completely eliminated in this cell, through the above source terminals of these two transistors (i.e., PDL1 and PDR1)
mentioned simple VGND biasing scheme. This implies that our are connected to the VGND pin, which connects to the ground
cell design can support an SRAM macro with extremely long voltage only during the read operation. Anytime else, it stays
bitlines to maintain the area efficiency even under advanced high to curb unnecessary leakage current. Node pQ and node
technologies. Overall speaking, this new subthreshold cell pQb are the pseudo storage nodes. Each of them is at a location
design is resilient (since it has high noise margins for both read between the two cascaded P-MOS transistors forming the P-P-N
and write operations) and energy-efficient (since it has a very inverter. Their existence is critical in our design, for they pro-
low leakage current). vide an isolation mechanism between a bitline pair and the true
To validate this cell, an SRAM array with 16 Kb P-P-N cells storage nodes during the read operation. With this isolation, we
are fabricated in 90 nm CMOS 1P9M low- UMC process. Due can thus reduce the data-dependent bitline leakage. The details
to structure similarity, we also fabricated 2 Kb Schmitt-trigger will be discussed later in Section III.
(ST) cell [7] for performance comparison.
B. Read Operation
II. THE PROPOSED 10T CELL To perform a read operation, the wordline WL is enabled and
VGND is pulled down to ground to allow bitline discharging.
A. Detailed P-P-N Based Cell Structure Fig. 3(a) shows the state of each transistor during the read oper-
In this section, we describe our cell design in Fig. 2 in more ation, assuming that the data stored at Q is now ’0’. Since data
detail. As mentioned previously, it is composed of two cross- node Q is isolated from bitline BL by PGL and PUL2 (which is
coupled P-P-N inverters, and data is stored in node Q and node between the pseudo storage node pQ and the true storage node
Qb in a complementary manner. Transistors PUL1, PUL2, and Q) and thus the so-called read current (which is the current used
PDL2 form a P-P-N inverter and PUR1, PUR2, PDR2 form an- to discharge a bitline) does not flow through the storage node Q,
other. Here, PUL stands for Pull-Up-Left, and similarly PDL for but through the bypassing PDL1 as indicated in Fig. 3(a). This
Pull-Down-Left. PGL (standing for Pass-Gate-Left) and PGR is the main reason why the read stability does not degrade at all

Fig. 6. (a) Cell status during the write operation. (b) Corresponding waveforms.

in our cell. As for an ST cell, the read current flows through the
storage node directly, thereby causing read disturbance, i.e., the
voltage at data node Q will rise temporarily. This will degrade
the read stability because the cell flipping will be more likely to
take place.
As shown in Fig. 3(b), our cell achieves 1.5 read SNM im-
provement (from 70 mV to 106 mV) as compared to the ST cell.
In order to examine the cell stability in the worst case process
corner (which is FNSP in our design), we run Monte Carlo sim-
ulation (M.C.) for both read SNM and hold SNM. To show the
difference between our cell and the ST cell [7], M.C. simula-
tion is also conducted for the ST cell, as shown in Fig. 4. Al-
though the ST cell gives higher hold SNM than ours, the effec-
tive SNM is limited by the lower read SNM. Statistically, our
cell gives 1.72 mean SNM and 12% reduction on the stan- Fig. 7. The normalized current versus the channel length, demonstrating the
dard deviation as compared to the ST cell. Our cell offers a good RSCE effect in the subthreshold region (based on simulation of UMC90 nm
balance between the hold SNM and the read SNM. Detailed
examination also reveals that the read SNM is slightly higher
than the hold SNM. The higher read SNM mainly results from When operating in a subthreshold region (e.g., when VDD is
the VDD-precharged bitline. When WL is enabled and raised to 300 mV), the data-flipping process takes place in slow motion
high, the high bitline voltage helps strengthen the cell stability in two steps. In general, the lower portion of our P-P-N inverter
by providing another charging path for the data node storing ’1’. pair can be viewed as a latch consisting of PUL2-PDL2 and
If the wordline is boosted to a higher voltage to improve access PUR2-PDR2. In some sense, this latch takes node pQ and node
time, sensing margin and writeability, the read SNM can be even pQb as the pseudo supply terminals. In step 1, pQb is pulled
higher as well. down quickly to nearly the ground voltage as shown in Fig. 6(b)
Bitline discharging speed has a direct impact on the SRAM at the beginning of the write operation since it is driven by BLB
access time. In the ST cell, the read current flows through three tied to strong ’0’. Then pQb starts to affect Qb via the pMOS
stacked transistors, resulting in reduced read current. On the between them (i.e., PUR2), reducing the voltage of Qb to a lower
other hand, the discharging path in our cell is formed by two middle voltage (e.g., 120 mV for a time span of about 4 ns when
transistors (one pass-gate transistor plus one pull-down tran- the supply voltage is 300 mV). During this time span, PUL1 and
sistor). Thus, the read current of our cell is 1.4 times that of PUL2 controlled by Qb still conducts weakly to pull up voltage
the ST cell as the supply voltage is 300 mV, as shown in Fig. 5. at node Q, as shown in Fig. 6(b). Due to the coupling effect of
parasitic capacitances Cgs and Cgd, the voltage of Qb, which is
C. Write Operation in the floating state, rises with node Q but only slightly. In step 2,
the data flipping finally takes place when Q is strong enough to
Fig. 6(a) shows a snapshot of our cell during a write oper- conduct the PDR transistor to discharge Qb down to the ground
ation. At the beginning, storage node Q stores ’0’ while Qb voltage.
stores ’1’. To perform a write operation, the wordline WL is It is worth mentioning that even though such a write mecha-
enabled and one bitline, e.g., BLB, is pulled down to ground in nism takes relatively longer time to accomplish the data flipping,
advance. When the supply voltage is relatively high (e.g., 1 V), it is still shorter than the read access time, and therefore, overall
node Qb (storing ’1’) in this example will be pulled down di- it does not introduce any operating frequency penalty.
rectly through the discharging path formed by We can also further improve the cell’s writeability by
. In turn, node Q will be charged up to complete the strengthening the access transistors (PGL and PGR). Unlike the
data-flipping process. ST cell, doing so does not affect the performance of the read

Fig. 8. Schematic and layout of our cell considering RSCE.

Fig. 9. WNM of our cell at different process corners with and without incor-
porating the RSCE-aware sizing.

Fig. 10. Monte Carlo simulation results for WNM in the worst case process
corner (SNFP – Slow nMOS Fast PMOS).
operation at all. Fig. 7 shows one example, in which the size of
the PFET gives 1.2 drivability with 2 minimum channel
length and the size of the NFET gives 1.4 drivability with larger read current and thereby a quicker access. 3) The pass gate
3 minimum channel length, according to the RSCE (Reverse transistors PGL and PGR need to be strong enough to serve as
Short Channel Effect). The sizes and layouts of transistors PGL, high-conduction paths between the accessed cell and the bitlines
PGR, PUL2 and PUR2 are shown in Fig. 8. Overall, the WNM during both the read and write operations. 4) The two pull-up
(Write Noise Margin) is significantly improved, as shown in transistors, PUL2 and PUR2, need to be slightly stronger, to
Fig. 9. In the worst case corner (FNSP) under process variation, compensate for the conductivity degradation of the cascaded
we run Monte Carlo simulation for our cell and the ST cell to pMOS structure linking the storage nodes (i.e., Q and Qb) and
derive the WNM distribution shown in Fig. 10. Our cell reduces VDD, which help contribute to a good hold SNM. 5) Unlike a 6T
the standard variation of the WNM by 52% than that of the ST cell, the pull-down transistors PDL2 and PDR2 do not have to
cell. It is worth mentioning that the transistor sizing of the ST be strong, since they do not involve in the cell discharging paths.
cell is rather more complicated than ours considering that its However, their strengths are made comparable to the cascaded
size requirement for the read operation does not comply with pMOS structure mentioned above to achieve a more balanced
that for the write operation. That leads to a dilemma – juicing cell structure which could lead to a larger hold SNM.
up the writeability may harm the stability of the read operation
in the ST cell. As a result, the transistor sizing in our cell is D. Efficient Bit-Interleaving
easier relatively. Bit-interleaving (or called column-multiplexing) is a scheme
In general, we use the following transistor sizing guidelines. that allows multiple columns of cells to share a sense ampli-
1) The pull-up transistors PUL1 and PUR1 are usually made fier and its following output pin driver. Such a scheme is al-
weaker to ease a write operation just like in a conventional 6T most indispensable in SRAM design because it not only in-
cell. 2) The pull-down transistors PDL1 and PDR1, forming creases the cell density but also eases the pitch matching of the
the cell discharging paths, need to be stronger to facilitate a overall layout between the cell array and the periphery circuit.

Fig. 12. Data-dependent leakage during the read operation.

Fig. 11. (a) Bit-interleaving structure. (b) Timing diagrams of our cell showing
bit-interleaving capability.

In general, single-ended SRAM cell [2]–[6] cannot easily sup-

Fig. 13. Our data-dependent leakage suppression scheme.
port bit-interleaving structure, due to half-select problem. Al-
though a write-back scheme was proposed in [3] to cope with
this problem, it requires an additional read operation before each
write operation, which will induce enormous cycle time over- shown in Fig. 13. In this way, the potential leaking path from bit-
head. Our cell can work with bit-interleaving structure naturally line (BL) to the VGND is now turned off. In detail, pQ is now
using only single wordline. Fig. 11 shows the simulation wave- floating and thus there is not much leakage current flowing from
forms during a read operation inside a bit-interleaving structure. bitline BL to pQ. It is worth mentioning that this scheme is sim-
For simplicity without losing generality, it is assumed to have pler than the technique used in [3] in that our scheme simply
two columns of cells attached to one sense amplifier. One thing switches the voltage level of the VGND line to VDD (not to
that is notable from the waveforms is that the half-selected cell a specific middle voltage level), and thus needing no delicate
stays quiet in both the read and the write cycles. compensation circuits.
Such a scheme contributes to better sense margins as de-
picted in Fig. 14, which is increasingly more significant when
E. Data-Dependent Leakage Suppression Method the number of cells attached to a column increases. It can also be
seen from this figure that the sense margin of the ST cell could
In addition to read disturbance, sensing margin is also a chal- drop from 50 mV (at 25 C) down to zero (at 75 C) when there
lenge in subthreshold region due to reduced on/off current ratio are 512 cells in a column.
and process variation. It is common that cells contributes dif- In order to relax the loading of VGND driver, 32 4 cells
ferent amount of subthreshold leakages to the two bitlines of shared a VGND driver (form a VGND Island) in our test chip, as
a column (denoted as BL and BR here), as shown in Fig. 12. shown in Fig. 15(a). The VGND control signal is generated by
This so-called data-dependent leakage current may degrade the a 3 to 8 pre-decoder plus some decision logic. The structure of
sensing margin in the worst case. Relatively speaking, it is easier VGND driver and the operating principle is shown in Fig. 15(b).
in our cell structure to curb the bitline leakage, by keeping the It is notable that VGND driver is also turned off during the write
voltage of the VGND line of each unaccessed cell to VDD, as operation to save power consumption. The area overhead of the

Fig. 14. Sensing margin comparison under the worst case column pattern.

Fig. 16. Architecture of our test chip with 16 Kb cells.

Fig. 17. Die photo and layout of our test chip with 16 Kb cells.


To validate this cell, an SRAM macro with 16 Kb P-P-N
cells has been fabricated in 90 nm CMOS 1P9M low-k UMC
process. For performance comparison, we also fabricated 2 Kb
Schmitt-trigger (ST) cell [7] in this chip. The architecture is
shown in Fig. 16. The die photo and the layout are shown in
Fig. 17. The bitcell area of the ST cell has been made equal
to our cell (1.1 m 3.6 m) for fair comparison. Our SRAM
macro has 256 rows, 64 columns for P-P-N cell and 8 columns
for ST cell. Our P-P-N cell array is composed of 8 16 VGND
islands, as shown in Fig. 16. Besides, the supply voltages of the
peripheral circuits and the cell array are separated to allow pe-
riphery voltage boosting. Separate supply voltages also enable
wordline boosting to further enhance writeability, and to reduce
peripheral circuit delay as well. To ease the measurement of
power consumption, the supply voltage for ST cell is isolated
from that of our P-P-N cell array and that of the peripheral cir-
Fig. 15. (a) A VGND island contains 32 4 cells and a dedicated VGND cuits. Overall, the SRAM macro area is about 320 m 290 m.
driver. (b) The operating principle and the structure of our VGND driver. The shmoo plots in Fig. 18 indicates that our SRAM macro
can operate normally at a speed of 450 kHz at a supply voltage
as low as 285 mV under the March test pattern, while the supply
VGND drivers is about 5% of the overall cell array area in our voltage of the ST cell macro under the underlying UMC90
test chip. process technology needs to be higher than 325 mV. In some

Fig. 18. Shmoo plots using X-march test pattern. (a) Our P-P-N cell macro.
(b) ST cell macro [7].


Fig. 19. Measured array leakage currents normalized to 2 Kb cells at room

temperature (ST cells [7] versus ours).

sense, the of our cell array is 40 mV lower than (b)

that of the ST cell array in this test chip.
Fig. 20. (a). Read dynamic power consumption of the cell array excluding the
Fig. 19 shows the comparison of the standby leakage power. periphery circuit. (b). Write dynamic power consumption of the cell array ex-
After normalization, our cell array consumes only 20% leakage cluding the periphery circuit.
power as compared to that of the ST cell array at 300 mV at
room temperature. It is mentionable that the bitline leakage is
also counted in the measurement since the precharge circuitry TEST CHIP CHARACTERISTIC TABLE
is driven by the cell array’s supply voltage.
Fig. 20 shows the measured power consumption of our cell
array and the normalized ST cell array. Due to bitlines’ full-
swing in the read operation and the bit-interleaving structure,
the read power becomes larger than the write power. When the
supply voltage decreases, the power consumption drops rapidly,
reflecting the benefits of using an ultra-low VDD. It can be seen
that our read power is comparable to that of the ST cells, while
our write power is much less.
In the measured shmoo plot shown in Fig. 21, the horizontal
axis is the supply voltage for our cell array, with the supply
voltage of the peripheral circuits being boosted to a fixed
voltage at 0.4 V. Under such peripheral voltage boosting, the
of our cell can be further improved from 285 mV to voltage may induce larger read disturbance, which in turn limits
265 mV running at 2.3 MHz. With equal operating frequency, the since under such a condition the destructive
the active power consumption can be further reduced from read phenomenon may occur. For example, the of
19.8 W to 13.4 W (or a 32% reduction) due to lower array the ST cell unexpectedly rises from 325 mV to 365 mV with
supply voltage. In this scheme, the of our cell is still peripheral boosting in our test chip. Overall, the array DRV
limited by sensing failure, and further boosting supply voltage (i.e., the Data Retention Voltage representing the minimum
for peripheral circuits is not affective to improve . supply voltage at which cell can still hold its data) of our cell
We also noticed one subtle point: for ST cell, higher wordline and the ST cell are 0.2 V and 0.15 V, respectively. The higher


WRITE-WL). Such cascaded structure may degrade the write

SNM, and requiring a fix by wordline boosting. We conducted
the WRITE SNM simulation for the cell proposed in [8] without
wordline boosting. It indicates that the cell in [8] fails to write at
the SNFP corner. The simulation also indicates that the bitline
has to be pulled down to a very low voltage, i.e., 34 mV, in
order to achieve a successful data-flip in the cell to be written.
This experiment suggests that our hold/read SNMs may not be
as high as those of the work in [8], but the overall SNM of ours
is more balanced with
Fig. 21. Shmoo plot using the X-march test pattern with periphery V dd
boosted to a fixed voltage at 0.4 V. (a) P-P-N array. (b) ST array.

mV mV mV
DRV of our cells mainly results from the stacking of two
PFETs in our cell. The overall characteristics of our test chip at 300 mV of VDD. Relatively speaking, a reasonably good
are summarized in Table I. WRITE SNM of ours is easier to achieve than that of [8]. It
A comparison with [2], [3], [7], and [8] is shown in Table II. is notable that elevating the WRITE SNM is crucial sometimes
Since an SRAM design is sensitive to transistor sizing and because it could be the smallest and the limiting factor among
process technology, comparison between various SRAM cells the three SNM values.
is rather complicated. Besides, the detailed transistor sizing
was not mentioned in some of the published papers. Therefore, IV. CONCLUSION
we only try to compare the feature of each work from a more
qualitative point of view. The traditional 6T SRAM cell has been facing a survival
Among the works under comparison, [2] and [3] use single- battle against the relentlessly increasing process variation and
ended outputs, while [7] and [8] use differential outputs like cell leakage current. New cell structures with more transistors
ours. Therefore, we focus more on the comparison with [7] and are widely deemed to be inevitable in order to support future
[8]. Previously, we have compared with [7] quite comprehen- process technologies. The P-P-N-based 10T SRAM cell we
sively. Here, we will briefly differentiate ours with the work of have presented has many merits one may desire when building
[8]. The hold/read SNMs of the 10T cell proposed in [8] could an SRAM macro, including 1) ample and balanced noise mar-
be higher than ours. But the problem with the work of [8] is more gins, 2) ability to operate at a subthreshold voltage, 3) ability
about the writeability. The cell in [8] incorporates two wordlines to support bit-interleaving, 4) low cell leakage, and 5) high
(namely, READ-WL and WRITE-WL) and uses two cascaded immunity to the bitline leakage. Measurement of a fabricated
pass-gate transistors (controlled respectively by READ-WL and SRAM macro indicates its is only 285 mV and

its stand-by current is as low as 1.08 A, which is an 80% [8] I. J. Chang, J. Kim, S. P. Park, and K. Roy, “A 32 kb 10T subthreshold
reduction of a state-of-the-art predecessor. SRAM array with bit-interleaving and differential read scheme in 90
nm CMOS,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 650–658,
Feb. 2009.
[9] M. Sharifkhani and M. Sachdev, “An energy efficient 40 Kb SRAM
ACKNOWLEDGMENT module with extended read/write noise margin in 0.13 m CMOS,”
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 620–630, Feb. 2009.
The authors would like to thank the National Chip Implemen-
Cheng-Hung Lo (S’08) received the B.S. degree
tation Center (CIC), Taiwan, for their technical support and the in electrical engineering from Yuan-Ze University,
grant of access to the ATE, and United Microelectronics Corpo- Taoyuan, Taiwan, in 2007, and the M.S. degree
ration (UMC) for chip fabrication. in electrical engineering from National Tsing-Hua
University, Taiwan, in 2009.
His research interests are mainly in ultra-low
power SRAM design.
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[3] T. Kim, J. Liu, J. Keane, and C. Kim, “A 0.2 V, 480 kb subthreshold grees in electrical engineering from National Taiwan
SRAM with 1 k cells per bitline for ultra-low-voltage computing,” University, Taiwan, in 1988 and 1992, and the Ph.D.
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 518–529, Feb. 2008. degree in electrical and computer engineering from
[4] B. Zhai, D. Blaauw, and D. Sylvester, “A variation-tolerant sub-200 the University of California, Santa Barbara, in 1997.
mV 6-T subthreshold SRAM,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 43, He joined the faculty of the Department of Elec-
no. 10, pp. 2338–2348, Oct. 2008. trical Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University,
[5] N. Verma and A. Chandrakasan, “A 256 kb 65 nm 8T sub-Vt SRAM Taiwan, in 1999. His research interests are mainly
employing sense-amplifier redundancy,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, in VLSI design, automation, and testing, with an
vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 141–149, Jan. 2008. emphasis on SoC power estimation methodology,
[6] T. Kim, J. Liu, and C. Kim, “A voltage scalable 0.26 V, 64 kb 8T SRAM nanometer SRAM design, all-digital phase-locked
with Vmin lowering techniques and deep sleep mode,” IEEE J. Solid- loop design, and timing-related testing.
State Circuits, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 1785–1795, Jun. 2009. Dr. Huang served as a Program Co-Chair of the IEEE Asian Test Symposium
[7] J. Kulkarni, K. Kim, and K. Roy, “A 160 mV robust Schmitt trigger in 2004, a General Co-Chair of the IEEE Asian Test Symposium in 2009, and
based subthreshold SRAM,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 42, no. the Program Chair of the IEEE International Workshop on Memory Technology,
10, pp. 2303–2313, Oct. 2007. Design, and Testing in 2005 and 2006.

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