Isabs - Magazine
Isabs - Magazine
Isabs - Magazine
Quarterly Publication of the Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science
July-September 2009
The season for festivities is here. It's been hot and humid these past few months, but all that is slowly going away, as if telling us–
relax, you can now celebrate. Yes, truly, the season of festivities is upon us. So: Happy Seasons' greetings to our readers!!
Autumn is an intriguing season when life's duality stands in full glory. The fully matured harvest stands gracious to humbly 'let go'.
Nature, in that sense, is the best teacher for mindful and flowing connection with self and surroundings. And the way we try to do
the same here in ISABS is by living by the mantra of Here & Now. Ever since the start of my ISABS journey, the phrase Here &
Now has become an integral part of my vocabulary. I have been asked to be in the Here & Now by my many co-learners and
process colleagues. I too have made the same appeal to various people that I have been privileged to work with. But never before
did I realize and feel the magical impact of this phrase than while working on this issue.
This issue, as you all know, has Here & Now as its theme and I was overwhelmed with the presence of this phrase in all that I read,
wrote and edited. The flowing and healing power of these words touched me at a time when I was going through one of the worst
health challenges of my life. The more I immersed myself in the deeply inspiring contributions of this issue, the more my mind
drifted away from the excruciating pain that the body was suffering. The reading, writing and editing kept me so much in the Here
& Now of the bliss and strength I derive from this work that the word pain almost disappeared from my consciousness and I sailed
through with peace and acceptance.
This issue is the first in the series of many thematic issues that we are currently planning and we thank our contributors for giving
us such an encouraging response. It is so gratifying and strengthening that we had contributions trickling in even after the issue
moved to press. This issue has been a labour of love and close collaboration between contributors and editors with every single
theme article being commissioned and written exclusively for HERE & NOW. We are thrilled and extremely grateful for the trust
that our contributors are putting in us by sharing their unique thoughts, experiences, practices and models.
The issue is rich with diverse perspectives on Here & Now by Sankar (Appreciative Inquiry perspective), Anil (Yogic Perspective)
and Pawnesh (NLP Perspective). In addition we have a path-breaking paper on 'Presencing' by Manish and another on
'Mindfulness'. The creative stream is bubbling as ever with rich poetry and the book review on “EQ and Leadership” by Rachna
explores new pointers. Moreover, we bring you the second part of the thought-stimulating paper by Nagendra based on his
original research. We extend our apology for having mistakenly skipped this in the last issue. To help you resume continuity, the
Part I can be found in Vol 23, Issue 1. The concluding part would appear in the next issue. The “Invitation for Contributions”
waits for your attention on page 19 and we are sure soon our mail-box would get filled with your invigorating contributions on our
next theme –“Diversity & Inclusive Learning”. ISABS has announced its Winter Event at a new venue and the warm invite
beckons your attention on the back-cover.
This issue has made a humble effort to commemorate memories of our very dear colleagues RUSI and FRED whom we lost
recently. Rusi's association with HERE & NOW is special and widely acknowledged and Fred had a pivotal role in founding and
developing of ISABS.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all those readers who responded to our request for conversion to electronic copy of HERE &
NOW. This responsive gesture of yours means a lot to ISABS in particular and overall environmental health in general. We invite
all our readers once again to register for the electronic copy by visiting our webpage Please also
post ISABS office separately at if you choose to convert to e-copy.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions at
Happy reading!!
Neena with Teji, Sanjib & Arati
Inquiring Appreciatively..... - R Sankarasubramanyan 7 Here & Now A New Perspective - Pawnesh Kumar 20
ODCP Update - Vasu 9 Book Revive EQ and Leadership - Rachna Sharma 22
Integrating Yoga & Here & Now - Anil Anand Pathak 10 Entrepreneurial Being - Nagendra P Singh 24
Creative Stream 13 Regional Connect 27
Fred's contribution to Behaioral Science movement
across the globe and especially in India is worth writing in
Fred was not only a brilliant original thinker, scholar and a Fred Massarik was a devoted professional, always ready to
most perceptive and sensitive T-group trainer, he was be helpful. He was a great friend of India. His visits had
also a great teacher and developer of people. A great become somewhat infrequent but he always took time away
book lover, he had collections of rare books from all over from his crowded schedules to write long letters which were
the world. Once while in Delhi, he went to the Old Delhi always full of ideas and many plans. It is hard to believe that
markets of Chandni Chowk and bought several old he is no more. Most of us will always remember his
manuscripts. He even had a book autographed by friendship.
Einstein in his personal library.
Ishwar Dayal
Abad Ahmad
ISABS had just acquired it's new office location at He had visited India on several occasions. I had an opportunity to meet
Delhi during late 2000 when Fred got in touch with him both in India, in the NTL meetings and in his office and home in Los
me through Abad Ahmed. I was Dean (Prog) during Angeles. I had visited him last year in July, 2008. We sat and discussed
that time with ISABS national board. I had not known in his library for a long time.
him until then. We agreed to have coffee together at
Indian International center Delhi as an exploratory He had so many books from all over the world. He proudly showed me
meeting. an old manuscript of Gita and wanted me to indicate what was written
there. Unfortunately I could not give him much help. But he was eager
It was a pleasant surprise to meet such a warm and to find the source and the date of the manuscript. His personal library
friendly person whom I hardly knew before. "Hey, was a source of inspiration, containing thousands of books on OB etc.
Nagen … it is so wonderful to visit Delhi at a time
when ISABS has moved to its own premises. Let me We then walked to the oldest restaurant in the city, which he regularly
congratulate your team", he hugged me with warmth. visited. I along with my brother and his wife had lunch with Fred, and sat
I was so joyous to be with a person so relaxed and talking in the fabulous old restaurant. Fred was also editing a book on
open with plenty of idea to offer his support for the impact of Kurt Lewin.
ISABS. As he offered to do some special work for
ISABS, I got actively involved with him to finalize a Fred was eager to come to India for Global OD Summit event being held
three hours interactive workshop. here in Hyderabad in August, 2009. He already looked a little older
when I saw him last year. But he was full of life and was excited with his
During the course of planning for this workshop, we role to lead a global OD team in ISABS. I have also been involved in
interacted quite closely. What a wonderful guy! Fred that team. We discussed various ways of developing OD profession.
had no air of his rich knowledge and depth of
experience. Every moment was so refreshing to I had hoped to see him in India, but alas this was not to be so. In his
connect. We became friends for ever. In his demise, demise we have lost a great friend, a great professional, and above all a
we have a lost a global colleague, a well wisher of great human being. ISABS may suitably commemorate his association
ISABS and a person whom I discovered in my with ISABS.
journey of ISABS transition.
Udai Pareek
Nagendra P Singh
“A great human revolution in just a single individual will help
achieve a change in the destiny of a nation, and further, can even
enable a change in the destiny of all humankind.” -
Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhist teacher and poet
Manish Srivastava
Poetry is an art of ‘Presencing’ He was a proud man. Shy to share his misery.
But his struggles and failures were seeping through the thatch
Continuously, immersing self in the phenomenon roof,
Until, the moment… like the sunrays on the floor between us.
when I become one with the phenomenon We both kept looking at little sun patches.
It lives through me, We couldn’t communicate much. Our dialects were too different.
naked and beautiful,
and manifests itself in a creative form Then there was silence, a sort of numbness.
of poetry, art, theatre, dance… Sun rays were on me, sinking through.
I could feel his struggles as mine -
Some of my most creative expressions are not created at all! Lost farm, heavy loans, fear, doubt … losing pride!
They emerge from some deep source within me
Many times, introducing me to a depth that I was unaware of I felt a tear in my eyes and looked at him.
His eyes were wet too.
Do I become the field for them to sprout? His wife then brought us lunch - half a chappati, little dal and a
Do I touch the Universal soul and they find a language through glass of water.
me? He gave me half of the half and we ate from same plate.
And when I share such expression with other souls, When we left the village, I knew something had shifted in my
they connect, cry, laugh… relationship with these communities but it took me four
Something shifts in me and in them weeks to articulate it.
‘Awakening of a deeper consciousness’ “I feel responsible… cause when I looked into the eye of that
Poetry then, is no more a creation father who had three malnourished kids, knowingly or
It’s an expression of the Universal soul, unknowingly, I made a promise and I don’t feel like running
A space where we all meet and become one. away from that”.
I have come across people who have cultivated unique
Presencing practices through poetry, meditation, dance, art,
gardening, nature etc. that helps them access their deep
sources of inspiration.
This experience connected me to the larger social field that I but also, how they engaged with the larger social field. As a
was ignorant of. It also brought me face-to-face with my other male member, I owe my awareness of the gender
self in the farmer and awakened a deep interconnection discrimination to this dialogue. It has significantly improved
within. my personal and professional relationships.
I have come across similar experiences of other friends – In another similar occasion, Shabri, a community health
where they met a complete stranger, reached a new city or a worker and a nurse, shifted the groups’ attention from a
natural setting and, suddenly felt deeply connected to prolonged egotistic conflict between government
something larger than self. At subtle levels it inspires us and officers and staff, to make them aware of their
when it’s significant, it transforms our world-view and collective purpose. In a plenary, the conflict rose to a
redefines our purpose. level that senior government officers stood up and
threatened to quit the group. Shabri and some other
Being the force of the Universe group members, requested the officers to sit down and
[Bringing your awakened consciousness to the join them in the circle. After some time, she stared
community and transforming the whole] singing a folk song:
“Garaj baras pyasi dharti par phir pani de maula, Chiriyon ko
With such transformed awareness, we become a force of the
dana, bachchon ko gudadhaani de Maula” (O Lord! Give this
Universe, bringing it to every conversation we engage in and
dry land, some water; give its birds and children, some food)
thereby shifting the collective. I have come across this in many
group dialogues. Generally after a conflict or a struggling It reminded all of us of hungry children and our collective
conversation, there comes a moment, when one member’s purpose of eradicating child malnutrition. While singing, she
authentic presence brings the unspoken voices to the entire held hands of those sitting next to her. Soon, the entire group
groups’ awareness and shift its consciousness. was sitting in a circle holding hands and singing the song with
her. We were one again, awakened to the unspoken voice of
I would share some examples from the Cross-sectoral Change the child, brought in by authentic presence of one member.
Lab group that I was part of. The group had approximately
45-50 members and staff. Members’ names have been Serving the whole
changed to maintain confidentiality. [Letting the field transform itself]
A Forum Theatre, triggered a group debate on ‘Role Of Women In above examples, both Ganga and Shabri were present to
In Addressing Child Malnutrition’. As the discussion grew the ‘Here and Now’ of the moment, to the larger field and to
intense, a young women member, Ganga, began to curl in her the emerging possibilities. They became the force of the
chair. When the facilitator invited her to speak, she remained Universal energy and shifted the group - as a microcosm of
quiet for some time. Then, in almost an outburst, she made the larger community. In my personal experience, as I
the group aware of what was happening in the moment – returned from the learning journey, I brought my new
“though the topic concerned the role of women, they were largely silent and awareness (of interconnectedness with the communities) to
the issue was mostly debated by the men”. This prompted other every conversation that I engaged in. Over a period of time, I
women members to share their emotions and experiences of experienced a shift taking place in the larger field. I started
how men dominated most conversations and excluded connecting with right people and reaching out to right places
women members even in the area of work that focuses on around the world. The people, I met were on their own
mother and child. This conversation shifted the dynamics of transformative Presencing journeys. Our energies combined
the room. All men remained quiet and reflective for the rest and new networks, roles and organization came into being.
of the evening. Bhavishya Alliance was established as India’s pioneering
multi-national, multi-sectoral partnership initiative.
This dialogue became a significant moment that not just
transformed the collective awareness of the group members, Approximately 2 years after my first learning journey to
the tribal villages, I got an opportunity to facilitate a
community empowerment program for the same
region. To our surprise, the new district authority
recommended Mansu-Davadi – (among 100s) for
prototyping. It was the same village where I had first
experienced the Presencing moment in the farmer’s
hut. It was my turn now. The intervention led to grass-
root leadership development and brought them in the
forefront of district development priorities.
In retrospect, I am amazed at the synchronicity of the events.
It was as if the consciousness energy of Mansu-Davadi had
chosen me to be a force, generate resources, energize the field
and come back to serve the whole. These experiences validate own control, expectations and fears. When I accepted the
my belief that “When we become authentically present to the larger hospitality and treatment of the villagers, I had
field, we become a medium for creativity to emerge, and serve the whole to simultaneously surrendered my own need to analyze,
transform itself ”. solve and control my identity. At a group level, we
surrendered our ‘male ego’, held hands and sang with
Harvesting insights from experiences Shabri.
! Stillness- being one: It’s a very subtle and personal
As change practitioners, we often inquire: How can we design
presencing experiences and facilitate transformative experience. Possibly a moment when we experience
journeys? oneness with the larger context of the phenomenon. I
experienced it when I looked in the eyes of the farmer. In
I guess, we cannot design the experiences that are personal, group dialogues such moments are generally marked with
subtle and emergent. However, we can create holding space, silence- brief or long.
develop awareness and leadership capacity to enable the
! Awakening and Flow (Letting-come): After stillness, there is a
presencing journeys. Based on my experience and research, I
would offer some insights and areas for further exploration sense of rejuvenation and connectedness with self, group
and refer to Theory U (Scharmer, 2009) as a conceptual and the larger field. We embody the new consciousness
framework. and start flowing in a natural rhythm. I literally danced
with the villagers. Shabri’ singing and groups’ holding
Creating an enabling space: hands was a symbolic dance.
‘Place’ or a ‘holding space’ has both physical and ! Returning: With the new awakened consciousness the
psychological significance for presencing. It symbolizes the individual or the group returns to their world. This is a
safety and rejuvenative power of a mother’s womb. difficult phase. Fears, doubts, anger may creep in and may
Individually, I prefer quiet spaces like nature or farmers’ small, stay for long. The challenge lies in embodying the new
dark hut. Groups, on the other hand, experience consciousness in action and moving to the next stage of
transformative moments in a reflective dialogue space. co-creation.
In organizations, enabling environment includes cultivating a Developing leadership capacity:
culture of dialogue, reflection, inclusion, and tolerance for
non-conformity. This is particularly important for the Developing leaders who connect and serve the larger field is
individuals and groups to bring their transformed the most important challenge of current times. It requires a
consciousness to the organizational field. new leadership capacity for- operating with an open mind
(suspending judgment), open heart (empathetic listening) and
Being attentive and honoring the process: open will (honoring emergence) (Scharmer, 2009); cultivating
Paying attention to the subtle processes and letting them practices for deep reflection; thinking systemic and holistic;
emerge is the key to the presencing experience. Sometimes authentic presencing and; a deep sense of purpose and
facilitators themselves come in the way of the processes. resilience to be the force of the Universe.
Theory U, identifies two inflection points during the I am experiencing this transformative journey in my
presencing movement: Letting go and Letting come. I have own life. It gives me hope that- when more and more
observed following subtle processes around these two points: leaders operate from a deep sense of Universal
! Confronting the shadow: When we immerse in the interconnectedness, we would have a more peaceful,
context with an open mind and heart, we are often equitable and sustainable world.
confronted by the dark side of our own reality. Ganga, Manish Srivastava is an Organization & Systemic Change
Shabri and I were confronted with a reality that we have Consultant and a Research Fellow with Presencing Institute & MIT
been a part of (gender, power and economic divide). at Cambridge, Boston US. Please reach him at
However, unless we are willing to be vulnerable, we may
not move to the next stage.
! Surrendering (Letting-go): It’s similar to surrendering References:
to the power of a sacred phenomenon and letting go your
Senge, P., Scharmer, C.O., Jaworski, J. & Flowers, B.S., (2005).
Presence: Exploring Profound Change in People, Organization and
My experiences come from my Presencing journey as a partner and OD
consultant with Bhavishya Alliance- an innovative partnership organization
Society. Nicholas Brealy: London
that convened leaders across the sectors to address child malnutrition in Scharmer, C.O (2009). Theory U: Leading from Future as it
emerges. Berrett-Koehler: San Francisco
Excerpted from the e-mail note send to my colleagues in Unilever on April,
24, 2006 Gamble, Maureen (1997). Universal Consciousness: An Historical
Excerpted from Bhavishya Change Lab film, May, 2006 and Scientific Perspective.
“….. from being
responsible for the group
to being responsible to the
Carl Rogers
R Sankarasubramanyan
ODCP is now maturing into a sought after Corporate The recent Global OD Summit in Hyderabad witnessed
Programme as it provides flexibility and paced out the presentation and presence of six ODCP finalists and
investment of personal time of executives to read, reflect, interns and the general feedback from the Summit
react and rediscover new paradigms about how administration and the final repoitere is that they made a
organisations function and grow as they face challenges of significant impact among the international community of
change. OD professionals and academicians.
Subjects like ‘Complex Adaptive Systems’ and ‘Business There is move by the President of ISABS to start a process
Psychology’ give a new twist to the way traditional thinkers of validating the programme. Plans are ahead to identify
of management have built theories about OB and OD. external experts both from Academia and OD
ODCP is bringing a multidisciplinary approach to the practitioners to give a frame work for evaluating the worth
understanding of self, groups and teams as well as of the certificate on few rigorous parameters. Hopefully by
leadership and leader behavior. the end of the Batch II and graduation of those who are
recommended for certification, i.e., May 2010 during
The case writing workshop and the learning logs are adding
Summer event, the validation report will also be available
perspectives and challenging the participants to unlearn
for everybody.
before they can learn. The emphasis is on practice and
therefore simulations are part of every workshop module. We are hopeful that the ODCP participants will start
Another highlight of the rich learning is the learners’ sending articles for the H&N from June 2010.
partnership among members, mentoring by ISABS
trainers in each region and shadow consulting by the
Project director. Vasu
Anil Anand Pathak
The second definition defines yoga as that which makes for When we look at Yoga as a system or a set of practices then
the happiest behavioral adjustment. Here yoga has been we find that it is indeed a very vast field or discipline. Eight
described as a tool or a technique that helps people in their broad limbs of Yoga have been highlighted by Patanjali;
behavioral adjustment in order to be happy. A well-adjusted Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana,
Dhyana, and Samadhi. Asana and Pranayama have become
individual lives in the ‘Here and Now’.
quite popular due to promotion by the media. Asanas deal
with body parts and postures whereas Pranayama deals with
YOGA for “HERE & NOW” controling the breath. All these eight limbs train the baody
A maladjusted person shows behaviors that are dysfunctional. and mind to live in the present moment, which means they
These disfunctionalities mostly arise from their prior help individuals eliminate/break/cut prior conditioning for a
conditioning. More often than not, these individuals find it healthy living.
difficult to break their prior conditioning which makes them Take for example Asanas. There are various Asanas that are
disfunctional. It is here that yoga comes to their rescue by focused at different body parts. From lifting of the limbs to
letting them experience a happy behavioral adjustment. This stretching, bending and squatting there are innumerable
once again indicates that one is able to attain the ‘Here and postures all with specific purpose and outcomes. However,
Now’ because well-adjusted behavior is a sign of living the overall outcome remains the same and that is to control
without dysfunctional conditioning or ability to live in the the entire body.
‘Here and Now’. Yoga not only acts at a cognitive level but is Let us discuss a very simple asana called the “Tadasan”. In
effective at the behavioral level too. this Asana, we have to stand straight with both the hands by
The third definition of yoga talks about reaching a state which the side. Then slowly we need to inhale, lift the body on the
once attained, no other attainment is ever greater than it toes, and simultaneously raise both the hands straight and
because one remains undisturbed in the severest misery. This stretch and lift the entire body such that the body is lifted on
is possible only when the mind is capable of breaking or the toes. The person doing this asana has to stretch such that
cutting out the prior conditioning which more often engulfs he is trying to reach the sky. Though it sounds very simple but
the mind and does not allow it to come out of it. Also, it is not. Each and every step involved in this asana can be
mentioned in this definition is “this state is ever untouched by performed if and only if the person is able to concentrate.
grief.” It indicates that there is a tremendous capacity of the This concentration is possible only if the attention is held
mind to disallow any attachments (conditioning) of the past simultaneously as well as together at all the body parts/organs
to affect the present. involved. Isn’t it ‘Here and Now’? At any point of time if
there is any lapse of attention, one fails to complete the asana.
Let me take an example to explain this further. Suppose,
someone has publicly criticized my sincere efforts in the past Taking a clue from this, in real life also we have to perform
that has led to me feeling low. The mind may form an various tasks (just like Asanas) and we have to be conscious of
association or get conditioned on regular repetition managing all the different elements of the task (just like a
accordingly (public criticism = feeling low). Next time if posture in an asana). If we are not able to manage some or all
someone criticizes me in public, I start feeling low because my of the elements, then the task gets affected adversely (just like
mind has been conditioned in this manner. Or for that matter, ending up doing a wrong Asana).
death leads to bereavement and whenever there is a death, we Similarly there are different kinds of pranayamas like Ujjayi,
experience bereavement. But a mind that has attained the Anulom-vilom, Kapaal-bhaati, Bhramari, Udgith, Agnisaar
state of yoga remains undisturbed even in such conditions. It etc. each focused at single or multiple organs but the overall
is able to break the conditioning and remain in the ‘Here and outcome is to control the life force/energy through ‘breath’.
Now’. It is believed that breath is the root to controlling mind.
If we analyze the definition given by Patanjali i.e., “yoga is the Whether we do Asanas or Pranayamas, the moment we get to
elimination of the modifications of mind”, we once again doing it brings us in the present moment or ‘Here and Now’.
The reason being one’s first hand experience of being the Let us discuss another real life case of Poornima (name
subject (her/himself) in the whole experience. When I lift my changed). Poornima got married to a well-educated person
leg, I have to maintain a balance i.e. I have to be in the ‘Here who worked at a fairly good position in a top MNC. She came
and Now’ else I may not be able to control myself and fall from a small town in Punjab and due to her marriage shifted
down. When I am doing Anulom-vilom (alternate breathing), to Delhi. She was a very bright student all through up to her
I have to be continuously alert or else I may not be able to do it post graduation and was pursuing her Ph.D. But ever since
correctly. she came to live with her in-laws, she found her life to be
totally out of her control. Her in-laws would test her on only
Therefore, being alert, steady or in the present moment is a her culinary and other home making skills. Her husband was
priori condition for doing Asanas and Pranayam (or Yoga). very supportive and understanding but helpless in front of
And since there are many different types and vaieties, one his own parents and sisters. He wanted Poornima to complete
learns a new way of conditioning where unconditioning is in- her Ph.D. but also realized that it was not possible as his wife
built in the process. Thus, one lives being in the present was burdened with so much of house hold responsibilities.
moment while performing the act or yoga be it any of the
eight limbs. One thing that intrigued him was his wife’s constant fixation
with her past. She would always compare the present with her
past, her own family members with her in-laws, and her past
Impacting life by Integrating YOGA and home environment with the present home environment. She
“HERE & NOW” would then feel sad and subsequently sulk. Both Poornima
Let us take a real life case that the author had dealt with in and her husband approached the author for counseling. Their
counseling students doing their post graduate program in counseling went on for one month and Poornima and her
Management. Ganesh (name changed) had joined one of the husband chose to do Yoga.
top ranking B-Schools for doing his PGPM (Post Graduate Six months have passed since they both started with Yoga,
Program in Management). Barely one month into this course, and there is a sea change in Poornima’s perception about her
he started feeling bored and out of place. Otherwise, Ganesh life condition. She does not make comparison with her past
had been a very good student all through. He had scored anymore, does not sulk anymore, and is doing her Ph.D. work
above 80 and 90 percent marks in Xth and XIIth respectively. effectively. In her own words, “I was so stupid to spend most
He had appeared for IIT JEE but failed by a whisker to get of my time thinking and comparing my present with my past
admission. Nevertheless he made it to Delhi’s top without realizing the fact that both are different and I need to
Engineering College from where he graduated with a first accept that and move on. Yoga helped me in breaking all my
division -. He secured admission at one of the top ranking past conditioning and focus on the present.”
management institutes, situated in the Delhi NCR region.
Thus we see how the above two individuals have been able to
When I met him, he was experiencing acute loneliness and he take charge of their life by doing yoga. What does Yoga really
felt himself to be completely out of place in that top ranking do to a person that he starts experiencing a different “state”
B-school. Ganesh’s classroom behavior intrigued me. He altogether? If we analyze the processes in Yoga, we will find
came across as a very rigid person who wanted to put across that for performing either an asana or a pranayam one has to
only his own viewpoint without being open to considering coordinate the body as well as the mind. This requires a lot of
any alternate viewpoint. In one of the classroom discussions I effort in terms of keeping the awareness level high. This
politely requested Ganesh to also listen rather than only talk. results in a lot of control over the body as well as mind, which
He was also asked to live with any disagreement rather than subsequently enables one to experience positive emotions. If
forcing across his viewpoint. It appeared time and again as if one can control the mind and experience positive emotions at
Ganesh got stuck with his viewpoint. will through Yoga then we can probably say that “Nothing
could be more ‘Here and Now’ than Yoga”!!!
One day Ganesh sought an appointment with me and shared
his problems on his own. I followed a non-directive approach Anil Anand Pathak is working as Assistant Professor of
while listening to Ganesh. Very soon Ganesh realized that he Organizational Behavior at the Management Development Institute,
had a tendency to get stuck and that he was stuck on many Gurgaon. He can be reached at
things of his past. Ganesh was asked to do Yoga and
especially Pranayam (a form of Breath control exercise).
After 3 months of regular practice, there was a marked
change in Ganesh’s classroom as well as extra classroom
behavior. He was observed to be more involved with his 1
Katha Upanishad, II.iii.10, 11.
friends and found to be enjoying the PGPM program. He 2
Bhagvad-Gita, II.48.
personally experienced the change and shared with me how 3
Joshi, K. S. (Jan., 1965). Philosophy East and West, Vol. 15, No. 1, 53-64
Yoga brought him the capacity to focus on living in the 4
Joshi, K. S. (Jan., 1965). Philosophy East and West, Vol. 15, No. 1, 53-64
present rather than vacillating between past and future. Patanjali, Yog Sutra, I.2.
creative stream
The rain tree is full and green Diving into the T-Pool
Sonnet 2: The beginning and the End
The rain tree is full and green,
But that’s how it’s to be Goaded by the prods of the life guards
It’s monsoon time Ten squelch around the mystery pool
You see Stubbed toes skid, then are deeply dug
into the certainties of mother earth.
The stupid late bloomer is alone
Pink and white “We hate this pool, this tub”, four bewail.
A thumb gone sore “Why dump the power-point, our safety rail.”
Or is it the embarrassed blush of late comer One: brasher, younger, braver than most
Says: “I am bored: a guest-less party host”.
Admirably is he, standing erect
Against the bashing of rain Six grab him, flinging cries of ‘insult”
Money saved for me fall head-long, - jabbing, affixing guilt –
With You at my window into the pool. Ripples of reflected light
Flower marketing escapes me The rough scrub of tough comments. A life
- Navtej
Navtej has many names, Nainan, Kaur, Bhutani and K.B. Google her names
if you please. or a week later. Clothes colored gin
and all can see their souls, their hearts, their
Eternity Wrapped in a Moment
- Tejinder S. Bhogal
If it wasn’t for time Teji provides consultation and training on HR, OD and documentation to
social development groups. He can be reached at
So much would be sublime
If there were no clocks
Lovers’ embrace would be eternally locked
here and now
The tweet of a bird
The footsteps of a herd the ‘moment’ my soul is searching for
The sway of a tree has always been ... here and now
The whims of a bee to breathe life into my living
Oh! What may each of them inspire as ‘whys’ dissolve and so does ‘how’
If only I looked in and found my fire
with my first wobbly step
Wound up like the dial’s spring a thousand leading paths unfold
Precisely ticking with silicon zing the clouds of doubt make way
I count every nanosecond for it may be lost for ‘Truth’ to splash its eternal gold
Not knowing in the counting
It is I who surely is the cost! as I fill my senses with its fresh whiff
many a vista emerge on horizon
Wake up and be the creative fool the ‘humbling revelation’ graces me
Dance on in the universe’s limitless pool i was neither alone, nor the first one
Humanity has been a pond frog too long
Singing in rote a lifeless song the path is now alive and awake
with every sense buzzing its essence
I am in you, you in me this moment fuses my whole self
Let’s joyfully embrace ALL of WE with meaning and awakened ‘presence’
Let’s all be whales that we are meant to be
For the universe in not a pond - Neena Verma
But a timeless eternal sea! Neena is a wanderer on the twisting paths of life, occasionally to be found at
- Sanjay Dutt
Sanjay loves the mystery of each moment and each grain of sand. He can be reached
I had
my mind.
y s re m a in alive in h a d a b eard
9 9 6 w ill alwa r d e d m an (he of Love, Rusi
tembe r 1 grey-b e a art of neo
a t e v e n ing in Sep y ALHP, when this s i… ”. I t was the st a n o t h er ecial colleague.
T h to do m H i, I'm R u a red with feels painful as he was a sp
gone to L o n a v la
a cheerfu l sm ile . “
hips that I
h a v e s h Rusi's untimely departure
ed in with g relations uld have meaningful
then) walk derful and satisfyin l is su e s in ISABS and hence we co
on We felt strongly and sim
ilarly fo r sev era so on. I cherish our work
the most w er depth o n,
f his Rusi was with me in Phase B [1996]. His immensely calming f e s sio nal e xce llence, T-groups values and and me
ing. e the she conversations - clinicing,
eth ics, pro bout 24 hours that Ganesh
human b e
began to re a li z
ycholog y, r el ig io
influence on me, during Lab and outside, was deeply inspiring. He m e nts . On e o f the mo st cherished memories is a io n s abou t ISA BS, our
w c loser that I e c o n omics, ps ed events, as together on ethics d ocu
h is car ing hos pi tali ty and deep conversa t
ly as we g re ields – nd
r we atte arded our time
supported me to confront issues, which held my growth back! He
spent at Rusi's home in Ma
y 2006 enj oyi ng n after we dis ered
It was on different f Wheneve . The saddest part is that quite soo
so many r. gu appeared at the right time and made an invaluable difference in my the em erg ing f u ture
ce of cancer. And in the cou
ple of
knowle d g e in
elopmen t s e ct o
rs, we je a lo u s ly make lives -- our past, present and he discovered the recurren
th e d e v l m e m b e a t tempting to ven life. I'm grateful that I not only could share space with him but also for imm e n s e co llea g ues hip , u s, the p o ssi bi litie s of
polit ic s , o r
s pro fe s s io n a
bout th e la b ,
ness. E the scope and joy of diminishing energy, before
he actually left
ts or, later a u r s talking a e privileged to wit ays
enabling me to carry parts of his self, as gifts in my life. I'd certainly
years that he l ived ther e a fter , with h is bec a me m e mo ries .
pa rt ic ip a n
to sp e n d h o r sations alw at with him progressively
We used e we
ocesses w spital, our conver
savor the life giving moments that I benefited from him. I wish and asing. The moments spent
together. u m a n p r s e o f w h communication kept decre
e n s e of the h e n t in the ho g t o m ake sen e pray for Khursheed and family, to face life ahead courageously.
som e s ks he s p and tr y in re wit th h
e his departure less painful.
r in g th e many wee was experiencing, he had shared mo May be in his caring, he mad
du at he ish
wards wh spect, I w Uday [Udayakumar G]
veered to ng to him. In retro
eni .
was happ hers' lives Bye for now …
u n it y. u c h e d each ot e found
co m m ich w e to that h Uma
ays in wh ally happy s
fo r g e t th e many w is passing, I am equ hich he had alway
n e v e r e d b y h fo r w
I can sadden tionship
with his w
m deeply
Though I a Khursheed, the ty
pe of rela
r in g
yearn e d .
mbe Rusi ... in one of his last communications with Uma
Stay in pe
ace my frie
hoping for the best to happen in the midst of despair…
I have begun to feel …
When my stomach hurt it was easy to identify a doctor to consult. When my marriage was strained it
was not difficult to find a counselor. But when life seemed to have veered off course it was I am getting somewhere in this struggle at last.
not easy at all to find a wise person. I no longer wish to … sleep all the time
At one stage in my life I found Fr. Tony de Mello S. J.
After his death, I was fortunate to find Rusi.
and my days are filled with more brightness and energy.
During happy hours I asked Rusi to give me some minutes when free. He preferred to go out and I think, hopefully, that I am slowly discovering a new direction
sit on a log immediately. He would listen to all I said, and always say something in response, and as the days pass this sense seems to be becoming stronger.
which helped clear the clouds and let a ray of sunshine in.
Rupert Who knows, you may see me again in ISABS one day!
Rusi u
about Yo Yes we shall Rusi …
h a t s hall I write w to my soul
And w windo
ened the
Who op always …
n was I
Stubbor running
e s sly
Mindl uting through your spirit,
in g and sho
Fum a th your consciousness,
Rusi g to bre ncestors
Refusin fr om a your HERE&NOW,
your caring touch helped me discover a No learn ams and your alive, affable, assuring sm
way to handle my vulnerabilities Or from
o th a n kyous Rusi
and ... look at myself in an accepting N s … Neena
g e thernes
manner No to Thanks for letting me know you.
No bows
... thank you for your wholesome w Thanks for teaching me to make hay while the Sun is shining.
at me no
presence, whenever we met and spoke And look parts
in y tribe I know it is late but in the opportunity created to pay tribute to you,
... I see me the history of m
r o m
I learn f dear Rusi,
I hear
Mukul S Joshi My heart ars I want to tell you that:
My eyes longer a bribe
Words: her If Knowing You Is Wrong, Then, I Do Not Want To Be Right.
My soul anks to You Rest in Peace
il lio n th
Neena Verma
Imagine planning most diligently for a dream wildlife holiday mindlessly ignored the month and year entries and just looked
that your family has been eagerly looking forward to. Imagine at the day entry. Entrapment in categories – could there be a
reaching the railway station, brimming with excitement and starker example!
loads of playful energy on the D-day. And imagine being de-
trained just a few minutes short of the departure time. Since that day, my journey for mindfulness has become more
Imagine discovering to your horror (and your children’s mindful. Not that – such errors and slips are not happening
almost teary disappointment) that your tickets were booked any more. But my ability to bring them into awareness,
for the same day, next month. And imagine having your self- acknowledge them (no matter how embarrassing it gets) and
assured intelligence being humbled by such a silly error that work with the lessons, is showing steady improvement.
people around can’t help laughing at. Imagine being so Mindlessness
mindlessly self-absorbed, checking your tickets thrice and still Much about the phenomenon of mindfulness is implicitly
not noticing such a glaring mistake. clear from the above example of my mindless behaviour.
Imagine still being able to regain your mindfulness, exploring Actually for me the understanding and appreciation of
options and reframing the context. Imagine stepping out of mindfulness started growing gradually, by first looking at
your entrapped mindset, and seeking expert help from a aspects of mindlessness and then at the brighter side of the
porter (no quick-fixes – just a practical advice about Tatkal coin. Here is what I now understand of mindlessness.
booking). Imagine gathering your spirits together and Mindlessness thrives on –
managing Tatkal booking on the next available train and
! Entrapped mindsets – my embedded tendency that day
reaching your destination, albeit late by half a day. And
imagine the joy of restoring lost cheer on your children’s face. checked is date checked – and that there was no need for
cross-check by another person.
This uniquely enriching experience of my life happened five ! Automatic behaviour – is at work when 26th Jan is
winters ago.
repeatedly read as 26th Dec. This tendency was examined
So what is the moral of the story! by Leon Solomons and Gertrude Stein as early as in 1896 at
I learnt the importance of one of the most valuable states of Harvard University. Their study established that a large
human existence – mindfulness. I realized I needed to be number of actions that we think of as intelligence, such as
more mindful while giving details to our travel agent for reading and writing, can be done quite automatically. As
booking and even more mindful while collecting the tickets they noted, “… there is a general tendency on the part of normal
from him. The humbling realization dawned upon me – I had people, to act, without any express desire or conscious volition, in a
only once mentioned 26th Dec to my travel agent as the date manner (which is) in general accord with the previous habits …”
for our onwards travel; thereafter I just kept repeating “26th ! Premature cognitive commitment – the implicit
for going and 1st for returning”. I mindlessly assumed he would assumption that my much tried & efficient travel agent
understand. And he mindlessly assumed both dates pertained could make no mistake in understanding and also that I
to the same month. Much worse, while checking the tickets, I could make no mistake in explaining. In short, premature
cognitive commitment that there could be no ! Patience & Composure – ability to view difficulty with
communication gap. calmness. Undaunted by the apparent probability of a
crushing defeat, Kutuzov maintained his poise and allowed
! Context – feeling foolish and helpless upon realization of all possible information to be noticed.
my mistake. In a mindless state, we tend to create a limited ! Acceptance – ability to perceive things as they are,
context and unconsciously fail to notice/consider other
vital information. Getting stuck in our limited context, we staying attentive in the ‘Here and Now’; and moving a
almost had our dream vacation aborted until a wise porter step back to take an impartial observer’s stance. Kutuzov
intervened with his practical intelligence and mindfulness. stayed in the ‘Here and Now’ choosing to observe
Napoleon’s marching forward rather than being a reactive
Obviously while collecting my tickets, my mind was not fully actor. Howsoever difficult it must have been, he neither
engaged with the process of checking. In my mind I might reacted in panic nor let the urgency to defend, get better of
have been preoccupied with something else, most likely the his senses. Staying mindful of the circumstances, he rather
imagery of exotic tiger sightings. Not being in the ‘Here and stepped out to observe & collect vital information.
Now’, I had a quick glance at the ticket and assured myself of ! Trust – ability to have faith in your own unique
its correctness by just reading 26 and mindlessly deleting the personhood and resourcefulness. Kutuzov stayed who he
month and year entries from my consciousness. Once was, the humble, wise and thoughtful protector. He trusted
satisfied, I made a premature cognitive commitment in my his wisdom to give him the best advice just as he played his
mind of the correctness of the ticket. Every subsequent role to stay mindful in the moment.
checking was just automatic repetition of this premature ! Curiosity – ability to wonder what more is there than what
cognitive commitment.
the bodily senses report. Kutuzov’s curiosity inspired him
Had I operated even once from a blank page in mind, without to probe for how best to take advantage of Napoleon’s
downloading already registered data, I might have been able aggressive advance. This kind of child-like curiosity
to notice the mistake. Sounds familiar! Such things happen becomes an easily waning attribute in our journey towards
commonly in everyday life. So how do we deal with them – adulthood. Being mindful and fully present in the “Here
Get on board the journey to MINDFULNESS. and Now” helps us benefit from this unique quality. This is
what helped Kutuzov think of ways to cleverly trap
Mindfulness Napoleon into the torturous Russian Winter.
To quote Jon Kabat Zinn, “Mindfulness is the awareness that The French Philosopher Giles Deleuze captured this
emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and aspect of mindfulness beautifully when he wrote, “To the
non-judgmentally to the unfolding experience moment by moment”. answer embedded in every question, answer with a
question from a different answer.”
Many of us know the uniquely insightful story of humbling
defeat of the invincible Napoleon at the hands of a heavily ! Reflection in Action – ability to reflect on your choices
outnumbered army of an old and weary (but deeply mindful) even when you are caught in the thick of action. Kutuzov
Russian Commander called Kutuzov. As Napoleon’s army chose to reflect on his choices, even in the thick of
kept advancing into Russian territory, Kutuzov kept defensive battle. Without hurrying for results, he allowed
retreating his own army, deeper into Russia, until nature his mind to brew on available information. And amazingly
intervened. The great ally of Russian winter left Napoleon’s the best option (in the given circumstances) emerged.
army cold, hungry, sick and thousands of miles away from It is like being tempted by an inviting apple on an easily
base. At the end it was easily conquerable, even with modest reachable branch and yet being able to reflect in the same
Russian resources. moment on the appropriateness of plucking it at that time.
So what worked in Kutuzov’s favour – presence of mind, Reflecting in action, one realizes that when it is ripe, the
being attentive in the moment, considering information from apple falls on its own and the eater relishes it without
all angles, exploring seemingly invisible options, and most damaging the natural growth process.
importantly creating new options by reframing the context. ! Multiplicity of Perspective – facilitates mindful
The apparent context conveyed absolute possibility of defeat reframing. Constantly bothered by his inability to
of Kutuzov’s army at the hands of mighty force of materialize his ideas into successful projects, a young
Napoleon. But his mindfulness helped him recognize the entrepreneur once sought help from the author. With a
possibility of changing the context by cleverly drawing little bit of help, he looked at his context with new eyes and
Napoleon’s army into the perils of the Russian inquisitive mind. He reframed his “inability to implement”
winter that he had neither envisioned, nor as a “talent for ideation” and started a consulting practice
bargained for. which is picking up fairly well.
The above case establishes the following ! Influence over the Context – ability to construct your
as the essential elements of mindfulness – context mindfully and stay focused on that. Kutuzov
convinced himself that his context was to first and personal or organizational potential without greater
foremost protect and honour his motherland and his consciousness. And for this we must become mindful
forces. Even when Napoleon’s intimidating advance intentionally.
created an air of fear and inadequacy, Kutuzov stayed
focused on his context and weighed his options with Practicing Mindfulness at Work
reference to that only. The three rules of work followed by Albert Einstein included
! Process orientation – ability to act upon the belief that the following -
every static outcome is preceded by a dynamic process. ! Out of clutter, find simplicity;
Even when Kutuzov was under tremendous pressure from
! From discord, find harmony; and
extremely trying circumstances, he worked towards his
ultimate victory just because he stayed focused on the ! In the middle of difficulty, find opportunity.
process. The above are both simple leads to as well as natural
It gets clear from the above discussion that mindfulness is derivatives of ‘Mindfulness’. Once an individual is able to
“balancing being, doing and becoming”. In that sense adopt ‘Mindfulness’ as the core philosophy of life and
mindfulness has a far greater role to play in stirring up the cultivate an attitude for it, s/he should be able to practice it in
chaotic modern work life with consciousness and meaningful any sphere of life. However, the following are more common
presence, more so in view of its growing ethical complexities. tenets of ‘Mindfulness at Work’ –
! When in great hurry, slow down –At a time when multi-
Mindfulness at Work
From Stumbling Blocks to Building Blocks tasking is the prized attribute, the story of Andre Gide
who travelled fast through the jungles of Africa, presents a
The organizational life, as of today, is cluttered with both
fresh perspective. One morning his native guides sat in a
useful as well as useless complexities. We are getting
circle and refused to leave the camp. When Gide urged
entrapped in compulsive success persuasion, strictly laid
them to get moving they looked at him and with firmness
processes, linear time concept, stereo-typing, strong cognitive
commitments and over-reliance on technology. In such trying said, "Don't hurry us - We are waiting for our souls to
circumstances, we often tend to clutch our positions with a catch up with us".
sense of certainty, ignoring the finer nuances of differing Many of us are far ahead of our souls. And then the mid-
contexts. life events stun us out of our well cultivated persona. A
Under pressure from demanding timelines, patience gets mindful journey through life at a natural pace and in a
mistakenly perceived as slowness, despite being the most natural rhythm with our inner processes would keep us in
desired virtue. Our curiosity and ingenuity tends to get buried touch with our true selves. A meaningful sabbatical, an
under layers of well cultivated intellect and smooth out-reach association, engagement with community
functioning of technology. There are conflicting pressures development etc., are ways that more and more
and dwindling loyalties. While on one side people are under organizations have now-a-days started offering as part of
tremendous pressure to perform, on the other side, they are their wellness pursuits. It is important to avail these
also pampered silly for fears of attrition. opportunities with sincere intentionality rather than
just as a “time-away from work”.
The obvious results are fatigue, burnout, monotony, ! Working with the right problem – Often
insecurity, anxiety, conflict, lack of belongingness,
in earnest search of right solutions, we
manipulation, success addiction, workaholism etc. Processes
tend to ignore the very validity of the
like employee engagement and talent development, despite
questions that we are stuck with. This
being worthy pursuits, just end up becoming fancy fads. We
is what Virginia Satir called “bucketing
see Employee Engagement endeavours being mindlessly
the wrong well”. Mindfulness inspires us to
filled up with entertainment activities and Talent
find a solution to the right problem. like Kutuzov did in
Development becoming a business (mostly to be out-
the face of his looming defeat which by the virtue of his
sourced) rather than an institutional philosophy and cultural
ability to construct the right question, was turned into one
of the most dramatic victories of human history.
In the exasperating chaos of the corporate jungle – where ! Think in “Loops” not “Lines” – is what Peter Senge so
performance numbers define identity and worth, where a emphatically urges us to do. With efficient technology and
constant war against time is on, and where productivity and set processes easing our work pressures, sometimes we
creativity are forever under threat – mindfulness is an tend to sleep-walk through our work (like I did, over-
unsurprising casualty. Paradoxically mindfulness is also the relying on my travel agent). He contends that despite
only way to grow, to move from stumbling blocks uniform processes, even seemingly similar tasks may be
towards building blocks. In a chaotic world of creating different contextual tapestry for us to consider
discontinuous change and paradox we cannot optimize our differently from our past experience. A mindful handling
of such circumstances would require us to adopt non-
linear ways of thinking which bring in a fresh wave of
! Welcoming the ‘D’ word – In a process and systems
driven organizational life, where deviations and
discrepancies are to be deterred with double our energy INVITATION for
– we tend to get entrapped in habitual ways of We thank you all for your worthy contributions in the past
working. ‘Follow the process’ seems a constant issues of ‘HERE & NOW’. We are happy to propose
reprieve from the top. However, deviations also present “Diversity & Inclusive Learning” as the content theme for the
next issue (Vol 23, Issue 4) of “HERE & NOW”. We invite
the opportunity for creative exploration of your enriching contributions on the said theme, for any or
‘reviewing the process’. This would require an attitude more of the following sections:
of mindfulness and would also in turn foster greater ! THEORY/RESEARCH/PRACTICE BASED
‘mindfulness’. CONCEPT PAPER – A write-up with high academic
! Bringing “White Holes” into Awareness – Tom value for the learners and practitioners of ‘Applied
Heureman urges organizations to make use of their Behavioural Science’. Preferred length – 2500-3500 words.
“White Holes” (the know-how that an organization has ! PERSPECTIVE NOTE – An article building a new
but is unaware of its presence) into awareness and make perspective on an existing model/practice/methodology
them available for wider learning and use. of ‘Applied Behavioural Science’. Preferred length – 1500-
2500 words.
The author consulted for a glass-making SME that ! REFLECTIONS/REMINISCENCES – Personal
required exceptionally high levels of skills & precision in experience/reflection sharing with emphasis on learning
a particular position. Capitalizing on his nuisance value, there from. Preferred length – 1500-2000 words.
the man in this position often blackmailed the ! BOOK-REVIEW/APPRECIATION – Preferably of a
management into retaining him at heavy cost. The turn- book having direct relevance for process learners. Else any
around came when a rival unit eventually poached him other book reviewed from a ‘Human Process’ perspective.
away and another employee volunteered to step in. Left Preferred length – 1200-1500 words.
with no other option but to pull through with this stop- ! CREATIVE STREAM –
gap arrangement, the management reluctantly let this ! POETRY: Preferred length - up to 40 lines
employee step in though under heavy supervision and
care. And Lo and behold! This employee turned to be a
real promise (having learnt his skill silently by observing his
! HUMOUR: Process-based or linked to ISABS events
predecessor what with his Eklavya like sincerity). With a little
– jokes or anecdotes highlighting the funny, zany or
bit of mindfulness, management could have actually
whimsical side of our otherwise serious endeavours.
done a talent hunting and development within rather Preferred length – up to 100 words.
than spending a fortune on retaining the earlier worker
! NEWS & UPDATES – Preferred length – 200-400
and searching for a skilled hand outside.
In today’s world where individuals and organizations are ! SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS – Please contact
putting their money on creating knowledge and growing Editorial Team with specific details and sufficient time-
competence, this paper makes a humble case for expanding notice.
consciousness and living mindfully. Those who are awake also We encourage our contributors to send in original,
experience the joy of learning, the integrity of living in reality, unpublished contributions written in clear, coherent and well-
and the richness of life. One cannot live a life of integrity or structured English. We request our contributors to carry-out
create a sustainable future without being mindful. the basic spell-checks and other MS-WORD assisted edits
done at their own end so as to help us partner with them for
The organizations today must be conscious of their organic more substantive work like – articulation of thought, content
relationship with people inside and communities outside. The building, language correctness, styling etc.
growth processes should be inclusive and respectful of The contributions received would be immediately
human life to be sustainable. The organizations that are aware acknowledged. However, acceptance would be notified in
of their organization's context and reflect upon them without about 4 weeks time after due review. We trust our contributors
judgment and self-interest grow meaningfully and sustainably. to be available for further modifications/corrections based on
editorial recommendation, if any.
And ‘Mindfulness’ carves out a path for that. Please mail your contributions for the next issue (Vol 23, Issue
Neena Verma has her life, living and livelihood revolving around 4) latest by 15th November, 2009 ……only at
“Applied Behavioural Science”. She welcomes your feedback at With many thanks and warm appreciations
Pawnesh Kumar
“I disagree!” A strong voice echoed in the seminar hall. Every face in that hall turned towards that person. The pleasant hall was filled with 40
people of different backgrounds - Doctors, Advocates, Teachers, and so on.
I was expecting this objection. Every time I begin the opening line of my favorite seminar (named HERE AND NOW) I almost always get a
very strong response from at least few people. This one was not new.
I had started the seminar by saying “your present is not dictated by your past, the key to your happiness lies here and now” this gentleman had a
strong objection to that.
I smiled and looked at him as if asking him to continue. He continued “I have had an abusive childhood since the age of seven. Even now, I wake
up at nights terrified when I remember my father’s torturing voice. I can not take any body in authoritative position since then. Had this incident not
happened, my life would have been different. But my whole life has been a mess since then. That single incident has ruled my life since then and you
have the audacity to say that my past doesn’t control my future? Sorry sir, I disagree” he said bitterly.
I looked at the audience to see many heads nodding. I encouraged the people in the audience to find out how many of them had similar experience.
Had something happened in the past that still affected them? More than three-fourth of the audience raised its hands. I asked the audience to stay
with its issues and turned towards this gentleman.
In my response to the gentleman, I said that his objection to ! See (in his mind) angry face of his father.
my assertion was quite common. I pointed out that he was ! Hear (in his mind) angry tone of his voice.
not responding to the incident since the fact of the matter ! Used to feel what he felt when he was seven years old.
was that: ! Other two senses (taste and smell) are usually also present
! His father has been dead for 20 years. He can’t torture this some times.
person any more. This is not new; we do it all the time. We remember an
! This gentleman is handling a group of 1500 people in his unpleasant memory and live it again and again; which means we
company, and he is definitely not as weak or defenseless as see, hear and feel it repeatedly in our mind. Yet, there is no
when he was a seven years old child. reason that we have to remain a hostage to that limiting and
Yet his response was quite like a scared and insecure seven years disempowering memory. To break free from the shackles of the
old. Clearly, it was not the incident that was troubling him. It was unpleasant memory, we have lots of therapeutic interventions
the MEMORY of that incident in the THERE AND THEN. He like “Reparenting” from TA and “Reimprinting” from NLP.
did not have to respond in that way, not at all. These processes help us to recover and remain in the ‘HERE
AND NOW’. Now we have better options than remaining stuck
If we put it diagrammatically, his response was in THERE AND THEN and feeling miserable.
MEMORY (There and Then) --- Response (Here and Now)
UNDERSTANDING MEMORIES – WHAT Richard Bandler, author of book “Structure of Magic’ says, “the
best thing about the past is that it’s over.”
Memories are imprints of what had happened THERE AND With this awareness let us ccome back to the Gentleman, who
THEN. If we see closely we’ll find that our memories are a was still struggling with the ghosts of the past - ghosts that are
cocktail of five senses. Whenever we think of a memory, we are actually limiting him in the present – the way to deal with his case
accessing what we saw, heard or felt at that time. In this case, this was simple - keep him in the ‘here and now’. And this is what I
man used to: did to keep him in the “Here and Now”. I asked him to-
! describe the incident as if it was happening to somebody We Can Not, Not Learn
! recall every possible detail of emotions and feelings, what We are always picking up small (or large!!) bits of learning along
the way. We are always learning new lessons.
that boy of seven years old was going through at that time.
! narrate that incident as if it was happening to some body ! Some lesson support us;
else THEN AND THERE. I specifically asked him to use ! Some don’t; and
Third person pronoun as that boy and that time. ! Some scar us badly/permanently.
! explain in these terms only, while himself staying fully
present here and now as a grown up & powerful adult as he The Gentleman in our example had learnt this from the incident
is today. that: Authoritative position is a threat - Hence ‘BEWARE’!!
So he learnt to feel scared when confronting authority. That
As I worked with him, I found that he would, sometimes, go back lesson might have been appropriate “There and Then“ as per the
to the “There and Then” sucked by the emotions and feelings of consciousness of “There and Then“. That may not be
the troubled past. Whenever this happened, I would bring him appropriate “Here and Now”. (May even be catastrophic)
back to the “Here and Now”.
In the same seminar, there was another person who had been
At the end of the exercise a small but powerful shift in exposed to a similar incident (child abuse). He asserted, “I am
perspective had taken place in this gentleman’s mind. The same empowered because of that incident. It taught me the value
was the case with other people who subsequently did this of being strong and standing up for myself”. Obviously, his
exercise. As a consequence of this shift, by the end of the lesson allowed him to learn and grow.
exercise all the people undergoing the exercise were feeling (in
their words) relieved, light hearted and at ease with themselves. It is not the incident itself that is important, it is the lesson
Some people required extra assistance to create that distance we learn. The difference that made the difference was his way
with their unpleasant feelings. The nature of giving such of looking at the memories.
assistance is described in great details in the book “Using your Learning is a matter of perspective
brain for a change”. For a deeper understanding of the concept
of “Re-imprinting”, the reader may refer to “Changing Belief Being “Here and Now” helps us in choosing the appropriate
Systems” by Robert Dilts. perspective, a new way of looking at what had happened “There
and Then”. Even decision to deal with the bad memories in the
This needs to be emphasized though that this process is not example shared above signifies a shift in PERSPECTIVE.
advisable for pleasant memories since this creates distance with
those feelings also. Another point - we don’t induce amnesia with I am particularly interested and fascinated by someone who had
respect to bad memories. At the end of the exercise people suffered for sometime in past and suddenly made a turnaround,
continue to have those memories, but now these memories do a shift and a change. I am always curious to know how they
not have the same power over them. And there are reasons why it learned. They come up with different answers like -
is important to keep those memories: reasons we explore in the I thought I have had enough …
next section. I found it was time to move on now …
Being “Here and Now” is the pathway to I found it was the time to leave the past behind and start afresh …
I thought, it was time to let go of the past …
People stuck in ‘Then and There’ usually come to me with the And so on and so forth.
following two misconceptions: The answers are varying but they communicate two messages
! “I wish my life could have been perfect. I would have been about the people making the above statements:
very happy.’’ ! They changed their way of looking at the situation, and
! ‘’I wish I could ERASE/FORGET the memory of
………….. incident. Guess that would fix everything.’’ ! They chose to operate from “Here and Now” … which is
Nothing can be farther from truth, because … not surprising because being “Here and Now” gives us
power and being “There and Then” takes away our power.
teaches us something. It prepares us to cope with the Being “Here and Now” means power and
unfamiliar next time. Had everything in our life been
perfect, we wouldn’t have been able to cope with any
stress/ unfamiliarity. Experiencing life and working with awareness in the “Here and
2. If we forget or erase the memories we will also erase the Now” shifts the entire consciousness of a person about his life
learning. WE WOULD HAVE LOST OUR TOOL FOR in the “There and Then” and beyond. Just being in the “Here
COPING. It would be akin to throwing the baby out with and Now” opens gateways to further growth. True that we learn
the water. immensely from our past. Yet it is important to remember that
the past is like a warehouse of experience which helps us gaining
There is a lesson in every so called Bad memory. The point is – valuable lessons from it. The phenomenon of “Here and Now”
how to work with those lessons! Being “Here and Now” is the way enables us to retain the precious learning from painful events
to do that. That is where our stumbling stones become our assets without associating with the pain experienced “There and Then”.
… that’s where we preserve the baby and get rid of the murky
water. And to do that, we need to know that we are already Dr Pawnesh Kumar is a Medical Doctor and a Certified Master Practitioner of
learning, always … NLP. He can be contacted at
book review
Rachna Sharma
person with all the traits: the secret lies in having people with
these traits in a team so that they complement each other.
by PT Joseph SJ The author identifies several components of leadership and
Published by Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi draws up his own definition. According to Joseph, leadership
is an interaction between the leader, the group members and
the context, as illustrated by the figure1 :
In a complex, dynamic and competitive business Josephs’ description of each of the nine styles of leadership
environment, leadership is a challenge requiring is replete with examples from around the world, from politics,
extraordinary skill and insight. Globalization, intense and history, to business and media.
competition, New Age technology and an increasingly diverse
workforce requires complex competencies to manage Emotional Intelligence, as defined by Daniel Goleman is
effectively. Leadership in the 21st century has a whole new “how we handle ourselves and our relationships, how well we
meaning. Management gurus have been waxing eloquent on work in a team and our ability to lead other people”. It is “our
the New Age Mantra for success. Sun Tzu’s “The Art of ability to recognize our own feelings and those of others, to
War”, one of the most definitive treatises on military strategy motivate ourselves, and to manage our emotions”.
and tactics, and so far considered inspirational for corporate Salovey and Mayer defined EI as “the ability to monitor ones’ own
strategy and business management, is being replaced by the and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and use this
Gita as the guiding lesson for management and leadership, to information to guide ones’ thinking and actions”. According to
bring in a more humane touch in the corporate world. Joseph, EI people are able to delay gratification, and have
A key facet of effective leadership is Emotional Intelligence, self-control to optimize pleasure; they neither repress nor
first coined by Howard Gardner in a path breaking discovery over-express emotionality and engage in pro-individual and
of multiple intelligences or in late 1990s when it was pro-social activities.
popularized by Daniel Goleman in a book by the same name. Daniel Goleman says that the five underlying factors of EI
According to leadership experts, the two concepts are are:
inextricably linked. In his book, EQ and Leadership, the ! Empathic response –
author PT Joseph takes cues from his personal experiences as The ability to pick up Leader
a trainer in various organizations as well as live cases to on others’ feelings
demonstrate the links. ! Mood regulation –
The book is divided into two parts: The capacity to Leadership
control neg ative Group
Part I – Emotional Intelligence and Competencies emotions Member Context
Part II – Leadership Styles and Leaders ! Interpersonal skills –
In the first part, Joseph defines leadership and the various Social competence to
leadership styles. The author also describes the various types interact
of intelligences as listed by Goleman; and explains how, of all ! Internal motivation – The ability to delay gratification
the intelligences, EQ is the most critical for effective business in pursuit of a goal
strategy. And in the second part, he describes the different ! Self-awareness – Psychological insights into ones’ own
styles of leadership, quoting live examples from the current true feelings
Joseph identifies 12 competencies which he believes are the
The author has based his concept of leadership, on Peter underlying factors of EI. He goes on to explain each of the
Druckers’ definition – “A leader is someone with followers”. He dimensions, giving simple and easy-to-use exercises for the
expands further to explain what skills a leader needs to have reader to measure and develop themselves on each of the
and acknowledges that it is well nigh impossible to find a dimension.
According to the author, a judicious amalgamation of all
styles makes a transformational leader. For this the triune
brain must be used fully in the decision-making process.
Joseph lists characteristics of the different types of
leadership styles, which are easy to identify with the examples
given by him, as also from our own personal experiences. The
author has taken quotes from leaders with different
leadership styles, highlighting the competency and its
description from real life situations. He also charts the
emotional maps of the styles under high performance and
stress, which gives an insight into their strengths under high
performance and behavior patterns under stressful situations.
The book is interspersed with exercises designed to help the
readers evaluate themselves on various parameters of
Various theories of Business Strategy have been researched, emotional intelligence and leadership. Though at times, it is
documented and identified as critical to successful business. rather simplistic, it does offer a comprehensive treatise on
Academics like Michael Porter and Henry Mintzberg have leadership. Most of us will be able to identify people with
“established a rich literature on good strategy”. Despite such these styles from our own lives at the workplace and around
a body of research, the business world is littered with us, and the book helps in understanding the styles and
examples of failed strategy. According to Joseph, the therefore, the people.
explanation lies in the extremely complex organ called the
‘brain’ which, according to Neurologist Paul Macleans, is For facilitators, the book offers excellent insights into their
divided into three parts own intervention and facilitation styles, personal needs and
process understanding. The book facilitates self-awareness
! Instinctual brain and an understanding of our behavior in groups. We can
! Emotional brain identify with the various styles in different settings and
situations as trainers and facilitators of group processes. The
! Thinking brain book can help us in evaluating ourselves and to make our
The “triune” brain is connected to each other through a interventions more effective.
‘gated’ system. Elaine Beauport, in her book, the Three Faces The book does not tell us anything we don’t already know
of Mind, describes it as: about leadership and strategic business process. However, it
! Mental intelligence or Neo-cortex does offer some thought provoking insights into leaders and
leadership styles. A must read for all budding managers and
! Emotional intelligence or Limbic brain facilitators who aspire to be effective leaders.
! Behavioral intelligence or basic brain Rachna Sharma is a trainer and academician. She welcomes your
According to the author, though the three brains work feedback at
together to maintain the equilibrium of the entire brain,
decisions are usually made using only one of the three centers,
leading to faulty outcomes. The author also describes
effective decision-making process and elucidates the steps to ISABS SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENDA 2009
good decision-making process. A Two-Day Brainstorming Session on “ISABS Social
Fortunately, claims Joseph, EQ can be learned and developed Development Agenda 2009” is being arranged to be
– that’s the good news. The bad news, he laments, is that, held in Mysore/Bangalore in November 2009. We are
despite the fact that the concept of EI was introduced more inviting ideas, suggestions, best practices; new
than 15 years ago; there is no reliable, valid and initiatives….that would for m part of the
psychometrically sound EI instrument readily available in brainstorming session. Participation in the sessions is
psychology literature. limited but contribution of ideas and suggestions is
limitless. Kindly send your contribution to the
The second part of the book focuses on the different undersigned. The closing date for receipt of such
leadership styles, taking examples of leaders from different contributions is 5th November 2009. For further
walks of life from around the world. details, please contact: Zeb O Waturuocha - Dean
1 Social Development (ISABS) at
Source: Joseph, PT, EQ and Leadership: Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2007,
p 15
Nagendra P Singh
This is a continuation of the Paper that first appeared in
HERE & NOW (Volume 23, Issue 1). The paper is based on the
findings of a study taken up to test author’s hypothesis – “If sensitivity
training also had an impact to drive a person towards entrepreneurial orientation in search
of one’s freedom to be”. Please look out for the concluding part in the next issue.
Case two: Impact of process on me and my role infra and supra-structure and greater decentralization,
increasingly difficult to handle. Hoarding of information,
It was late eighties that I decided to be on my own. I have been inconsistencies in the day-to-day interpretation of company
pursuing my entrepreneurial dream for quite some time the right policies, playing of favourites and refusal or reluctance to let
time to venture was not available until I forced myself to jump. It people really know where they stand does not contribute to an
was a short overseas mission that gave me financial backup to efficient and effective organization. Mediocrity, thus, becomes
make my plan viable. an established norm. Many respondents who have set up their
Somanth, my senior colleague at MDI (Management own small company or NGO entity have not proved to be great
Development Institute, Gurgaon) and veteran Process trainer institution builders. Their effort to launch and set up
and one of the founders of ISABS had great impact on my being independent organization has, of course, made an impact of
in carving out my new avatar. Of course, he always discouraged varying degrees. Those who have great commercial acumen,
me and Deepankar for such freelancing venture. He sensed my have left their focus on process-driven thematic thrust, as part
restlessness, “Do not be in hurry to jump” , he cautioned me on a of their organization.
personal note. I took my own independent path after my leadership Out of the total 35 respondents , the majority felt they were
role at EDI Lucknow. Having returned from the long tenure confronting their own identity during their professional
overseas mission, I quit and started floating. It was a final kick to development journey. The search for identity was very deep that
my secured job. gave them clarity of goal and new life roles in their work
In order to trace the fire within, let me go back to my journey relationship. The most significant outcome was that most
with ISASB. For more than ten years, I remained on the Board of wanted to be a free bird. Hence, accepting dominance of
ISABS at different points of time. I was holding roles of authority and redefinition of their relationship traditional
different nature in the given organizational structure of ISABS. authority system provoked them to take a plunge. But taking a
The urge to work with myself and the passion to explore new jump without proper planning and supportive mechanism put them in a real
meaning of my life was driven by ISABS, provoked by first soup that they could not deal with in spite of their knowledge of behavioural
personal growth lab of 1975 at Bangalore at Hotel Harsha. It was skills and understanding of self.
an exhilarating and fascinating experience to walk over the Therefore, being a successful entrepreneur is so far away a game
thorny roads of life. It is needless to mention here that the plan from having deep clarity of process skills as a T-group
meaning and purpose of my life changed after I became aware of trainer. One wrote, “I jumped to become what I wanted to be, but failed to
my being. stay as an entrepreneur so decided to look for another crunch and alternative
It was painful but refreshing to discover a new lease of my life as jobs having resigned from my early position”. Another Wrote, “I thought
I moved on. A search for freedom, autonomy, and independence that T-group competency was added value to my HR skill. So, I jumped into
and counter dependence in changing the contours of role consulting market. It was a foolish idea. I found corporate did not look for T-
relationship of workplace turned out to be a place of conflict group training for their executive development. Having completed my
with coexistence of peace and escape. Of course, I kept moving professional development programme, I chose to delink myself from secured
in my workspace from one role to another. Role relationship in job. Market needed something else. That is, offering “quick fix” semi-
the organizational context has been of varied nature as I grew in structural HR intervention”.
my life. I suffered with trauma of abuse and varied tribulations The following seemed like a recurring theme –
of life at different points of time much before I moved to my
entrepreneurial being. I launched an organization of my own “I became a loner on my path. As things moved ahead I felt the heat
with a dream to create my own pace of freedom and autonomy of the run. At times I felt low and started losing my courage. No
and began testing my own urge to excel. I was like a child with sooner, I felt the fear of failure has adversely been impacting me to
creative feats of high order, always wanted to matter by doing organize my business plan. Impact of process training helped me to
something different through arts, poetry and dramatics. Later, I plan and redefine my goal. I started my own HR recruitment
picked up the path of academic excellence. A restless being with consulting firm by training component. Today I lead an organization
creative mindset could not stay with one role at a time in the that has made a brand of its own in social sector with more than 350
workspace. The organization (ASEED) grew by leaps and employees .We keep testing our mode to make a difference to life and
bounds and has come to stay with its own identity in the last living of community for whom we are committed. I feel I have to
seventeen years. I have begun fading out with my distinct travel quite far and we have miles to go. I am afraid of losing myself
succession planning process on a painful but rewarding journey. in pursuit of leadership role. Role seems to have taken over me and I
My exposure and work in ISABS has been a driving force to help am struggling to confront the dualities of me and my role”.
me search my identity, re-establish or re-create myself in a new Many lacked organizing skills and delicate crafting vision of the
entrepreneurial being. new role, but had taken a plunge to be what they wanted to do.
Many decided ‘to do this’ only after they completed their other
Fall Out of Process Learning social and family obligations. Risk-taking orientation and its
conflict with their values also arose.
However, for the craftsman, it is a struggle to grow up. His
aversion to structure, his preference for personalized While the craftsman tends to create a rigid enterprise, the
relationships and his reluctance to accept constructive criticism opportunistic entrepreneur creates an adaptive organization.
makes growth, with its implicit need for a more sophisticated The more drastic type of change is, thus, needed for ‘craftsmen’
for continued growth and success of the enterprise. Process overcome and surpass the problems of the past. Separation
trainers have blend of both craftsmanship and adaptive from the enterprise in one form or the other is perhaps one
playership. Some of them want to test their power and authority alternative for survival. While entrepreneurial spirit is one of the
by being independent, confronting their inner counter- countervailing forces preventing decay, in the final analysis, the
dependence. Entreprenrur is placed in his rebel syndrome and price he pays in an emotional sense is also the cause of his self-
lives in a relentless testing frame of others’ authority .They make decline and reasons for a sense of ambivalence from society.
use of that for one’s own success. Power equation, leveling Adaptation to the present-day reality and forgoing the legacies
authority becomes desired skill for entreprenuer to excel. of his personal history coupled with self-awareness and insight
will engender continued survival of the enterprise by
It was an interesting moment of working with Somesh Chadha2 overcoming rigid behaviour and bring greater flexibility in
as a co-trainer who had decided to build his entrepreneurial operating modes3.
identity during the late eighties. I was working with him in a lab
setting. He shared his fear of being independent and jumping Notwithstanding the business idea chosen by potential
into an unknown territory of career where everyday is unknown, entrepreneur, the value addition to evolving entrepreneurial
no fixed remuneration on a regular basis. An intense work with being has been very conspicuous. Analysis as eminent for
another person on his unfounded fear was being dealt with by exhibit I reached that process insight helped in goal clarity and
Oriel in the group through Gestalt mode. I was co-training with risk orientation of proportional. Tolerance to ambiguities and
Oriel in that group. The same evening, I found Somesh getting in dealing with uncertainties became critically high to impact the
to his nerves. He found things moving for him. He saw an new midst and altitudinal reorientation towards future course of
answer for himself. Of course, it took time for him to branch out life.
but there was a breakthrough for him, in both identity and fear of Exhibit:2. Self Perceived Traits of Entrepreneurs and
failure,the two crippling variables. Freelancers
Today, he is one of the leading consultants in NLP, who moved Entrepreneur Freelancer
out of any dependency syndrome that used to be his escape goat. Aggressive Aggressive
I have experienced an almost similar struggle for Pradeep Innovative Unique & creative
Prakash who owned a manufacturing firm. He has recently Networking Networking
decided to wind up the manufacturing unit and get into full- Organization planner Poor planner
fledged process consulting value.
Strategic & visionary Focused and selective
Independent and collaborative Competitive &
Exhibit: 1. Dimension of process training impacting
entrepreneurial skill (N=35) independent Safe player
High Risk driven Expansive Limited & choosy
1 Gave a clarity of my goal setting 9.5
… Part III to appear in next issue
2 Tolerance to deal with uncertaintities and 8.6
ambiguities N.P. Singh is an OD expert and Past President, ISABS; currently
3 Enhanced my risk orientation 8.4 Co-Chair ASEED-IDMAT. Please reach him at
4 Enabled my sensitivity toward handling group 8.1
dynamics as team leadership
5 Built my relations management skill 6.1 1
‘They’ has denoted those who become entrepreneurs where as ‘Me’ refers to
touching core of self during self introspective analysis. Significant part
6 Learnt to synthesise and differentiate content 5.9
of the following paragraph was added by an active professional member who decided to
and process issue. remain anonymous but profusely encouraged me to support on my research.
7 Added my training competencies 5.7 2
Somesh, who is currently a professional member of ISABS, had moved from a full-time
Note: Mean rank score as perceived by respondents themselves employment to self- employment after he started working with himself in his self-
exploration and experimentation. There were many friends that I know had taken the
same path, but few could confront so deep within. Pradeep Prakash is Regional
Value addition to entrepreneurial being Representative of ISABS at Delhi currently, who had undergone similar process quite
through Process Training early.
Brockhaus. R.H.- (1982 ) The Psychology of the Entrepreneur –
The study revealed that various dimensions of process training Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship, Englewood Cliffs – N.J: Prentice Hall
by ISABS has enriched and added value to entrepreneurial skill.
The entrepreneurial being demands higher ability of group Carland, J.W., Hoy, F, and Carland, J (1988) – Who is the Entrepreneur, is a
Question worth Asking. American Journal of Small Businesses.
handling and team leadership coping with unknown and Smith, Norman R. (1967) The Entrepreneur and His Firm: The Relationship
uncertaintities in the greater tolerance to ambiguities sharpened between Type of Man and Type of Company, East Lansing: Michigan State
the focus of entrepreneurial being. University.
Schumpeter, Joseph A, (1931) Economic Theory and Entrepreneurial History,
The implication is the need for attainment of a sense of Aufl, Munchen Und Leibzig.
psychological maturity, a willingness to assess personal strengths Kets De Vries, M.F.R. (1977), The Entrepreneurial Personality: A Person at
and weaknesses to master conflict-ridden behaviour and Crossroads.
regional connect