Road Proopposal
Road Proopposal
Road Proopposal
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-DhobiBase-Bamti(jagmane-Base Section)
List of Figures:
Figure 3-1: SNRTP Project Districts........................................................................................................................5
Figure 3-2: Conceptual Framework/ Methodology................................................................................................10
Figure 3.11: Consultant's Organization Chart........................................................................................................33
List of Table:
Table 3-1: Related Objectives, Scope, Activities.....................................................................................................7
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-DhobiBase-Bamti(jagmane-Base Section)
List of Acronyms
Annual Average Daily Traffic
Association of American State Highway and Transportation Officials
American Standard for Technical Material
British Standard
Computer Aided Design
California Bearing Ratio
Critical Path Method
Curriculum Vitae
Double Bituminous Surface Treatment
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology
District Development Committee
Department of Roads
District Technical Office
Environment Friendly Road
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Management Guideline
Environmental Management Plan
Environmental Management Action Plan
Equivalent Single Axle Load
Fair Weather Earthen Track
Geo-graphical Information System
Global Positioning System
High Flood Level
Government of Nepal
National Competitive Bidding
Initial Environmental Examination
International Labour Organization
Indian Road Congress
Mountain Risk Engineering
Management Information System
Public Procurement Act
Public Procurement Regulation
Public Work Directives
Quality Management Plan
Request for Proposal
Strengthening the National Rural Transport Programme
Strategic Road Network
Terms of Reference
Transport Research Laboratory
List of Acronyms
AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
Association of American State Highway and Transportation Officials
ADB Asian Development Bank
ASTM American Standard for Technical Material
British Standard
CAD Computer Aided Design
CBR California Bearing Ratio
CPM Critical Path Method
Curriculum Vitae
DBST Double Bituminous Surface Treatment
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Assessment of Roads of Salu-DhobiBase-Bamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Development of roads can be linked closely with development of human civilization. Together with
human civilization it was necessary to visit and communicate between the groups of human settlements
and thus resulted in the development of road network. Such networks, which link the core of a region to
the rings of development leading to the periphery, are essential elements in moving people, products,
and services from one location to another. In this context road is one of the major infrastructures that is
required for overall development of a country. For a developing country like Nepal, roads play vital
roles in lifting up the countrys economical condition. The history of road construction in Nepal is not
long. The road between Amlekhgunj and Bhimphedi constructed back in and around 1930 A. D. (1986
B. S) can be considered as the first road in Nepal. However, after the political change of 1950 (2007 B.
S.) with establishment of democracy, road development was given emphasis with priority. The road
strategies established after B.S 2007 included:
Construction of road between Kathmandu and Indian Boarder;
Construction of East West Highway;
Highways linking Kathmandu to Chinese boarder;
Development of roads to connect economical potential areas;
To connect zonal and district head quarters with East west Highway.
In accordance with the above strategy development and construction of roads in the country was going
on. During the establishment of democracy the total road length in the country was only 376 km and
that was increased to more than 50000 out of which 10835.02 km falls in strategic road network (SRN).
At present the road network is spread throughout the country but some remote areas still remaining
unconnected by the network.
The Government of Nepal (GON) aims to provide all-weather road access to all VDCs by gradually
upgrading the District Road Core Network (DRCN) and providing proper maintenance with the aim of
promoting economic growth, providing access to services and creating sustainable decent jobs in rural
areas. Currently a large majority of roads are only fair-weather and in poor condition, with a large
portion of roads not trafficable. Insufficient maintenance is being carried out, further aggravating the
In this context Office of District Development comittee, Ramechap has prepared its District Transport
Master Plan (MTMP) in transportation sector and implementating these projects as per guidelines of
Government of Nepal,. More than 50,000 km track opening of roads is made all over the nepal, however
almost those roads are non-engineered and costructed without considering the environmental aspect. In
this context DDC Ramechap has started to construct and improve the major DRCN Roads only after
preparing and approval of the detailed survey, design and Initial Environmental Examination Report of
following road,
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Jagmane-Base Road, approx 8km (new construction): The road section starts from Jagmane, Duragaon
VDC and ends at Base, Duragaon VDC. The alignment is fresh new construction and passes through
few settlements and community forests.
DDC Ramechhap intends to utilize services of engineering consulting firs/individual well experienced
in the field of detailed survey, design, and environmental assessment of rural roads for providing
engineering services for detailed design and quantity estimate, together with Initial Environment
Examination (IEE) of Jagmane-Base road Section .
The consultant and its professional staffs have several times gone through the Terms of Reference (ToR)
and Request for Proposal (RFP) provided by the client during preparation of proposal. The ToR
provided is generally clear, very informative & elaborated and has provided adequate basis to develop
the clear vision about the DDC Ramechap its objective, its working modalities, its institutional
arrangement, implementation arrangement, scope of work of that it has to perform during the
assignment period to achieve the expected output, approach & methodology to be adopted for
successful execution of assignment. The ToR has helped a lot for preparing this technical and financial
proposal for successful execution of the assignment with achieving the targeted output.
We understand the objectives as setting out the overall process required by project review of existing
road and its corridor, detail engineering survey and design of proposed road project including pavement
design and others structures, preparation of tender documents and preparation of Detailed Project
Report (DPR). We feel it as very important to bring together, in a clear and structured manner, many
aspects of the assignment in a way that ensures proper assessment of existing situation of the project
roads with focus on adequacy of survey data acquisition and proper analysis, identification of needbased work and design, following the design standards with consideration for innovation and
appropriate technology and environmental friendly design and construction practices.
The objectives of the project are
The main objective of the consulting services is to conduct a preliminary Survey, detailed engineering
survey, assessment of Sub grade soil strength of road alignment ,prepare detail design, drawings, cost
estimate along with environmental assessment of proposed road.
The consultants scope of works shall cover the followings
a. Reconnaissance Survey, Monumentation, Traversing and Chainage Marking
b. Detailed engineering survey of raod alignment and its corridor
c. Assessment of the sub-grade soil strength of road alignment.
d. Design the road details including appropriate local payment options;
e. Prepare working drawings
f. Prepare Survey and design reports
g. Prepare cost estimates with analysis of rates
h. Conduct Environmental screening and prepare the environmental screening document.
i. Prepare ToR for IEE study
j. Conduct Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) survey of the road and
k. Prepare IEE study report.
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Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
The objective of the consultancy service is to carry out detailed engineering survey and design of the
approved road alignment, preparation of detail design and cost estimate to execute road upgrading
works, conduct social and environment management plan along the selected route, preparation of tender
documents and preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Contract Identification No:
4/2072/2073 Salu-Dhobi-Base-Bamti(jagmane-Base section) Road (Chainage: - 0+000 to 8+000) of
proposed roads..
The objectives for the Consultant's services stated in the ToR form the basis to our Approach and
Methodology. The project's logical framework hierarchy is thus summarized as follows (Table 3-1):
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Consulting Objective:
Carry out detailed engineering survey, design, drawings, cost estimate, social and environment
management plans, preparation of tender documents and preparation of Detailed Project Report
Project Component Study/Outputs
review Review of initial outline survey carried out during the prioritisation process.
detailed Detailed engineering survey and design for the improvement of horizontal and vertical
Provision of new structures for drainage management system and road stability and other
Design of pavement as per traffic volume.
Detail assessment of existing road condition.
Preparation of social and environment management plans
preparation Preparation of tender documents and
Scope of Consultancy Services
Basic Data Collection
Review of DTMP prediction of required improvements
Conduct traffic survey and carry out analysis
Determine the sub-grade condition of the existing road alignment by field DCP/CBR tests.
Review of source materials and construction material
Review of previous Geotechnical, Environmental, Scio-economic and Hydrological data
Detailed engineering survey and Investigation
Topographical survey and mapping
Survey of Services to be relocated including Irrigation canal
Design of road geometrics
Hydrological survey
Design of Cross Drainage Structure
Geotechnical Survey
Material Availability Survey
Design of Pavement: Scheduling
Road Safety Audit: Quantity, Rate analysis and Cost
Use of design software
Preparation of Tender Documents
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR)
Reporting Requirement
Inception Report
Draft Report
Final Report
Soft Copy
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
3.16 Table 3-1: Related Objectives, Scope, Activities
3.18 Table 1.1 Relating Objectives, Scope, Activities
3.19 Consulting Objective:
3.20 Carry out review of existing road and its corridor, detailed engineering
survey and design of highway including pavement design and other
structures, preparation of contract documents and preparation of Detailed
Project Report (DPR)
3.21 Project Component Study/Outputs
3.22 review of existing road and its corridor,
3.23 detailed engineering survey and design of highway including pavement
design and other structures,
3.24 preparation of contract documents and
3.25 preparation of detailed project report (DPR) of Belkhet Kirtipur Section &
Kailashkhola Bailpata Section (Total Length 31Km) at Achham District.
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
3.30 Table 3-1: Related Objectives, Scope, Activities
3.33 General Approach
The approach and methodology proposed by the our firm for successful execution of the assignment for
achieving the expected output is based on the guidelines, ToR and Scope of Work etc. provide by the
RFP and this proposal is prepared on basis of past experience of the consultant with some more
elaboration in many aspects for improving the performance of the assignment.
3.34 Our approach to the consulting assignment is based on information given
in the Terms of Reference, understanding of objectives, comments on Terms
of Reference together with our experience gained in road projects in the last
25 years of working in the country. It is imperative that any investment in
the road sector should be commensurate with the corresponding benefits.
Both time and cost are the essential considerations in implementing a
project to maximize the benefits. Other considerations are overall
sustainability of the project in terms of environmental impacts and ease in
operation and maintenance mobilizing indigenous technology, skills and
resources. The Department of Road, having its experience in road
development for more than four decades, has developed strategy, policy and
required expertise in this field. Hence, the Consultant's takes into account
the following main considerations:
3.35 The Main Features Of Approach Are:
Time Management through Proper Planning
We have grouped various activities under the study into task groups, each with a definite completion
period. This will involve required resources for the completion Te of task within the definite period with
efficient and useful output.
Task leader: each task group is assigned a leader, who is qualified and highly experienced in particular
task each sub task will be handled by the leader with coordination with other professionals related to
sub tasks.
Team leader: we have assigned a team leader, who has devoted his 19 years professional carrier in
the field of Highway engineering and other infrastructure development works as an engineer, Team
leader or manager, who will be responsible to coordinate with client, Team Member and other
management works.
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Optimum design is the product of specifically design process which incorporates every element of study
which is responsible to cost minimization while maintaining the functional requirement of said product.
Considering bridge design as a final product, the technical personnels input, material input,
management input, environmental cost input are the potential cost bases. We take care of all the cost
part while selecting appropriate location/site, size, type, material, technology etc. Considering
functional requirement of bridges it should able to pass sufficient traffic flow till its design life safely,
pass design floods without serious impacts in its supporting structures and existing river morphology
and environment around.
Application of Appropriate Technology and Innovative Ideas where applicable
We will be always aware to seek the possibility of applying appropriate technologies and innovative
methods and their implementation during different phases and aspects of project considering their
potential impacts on cost, reliability and performance criteria.
Application of indigenous knowledge, materials and techniques,
Applying modified and latest approaches of modelling and design tools,
Implementation of better and new technologies and materials having high performance which have been
used in other parts of the words.
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Apart from the above the Consultant has considered the following aspects of approach:
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The main objective of the surveys and investigation will be to collect information on present situation of
the Project as required for design of highway and other structures based on which the procurement and
award of civil works contractor will be completed. Hence, a careful selection of appropriate type of
surveys and investigation will be made and carried out to in order to verify the design parameters and
document the changes, which could be used in assessing the adequacy of design, to update the design
and to enable incorporation of specific requirements resulting therein in the contract documents where
possible. This will include topographical survey of road corridor for the design of Ganesh Chowk
Chiyo Bhanjyang Salu-Dhobi-Base-Bamti(jagmane-Base section) Road (Chainage: - 0+000 to 8+000)
of proposed road . Also, the environmental friendly consideration approach will be given during the
design. This will include appropriate measures to mitigate or lessen damages to existing situation or/and
due to proposed works.
The Consultant intends to work with the following specific approaches during assistance;
Mobilization of proposed professional experts
Application of an optimal combination of the methods and technologies as per the client
Full use of technical sanders and procedures for detail engineering design, dt processing and
Full use of computer based software like SW- Design and Auto CAD.
Close contact and effective co-ordination with the project office.
Completion of the proposed services within the stipulated time.
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Our methodology has been designed as a set of carefully considered and interconnected series of
tasks, whose outputs combine to achieve the project objectives, as stated in the ToR. These
objectives are related to activities detailed as tasks and task groups in Table 1.1. This approach,
based on these interlinked task groups, means our work plan relates directly to the objectives. An
overall outline methodology for the performing of the task is presented in Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2
in the following page. It is evident from the flow chart that the Consultant has to undertake a series
of activities in parallel to complete the assignment in the stipulated time frame.
Based on the approach mentioned above, our methodology has been designed as a set of carefully
considered and interconnected series of tasks, whose outputs combine to achieve the project objectives,
as stated in the ToR. These objectives are related to activities detailed as tasks and task groups in Table
3-1. This approach, based on these interlinked task groups, means our work plan relates directly to the
objectives. An overall outline methodology for the performing of the task is presented in Figure 3-2 in
the following page. It is evident from the flow chart that the Consultant has to undertake a series of
activities in parallel to complete the assignment in the stipulated time frame.
These task series have been developed to include all the activities that may be required in order to meet
the ToR requirements. However, in the course of executing the project and as more detailed information
becomes available, these tasks may be revised in line with the actual scope of works. Any such revisions
to the tasks will of course be agreed with DDC/DTO, and incorporated into the Inception Report.
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
l Analysis
and mapping
and study
analysis and
l Analysis
Analysis of
Environmental Assessments
pattern, Land use, develop
IEE, EIA plan, analysis of
alternative, preparation of
EMPP, resettlement plans.
Development of
plan, Geometric
design, structural
Engineering Drawings
Preparation of DPR
incorporation ng
all suggestions.
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Accordingly, our methodology is presented as a series of tasks to achieve the objectives as follows:
These task series have been developed to include all the activities that may be required in order to meet
the ToR requirements. However, in the course of executing the project and as more detailed information
becomes available, these tasks may be revised in line with the actual scope of works. Any such revisions
to the tasks will of course be agreed with DDC/DTO-Ramechhap, and incorporated into the Inception
The detailed activities of work to be performed by the Consultant to fulfil the TOR requirement are
given below:
3.77 Team Management
The Consultant will mobilize staff immediately after signing of the contract and the team leader of
project will plan and mange the work making the schedule of tasks to complete the assignment in
stipulated time. A permanent office with design equipment including furnitures, computers,
software and hardware would be established in the Kathmandu for the Team Leader and other staff.
The Team Leader will work closely and in full cooperation with office of District Development
Committee, District Technical Office. He will maintain proper coordination with project
stakeholders and other authorities and bodies as required Close coordination will be required
between the Consultant's team, DTO staff, stakeholders, and other authorities and bodies required
to engage in approval or consultation on different aspects of the project. Close coordination will be
required between the Consultant's team, DTO staff, stakeholders, and other authorities and bodies
required to engage in approval or consultation on different aspects of the project
The Team Leaders first task will be to confirm the project management structure including setting
out of the responsibilities of all team members and establish lines of communication and line of
command and coordination, which all the team members of the Consultant will strictly follow. The
team leader of project will plan and manage the work making the schedule of tasks to complete the
assignment in stipulated time.
3.78 Data Collection, Review of Existing Road and its Corridor
Engineering Review
The consultants key professionals team will review the alignment and its socio-economic,
engineering and sustainable development effect, probable changes and shifting of alignment and
correctness of alignment during the reconnaissance. Salient details of the road will be noted,
pictures taken. Suitable policy which should be adopted during the selection of the alignment,
probable development of network nearby the existing alignment and approach road will be
identified by the consultant's expert's team.
The consultant team will also review the existing salient details of the road and propose the typical
designs of retaining/breast structures, slope protection, road side drainage and cross-drainage
Geological Review
The review of geology / geo-morphology of the project area will be done by utilizing aerial
photographs, topographic sheets, geological maps and satellite imageries. Important geological
features such as slope and its protection, faults and thrusts, risk and hazard assessments, land slide
areas identification etc may be identified from the aerial photographs (scale 1:50,000 or 1:25,000)
through a comparison with available geological maps and information and assess the requirement
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Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
The social and environmental safeguard reports will be an integral part of the DPR report. The
following social and environmental safeguard reports will be included:
Determination of Corridor of Impact (COI)
Environmental and Social Screening Checklists
Social Management Plan (SMP)
Voluntary Donation Impact Mitigation Plan (VDIMP)
Voluntary Community Development Plan (VCDP)
Identification of Environmental mitigation measures
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Gender Action Plan (GAP)
Other requirements as per ESMF
The safeguards impacts are likely to be minor as they will occur within existing rights of way along
existing roads, or existing crossing structures. These activities are less likely to result in significant
impacts given the nature of works involved (e.g. shoulder and slope maintenance, clearing drains,
maintenance of road signs, road resurfacing, bridge bearing replacement, etc.).
Environmental management action plan (EMAP) will be prepared to implement these
environmental mitigation measures in construction and monitor their compliance. The consultant
will carry out the base line study on the road influence area approximately 2 km on either side of
the road alignment and prepare necessary social management plan, Gender Action Plan base on
indigenous people development framework. The study will review the identified potential places
for development of shelter, cities, mega cities and its potential environmental impacts in social and
economical aspects of the project and propose environmental mitigation measures. It is essential
that both general and site specific environmental mitigation measures will be addressed in design
and appropriately incorporated into the contract documents. It is also necessary to review the
existing resettlement plan of the affected people and propose policy for resettlement plan.
3.82 Detailed Engineering Survey and Investigation
The main objective of the consultant for this upgrading work is to design the safe, reliable, cost
effective and environment friendly road for the expected increase of traffic in future resulting
comfortable journey and economic boost in the project influence region. In order to carry out
engineering design of the road, the first task of the consultant will be to collect the necessary data
and review of the existing data, reports, maps and drawings together with obtaining additional
documents and information relevant to the project
The consultant will conduct a desk study and reconnaissance survey to gain a strong appreciation of
the project roads. The reconnaissance survey will help to evaluate the terrain of the existing road
alignment and probable alternate alignments and to make preliminary assessment of the existing
situation, pavement and sub grade characteristics and potential material sources for the roads,
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Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
and review problematic areas where drainage and slope stability issues are important.
The detailed engineering survey and design for the upgrading of the road with respect to pavement
type, drainage system, vertical and horizontal alignment correction in order to bring the road at a
stage that will compliance with DoLIDARs Standard of Rural Roads for all weather access
Topographic survey of road corridor including road inventory survey of existing
Survey of Services to be Relocated
Geotechnical Survey
Hydrological Survey
Material Availability Survey
Design of Highway
Design of Cross Drainage Structure
Design of Pavement
Road Safety Audit
Quantity Estimation
Rate Analysis and Cost Estimation
The Consultant will mobilize the survey team to vary out the detail survey to collect adequate data for
the preparation of topographical map. First of all, existing national geodetic control points in the
vicinity of the study area will be identified. The baseline control points will be connected by closed
traverse. These control points will be linked to the co-ordinates of the national grid. Precise survey
instruments such as electronic total station (linear accuracy 3 mm and angular accuracy 3/5'') and auto
levels (accuracy 1 mm) will be used for survey. Description Cards (D-Cards) of all permanent points
will be prepared with minimum three reference points.
Principle objectives of topographic survey are:
Preparation of detailed plan, longitudinal profile and cross-section of the link road.
Detail survey of sensitive areas.
Longitudinal profiling and cross-sections.
The survey will include the following activities:
Alignments survey of road includes horizontal alignment, formation width, access roads,
parking places, traffic signs and structures within ROW limits.
Survey of existing structures such as trees, water bodies, high flood level, rivers, rivulet, houses,
schools etc with their elevations, invert levels, clearance etc.
Survey of existing road side drain, cross drainage structures and power line details
Survey of existing water supply line, canal crossings and irrigation canal crossings.
Preparation of map of 100m wide corridor in 1:1000 scales with 1.0m contour interval
Establishment of permanent bench mark (BM) and control points with reference.
Preparation of horizontal alignment, longitudinal profiles and cross-section details.
Invert levels of drains, crossing and culvert details etc.
Examination of nature and condition of the existing structures.
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The survey will be conducted along the proposed road alignment as well as the alternative alignment to
obtain necessary details for preliminary design and to prepare plan, profile and cross-section. The
survey will cover a wide strip of minimum 50m on either side of the centre line. The outer edge of the
study area will be clearly marked on the topographic plans including various topographic features such
as ridges, valleys, depressions, streams, rivulets, built up areas, etc. In case of river training areas,
topographic survey will be carried out to show all river features.
Baseline Traverse Survey
A closed traverse connecting baseline stations and traverse points will be carried out starting from the
geodetic points using total station. The traverse will also provide horizontal control for survey. In order
to enable a uniform co-ordinate system, the baseline stations and traverse points will be linked to
national geodetic co-ordinate system.
Accuracy of Survey:
Accuracy of a survey work is the most important factor. An inaccurate survey leads to faulty design and
erroneous project cost. Therefore, accuracy in a system of a survey work will be prescribed and care
will be taken to see that observed values are within the accepted limits of error.
In traverse, horizontal angles will be observed in two complete rounds with a mean of value not
exceeding 5''. Distances will be measured in fore and back directions. All traverse lines will be
connected and closed to coordinates of the national grid. The closing errors in angle and distance
measurements for the third order accuracy will be computed by the formula shown below.
E angular = 10''N
E linear = 1:10,000
E angular = error in angle measurement, sec
E linear = error in distance measurement, mm
Establishment of Benchmark (BMs) and Control Points:
Permanent benchmark (BM) will be established along the study area at approximately 500 m intervals.
BM will be fixed in monument using concrete post of size 60x10x10 cm with a nail point at top. These
monuments will be located at safer place to avoid disturbance due to human and natural activities.
The control points will provide both vertical and horizontal control. Description cards (D-Card) will be
prepared for all permanent monuments. Auxiliary points will also be introduced between these
monuments as necessary. These points will be fixed with either wooden pegs or structures.
Bench Mark Survey:
Benchmark survey will be carried out following fly levelling with third order accuracy. All closing
errors shall be kept within acceptable limits. The reduced levels of control points will be connected to
the national geodetic points.
Map Preparation:
The topographic plan, profile and cross-section will be plotted using SOFTWELL software. This
approach significantly eliminates errors associated with manual plotting. The topographic models can
be prepared at any desired scales such as 1:1,000, 1:5,000, 1:10,000 as per requirement. The electronic
copy can be saved and retrieved as necessary during planning, design and construction of the road.
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
SOFTWELL is comprehensive software suitable for integrated engineering design and drafting
programs running with AutoCAD. It consists of various modules to perform calculation, analysis,
design and drafting. This software has been successfully used in different project of DoLIDAR and
A detail survey will be carried to ascertain the requirement of relocation of public utilities and services
including irrigation canal. Special attention will be taken during inventory survey and detail relocation
plan will be prepared and incorporated in design.
The geological and geotechnical surveys are very important when considering slope stability and quality
or sources of materials. The consultant will carry out detailed surveys of the road through the materials
engineer and his local counterparts. This will involve driving road and taking samples of materials, as
well as noting areas of slope instability. This will then be fed back to the design engineers, who will be
guided in their design by the materials engineer and geotechnical engineer.
Geotechnical investigation will be carried out at various points along the study area to assess geological
features, morphology, stability and geometry and construction requirement. In general recommendation
given in Mountain Risk Engineering (MRE) manual and procedures contained in "Guide to Slope
Protection Works", " Roadside Geotechnical problems: A Practical Guide to there solution" and
Overseas Road Notes 16 will be followed in geological study/assessment of road alignment. Landslips
and unstable side slopes will be a major risk associated with road stability. Our Geotechnical expert and
environmental/ bioengineering experts will visit the site and assess the criticality of each site in terms of
probability, risk hazard, loss cost and problem associated with instabilities
The detail of investigation to establish the existing soil condition and terrain condition along new
construction and upgrading of road section of road will be carried to suit geology along route /
alignment. The program will identify the characteristics and strength of sub-grade and existing
pavement structures, if any .it will help to identify type of material that will be generated due to road
construction, upgrading and their suitability for the use in the construction work.
The soil investigation and destructive pavement tests will include:
Trial Pits / Coring / Trenching:
The sub-soil condition of the road will be determined by CBR and DCP test in all change condition of
sub-soil at regular interval of the road alignment. Representative samples of sub-grade will be collected
from test pits/trenches for appropriate laboratory test. Field DCP test through 2m deep pitting will be
carried out at each 25m where a retaining wall of height more than 3m is required from the inventory
survey to determine the sub-soil condition.
Tests for soil investigation include:
In-situ Tests: (for paved roads only)
In-situ tests include:
DCP tests
Field density tests
DCP Tests:
Field DCP tests will be carried out by using a TRRL Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) and
continuous strength profiles will be prepared to a depth of 800 mm to 1200 mm every 250m interval, as
required. The DCP has a 600 cone 20 mm in diameter, attached to a rod 16 mm in diameter. It is driven
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through the layers using an 8 kg hammer falling through 575 mm. The penetration of each blow can be
correlated directly with the in-situ CBR at that point.
Hydrological Study
Hydrological study will be carried out by collecting secondary data from governmental sources for the
preparation of unit hydrograph of each cross drain structures, for the determination of cross camber and
longitudinal profile of road, for the identification of the type and size of cross drainage works by
minimizing of modification of natural drainage pattern and impact to local irrigation pattern
The consultant will carry out the availability of necessary construction material survey which will be
required for construction and upgrading of road. Material Availability Survey will identify the suitable
quarry site for boulder, sub-base, base and pavement aggregate, concrete aggregate and sand. The
survey will also determine the material to be transported from elsewhere or source and route beyond
Nepal, if required.
The investigation will review and confirm the location, possible quarries, potential borrow pit along
project road including material quality and volumes available locations and suitable routes for access
roads will be suggested and any additional provided on material resources plan. Samples from the
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approved sites will be tested to confirm the qualities. Once the quality and quantity of material is
approved the procedure for future exploitation of the quarry will be established. The environmental
expert will be consulted in the process to mitigate the adverse effects on to the environment. Reference
will made to the comprehensive Material Study conducted during road Maintenance and Development
As per the scope in the ToR, the detail cadastral survey is not included in the current scope of the
consultancy services. So, the Consultant will not carry out the detail cadastral survey but the total
numbers of houses and total private land which are lies within the Right of Way (RoW) and should be
required to acquire for the improvement of the road will be included in the report and provided to the
Reconnaissance surveys will be carried out by key professionals. Salient details of the road will be
noted and pictures taken. A Road Inventory Study of existing road shall be prepared in order to collect
all the information in prepared format concerning the actual condition of roads and existing road
structures such as walls, drains, culverts and other road furniture etc. including the required additional
structures and remedial measures and an assessment of their adequacy shall be examined. Detailed
review of the existing structures of the project roads will be assessed. The inventory work will also
include identification of road pavement and road geometry where improvement is essential.
The survey will cover:
Road geometry (existing horizontal alignment and vertical profile), formation (cut-fill) terrain type and
Road structures (retaining, breast, toe wall, slope protection River training structures and other off road
Drainages Structures (study of existing and requirement of side drain, catch drain, slope drain), location
of cross drainage (box, slab, pipe, scuppers causeway and floodway, subsurface drain)
Road furniture (Requirement of road sign delineators, confidence block, Km post, warning signs)
Geo Environmental condition (slope instability, mass movement, erosion of gulley torrents river
Study for sources of materials
Others (spoil/tipping area)
All above information will be recorded and condition of existing structure damages will be also
recorded. All structures will be properly numbered and coded which will indicate chainage and
The slope stabilization and protection works would be done following the manuals published by the
Department of Roads, Geo-Environmental and Social Unit (GESU). The following manuals shall be
used for bio-engineering works.
RoadSide Bio-engineering Site- Hand Book, 1999
Road-Side Bioengineering Reference Manual, DoR, 1999
Vegetation Structures for Stabilizing Highway Slope, A Manual for Nepal, DoR assisted by
ODA, U.K. March 1991.
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
Landslide stabilization works in the hilly stretch of the road are very important aspects for the
preservation and operation or roads. The landslide stabilization works should be undertaken as a
combined effort of small-scale civil engineering works together with bio- engineering works. It will also
include the water management considering both sub-surface drainage and surface water management.
The Geotechnical/Geological survey will identify the unstable areas of the road alignment and
determine the extent of their instability. Every possible effort will be made to make use of
bioengineering methods to stabilize these unstable areas. In certain areas a combination of bio
engineering and conventional civil engineering method of stabilization may be more effective and will
be used accordingly. The study related to bioengineering application at selected locations requiring
slope stabilization and protection; and soil management at tipping sites will be carried out in the project
road. The study will identify and prepare vegetation inventory appropriate to the site condition and
specific bioengineering techniques at the sites.
The consultant will carry out the seven days traffic count with details of each category of motorized and
non-motorized vehicles for the pavement design of the road. It is usual to consider following four
categories of traffic when making forecasts of future traffic, because the benefits accruing to each
category are different:
Normal Traffic traffic that would use the road if no construction or improvement of the road
section were made;
Diverted Traffic traffic that changes from another route or mode of transport as a result of the
construction or improvement of the road, because the study road is a lower cost route;
Generated Traffic travel that is associated with journeys that will only be made in response to
travel cost and time savings obtained as a result of the construction or improvement of the road;
Induced Traffic It is the traffic that arises because of local development that occurs only as a
result of the road construction or improvement.
Estimation of Traffic Data
Normal and Diverted Traffic Data
To forecast future traffic of a road section after improvement or after construction it is first necessary to
estimate the level of base year normal traffic of the existing road or track. Generally, base year volume
and composition of normal traffic movements in the existing road are calculated through Classified
Manual Vehicle Counts (CMVCs) or Origin and Destination (O-D) surveys. O-D surveys would be
carried out in the project road using a well structured format. The survey locations will be located in
suitable place of along the alignment of the project road. The data obtained during O-D surveys will
segregate into all the following standard vehicle-classification categories: Truck, Bus, Mini Bus,
Utility/Pickup, Car, Van, Tractor etc.
O-D matrices should be prepared based on the traffic data collected during above O-D surveys. The OD matrices would be used to estimate normal and diverted traffic in the project road.
Traffic in a road of Nepal is subject to a range of influences, some of which are markedly seasonal. The
seasonal influences are usually associated with agricultural activities and rainfall. During the harvesting
season, traffic levels are increased due to more movements of labour, transport of harvested crops and
an increase in other associated activities. The impact of rainfall on traffic level is due to disruptions
caused by damage to roads and slides. DOR has developed a set of monthly traffic seasonal adjustment
factors for general use based on the traffic data obtained from regular counts in different stations on
strategic roads. The calculated factors show that traffic levels are usually below the annual average
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during the period July to November. Between December to June traffic levels are higher than the annual
average. DoR has calculated factors of 1.20 and 1.15 to be used to convert observed Daily Traffic
(ADT) of July and August respectively to Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT).
Generated Traffic
Additional journeys can be expected as a result of lower costs of travel. The principle behind generated
traffic is that additional journeys will be made as a result of lower costs of travel on the improved roads.
The number of additional trips is usually based on the reduction in travel and transport costs, with the
response based on the price elasticity. Similar to demand elasticity, price elasticity is the proportional
change in the number of trips per unit change in price. It has been measured in road appraisal studies in
developing countries and usually found to fall in the range -0.6 to -2.0, with an average of about -1.0.
This means that a one per cent decrease in transport costs leads, on average, to a one per cent increase in
traffic. Evidence suggests that the elasticity of demand for passenger transport is well above that for
freight transport. The cost reduction following improvement depends largely on the existing condition
of the track/road. Reductions of travel and transport costs by 30 to 40 percent can be expected in the
case of track or unsealed roads. With improvements to sealed roads the cost reduction will normally be
below 25 percent, and it is normally considered that there is no significant generation below this level.
It is difficult to estimate generated traffic levels in Nepal using standard theoretical approaches. Where
present road condition is bad the traffic levels are often very low, and the types of vehicles that operate
are restricted. It is difficult to apply generation rates based on reductions in costs in these circumstances
and obtain a reliable forecast of future traffic. Frequently in road studies in Nepal estimates are made of
the traffic potential of roads based on the level of population served by the road. The procedure for this
was developed in the Priority Investment Plan (PIP) study. Assumed freight and passenger movements
are estimated by applying annual average goods imports and passenger trips per head, and converting
these to vehicle movements using a range of vehicle types and standard loads. The assumptions have
been revised since PIP following more analysis of traffic levels in hill areas, with higher volumes of
freight per person now assumed. This type of analysis normally shows that the potential freight traffic
is largely met once a low standard road is provided, but passenger trips are greatly restricted until a
sealed road is provided. This suggests that trips are highly restricted by poor road conditions, which
makes travel time consuming, expensive and uncomfortable.
Keeping in mind all the above possibilities and difficulties following assumptions will be made to
estimate generated traffic. When a trail/track will be upgraded to sealed standard generation rates of 25
percent is assumed to current freight traffic and 50 percent to passenger traffic. When an unsealed road
will be upgraded to sealed standard generation rates of 15 percent is assumed to current freight traffic
and 40 percent to passenger traffic.
Induced Traffic
Induced traffic can occur when the increased economic growth, as a result of the road improvement,
produces additional traffic on the road. This is not generated traffic, which is additional traffic resulting
directly from a lowering of transport costs, but it overlaps with generated traffic and care must be taken
to avoid double counting if induced traffic benefits are calculated. The increased economic
development associated with the improvement of the sections of the project road could be in the form of
opening up of new tourist facilities and agriculture development. 10 percent of normal traffic is assumed
to be induced traffic after the implementation of the project.
Traffic Growth
The demand for transport is related to the output of the economy that produces it. Traffic is almost
invariably positively correlated with GDP and traffic growth with GDP growth. The relationship is as
Q = k (real GDP)^e
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Where, Q is some measure of demand for transport, k is a constant and exponent 'e' is the elasticity of
demand for transport with respect to GDP. Elasticity is the proportional change in demand per unit
change in real GDP, so an elasticity of 0.2 implies a 2 percent growth in transport demand in response to
a 10 percent in real GDP. Traffic such as cars and motor cycles are not observed to increase much
except buses and other public passenger vehicles. In most cases buses are found to increase remarkably.
It is may be due to lower income levels of people in the influence area which are mostly based on
agriculture economy. Most of the people cannot afford car or motorcycle. Public passenger transport
fares in Nepal are quite low which can be afforded by even poor people. Hence, buses and other public
passenger vehicles are found to increase considerably after the construction or upgrading of roads.
Similarly, transport cost by truck is very cheap compared to those costs by porters or animal and truck
and truck traffic tend to increase considerably after the construction or upgrading of roads. Since the
project area is rural, elasticity for demand for bus/passenger jeeps and truck/tractor transport is assumed
to be higher as in other parts of Nepal.
Annual GDP growth of Nepal is forecasted to be 4.5 percent during 2010 to 2022 and 4.5 percent after
2022. The GDP growth rates and above elasticiteis will be used to obtain traffic growth rates.
Traffic Forecasts
Traffic forecasting will be carried out from the traffic survey data available and past trend of the traffic
growth. However, traffic forecasting is a difficult problem in developing and under developed countries
as the traffic growth rate is difficult to ascertain. Therefore, the growth rate of traffic has been
determined as per the past trend of the specific region/ country and data available with DoR are
followed. As a general trend the annual growth of traffic in terai can be as high as 7% per year.
Similarly, the growth could be about 5 to 6% in the hills of Nepal.
The geometrical design of horizontal and vertical alignment basically depends on the existing features
of the topography and the agreed design standards. The geometric design of the road is carried out to
provide safe and smooth movement of vehicles operating at design speed and minimum disturbance to
The horizontal and vertical alignments will be designed as per the design standard norms by using an
appropriate Computer-Aided Design (CAD) package. For this we intend to use SOFTWEL, in which we
are fully trained and experienced. Figure 3-8 indicates the relationships between the design process and
the package used in design.
3.93 Detailed Engineering Design of Road Alignment and Other Structures
The existing road alignment will be design for the improvement to meet the Nepal Rural Road
Standards (NRRS) and DOLIDAR recommended geometric standards as far as practically feasible in
view of constructability, cost and land acquisition. The design parameters not covered in Nepal Rural
Road Standards (NRRS) and DOLIDAR other relevant codes will be followed. As far as possible, the
existing road alignment will be followed while designing the vertical and horizontal alignment.
On the basis of surveys and investigation works and the proposed improvement plan specified in ToR ,
the consultant will carried out Detailed Engineering Design of road geometrics, drainage system,
retaining and protection structure, slope stabilization and bio-engineering works, road safety measures,
and other ancillary works to be undertaken to construct the safe, reliable, cost effective, environment
friendly all-weather accessible road cater the expected increase of traffic in future, resulting comfortable
journey and economic boost in the region.
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All the design work will follow acceptable design standard of Nepal Rural Road Standards (NRRS) and
DOLIDAR recommended geometric standards and will be based on currently proven and accepted
The Consultant will use its proven expertise in the field of different pavement design including
Graveled Surfacing, Otta Seal Surfacing, Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST) or any other
road surfacing which is a necessity for road for improvement, and upgrading to all weathered accessible
The design will take into consideration the probable damages to the environment by the proposed works
and will include measures to mitigate or minimize such damages. Special care will be taken to identify
environmentally safe tipping areas for surplus mass of excavated or any other material along with the
measures to tackle environmental problems created by the proposed road works.
The drawings shall be prepared with sufficient details for bidding and execution of works in appropriate
size, scale and format. The computer software SOFTWEL will be used.
The assessment of strength of the sub-grade soil is one of the most important tasks which give the
design parameters for the pavements. Consultant will carry out the in-situ and laboratory tests to
determine strength of sub-grade soil. In-situ strength of sub-grade soil will be measured with TRL- DCP
(Dynamic Cone Penetrometer) and 4-days soaked CBR tests will be conducted in laboratory on subgrade samples collected from existing road. For the purpose of pavement design laboratory CBR
(soaked) will be considered as design CBR as it represent the strength of soil in saturated (worst)
condition. The thickness and specification of these layers will seek to optimize the material identified as
being available along the routes.
Capping Layer or Selected Fill
In the areas where the strength of sub-grade soil is weak and has CBR below 5 %, appropriate design
will be applied for the improvement of the strength of sub grade Material could be replaced or improved
in-situ (mechanical stabilization, geo-membranes), where this is more cost-effective than increasing the
strength of the pavement. Other stabilization for strengthening lower pavement layers may also be
considered, justified by appropriate tests.
Sub-base and Base
It is proposed to upgrade the road to an all-weather accessible standard. In order to minimize the costs,
for the low trafficked all-weathered roads, materials of lower standard than traditional specification
bases can be used. Such materials have already been widely used in various projects in Nepal. The
thickness of sub-base and base will be determined by the design as per the material available along the
routes.The quantity estimates are based on the adopted design thicknesses of pavement layers.
The consultant will design the cross drainage structure based on the data collected during the
hydrological study as recommended in MRE Handbook in the Mountainous and steep terrain and
as per the DoLIDARs design standards in plain and rolling terrain. The design of cross drainage
structure includes:
Type of the cross drainage structure;
Structural design of structures;
Size and location of road-side drainage;
Design of outlet and water conduit to take storm water
Maximize the use of the existing structure etc.
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The consultant will carry out the hydrological investigation and information by collecting secondary
data to determine or design, the size of drains, cross drainage and drainage structures rainfall data for
the project area will be collected from relevant rainfall stations established by the department of
Hydrology and Metrology based on rainfall data and catchments area, the design flow for various return
periods will be estimated to design the adequate size of drainage system. The method of design
employed will be the Rational Method, which relates run-off to the catchments characteristics, time of
concentration and rainfall intensity for particular storm recurrence intervals. For the larger catchments
(in excess of 15 sq km) the Hydrograph Method of analysis will be used.
In case of major stream crossings, nature and character of stream, water current and discharge,
frequency and duration of floods for different return period, nature of bank and river bed material, scour
depth, and damming possibility and its effect shall be assessed to propose suitable economical crossing
In unstable areas, existing ground water condition and effect of sub surface water shall be assessed to
propose suitable remedial measures to stabilize it.
Besides the effect of rainfall and ground water, effect on road from the existing irrigation system and
effect of road on the existing irrigation system shall be assessed to design suitable measures that help
the local farmers and thereby eliminating the possibility of pavement damage by farmers to cross the
cross the canals. Drinking water sources shall be identified along the road and in no case such sources
will be disturbed.
After determination of improved geometric design of road, and using output from geotech/geological/
drainage investigations and relevant materials testing programs, design necessary retaining walls,
support structures and slope stabilization measures for upgrading works. For the design of such
structures, the consultant will follow the guidelines as recommended in MRE Handbook in the
Mountainous and steep terrain and as per the DoLIDARs design standards in plain and rolling
terrain. Similarly, other reference will be made to pertinent design codes, standards and guidelines such
as DORs Guide to Slope Protection, Roadside Geotechnical Problems: a Practical Guide for their
Solution, AASHTO manuals etc. Where possible, software will be applied extensively for the design.
For the detailing of the structures, Consultants experience from previous similar projects combined
with best practices will be utilized.
The consultant will propose suitable types of retaining walls that are designed in the similar road project
of this magnitude. One of the most important tasks of the consultant is to maximize the use of the
existing structure wherever possible. Some of the retaining walls presently in use in Nepal are:
Cement mortared random rubble masonry
Gabion walls in the form of crates/boxes
Banded composite type of walls
Reinforced cement concrete walls with or without anchors
The structures will be proposed:
to support road formation fill;
to support the toe of a slope that has failed, or is likely to fail;
to support cut material for disposal purpose;
to widen the formation width;
where there will constraints on permissible plan extent of earthworks, as on hairpin bends or hairpin
as revetments to prevent erosion on steeply sloping cut faces
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Details of the existing and proposed retaining structures will be specified in the list of structure during
submission of report. Typical designs of such walls are presented in drawings.
The existing structures serving the purpose will be strengthened/reinstated by using suitable proven
The Consultant will design mass management and material haulage plan and prepare category wise
earth work quantity for cut to fill, cut to tip and borrow to fill with haulage. The consultant will explore
engineering aspects likely to be effected by altered water flow characteristics as a result of climate
change issues and present suitable safeguards based in current best practice. Apart from the major
components of design, the assignment may need ancillary works such as utilities relocation design,
minor irrigation and water supply crossings drain crossings, trails reinstatement, pedestrian walkways at
bazaar areas, bush bays, passenger sheds, passing zones centerline / edge verges etc. The Consultant
will elaborate such requirements in their detailed designs and drawings. The quantities of such ancillary
works will be computed and included in the respective contract packages.
Furthermore the assessment and design of appropriate barriers will be carried done on both the sides of
highway wherever available government land and barren to prevent unauthorized encroachment
The DOR has published a comprehensive series of road safety manuals and guidelines such as Road
User Guide, Delineation Measures, Safety at Bridges, Designs of Safer Drains, Road Safety Audit
Manual, Safety Barrier, Identification and Treating Accident Sites, Road Signs Manual and Traffic Sign
Posters. The Consultants team is familiar with the application of the manual and guides through their
experience in similar past and ongoing projects. The road safety audit and designs will be
simultaneously performed together with the detailed geometric design of the roads.
The consultant will review design drawings to assess conformance to DOR road safety standards and
guidelines. The design team will take a proactive approach to design for safety in alignment designs.
Address under the audit, typically:
Road alignment or profile adjustments, including assigning speed warnings/ limits.
Adequacy of sight lines on curves and inclines.
Shoulder widening as appropriate to accommodate non-motorized traffic(NMT)
Side drains to a safe standard. including minimizing risks to pedestrians and NMT
Provision for bus stop etc.
Appropriate safety provisions at intersection layouts
Adequacy of road signage
Safety provisions for pedestrian road users
Selective use of median barriers and safety barriers at steep verges and other roadside hazard
Undertake field assessments to confirm terrain conditions and safety requirements in design.
Recommend road safety arrangements during construction for inclusion in tender documents and design
improvements/ additional works to improve operational road safety.
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
The consultant provide special attention into consideration the probable damages to environment by
construction of highway and the design will attempt to mitigate and minimize such damage with
inclusion of adequate and appropriate measures in design.
Environmentally safe tipping sites will be identified during survey. Review potential locations with
DTO staff and representatives from other local authorities (VDC,DDC as appropriate) e.g. old borrow
or quarry sites and identify spoil areas and estimate capacity of dumped material.
The Consultant will check with geotech/environmental specialist to check where spoil dumps would
have minimum impact, also for particularly sensitive areas.
Similarly special attention will be provided to tackle urban environmental problems affected during
proposed improvement and upgrading works of highway section and the same will be incorporated in
site specific EMAP.
Preparation of Site Specific EMAP
As per the ToR the consultant is required to prepare site specific EMAP based on environmental
mitigation measures required and monitor and evaluate EMAP implementation.
Schedule 6 of the Environmental Protection Regulation (EPR), 1997 requires the proponent to prepare
and implement an Environment.
The environmental monitoring formats will be prepared for monitoring of EMAP implementation. The
following checklists illustrate potential problems areas requiring mitigation action and monitoring.
Slope stability
Spoil disposal
Water management
Land use
Plants and wild life
Quarries and borrow areas
Stone crushing
Hazardous materials (bitumen, explosives, fuels etc) Camp operation
Social issues
Road safety
Occupational health and safety
The drawings shall be prepared with sufficient details for bidding and execution of works in appropriate
size, scale and format acceptable to DOLIDAR standards. The computer software like Auto-CAD,
SOFTWEL will be used. At this stage, the following drawings are envisaged:
Road network map of the district showing linkage in appropriate scale showing the proposed
road alignment
General alignment plan of the road (1:25,000)
Index plan of the road alignments in topographic maps (1:50,000)
Index plan of road alignment in district maps (1:125,000)
Regional geological map of the region (1:250,000)
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The drawings will be systematically catalogued contract wise so that future scrutiny becomes
3.100 Cost Estimate/
Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis will reflect existing market price, wages of skilled and unskilled labours, and reliable cost
estimate and is prepared based on considering the district rate for the labour and material, market price
of construction material and norms for the rate analysis of GON. For that purpose, the following
relevant items will be duly taken into considerations:
Standard / special norms of as per DoLIDR Wages of skilled and unskilled labors approved by
Market prices of special materials
Construction equipment and their hiring rate
Availability of materials
Contractual overhead / profit
Availability of local construction materials
Value added tax
The unit rates of various components, such as labour and construction materials, are based on the rates
provided by the respective District Development Committee (DDC) for the same fiscal year. The unit
rates which will not available from District rates, market/factory rates are used. Unit rates are taken into
account for the haulage of materials from the prospective quarry sites or factory to the construction site.
The basic rates were used without VAT to avoid double counting and to derive a cost for economic
analysis. Fifteen percent Contractor's overhead will be included in the derived unit item rates. The
analyzed unit rates will be compared with recent similar projects.
Rate analysis is based on approved Norms of DoLIDAR in prescribed format and District rates/market
rates. Estimated rate analysis has done by taking references from different projects for those items
which is not available in the approved norms. However, few rates are also calculated based on the
machine and the already used practice in the earlier simialr projects; and the prevailing rates quoted by
the contractor in the road project of the area.
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In case of special items, in addition to the above mentioned norm-based rate analysis, the Consultant
will collect and compile actual contract rates in different projects of Nepal during the last five years. A
statistical analysis will be carried out to work out the most realistic market prices of the work items with
better confidence level.
These norm-based rate analyses will be carried out using the application software developed by the
Consultant, which is based on Ms ACCESS and Ms Excel. Compatible Program is prepared in such a
way that rate of any item gets updated easily whenever a change in rates of labour, material or
equipment rate is entered.
The quantities of earthwork, retaining structures and drainage structures will be obtained from the
design drawings. The quantities of pavement shall be based on road length, carriageway and design
thickness of the pavement layers. Estimation of quantities for civil works will have been estimated from
the design, drawing and inventory reports with regular manual checks to verify the accuracy of the
design. The earthwork quantities will be broken down into normal earthwork, foundation of drains and
structures and classified into ordinary soil, hard soil, ordinary rock, medium rock, hard rock (for control
blasting and hard rock by chiselling), marshy soil as per DoLIDAR Work Norms and Technical
Cost Estimate
This will combine the unit prices produced and BOQ prepared for the upgrading of highway section.
The quantities will be multiplied by respective unit prices to prepare the cost estimates. Total cost
estimates will be derived by adding 5% contingency and 13% VAT amount. An accurate cost estimate is
essential in preparing contracts in appropriate packages; we will ensure that the estimate will be as
accurate as possible by fully investigating all of the items and rates and testing their accuracy by
applying potential increases to key items. The cost estimate shall also facilitate the stage financing of
the road improvement works.
The project cost estimates will be prepared on the basis of the detail design, approved norms and market
rates using the Nepal Rural Road Standard, 2013, DoLIDAR Technical Design GuidelinesDoLIDAR
Work Norms for Agricultural and Rural Roads etc.
Preparation of Bills of Quantities (BOQ)
Production of accurate and comprehensive BOQ for road improvement and upgrading works will be a
major task as design reaches its final stages. All calculations for quantities, whether automatic from
software packages or by manual will be referenced to the relevant design work by drawing number,
revision and date. This will ensure that subsequent revisions to drawings after submission of the draft
BOO to the client in approved format and estimates are not overlooked when the final document is
prepared. The quantity estimate will be prepared to a reasonable accuracy (within + - 10%). Allowance
will be made in BOQ of work items to cover likely changes in condition of road between design and
start of construction. The extracted bill quantities will be referenced as bill items that conform to the
measurement clauses of the Specification. Summaries will be provided for each section, and combined
into one Summary of BOQ.
3.102 Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR)
The Consultant will prepare Detailed Project Report (DPR) incorporating outcomes of detailed design
of highway including cross drainage structures and other associated road structures, in the aspects of
technical, geological, social, environmental and economical aspects.
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The consultant assists the Project in Preparation of Detailed Project Report which generally consists:
General Description of project
Technical Aspects of the project
Geological Aspects of the project area
Social aspect of project area
Environmental aspect of project area
Economical aspect of project area
Cost Estimate
Economical Analysis
Conclusion and Recommendation
The Consultant will perform office works as well as field works and the analysis of the collected data,
as required to attain the project objectives. In performance of the services, the Consultant will consult
the District Technical Office other relevant government offices through the Employer's representative.
The Consultant will also consult local CBO and NGO as per need. The Consultant will take into account
the governmental policies and development plans in the transport and other sectors following the
National Planning Commissions transport sector vision, particularly those directed toward the
accelerated integrated development of the influence area.
The following areas will be covered for preparation of DPR briefly stated as follows.
Technical aspects of the project
1. Background
2. Developmental need
3. Design Criteria to be adopted
4. Potential best Alternative
5. Possible Link to Highway and its type
6. Review of existing track road
7. Design
a. Prepare typical designs of retaining, slope protection, drainage and cross drainage
b. Prepare practical and cost-effective geometric (horizontal, vertical, intersection etc.)
pavement and structural designs on the basis of projected traffic levels
8. Preparation of digital model of the Project
Geological aspects of the project area
1. Geology of Project area
2. Slope and its protection
3. Risk and Hazard
4. Landslide areas identification
5. Assess the requirement for slope protection measures adjacent to the road, and design
cost-effective remedial works.
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Detailed Engineering
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1. Based on the data carried out the Economical analysis of the project
3.103 Preparation and Submission of Reports
Within the scope of this consultancy service, the Consultant will prepare and submit the following
reports and documents to the employer. All reports will be submitted in 3 hard copies and a digital
Priliminary Report
Draft Report
Final Report
2 copies
2 copies
3 copies
Priliminary Report will be prepared and submitted within three weeks of signing the contract agreement
for the consulting services. This Report will be submitted after the mobilization of the consultant
experts and become familiar themselves with the site condition, have assessed the extent of work and
have made up their mind regarding the general direction to be followed for successful implementation
of the project. This report may include some modification in the methodology, schedule and timings of
activities suggested in this Technical proposed. The report will be submitted in 3 copies and electronic
3.105 Draft Report: (three copies)
The draft final report will contain Draft Main Reports, Design Drawings, ACRP Report, Social and
Environment Safeguards, Cost Estimate and complete set of Contract Documents for each contract
package and detailed project report and will be submitted by the end of 11 th weeks from the signing of
contract. The report will be submitted in 3 copies and electronic copy.
3.106 Final Report: (three copies)
The Final Report will be submitted after incorporating the comments and feedbacks from the Client and
the Stakeholders. The report will be delivered in three hard and soft copies at the Client's office. The
Volume of Final Report will be same as Draft Final Report. The Final Report will be submitted within
11 weeks from the date of contract signing for the consulting services or within the time frame given in
the work order of signing the contract agreement for the consulting services.
3.107 Contract Documents:
Complete set of Contract Documents for each contract package will be prepared and submitted
incorporating all the comments of client in 3 sets with electronic copy.
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
The organization structure including activity and staffing schedules have been prepared to concur with
the requirements of the proposed approach and methodology as described in above sections. The
Consultant has prepared its strategic approach in carrying out the assignment for successful
implementation of the Project. This approach has been formulated based on the RFP guidelines, project
management and administrative experience of the Consultant, and review of the implementation
frameworks of the proposed and other relevant Projects.
3.110 Project Organization
Government of Nepal, Ministry of Federal Affairs & Local Development, Office of District
Development Committee, District Technical Office, Saptari is designated as the executing agency to
carry out planning, coordination, progress review and monitoring and reporting on overall project
3.111 Organizational Structure of the Consultant and Home Office support
The Consultant's team will be headed by the Team Leader who will have overall responsibility for the
day-to-day management of the Consultant's services and for the outputs of the Consultant's team. The
Team Leader will maintain contact and liaison with District Technical Office, Saptari. He will establish
appropriate linkages with the Client as per the line of command and communication. Accordingly, all
the members of the Consultant's project team will follow the coordination arrangement in the project.
As stated earlier, a good cooperation and rapport should be maintained at all times between District
Development Committee, District Technical Office, Saptari and Consultant's staff for the success of the
project. Among all, this will be realized through a good team building. The starting point will be to
confirm the project management structure including setting out the responsibilities and lines of
communication between the District Technical Office, Saptari and the Consultant's staff deputed to the
project. A clear description of duties will be provided to all the staff of the Consultant in order to avoid
overlapping or interference. A process of regular meetings, briefings and interaction sessions will be
conducted for stakeholder participation, which will be useful for the outputs of the project.
We propose that all staff be based in Consultants head office in Kathmandu. All staff will frequently
travel to the Project roads to carry out investigations pertinent to their responsibilities. The facilities for
communication, transport and other logistics support will be arranged as planned.
In order to synergize the efforts of the Client and Consultant, the Consultant intends to invite
representatives from the client to closely supervise and participation the site investigations and surveys.
The collective effort of both entities will definitely deliver quality dividends. It will also provide
opportunities for the District Technical Office, Saptari staff to share and benefit from the quality
managed approach which is vital to deliver appropriate engineering designs.
The Consultant will provide all possible logistics supports to minimize the time spent to collate the
necessary project input information. This is vital to maintain the productivity of team members and to
ensure maximum value for resources. Through meticulous planning of survey, investigation and design
activities, the Consultant wishes to ensure that the assignment is performed correctly the very first time.
The Team Leader will develop and maintain appropriate linkages with the Client, project staff and other
stakeholders of the Project. A Quality Management System will be implemented, whereby technical
resources are required to undertake a peer review / engineering check on their associates work.
Figures 3.11 outline the proposed organization chart of consultant for the detail engineering design and
preparation of DPR.
Shreeya Consultancy (P) Ltd.
Page 38
Detailed Engineering
Survey,Design ,Cost
Estimate and Enviromental Assessment of
Roads of Salu-Dhobi-Base-Bamti(jagmaneBase Section)
Figure 3.11: Consultant's Organization Chart
Government of Nepal, Ministry of Federal Affairs &
Local Development, Office of District Development
Committee, District Technical Office, Saptari
Shreeya Consultancy (P) Ltd.
Kathmandu-32, Anamnagar
Sub Engineer/Senior
CAD Operator
Admin Assistant
Local Staffs:
Detailed Engineering
Assessment of Roads of Salu-Dhobi-BaseBamti(jagmane-Base Section)
The work schedule has been prepared based on the instruction given in the RFP. The proposed schedule
presents logical sequence of tasks on which the inputs of the proposed professional staffs are based, and
their respective task responsibilities. In order to optimise use of the Consultant's inputs, the reporting
schedule is also shown in the work schedule.
It is proposed that the whole job will be finished in 11 weeks and the schedule has been prepared
accordingly and presented in Form Tech 3H
3.113 Proposed team composition and task assignments
Team composition has been selected very carefully and includes highly qualified, experienced and
appropriate experts who have extensive experience in carrying out survey and design of roads in Nepal.
The proposed experts have been chosen meticulously considering their qualifications, technical
expertise and experience, their effective communication and interpersonal skills, and significantly for
their proven ability to deliver contract requirements on time and within budget. Each member of the
proposed team is committed to deliver the services for the successful implementation of the Project to
full satisfaction of the Client. The proposed personnel with task assignment and task matrix are
presented in Form Tech 3E
3.114 Staffing Schedule
It is anticipated that the whole job be finished in 11 weeks and the schedule has been prepared
accordingly. To execute the services in line with the proposed work schedule, the Consultant has
proposed key professional staffs to the project according to the staffing schedule shown in Form Tech
The allocated time for each staff has been logically distributed. However, the Consultant also presumes
that there might be changes on the schedule during the project execution. If such situation arises, the
Consultant will refine its staff schedule accordingly in consultation with the Project. The schedule of the
professionals is so arranged that their assignment in other projects, if any, is not overlapped.
3.115 Curriculum Vitae
The Curriculum Vitae of professional staffs proposed for this Project in the format suggested by the
RFP with their proposed position, name, detail tasks assigned, key qualifications, education,
employment records, detail professional experience with particular reference to kind of experience
required for this Project and language proficiency are presented in Form Tech 3F.