Single & Married Magazine - July Edition
Single & Married Magazine - July Edition
Single & Married Magazine - July Edition
Welcome Note
It is always so interesting how fast the year rolls by. In December last year, we all waited with bated breath for the New Year. We started making our New Year resolutions. January came and we were all ready to pursue those big ideas. However, before long, some of them began to fade; we began to get tired and sometimes discouraged. For most of us, we believed God for so much, but when we got to this period, as the first half of the year went by; we started to panic when we realized some things had not come to fruition. We probably believed that if these things had not happened, they may never happen. However, one thing we need to realize is that God is not a man that He should lie; neither the son of man that He should repent. In addition, the word of God does not return to Him void, until it accomplishes what it is sent to do. if this is the case, how come we do not get our miracles? Firstly, the Word of God is a seed. Every seed that is not planted is useless in your hands. Seeds need to be planted before they can grow. Secondly, the seed will not produce if it is planted in the wrong environment. It is not enough that God has given you a word (which cannot fail); you have to plant and nurture that wordseed for it to produce the desired results in your life. Thirdly, you must water the seed through confession and meditation of the Word of God. Every time you stop confessing, you stop watering. Every time you confess the wrong thing, you introduce a weed or a parasite which will affect the productivity of your seed. Keep that word at the forefront of your mind, and as you do so, God will reveal things to you. Going back to the Parable of the Sower, productivity was not based on hearing, but as Jesus said, it was tied to listening and understanding. Mk. 4:24 says,pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be givenand you will receive even more. That's what meditation does. Meditation brings understanding and revelation. Job 22:28 says, "You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways". So start declaring the word, so that light can shine on your path. Finally, then comes the time of waiting, while you keep watering it. So, let's appraise ourselves before we get discouraged and start to put the blame on God; have we planted and watered the word-seed in our lives, or the seed is still in our hands? Play your part and leave the rest to God, because Paul may plant, Apollos may water, but only God gives the increase. After you have done all, stand. Remember, 1 Jn. 5:4 says, "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith". You are wired for victory; there is victory in your DNA. It manifests, however, only through your faith. God loves you with the same degree and intensity that He loves Jesus. If God did it for Jesus, He will do it for you, because He is not partial. I therefore want to encourage you to release your faith. Plant that seed today, meditate on that word, and keep watering the seed with your confessions. Your miracle will certainly come. And remember to share your testimony with us. It is not over until you win. I love you. Pastor Kunle Osunkunle
PUBLISHER: Pastor Taiwo Odukoya EDITORIAL BOARD: Pastor Kunle Osunkunle, Mr. Rotimi Ajibowo, Mr. Ron Mgbatogu CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Paul Briggs, Oyelakin Gbolahan, Kumapaiyi Ayodele, Babalola Olayemi TRANSCRIBERS: Oriowo Kemi, Agwai Uruemu, Emerson Hilda, Nwagwu Jonathan PROOF READERS: Ade-Abrahams Femi,Oyeyemi Remi ADVERTS: Tunde Shado PHOTOGRAPHER: Publications Dept. GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Adegboye Oluwafemi Single & Married Magazine is published by The Singles Fellowship, The Fountain of Life Church, Ilupeju, Lagos State; a Non-profit organization. All Bible references are from The New King James Version, unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is out-rightly prohibited. All enquiries, comments, mails and advert requests should please be directed to: The Editor, Single & Married Magazine,No.12, Industrial Estate Rd, Off Town Planning Way, by PZ Industries, Ilupeju, Lagos. Email:
By Pastor Taiwo Odukoya
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord Husbands,love your wives, just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for her. Ephesians 5: 20-25
here is nothing else so profound in the Bible that God used to describe His relationship with humanity as in marriage. So, it shows how important marriage is to Him. The best way to have a good marriage is to understand the principles of the Word of God, give to your partner, cherish every moment, mind little things, spend time together, and learn to communicate. As you understand these principles, you must also apply them in your marriage. One very important thing you must know is that before God gets you into marriage, He has concluded it and so your marriage is made glorious. Until you recognize who you are in Christ Jesus, you cannot begin to stand in your proper position in life. You must realize that your marriage partner can be a thermostat to your destiny; all you need to do is to be careful how you use the switch. Just put it on all the time by showing gratitude to him or her always. The wife is the manifestation of whatever happens to her husband. He that finds a wife finds a good thing, a beautiful thing, bountiful, joyful, cheerful, pleasant (or pleasurable)prosperous, wealthy, caring, precious, and lovely thing; and obtains favor from the Lord. Your divine expectation in marriage is giving. Once you identify the good qualities in your spouse, you should do everything to encourage those qualities. If you dont give him/her anything, you must give them enough attention, to recognize the virtues and rejoice in him/her being your partner. There is no room for self in marriage and that is the kingdoms principle. Husbands love your wives Ephesians Single&Married -4
5:25 Giving to your wife is to prepare her for your ultimate presentation. It is what you deliver to a woman that she will deliver back to you, even in multiple folds. A woman is a multiplier. If you give her understanding you will never go wrong even if people say you are wrong. There is so much power invested in the man. It is what you call your wife and children that they b e c o m e. T h e S c r i p t u r e s emphasize that being careful of what you say brings about sanctification. Therefore, your words in your relationship with others brings about sanctification. People do not have to know what is happening in your marriage, the result will either bless the world or send them off from you. There is no limit to how great you c a n b e c o m e, b u t y o u r understanding of the principles of the Word of God and how you live
by them is what matters. Cherish every moment you spend together even the time you disagree. Stop taking things for granted, have a heart of gratitude. You are to cherish every moment by rejoicing in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4). The Bible says that even when it is not joyful, count it all joy. This enjoin us to cherish every moment and reckon it as joy. James 1:2. Mind all little things. It is only in marriage that your vulnerability can be hundred percent; every relationship has a measure of vulnerability. You choose your spouse for marriage because you can trust them to some extent; it is only in marriage that there should be maximum vulnerability. Spend a lot of time to learn to communicate with your spouse, be sensitive and affirmative. To have a good marriage, it must involve you, your spouse and God because a threefold cord is not easily broken. God bless you.
Step 1 Agree that divorce is not an option and will never even be mentioned. If you must stay in your marriage, you will have to work at the quality of your marriage. Do not use the word even as a threat or as a joke.
Step 2 Communicate constantly with your spouse. Don't stop quality discussions. Regular dialogue and quick conversations during the day or debriefing at night will keep the lines of communication open and improve on, or enhance intimacy. Step 3 Always reassure your spouse of your love and commitment to her and your marriage. Step 4 Do not indulge in involving a third party in your family affairs except when necessary. Show a healthy respect for your spouse by not airing misunderstandings in public. Not only will your spouse feel bad if he should hear, but the friends you have complained to have long memories. Step 5 Write down in a journal your good memories together and once in a while read it together. Give unexpected kind gestures; buy each other gifts you know your spouse will appreciate the most. Step 6 Go on vacations where you can have memorable moments together without interference. Go on dates, even after you have been married for years and especially if you have children. Carve out time for just you two. Try new things together, take a class, find favorite places that you can revisit again and again and create memories together. Step 7 Cultivate family and friend relationships too. Keeping a strong group of friends or maintaining family ties offers stability and allows your relationship to grow in context with other relationships. Step 8 Work on yourself and continue on personal development. There is very little you can do to change him or her. By working on your idiosyncrasies, bad habits and annoying traits, you have taken the first positive step. Marriage is not a contract but it is a covenant. May the Lord grant you a blissful and fulfilled marriage in Jesus' name. (Ref:
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By Pastor Kunle Osunkunle
ou may ask, why was Samson unable to discern Delilah? How did Jonathan discern David, even though he was his fathers arch enemy? The Bible explains discernment as: standing, considering, investigating, examining, to scrutinizing and asking questions. Thus, there is a need to pay attention and be observant when you are making a decision, especially in relationships. It is perfectly normal for you to be attracted to somebody or for someone to be attracted to you; the challenge comes when you define these pleasant feelings as love. Love is a process. It is not that attraction is totally bad; when you meet someone irresistible, that is simply attraction, not love. Late Pastor Bimbo Odukoya wrote in her book HOW TO CHOOSE A LIFE PARTNER: 165 QUESTIONS TO ASK that, The inability to differentiate between love and infatuation exposes one to the danger of making a costly mistake when choosing a life partner. Now, what is infatuation? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as To cause to be foolish, deprive of sound judgment, to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration This implies that infatuation will deprive you of a sound judgment. It is an emotional response based on fantasy. So, where do these feelings come from? Is it of the devil? No! God put those feelings in you. Feelings are not bad in themselves; they are to be initiators not deciders of love. Love is a process. The first six months of a relationship is the
Honeymoon Stage where nothing he/she does is wrong until you enter the second stage which is Reality Stage. Also, infatuation would turn physical. Before you know it, if you are not careful you may probably start kissing and if you are not careful sex is at your doorstep. Most people (especially Christians) do not plan to have sex in a relationship. God created you to have emotions which must be properly managed. When you mistakenly cross over to sex; the bonding stops. This can be referred to as a Non-Verbal Bonding This is the main reason that God instructed you not to have sex before marriage because it hinders good communication, discussions and discernment.
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live. Deut. 30:19
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DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LOVE AND INFATUATION You must know that love has a priority to maintain a closer walk with God. Its desire is to please God above pleasing any mortal. The more you walk with God, the more you walk in love. Then, God will begin to reveal Himself to you the more. 1.Love suffers long and is kind 1 Corinthians 13:48. True love looks through and is sacrificial. While Infatuation always looks on and this makes it superficial. 2.Infatuation is almost effortless, but true love involves hard work. 3.Infatuation is only about emotions, but love is about an act of will, then the feelings follow. 4.Love is a choice an important decision. While love chooses the whole package of the intended, having observed him/her in different seasons of life,
infatuation just looks for one desirable characteristic and quickly decides. 5.Infatuation is obsessive and unhealthy but love always makes you whole, cheerful and fulfilled. 6.Infatuation is dominated by anxiety, fear and insecurity, and makes you feel incomplete. It often has high sex content because it is mostly about attraction. But, true love casts out all fears and gives you real faith, sense of security, wholeness/completeness and reverence for God. 7.Infatuation flatters but true love is perfect truth. 8.Infatuation can cost you your life but true love grows.
In summary, you must take time to observe your intended partner in different seasons of life before you decide on love. I pray that you will make the right decisions in Jesus name. S&M
1. Ques: I have a guy that always insults and 4. Ans: Ques: How can you show love to your corrects me in the presence of other people. I have told him to only correct me in private but he insists and always proves he Ans: is right. I am tired, what do I do? Anyone who cannot celebrate you is not worthy of you. Please move forward. Pastor Kunle Osunkunle 2. Ques: What should you do if your fianc 5. Ans: partner while in a relationship? You can show love to him or her the same way you show love to your Christian brothers and sisters. Instead of kissing, spend qualitative time together talking, showing acts of kindness and giving gifts, etc. Everyone has a love language things that you can do that he or she will really appreciate and count as love. Bro. Biodun Ogunjobi Ques: Can I go ahead to marry a man who is younger than me by about 2-3years? Age is number; being a wife or husband is an office. So, you need to come to a point where you sincerely ask yourself, can I respect him as my husband? Otherwise, don't marry him. (Pastor Kunle Osunkunle). 6. Ans: Ques: How do I overcome masturbation? It's almost impossible to masturbate without your mind. Therefore, change your mind by changing what you see, hear/listen to; change your friends, your confessions and the priority of your mind. Always listens to helpful messages and songs. Also, make sure you pray without season. Pastor Kunle Osunkunle Single&Married -7
suggests that you open a joint account in order to save for your wedding occasion? Is Ans: it a good idea? You are not married. Until you are married, it is not right to keep a joint account while in a courtship. What happens if you discover few days to the wedding that you are wrong for each other? Bro. Dapo Wahab 3. Ans: Ques: Is kissing right or wrong in a
relationship? Kissing is never meant to satisfy. It is a form of sexual foreplay. So, avoid kissing in a relationship to avoid premarital sex or fall into temptation. Pastor Kunle Osunkunle
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Pastor Mary Fayemi Bro. Bolaji Akinyemi Sis. Bolaji Odunifa Bro. Segun Williams
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Publications Unit Members with Pastor Kunle Osunkunle Ushering Unit Members with Pastor Kunle Osunkunle
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But don't think you've preserved your virtue simply by staying out of bed. Your heart can be corrupted by lust even quicker than your body. Those leering looks you think nobody notices - they also corrupt. (Matthew 5:28 THE MESSAGE) more" can arise. It is therefore very important that courting couples set boundaries for themselves long before their hormones start raging. They have to decide early in their relationship, ways of expressing their love for each other that will not "push" them into sexual sin. If one of them is aroused by the other's apparently innocent touch, both of them must back off immediately and acknowledge that form of contact is forbidden between them. Sexual purity (chastity) is non-negotiable for a Christian single and it goes beyond not having pre-marital sex. It involves avoiding anything, thoughts, words, or actions, which can create and seek to satisfy sexual desire. "But don't think you've preserved your virtue simply by staying out of bed. Your heart can be corrupted by lust even quicker than your body. Those leering looks you think nobody notices they also corrupt." (Matthew 5:28, THE MESSAGE) "God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immorality." (1st Thessalonians 4:3, TEV) Christian singles must avoid any behaviour, no matter how harmless it may appear, that could lead to sexual sin. We need to understand that consensual sex does not just happen; it is the end-result of compromises that couples habitually made. Tayo and Gloria started courting fifteen months ago; as Christians, they had decided to abstain from sex. Initially, the decision not to have sex was easy for them to stick to but as their relationship progressed and they bonded emotionally, the physical attraction between them also intensified. A lot of prolonged hugs and kisses soon ensued between them; the more these occurred, the further they went in their caresses. They progressed from touching and caressing each other through their clothes, to direct caresses on each other's skins; a few times they even had skin on skin contact (partial nudity). One day, after an intense period of kissing, necking and petting, Tayo and Gloria wondered if what they were doing was wrong but they reasoned that since the Bible warned against pre-marital sex (fornication) and they had never actually had sex, then they had not sinned in expressing their passion for each other. It is perfectly natural that as a couple court and become intellectually and emotionally intimate, they will also begin to desire sexual intimacy. This desire for sexual intimacy is not by itself, sinful; God made our bodies, he gave us our hormones and sexual drives for a purpose: bonding, pleasure and procreation within the context of marriage. It might be impractical to say that singles have absolutely no form of physical contact and that is why hand holding, hugs and even pecks on the cheeks are not frowned upon but even so, courting singles must be on guard. With every form of physical contact, no matter how "innocent" it might seem, passions are being stirred and the danger of "wanting Single&Married -10
Christians have to stop being legalistic about scriptures; while the Bible is only specific on fornication and does not mention kissing, necking (kissing on the neck) or petting (caressing each other with or without clothing), we all know that the fundamental way to avoid sin is to avoid anything that could lead to it! Sexual foreplay involves actions that are meant to arouse and end in sexual intercourse. If Christian singles want to remain chaste and avoid fornication, then they must avoid foreplay. Behaviours such as passionate kisses, necking, petting and lying on top of each other, whether or not they are fully clothed, are all forms of sexual foreplay and are wrong. Contrary to their own analysis, Tayo and Gloria are no longer expressing love but lustful desire for each other and they are engaging in sexual sin. They must put a stop to their actions immediately. The fact that they had to wonder on the "rightness" of their actions means that somewhere deep within, there is a voice of caution which they need to heed lest they sear their consciences. When singles choose to fantasize about sex and engage in foreplay, they shouldn't be surprised when they end up having sex, because that is simply the natural progression of their thoughts and actions. God is not mean; He would not tell us to abstain from sexual immorality if it were impossible to and neither is it His intention to deny us pleasure. In obeying Him, we are protected from harm and do not have to worry about late periods, venereal diseases, and other emotional and psychological consequences of premarital sex. We learn the virtue of self-control and are empowered to build strong marriages.
It is never too late to make a decision for sexual purity. If you have lost your virginity or perhaps like Tayo and Gloria you were involved in sexual sin, you can start over today. The first step is to acknowledge your sin, repent and ask for forgiveness. "But if we confess our sins to him, he can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong. [And it is perfectly proper for God to do this for us because Christ died to wash away our sins.]" (1st John 1:9-10, TLB) You will also need to take the following steps: If you are in a courtship, guard against spending much time alone by yourselves. Go on group dates, visit public places and define your boundaries. Also when on dates, give more attention to talking rather than touching. Be cautious of the company you keep; avoid people who will not encourage your decision to walk in sexual purity. It is also advisable that you find someone that you can be accountable to concerning your relationship. The person must also be committed to sexual purity and willing to pray for and with you. Do not expose yourself to places, things or any form of entertainment that will weaken your decision to be chaste. Many books, magazines, films, songs etc have sexual undertones; it is your responsibility to guard your heart against their offensive. Whenever you sense yourself giving in to sexual pressure, don't hang around to pray, cast out a devil or "take your stand in Christ", FLEE from the situation. Most important of all, pray. Never assume that you can overcome sexual sin in your power. Commit every aspect of your relationship to God on a daily basis and also pray before and after every date.
AWARD 2011
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I thought that because we were friends and attend the same fellowship meant we would have an outstanding relationship. When Tayo asked me out, my response surprised him as I said I needed to think about it. However, I was attracted to him, this fast tracked my thought process and I said Yes! to accept his proposal having prayed about it and felt I should go ahead with the relationship. I cant recall any instance when we fasted together; we barely prayed together. We were emotionally attached; which resulted into kissing and necking. It was so bad that it almost kicked me off and my conscience condemned me each time I lifted my unholy hands in church services. While I felt condemned, he said he wasnt affected nor did it affect his relationship with God. It didnt get any better after we graduated from the University. I had finished a year before him because he did a 5-year course. Therefore, I started working before him and therefore made more money than him.
Then, I met Olufemi while I was helping a colleague out with her wedding preparation I handled the Aso Ebi. Olu and I started chatting, began to know each other. He was initially acting as a big brother before he declared his intention. It was quite funny because I didnt know why he loved me as he claimed and showed. He said his mandate is to love me like Jesus Christ loved the church. I wasnt sure I could love him back the same way he expressed. Of course, I had specifications, my ideal picture or portrait of a marital partner I desire to have; Olu did not have some of the key ones. Nonetheless, I liked him and was attracted to him. And so after much talk, praying, and seeking for useful pieces of advice I agreed and accepted his proposal. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Olu has taught me the very definition of love. He has celebrated my small victories. For him, he has no issue talking to a Pastor about our relationship when we started courting. He encouraged the things of God. At the onset, we did not fast and pray together; but now, we do constantly. His vision for our relationship beats my imagination. We do I once suggested we should see a pastor about our constant assessment or reviews of our relationship. He loves relationship and issues that may arise, but Tayo said it wasnt my family as well as I love his family. I have grown in love necessary. I was not increasing at all as I was getting drained with him so much that I forget that he wasnt exactly my spiritually, emotionally and financially. Those two years that specifications. we were together in the relationship, he wasnt a giver. I kept Yes, we have issues or struggles we contend with; but we emptying myself with no refill. Several times, I made up my have been dealing with them maturely. For instance, when I mind to break up, but I couldnt and didnt. I was so scared of travelled to further my education and he lost his job, which losing him, and at the same time tired of telling him we was something that could have broken up our relationship; needed to pray. I eventually summoned the courage one we got over it. Now, its about a year and 4 months after he fateful day. I broke up with him. It was a happy day for me. I lost his job and we are still didnt feel anything, except that I invested so standing to His glory. He much for nothing. just got a new job this month. We are attracted to After the break-up, I decided Yes, we have issues or each other and so there are that it wasnt just about a strong emotional feelings. brother being a Christian, struggles, we contend with, Unlike with Tayo, we talk about claiming to be born but we have been it. Our aim is to be an example again or attending same for others in courtship as well in church or fellowship. dealing with them maturely. marriage. We know we cant achieve He has to love God this on our own, so we trust in God. over himself, he has to be a giver, he has to Sometimes, I feel God repaid my investment in the former encourage the things of God over the flesh, and he has to be relationship with Tayo. We trust in the grace of God to finish willing to submit to spiritual counselling by a Pastor and strong in Jesus name. many more things. So, I was single and waiting for Mr. Right - the will of God.
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