AICTE Norms - Engg. Course

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AICTE Norms & Standards:

Engineering Degree:
1. Introduction
The economic progress of a country is strongly linked with the quality of education. It
is therefore, necessary for our technical education to undertake periodic review of the
curriculum and subject content of the technical programmes to ensure that they are up
to date not outmoded or obsolete and effectively fulfill the technological requirements
of the country.
During the past three decades, many steps have been taken in India to improve the
quality of technical education. These include evolution of model syllabi, quality
improvement programmes for teachers; encouraging interaction with industry through
consultancy and continuing education programmes; and providing impetus for
expanding infra-structural facilities in emerging technologies.
For economic growth and prosperity, the need is to produce highly professional and
competent engineers. This could be achieved by imparting quality teaching to
students. Towards, this some norms and standards of engineering education need to be
laid down so as to educate the students with appropriate skills suitable for a rapidly
changing industrial scenario.
A scientist often solves problems to understand nature. An engineer usually
undertakes tasks, which need to be done in a specified period of time on a fixed
budget and with limited resources. Larger the information, an engineer has at the
command and larger his technical and social skills, the more likely he will be able to
do his job quickly and efficiently. The rapidly expanding database of technological
information means that a student will have to learn only a small fraction of the total
information he is expected to know. To instill all the needed inputs in a short period
of a degree course is impossible. The situation can be ameliorated by improving skills
for accessing information, developing flexible learning skills, rejecting outmoded
courses from the curriculum and by addition of the appropriate and emerging
technological items.
To make the India industries internationally competitive, the frontier technologies
have to flow from the R and D institutions to the industries and also be continually
infused in the engineering curriculum. Thus, it is pertinent that educational
institutions, industries, and research institutions which are at the three vertices of a
triangle should converge at some nucleus through coordinated research in both
conventional and emerging fields catering to the need of the industry, which will be
transferred to the industry and also amalgamated in the engineering curricula.

To improve upon the present technical education system and incorporate the aforesaid
observations one major step would be to modify the engineering curriculum with the
following main objectives:
A. Greater emphasis on design oriented teaching, teaching of design methodologies,
problem-solving approach.
B. Greater exposure to industrial and manufacturing processes.
C. Exclusion of outmoded technologies and inclusion of the new appropriate and
emerging technologies.
D. Greater input of management education and professional communication skills.
2.1 Design-oriented Teaching
Engineering is a design-oriented activity and engineering design is the most
important ingredient in the education and training of an engineer. It is design that
distinguishes an engineer from a scientist. So, the design content in the
curriculum must be substantiated. Teaching of design methodologies and
problem-solving approaches are essential features of engineering education. In
earlier years, conceptual design, detailed specifications, manufacturing,
assembling, commissioning and testing, formed part of the curriculum in every
discipline. During the decades of sixties and seventies, significant changes in the
engineering curricula took place, influenced largely by the practices in some
western countries. This has resulted in a considerable shift in emphasis from
design-oriented teaching to basic sciences. The introduction of more basic and
engineering science courses has generally been at the cost of design courses and
field work. We must move to emphasize design into engineering education.
Moreover, meaningful project dealing with real life problems should from the
culmination of the education programmes.
2.2 Exposure to practical field
In the industrially advanced countries of the world, there exists a long tradition
of close partnership between academic institutions and industry in promoting
technical education and research. In our country, despite a growing awareness of
the importance of forging linkages between universities and industry, the
interaction between them is still rather limited. Although both sides realize that
this gap needs to be bridged, most of the initiative towards such bridge-building
have come from educational institutions, hitherto with little success. The result is
that education has remained stagnant while industries have advanced. The
curriculum must aim to provide to the student greater exposure of actual
industrial processes. Students projects should be related to actual problems
identified with the help of practicing engineers. Greater stress should be laid on
the practical training of engineering graduates and sandwich programmes should
be encouraged wherever feasible.
2.3 Emerging Technologies
The role of technology is not limited to the production of manpower for the

organized industrial sector alone; it must also cater for the needs of the
infrastructure and service sectors as well as the unorganized and rural sectors.
The scope of enhancing productivity in these sectors by induction of improved
technology is considerable. Most technical institutions in our country today deal
with conventional technologies and disciplines.
We should constantly monitor the developments in emerging technologies and
recommend changes in the curriculum and allocation of proper funds for
development of infra-structural facilities etc. and evolve a formula for the
transfer of the technology to the industry.
Some of the new emerging technologies such as information technology,
communication technology, microelectronics and genetic engineering offer
enormous scope for improving the efficiency of various types of production
2.4 Management Education and Professional Communication Skills
Engineering includes a systems approach to solving problems involving
management of persons, machines and materials. To work with people from
different backgrounds, the engineer has to have some training in behavioral
Sciences, Industrial Psychology etc. Also communication skills are as important
as management and engineering skills. The engineering curriculum therefore
needs to include courses on communication skills along with economics, finance
and marketing. Group discussions, seminars, symposia should also be a part of
the curriculum.


The teaching is reckoned in terms of credits based on contact hours. The contact hours
is sum of lecture, tutorial & practical hours. One lecture hour per week is rated as one
credit and two tutorial or two practical hours per week are rated as one credit.
Depending upon the structure of the courses its credit will be rated as for example a
course of 3-0-0 will carry three credits, 3-2-0 will carry four credits 3-2-2 will carry
five credits, 0-0-6 will carry three credits and so on. Under exceptional circumstances
weights for lecture hour, tutorial, practical hour may vary slightly. Unit system
currently followed in some of the institutions may be suitably related to the credit
system in order to facilitate their interpretation by institutions within the country or
A course with L T P loading of 3-1-2 or 3-2-2 or 0-0-6 may be considered as one unit
to be taught in a semester. This definition of unit however should not be considered as
rigid. It is only a guide line and variations may occur depending upon the nature of
the subject, the home work required and the intensity of the courses.
The degree program should be so arranged that each semester cover 25 to 30 credits.
In addition, a provision of some contact hours per week should be made for informal
discussions/consultation and counseling with the students. For this purpose 5 contact

hours per week are considered as adequate for a class. Accordingly, this additional
teaching load has to be provided for the teachers and be reflected in the time table.
4. Course Duration: Information not available
The subject materials to be included in a four-year degree program in engineering
need to be sub-divided as below:

5.1 General 5-10%

It will be desirable to have a minimum of one course in each of the areas as
i. Language/Communication skills
ii. Humanities and Social Sciences
iii. Economics and Principles of Management
iv. NSS, NCC, NSO, Rural Development
All these courses should cover the basics only. Advanced courses if considered
desirable should be offered from the time allotted in professional courses. For
students deficient in English language, special courses should be provided
outside the normal contact time.
5.2 Basic Science 15-25%
It will be desirable to have a minimum of one course in each of the areas at
i. Computer Literacy with Numerical Analysis
ii. Mathematics
iii. Physics
iv. Chemistry
Institutions may strengthen their curricula with common additional courses
required by them as per their need to make up a maximum to 25% of the contact
time available.
5.3 Engineering sciences and Technical Arts15-25%
It will be desirable to have a minimum of one course in each of the areas as
i. Engineering graphics
ii. Workshop Practice
iii. Engineering Mechanics
iv. Electrical Science I (Basic Electrical Engineering)
v. Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
vi. Material Science and Engineering
vii. Electrical Science II (Electronics and Instrumentation)
It is also suggested that courses like (1) Engineering Systems Design (2)

Building Materials (3) Surveying (4) Transport Phenomena may also form a part
of this core curriculum.
5.4 Professional subjects 55-65%
Each engineering discipline will have it own minimum number of core courses.
Rest of the courses will cover professional subjects as per list suggested by
experts, in line with the academic regulations of the institution.
Wherever possible, about 10% Electives should be made available to the
students. Open interdisciplinary electives allow a student to diversify his/her
spectrum of knowledge. Accordingly, it is desirable that these electives be also
taken from outside the main discipline. In order to create a variety of individual
skill and profile, it will be desirable to have a provision for some audit (noncredit) courses during the last two years of the degree program.
In the case of laboratory practicals a bank of experiments be prepared, and every
year new experiments/modifications be introduced. A majority of experiments
should preferably be open-ended. The students are expected to work by
themselves without the aid of technicians.
Further, there should be continuous evaluation in tutorials, practical work,
laboratory and project assignments.
An engineering institute shall have the staff as given below:
i. Principal and teaching faculty
ii. Workshop Staff
iii. Technical Supporting Staff
iv. Library and Computer Centre Staff
v. Administrative Staff
vi. Maintenance staff and other miscellaneous staff

8.1 Faculty Cadre

The faculty structure should be as follows:
i. Lecture/Senior Lecturer/Senior Lecture (S.G.)
ii. Assistant Professor/Reader
iii. Professor
iv. Principal
8.2 Faculty Structure
The knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of staff are aspects which greatly
contribute to their own individual effectiveness as well as to institutional
performance. In addition to the norms on pattern and structure of staff, guidelines

should also emphasize on the process of recruitment, development as well as

The norms herein stipulated are primarily for an engineering institution with an
annual intake of 180 to 240 students. These norms will have to be modified for
various programmes offered by specific institution e.g. part-time, sandwich
pattern, single discipline or based on multi point entry and credit system or
distance learning mode.
The faculty structure will be based on the norms as given below:
8.3 Cadre distribution-flexibility
The desirable ratio for Professor, Assistant Professor, lecture could be 1:2:4 for
each engineering department. However, for Undergraduate courses, a minimum of
1 Professor and 2 Asst. Professor/Readers at the senior level of the faculty for each
course being offered may be ensured. This is to provide for situations where the
institution may not be able to identify Programmes to ensure appropriate senior
faculty at the U.G. level also.
As far as the Science and Humanities departments are concerned, there is need for
a senior faculty member at Professor level provided it is ensured that such a senior
faculty member is involved in inter-disciplinary activities in Applied Science and
Mathematics. Therefore, while the need for a Professor will depend upon the level
of academic activities, the recruitment of an Assistant Professor in each of the
these departments even at the stage of establishment of the institution is required.
However, in either case efforts should be made to reach the desirable ratio.
8.4 Student Teacher ratio
The student staff ratio in a class will depend upon:
i. teacher's time required for formal instruction and contact hours
ii. student time devoted to formal learning requiring teacher's contact and
iii. class size and type of instructions
The desirable student to teacher ratio for engineering degree program for the
model curriculum will be 10:1. However, it should not be allowed to rise beyond
Further, there should be continuous evaluation in tutorials, practical work,
laboratory and project assignments.
Student-teacher ratio
Theory lecture class




Lab. Practical/Workshop/drawing


Project work


8.5 Training and Placement of students

Each institute should have a Training and Placement cell headed by an Officer of

the cadre of Professor and who is responsible for developing linkages between
institution and industry/corporate bodies. He should evaluate the job potential for
students passing from different branches of Engineering and arrange for in-campus
interview, and in-plant training etc. If it is not possible to find full time Professor
for placement and training, it is suggested to appoint one of the Heads of
Department as Placement Officer (Professor), who should be assigned a nominal
workload of teaching also. This training and Placement Officer may have an
officer who may serve as Public Relation Officer (PRO).
8.6 Training and Leave Reserve
To enable institutions to sponsor teacher for staff development programmes and to
allow teachers to avail leave to which they are entitled, it is necessary that
adequate reserve capacity should be available in accordance with leave training
reserves sanctioned by Central/Staff Government from time to time. It will be
desirable to have about 10% staff in excess.
8.7 Selection and Recruitment of the Teaching Staff
The positions of faculty members should be filled up through an open selection
process. The post of senior lecturers and lecturers (selection grade) shall be filled
by promotion from the cadre of lecturers. Institution should adopt reliable and
valid procedures for selecting candidates on the basis of competence-knowledge
skill attitude and values required for the profession, adhering to the stipulation
regarding qualification and experience.
8.8 Qualification, Experience and Scales of Pay
As prescribed by AICTE from time to time.
8.9 Performance Appraisal
A performance appraisal system for teachers should be set-up, well integrated with
institutional functioning and this should lead to the identification of individual
training and development needs. This should also enable the identification of
faculty members whose performance is outstanding. Such performance and
excellence should be well-recognized and rewarded. All institutions should
introduce a system for performance-appraisal conforming with the guidelines
formulated in the regard.
8.10 Training and Development
Teachers will be provided with opportunity to improve their qualifications through
quality improvement programmes. The opportunities will be provided for
pedagogy and professional training.
Under the Quality Improvement Program a variety of short-term courses will be
provided to meet training needs for all levels of teacher. States and institutions
would have to plan in advance their training requirement and will deploy teachers

on an annual basis for making use of these programmes.

Training of teachers is expected to contribute both towards their professional
development and improvement in career prospects.
8.11 Technical and Other Staff
The Workshop Superintendent should be of a cadre of an Assistant Professor with
nominal teaching workload. The Asstt. Superintendent Workshop (ASW)/Foreman
in the Workshop should be given a cadre equivalent to that of Lecturer. The six
workshop facilities consist of Carpentry, Welding, Smithy, Machine Shop, Fitting
and Sheet Metal Shop. Each of these facilities would have a mechanic and an
attendant. All these facilities should be headed by a ASW/Foreman.
The ratio of non-teaching (inclusive of administrative, ministerial, technical and
other unskilled and semiskilled staff) to teaching staff should not exceed 3:1.
8.11.1 Library Staff
Library should be provided with the necessary staff to enable it to be
available to the staff and students for at least 12 hours in a day. It is
suggested that the library should consist of one librarian, one assistant
librarian and four library assistants
8.11.2 Physical Education Staff
Sufficient facilities should be provided to enable the student to develop
the skills in sports and games. It is suggested that one physical education
director, one assistant physical education director and two attendants
should be available.
8.12 Administrative Staff and Non-Teaching Staff in Institute
Registrar cum Adm. Officer

Medical Officer (Part-time)

Office Superintendents
Senior Stenographer and PA to Principal


Senior Assistants


Junior Assistants


Mechanics (Electrician, Plumber, Carpenter etc.)





* Watchmen


* As per requirement of the Institution.

8.12.1 Laboratory Staff
Each laboratory should be in the charge of a teaching staff assisted by a
senior laboratory technician / laboratory technician and an attendant.

8.12.2 Computer Centre

The Computer Centre shall be a centralized service center for the use of
students and staff of the college. The computer center shall have a
computer system with CAD facilities, a high speed printed and a plotter.
There should be 30 terminals in the Computer Centre. The Head of the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering discipline shall also be
the Head of the Computer Centre if the discipline exists in the institute.
There shall be one System Manager, One System Analyst and at least one
Computer Programmer and two Computer Operators in the Computer
8.13 Visiting Faculty and Guest Lecturers
In view of the paucity of teachers in specialized subjects in order to cater to
instructional requirements, visiting Faculty should be resorted to. However, the
institution should be discouraged from exclusive dependence on visiting/part-time
faculty on continuous basis in lieu of essential regular faculty.
Further, it is recommended that the institution should arrange, for the benefit of
final year students, a minimum of 5 guest lectures from eminent people having
high profile in profession.
Introduction of courses in emerging areas should be encouraged. Courses, which are
identified as emerging areas, are Electronics, Bio-Medical Engineering, Computers,
Environmental Engineering, Robotics, Industrial Engineering, Power Systems, Power
Electronics, Biotechnology, and Instrumentation etc. There should be continuous effort to
explore new areas under this category and enough thrust should be given to develop these
new areas. Possibility of introduction of these programmes in the form of appropriate
electives to start with, might also be explored as this would help in creating a minimum
of necessary infrastructure.


To make maximum use of available facilities (resources), sharing of resources among the
institutions closely located should be encouraged.
It goes without saying that similar facilities should not be duplicated within one
institution by different departments. Facilities existing in one department should be freely
available to another within the institution. Central facilities could be established for
teaching/research/ consultancy work.
It will be desirable to have a consortium-approach of having centralized laboratories of
sophisticated instrumentation by mobilization of funds from the group of
departments/institutions and share those facilities. This scheme can be adopted where the
institutions can form themselves as a group to achieve both optimization of resources and
also overall fiscal economy.


A useful addition for an education institution is the establishment of an Alumni
Association. This structure maintains an emotional contact between the 'old' and 'new'
and provides channel for inflow of resources, whether it may be financial or advisory.
Though not as a norm but as a recommendation, each institution may provide secretarial
service to this Association.


12.1 General
The norms for space and buildings have been arrived at, based on the functions, a
technical institution offering degree or equivalent programmes, has to perform. In
all the cases, unit norms have been evolved taking the absolute minimum needs,
which are indicated as norms. As such the institutions, while envisaging their
space and building requirements, must keep their perspectives for development in
mind and formulate their plans accordantly.
Around the administrative building, classrooms and drawing halls there is
considerable movement of students and, therefore, there must be adequate
veranda space in this part of the college building so that the classes do not get
disturbed. For this reason, the ratio of plinth to carpet area for the normal building
may be taken as 1.4, while that for Workshop type of space this ratio will be 1.25.
12.2 Classification of Building Area
The building area required for an engineering institution can be classified as
instructional area, administrative area, amenities area and residential area.
Instructional area will include classrooms, tutorial rooms, drawing halls,
laboratories, workshops, computer center, library, instructional resource center,
seminar hall etc.
Administrative area comprises Principle's room, visitors lounge, staff rooms,
college office, departmental offices, stores, conference room, confidential room,
Area for amenities consists of common rooms, recreation center, hobby center,
offices for Gymkhana, N.C.C., N.S.S. and Alumni Association, Co-operative
Stores, Dispensary, etc.
Residential area includes student and staff hostels, staff quarters and guesthouse.
12.3 Building Space for Instructional Area
The course structure of any technical institution degree program will include
lectures, tutorials, drawing and design work, laboratory work and
seminars/colloquium. The college must have adequate building areas for all these
instructional activities.
According to the model curriculum, during different semesters, the total number

of hours per week for which the student is to have contact with the teacher will
vary between 27 to 34. In view of this, for the instructional schedule, if spread
over a period of 34 hours a week, the college can work for six hours from
Monday to Friday and for four hours on Saturdays. (* In technical institution the
period is envisaged to be of one hour's duration.)
The student strength in a theory class should not exceed 60. The class be divided
into smaller group of 20 in case of junior (I, II, III & IV semester) classes and 15
students for the senior (V, VI, VII & VIII semester) and a teacher is assigned to
each group. In case of tutorial work, these smaller groups must be accommodated
in separate rooms.
For drawing and design assignments, the class can have a maximum size of 60
students but one teacher must be assigned to each group of 15 to 20 students for
the junior/senior classes as in the case of tutorial and practical classes.
The seminars/colloquium of the senior students must be conducted with the entire
class of a particular discipline.
The model curriculum lays considerable stress on undergraduate project work. It
provides 2-3 hours in the seventh semester for project work and 12-16 hours in
the eighth semester. Though the students are to work on the assigned project
work consulting the teacher-supervisor whenever required.
In the case of workshop practice classes for junior students, which emphasise the
skills component of the training, the classes will have to be divided into smaller
groups and work assigned in different shops. Considering the specific nature of
training, the workshop practice classes of Junior students can have a maximum
batch strength of 20 students. However, senior class ( i.e. V, VI, VII & VIII
semester) must have a batch strength of 15 students as in the case of any other
12.3.1 Number of Rooms for Theory Classes
The number of rooms required for the theory class can be determined by
applying the following relationship.
NL = Number of rooms required for the lecture classes
TL = Total number of students in the College belonging to all classes of
all disciplines attending theory classes of the given strength SL. This
number depends on the admissions to different disciplines
Class strength i.e. the number of students in the class.
A = A factor obtained on the basis of
i. lecture hours per week per class, say 15
ii. Average teaching hours per week say 30
iii. utilisation factor of lecture rooms, say 0.66
A = (15)/(30*0.66)=0.75
12.3.2 Number of Rooms for Tutorial work
The number of rooms required for the tutorial work can be determined by
applying the following relationship.
NT = Number of rooms required for conducting tutorial classes.
ST = Class strength for tutorial. Tutorial must have a strength of 20 in

case of 1st and 2nd year classes, whereas in the case of senior classes it
should be limited to 15. Hence an average value of 17.5 can be assumed.
TL = Total Number of students in the College belonging to all classes of
all discipline who attend tutorial classes in groups of 15 to 20.
B = A factor obtained on the basis of
i. Average number of tutorial hours per week per class, say 7.0
ii. Teaching hours per week, say 30.
iii. Utilisation factor say 0.66.
B = (7.0)/(30*0.66)=1/3.0
12.3.3 Number of Drawing Halls
One drawing hall of 175 sqm. is needed up to the intake of 240 students
in first year. If the intake exceeds 240 students per year, then two such
halls be provided. It has been worked on the basis of teaching load
common for all branches. Teaching load for Drawing of other than first
year students is to be adjusted in tutorial rooms. The Computer graphic
laboratories is to be provided separately in computer Centre for
Engineering & Technology students.
12.3.4 Rooms Size for Theory Classes, Tutorial Work and Drawing Halls
The carpet area requirement of the class rooms and tutorial rooms
depends upon the number and type of seating arrangement for the
students and provisions for a platform, a table and a chair for the teacher.
In an Engineering & Technology class, very frequently students make
use of a data book, a calculator and note book. As such he will require
slightly more spacious desk as compared to the requirements of classes
for students of general education. Further, as the space required for the
teacher will remain the same irrespective of the class strength, the per
student requirement of carpet area will increase with the decrease in class
The drawing hall will have to be provided with drawing tables and stools
for the students. The drawing tables must be arranged with passages so
that the teacher can approach the drawing table of each student. The
drawing halls will also be provided with a platform for the teacher.
Considering the above requirements and the sizes of class room furniture
and drawing tables normally used in the institution, the following carpet
area norms per student are prescribed for class rooms of different sizes
and drawing halls.
Type of Rooms Carpet Area Requirementin Sqm / student
Classification of size Minimum Desirable
Class rooms for 15-20 students 1.3 1.5
Class rooms for 30-40 students 1.2 1.4
Class rooms for 60 students 1.1 1.3
Drawing / examination halls for 60 students 2.5 2.5
12.3.5 Laboratories
The requirements of the laboratories depend upon the programmes that
are being offered by the institution and the curricula adopted for these
programmes irrespective of the students population. The norms for the
carpet area of the different laboratories are given in the Table below.
Care should be taken to provide laboratories in all allied subjects to be

taught in a program. For example, if a college is running a degree

program in computer engineering only, then laboratories from group E
and H both will have to be provided.
S.No. Laboratory Batch Size Norms for Carpet Area (sq.m.)
A. Core Courses
1. Physics 20 200
2. Chemistry 20 175
3. Mechanics and Kinematics 20 100
4. Materials Testing Strength of Material 20 200
*5. Electrical Science i. Electronics ii. Elect. Engg. 20 200
6. Computer Centre 200 300
B. Civil Engineering Courses
1. Structural Engg. 15 250
2. Fluid Mechanics 15 300
3. Engineering Geology 15 100
4. Geo-technical Engg. 15 200
5. Transportation Engg. 15 100
6. Environmental Engg. 15 100
7. Surveying Stores 100
C. Electrical Engineering Courses
1. Electrical Machines (Electro mechanics) 20 350
2. Power system Protection 20 150
3. Measurement & Inst. 20 150
4. Drives & Power Electronics 20 150
5. Control Systems 20 100
6. Microprocessor 20 100
7. Applied Electronics/Project 20 100
D. Mechanical Engineering Courses
1. Thermal Science
i. Stream
ii. I.C.
iii. Refrig.
iv. Heat Transfer 20 500
2. Fluid Machines 20 200
3. Measurements 20 100
4. Dynamics of Machines 20 100
5. Metrology 20 100
6. Machine Tools 20 100
E. Electronics and Communications Engg. Courses
1. Electronic Circuit 15 75
2. Switching and Digital Circuit 15 75
3. Control System 15 75
4. Microwave Devices 15 75
5. Communication System 15 75
F. Chemical Engineering Courses
1. Unit operations I Fluid/Particle Mechanics 15 100
2. Unit Operations IIHeat & Mass Transfer 15 100
3. Energy Engineering 15 50

4. Reaction Engineering and Process Dynamics and control 15 100

G. Metallurgical Engineering Courses
1. Metallography 15 50
2. Mineral Dressing 15 50
3. Extractive Metallurgy 15 50
4. Metal Forming 15 75
5. Heat Treatment 15 100
6. Corrosion 15 50
H. Computer Engineering Courses
1. Computer Software 15 50
2. Computer Hardware & Microprocessor 15 75
3. Computer Graphics 15 50
4. Computer Design 15 50
I. Production/Manufacturing Engineering
1. CAD/CAM system 15 75
2. Robotics and Automation 15 50
3. Non-Traditional Machine 15 50
4. Production Management 15 50
* This lab is not necessary if the Electrical Engineering Degree
program is also running.
The above areas do not include the rooms of the teaching staff even
though such staff rooms are attached to the laboratories. However, they
do include the sitting space for the technical supporting staff and storage
of laboratory consumables and instruments.
12.3.6 Workshops
The workshop of an engineering college, must have the following shops :
Carpentry including Pattern Shop
Fitting Shop
Smithy Shop
Welding Shop
Painting and Sheet metal shop
Foundry shop
Machine shop
Accordingly to the model syllabi, two courses on workshop practice are
to be offered to all branches in engineering during the 1st and 2nd
semesters. During the first semester each student has to complete about
10 to 12 exercise in Carpentry, Fitting and Smithy shops and the total
batch periods of engagement will be 45. In the 2nd semester students all
branches have to complete 10 to 12 exercises in welding, painting, sheetmetal. Foundry and Machine shops and for this course also the batch
period of engagement will be 45. In addition, students of Mechanical
Engineering program are required to undertake in 5th and 6th semesters
courses on Production Processes I and II which are practical components
to be carried out in the workshops. For each of these courses the batch
period engagement of the workshop will be 12.
To accommodate the equipment and infrastructural facilities, to organize
the above mentioned course work to provide facilities for student projects

and maintenance of equipment, the workshop of the engineering colleges

must have a minimum carpet area of 900 Sqm. Since an industrial shed is
more suitable for a workshop, the plinth area will be 1.25 times the carpet
area. Thus, the norms for the plinth area of the workshop will be 1125.
12.3.7 Teaching Aids
Every class room should be provided by an Over Head Projector (OHP).
In addition, VCR, TV and Video Cassettes of various educational
programmes should also be available.
12.3.8 Other Space in the Department
In addition to the teaching space, the norms for building requirement in a
teaching department for other purposes are as below:
Carpet Area(Sq.m.)
Head of Department 20
Departmental Office 25
Faculty norms 10 per teacher
Library (Departmental) 30
Seminar Room 30
Store 10
Drawing/Reprographic facilities 20
12.3.9 Central Library
The central library for an admission of 240 students per year will have a
carpet area of 400 Sqm.
At the time of establishing a technical institution with three branches,
there should be a minimum of 4000 volumes in the Library distributed as
i. Each branch will have 250 titles with four multiple copies.
ii. In subjects like Mathematics, Humanities, Physics, Chemistry, etc.
there should be total of 1000 volumes.
There should be a minimum of 12 technical journals - 6 Indian and 6
International for each branch of engineering. While this is essential for
institutions offering P.G. programme, the number of International
Journals may be relaxed, though preferred for those offering only U.G.
Accordingly, the norms for the initial stock of books, yearly addition of
books and the number of journals to be subscribed are as given below:



Initial Stock of Books for three branches in



a. Each Branch of Engg. (A)

b. Mathematics, Applied Physics Applied
Chemistry, Humanities, Social Science and
Management Science (B)


Yearly addition of Books (Average)

a. For (A) 1 title per student admitted to the branch
b. For (B) 0.2 title per student admitted per year

(in each


Number of Tech. Journals

a. For (A) 12 (6 National + 6 International)
b. For (B) 12 (6 National + 6 International)

12.4 Building Space for Administrative Offices

The Space to be provided for administrative office in technical institution/college
will be as per norms given below :
Carpet area (Sq.m)
Principal's office 30
Store Room 20
Conference Room 100
Reception Office 25
Main Office 300 (for intake of 240 per year)
Administrative office 20
Maintenance & Estate Office 40
12.5 Building Space for Amenities
Some of the developed institutions in the country provide several amenities for
students and staff. However, the minimum unavoidable requirements for such
amenities for normal functioning of the Institute are given below alongwith the
norms for the Building space.
12.5.1 Student's Activity Centre
This will consist of provisions for the indoor games, gymnasium,
dramatics and alumni center etc. The norms for building are 0.25 sq.m
per student
12.5.2 Open Air Theatre
The college building and the hostels will be provided with adequate
number of toilet blocks with urinals, lavatories and washbasins. It will
also be necessary to provide separately one toilet block for women in the
college building.
12.5.3 Toilet Blocks
The college building and the hostels will be provided with adequate
number of toilet blocks with urinals, lavatories and washbasins. It will
also be necessary to provide separately one toilet block for women in the
college building.
Education Building Hostel
10 Sq.m for each 100 student population 75 sq.m. for each unit of 120
12.5.4 Cycle and Scooter Stand
This will be provided as open or covered area at the rate of 15 percent of
the plinth area of the college building.
12.5.5 Play Fields
The institution must be provided with play fields so that the students can
have adequate participation in games and sports for healthy and
constructive activities within the campus. The facilities anticipated are

athletics-track, cricket field, a football field a hockey field, a volleyball

court, a basket ball court, four badminton courts and a tennis court. The
norms for the above space will be a total of 25,000 sq.m.
12.5.6 Other Amenities
The norms of space (Carpet area) or other miscellaneous amenities are as
given below :


Cooperative Stores


NCC Office cum Stores


12.6 Building Space for Residential Area

The hostel requirements depend on the variety of factors like the location of the
institution, the region from which students are admitted, local availability of
accommodation and that of transport. Though, the requirement for residences for
teachers and other employees of the institution also depend upon these factors but
at the same time it is necessary to provide an attraction to the new teachers from
far of places by providing suitable accommodation at the campus.
12.6.1 Hostels
Location of College Hostel Strength
Within 20 km. of a large city 25% of boys and 50% of girls enrollment
Other locations 50% of boys and 100% of girls enrollment
The boy's hostel will be made as a unit for 120 students while there is not
minimum for a girls-hostel unit. The first year students will be
accommodated in triple seated rooms while others will be given single
seated rooms. The norms for the room areas will be as below :

Area (Sq.m.)

Single room

Triple seated room


The other building space needed in a hostel unit will be as per norm
given below :

Area (Sq.m.)

Kitchen and Dining Hall


Indoor games cum Common hall


Medical room

50 (for all hostels)



Warden Office


(* Four addition rooms of 9 sq.m. each within the hostel blocks)

12.6.2 Staff Residences
The minimum residential accommodation that should exist in the campus
should be for the Principal, all Heads of Departments, all Warden and the
essential staff including a Caretaker, an electrician, a driver, a water
supply operator and chowkidars.
The building space for residences will be as per norms given below :




Asst. Professor/Lecturer


Class III staff


Class IV staff


12.6.3 Teachers Hostel

It will be desirable to have a hostel type accommodation for 25% strength
of the teachers with the norms of 30 sqm. carpet area per teacher
inclusive of an attached toiled room.
12.6.4 Guest Houses
To meet the needs of the guests visiting the institution for official work
and the parents visiting the students it will be necessary to have a guest
12.7 Furniture
All laboratories, library, workshops, lecture and tutorial rooms offices hostels and
Guest house etc. should be adequately furnished. No norms for the furniture are
begin laid, however it is expected that the furniture should conform to the
requirement of a dignified institution, The Institution may equip the buildings
with the furniture as available indigenously.
12.8 Land
It will not be desirable to set the norms for the land requirements for an
engineering college because of existing high pressure on land availability and
other similar factors. If enough land is not available near a large town, the double
and triple storey construction may have to be resorted to. However, it will be
desirable to have the total land area so as all requirements of the building space
are fully met as envisaged in these norms.
In addition, it will be necessary to have additional land available within the
campus for future expansion, with a norm of about 3 times the constructed area.
Keeping all these points in view it is expected that a new engineering institution
located in non-metro location will have a land of about 20 acres at its disposal
before starting.

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