Systems Analysis and Design UIG
Systems Analysis and Design UIG
Systems Analysis and Design UIG
S1 2015
This information should be read in conjunction with the online learning materials which can
be found on your MyUnits page.
The information in this guide is accurate as of 25 February 2015. Please see the LMS
site for any updates.
Unit coordinator
Dr Val Hobbs
School of Engineering and Information Technology
Science and Computing 1.009
This publication is copyright. Except as permitted by the Copyright Act no part of it may in
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written permission of the publisher.
Murdoch University
Unit information
Information about the unit
Contact details
How to study this unit
Resources for the unit
Study schedule
Note: This information should be read in conjunction with the online learning
materials which can be found on your MyUnits page.
Murdoch University
Murdoch University
Unit description
This unit introduces methods and techniques for analysing problematic organisational
situations, particularly those leading to the development of an information system, and draws
on both technical and organisational material to provide the knowledge and skills necessary
to design and implement an operational system.
ICT102 Introduction to Computer Science OR ICT105 Introduction to Information Technology
OR ICT108 Introduction to the Internet and Multimedia OR ICT159 Foundations of
Programming OR ICT158 Introduction to Information Systems.
Murdoch University
8. Develop and choose between different alternatives for the development of an information
system that meets a set of analysed requirements.
9. Prepare an appropriate system proposal document specifying the above, written with a
client focus in mind.
10. Develop appropriate high-level and detailed design of a system, including input, output,
user interface, and distribution aspects.
Social interaction
A capacity to relate to and collaborate with others to exchange views and ideas and
to achieve desired outcomes through teamwork, negotiation and conflict resolution
Students will be required to interact and collaborate with others through tutorial
discussion and interaction during lectures.
An awareness of and sensitivity to ethics and ethical standards on interpersonal and
social levels, and within a field of study and/or profession
Skills in this area will be developed through an understanding of the human roles
associated with information systems. Issues of academic integrity will also be
Murdoch University
Social justice
An acknowledgment of and respect for equality of opportunity, individual and civic
responsibility, other cultures and times, and an appreciation of cultural diversity.
Students will be exposed to cultural diversity as it impacts on information systems.
Global perspective
An awareness of and respect for the social, biological, cultural and economic
interdependence of global life.
Students will be exposed to global trends in information systems in order to build
understanding of the global implications of themes, issues or problems in the unit.
A capacity to acquire knowledge and understanding of fields of study beyond a single
The nature of this unit requires that students develop understanding of both information
technology and management aspects of information systems.
This unit was originally developed by Dr Val Hobbs, based on the unit ICT231 developed by
Dr Nik Thompson and Associate Professor Tanya McGill
Murdoch University
Contact details
Unit Coordinator contact details
Name: Dr Val Hobbs
Room: Science and Computing (Building 245) 1.009
Phone: +61 8 9360 2817
Tutor contact details
You will be notified who your tutor will be at the beginning of the teaching period. The tutor
will provide you with his or her contact details.
Technical help
For technical difficulties contact the IT Service Desk:
phone +61 8 9360 2000
For difficulties with other online materials contact the Unit Coordinator.
Murdoch University
Contact time
There are two hours of lectures for each of 11 teaching weeks of the teaching period. One
of these lecture slots will be given over to the mid-term assessment for students. Note that
due to the public holiday there is no lecture in Week 5.
There is one hour of tutorials/labs per week for each of the usual 12 teaching weeks of the
teaching period, including week 5.
Time commitment
As this is a 3 credit point unit, there is an expectation that, over the course of the teaching
period, you will spend somewhere in the region of 150 hours working on this unit. This will
generally equate to somewhere between 8 and 10 hours per week, inclusive of lectures and
Attendance requirements
Attendance is not compulsory at either the lectures or the tutorials/labs, however it is
strongly recommended for internal students. Participation in tutorials/labs and tutorial
activities form a part of the overall assessment for internal students. This should be taken
into consideration when determining your timetable.
Murdoch University
Online resources
The following will be provided during the teaching period:
lecture slides
lecture recordings
tutorial/lab handouts
articles on the web
articles on Electronic Reserve (access via e-Reserve link to ICT284 on Library page.
Note that we may also make use of articles listed under ICT231 e-Reserve)
Other resources
There are many texts on systems analysis and design and you may wish to consult some of
them to gain a broader perspective on the subject. Some texts that cover relevant material
are listed below.
Bennett, S., McRobb, S. and Farmer, R. (2002) Object-oriented systems analysis and design
using UML, McGraw-Hill.
Bentley, L.D. and Whitten, J.L (2007) Systems analysis and design for the global enterprise,
Bittner, K. and Spence, I. (2002) Use case modelling, Addison-Wesley Professional.
Electronic copy available through Murdoch Library
Curtis, G. and Cobham, D. (2001) Business information systems: analysis, design, and
practice, Prentice Hall.
Fowler, M. (2004) UML distilled: A brief guide to the standard object modelling language,
Addison-Wesley. Electronic copy available through Murdoch Library
Hawryszkiewycz, I. T. (2001) Introduction to systems analysis and design, Prentice-Hall.
Hoffer, J.A., George, J.F., and Valacich, J.S. (2008) Modern systems analysis and design,
Pearson Prentice-Hall.
Murdoch University
Kendall, K. E. and Kenneth J. E. (2005) Systems analysis and design, Pearson Prentice-Hall.
Kulak, D. and Guiney, E. (2003) Use cases: Requirements in context, Addison-Wesley
Miles, R. and Hamilton, K. (2006) Learning UML 2.0, O'Reilly Media, Inc. Electronic copy
Whitten, J. L., Bentley, L. D., and Dittman, K. C. (2004), Systems Analysis and Design
Methods, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill.
Your textbook also suggests other readings at the end of each chapter.
You should also get into the habit of reading relevant computer magazines and newspaper
articles. This will help you to keep up to date with the new developments in IT that systems
analysts must be aware of.
Computing resources
Students should ensure that they have access to the Internet to download unit materials and
any additional readings that may be specified, and for use to complete the tutorial activities
and assignments.
For internal students, all required software is available in the computer laboratories that will
be used for classes.
As the practical sessions and assignments in this unit make use of Microsoft Visio and
Microsoft Project, you should ensure you have access to these applications.
You should also ensure you have access to the Internet to download unit materials and any
additional readings that may be specified.
The School has an arrangement with Microsoft that allows IT students free access to several
applications including Visio and Project. Should you wish to do so, you will be able to burn
copies of these applications and install them on your own computer. You will receive further
details of this by email early in the semester.
If you are unable to use Windows applications at home due to being of the Apple persuasion,
then you may wish to look into alternatives. There is a big list here:
However, please note, claiming that Software X that you used instead of the prescribed
applications is not a valid excuse for not meeting the requirements of the assignment. You
will still lose marks in your assignments if your work is messy, badly organized and/or does
not use the diagramming notation that is taught in the course (and in the practical sessions).
Murdoch University
Study schedule
This timetable will help you to plan your study over the semester. The timetable is not fixed:
always check LMS for up to date information. As the tutorials are all scheduled before the
lecture, they will normally cover the previous weeks lecture topic.
Topic 1: Introduction to
Systems Analysis and
Ch. 1.
Tutorial 1
Topic 2: Investigating
Ch. 2
Tutorial 2
Ch. 3
Tutorial 3
Topic 4: Domain
Ch. 4
Tutorial 4
Assessment + Due
Tutorial 5
Non-Teaching Week
Topic 5: Extending
Ch. 5
Tutorial 6
Ch. 1-5
Tutorial 7
Topic 6: Essentials of
Ch. 6
Tutorial 8
Ch. 7
Tutorial 9
Non-Teaching Week
Topic 8: Evaluating
alternatives +Approaches
to system development
Ch. 8 +
Tutorial 10
Topic 9: Project
Ch. 9
Tutorial 11
Ch. 13
Tutorial 12
Murdoch University
Assessment for this unit is conducted in accordance with the Assessment Policy:
Short/extended response
answers covering material
in Topics 1-5
LO 1-5
Lecture, week 8
Case study
LO 4,5,9,10
End week 13
Class Participation
LO 1-10
Tutorial exercises
LO 1-10
4 submissions:
see LMS for
LO 1-10
Exam period
Assessment details
Detailed instructions for assessment items, including the due date and time, and the
assessment criteria, will be provided with each of the assessment items during the semester.
The final examination in this unit will be held during the appropriate examination period. It will
be closed book and 2 hours duration. The examination will assess students attainment of all
learning objectives.
Murdoch University
As this is a new unit, there are no past exam papers; however, past ICT231 exams will cover
much the same material. The lecture in week 14 will also include some information and
guidance about the final exam.
Students should bring appropriate identification to the examination venue.
Students have a right to request to view and discuss their marked examination script within
14 days of the posting of results.
For further information about examinations, refer to
Submit the assignment and sit the final exam and mid-term assessment.
Have an aggregate score for the combined assessment of 50% or better.
Achieve a satisfactory performance in the final examination. A satisfactory
performance is normally considered to be 50% or higher.
Assignment submission
Murdoch University
It is especially important to maintain regular backups of all your practical work. You
should ensure you keep a separate backup on a thumb drive or similar do not rely
solely on your network drive.
Late submission will be penalised at a rate of five percent of the total marks
available for the assignment per day (or part thereof). The deadline for submission
will be specified in LMS and on the assignment. Each assignment will have a final
date by which the assignment will be accepted for marking. Assignments not received
by the final date WILL NOT BE MARKED and will be recorded as a 0.
Where appropriate, Turnitin will be made available for students in this unit.
Murdoch University