Comparison of Baseball and Softball
Comparison of Baseball and Softball
Comparison of Baseball and Softball
Rule or
Baseball Fastpitch softball Slowpitch softball
9 innings (7 in the high school level and 7 innings (5 in
in Minor League/college doubleheaders; 7 innings (5 in certain college games) certain college
of Game
6 inLittle League) games)
often same as
fastpitch softball,
special 14 or 16
12 or 11 inches (305 or 279 mm) in
9 inches (229 mm) in circumference inch (356 or 406
circumference, less dense than a baseball
mm) balls rarely
used, less dense
than a baseball
No longer than 34
inches (864 mm).
No longer than 42 inches (1067 mm). Most commonly
No longer than 34 inches (864 mm).
Must be made of wood at the professional made of composite
Bat Most commonly made of aluminum,
level; may be made of aluminum in high materials, also
though wooden bats may be used
school and college. aluminum, though
wooden bats may
be used
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