Marathon 2012 Information
Marathon 2012 Information
Marathon 2012 Information
The One Family Marathon Team had successfully completed their run in the Standard Chartered Marathon on Sunday, 5th February 2012. These dedicated runners had enabled the Foundation to raise HK$1 million to support sports development in the two Wah Yan Colleges, Hong Kong and Kowloon. The Foundation would like to thank all Fathers, Wahyanites, parents, teachers, staff members of the Schools, alumni and friends of Wah Yan for their participation and selfless support to this meaningful event. Their efforts had anchored a spirit of sportsmanship in the Schools. The virtue of running is taking shape among our young Wahyanites. The Foundation would continue its effort in supporting sports development in the two Wah Yan Schools. For further information on the Marathon Campaign, please contact Monty Fong on 9092 9433 or
Wah Yan One Family Foundation Limited 17/F, Centre Point, 181 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong T: 2891 9970 F: 2310 2099 W: