The Cranial Bone
The Cranial Bone
The Cranial Bone
Dr. Rashed
9 feb-2012
Skull (1 ) : Cranial bones
Todays lecture is about the skull: The Skull is an easy subject and its made of several bones , as usual we always have a classification to make things easier. The Skull is traditionally studying of the following words >> we look at it from frontal view then we see some bones and we dont see the others . some parts of the skull we study it from lateral view, posterior view , inferior view and so on. Skull is defined into two parts>
Cranial bone
Facial bone
Sphenoid bone Ethmoid bone
Frontal bone
parietal bone
Occipital bone
Temporal bone
What are the bones that make the cranial part? 1-Frontal bone > why we call it frontal bone ? because it is in the front. Theres a sutures that make the joint between two bones . Sutures :The process of joining two surfaces or edges together along aline
2-lateral bone > briefly bone that surrounding the brain. 3-occipital bone. 4- temporal bone. 5- sphenoid bone. 6- ethmoid bone. *These are cranial bones , we will study each of them in details . The second part of the skull is the face > so there are facial bone and there are cranial bone . You as a dentist have to have a good knowledge about the skull Note: mandible is not a part of the skull , it is a separate one articulate with the temporal bone . The doctor used a mind map and he said that it is one of the easiest way to study anatomy. Temporal bone > we call it temporal because when somebody become older the most white hair grow there .
From WiKi : temporal bone either of the two irregular bones forming part of the lateral surfaces and base of the skull, and containing the organs of hearing. It is divided anatomically into four parts: the mastoid, petrous, squamous, and tympanic parts
- at frontal view you dont see any part of parietal bone but if you look at the back of the skull you will see the two parietal bone . *Cranial vault : 1- sagital sutures : articulates the two parietal bones. 2- coronal sutures :articulates the frontal bone with the two parietal bones. 3- lambdiod sutures :articulates the two parietal bones with the occipital bone.
Parietal bones :
form the sides and the roof of the cranium and as we said that they articulate with each other in the mid line at the sagittal suture and they articulate with the occipital bone behind, at the lambdoid suture. * lambda: is an intersection of sagittal and lambdoid sutures.
-Why parietal bone is simple? Because when you look at it you will not see any process or foramen. - Coronal suture lies in the coronal section and it is located between parietal bone and frontal bone and it is articulate with the greater wing of sphenoid bone.
**When we look > - anteriority > we will not able to see the parietal bones only we can see the frontal bone. - superiorly > frontal and parietal bones and a very little part of the temporal bone
- laterally > parietal bones. -Inferiorly > temporal bones. *Note :- You will find two lines in the temporal bones we call it temporal lines > the lower one is inferior temporal line which begin as a single from the posterior margin of the zygmotic process of the frontal bone. These lines give the origin to attach the muscles to the coronoid process of mandible and it is called temporalis. So : The over view of the parietal bone > it is large and quadrangular in shape that has 4 sites, and it forms greater part of the skull (sides and roof of the cranial cavity). Pariatal bones articulate with 5 bones one of them is the frontal bone by a sagittal sutures. What are the surface features of the parietal bone? External and internal surfaces. Quadrangular has an external surface ( convex) and internal surface. And it has a superior and inferior temporal lines > these temporal lines receive the origin of the temporal muscles which is the muscles of mastications. In the internal surface of the parietal bone ( which is concave) there is a depressions and elevations.
From Wikipedia encyclopedia The orbits are conical or four-sided pyramidal cavities, which open into the midline of the face and point back into the head. Each consists of a base, an apex and four walls. They are intended to protect the eye from mechanical injury.[4] The base, which opens in the face, has four borders. The following bones take part in their formation: 1. Superior margin: frontal bone 2. Inferior margin: maxilla and zygomatic 3. Medial margin: frontal, lacrimal and maxilla 4. Lateral margin: zygomatic and frontal The apex lies near the medial end of superior orbital fissure and contains the optic canal which communicates with middle cranial fossa. The roof (superior wall) is formed by the orbital plate frontal bone and the lesser wing of sphenoid. The orbital surface presents medially by trochlear fovea and laterally by lacrimal fossa The floor (inferior wall) is formed by the orbital surface of maxilla, the orbital surface of zygomatic bone and the orbital process of palatine bone. Medially near the orbital margin is located the groove for nasolacrimal duct. Near the middle of the floor, located infraorbital
groove, which leads to the infraorbital foramen. The floor is separated from the lateral wall by inferior orbital fissure, which connects the orbit topterygopalatine and infratemporal fossa. The medial wall is formed by the frontal process of maxilla, lacrimal bone, orbital plate of ethmoid and a small part of the body of the sphenoid.
From the book: - The lateral wall is the thickest wall of the orbit and the thinnest part of it is where the anterioinferior corner of the parietal bone articulates with the greater wing of the sphenoid : this point is referred to as the pterion
- The frontal bone have a process ( bony projection or sth protruding out of the bones) this process goes towards maxilla and forms maxillary process of the frontal bone. If you look a little bit more in details and see the frontal bone its also making the roof of the orbit and this is what we are going to see in the skull: - supraorbital margin. - supraorbital notch or foramen. - the roof of the orbit. - Again when you look laterally you can see that there is a frontal bone articulating with the parietal bone by coronary suture, anteriorly you can see that the frontal bone articulates with zygomatic bone that make side of the face and the suture between them is called zygomaticfrontal suture and you can feel it .. But we still have another parts of frontal bone and we need to look to the cranial view to see it . there is a part of the frontal bone goes
inside to make the roof above our eyes and a floor of the interior cranial fossa . Interior cranial fossa is a depression in the floor of the cranial vault which houses the projecting frontal lobes ( from wikipidia )
So this part will make the roof of the orbit and there for we will call it orbital plate of frontal bone .. Also as the frontal bone comes down from ( sorry I can`t hear ) it becomes thick and there is a cavity . That will open to the nose and this is one of paranasal sinuses Paranasal sinuses are a group of four paired air-filled spaces that surround the nasal cavity (maxillary sinuses), above and between the eyes (ethmoid sinuses and frontal sinuses), and behind the ethmoids (sphenoid sinuses) And now lets see the mind map of frontal bone
Note in the figure : * sguama mean thin * roof of the orbit is also the floor of interior cranial fossa
2- at the back there is an oval foramen called foreman ovale mandibular nerve comes down to supply the lower teeth .. 3- posterior and lateral there is foramen spinosum why spinosum ??? because in the last part of the greater wing ( basal part ) there is a spine middle meningeal artery goes through it
NOW let`s see the greater wing from below ( basal view) (note : we can`t see the lesser wing from below ) There is a spine that is called spine of sphenoid .. there is a ligament from this spine to the mandible called sphenomandibular ligament ( I can`t hear) We must also see the sphenoid from sagittal view AND from the sagittal view we can see that : * The body of the sphenoid is not solid it has sinuses that are called sphenoid air sinuses .. Sphenoid air sinuses (They are lined with mucous membrane and communicate with the nasal cavity , ther serve as voise resonater) ( from the book ) NOW let`s move to the legs of the sphenoid bone ( we are still in the sagittal view ) * The two legs are called pteregoid process - They give attachment to two heads of medial pteregoid muscle - The legs are 2 plates lateral one and medial one
We have : lateral pteregoid muscle ( two parts) . One of them are attached to pteregoid process medial pteregoid muscle ( two parts) both of them are attached to pteregoid process
NOW let`s go to the mind map and this will be the final part of our lecture
Forgive us if u find any mistake and good luck in you new semester Done by : SONDOS MAJDI WEAM AL RAHAMNEH