Fundamental Limits On Energy Transfer and Circuit Considerations For Piezoelectric Transformers
Fundamental Limits On Energy Transfer and Circuit Considerations For Piezoelectric Transformers
Fundamental Limits On Energy Transfer and Circuit Considerations For Piezoelectric Transformers
1, JANUARY 2002
Abstract—This work investigates fundamental limits on 400–500 V to run at a 1–5 W power level and have an input
electromechanical energy conversion capacity of piezoelectric impedance on the order of hundreds of kilohms, a good match
transformers by considering a work cycle analysis. Fundamental for the piezoelectric transformer.
limitations in a lossless piezoelectric transformer are imposed by
maximum electric field strength, maximum surface charge density, While piezoelectric transformers were originally developed
maximum stress, and maximum strain. For the lossless case, our in the United States in the 1950s [1], [2], they were not com-
analysis indicates that the mechanical stress limit is the effective mercially pursued to a large extent due to poor materials relia-
constraint in typical PZT materials. For a specific PZT-5H sample bility and competition from magnetic flyback transformers for
considered, a mechanical stress-limited work cycle indicates that cathode ray tubes. Recently, a number of researchers, mainly
this material can handle 330 W/cm3 at 100 kHz.
A second direction this work has taken has been an investiga- in Japan, have begun new efforts at producing compact, effi-
tion into a soft-switching drive and control circuit, that does not cient, bulk-ceramic piezoelectric transformers for portable ap-
require any magnetic components. The theory of operation of soft- plications, most notably for laptop flat panel displays. These ef-
switching resonant drive circuitry is discussed, and experimental forts have yielded reported efficiencies from 82% [3] to as high
results on a soft-switching inverter incorporating no magnetic com- as 92% [4].
ponents are reported.
In this paper, we discuss fundamental limits of energy density
Index Terms—Piezoelectric, soft-switching, transformer, work and power throughput of an ideally lossless piezoelectric ele-
cycle. ment based on materials considerations and a work cycle anal-
ysis. The work cycle considered is shown to be consistent with a
I. INTRODUCTION square-wave voltage drive. However, such a hard-switched drive
scheme in an inverter circuit leads to considerable switching
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Both transformers shown here are long thin bars of piezoelectric (c)
material driven in a longitudinal mode resonance (displacements in the
3-direction) [1]. (a) Two segments are poled as shown and electroded faces
perpendicular to the poling directions provide contacts for the input and output
voltages. (b) The input segment is poled transversely to the longitudinal mode
displacements, utilizing the d effect (d = d ). The generator segment
uses d coupling, a larger effect than d , which assists in creating larger
voltage amplification.
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. (a) The trapezoidal waveform at the top is the voltage applied to the transformer primary, labeled v in Fig. 7. Note that during the deadtime, DT , the
voltage ramps up due to the inertia of the transformer causing a change in the charge-voltage state even when the primary is undriven. The vertical scale is 20 V/div
and the horizontal scale is 2 s/div. The lower trace represents the charge at that node, measured as the voltage (labeled v in Fig. 6) across a 1 F capacitor placed
in series with the primary. The vertical scale of the lower trace is 50 mV/div, or equivalently, 50 nC/div. (b) Here, the two traces of (a) are plotted against each
other with transformer primary charge, v , on the y -axis and primary voltage, v , on the x-axis, thus tracing out the electrical domain work cycle at the primary
of the transformer. In comparing to Fig. 2(a), note that hard-switching was assumed there, whereas soft-switching is achieved here. The change in charge during a
low-to-high voltage transition is approximately 1=3 of a division decrease. That is, charge comes off the transformer primary to charge up the parasitic capacitance
at the inverter node and swing the voltage up.