Section 4.2
Section 4.2
Section 4.2
wIth p
~ I:p p4 1(Jp
= 4 3(Jp = 4(0.93) \ 0.0255)
= 0.082
Exercises for Section 4 .2
1. Let X
a. P(X
= 2) P ( X = 4)
5. Of all the regi stered automobiles in a certain state, 10% violate the state emissions standard. Twelve au tomobiles are selected at random to undergo an e mis sions test. a. Find the probability that exactly three of them vi olate the standard. b. Find the probability that fewer than three of them violate the sta ndard.
2. Let X
c. Find the probability that none of them violate the standard. 6. A fair die is rolled 8 times. a. Wh at is the probability that the die comes up 6 exactly twice ,) b. What is the probability that the die co mes up an odd number exactly five times? c. Find the mean number of times a 6 comes up. d. Find the mean number of times an odd number comes up. e. Find the standard deviation of the number of times a 6 comes up .
= 0)
f. P (X = 4 )
f-I- x
= 3) when X
~ ~ ~
b. P (X .::: 2) when X 5) wh en X
f. Find the standard deviation of the number of times an odd number comes up.
7. Of a ll th e weld failures in a certain assembl y, 85% of them occur in the we ld metal itself, and the remaining 15 % occur in the base metal. A sample of 20 wel d failures is examined. a. What is the probabili ty that exac tly fi ve of them are base metal failures? b. What is the probability that fewer than four of them are base metal failures,) c. What is the probability that none of them are bast me tal failures?
4. At a certain airpOlt, 75% of the flights arrive on time. A sample of 10 flight s is studied.
a. Find the probability that all 10 of the flights were on time. b. Find the probability that exactl y eightofthe fli g hts were on time. c. Find the probability that eight or more of the fligh ts were on time .
d. Find the mean number of base metal failures. e. Find the standard deviation of the number of base metal failures. A general contracting finn experiences cos t overruns on 20% of its contracts. In a company audit, 20 con tracts are sampled at random . a. What is th e probability that exactly four of them experience cost overruns? b. What is the probability that fewer than three of them experience cost overruns? c. What is the probability that none of th em experi ence cost ovelTuns? d . Find the mean number that experience cost overruns. e. Find the standard deviation of the number that ex perience cost overruns. Several million lottery tickets are sold, and 60% of the tickets are held by women. Five wi nning tickets will be drawn at random. a. What is the probability that three or fewer of the winners will be women? b. What is the probability that three of the winners wi ll be of one gender and two of the winners will be of the other gender?
.-i. quality engineer takes a random sample of 100 steel
12. Of the items manufactured by a certain process, 20% are defective. Of the defective items, 60% can be repaired.
a. Find the probabili ty that a randomly chosen item is defective and can not be repaired. b. Find the probability that exactly 2 of 20 randomly chose n items are defective and cannot be repaired .
13. Of the bolts manufactured for a certain application, 90% meet the length specification and can be used immediately, 6% are too long and can be used af ter being cut, and 4% are too short and must be scrapped.
a. Find the probability that a randomly selected bolt can be used (either immediately or after being cut). b. Find the probabilit y that fewer than 9 out of a sam ple of 10 bolts can be used (either immediately or after being cut).
14. Gears produced by a grinding process are categorized either as conforming (suitable for their intended pur pose), downgraded (unsuitable for the intended pur pose but usable for another purpose), or scrap (not usable). Suppose that 80% of the gears produced are conforming, 15% are degraded , and 5% are scrap. Ten gears are selec ted at random.
a. Wh at is the probability th at one or more is scrap? b. What is the probability that eight or more are not scrap? c. What is the probability that more than two are either degraded or scrap? d. What is the probability that exactly nine are either conforming or degraded?
rods from a day 's production, and find s that 92 of them meet specifications. a. Estimate the proportion of that day's production that meets specifications, and find the uncertainty in the estimate. b. Estimate the number of rods that must be sampled to reduce the uncertainty to 1%.
In a random sample of 100 parts ordered from vendor A. 12 were defective. In a random sam ple of 200 parts rdered from vendor B, 10 were defective.
15. A commuter must pass through three traffic lights on her way to work. For each light, the probab ility that it is green when she arrives is 0.6. The lights are independent.
a. What is the probability that all three lights are green ? b. The conunuter goes to work five days per week. Let X be the number of times out of the five days in a given week that all three lights are green. Assume the days are independent of one another. What is the di stribution of X? c. Find P (X
= 3).
16. A distributor receives a large shipment of components. The distributor would like to accept the shipment if 10% or fewer of the components are defective and to return it if more than 10% of the components are defective. She decides to sample 10 components, and to return the shipment if more than 1 of the 10 is defective.
19. A certain large shipment comes with a guarantee that it contains no more than 15% defective items. If the proportion of defective items in the shipment is greater than 15%, the shipment may be returned. You draw a random sample of 10 items. Let X be the number of defective items in the sample.
a. If the proportion of defecti ves in the batch is in fact 10%, what is the probability that she will return the shipment? b. If the proportion of defectives in the batch is 20%, what is the probability that she will return the shipment? c. If the proportion of defectives in the batch is 2%, what is the probability that she will return the shipment? d. The distributor decides that she will accept the shipment only if none of the sampled items are de fective. What is the minimum number of items she should sample if she wants to have a probability no greater than 0.01 of accepting the shipment if 20% of the components in the shipment are defective?
17. A k outof 11 system is one in which there is a group of n components, and the system will function if at least k of the components function. Assume the components function independently of one another.
a. If in fact 15% of the items in the shipment are defective (so that the shipment is good, but just barely). what is P (X 2: 7p b. Based on the answer to part (a), if 15% of the items in the shipment are defective, would 7 defectives in a sample of size 10 be an unusually large number? c. If you found that 7 of the 10 sample items were defective, would this be convincing evidence that the shipment should be returned? Explain. d. If in fact 15% of the items in the shipment are defective, what is P(X 2: 2)? e. Based on the answer to part (d). if 15% ofthe items in the shipment are defective, would 2 defectives in a sample of size 10 be an unusually large number?
f. If you found that 2 of- the 10 sample items were defective. would this be convincing evidence that the shipment should be returned? Explain.
a. In a 3 out of 5 system, each component has prob ability 0.9 of functioning. What is the probability that the system will function? b. In a 3 outofn system, in which each component has probability 0.9 offunctioning, what is the smallest value of n needed so that the probability that the system functions is at least 0.90?
system. For a ce11ain 4 out of 6 system, assume that on a rainy day each component has probability 0.7 of functioning, and that on a nomainy day each component has probability 0.9 of functioning. a. What is the probability that the system functions on a rainy day? b. What is the probability that the system functions on a nonrainy day? c. Assume that the probability of rain tomorrow is 0.20. What is the probability that the system will function tomorrow?
ers had smoke detectors. would this be convincing evidence that the claim is false? Explain.
A message consists of a stri ng of bits (Os and Is).
b. Find c. Find
Due to noise in the communications channel, each bit ~ probability 0.3 of being reversed (i.e., a 1 will be changed to a a or a 0 to a 1). To improve the accuracy f the communication, each bit is sent five times, so, fo r example, 0 is se nt as 00000. The receiver assigns the value a if three or more of the bits are decoded as . and 1 if three or more of the bi ts are decoded as 1. ss ume that errors occur independently. A 0 is sent (as 00000). What is the probability that the receiver assigns the correct value of O?
24. One design for a sys tem requires the installation of two identical componen ts. The system will work if at least one of the components works. An alternative design requires four of these components, and the sys tem will wo rk if at least two of the four components work. If the probability that a component works is 0.9, and if the components function independently, which design has the greater probability of fun ctioning?
25. Refer to Example 4.14. Estimate the probability that exactly one of the four tires has a flaw, and find the uncertainty in the estimate.
26. If p is a success probability, the quantity p l( I - p)
Assume that each bit is sent n times, where n is an odd number, and that the receiver assigns the value decoded in the majority of the bits. What is the min imum value of 11 necessary so th at the probability that the correct value is assigned is at least 0.90?
Let X ~ Bin(n. pl. and let Y = n - X. Show that r ~ Bin(n. 1- pl. Porcelain figurin es are sold for $10 if flawless, and for $3 if there are minor cosmetic flaw s. Of the fig urines made by a certain company, 90% are fla wless nd 10% have minor cosmetic flaws. In a sample of 100 figurines that are sold , let Y be the revenue earned by selling (hem and Jet X be the number of them that are flawless. a. Express Y as a function of X .
is ca lled the odds. Odd s are conunonl y estimated in medical research. The article "A Stud y of Twelve Southern California Communities with Differing Lev els and Types of Air Pollution" (1. Peters, E. Avol , et aI., Th e Arnericol1 Journal of RespiralOry and Crit ical Care Medicine, 1999:760-767) reports an assess ment of respiratory hea lth of southern California chil dren. Assume that 88 boys in a sample of 612 re ported being diagnosed with bronchitis duling the last 12 months. a. Estimate the proportion p of boys who have been diagnosed with bronchitis, and find the uncertainty in the estimate . b. Estimate the odds. and find the unceltainty in the esti mate.