JCB Report
JCB Report
JCB Report
The wellbeing of the communities in which company run The health and safety of employees The carbon footprint which company produce
Company does everything that is realistic and workable to optimize the advantages and minimize the disadvantages of these. Company expectations and success related to not only in providing value products and services, although understanding that quality represents:
Checking that employees and the communities in which company run are improved off because of us Tackle workplace and product protection sensibly Taking the require to work in environmental restrictions seriously Test drive and check the quality of machine is compulsory before deliver to the customer Company has no extra stock and only the advance booking orders can be deal Environmental and economic sustainability
Company is committed to nonstop development in how to design and manufacture products and services to ensure that company contribution to a sustainable future is comprehend JCB Sustainable Innovation is approach to meeting the challenges of sustainable development. Through exceeding industry best practice and international law will achieve organizational goals.
JCB designs and manufactures a variety of appliances for the Construction, agriculture and material handling markets Selling machines world wide through a companys distribution network
Companys policy is to gain market share by always improving products, services and business operations. Always struggling to fulfill customers expectations and requirements. Company will get this policy by working closely with customers. Continuously developing skilled and competent workforce. Encourage strategic supplier partnerships ensure sustainability of quality assurance strategy The efficiency of this policy is continually observed at all management levels.
Standards of JCB
To express assurance to the environment, to workers and to the wider community to work hard to achieve international standards and awards. All factories in the UK, India and the USA are accredited to ISO 14001 Environmental Management System with the UK and India also being accredited to OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety management System. All products are built to ISO 9001 Quality Standard. In 2009, JCB India received the Golden Peacock Award and JCB World Parts Centre was honored with a RoSPA Gold Award, both for achievements in Health and Safety. JCB also had been awarded The Carbon Trust Standard for company commitment to and achievements in reducing direct carbon emissions from JCB factories in the UK.
Employee Relations
People have made JCB the company it is today. A positive attitude and commitment to company employees is essential in maintaining company success and attracting world class talent. As an equal opportunities employer, the welfare and rights of all current and potential employees is supreme. This is shown through company relationship with the Trade Unions and Employee Representatives which has developed over many years. JCB also provide a large range of attractive Employee Benefits incorporating profit sharing, pensions, private medical insurance and long-term disability schemes. Staff development is central in ensuring world class products and services, as well as helping attract and retain employees. Company encourages workforce to improve their performance through training and development programs.