Reading Method Sq3R: Group: Hafizi Hisham Ady Husna Shazila
Reading Method Sq3R: Group: Hafizi Hisham Ady Husna Shazila
Reading Method Sq3R: Group: Hafizi Hisham Ady Husna Shazila
What is SQ3R?
The method was introduced by Francis Pleasant Robinson in his 1946 book Effective Study Reading strategy formed from its letters.
Before you read, SURVEY the chapter. - the title, headings, and subheadings - review question or teacher-made study guides - introductory and concluding paragraph For example : Read and remember when received the text.
Question while you are surveying: -Turn the title, headings or subheading into questions. -Ask yourself, what did my instructor say about this passage / subject.
When you begin to read :
- Answer questions at the beginning or end of chapters or study guides - Note all the underlined, italicized, bold printed words. - read only a section at a time and recite after each section. - Reduce your speed for difficult passages. For example : Key words of the story / text.
Recite after youve read a section: - Orally questions about what have just read, or summarize in own words.
- Underline or highlight important points youve just read
- Use the method of recitation which best suites on particular learning style. For example: read again what had been memorize and wrote it down.
Review an ongoing process: - After read and recited the entire chapter, write questions in the margins for those points that highlighted or underlined. - If notes have been using while reciting, write question for the notes. - Orally recite or write the answers from memory.
Example: review the keywords of the passages to understand the storyline and arrange the passages.
Can be done for average and above student. Weak student refer to easier part. Can be practice in pairs, group.