Interim Dean and Professor of Economics College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University. Currently manage a College of 16 departments / schools with 326 tenure-track faculty, 138 full / part-time non-tenure faculty, 62 administrative professionals, and 57 civil service staff.
Interim Dean and Professor of Economics College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University. Currently manage a College of 16 departments / schools with 326 tenure-track faculty, 138 full / part-time non-tenure faculty, 62 administrative professionals, and 57 civil service staff.
Interim Dean and Professor of Economics College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University. Currently manage a College of 16 departments / schools with 326 tenure-track faculty, 138 full / part-time non-tenure faculty, 62 administrative professionals, and 57 civil service staff.
Interim Dean and Professor of Economics College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University. Currently manage a College of 16 departments / schools with 326 tenure-track faculty, 138 full / part-time non-tenure faculty, 62 administrative professionals, and 57 civil service staff.
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James E. Payne, Ph.D.
Interim Dean and Professor of Economics
College of Arts and Sciences
Ilinois State University
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Economics and Finance
Offic Home:
College of Arts and Sciences 1601 Cutter Court
Ilinois State University Normal, IL 61761
Normal, 11. 61790-4100 309-532-1903 (cell)
B.A. in Economics, May 1985, Berea College, Berea, KY
M.S. in Economics, August 1987, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
Ph.D. in Economics, April 1989, Flotida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Administrative Appointments and Duties:
Interim Dean and Professor of Economics (April 1, 2009 to present), College of Arts and
Sciences, Ilinois State University, Normal, IL.
Currently manage a College of 16 departments/schools with 326 tenure-track faculty, 138
full/part-time non-tenure faculty, 62 administrative professionals, and 57 civil service
staff. The College staff includes three associate deans, one assistant dean, and three
administrative staff. The College offers at the undergraduate level 19 B.S. and 17 B.A.
degree programs, 44 discipline-based minors, and 14 interdiseiplinary minors, The
College offers at the graduate level 5 Doctoral degree programs along with 17 M.S. and
12. M.A. degree programs. The College’s overall budget is $47.4 million,
Responsibilities include oversight of departments/schools, personnel decisions, budget
planning and management, facilities and technology, liaison to University administration,
community engagement and outreach, enhancing alumni relations, and fundraising
Fundraising on behalf of the College during this period: $3,889,135,
Grant funding on behalf of the College during this period: $12,533,119
Chair and Professor of Economies (July 2003-March 2009), Department of Economics,
Mllinois State University, Normal, IL
Managed a department of 16 tenure-track, 4 non-tenure track faculty, and 2
administrative staf? with a personnel and operating budget of over $1.5 million.Responsibilities include curriculum development and oversight of the undergraduate and
graduate programs, hiring of faculty and administrative staf, fundraising activities,
fostering an active research environment for faculty and students, facilitating the
Department's involvement with the Stevenson Center for Community Economic
Development and the Institute for Regulatory Policy Studies, enhancing alumni relations,
and serving as the Department’s liaison to external constituencies.
Fundraising on behalf of the Department, July 1, 2003 to March 31, 2009: $1,037,000
Grant funding on bebalf of the Department, July 1, 2003 to March 21, 2009: $2,777,541
Previous Tenure-Track Academic Appointment
Professor (2001-2003), Associate Professor (1994-2001), Assistant Professor (1992-
1994), Department of Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems, College of
Business and Technology (accredited by AACSB Intemational), Eastern Kentucky
University, Richmond, KY.
Assistant Professor (1989-1992), Department of Economics, School of Business
Administration (accredited by AACSB International), Oakland University, Rochester, ML
Visiting Academic Appointment:
Fulbright Research Scholar (Spring-Summer 2000) and Fulbright Senior Specialist (May
2007), Institute of Economics-Zagreb, Croatia: Research collaborations with the
Institute of Economics-Zagreb and the Croatian National Bank on monetary policy and
banking issues.
Visiting Associate Professor (1999-2000), Department of Economics, Gatton College of
Business and Economics (accredited by AACSB International), University of Kentucky,
Lexington, KY
Visiting Assistant Professor (Summer 1994), Economies Institute, Boulder, CO
Visiting Assistant Professor (1988-1989), Department of Econon and International
Business, College of Business (accredited by AACSB International), University of
Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS
Internal Service:
Recruiting Committee, Oakland University, 1990-1991
Faculty Advisor, Economics Club, Oakland University, 1990-1992
Faculty Advisor, Omicron Delta Epsilon, Oakland University, 1991-1992
Colloquium Committee, Eastern Kentucky University, 1992-1997
Academic Practices Committee, Eastern Kentucky University, 1992-1997
Long Range Planning Committee, Eastern Kentucky University, 1993-1997
Chaired Committee on Evaluation of the BBA Degree in Economies, Eastern KentuckyUniversity, 1994
Faculty Advisor, Eastern Kentucky University, 1994-1999
Merit Pay Review Committee, Eastem Kentucky University, 1996-1998
Merit Pay Policy Committee, Eastern Kentucky University, 1996-1998
Promotion and Tenure Committee, Eastern Kentucky University, 1997-1998
Non-Tenure Review Committee, Eastern Kentucky University, 2002
Department Faculty Status Committee, Illinois State University, 2003-present
Graduate Curriculum Committee, Illinois State University, 2003-present.
Appointment, Salary, Promotion and Tenure Department Review Committee, Illinois
State University, 2003-2009
University Research Grant Department Review Committee, Illinois State University,
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Ilinois State University, 2004-2009
Department Journal Ranking Committee, Illinois State University, 2004-2009
Department External Liaison, Illinois State University, 2005-2009
Recruitment Committee, Illinois State University, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008
Departmental Advancement Award, Illinois State University, 2006
Departmental Advancement Award Honorable Mention, Illinois State Univers
Departmental Advancement Award, Illinois State University, 2008
Departmental Fundraising Award, Illinois State University, 2009
Computer Advisory Council, Oakland University, 1989-1990
MBA Curriculum Review Committee, Oakland University, 1991-1992
‘Ad Hoc Committee on Internationalization, Eastern Kentucky University, 1992-1996
Graduate Curriculum Committee, Eastem Kentucky University, 1993-1997
Leadership Committee for AACSB Intemational Accreditation, Eastem Kentucky
University, 1996-1997
Faculty Development Committee, Eastern Kentucky University, 1998-1999
Merit Pay Committee, Eastem Kentucky University, 1997-1998
Sabbatical Leave Committee, Basten Kentucky University, 1997-1998, 2002
Stevenson Center Task Force, Illinois State University, 2003-present
Search Committee for Faculty Directorship of Stevenson Center, Illinois State University,
College Faculty Status Committee, Illinois State University, 2009-present
Library Committee, Eastern Kentucky University, 1993-1996
Research Committee, Eastern Kentucky University, 1994-1996
Faculty Advisor, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Basten Kentucky University, 2001-2002
Faculty Senate, Eastern Kentucky University, 2001-2003
Undergraduate Scholarly and Creative Activities Committee, Eastern Kentucky
University, 2002
Chairs Council, Illinois State University, 2003-2009
Provost Appointee, College of Business Dean Search Committee, Illinois State
University, 2006-2007Provost Advisory Council, Ilinois State University, 2009-present
External Service:
Referee for 61 journals: Aftican Economic Research Consortium Series,
American Economist, Applied
Applied Energy, Asia Pacific Management Review, Bulletin of
Economic. uch, Contemporary Economic Policy, Defence Economics,
-onomic Change and Restructuring, Economic Issues, Eeonomies of Education
Review, EIZ Working Paper Series, Ekonomska Istrazivani mic Res
merging Markets, Finance, and Trade, Energy Economics, Energy & Fuels,
Energy Policy, Energy Sources. Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy,
Environmental Hazards, F in Finance and Economies, International
Economic Review, International Tax and Public Finance, Growth and Change,
Intemational Academy of Business and Economics, Journal of African
Economies, Journal of African Finance and Economic Development, Journal of
Asian Economies, Jouma ness, Industry and Economics, Journal of
Comparative Economies, Joumal of Computers. Journal of Developing Areas,
Journal of Economies and Administr economies and
Business, Journal of Economics and Finance, Joumal of Economie Studies,
Joumal of Forensic Economies, Journal of Legal Economies, Journal of
Macroeconot Joumal of Regional Analysis and Policy, Journal of Regional
Science, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economies, Journal of Risk and
Insurance, Journal of Sports Economics, Kentucky Joumal of Economies and
Business, Managerial and Decision Economies, Litigation Economies Review,
Managerial Finance, Manchester Schoo!
Research, Public Cl
Economics, Revie Dmics.
Economie Jounal, ‘conomie Journal, Tourism Economics,
Management, Quantitative Finance, and Quarterly Review of Economics and
Reviewer for Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Duxbury Publishing Company,
Hareourt Brace College Publishers, Houghton Mifflin Company, MacMillan
African Journal of Business Management, American
Publishing Company, McGraw Hill Publishing Company, South-Western
Publishing Company, Thomson, West Publishing Company, and Worth
Editorial Boards,
Economics, 2004 to present; Frontiers in Finance and Economics, 2005 to
present, iL of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis, 2005 to
present; International Journal of Information and Operations Management
2007 to present; Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 2009 to
present; Economics Research International, 2010 to present.
External Reviewer Promotion and Tenure, Department of Economies, University of
Kentucky, Fall 1997.
External Reviewer, Promotion, Department of Economics, American University of
Sharjah, Fall 2005,
Download ebooks file (Ebook) Advances in Accounting Education : Teaching and Curriculum Innovations by Timothy J. Rupert; Beth B. Kern ISBN 9781787141803, 1787141802 all chapters