Making Life Work

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It is a free
educational service in the public interest, published by
the United Church of God, an International Association.
Life Work

© 2001, 2008 United Church of God, an International Association

All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Scriptures in this publication are quoted from the
New King James Version (© 1988 Thomas Nelson, Inc., publishers) unless otherwise noted.
2 Making Life Work How
Can We Make Life Work? 3

Contents How Can We

3 How Can We Make Life Work? Make Life Work?
You probably already own the best self-help book ever published—the
Bible. It’s filled with practical guidance on how to make your life work! rankly, life just isn’t working for some people. Maybe you have
noticed the incredible proliferation of self-help books on store
6 Marriage: Foundation of the Family and library bookshelves.
Why are so many self-help books published? Could it be sim-
A strong marriage is the foundation for a strong family. What does the
ply because people recognize they need help with the many problems,
Bible reveal about dating, love and building a successful marriage?
challenges and stresses of everyday life? Writers and publishers recognize
this, and their books fly off the shelves by the thousands.
17 Child Rearing: Building the Right Foundation
You may not realize that most families already own the best self-
God’s Word reveals a great deal about this crucial subject, and parents can help book ever published.
discover a wealth of guidance for how to bring up happy, successful children. Millions of copies have
been published, and it’s
23 Finding the Path to a Happy Family been translated into
A loving famly is one of life’s greatest blessings. But it doesn’t just happen. hundreds of languages.
Scripture reveals the keys that can help you enjoy a strong, happy family. Its words have been
around for thousands
30 The Importance of Right Friendships of years. This book is
your Bible.
God designed us to need other people—to form, maintain and enjoy good
Although it’s a per-
relationships with others. What does God’s Word tell us about friendships?
petual best seller, few
people take the time to
32 Finding Success in Your Job and Career read and study the Bible.
Although written centuries ago, the Bible contains time-tested and proven Most think it’s nice to
principles for success in your job and career. What are its key principles? have around and that

39 Financial Security and Peace of Mind You may not realize that most families already own the
It seems that all of us could use help with our finances and financial man- best self-help book ever published. Millions of copies
agement. Many principles have been there all along in the pages of Scripture! have been published, and it’s been translated into
46 Keys to a Long, Healthy Life hundreds of languages.
We all want to enjoy good health and avoid sickness and injury. So why everybody should have one, but few seem to accept that it means much
not follow the health guidance our Creator gave in His instruction manual? to us. After all, how could something written thousands of years ago
apply to our fast-paced, technologically advanced world? Still others
62 Does Life Have Greater Meaning and Purpose?
Scott Campbell

think the Bible is a book for theologians and cannot be understood by

Why are you here? Why were you born? Perhaps the most important key the average person.
to making life work lies in understanding God’s great purpose for you! Those who take the time to study the Bible, however, find it is a
4 Making Life Work How
Can We Make Life Work? 5

timeless book. It addresses the ageless issues and questions: Why are disappointments, “all things work together for good to those who love
we here? Where are we going? What are the solutions to perpetual God” (Romans 8:28).
human problems? How can we learn to live together in peace? How
can we live rewarding, fulfilling lives? Is living this way worth it?
The Bible is filled with practical, down-to-earth advice from our Cre- In the face of such difficulties, some may question whether it is worth
ator. It can help us see and avoid the pitfalls that come with doing things the effort to live a godly life. But the Bible assures us that “godliness
our way (Proverbs 14:12; 16:25). It records for us vital and profound is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and
lessons from real people. of that which is to come” (1 Timothy 4:8, emphasis added throughout).
The Bible clearly shows the principle of cause and effect—that our Some people recognize that living God’s way holds great promise “of
choices and actions, good and bad, produce good and bad results. It’s the life . . . which is to come.” Far fewer understand that living a godly
filled with sound counsel on how to have happy families, marriages life also has benefits in “the life that now is”—that is, our present physi-
and friendships, how to properly rear children, how to manage family cal lives. They misperceive God’s way as restrictive and detrimental
finances and succeed on the job, how to maintain your health and so to a happy, fulfilled life.
much more. In short, it tells us how to make life work. God’s way of life, however, is not a burden; it is most assuredly a
In this booklet we have gathered and summarized some of the Bible’s blessing.
advice on these topics. But in many ways we’ve only scratched the sur- After all, God’s purpose for sending Jesus Christ to earth was to give
face; the Bible easily contains a lifetime’s education, just waiting for us us the opportunity for eternal life. “For God so loved the world that He
to search out its priceless gems and treasures. It’s a source of spiritual gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not
and practical help that you cannot afford to be without. perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
God is concerned about our eternal well-being. But Jesus revealed
The challenge of living the truth you learn another reason for His coming when He said, “I have come that they
Keep in mind, however, that just because the advice is there doesn’t may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John l0:
mean it’s easy to follow. It takes effort. Trying to live by the Bible’s l0). Jesus came so we can have eternal life, but He came also to help us
instruction is a challenge. understand how we can enjoy fulfilled, productive lives right now.
Our natural inclination is to go a different direction from what the The apostle John expressed God’s desire for us when he wrote,
Bible teaches (Romans 8:7). We’re surrounded by a secular world “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just
largely oblivious to biblical values, and those who wish to obey God as your soul prospers” (3 John 2).
often find themselves swimming upstream against popular thinking Even though living by God’s instruction can bring trials and suffering
and ways of doing things. Nor does it help when we see that many who (John 16:33; Acts 14:22), Jesus promised tangible blessings in the here
profess to be Christian display little or no commitment to living by and now for following God’s way of life and then, in the age to come,
God’s instructions. eternal life (Mark 10:29-30). We can experience definite blessings in this
Also, we need to be aware that things don’t always work out the way life for following the instructions found in God’s Word.
we expect, even when we do try to follow God’s instruction. Scripture Since following God’s way is worth the effort, what must we do to
tells us that “time and chance happen to [us] all” (Ecclesiastes 9:11). In please Him? This booklet addresses some of the common issues we
other words, in spite of our best efforts, other circumstances and situ- face—marriage, child rearing, health, employment, finances—and
ations beyond our control will affect us—sometimes for the better, at explains how we can structure our lives according to many principles
times for the worse. Although we can control our own actions, we some- brought out in the Bible. Continue reading to begin learning how you
times have little or no control over the actions of others that spill over can live by the rules that make life work.
and affect us.
God doesn’t tell us this life will be perfect when we put His instruc-
tion into practice. In fact, He tells us to expect adversities (2 Timothy
3:12; 1 Peter 2:20). He assures us, though, that in spite of difficulties and
6 Making Life Work Marriage:
Foundation of the Family 7

Marriage: Foundation
long before the wedding ceremony. It is established when two people
begin dating.
As children grow older, “When can I begin dating?” is a question

of the Family they commonly ask their parents. Though the Bible gives no specific age
when dating is appropriate, wise parents will teach their maturing chil-
dren sound biblical principles that will help them follow God’s standards

of behavior. Parents should determine when their children are ready to
od’s Word declares that “he who finds a wife finds what is date based on their maturity and readiness to accept responsibility for
good and receives favor from the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22, their actions. Before parents allow dating, they should teach and encour-
New International Version). The same is true for women age their children to follow biblical standards rather than turning them
who find loving and responsible husbands. Marriages are the loose to do whatever comes naturally.
building blocks of communities, societies and, ultimately, civilizations. Teaching children God’s standards before allowing them to date may
A society is only as strong as its marriages and families. sound terribly old-fashioned and restrictive to some with supposedly
From the beginning God taught that “a man shall leave his father enlightened ways of
and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” thinking. But most
(Genesis 2:24). This special arrangement, this bond between a man governments do not
and woman, was intended to last, as traditional marriage ceremonies allow people to drive
put it, “until death do us part.” It was designed to be a lifelong relation- automobiles until
ship (Romans 7:2-3) that would produce godly children (Malachi 2:15) they demonstrate
and help both spouses better understand the deep, loving relationship the knowledge and
between Jesus Christ and the members of “the household of God,” His ability to do so in
Church (Ephesians 5:25-32; 2:19-22). a safe manner. No
A happy marriage is one of the greatest blessings we can enjoy. God responsible parent
intended for couples to live happily ever after once they exchanged would put his or her
their marriage vows. To this end Ecclesiastes 9:9 instructs husbands to adolescent child in
“enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of your fleeting an automobile in the
life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward in
life, and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun” (New
American Standard Bible). Likewise, wives should enjoy life with When two people exchange wedding vows, they make a life-
their husbands. long commitment. Biblically speaking, this is a covenant—a
Yet, judging by the divorce rates in many countries, mankind has not solemn promise to God and one’s mate to be faithful.
learned how to do this. Everyone wants a good marriage, but few are
willing to follow God’s instructions that, if followed, would produce middle of a busy highway without having given that child instruction on
loving, committed relationships. how to drive.
God designed marriage and wants us to be happily married (Genesis Dating in our modern world is not without its dangers. Without proper
2:24). For success in this area of life, we need to learn from the Cre- instruction, too many youths become promiscuous, contract sexually
ator of marriage the principles that lead to happy, successful unions. In transmissible diseases, experience unwanted pregnancies and choose
short, we need to understand and apply concepts that work rather than wrong paths that seem enjoyable and right at the time but lead to untold
following modern paths that so often lead to failure. anguish (Proverbs 14:12; 16:25). They need instruction early and interac-
tive discussions on why and how biblical values can protect them from

Dating: preparation for marriage

such suffering.
According to God’s Word, the foundation for a good marriage is laid Without this proper instruction, many people will never experience a
8 Making Life Work Marriage:
Foundation of the Family 9

happy marriage. Loving parents would never wish misery on their chil- faulty logic is precisely the cause of so many unhappy relationships and
dren! But leaving them ignorant is a sure path to heartache. A thorough failed marriages. Let’s consider what God says.
understanding of God’s standards for dating and marriage is one of the
greatest blessings children can receive from their parents. God’s standards for dating
Yet many, of course, are far past that point, having already reached Historical records, like those of the ancient city of Corinth, reveal
adulthood—some having perhaps gotten married and even divorced. that in the heart of the Roman Empire, the most technologically
Teaching young people proper behavior for dating is obviously ideal. But advanced civilization of its day, the sexual values of the first century
what about adults? Do the principles change? Because adults are older, were similar to the modern concepts of dating today. Standards were
does that give them license for more liberties than adolescents may take? so skewed that sexual relations with temple prostitutes were not looked
Are all things appropriate for consenting adults? upon as scandalous but considered an appropriate form of worship.
As we shall see, God’s standards for dating apply to people of all Through the apostle Paul, God taught the Corinthians a better way.
ages. He does not have two sets of guidelines, one for adults and one for “Flee sexual immorality,” he wrote. “Every sin that a man does is
youths. Following the biblical laws is equally beneficial no matter one’s outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his
age. Breaking God’s laws is equally disastrous for people of all ages. own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy
Spirit . . . and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price;
Modern standards of dating therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s”
To understand the difference between God’s way and the world’s, (1 Corinthians 6:18-20).
consider the dating practices common in the Western world. How could Paul dare to address others’ private behavior? He could be
Many assume that when people are dating, sexual intercourse is so bold because he understood that God sanctions sexual relations only
appropriate to determine if they are compatible. They believe sex is within the marriage relationship (Genesis 2:24; Hebrews 13:4). Sexual
simply a natural expression of love between two people and thereby the relations in any other situation were and are immoral.
natural thing to do for individuals living together or “going together” in Later Paul addressed relationships between members of the opposite
an exclusive dating relationship. If such a couple then breaks up and the sex even more directly. Urging the brethren to live their lives in a way
two start dating others, the common assumption is that they are then free pleasing to God (1 Thessalonians 4:1), he wrote:
to have sexual relations with their new partners. “This is the will of God, that you should be holy: you must abstain
This practice of serial monogamy—being sexually active with only from fornication; each one of you must learn to gain mastery over his
one unmarried person at a time—is widely considered a suitable way to body, to hallow and honour it, not giving way to lust like the pagans who
date and find a future mate. know nothing of God; no one must do his fellow-Christian wrong in this
In the United States about two thirds of married women in their 20s matter, or infringe his rights.
cohabited with their future husbands before marriage (Robert Moeller, “As we impressed on you before, the Lord punishes all such offences.
“America’s Morality Report Card,” Christian Reader, November-December For God called us to holiness, not to impurity. Anyone therefore who
1995, pp. 97-100). This dubious practice is followed by all too many young flouts these rules is flouting not man but the God who bestows on you
adults in the Western world. his Holy Spirit” (verses 3-8, Revised English Bible).
Another honorable principle, according to current standards, is The custom and practice of dating—which leads to marriage—should
that partners should disclose any sexually transmissible diseases be conducted with honor. It should not be devalued into an excuse for
before intercourse so appropriate protection can be employed. In addi- sexual gratification. God expects us to enter marriage as virgins. This
tion, practicing “safe sex” (using contraceptives to avoid disease and approach shows respect for God, our bodies, our futures and the divine
unwanted pregnancies) is touted as the right thing to do. These practices institution of marriage.
are so widely accepted that increasing numbers of school systems God’s way is the best for making marriage work. Sociologists have
provide free contraceptives to students, no questions asked. found that God’s standard for dating is the one that produces marriages
Although these approaches may appear to be logical, they do not mea- that last. “After analyzing cohabitation and marriage patterns among
sure up to God’s standards. What many do not understand is that such some 13,000 adults, two University of Wisconsin–Madison sociologists
10 Making Life Work Marriage:
Foundation of the Family 11

have concluded that couples who live together before marriage experi- together” with someone of different religious beliefs (2 Corinthians 6:14).
ence higher levels of marital conflict and do not communicate as well. As two people consider getting engaged to be married, if they are
Such couples were less committed to marriage and saw divorce as more wise they will seek premarital counseling. Such counsel can help couples
likely than those who had not cohabited prior to marriage” (Journal of consider their strengths and weaknesses before marriage. In addition to
Marriage and the Family, Vol. 54, 1992). an objective review, they can discuss their relationship skills.
Although the decision to marry is a personal one, this kind of informa-
Dating: Teach the right way tion can help couples make wiser choices about whom they marry. For
How can concerned parents counteract pressure on their children those who choose to proceed with marriage, insights gained through pre-
to engage in immoral dating practices? marital counseling can lay a foundation for a relationship that will last.
The first step, as noted earlier, is to teach them godly principles of dat-
ing and friendship. When their teens are ready, many families have found A foundation for marriage
group dating to be a good way for youths to enter their next stage of life. Within marriage God gives husbands and wives specific instruc-
Since teenagers are generally not ready for marriage—because of tions that will produce peace and happiness. Whether or not one has
immaturity and the need for educational and occupational training followed God’s instructions regarding dating, these principles can help
—some of the pressures and temptations of one-on-one dating can be any marriage.
avoided through group dates. Social development and learning to have Although the best course of action is always to follow all of God’s
fun in the company of the opposite sex are healthy experiences for teens instructions, God also allows and encourages everyone to turn from past
in a safe environment. sins and begin obeying Him (Ezekiel 18:21; Acts 2:38; 26:18). (If you
would like to know more about the purpose of human life and how to
Dating for marriage commit your life to God, request our free booklets What Is Your Destiny?
When two mature people begin dating each other with an eye toward and The Road to Eternal Life.)
marriage, they must consider many things. What values does the other Although solid relationships are built more quickly when both hus-
person hold? Does he believe in God? Does she obey God? What is this band and wife accept and practice God’s laws, God expects each of
person’s background and personal standards and values? What are his us to respond to Him regardless of the circumstances of our marriage
preferences, dislikes, character and personality? Will this person be a (James 4:17). Even when only one mate commits his or her life to God
complementary match? Can I love and respect her? and His standards, this opens the door to God blessing both partners
Often in modern dating little thought is given to a potential partner (1 Corinthians 7:13-14). A positive, loving example of obedience to God
for life—other than whether the two enjoy their sexual activity. Yet when by a husband or wife may influence the other to want to please God
two people refrain from the emotionally charged arena of sexual rela- (1 Peter 3:1-4). One person can make a difference.
tions as God instructs, they can much more rationally consider the values Let us consider some biblical principles that when followed make
and traits of a potential spouse. marriages work.
Finding a mate with similar religious values is an especially impor-
tant consideration. The ancient nation of Israel repeatedly lost its spiri- A lifelong commitment
tual moorings when its citizens intermarried with people with different Early in the book of Genesis God tells us that it is appropriate for
religious convictions and practices (Numbers 25:1-3; Nehemiah 13:23- a man to “leave his father and his mother” and “cleave unto his wife:
26). Marrying within one’s faith is still just as important. and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24, King James Version). The
Ideally children should have two parents who believe, practice and Hebrew word translated “cleave” is dabaq, meaning “to cling, cleave,
teach the same religious principles. When children have parents with keep close.”
different values, they are confused. Even if children are not involved, “Used in modern Hebrew in the sense of ‘to stick to, adhere to,’
clashes between two competing value systems can be painful. Through dabaq yields the noun form for ‘glue’ and also the more abstract ideas
bitter experience, many afterward wish that when they were dating they of ‘loyalty, devotion’” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words,
had followed the apostle Paul’s advice against being “unequally yoked 1985, “To Cleave, Cling”).
12 Making Life Work Marriage:
Foundation of the Family 13

When a husband and wife obey the biblical command to cleave to does not return evil for evil (Romans 12:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:15). Peo-
each other, they will literally join together. Having sexual relations, ple who exemplify this kind of love follow the example of God Himself,
being “one flesh,” is part of commitment to each other in marriage. who “is kind to the unthankful and evil” (Luke 6:35).
Commitment includes fidelity, trust and the character to act properly Full, complete love is the love God expects husbands to show their
when under pressure or temptation. Yet too often people engage in sex wives. It is the foundation of godly leadership. Without it husbands can-
without commitment—a contradiction of this foundational principle for not properly fulfill the leadership God expects from them within mar-
successful marriages. riage (Ephesians 5:23). When a husband demonstrates godly love, his
When two people exchange wedding vows, they make a lifelong whole family benefits. His wife and children feel secure. When they
commitment. Biblically speaking, this is a covenant (Malachi 2:14)— know they are honored and loved, it is much easier for them to respect
a solemn promise to God and one’s mate to be faithful. him as the leader of the family.
This commitment should not be taken lightly or maintained only Husbands must understand that even though God has given them
when we feel like it. We need to understand that our feelings can mis- responsibility within the family, their position of leadership is to be
lead us. God does not advocate only occasional bursts of loyalty and used only for the good of the family. It should never be used for selfish
obedience to Him whenever it is convenient for us. Similarly, people who reasons. This kind of leadership flows from the understanding that first
desire good marriages do not look for people who will stay committed and foremost the husband, too, is under authority—God’s authority
to them only most of the time. (1 Corinthians 11:3).
Good relationships stand on long-term, trustworthy commitments— Because husbands historically have not lived up to God’s expectations
even under trying circumstances. When two people commit to follow for them, some have concluded that a father’s leadership position within
God and His instructions within their marriage, they take the first steps the family is evil and outdated. The real problem, however, is with
to a happy, lasting relationship. husbands who neglect or reject the character traits of godliness—not
with God’s model for families. If we accept God’s instructions, we must
What is love? accept His teaching on the marriage model.
To love and be loved is one of the most exhilarating experiences God places on a husband’s shoulders immense responsibility for
people can enjoy. Writers and poets ancient and modern speak of the leading his wife and children in gentleness and love. God gives him no
power and emotion of romantic love. Yet the Bible reveals that love, in mandate to use his position harshly or selfishly, nor the right to neglect
its broadest sense, is a choice. Love is something we choose to do. his family’s well-being. Humility, the opposite of pride and arrogance,
God tells husbands to love their wives (Ephesians 5:25, 28; Colossians is essential in godly leadership.
3:19)—and not just if they feel like it. Lacking a foundational under- In a poignant letter to Titus, Paul explained that God’s structure for
standing, many couples have tragically assumed they have no control families is a foundational biblical teaching: “But as for you, speak the
over their feelings. Concluding that love just magically appears or disap- things which are proper for sound doctrine: that the older men be sober,
pears, too many have suffered and even dissolved relationships over reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; the older women
difficulties that could have been resolved. likewise, that they be reverent in behavior . . . —that they admonish the
In a beautiful explanation of the love God expects of us, the apostle young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be dis-
Paul describes the nature and qualities of love: “Love is patient, love is creet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that
kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it the word of God may not be blasphemed” (Titus 2:1-5).
is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always pro- Respect: key to a successful marriage
tects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails” God set husbands in a leadership role in the family, but He expects men
(1 Corinthians 13:4-8, NIV). and women alike to practice biblical love and respect (Ephesians 5:21).
Love is much more than a vague emotion or physical attraction. Prac- Besides detailing for husbands how they should love their wives
ticing real love requires conscious choice and determination. Genuine (Ephesians 5:25-33), Paul gives specific instructions to wives: “Wives,
love resolves to show kindness and patience in the face of suffering. It submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of
14 Making Life Work Marriage:
Foundation of the Family 15

the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the Although candor can be healthy, fighting and arguing over every dis-
body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives agreement has proven to not be so wise. A study of 691 couples indicated
be to their own husbands in everything” (verse 22-24). that the more partners argue, regardless of their style of quarreling, the
This verse teaches us that a wife’s willing acknowledgment of her more likely they will eventually divorce (Richard Morin, “What’s Fair in
husband’s leadership role is a vital ingredient in the godly model for Love and Fights?” Washington Post Weekly, June 7, 1993, p. 37). Con-
marriage. This doesn’t mean the husband must make every decision. flicts lower respect and can build resentment. An argument can turn into
Many couples successfully divide household responsibilities, working the catalyst for a divorce.
together according to their respective strengths and interests. In a loving How much conflict can a relationship stand? One method of measure-
marriage, both partners should discuss major decisions and priorities. ment, which claims 90 percent accuracy in predicting which marriages
Then, according to the biblical model, if the husband chooses to make will last and which will fail, is based on the percentage of positive
the final judgment all family members should honor it. comments vs. negative comments between mates. Among newlyweds
But there are times when a husband should wisely defer to the prefer- researchers found that partners who would end up staying together made
ences of his wife and children. Just because he has the right to make five or fewer critical comments out of each 100 comments about each
family choices does not mean it is always best that he does. Many deci- other. Newlyweds who later divorced had made 10 or more critical com-
sions are a matter of preference, and preference is an individual matter. ments out of each 100 (Joanni Schrof, “A Lens on Matrimony,” U.S.
A loving husband and father should be sensitive to the desires and pref- News and World Report, Feb. 21, 1994, pp. 66-69).
erences of every family member as long as they don’t violate family and Since no two people, even happily married couples, agree on every-
godly standards. thing, learning how to peacefully resolve differences is an important part
No husband can successfully head his household unless his wife of maintaining respect. Here are a few principles couples should follow:
cooperatively respects the leadership position God has given him. With- • Talk matters out. Take turns expressing your beliefs and concerns in
out her conscious decision to obey God’s instruction, she will usurp his a kind way, without raising your voices (Proverbs 15:1). Refusing to talk
leadership role in the family, or the husband and wife will constantly about difficulties does not resolve problems. Learn to express your opin-
argue. Paul urges wives to respect their husbands (verse 33). Attitude— ions in a nonjudgmental way.
of both husbands and wives—is the key to making the biblical model Respect differences in your mate. Since God created humankind with
of marriage a joyful experience. a broad range of personalities, we need to appreciate those different per-
Like love, respect also implies making a choice. We can choose to spectives. Even the steps we take to fulfill God’s instructions can vary
respect people for their positive qualities or despise them for the traits from person to person (2 Peter 3:9).
we dislike. The best time for critical evaluation is before marriage. After- • Seek a win-win solution. Whenever possible look for solutions to
wards spouses need to focus on mutual respect. Deal kindly with imper- problems that are acceptable to both parties (Philippians 2:4). If pos-
fections and abundantly praise good qualities. Benjamin Franklin, early sible, have two winners rather than a winner and loser. We must at times
American statesman, wisely and humorously put it this way: “Keep your be willing to yield as long as a choice or action isn’t in conflict with
eyes wide open before marriage and half shut afterwards.” God’s instruction (Matthew 5:9; 1 Corinthians 6:7).
Paul beautifully explained this principle: “Let each of you look out
Conflict and communication not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this
Researchers have found that the way two people communicate mir- mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:4-5).
rors the state of their relationship. Positive, encouraging communication • Forgive. Everyone makes mistakes. Forgive so God and your
indicates a good relationship, and excessive criticism indicates a poor spouse will be inclined to forgive you (Matthew 6:15; Luke 6:37). Put
relationship. Depending on the circumstances, the two little words “I’m your best foot forward. Action often follows thought. Approach your
sorry” can be as effective as “I love you.” marriage partner in a spirit of love and forgiveness and ask God to
Some marriage counselors claim couples should learn to fight fairly restore you to a right attitude (Psalm 51:10). Instead of letting your
and not worry about the number of arguments. “Get it off your chest, negative emotions rule you, determine to treat your spouse with respect
and get it all out in the open,” they advise. (2 Corinthians 10:5). Often your emotions will match your actions.
16 Making Life Work Child
Rearing: Building the Right Foundation 17

Child Rearing:
• Seek help. If you have applied everything you know to do and are
still struggling, look for competent professional help. Both you and your
spouse may be making mistakes neither of you has recognized but which
a counselor can discern. Healthy, mature people are not afraid to seek
help when they need it (Proverbs 4:7; 11:14). Building the Right
The value of teamwork
God intends couples to work, live and grow in harmony. Instead of
waging a war of the sexes, which modern philosophies often fuel, God

teaches husbands and wives to work together as a team. “Husbands, like- ountless books have been written about child rearing. Some
wise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as approaches to rearing children are at opposite ends of the
to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that spectrum and give conflicting and contradictory advice. Where
your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7). can we find sure, sound information to guide us in this crucial
Working together, husbands and wives can accomplish much more responsibility?
than they can working independently. In the first century, Aquila and The Bible has much to say about this all-important subject, and par-
Priscilla set a fine example as a husband-and-wife team dedicated to God ents should look to its pages for guidance. What should be our funda-
and serving His people. Together they worked as tentmakers with the mental approach?
apostle Paul in Corinth (Acts 18:2-3), traveled with him to Syria (verse Our attitude toward our children is perhaps the single most impor-
18), helped Apollos understand “the way of God more accurately” when tant consideration
he was new in the faith (verses 24-26) and provided a meeting place for in proper child rear-
a church congregation in their home (1 Corinthians 16:19). ing. Do we really
They were loved and respected. Notice Paul’s commendation of them: love our children?
“Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who Do our words and
risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but actions show our
also all the churches of the Gentiles” (Romans 16:3-4). This couple saw children we love
a bigger purpose for their lives than arguing over inconsequential mat- them? Will we, and
ters. They were living examples of “heirs together of the grace of life” do we, sacrifice for
(1 Peter 3:7). them? Do we make
When husbands and wives lovingly submit to the roles God estab- time to show we
lished in marriage, they learn how to submit to God. Intimate, loving care for them?
relationships between husbands and wives teach us much about the rela- There is no
tionship of Christ to the Church (Ephesians 5:32). Applying God’s prin-
ciples for marriage not only produces happy relationships in this life, it
The kind of teaching God commands requires much more
yields greater understanding of godly principles that will last for eternity.
(To learn more, request our free booklet Marriage and Family: The than a once-a-week session at church services. It must be
Missing Dimension from any of our offices or from our Web site at a regular practice, all week long. Such teaching should become a way of life.

substitute for time spent with our children. Our time is our life. To our
children, our time with them is life. A parent who provides his children

with plenty of material possessions but little personal time is missing a

vital point. Children do not equate the parent’s time on the job working
18 Making Life Work Child
Rearing: Building the Right Foundation 19

to provide for the family with love for them. They think it means Dad they’re due. This reassures our children they are loved and appreciated.
doesn’t like to spend time with them. Our time is the most valuable gift
we can give to our children, especially quality time interacting and Parents’ responsibility to teach
conversing with them. Another essential ingredient in proper child rearing is actively teach-
Without a foundational approach of love, little that we can do in ing right values and behavior. God emphasizes this parental responsi-
rearing our children will produce the favorable results we want to see— bility: “And these words which I command you today shall be in your
mature, responsible and caring young men and women. heart; you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of
them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you
Words and actions leave lasting impressions lie down, and when you rise up” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).
All parents at times become frustrated with their children’s behav- This does not mean just formal, classroom-style teaching, although
ior. It is easy for a father or mother to convey the impression that he or such teaching is appropriate. The instruction God commands inspires
she doesn’t love the child. Some parents, by means of angry, frustrated practical, down-to-earth learning and application of God’s way of life
reactions and comments, make their children feel they are worthless or while we go about our daily activities.
despised by the parents. This kind of teaching requires much more than a once-a-week ses-
Parents must carefully consider the impression their words and actions sion at church services. It must be a regular practice, all week long. Such
make on their children. They may be upset about only one negative trait teaching should become a way of life.
or action but make the child feel as if he is an altogether bad person. It is Children, of course, quickly perceive whether their parents practice
essential that parents control their anger when correcting a child and that what they teach. Therefore, the parents’ example may be the most impor-
they make the specific behavior, action or attitude for which the child is tant teacher of all. Parents must do the things they teach. Nothing is more
being punished perfectly clear. ineffective than for a parent who uses foul language to correct his child for
The apostle Paul offers this instruction to parents: “Fathers, do using similar language. How can a parent teach responsibility if his own
not irritate and provoke your children to anger—do not exasperate actions are irresponsible, if they bring needless hardship on the family?
them to resentment—but rear them (tenderly) in the training and dis- Our example greatly influences our children. They are quick to pick
cipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4, up on inconsistencies. They consider how fair we are, how much infor-
Amplified Bible). mation we seek before making a decision, how we treat their friends,
In other words, parents should be sure their children know, even when how courteously and respectfully we deal with others. They especially
they are being disciplined and corrected, that they are loved. This is not watch whether we live up to what we say—particularly if we are judg-
to say parents should never display anger, but that it must be obviously mental of other people on those same issues.
directed toward the child’s misbehavior. It should always be controlled
and brief. God Himself becomes angry at times, but He doesn’t lose His The need for discipline
temper, and He always has a righteous purpose for His indignation and An important part of teaching is discipline, which can involve pun-
resulting actions. ishment. This is a controversial subject in many societies, with strong
When children know they are deeply cared for and that correction opinions on many sides of the issue. Some parents believe in corporal
from their father or mother grows out of concern and is in their best punishment; others are dead set against it. Governments, too, enter the
interest, such discipline will not provoke them to anger and rebellion. picture, with some countries going so far as to outlaw spanking or pad-
On the other hand, statements that a child perceives as painting him dling. The educational system is a major additional factor in this ongo-
and his character and attitude as worthless make him feel rejected and ing debate. Corporal punishment has virtually disappeared from many
can eventually lead to rebellious behavior, damaging activities and even public schools.
running away from home. Keep in mind, however, the various ways to punish or administer
If a parent tells his child he’s no good, the child soon will start believ- discipline. Verbal correction, removal of privileges, restricting freedoms
ing it and living up to that reputation. To show active rather than passive and adding extra chores are a few. Sometimes such methods work well,
love for our kids, we must extend sincere compliments and praise when and some may be more effective with one child than another. Some
20 Making Life Work Child
Rearing: Building the Right Foundation 21

children are more sensitive and respond to scolding. Others require and unappreciated within his family, the child will not fail to notice how
bolder steps to teach the lesson. The result is the important thing. A the game is played . . . Being a parent carries no right to slap and intimi-
godly principle is to use only as much punishment as is required to date a child because you had a bad day or are in a lousy mood. It is this
achieve the desired result. kind of unjust discipline that causes some well-meaning authorities to
But sometimes none of these methods work. So what about corporal reject corporal punishment altogether.
punishment? “Just because a technique is used wrongly, however, is no reason to
The Bible teaches that corporal punishment, wisely applied, is appro- reject it altogether. Many children desperately need this resolution to
priate when disciplining children: “Do not withhold discipline from a their disobedience. In those situations when the child fully understands
child; if you punish him with what he is being asked to do or not to do but refuses to yield to adult
the rod, he will not die. Pun- leadership, an appropriate spanking is the shortest and most effective
ish him with the rod and save route to an attitude adjustment. When he lowers his head, clenches his
his soul from death” (Proverbs fists, and makes it clear he is going for broke, justice must speak swiftly
23:13-14, New International and eloquently. Not only does this response not create aggression in a
Version; see also Proverbs boy or girl, it helps them control their impulses and live in har­mony with
13:24; 22:15; 29:15). various forms of benevolent authority throughout life” (The New Dare to
The word rod should not be Discipline, 1992, p. 60).
interpreted to mean anything Spanking should be a contingency plan, not the standard or sole way
that could injure a child in any of punishing. It should be used when other approaches don’t work or
manner whatsoever. It implies when a child is out of control and will not submit or when he shows a
only something small and light rebellious spirit. Spankings are not for accidentally spilling milk or for
that would inflict a limited making a C on a report card. Nor should they become the dominant tool
amount of pain without injury. of child rearing.
The size might vary according Says Dr. Dobson: “In my opinion, spankings . . . should be reserved
to the age and size of the child. for the moment a child (between the age of eighteen months to ten years
Appropriate punishment old) expresses to parents a defiant ‘I will not!’ or ‘You shut up!’ When
involves temporarily inflicting youngsters convey this kind of stiff-necked rebellion, you must be
willing to respond to the challenge immediately” (Dobson, p. 20).
Some children are more sensitive and respond to scold- Taking a cue from God’s discipline
ing. Others require bolder steps to teach the lesson. Consider that God chastises Christians out of love for them. Notice
Hebrews 12:5-11: “And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses
minor pain with the specific objective of preventing future inappropriate you as children—‘My child, do not regard lightly the discipline of the
behavior with its far greater and long-lasting consequences. This minor, Lord, or lose heart when you are punished by him; for the Lord disci-
short-lived pain is nothing compared with the suffering that would come plines those whom he loves, and chastises every child whom he accepts.’
later if the child should permanently adopt destructive behavior. But par- “Endure trials for the sake of discipline. God is treating you as chil-
ents must wisely administer such discipline. It should be undertaken only dren; for what child is there whom a parent does not discipline? If you
for the child’s benefit, never to vent a parent’s uncontrolled anger. do not have that discipline in which all children share, then you are ille-
Family and child-rearing authority James Dobson describes the gitimate and not his children. Moreover, we had human parents to disci-
proper approach in administering punishment: “It is possible . . . to cre- pline us, and we respected them. Should we not be even more willing
ate a violent and aggressive child who has observed this behavior at to be subject to the Father of spirits and live?

home. If he is routinely beaten by hostile, volatile parents, or if he “For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but
witnesses physical violence between angry adults, or if he feels unloved he disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share his holiness.
22 Making Life Work Finding
the Path to a Happy Family 23

Finding the Path

Now, discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time,
but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have
been trained by it.”
The preceding passage from Hebrews quotes Proverbs 3:11-12, compar-
ing God’s correction of us as His children to human parents disciplining
their children out of love and concern for them.
to a Happy Family

These verses teach us several vital principles regarding discipline.
From them we learn (1) God disciplines in love, (2) discipline is not ne of the greatest blessings of a happy, fulfilled life is a lov-
rejection but part of our maturing and growth, (3) discipline produces ing family. Nothing seems better than coming home to a
respect, and (4) discipline produces good fruit and righteousness. household filled with love, children and a happy marriage.
The Greek word for “discipline” in the passage in Hebrews includes Although we may have a great job, without a successful home
the concepts of education and training, corrective guidance and cor- life we will realize a great void in our lives.
rective punishment. Proper child rearing involves all these elements In the broadest sense our family includes not only our spouse and
of training. children, but parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces and oth-
Another biblical principle that parents should consider when evaluat- ers—all members of our extended family. Enjoying a good relationship
ing discipline appropriate for their children is expressed by the apostle with all one’s family is a wonderful blessing.
Paul: “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there To discover how we can make our family relationships work, let’s see
is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are how the institution of
appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the family began.
the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on Shortly after God
themselves” (Romans 13:1-2). created the first man,
Parents should understand that some disciplinary practices recom- Adam, He said, “It
mended in Scriptures may be restricted by local, state or national laws. is not good that man
should be alone; I will
A blessing and responsibility make him a helper
God’s Word tells us children are a gift, a blessing from Him. Being a comparable to him”
parent is perhaps the greatest responsibility we can have in this life, and (Genesis 2:18). Adam
it can bring the greatest rewards. was incomplete. So God
We can teach our sons and daughters many things, but we can also created a woman, Eve,
learn much from them about life and relationships. If we are effective in to be his partner in life.
parenting, they can even surpass us and achieve more than we. That is
truly an honor to any parent and a worthy goal. It is easy to forget that children are a blessing from God.
(To learn more, downlaod or request our free booklet Marriage and Life is much more fulfilling when we take time to notice
Family: The Missing Dimension from any of our offices or from our Web
and appreciate the simple things around us.
site at You can also download our free arti-
cle reprint collection Successful Parenting at
God created men and women to complement each other, not compete
with each other. He created them to work together, within marriage, to
form families and populate the earth.

Keys to happiness
God didn’t create the family relationship and then leave us to stumble
24 Making Life Work Finding
the Path to a Happy Family 25

blindly in trying to find the best way to make it work. The keys for people or witnessing a spectacular event. Yet we eventually learn that
family happiness and success are revealed in the Scriptures. When we life is much more fulfilling when we take time to notice and appreciate
follow these instructions, much of the strife so often found in families the simple things around us.
is eliminated.
One of the keys God gives is that marriage is a lifelong commit- Happiness begins at home
ment. When asked about divorce, Jesus Christ responded: “Have you Sadly, our modern way of life tends to separate families. Grandchil-
not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male dren often live far from their grandparents. Youngsters are separated
and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and from their aunts, uncles and cousins. Frequent visits and phone calls can
mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?” help shorten the distance and keep us in touch with other members of
(Matthew 19:4-5). our family, but those measures are not always adequate.
Jesus showed that marriage was designed by God as a sacred contract, Building happy, stable, extended families takes effort. Galatians
a covenant between a man and woman (Malachi 2:14)—an agreement 6:7 explains that we reap what we sow. A properly functioning fam-
not to be violated. ily requires a lot of work, just as it takes effort to start a career, build a
Happiness does not come by accident. We are most satisfied when we house or plow a field.
are doing something we believe is important. Such is the case with the We usually reap rewards in proportion to the effort we put into some-
family. God created this institution so we could learn many lessons and thing. If we start to build a house but don’t make use of good-quality
attain our potential in His family (2 Corinthians 6:18; Hebrews 2:10-11; materials and good workmanship, our house will not have much value.
1 John 3:2). Our families are the same. If we put effort and care into them, then we
God gives instructions on how a family is to function. In the Fifth can reap the benefits of healthy relationships. On the other hand, if we
Commandment He tells us, “Honor your father and mother, that your don’t invest much time and effort in our families, we cannot expect much
days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you” in return.
(Exodus 20:12). Let’s consider some investments we can make to create the most
We are always to honor our parents. In our youth we should honor positive environment in our families.
them by respectful obedience. When they are old we should honor them
with visits, regular communication and respect and by seeing that their Time: a precious commodity
material and emotional needs are met. Spending time together is important for people in any profitable and
God promises a special blessing for people who obey this com- proper relationship. The many pressures and demands on our time tend
mandment. Notice the reward for honoring our parents: “that your days to pull our families farther apart rather than drawing them together.
may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” Some parents find it difficult to spend more than a few minutes each day
In Ephesians 6:2 the apostle Paul describes this instruction as “the first with their spouses and children.
commandment with promise.” It is common to hear people complain about their lack of time. Yet we
Another blessing that comes from having a family is children. Psalm seem to find time for the things that we really want to do.
127:3-5 tells us: “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the How important is your family? How high a priority is it to you?
fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so When we ask ourselves this question, we may see a need to rearrange
are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver our priorities. You may have to make time for your family.
full of them . . .” When family members live in the same area and share the commit-
Whether first-time parents marveling at the miracle of life, a grand- ment to obey God’s commandments, they have a special opportunity for
mother proudly holding her first grandchild or a grandfather playing spending time together while worshiping God. The Fourth Command-
catch with his grandchild in the backyard—all discover children to be ment instructs us to “remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exo-
a God-given source of joy. dus 20:8). Though one of the most ignored laws of God, the Sabbath
It is easy to forget that children are a blessing from God. Too often we command, when observed, affords families many opportunities to come
think of having fun as visiting an exotic vacation spot, meeting exciting together. (To learn how to find time in your week to consider godly
26 Making Life Work Finding
the Path to a Happy Family 27

spiritual values, you need to learn more about God’s weekly Sabbath. Be support can one have than a loving family that comes to the aid of a
sure to request our free booklet Sunset to Sunset: God’s Sabbath Rest.) stricken member?
The Sabbath commandment is more important today than ever Paul exhorted the congregation in Thessalonica to “comfort the faint-
because of our busy schedules. It is a day on which family members hearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all” (1 Thessalonians 5:15).
should have dinner together, perhaps take time for a walk and, above Assistance from the family is the first source of help when problems
all, worship God together. Investing time with your close relatives on arise. If a family member falls ill or loses a job, a supporting family
the Sabbath can enhance your relationships with them, teach them the can help. Family members can encourage him not to give up or become
values of God and bind your family together through eternal spiritual overly discouraged.
principles. A problem during Jesus’ earthly ministry was nonsupporting families.
In addition to the Sabbath, other times and activities, such as trips, Christ chastised the Pharisees, telling them they needed to take care of
vacations and holidays, provide ways for family members to spend time older, needy family members. “All too well you reject the commandment
together. Such occasions provide opportunities for parents to talk with of God, that you may keep your tradition,” He told them. “For Moses
their children, said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father
to find out what or mother, let him be put to death.’ But you say, ‘If a man says to his
they are thinking father or mother, whatever profit you might have received from me is
about life and Corban’—(that is, a gift to God), then you no longer let him do anything
learn of their for his father or his mother” (Mark 7:9-12). He made it clear that family
hopes, dreams members have a responsibility to take care of elderly parents.
and frustrations. One way to support elderly parents is to stay in regular contact with
It is also a time them. Letters and phone calls to see how they are doing are good first
for children steps. Then one should follow through with help as needed. The prin-
to start asking ciple of assisting also applies to other members of a family when they
questions of their are in need.
parents about
Traditionally speaking
life. When a
Traditions help families function and grow closer. We have already
The Sabbath is a day on which family members should mentioned that obedience to the Fourth Commandment (to keep the
Sabbath holy) can help make stronger families. Besides the Sabbath and
have dinner together, perhaps take time for a walk and,
biblical feast days, other traditional times to get together—such as anni-
above all, worship God together. versaries—offer important opportunities for developing relationships.
(To understand the meaning of the biblical Holy Days, be sure to request
family is together in a car for many hours traveling, parents can take this God’s Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind.)
time to communicate with their children, thus bringing their families Jesus Christ encourages us as well to extend hospitality to others out-
closer together. side our immediate families: “When you give a dinner or a supper, do
not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives, nor rich neighbors,
A source of support lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid. But when you give a
There are always times when things go wrong. When rough times feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And you will be
come, the family can provide powerful support. Ecclesiastes 4:11-12 blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the
points out the advantage of support: “If two lie down together they keep resurrection of the just” (Luke 14:12-14).
warm, but how can one be warm alone? And if one can overpower him

The need for rules

who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly
torn apart” (NASB). What better physical, emotional and even spiritual We live in an era that has cast off many of the rules—the standards
28 Making Life Work Finding
the Path to a Happy Family 29

and traditions—that once governed society. The result? Young people Love: the lasting ingredient
do not have the guidelines to help them grow and mature into respon- Love is the most important ingredient in any successful family. If
sible adults. Far too many roam the streets without rules to define members of the family love each other, they will be more tolerant and for-
proper behavior. giving, and they will be willing to support weaker members of the family.
Children need boundaries and rules. They need to know what is The apostle Paul
expected of them. Proverbs 29:15 tells us that “the rod and rebuke give describes the character-
wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.” Chil- istics of true love, the
dren and teenagers may not appreciate correction and rules when they unselfish concern for
are young; but when they are older, they will see and be thankful for the other people: “Love suf-
wisdom of parents who gave them proper guidance. fers long and is kind;
Ross Campbell, M.D., understands the importance of rules in the love does not envy; love
development of children. In his book How to Really Love Your Teenager does not parade itself, is
he writes: “Teenagers at some level of consciousness realize they need not puffed up; does not
guidance and control from their parents. They want it. I have heard so behave rudely, does not
many teenagers say that their parents do not love them because they are seek its own, is not pro-
not strict or firm enough. And so many teenagers express their thank- voked, thinks no evil;
fulness and love to parents who showed their care and concern by their does not rejoice in iniq-
guidance and control” (1988, p. 77).
Rules and guidelines are good for children. They let them know what
is expected of them. They identify proper standards of behavior.
We live in an era that has cast off many of the rules—the
Responsible parents who love their children will give careful con- standards and traditions—that once governed society. The
sideration to the rules they establish. Dr. Campbell asks: “Should you result? Young people do not have the guidelines to help
make them fair, broad, and reasonable? Or should you be very strict? It them grow and mature into responsible adults.
is important to remember that the normal teenager will test—and some-
times even break—your limits or rules. Common sense, then, indicates uity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes
that since it is in the makeup of most teenagers to challenge and/or break all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).
rules, no matter how strict or broad they are, the sensible thing is to Love is especially important within the family structure. It gives us
make rules initially quite strict and restrictive” (ibid., p. 76). direction when we wonder how to treat a family member. Love means
Later, as children mature and demonstrate responsible behavior, the applying discipline when needed. This kind of love requires parental
rules can be relaxed where and when appropriate. courage and self-discipline—the same attributes we would like to see
The Bible tells us that children, too, have a responsibility. Paul wrote, in our children.
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right” (Ephesians Societal changes have seriously threatened the family. Some wonder if
6:1). Ideally, youths will learn from parents who teach them God’s the family structure can survive. Many forces are at work that constantly
instructions. threaten and undermine this basic building block of society.
Of course, children tend to test rules. At times they will decide they There is much you can do to help make your family life work, to help
know better than their parents. When this happens, parents should take prevent your family from becoming one of the casualties. You can help
time to explain why certain rules exist. For example, if a youngster or make your family a safe haven for its members, a harbor from the storms
teenager has a tendency to not wear a seat belt when riding in a car, of life in a troubled world. To see your family life flourish, be sure to
explain to him the reason for wearing one: Seat belts usually save lives apply these principles and many more to be found throughout the Bible.
and prevent serious injuries in case of accidents. If children are placed in (To learn more, request our free booklet Marriage and Family: The

seat belts when they are young, they will develop the habit of buckling Missing Dimension from any of our offices or from our Web site at
up and likely not challenge it as they grow older.
30 Making Life Work The
Importance of Right Friendships 31

The Importance
so much wiser as a result of developing and maintaining healthy friend-
ships. The Word of God supports this approach. The book of Proverbs
is rife with wise sayings on aspects of friendship. Proverbs focuses on

of Right Friendships the importance of developing friendships based on the right reasons.
For example, Proverbs 19:4-6 tells us: “Wealth makes many friends, but
the poor is separated from his friend . . . Many entreat the favor of the

nobility, and every man is a friend to one who gives gifts.”
ome people prefer to be alone. But most want to be around other Solomon noted that many people make friends for ulterior motives,
people. Relationships and associations are important to them. such as what a friend can do for us. But a true friend is one who will
They desire to have and maintain friendships. sacrifice for his brother, not one who will sacrifice his brother for gain.
Friendship is part of God’s way of life. His Word has much A true friend will not be friendly only when things are going well but
to say about friendship. In fact, God Himself strongly emphasizes His will love at all times, including periods of adversity (Proverbs 17:17).
desire for relationships and friendships. Jesus Christ, who is one in A true friend is deeply committed to a relationship. Notice Jesus Christ
mind and Spirit with the Father, will marry the Church. This implies an describing this commitment:
extremely close relationship as well as a friendship. A major underpin- “Greater love has no one than
ning in God’s plan is healthy, strong, close relationships. this, than to lay down one’s
The Scriptures refer to Abraham and Moses as friends of God (Exo- life for his friends” (John
dus 33:11; James 2:23). Jesus had close friends. Though the disciples 15:13). Jesus not only said
were His closest friends, He had friendly relationships with others, this, He lived it. It’s quite a
including tax collectors. For this He was soundly condemned by others challenge for us to follow this
(Matthew 11:19). One of the tax collectors, Matthew, even became a wonderful example.
disciple (Matthew 9:9-13). Some believe that to be
These examples illustrate that it is not wrong to have friends who a friend to someone, one
are not Christian. John, another disciple and a close friend of Jesus, should never stand up to or
described the danger we must keep in mind: “Do not love the world or disagree with him. But there
the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father are times when a true friend
is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.
And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the People can be so much more effective, so much more
will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:15-17). balanced and so much wiser as a result of developing
We must maintain a proper balance. We are to help people in the and maintaining healthy friendships.
world—in society—without becoming part of the way of life of the world.
Among the disciples, the Savior apparently felt especially close to needs to tell his brother where he is wrong. “Faithful are the wounds of a
John. He even commissioned this disciple to care for His mother, Mary, friend. But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful” (Proverbs 27:6).
after His death. Although Jesus was a friend to many, He appears to have Friends should assist and strengthen each other by helping each other
felt a special affinity for John. grow and improve (Proverbs 27:17). People simply do much better by
John’s epistles dwell on love as a major theme. Since God is love and working together. Two really are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).
the Son of God is like His Father (Hebrews 1:3), this may be why Jesus God’s way is not one of total independence from others. It is a way
felt a special affinity for John. Following Christ’s example, we can see of interdependence—of close relationships and of working together as
that it’s not wrong for us to have close friends as long as they do not pre- a well-trained team to accomplish the goals He sets before us. All of us

vent us from helping others and having a positive relationship with them. need to actively seek, develop and maintain friendships from a godly
People can be so much more effective, so much more balanced and perspective and motive. We will be better people as a result.
32 Making Life Work Finding
Success in Your Job and Career 33

Finding Success
Similarly, people today often have to learn many job skills out of
necessity in a fast-paced, fast-changing world. Those who don’t learn,
grow and change with the times can fall behind and have to fend for

in Your Job and Career themselves.

Timeless principles for success

Even though we live in a world of constant change, some things have
n a world that has changed tremendously in recent years, it seems few not changed for thousands of years. Our world is far removed from that
things have changed as fast as employment and economic situations. of the Bible, yet its pages reveal timeless principles that apply just as well
Not that long ago it was common for a person to work for him- today as they did when they were first written thousands of years ago.
self or learn a trade and work for one employer for most, if not all, The book of Proverbs is especially helpful, not just in offering us
of his working life. Most people started working for one company, and guidance for how to be successful on the job but in advising how to
it was virtually a partnership for life. But no longer. That kind of secu- succeed in all areas of life. Notice how, in the first few verses, King
rity and loyalty—from employer to employee and vice-versa—is a thing Solomon expresses the purpose of the book of Proverbs:
of the past. It’s now much more common for people to work for several “The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for attaining
employers over a lifetime and to learn many skills and hold several kinds wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquir-
of jobs over the course of their career. ing a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair;
In an increasingly competitive world of business mergers, acquisitions for giving prudence to the
and bankruptcies, seniority and experience no longer necessarily equate simple, knowledge and
to job security. People can lose their jobs through downsizing and layoffs discretion to the young—
with little or no warning. In many advanced nations, entire categories of let the wise listen and
jobs have been eliminated, replaced through computers and automation add to their learning,
or outsourced to poorer nations where workers will perform the task for and let the discerning
a fraction of the cost. get guidance” (Proverbs
In a world that is so far removed from the life and times of the Bible, 1:1-5, NIV).
do the Scriptures offer any guidance in how to be successful in our job Simply put, the book
and career? of Proverbs is a book
Versatility in a changing world
to teach us wisdom.
It records hundreds
Obviously, one key to economic survival is versatility. Only in recent of observations on all
generations have we seen such a remarkable move toward specializa- aspects of life and our
tion, and that driven largely by technological advancements. These relationships with one
advancements constantly alter our world, creating new business and another. It offers hundreds
job opportunities virtually overnight while just as quickly rendering
others obsolete.
In terms of versatility, we might liken our world to the Bible world of In a world that is so far removed from the life and times
2,000 years ago. Back then most people were self-employed and had to of the Bible, do the Scriptures offer any guidance in how
learn many skills out of necessity. Theirs was not a throwaway society to be successful in our job and career?
in which if something broke you simply went to the store and bought a
new one. People made most of the things they used, then repaired them of gems of advice that have been proven over time. Let’s examine some

when necessary. Of necessity they learned many skills to provide for of the advice it offers to help us succeed in our jobs and careers, whether
themselves and their families. we work for ourselves or others.
34 Making Life Work Finding
Success in Your Job and Career 35

A tiny teacher from nature Curiously, Solomon’s comments imply that these consequences strike
Solomon was a multitalented man. He was not only a gifted writer, the lazy person unexpectedly, like a bandit or robber who strikes sud-
teacher and composer but a student of nature who recorded his observa- denly and without warning. Apparently at least some such people lack
tions about the natural world around him (1 Kings 4:30-34). One of his the foresight even to see the inevitable consequences of their laziness.
first recorded principles for success on the job, and in all areas of life for Perhaps you’ve seen problem employees go their merry way, unaware of
that matter, came from observing one of the tiniest of God’s creatures: their behavioral deficiencies until they were fired. Solomon even notes
the ant. that some people are so oblivious to their own shortcomings that they
“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!” advises seem impervious to reality (Proverbs 26:16).
Solomon. “It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its Solomon adds that we should learn from the examples of behavior we
provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will see around us. We should recognize cause and effect, he tells us, to learn
you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A what leads to success and what leads to poverty: “I went by the field of
little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest—and the lazy man, and by the vineyard of the man devoid of understanding;
poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man” and there it was, all overgrown with thorns; its surface was covered with
(Proverbs 6:6-11, NIV). nettles; its stone wall was broken down. When I saw it, I considered it
Solomon tells us we can learn much about how to be successful in well; I looked on it and received instruction: A little sleep, a little slum-
life from the lowly ant. First, the ant doesn’t have to have someone tell ber, a little folding of the hands to rest; so shall your poverty come like
it what to do. It recognizes what needs to be done and takes care of it. a prowler, and your need like an armed man” (Proverbs 24:30-34).
Any supervisor recognizes the value of an employee with such an The Proverbs repeatedly tell us that, when it comes to success, there
approach—someone who learns his job, does it and doesn’t have to be is no substitute for diligent work. “In all hard work there is profit, but
reminded what to do. Those who must constantly be told what to do talk only makes a man poor” (Proverbs 14:23, Bible in Basic English).
are rarely successful because they not only drain the time and energy Talk by itself, as Solomon pointed out, produces nothing. Good inten-
of their managers, but they show little or no initiative or potential for tions are just that—intentions. “The soul of a lazy man desires, and has
advancement. nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich” (Proverbs 13:4).
The ant in Solomon’s observations instinctively recognizes the need to Good intentions without follow-up actions bring nothing. Rightly acting
prepare for the future. When the opportunity is there to gather food, it will- on such intentions, however, pays off.
ingly and diligently works hard to store up provisions for lean times ahead. Solomon noted that those who don’t want to work can always come
Likewise, we should recognize the need to prepare for the future. up with creative excuses. “The lazy man says, ‘There is a lion outside!
When circumstances are good, make the most of them, recognizing that I shall be slain in the streets!’” (Proverbs 22:13). Excuses, too, are no
it won’t always be this way. When opportunities present themselves, we substitute for getting the job done.
should learn to recognize and act on them while circumstances allow. Diligence delivers dividends
Otherwise they might not present themselves again.
Hand in hand with hard work is a trait the Bible often refers to as dili-
The value of hard work gence. We might call it many things: initiative, motivation, enthusiasm,
One lesson from Solomon’s meditations on the ant’s behavior is drive, foresight. Curiously, the Hebrew word translated as “diligent”
unmistakable: To be successful requires hard work. The ant seems is rendered as “sharp” in several verses. Today we refer to someone as
instinctively to know it must work hard to survive. Too many people sharp if we think he is intelligent, productive and effective—in other
have yet to figure that out. words, if he’s diligent.
No one wants to hire (or keep) a person who is lazy, passive, not Diligence and hard work are the opposite of laziness. The fruits of
dependable and always looking for excuses or ways to get out of work. diligence and hard work are also the opposite of the consequences of
Such people usually are more trouble than they are worth. Solomon laziness. What does Solomon tell us about the reward of diligence—of
points out where such people usually end up—suffering from poverty initiative, drive and foresight?
and scarcity. “The hand of the diligent will rule, but the lazy man will be put to
36 Making Life Work Finding
Success in Your Job and Career 37

forced labor,” he writes (Proverbs 12:24). Those who are enthusiastic Solomon was summing up a principle crucial for success. In the
and motivated in their work are those who naturally will get the promo- agriculturally based society of his time, people lived—and sometimes
tions and greater responsibility. If you want to be considered for opportu- died—by the condition, readiness and productivity of their fields. If their
nities for advancement, cultivate and develop these traits. Do your abso- fields yielded little or no crops, the individual or family was in deep
lute best in your current position to show that you can handle additional trouble. Thus their highest priority was to keep fields in good condition
responsibility, and it will likely come. so everyone could eat.
No one who takes a passive, disinterested approach to work should Solomon advises someone starting out as a young adult to “get your
expect additional responsibilities or the additional pay that comes fields ready” first. In other words, take the steps that will put—and
with them. “He who is keep—food on your table. “After that, build your house,” he says. Solo-
slow in his work becomes mon here sums up our basic priorities in life as work before pleasure.
poor, but the hand of The modern equivalent would be to be sure you are well prepared to
the ready worker gets in make a living before you start trying to enjoy a good living. Put in the
wealth,” says Solomon hard work necessary to begin a career and get and keep well-paying jobs.
(Proverbs 10:4, BBE). Once your fields (or their economic equivalent) are ready—after you’ve
The results of work habits gained the skills to provide for you and your family—you can take time
Solomon noted almost to build your house—to think about home and family.
3,000 years ago haven’t In our time the thrust of that preparation to earn a living will be to
changed. get an appropriate education. On average, Americans with a college
“Whatever your hand degree will earn double the lifetime earnings of a high-school graduate.
finds to do, do it with Those with advanced degrees will earn far more.
your might,” advised Sol- Education is the single best investment you can make for your finan-
omon in another biblical cial stability and earning power. As technology transforms our world,
book (Ecclesiastes 9:10). education will likely grow even more important with each coming year.
At the same time the constant advancement of technology means that
Those who are enthusiastic and motivated in their work ongoing education—adding and developing skills—is also crucial.
are those who naturally will get the promotions and Stability and strength through self-discipline
greater responsibility. Solomon tells us that this sort of self-discipline is crucial to our suc-
cess. “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken
This is wise advice indeed. If we do our best with opportunities given down, without walls” (Proverbs 25:28).
us, more opportunities will come our way. As king over Israel, Solo- Self-discipline is crucial to getting and maintaining control over our
mon noted just how high diligent, motivated employees can go when lives. Solomon compared a person without self-discipline to a city with-
they apply themselves: “Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will out walls. In his day an unwalled city was defenseless before invaders,
serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men” (Proverbs unable to control its own destiny. It stood helpless before its enemies;
22:29, NIV). when surrounded, it could either surrender, pay protection money or
fight and suffer the likely bloody consequences. None of these choices
Preparation before pleasure came easily.
For young people in particular, Solomon offers advice that becomes In the same way, a person without self-discipline is unable to control
understandable when we apply its underlying principle to our day and his own destiny. Without self-discipline he cannot set and maintain a
age. “Finish your outdoor work and get your fields ready; after that, course that will lead to security and stability. He will often be his own

build your house,” he wrote (Proverbs 24:27, NIV). What does that greatest hindrance to success as he follows his own impulses on one
quaint-sounding advice have to do with us? false start after another.
38 Making Life Work Financial
Security and Peace of Mind 39

Financial Security
Another biblical writer’s perspective
Solomon wasn’t the only Bible writer to offer sound advice for a suc-

and Peace of Mind

cessful career. The apostle Paul offers a perspective that can help us on
the job regardless of our circumstances. He describes for us the perspec-
tive a Christian—and by extension any of us—should take toward our
job and our employer:

“Servants, in all things do the orders of your natural masters; not only
popular magazine pointed out that some Hollywood celeb-
when their eyes are on you, as pleasers of men, but with all your heart,
rities, each earning more than $35 million per year, were
fearing the Lord: Whatever you do, do it readily, as to the Lord and not
deeply in debt. A newspaper article similarly reported that
to men” (Colossians 3:22-23, BBE; compare Ephesians 6:5-8).
a popular musician had to drastically reorder his finances
Paul’s instruction is simple: We should approach our job as if we
because his personal spending had grown to an average of some
were working for Jesus Christ Himself. God is watching us whether the
$400,000 per week.
person paying us is or not, so we should always put forth our best effort
At the same time, many nations are mired in serious financial trouble,
and strive to please and honor Him. To do otherwise is to dishonor and
carrying enormous deficits, in spite of their industrial, business and
disobey God, in essence stealing from or defrauding our employer by
agricultural productivity and know-how.
accepting pay while not giving the quantity and quality of work we’ve
Following these same patterns, personal bankruptcies are soaring
agreed to.
upward, and many families owe so much money they have very little
Are you a profitable servant? hope of getting out of debt.
It is ironic that our materialistic world, which prizes the acquisition of
Perhaps no other biblical approach to success on the job and in our
wealth over almost everything else, is so heavily burdened by it. It’s not
career is better expressed than that summarized by Jesus Christ Him-
hard to see that something is fundamentally wrong and out of balance.
self. He noted the difference between a servant—an employee—who is
Instead of being a blessing and source of stability and security, money
profitable to his employer and one who is not.
has come to be a curse that often produces great stress and anxiety
“Does [the master] thank [his] servant because he did the things that
because people have not learned to properly use it.
were commanded him?” Jesus asked. “I think not. So likewise you,
when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, Man’s focus on materialism
‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do’”
We live in a world that does not seek the knowledge of its Creator—
(Luke 17:9-10).
including His financial advice. Few people are aware that the Bible con-
An unprofitable servant, said Jesus, does as he is told. He exactly—
tains an amazing amount of information about how to accumulate and
and barely—meets his responsibility. Such a servant, Jesus said, is
manage wealth. God wants us to be prosperous and happy (3 John 2),
and He offers guidance to make that possible.
Jesus didn’t spell out what makes a servant profitable. He didn’t have to.
Most people feel they are able on their own to handle their personal
His meaning was clear: A profitable servant must go above and beyond his
affairs, including monetary decisions and allocations. They don’t realize
duty. He must go beyond what his master—his employer—expects.
they’re making a grave mistake in this, unwittingly cutting themselves
In times of economic uncertainty and financial instability, there is
off from God’s favor and guidance that would lead to the financial
probably no better way to assure your employment security and growth
success they seek.
than to follow Paul’s admonition to work for one’s employer as if you
For example, contrary to human inclination, God tells us not to set a
are working for Jesus Christ Himself. In doing so you will fulfill Jesus’
high priority on the accumulation of wealth and material goods. Instead,
description of what we must do to be truly profitable servants.
even though we have physical needs, He tells us that spiritual values
and objectives are more important and lasting and that we need first to
seek His Kingdom rather than the things of this world. If we do this, He
40 Making Life Work Financial
Security and Peace of Mind 41

promises to supply the physical necessities we require (Matthew 6:19-34). one’s increase to His representatives—as a way of acknowledging Him
However, because people are naturally inclined toward acquiring as as the source of our blessings. Tithing also provides a means for allow-
much as possible for themselves, many find God’s approach difficult to ing His truth to be shared with others.
accept and pursue. But if we want to attain real financial stability and Scripture shows us that the Old Testament patriarchs Abraham and
security—with peace of mind—we must recognize the importance of Jacob tithed (Genesis 14:18-20; 28:22). God commanded the entire
putting God first. After all, He is the primary source of our blessings. nation of Israel to tithe (Leviticus 27:30). Jesus Christ endorsed tithing
Covetousness, along with lack of discipline and self-control, is a root (Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42).
cause of much personal and national economic trouble (1 Timothy 6:10). People who think tithing is a humanly contrived scheme to obtain
God’s Word sternly warns against covetousness. God’s Tenth Com- wealth fail to see that this financial practice was ordained by God, not
mandment (Exodus 20:17) forbids coveting—intensely or obsessively man, for a great spiritual purpose. They also fail to see that being will-
desiring something that we could not legitimately obtain or afford. ing to acknowledge
The prophet Jeremiah indicted the kingdom of Judah for its citizens’ and obey God in this
covetousness (Jeremiah 22:17). Jesus Christ warned of its dangers (Luke matter is an important
12:15-34). Hebrews 13:5 tells us, “Let your conduct be without covetous- step toward attaining
ness; be content with such things as you have.” Too many people fail to personal happiness and
recognize the perils of yielding to their desires and cravings, especially financial success.
when they are out of reach. God promises mate-
rial blessings to those
The source of all wealth who obey Him and
Many have forgotten—or never considered—that it is God who gives acknowledge Him with
us power to obtain wealth. Although diligent effort is a necessary part of their wealth (Proverbs
anyone’s success, God reminds us that when we say in our hearts, “My 3:1, 9-10). Through the
power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth,” we need prophet Malachi, God
to “remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to
get wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:17-18). Instead of being a blessing and source of stability and
As 1 Chronicles 29:11-12 tells us: “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness,
the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; for all that is in
security, money has become a curse that often produces
heaven and in earth is Yours; . . . Both riches and honor come from You, great stress and anxiety because people have not learned
and You reign over all. In Your hand is power and might; in Your hand it to properly use it.
is to make great and to give strength to all.”
Psalm 24:1 adds, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the warns that withholding His tithe amounts to robbing Him but says He
world and those who dwell therein.” will bless those who tithe (Malachi 3:7-12).
These verses give a critically important godly perspective that we God gives us “every good and perfect gift” (James 1:17). Giving a
need to consider. It is God who gives us our life and capacities and 10th back to Him, along with offerings that express our gratitude, is a
who has created the earth’s raw materials from which commodities and basic financial obligation. Putting God first in your financial planning
wealth originate. shows you are getting your priorities straight and willing to follow God’s
instruction. The first 10th of our increase is holy to God (Leviticus 27:30)
Acknowledging God for His blessings and should be set aside for His purposes and desires rather than our own.
Because God is the creator, life giver and sustainer of every living
being, it follows that He has the prerogative to ask something in return What is our highest priority?

from those who live as tenants on His property. Thousands of years ago Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 shows the futility of seeking worldly pleasure,
He instituted the financial principle of tithing—giving 10 percent of wealth and materialism. In the end such pursuits are empty: “He who
42 Making Life Work Financial
Security and Peace of Mind 43

loves silver will not be satisfied with silver; nor he who loves abundance priorities rather than material and earthly concerns.
with increase” (Ecclesiastes 5:10).
This illustrates again the importance of putting the things of God Responsibilities toward others
and His Kingdom first because they alone give lasting satisfaction God’s Word offers many other financial principles and truths we
and fulfillment. should study and follow to gain wisdom and guidance from God’s mind.
Jesus Christ tells us we cannot successfully focus on and place the One sound bit of advice is to pay your taxes. Romans 13:1-7 teaches
correct emphasis on both God and “mammon”—material wealth (Mat- we should comply with governmental tax requirements. Some wrongly
thew 6:24). Therefore, the choice between the two is an important one. think they are above and exempt from government authority, but this is
To help us consider and evaluate these alternatives, Jesus contrasted not what the Bible teaches (except in cases where God’s laws conflict
the value of each. Earthly treasure is easily destroyed or stolen, He said, with man’s—see Acts 5:29).
while heavenly riches are not vulnerable to loss or theft and are therefore Failure to pay taxes can result in severe penalties because it is against
more enduring and substantial (verses 19-20). the law of the land. Jesus Himself told us to pay taxes but not neglect
Later He continued this theme by showing that being overly con- what we owe to God (Matthew 22:17-21). We should pay first that which
cerned with the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches can belongs to God as well as that which is required by the government.
strangle the influence of God’s Word, preventing spiritual growth and The apostle Paul teaches that we should be willing and generous in
maturity (Matthew 13:22). contributing to the needs of others (2 Corinthians 9:6-15). He amplifies
In Matthew 19:16-26 and Luke 12:13-34 He gives additional examples this by explaining that we should work so we “may have something to
of the greater importance and value of setting our heart on spiritual give him who has need” (Ephesians 4:28).

A Source of Timeless Financial Advice 28:27; 29:7).

Proverbs 20:17: Deceit doesn’t pay.
Proverbs 27:23-27: Although wealth is not
enduring, keep diligent account of your assets
Proverbs 21:5: Diligence leads to prosperity, and finances so you can wisely apportion what

ne of the best sources of timeless finan- Proverbs 11:14: There is safety in seeking hastiness to poverty. you have to supply the needs of your family.
cial advice and guidance is the book of advice from many sources (see also 13:18; Proverbs 21:6: Obtaining wealth by lying The principles of budgeting and financial plan-
Proverbs. 15:22). leads to destruction. ning are contained in these verses (see also
Although we should carefully read the entire Proverbs 11:24-26: God blesses the gener- Proverbs 21:17: Loving pleasure and overin- verse 12).
book to discover its many gems of wisdom, the ous (see also 25:21-22). dulgence squanders assets and prevents one Proverbs 28:8: If wealth is acquired by
following are some of its nuggets regarding Proverbs 12:11: Make work a higher priority from building proper financial resources (see exorbitant interest rates and extortion, it will
finances and wealth. than play (see also 28:19). also verse 20). eventually be given to those who pity the poor.
Proverbs 6:1-5: Don’t put yourself in a posi- Proverbs 15:16-17: It is better to be content Proverbs 22:1: Having a good reputation Proverbs 28:20, 22: Don’t hasten after
tion to be liable for the financial obligations of with little, while having the fear of God and and favor are more important than having riches. (Although not specifically spelled out,
others (see also 11:15). family love, than to have prosperity with hatred, money. this verse warns against lotteries and other
Proverbs 6:6-11: Don’t be lazy. Work while disharmony and godlessness (see also 16:8; Proverbs 22:4: Riches and honor come forms of gambling as well as shady, ques-
you can and save for the future. Don’t waste or 17:1; 19:1; 28:6). through humility and fearing God. tionable and unlawful endeavors. Punishment
make excuses (see also 10:4-5; 13:4; 18:9; Proverbs 15:27: Don’t be greedy or open Proverbs 22:7: Those who incur debt give and poverty will likely come to those who get
20:4; 22:13; 24:30-34; 26:13-16). to bribery. others power over them—a warning we should caught up in such activities.)
Proverbs 8:18: God doesn’t intend that we Proverbs 16:16: Gaining godly wisdom and seriously consider, especially when it comes Proverbs 28:24: Pay your debts, especially
should be poor. understanding is more important than obtain- to financing expensive items and running up any you owe to your parents.
Proverbs 11:1: God hates cheating and ing wealth. credit-card and other debt. Proverbs 30:8-9: Desire and seek proper,
delights in honesty (see also 13:11; 20:10, 23). Proverbs 18:10-11: It is better to rely on Proverbs 23:4-5: For the sake of your fam- balanced economic objectives. Avoid extremes
Proverbs 11:4: Riches won’t profit in times God’s power than money and material wealth. ily and physical and spiritual well-being, don’t so you will neither forget God because of
of disaster, but righteousness will (see also Proverbs 19:17: God will repay and bless focus so much on work that you neglect other acquiring great wealth nor be tempted to steal
verse 28). those who show regard for the poor (see also important priorities in life. because of dire need.
44 Making Life Work Financial
Security and Peace of Mind 45

A key to contentment on our genuine needs rather than the frivolous things advertisers have
Paul’s words bring into focus an unusual concept of the purpose of convinced us we need.
wealth. Most people view work and money as the necessary means of Taking personal responsibility
satisfying their personal needs and wants, which can often be selfishly
oriented. But a righteous viewpoint embraces the spirit of God’s law of Paul encouraged Christians to work hard, mind their own business
love, which is concerned about the welfare of others in addition to one- and be self-sufficient (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12). He set an example of
self. We should keep this carrying our own load and not taking advantage of others (2 Thessalo-
in mind when contemplat- nians 3:7-13).
ing how to use money and In line with this, he instructed that families should take care of their
other material wealth. own households and elderly relatives (1 Timothy 5:8) and share their
By examining the material blessings with those less fortunate (1 Timothy 6:17-19).
example and words of Because God will judge each of us for what we do in this life (2 Tim-
Paul, we see that he othy 4:1; 1 Peter 4:17), we need to set our hearts on God’s instruction
learned to be content and do good whenever we can. None of us knows what tomorrow will
with what he had during bring, so we must learn to apply now the principles and teaching here
various periods of his life (James 4:13-17; 5:1-5).
(Philippians 4:11). Some- Some final thoughts
times this was almost
nothing. As we have seen, money can be used for either right or wrong pur-
Paul tells us that “god- poses. The challenge we face is learning to put first things first and
liness with contentment practice the financial principles that are pleasing to God.
is great gain. For we Although it is wise to set up a personal savings account as a buffer
against the uncertainties of the future (experts suggest putting aside as
much as the equivalent of six months’ income before investing in other
We need to learn to focus on our genuine needs rather than ventures), we should not become so self-focused and greedy that we lose
the frivolous things advertisers have convinced us we need. sight of our important financial responsibilities toward God and the needy.
Also, we must never forget that it is much easier to get into debt than
brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing to get out of it. Being in debt, especially for depreciating goods pur-
out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content” chased at a high interest rate, makes us vulnerable when troubles come.
(1 Timothy 6:6-8). Paying as we go, as much as we are able, is a much safer and sounder
Considerable spiritual danger lies in wanting more and more. Paul way to live.
recognized this: “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation What about buying a house? In contrast to most forms of indebted-
and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men ness, buying a house is generally a good investment because of its tax
in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all kinds benefits and tendency to hold or even increase its value. But it is a huge
of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, commitment and something each household should carefully evaluate
and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you, O man of on the basis of its individual circumstances.
God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, This view of the Bible’s financial instruction will help provide the
patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal knowledge and balance to manage your income in a way that honors God
life” (verses 9-11). and benefits yourself and mankind. (For a more in-depth view of the
Because of constant pressure to buy and satisfy our every urge, such Bible’s instruction on wealth and finances, be sure to request your free

contentment and focus is difficult for us to achieve. But the closer we copy of the booklet Managing Your Finances. It’s free for the asking from
come to contentment, the better off we will be. We need to learn to focus any of our offices or from our Web site at
46 Making Life Work Keys
to a Long, Healthy Life 47

Keys to a
should eat to live and not live to eat.” Of all health practices and habits,
diet is the area where we can help ourselves the most.
Historically, humanity’s dietary problems have often consisted of a

Long, Healthy Life general condition of malnutrition and hunger because of poverty. In the
modern Western world, this is no longer a major problem. A growing
problem, however, is the increasing consumption of junk food as a regu-

lar part of our diet. This is the result of eating out more often and serv-
ealth advancements in Western civilization in the modern era ing ready-made packaged foods at home. In the United States “roughly
are beyond amazing. Human life expectancy was about 40 half a family’s food budget now goes on food eaten out; and 45 percent
years in 1870 and today approaches 80. In Western nations, of dinners eaten at home include not a single home-made item” (The
the average person can expect to live roughly twice as long as Economist, Dec. 20, 1997).
he or she would have 130 years ago. Many other nations are following America’s lead in gorging on such
We can credit sophisticated medical treatments for doing much to foods. Use of prepared foods gives us less control over what we eat, and
extend life and improve health. Surgery often provides a new lease on many such foods are laden
life, correcting a life-threatening condition or dramatically enhancing with fat and salt. Eating
the quality of life. Body parts can sometimes be replaced, and new drugs habits based on these foods
often knock out infections. “can bring with them heart
Most of the world’s health-care dollars are spent in trying to heal disease, strokes and cancer,
existing diseases. If we are to live even healthier and longer lives, the so-called diseases of
we must focus more on prevention. Otherwise old age will mean affluence that accompany the
more time for illness because of the general decline in the body’s adoption of high-fat, low-
immunity as we age. We can offset this decline by practicing funda- exercise ‘Western lifestyles’”
mental health principles in such matters as diet, exercise and how we (Newsweek, June 1, 1998).
handle our anxieties. Such dietary practices
There is solid evidence of the effectiveness of basic health practices also cause weight problems.
in extending and enhancing the quality of life. Note how behavioral “The most recent official
changes have impacted fatalities from heart disease: “A major study
showing that the mortality rate from heart disease has been dropping
since 1963 also found that life-style changes in diet and smoking habits There is solid evidence of the effectiveness of basic health
—rather than new medical treatments—accounted for over half of the practices in extending and enhancing the quality of life.
decline” (The Wellness Encyclopedia, 1991, p. 1).
Let’s consider seven important health principles. Practicing these will figures, from the National Centre for Health Statistics, show that more
help you live a longer and healthier life. These principles are backed by than half of all Americans are now overweight . . . [and] most countries
extensive research in the health-care field and by the Bible. As we go are following suit. The rate of obesity in Britain has more than doubled
through these principles, remember that God wants us to live productive, since 1980” (The Economist, Dec. 20, 1997). A survey taken in Britain
healthy and useful lives (John 10:10; 1 Timothy 4:8). “shows that one-third of those aged 16-24 were overweight or obese”
(The Independent, December 15, 1998).
You are what you eat
Overweight is a major contributor to serious health conditions. “A
Eating is one of our most pleasurable activities, and God intended it 16-year study conducted on 115,000 nurses, published in the September
to be so. His creation is filled with a wonderful variety of tasty, nourish- 14, 1995, issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, concluded that

ing, healthful foods. However, the same appetites that add to life’s plea- even a moderate weight gain—as little as 18 pounds—put otherwise-
sure can, if misused, make us ill. Benjamin Franklin observed that “we healthy women at increased risk for heart disease, cardiovascular death,
48 Making Life Work Keys
to a Long, Healthy Life 49

and cancer” (Steven Jonas, M.D., and Linda Konner, Just the Weigh You flocks; fruits and vegetables from their orchards and gardens; and meat
Are, 1997, p. 18). on rare occasions” (Fred Wight, Manners and Customs of Bible Lands,
Overweight men are at risk as well. “Men who are 30 percent over- 1987, p. 43).
weight have a 70 percent higher risk of developing coronary heart The Bible Almanac makes a similar observation. “Vegetable products
disease than those at their recommended weight level” (The Wellness formed a major portion of
Encyclopedia, p. 23). Overweight people are also more likely to suffer the diet . . . When meat
hypertension (high blood pressure). was used, it was often
for the purpose of serv-
Diet and cancer ing strangers or honored
According to the American Cancer Society, about one third of guests. Grains were an
the 500,000 cancer-related deaths in the United States each year are important part of the diet
because of dietary factors. High-fat diets have been linked with an . . . Fruits and fish were a
elevation of cancer of the colon, rectum, prostate, endometrium and favorite part of the diet”
even the lungs. High levels of meat consumption may bring susceptibil- (Packer, Tenney and White,
ity to colon cancer. “The disease is some ten times more common in editors, 1980, p. 465).
meat-eating, industrialized societies than in the less well-stuffed peo- The diet of Bible times
ples who depend for sustenance on plant foods high in fiber” (Sherwin was probably a factor in
Nuland, How We Live, 1997, p. 132). longevity. In David’s time,
Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and beans can
reduce the risk of cancer. These foods are all rich in fiber and low in fat. Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and
They also contain many beneficial vitamins and minerals.
A few years ago the National Cancer Institute (NCI) instituted a “five-
beans can reduce the risk of cancer. These foods are all
a-day program.” The idea was to exhort everyone to eat a combination of rich in fiber and low in fat.
at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. The NCI believes that
if people make this simple change in their dietary habits, the number of it seems to have been common for adults to reach 70 years of age (Psalm
new cancer cases will be dramatically reduced. 90:10). Many lived far longer. Modern life expectancy didn’t reach 70
The evidence for the benefits of eating a lot of fruits and vegetables until about 1955.
is overwhelming. “Scientists argue about many issues, but everybody The Bible also gives detailed lists of what animals, birds and fish are
agrees that increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables can help pre- appropriate or inappropriate for human consumption (Leviticus 11:1-30;
vent heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases” (University of Deuteronomy 14:3-20). Studies have linked various health problems to
California at Berkeley Wellness Letter, February 1995). consumption of some of the prohibited items. The avoidance of eating
A healthy diet doesn’t have to be bland. Notice the following descrip- some of the creatures on the list is clearly a matter of common sense.
tion of a balanced, healthful diet: “Vegetables, fruits, grains, and (To learn more, be sure to request your free copy of our booklet What
legumes are preferred foods, since they are typically low in fat and rich Does the Bible Teach About Clean and Unclean Meats?)
in complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. But
meats, poultry, fish, and dairy products also contain a wealth of nutri- Exercise for your health
ents. Some of these foods are high in fat, and so should be consumed in “Physical training is of some value” (1 Timothy 4:8, NIV). The
moderation. But there is no reason to give them up entirely” (Sheldon apostle Paul wrote these words nearly 2,000 years ago. His observation
Margen, The Wellness Encyclopedia of Food and Nutrition, 1992, p. 9). is consistently backed up by medical research and modern experience.
The dietary practices reflected in the Bible have much in common The results of a study of 10,000 men and 3,000 women were published

with this recommendation. “The ordinary food of the average Hebrew in The Journal of the American Medical Association. It stated: “There is
of Bible times was bread, olives, oil, buttermilk and cheese from their solid evidence that physically active people live longer . . . Fitness helped
50 Making Life Work Keys
to a Long, Healthy Life 51

overcome all causes of mortality, including diabetes, cancer, and heart exercise program will help slow or even reverse this deterioration.
disease” (Kenneth Cooper, M.D., It’s Better to Believe, 1995, p. 211). Healthy exercise comes in many forms. Running, cycling, swimming
The surgeon general of the United States released a report that stated and working out at health clubs or on home exercise machines are all
that “regular physical activity reduces the risk for developing or dying popular. Although certain costs are connected with all of these, exercise
from coronary heart disease, noninsulin-dependent diabetes, hyperten- need not be expensive.
sion, and colon cancer; reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression;
contributes to the development and maintenance of healthier bones, Inexpensive and convenient
muscles, and joints and helps control weight” (Morbidity and Mortality Probably the least expensive and most convenient way for many
Weekly Report, July 12, people to exercise is to walk. The primary expense is a decent pair of
1996, p. 591). shoes. Brisk walking produces cardiovascular function, increases flex-
Exercise need not be ibility and leads to a longer life. “A long-term study of thousands of
overly taxing to be ben- Harvard alumni has suggested that a regimen of walking (an average
eficial. Even moderate of nine miles a week) can significantly prolong life” (The Wellness
physical activity, such as Encyclopedia, p. 252).
working in the yard or For older people and those suffering from partially debilitating infir-
gardening, promotes health mities, even slow walking brings benefits. There is also some indication
and fitness. that, because walking is a weight-bearing exercise, it may help prevent
Until the modern era osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
most people exercised as An additional benefit of exercise—especially if combined with eat-
part of their normal routine. ing better—is weight loss. But even if you do not lose significant weight,
Most occupations involved don’t quit exercising. It could be that you are replacing fat with muscle,
which is heavier than fat. And in some cases the tendency to be heavier
than what is considered normal is partially a function of genetics. Such
Exercise need not be overly taxing to be beneficial. Even
people still benefit from a fitness program.
moderate physical activity, such as working in the yard “Current research supports the notion that, even if you remain over-
or gardening, promotes health and fitness. weight, working out and becoming fit can help you live longer. In one
study done at the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, in Dallas,
considerable physical activity. Families often grew much of their own more than 25,000 obese men were given an initial health exam that
food. In comparison, most jobs today are sedentary, and we buy most included a treadmill test and a body-fat assessment. Eight years later,
of our food at the supermarket. they were retested, and the men who were moderately fit or very fit had a
Between 1985 and 1990 America saw a 15 per­cent decline in exer- 70 percent lower mortality rate than unfit men . . . Mortality rates, it was
cise among people in their 20s. The decline among other age groups concluded, were more influenced by the men’s fitness levels than by their
was about half this (Wellness Letter, July 1995). “One American in four weight” (Jonas and Konner, p. 41).
admits to being completely sedentary, and another 40 percent rarely
exercise” (The Economist, Dec. 20, 1997). Time to recharge
Given the frantic pace and structure of modern life, it is difficult to Sufficient sleep is essential to good health. Prolonged sleep loss can
obtain sufficient exercise without a regular program. The younger you bring many problems. Laboratory experiments with rats and dogs
are when you begin a regular exercise program the better, but it is never have demonstrated that animals will die if denied sleep for too long.
too late. A recent study confirms that “much of the functional losses that Although we can endure short-term sleep loss with no serious side
set in between the ages of 30 and 70 are . . . attributable to lack of exer- effects, extensive or prolonged sleep deprivation brings physical,

cise” (Wellness Letter, May 1995). One way we deteriorate as we age is mental and psychological difficulties.
in decreased effectiveness of heart and lungs. Beginning even a moderate Widespread lack of sufficient sleep is a relatively recent phenomenon.
52 Making Life Work Keys
to a Long, Healthy Life 53

Late in the 19th century Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb, up. A warm bath before bedtime can help induce sleep too.
enabling us to virtually turn night into day and increasing our potential Scientists still puzzle over exactly why sleep is necessary, but they
for productive hours. But his wonderful invention brought both positive know it is. When we sleep, our bodies release a growth hormone that
and negative consequences. Many people view sleep as unproductive some researchers believe is used to renew worn-out tissue.
down time. “By some estimates, we’re sleeping as much as an hour and Sleep helps restore our bodies and minds. To feel good and func-
a half less per night than we did at the turn of the century” (Newsweek, tion effectively, we must have sufficient sleep. Without it we lose our
Jan. 12, 1998). ability to concentrate
An indicator that many struggle with sleep is that in 1977 there were and make complex
three certified sleep clinics in America and by 1997 the number had decisions. Don’t rob
grown to 337. Sleep loss can be disastrous. The Exxon Valdez oil spill, yourself of the sleep
the Chernobyl explosion, the Three Mile Island incident and the Chal- and rest your body and
lenger space-shuttle disaster have all been blamed in part on sleepy mind need.
personnel. The U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that sleepy
drivers cause more than 100,000 accidents every year, resulting in at Take care to avoid
least 1,500 deaths. A drowsy driver will make mistakes in judgment, and
a driver who falls asleep at the wheel is a threat to himself and everyone Most of the health
else nearby. hazards we encounter
Chronic sleep loss reduces the body’s resistance to infection. Studies have a gradual effect
have shown that, in general, when healthy people miss sleep their bod- upon us. Accidents are
ies produce fewer cells to fight off infection. “Experiments on volunteers an exception. You can
have ascertained that two or three days of sleep deprivation will produce
significant reductions in various aspects of immune function” (Paul Scientists still puzzle over exactly why sleep is necessary,
Martin, M.D., The Healing Mind, 1997, p. 70).
but they know it is. When we sleep our bodies release a
Difficulty falling asleep or remaining asleep is called insomnia. In
America, “according to several national surveys, between 15 and 25 growth hormone that some researchers believe is used
percent of the adult population complain about insomnia” (The Wellness to renew worn-out tissue.
Encyclopedia, p. 421).
Several simple practices are available through which we can enhance be diligent and conscientious in caring for your body, but if you slip up
our ability to get sound, restful sleep. Regular physical exercise is one. in a careless moment your health can be irreparably damaged in a split
Many sedentary occupations produce intense mental strain. Physical second in a single tragic accident.
exercise helps expend this pent-up tension, bringing about natural fatigue Driving or riding in a car may be the most dangerous thing most people
that prepares the body for sleep. do. Millions are injured and tens of thousands die every year. In 2005,
It is best, however, to refrain from strenuous exercise close to bed- according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 43,443
time. Curbing your intake of stimulants also helps bring better sleep. people were killed and 2.7 million injured in the United States alone.
This includes reduction of caffeine and total abstention from it in the lat- Most accidents could be prevented with caution and safe driving
ter part of the day. Tobacco is a problem because nicotine is a stimulant, habits. “If you are a typical low-risk driver, you are more than 1,000
speeding up the metabolic process. Heavy smokers sleep more lightly times less likely to die in a car crash than a high-risk driver” (Wellness
and less restfully (ibid., p. 422). Letter, April 1990).
If you work late at night and then go to bed expecting to sleep, you Seat belts and airbags save many from severe injury and loss of life.
may experience frustration. Try ceasing your work or intense mental They would save more if everyone used them. In the United States

activity about an hour before bedtime and do something relaxing. Other “sixty-nine percent of adults in front seats buckle up nationwide, one
helpful habits include keeping regular hours for going to bed and getting of the lowest rates of any developed country. Australia, Canada and
54 Making Life Work Keys
to a Long, Healthy Life 55

most European countries have belt use rates of more than 90 percent” who is using an illegal substance should immediately cease, entering
(Portland Oregonian, Nov. 19, 1998). a treatment program if necessary.
In America “drivers who are least likely to wear seat belts are actually Although legal, and one of the most profitable of cash crops, tobacco
the ones who need them most; they tend to be males under 35 . . . and have probably causes more damage to the health of its users than any other
more crashes and driving violations” (Wellness Letter, August 1995). substance. “The global proliferation of cigarettes leads to an estimated 3
When adults don’t use seat belts, they endanger children too. Many million deaths a year . . . By 2020, the number is estimated by the World
careless adults do not make sure the children in their care are adequately Health Organization, to reach 10 million a year” (Carl Sagan, Billions
restrained. Children, following their parents’ example, fail to use seat & Billions, 1997, p. 205).
belts too. As a result, of the 2,087 children killed in U.S. automobile The number of premature deaths from tobacco use is staggering in
crashes in 1997, “six out of 10 of them were not secured in seat belts or comparison to other causes of premature death. “Take a random sample
child seats. The same held for the more than 100,000 children who suf- of a thousand young men who smoke; on the basis of actuarial data it
fered injuries requiring medical attention” (Portland Oregonian, Nov. can confidently be predicted that one of these young men will eventually
19, 1998). be murdered, six will
Though the injuries are not generally as serious, more people are be killed on the roads
injured at home than in traffic accidents. In America “household acci- and two hundred and
dents injure more people each year than car and workplace accidents fifty will die prema-
combined” (Parade, Feb. 15, 1998). It is estimated that 90 percent of turely from the effects
these accidents could be prevented. Major sources of home accidents are of smoking” (Martin,
power lawn equipment and falls, particularly from ladders. p. 59).
Children in particular are prone to accidents. Common causes of child- Tobacco is a
hood injury around the house are poisonings, drownings, falls, accidental deadly substance.
shootings, fires and burns. Parents should realize that the leading cause Its smoke “contains
of drowning of children less than one year old is in buckets, bathtubs more than 4,000
and toilets. chemicals including
Accidents with toys are common. Many children visit emergency trace amounts of such
rooms every year after being injured with baseball bats. Younger chil- known poisons as cya-
dren, who have not developed fine muscle control, are susceptible to
bicycle injuries, particularly if not wearing a helmet. Most bicyclists’ The number of premature deaths from tobacco use is stag-
injuries involve the head, and three of four cyclists who die in crashes
die of head injuries (Wellness Encyclopedia, p. 124).
gering in comparison to other causes of premature death.
Young children must have close supervision to avoid injury, but it is
impossible to supervise them every minute. The best long-term protection nide, arsenic, and formaldehyde. There are 43 known cancer-causing
you can give children is to instill safety habits in them as they mature. chemicals (carcinogens) in tobacco smoke” (Mayo Clinic Family
A complete personal health-care program will include guarding Health Book, 1996, p. 317).
against accidental injury. Wise people are wary of dangers, while the Tobacco users raise their susceptibility to numerous diseases, includ-
careless stumble into trouble. “A prudent man sees danger and takes ing a variety of cancers, cardiovascular ailments, sexual dysfunction and
refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it” (Proverbs 22:3, NIV). lung diseases, including emphysema. “Each year smoking kills more
than 400,000 Americans, more than died in battle in World War II and
Dangerous substances the Vietnam war combined” (ibid., p. 316).
It is outside the scope of this publication to address illegal-drug Smoking not only shortens life, but its detrimental effects often deprive

usage at length. Generally, illegal substances are declared to be so smokers of the opportunity to live an active life to the full. This is ironic
because of their obvious destructive effects upon society. Anyone because cigarette advertising typically associates smoking with vigorous
56 Making Life Work Keys
to a Long, Healthy Life 57

outdoor activities. Smokers are shown skiing, hiking, swimming, playing nate the health risks. Any form and amount of tobacco use is ultimately
ball games and the like. The reality is that continued tobacco use dam- harmful to our bodies.
ages the heart and lungs, eventually reducing the smoker’s activities and One item of good news related to tobacco use is that when you quit
bringing on premature aging. your body will begin to recover. For example, even long-term smokers
The smoker’s body looks older too, especially in facial appearance. can reduce their risk of stroke to the same level as nonsmokers within
“Compared to nonsmokers, smokers are more likely to appear at least five years (Wellness Letter, September 1988). By the end of five years
five years older than their stated age” (Wellness Letter, April 1994). your risk of heart attack will be almost the same as that of lifetime non-
The term “smoker’s face” was coined a few years ago to refer to certain smokers. Over several years the risk of various types of cancer decreases
physical features that accompany smoking. These include increased significantly as your body slowly repairs the damage caused by smoking
wrinkling, facial discoloration, stained teeth and a tendency toward (Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, p. 324).
gauntness. All of these make smokers appear older than they are. From a biblical standpoint, smoking is wrong because God tells us we
Lung cancer at one time was largely a man’s disease because of the should not inflict harm on the bodies He gave us. We are told, “Honor God
larger proportion of male smokers compared with females. The percent- with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:20, NIV). To mistreat our bodies by
age of adult American males who smoke has declined from half in 1965 subjecting them to the harmful effects of tobacco violates this command.
to less than a third today (Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, p. 316). God also tells us, in the first of the Ten Commandments, that we are to
Although this is good news, it is offset by the fact that now almost as have no other gods before Him (Exodus 20:3). We are to let nothing come
many women smoke as men. As a result more American women die between us and Him to adversely affect that relationship. When we allow
from lung cancer than from breast cancer. Cigarette smokers are 10 ourselves to become addicted to tobacco (or any other substance), we have
times more likely to die of lung cancer than nonsmokers (ibid., p. 318). become enslaved (Romans 6:16) to a harmful, wasteful, destructive habit
A similar trend has developed in Britain. “Lung cancer will fall that hinders us from wholeheartedly serving Him (Matthew 4:10).
sharply among men over the next two decades but double among women.
This may be because women took up smoking on a large scale some 20 Alcohol use and abuse
to 30 years after men, who are giving up at a faster rate” (Daily Mail, Unlike smoking, alcohol is not a health hazard if consumed in mod-
June 25, 1997). eration. Studies have even shown that consumption of alcohol in modera-
Smoking enormously increases the risk factor for numerous cancers, tion can be beneficial, to the arteries of the heart in particular. However,
including kidney and bladder. Professor Richard Peto of Oxford, England, excessive drinking damages the muscle of the heart wall. Some research-
who has spent his life investigating the causes of cancer, says: “Smokers ers, perhaps because of the tendency of many to drink too much, ques-
inhale carcinogens, which spread through their body. The whole body tion whether the benefits of even moderate usage outweigh the risks.
is bathed in carcinogenic solvents—they have carcinogenic urine. This Some people should not drink at all. Most alcoholic-treatment
affects the kidney and bladder” (Sunday Times Magazine, June 1, 1997). programs advise that those who have become addicted should practice
Smoking among the young is a matter of grave concern in Britain. “A complete abstinence. The United States surgeon general’s office has also
staggering 43 per cent of young men and 42 per cent of young women are advised abstention to all women who are pregnant or are considering
smoking by the age of 20” (The Mirror, Dec. 15, 1998). pregnancy.
Reducing or eliminating tobacco use is the only proven way to reduce In a 1998 U.S. Gallup Poll 77 percent of respondents indicated they
the health hazards of smoking. If you are a smoker, you should quit. drink some alcohol. Sadly, many descend into alcohol abuse. “Alcohol is
Those who don’t smoke should never start. Smoking is a losing gamble, the third-largest killer in the United States, ranking behind heart disease
and you are not the only one who will suffer from the habit. Secondhand and cancer. If traffic fatalities and death certificate diagnoses related to
smoke puts others at risk and increases the chance of respiratory disease alcoholic use were included in the statistics, alcoholism would be recognized
in children who are exposed. as our nation’s number one killer” (p. 326).
Some think they are better off switching to cigars, pipes or smokeless Britain has a growing problem with alcohol abuse. “Compared with
tobacco. Although these products may lower the amount of toxins and 1950 . . . average annual alcohol consumption has more than doubled and
carcinogens taken into the body through tobacco use, they do not elimi- so has fully fledged alcoholism. Excessive drinking is now the norm, not
58 Making Life Work Keys
to a Long, Healthy Life 59

the exception” (The Express, July 13, 1998). “It has been estimated that gations have asked if stress increases susceptibility to the common cold;
as much as one in 20 is an alcoholic” (ibid., March 21, 1997). all have concluded that it does” (January 1999).
Alcohol abuse can damage the brain, nerves, liver, pancreas and car- Solid evidence points to emotional factors influencing vulnerability
diovascular system. Excessive drinking is also associated with cancer. to cancer as well as the ability to recover from it. Researchers have
“After cardiovascular disease, cancer is the next leading cause of death identified what they believe is a cancer-prone, or type-C, personality.
among alcoholics” (Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, p. 329). “There is . . . a reasonable consensus that certain characteristics are key
The Bible does not forbid the use of alcoholic beverages. It presents components of Type C” (Martin, p. 223).
wine as a source of pleasure (Psalm 104:15; Ecclesiastes 9:7) and notes The components identified include bottling up emotions—especially
its benefits when used appropriately (1 Timothy 5:23). Wine was com- anger, inability to forgive and a hopeless outlook toward life. God cre-
monly served at weddings in biblical culture, and when Jesus was pres- ated our bodies with a marvelous immune system that constantly fights
ent at a wedding He miraculously replenished the supply when it was against invasion from bacterial and viral agents as well as against can-
exhausted (John 2:1-10). cerous cells produced in our bodies. Stress and negative emotions seem
However, the Bible does give strong warnings about the abuse of alco- to suppress the ability of the body’s immune system to respond to these
hol (Proverbs 20:1; 23:1; Ephesians 5:18). No drunkard will be allowed threats, making us more vulnerable to disease.
in the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:10). Abuse of alcohol is a threat
to your spiritual and physical health. Positive emotions boost health
If negative emotions hinder the body’s immunity, can we expect posi-
The power of a positive outlook tive emotions to provide a boost? Yes, we can! Some 3,000 years ago God
The idea that positive thoughts and emotions help promote physical inspired this observation to be recorded for us: “A merry heart does good,
health and that negative ones tear it down was long a tenet of folk wis- like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).
dom. However, the concept fell out of favor after scientific experimenta- The truth of these words is borne out by many scientific studies. Posi-
tion in the 19th century established a clear connection between microbial tive emotions assist in the prevention of illness and, if one does become ill,
agents and infectious diseases. The idea that one’s state of mind could they can help speed recovery. “Scientists have investigated the notion and
affect bodily health was more or less discarded. In the last few decades, found compelling evidence to suggest that social environment and mental
however, some in the medical community have taken a closer look and attitude can modify our chances of surviving cancer” (Martin, p. 230).
revived this ancient wisdom. Researchers in a University of London study assessed women’s psy-
Medical researchers in the 1950s noticed that many cardiac patients chological response to breast cancer. A follow-up study after five years
shared personality traits. In particular they tended to be competitive, showed that those who displayed an initial fighting response were more
impatient and always in a hurry. From such observations researchers likely to survive. A survey of the same women conducted 15 years later
coined the term “type A personality.” revealed that “those who had originally displayed a fighting spirit or denial
Those possessing this personality type were thought to be prone to continued to fare better: 45 per cent of them were still alive, and free from
coronary disease. Later research resulted in a refinement of the type-A cancer, as against 17 per cent of the women who had reacted initially with
theory. “Current studies . . . suggest that certain toxic components of the stoic acceptance, helplessness or anxious preoccupation” (ibid.).
type A personality, such as hostility and cynicism, are the real risk fac- The effect of mental stress on health appears to be illustrated in devel-
tors for heart disease, rather than the more general type A behavior such opments in the former Soviet Union in recent years. “Between 1990 and
as competitiveness and time-urgency” (Newsweek, Feb. 17, 1997). 1994 . . . life expect­ancy for Russian men and women declined dramatically
Studies in the last few years have yielded evidence that negative from 63.8 and 74.4 years to 57.7 and 71.2 years, respectively.” Authorities
emotions in general often affect not only the heart but many other cite many factors, “including economic and social instability, high rates
aspects of bodily health. Stress and negative emotions, such as anxiety of tobacco and alcohol consumption, poor nutrition [and] depression” (The
and depression, can influence our health, increasing our susceptibility Journal of the American Medical Association, March 11, 1998).
to afflictions as minor as colds and as major as cancer. We often refer to a fighting response to illness as the will to live. This
Notes the Harvard Men’s Health Watch: “More than a dozen investi- will can be strengthened by a number of factors. One of the keys is to
60 Making Life Work Keys
to a Long, Healthy Life 61

believe in and be committed to a cause in life. “A raft of recent scientific relationships—or what the Bible calls love—in the pursuit of good
studies has established that having deep personal convictions and values health. Many parents who have tenderly cared for an ill child believe
can do wonders for almost every aspect of your physical and emotional in a connection between health and love.
well-being” (Cooper, pp. 3-4). Faith in the Creator God and knowledge There are many ways we can apply the health principle. One is to
of His purpose provide a strong reason to live and a spark to our mental enrich our personal relationships, to learn how to love more fully in mar-
and physical health. riage, raising children and friendships. Another way is to be involved
The ability to manage stress and maintain a healthy mental outlook with your neighbors. Volunteering and serving others is a proven way
is one of the essential elements of good health. As Proverbs 18:14 tells of benefiting yourself as well as those whom you serve.
us, “The spirit of a man Service to God through church involvement can provide health ben-
will sustain him in sick- efits. A study at the University of Texas Medical School examined the
ness, but who can bear relationship between mortality and involvement in religious or social
a broken spirit?” activities among recipients of open-heart surgery. “Those who neither
had regular group participation nor drew strength and comfort from their
People who need religion were more than seven times more likely to die six months after
surgery” (Dean Ornish, M.D., Love & Survival, 1997, p. 51). The nour-
Several thousand ishment of relationships, both with God and with our fellow man, is a
years ago God inspired proven health principle.
a scripture to be written
that says, “It is not good Take personal responsibility for your health
that man should be Healthy people share one of life’s greatest blessings. Those who have
alone” (Genesis 2:18). enjoyed good health and lost it know, through painful personal experi-
ence, that they are missing out on one of life’s greatest treasures. How-
Recent research shows that having good relationships ever, those who have experienced a decline in health can often regain
a significant measure of their well-being by applying the principles
with others is also important for our physical well-being. outlined in this chapter. Those who still have good health can do a lot
to preserve it by living right.
Experience proves this is true. We are social beings and need connection To maximize our potential to live long and well requires that we make
to others. Most would agree that we need people for psychological and a habit of living by proven health principles. This is the will of God:
emotional support, but recent research shows that having good relation- “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go
ships with others is also important for our physical well-being. “More well with you” (3 John 2, NIV).
than twenty years’ worth of scientific research has accumulated over-
whelming evidence that having strong, supportive relationships is good
for your mental and physical health” (Martin, p. 151).
Social isolation, on the other hand, can be a substantial risk factor for
ill health. “Its impact on health and mortality is comparable to that of high
blood pressure, obesity and lack of exercise. Research suggests that social
factors can have as much impact on health as smoking . . . A six-year study
of 17,433 Swedish men and women found that those who had the fewest
social interactions and least social relationships had a mortality rate 50
per cent higher than those with rich social lives” (ibid., pp. 158-159).

It is sad that forces in society often drive people apart instead of

pulling them together. Little attention is paid to the importance of
62 Making Life Work Does
Life Have Greater Meaning and Purpose? 63

Does Life Have Greater

The foundation is shaken
What happened to shake this assurance man felt toward God? In the

Meaning and Purpose?

19th century, in one of the major spiritual and intellectual shifts of his-
tory, scholarship began to view the words of Christ and the Bible with
skepticism. “For thoughtful men and women, the Bible was no longer
an unquestioned source of religious authority; it had become a form of

evidence . . . that itself needed defending” (James Turner, Without God,
t is a paradox of our modern age that, although we have more
Without Creed, 1985, p. 150).
knowledge and material possessions than at any other time in his-
Belief in the Bible had given humanity a road map for life. People
tory, we lack a sense of purpose in life. A gnawing hunger for the
believed that, in effect, they had in the Bible an owner’s manual, a user’s
meaning of life pervades our world.
guide for the human experience. The same manual informed man that
Harvard historian and author Oscar Handlin describes this lack of
God had specified a destina-
direction and meaning: “At some point, midway into the twentieth cen-
tion at the end of life for any
tury, Europeans and Americans discovered that they had lost all sense
who loved and served Him.
of direction . . . Wandering in the dark, men and women in all Western
Before the watershed
societies, stumbling blindly along, strained unavailingly for glimpses
changes of the 19th century,
of recognizable landmarks” (“The Unmarked Way,” American Scholar,
the Bible provided ultimate
Summer 1996, p. 335).
answers that gave satisfaction
That we find ourselves stumbling down the path of uncertainty is
to humanity in general. The
ironic. Our meanderings in the spiritual wilderness occur at a time when
esteem in which it was held
mankind has made many impressive gains. The quality of life is gener-
is illustrated in a conversation
ally improved. Life expectancy has increased almost everywhere. The
reported by Bible translator
portion of the world’s population ruled by the fist of despots is shrinking.
James Moffatt. The exchange
Though far from eradicated, the curse of poverty casts a smaller shadow.
took place between Scottish
Yet humanity is troubled. We are plagued with a sense of drift and
aimlessness. Counselors Muriel James and John James describe it this
way: “A universal hunger pervades the world. It is the hunger to get more “A universal hunger pervades the world. It is the hunger
out of life . . . to be more involved, and to find more meaning” (Passion to get more out of life . . . to be more involved, and to
for Life, 1991, p. 7). find more meaning.”
One reason people hunger is they lack a sense of transcendent pur-
pose. They don’t have the understanding that God is involved with man-
historical novelist and poet Sir Walter Scott and his son-in-law, John Gib-
kind and that He has a plan for us. To be at peace, human beings must
son Lockhart, about a week before Scott’s death. He said to his son-in-law:
realize what God has in mind for them.
“‘Read to me from the Book.’ When Lockhart asked him which one, Sir
In the past, Western man possessed the “certainty that history moved
Walter said, ‘Need you ask? There is but one’” (quoted by Bruce Barton,
in a linear fashion from a beginning to a terminus.” Most people held the
The Book Nobody Knows, 1926, p. 7).
conviction that “nothing walked with aimless feet and not one life was
To capture understanding of the purpose of life, we must return to the
wasted” (Handlin, pp. 336-337).
Bible because it explains how to make life work.
Creation and life had explicit meaning. Society took comfort from
Jesus Christ’s assurance that “the very hairs of your head are numbered” The two great principles
(Matthew 10:30). They noted that Jesus said God is aware of the tiniest
Jesus Christ showed that the essence and purpose of human life are

details of His creation, even the tiny birds: “. . . Not one of them falls to
accomplished through fulfilling two supreme principles: “You shall love
the ground apart from your Father’s will” (verse 29).
the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all
64 Making Life Work Does
Life Have Greater Meaning and Purpose? 65

your mind” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew by Lewis Henry, Best Quotations for All Occasions, 1966, p. 136).
22:37, 39). Jesus defined our reason for being in one word, love. He
stated that our love should be directed first toward God, then toward our The voice of history
fellow man. Love is man’s reason for being, his purpose. English historian Arnold Toynbee exhaustively studied civilizations,
But what is the love of which Jesus Christ spoke? We need to be sure past and present. He became internationally famous for his multivolume
we have a correct understanding of what love means to be able to fulfill series Study of History. When asked to address the meaning of life, he
our purpose. said: “I myself believe that love does have an absolute value, that it is
Most people would what gives value to human life . . . Love is the only thing that makes life
describe love as a roman- possible, or, indeed, tolerable” (Surviving the Future, 1971, pp. 1-2).
tic feeling, as deeply He also observed that “true love . . . discharges itself in an activity
caring for someone or that overcomes self-centeredness by expending the self on people and
something. Or they would on purposes beyond the self” and “this love . . . is the only true self-
equate love with sexual fulfillment” (ibid., p. 3).
attraction. The kind of These words stand in vivid contrast to the modern philosophy of
love they have in mind self-worship. Ours is a world in which many believe they have a right to
is oriented toward them- renounce personal responsibility in their quest for self-fulfillment. Author
selves; it is a feeling, an and rabbi Harold Kushner reported that “a comprehensive survey of men-
emotion or attraction that tal health in America states, ‘Psychoanalysis (and psychotherapy) is the
makes them feel good. only form of psychic healing that attempts to cure people by detaching
them from society and relationships’” (Who Needs God? 1989, p. 93).
Many people choose to take another dead-end road: In our society increasing numbers of people have come to believe it is
perfectly acceptable to cut themselves loose from those who have come
overemphasis on material goods. Those who fall into this
to depend on them if it will enable them to get what they want out of life.
trap mistakenly assume that the accumulation of things Such an attitude is a prescription for emptiness. It is contrary to genu-
will provide contentment. ine love. Eventually those who practice this way of life will encounter
frustration. As Rabbi Kushner puts it: “To live life only for ourselves
But Jesus Christ referred to love on a considerably higher level. will bring us nothing but sadness and misery. A self-centered life is
The Bible describes love as concern for others rather than concern for an unhappy life. Selfishness is a major stumbling block to happiness”
ourselves and our wants and needs. In its simplest terms, love is the way (quoted by Dennis Wholey, Are You Happy? Boston, 1986, p. 17).
of giving rather than the way of getting (Acts 20:35). Jesus Christ, after giving His disciples a lesson in love, humility and
Jesus said our love should be outgoing, directed first toward our Creator. service to others, said to them, “If you know these things, happy are you
We are to strive to please and serve Him rather than ourselves (Matthew if you do them” (John 13:17).
6:24). We should love Him with all our being. We should then channel our
love toward our neighbor, our fellow human being. God’s law shows us how Does wealth give meaning?
to live this way of loving respect toward God (John 14:15; 15:10; 1 John Many people choose to take another dead-end road: overemphasis on
5:2-3) and concern for others. (To better understand the law of love, be sure material goods. Those who fall into this trap mistakenly assume that the
to request your free copy of our booklet The Ten Commandments.) accumulation of things will provide contentment. The result? A society
People who focus on loving care and concern for others as the purpose in which a rising standard of living is more important than how we treat
for their existence can fulfill their highest human potential. Wise men and people. The health of our economy—public and personal—is accorded
women have discovered this profound truth. After his days as prime min- more importance than the welfare of our neighbor and sometimes even

ister of Britain in the 19th century, Benjamin Disraeli wrote: “We are all more than our own flesh and blood.
born for love . . . It is the principle of existence and its only end” (quoted To obtain greater wealth and status, many people are willing to sacrifice
66 Making Life Work Does
Life Have Greater Meaning and Purpose? 67

marriages and families for career advancement. Yet they often find them- greater purpose of life. We find it in concern for and involvement with oth-
selves in a frantic rat race that provides them with no lasting meaning. The ers. “The essence of happiness is the unconditional love we have for the
activities that are supposed to be fulfilling lead only to physical, mental and people in our lives and their unconditional love for us” (Wholey, p. 11).
emotional exhaustion. Jesus said, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does
Compared with the poverty of previous generations, the Western not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses” (Luke 12:15).
world has hitched a ride on the fast track to material success. Yet many The things that matter in life are the values we adopt, the character we
find life lacking. Life for the successful can be like a dizzying, intense build, the relationships we develop and the contributions we make to
amusement-park ride. It provides exhilaration but also disorientation. our relationships.
“We hurry through our meals to go to work and hurry through our Most people naturally follow the way of acquiring rather than the
work in order to ‘recreate’ ourselves in the evenings and on weekends and way of giving. It might be summed up, as the popular bumper sticker
vacations. And then we hurry, with the greatest possible speed and noise proclaims: “He who dies with the most toys wins.” This philosophy fails
and violence, through our recreation—for what? To eat the billionth ham- in the long run. In contrast, Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to
burger at some fast-food joint hellbent on increasing the ‘quality’ of our receive (Acts 20:35). The one who truly wins when he dies is the one
life?” (Wendell Berry, What Are People For? 1990, p. 147). who seeks God’s purpose and devotes his life to fulfilling it. “For this is
Money can’t buy happiness. Living as though it can exacts a heavy toll. the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one
another” (1 John 3:11).
Materialism no substitute for purpose We are our brother’s keeper, to answer a question raised early in the
Where, then, can we find happiness? We find it in discovering the Bible (Genesis 4:9). We are indebted to love one another and devote our

Our Need for Love communication are essential not only for the
emotional, but also for the intellectual develop-
divorced or widowed are two or three times
more likely to die than their married peers. They

ife without love is ultimately life without that love is central to human existence ment of a child. “When babies are cared for by also wind up in the hospital for mental disorders
meaning. Love is a primary element of a . . . The capacity for loving emotions is caring adults, they become much better learn- five to ten times as frequently” (Robert Ornstein
human life. A landmark 1945 study by . . . written into our biochemistry, essential if ers and are much more confident to take over and David Sobel, The Healing Brain, 1987,
René Spitz established that love is so vital to children are to grow and thrive” (Feb. 17, 1997, the world” (ibid.). p. 119).
infants that those deprived of it may perish for p. 58). If children do not receive loving attention, they Life’s challenges are more easily managed
want of it. Recent research has shown that even intel- will not be well equipped to function in society. when we have the support that loving relation-
The study looked at “a hospital where a ligence in children—and hence the ability to They need the love of their parents to succeed. ships provide. The Bible confirmed this truth
group of children—all under three years of excel at many tasks—depends to some degree “Dependency assures that parents are the more than 3,000 years ago: “Two are better
age—were fed and clothed adequately but, on loving attention and communication. source of everything important to infants: food, than one, because they have a good reward
because of too few nurses, given very little “According to recent findings, the neuron comfort, love, models of success and maturity” for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up
personal attention. No one talked to them, car- links that are the keys to creativity and intel- (Betty Hart and Todd Risely, Meaningful Dif- his companion. But woe to him who is alone
ried them around, or cuddled them. The human ligence in later life are mainly laid down by the ferences in the Everyday Experience of Young when he falls, for he has no one to help him
results were devastating: within two years age of 3 . . . the main factor in establishing American Children, 1995, pp. 181-182). up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10). It also tells us,
fully a third of the children had died and the these connections . . . [is] interactions with It isn’t only children who depend on love “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the
rest were mentally retarded . . . The conclu- an attentive adult. The sight, sound, touch, for their well-being. Although generally less countenance of his friend” (Proverbs 27:17).
sion seemed to be clear: loving attention is as smell, and, especially, the intense involvement, vulnerable than children, adults also suffer The wisdom of the Bible and many assent-
essential as food for the human infant” (James through language and eye contact, of parent when deprived of love. “Love’s absence can be ing human voices tell us that people who lack
McKee, Sociology: The Study Of Society, 1981, and child affect the number and sophistication devastating: The loss of a spouse often hastens affectionate ties with others find it difficult to
p. 79). of links within the brain . . . This word play is so death in older people” (U.S. News and World make life work. The mutual giving and receiving
That people need love is consid- important that those left behind at age 2 may Report, Feb. 17, 1997, p. 58). that flow from personal relationships increase
ered a basic truth by many scientists. In never catch up” (U.S. News and World Report, “A pattern of susceptibility to disease is life’s worth. God created us with the need to
“Can’t Do Without Love,” U.S. News and Aug. 18, 1997, p. 92). apparent in those with disrupted or weakened be connected to other people. These ties give
World Report reported that biologists “know What does this mean? Love and loving social ties. People who are single, separated, significance and satisfaction to life.
68 Making Life Work Does
Life Have Greater Meaning and Purpose? 69

lives to this standard: “Owe no one anything except to love one another, 15:19). But God assures us He has something far greater in mind for us.
for he who loves another has fulfilled the law” (Romans 13:8). Loving The apostle Paul wrote that God planned a marvelous future for us
others is the way to great contentment. even before He created our first parents, Adam and Eve. He planned
our destiny “according to His own purpose and grace which was given
Love God with all your heart to us in Christ Jesus before time began” (2 Timothy 1:9). Our future—
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your our reason for being—was a part of God’s awesome purpose before He
soul, and with all your mind,” said Jesus (Matthew 22:37; compare formed the universe, with its heavenly bodies by which we measure the
Deuteronomy 6:5; 10:12). Fundamental to genuine happiness and fulfill- passing of time.
ment is, first and foremost, loving God. The Creator, who gave us life, God’s purpose is far greater than just the creation of mortal, perish-
deserves our greatest love. “For in Him we live and move and have our able human beings. He is in the process of fashioning a “new creation”
being” (Acts 17:28). (2 Corinthians 5:17)—His
God is the greatest giver. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is own spiritual sons and daugh-
from above, and comes down from the Father of lights” (James 1:17). ters, immortal and incorrupt-
Every man’s first duty in life is always to God (Acts 5:29). We owe Him ible children who will share
complete devotion. His very nature and character.
God seeks people who will worship Him (John 4:23). He created us to How is this a new cre-
share His life and purpose with us, giving true meaning to our existence. ation? Paul contrasts the “old
History shows that nations maintaining a devotion to God retain their self, which is being corrupted
strength and vitality. In reflecting on the decline of the atheistic Soviet by its deceitful desires,” with
Union and comparing it with America, author David Halberstam wrote the “new self, created to be
that “the just and harmonious society was, in the long run, also the like God in true righteous-
strong society” (The Next Century, 1991, p. 14). ness and holiness” (Ephesians
French historian Alexis de Tocqueville observed America’s success
in the 1800s and wrote: “America is great because America is good. If Our future—our reason for being—was a part of God’s
America ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” This statement
awesome purpose before He formed the universe, with its
has application for every nation. Each of us needs God in our personal
life, regardless of what nations do. heavenly bodies by which we measure the passing of time.

The divine connection 4:22-24, NIV). Paul is describing a much-needed transformation. It

Faith in God provides us with a sense of place in the larger scheme of involves first a change in our nature and character from a mind and out-
the universe. We need faith in God when we face the sufferings of life. look that tends toward hostility toward God (Romans 8:7). It ultimately
Our way of life may provide material acquisitions, but these are often use- involves a far greater change in the resurrection, a transformation from
less in times of great loss or affliction. As British historian Paul Johnson our physical, mortal bodies to glorious immortal spirit bodies.
observed, “In chronic pain and in distress without apparent end, even the Notice how Paul describes this miracle: “Behold, I tell you a mystery:
confirmed atheist longs for a God” (The Quest for God, 1996, p. 3). We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the
We need the peace and confidence that the promise of eternal reward twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and
delivers. God promises everlasting life through Jesus Christ for those who the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this
believe in Him (1 John 5:12). If the future holds nothing for us but eternal corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immor-
nothingness, we have no hedge against the frightening specter of death. tality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal
If it is true that there is no life beyond the grave, we are forced to has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is
admit that life is like a breath of air, here and gone with no trace of its written: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory’” (1 Corinthians 15:51-54).

passing. If this life is all there is, we would be miserable (1 Corinthians God is accomplishing this entire transformation through the power of
70 Making Life Work Does
Life Have Greater Meaning and Purpose? 71

His Spirit. The Bible describes the spiritual transformation as salvation. Jesus is not ashamed to call members of His Church His own broth-
Paul describes those who will receive salvation as the children of God. ers (and sisters). That is how wonderfully close and personal this family
“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children relationship is.
of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with From the beginning God has clearly stated this purpose: “Then God
Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified said, ‘Let Us make man in our image, according to Our likeness . . . So
together” (Romans 8:16-17, KJV). God created man in His own image; . . . male and female He created
Do you grasp the significance of Paul’s inspired statement? He explains them” (Genesis 1:26-27).
why we are here, the very reason for our existence. God, the Scriptures Men and women are created in God’s image and likeness, to be like
tell us, is creating a family—His own God. He tells us, “I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons
family. He offers us the opportunity and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:18).
to be a part of that family, the family Human beings who are inducted into the family God is creating will
of God. ultimately be glorified spirit beings like the resurrected Jesus Christ
(Philippians 3:20-21). The apostle John plainly tells us that “we shall be
The core of God’s plan like Him” (1 John 3:2). Our destiny is ultimately to “shine . . . like the
That family relationship—our stars forever and ever” in God’s family (Daniel 12:2-3).
becoming children of God—is the The awesome potential of any person, as it is presented to us by Jesus
heart and core of His incredible plan Christ and His apostles, seems so incredible that most people cannot
for humanity. Notice how important grasp this truth when they first read it. Although it is plainly stated in the
that family is to God: “In bringing Bible, people usually read right over it. Yet this awesome future is the
many sons to glory [through the whole purpose and reason God made mankind. It is why we were born,
resurrection to immortality], it was why we exist. God is in the process of creating His immortal family, and
you can have a part in it.
God, the Scriptures tell us, is creating a family—His own (If you would like to know more about God’s plan for humanity, be sure
family. He offers us the opportunity to be a part of that to download or request our booklets The Gospel of the Kingdom, What Is
Your Destiny? and Who Is God? All are free for the asking from any of
family, the family of God. That family relationship—our our offices or from our Web site at
becoming children of God—is the heart and core of His
incredible plan for humanity. Is God’s Word true?
We should not believe in God or the Bible just to make ourselves feel
fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should good; we should latch onto Scripture because it is true. The Bible’s cred-
make the author of their salvation [Jesus Christ] perfect through suffer- ibility can be established. (To prove for yourself the truth of the Bible,
photo illustration by Shaun Venish/Corbis/PhotoDisc

ing. Both the one who makes men holy [Christ] and those who are made be sure to download your free copy of our booklet Is the Bible True? at
holy [human beings in whom God is working] are of the same family” or request it from our office nearest you.)
(Hebrews 2:10-11, NIV). In the Bible, God promises to those who serve Him a reward that is far
Those who are truly converted—who are led by God’s Spirit after greater than anything this life has to offer.
repentance and baptism (Acts 2:38; Romans 8:9)—have the same spiri- In his present condition, lacking understanding of God’s purpose, man
tual Father and are members of the same family—God’s family. The is like a rudderless ship, adrift and at the mercy of winds and storms. His
Scriptures continue: “So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers. He dogmas fail as a shield against the anxieties and uncertainties inherent
says, ‘I will declare your name to my brothers; in the presence of the in the human condition.
congregation I will sing your praises.’ And again, ‘I will put my trust But you can understand the reason for your existence. You can turn
in him.’ And again he says, ‘Here am I, and the children God has given away “from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers”
me’” (Hebrews 2:11-13, NIV). (1 Peter 1:18) by turning to a life of meaning and purpose, a life that works.
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Authors: Scott Ashley, Wilbur Berg, Roger Foster, Noel Hornor, Bill Jahns, Larry Neff, David Treybig
Editorial reviewers: John Bald, Bruce Gore, Paul Kieffer, Graemme Marshall, Burk McNair, Richard
Thompson, Leon Walker, Donald Ward, Lyle Welty Design: Shaun Venish
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to enroll in our 12-lesson Bible Study
Course, also free of charge.
We are grateful for the generous
tithes and offerings of the members
of the Church and other supporters
who voluntarily contribute to support this work. We do not solicit the general
public for funds. However, contributions to help us share this message of hope
with others are welcomed. All funds are audited annually by an independent
accounting firm.
Personal counsel available: Jesus commanded His followers to feed His
sheep (John 21:15-17). To help fulfill this command, the United Church of
God has congregations around the world. In these congregations believers
assemble to be instructed from the Scriptures and to fellowship.
The United Church of God is committed to understanding and practicing
New Testament Christianity. We desire to share God’s way of life with those
who earnestly seek to follow our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our ministers are available to counsel, answer ques-
tions and explain the Bible. If you would like to
contact a minister or visit one of our congregations,
please feel free to contact our office nearest you.
For additional information: Visit our Web site to download or request any
of our publications, including issues of The Good
News, dozens of free booklets and much more.

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