Check the table of contents and map out the organization of ideas Read the learning objectives, summary and/or intro and conclusion, headings, pictures, charts, etc If there is none of the above aids, such as in an article, read the first sentence of every 2nd or 3rd paragraph to get an overall view of the whole article Question before you read Ask questions based on the title of the chapter or article based on each heading based on your previous knowledge Read to answer your question Read in 3-5 minute chunks Read to find the answer to your question Vary your pace: when the text seems to be providing answers to your question, slow down and focus in. If the material seems familiar to you, speed up. Guess and read quickly to confirm. Summarize your answer after reading Say the answer out loud in your own words Highlight only the most important words and ideas, after reading the chunk Write down key words and phrases for each chunk to jog your memory when you review Test yourself immediately and later At the end of the session, test yourself on what you just read Talk your way through the headings, explaining the main ideas Elaborate on the key words you wrote in your notes, giving examples if appropriate Test yourself again the next day, in a few days, and in a week or so