Alicia Armstrong: Education
Alicia Armstrong: Education
Alicia Armstrong: Education
Implemented both unit 5 and unit 6 of the second grade Everyday Math
curriculum and administered unit and quarterly assessments.
Created and implemented the MAISA units of writing reviews for second grade.
Participated in weekly second grade meetings where we discussed the 7 habits
and created monthly goals based on the habits.
Led two reading groups for both boys and girls where students worked on a
variety or reading and comprehension strategies. Many lessons were focused on
non-fiction text and researching different topics.
Hayes Elementary
Used and implemented ELA/MAISA units for both reading and writing where we
introduced writing workshop and worked with students on both reading and
writing strategies.
I taught and collected data on a five senses unit. I used this information to create
a learners outcome assessment project that showed growth throughout the unit.
I participated in the kindergarten data dive where we reviewed our students
progress from the beginning of the year.
Work with students every morning and afternoon implementing specific lessons
designed for character education and global awareness.
PESG Subbing
Livonia Public Schools
Worked cooperatively with two visually impaired students on daily basis to make
accommodations to promote their success.
Used the Everyday Math curriculum and pulled individual students with needs
during daily math stations to track progress and show data.
This is a Three week program sponsored by the Kirt Foundation that helps
students prevent summer reading loss. Each student was formally assessed
with a running record (Fountas and Pinnell) to find their current reading level
along with their reading level at the end of the program.
I created specific lesson plans that focus on those weaker areas found in the
students assessments. We worked daily on sight words, specific reading
strategies, new vocabulary, guided reading groups, word work, and guided
Professional Development:
Kennedy Elementary School
Livonia Public Schools June 16th-17th 2014