Modified Lesson Plan For Student With Special Needs
Modified Lesson Plan For Student With Special Needs
Modified Lesson Plan For Student With Special Needs
Topic, Class, and Level: : 2nd Grade, Social Studies, Chinese New Year Lesson #1
This student demonstrates selective muteness and performs below average reading and
math levels. (Note that anything in italics is the modification for this specific student)
Conceptual Framework:
Watch a video introducing Chinese New Year, then make a list of what students know and
what they want to learn
Students will get into groups and each group will present a custom of Chinese New Year
Hook: Teacher explains, this month since were learning about China, we are going to try to
answer how the celebration of CNY teaches us something about the values/what is important to
the Chinese people.
1. Youtube video introducing Chinese New Year (projected on the big screen, while everyone is
sitting at their desks) Teacher explains
before the video that everyone will have to share after the video either one thing they learned
or one question they had. They can write these down on post-its during the video. Teacher
hands out the post-its and starts the video. Teacher or aid tells student she may write down
at least one thing (item or word) they remember from the video. It does not need to be a
complete sentence.
2. Everyone moves over to the rug and sits in a circle. We go around the circle and everyone
can say either one thing they remember from the video clip or one question they had from
watching the video. When the teacher calls on the student she will prompt her with, One
thing I saw in this video was The teacher will collect the post-its after each person shares
and puts them on a T-chart (things I learned, questions I now have) on her portable white
3. Teacher explains that CNY is a holiday celebrated by Chinese people once a year, and in
order to celebrate it they have certain customs. Teacher asks the question: what does
customs mean? People will respond, and teacher can explain a custom is a certain thing
people do things at a certain time or in a certain situation. Often times people have customs
around certain holidays. The teacher goes around the circle and asks for some examples of
customs we have on certain holidays (4th of July, New Years, Halloween), and see if people
can come up with any customs from other times of the year. Teacher should give the option
to pass when she goes around the circle asking for examples of customs. The teacher may
choose to re-ask the question when she gets to this student, what is one custom that happens
at this holiday/time of year? Student does not need to answer in a complete sentence.
4. Students move back to their desks and teacher explains that were going to be learning about
some of the specific customs people practice on Chinese New Year (as mentioned in the
video). Students will be divided into 4 groups, and they can move to different areas of the
classroom with their group.
5. Every group will be given a note card describing a specific custom of CNY. They will then
have to draw a picture (together as a group) of what they imagine that custom will look like.
Some members of the group will also have to write 2-3 sentences in their own words
describing the custom. They have to choose one person from the group to present the picture
and one person from the group to read their sentences. Teacher should remind every group
that their first step should be that someone reads the note card aloud to the group. The
teacher should also remind everyone again that when we do group work everybody should
have a job. The teacher or SPED aid should move towards the students group at the
beginning of work time to make sure she has a job she is comfortable with and understands
all the information on the note card.
6. Each group will present their custom to the class while everyone is sitting at their desks and
listening quietly. When this students group is at the board they can be the one holding the
picture, they do not need to be one of the people presenting the picture or reading the
sentences, unless she wants to.
Grouping: For the groups, I will make them a mix of levels so that each group has either a mix
of HH and ML or MH and LL (on literacy). She should be with at least one of the other IEP
students so the aide can visit/assist the group easily as needed.
Wrap-up: After their presentations students turn to the person next to them and say which
custom they would most want to celebrate on CNY. Student may answer briefly and not in a
complete sentence as needed. Teacher explains that this hopefully got them excited to learn
more about CNY and why it is important to the Chinese people.