Bulletin - August 19, 2012

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Cyril & Methodius Parish

608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, Illinois 60439

Parish Staff
Rev. Lawrence Lisowski

Pastoral Ministry
Rev. Marcin Szczypula Associate Pastor Deacon Michael Ciciura Deacon Norbert Lesnieski

Mrs. Shirley Tkachuk Parish School Principal Mrs. Trish Nickleski Sacramental Prep
Religious Education Coordinator

August 19, 2012 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Kim Zajec Religious Education Secretary

Liturgy Coordinator
Marietta Vargo

Music Ministry
Miroslawa Sojka-Topor Music Director

Youth Ministry
Michael Lundberg

Denise Duda Business Manager Lynn Bailey Assistant Business Manager Alicja Szczepanik Unity Coordinator Monika Bochenek Beth Rachwalski Peggy Sniegowski Ann Zajec Parish Secretaries Cheryle Long Debbie Grand Evening Receptionists Dennis Sepessy Facility Manager Kay Manning Bulletin Editor

Our Parish Mission Statement

We are a family of faith, entrusted with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Rooted in a rich tradition of worship, service and prayer, we foster the unity and faith of this community. Enlivened by the Spirit, we share our gifts, talents and resources to bring about the Kingdom of God.

Page Two

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

August 19, 2012

Welcome to SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish

The Parish Staff of St. Cyrils welcomes all to our historic parish that has carried on the mission of Jesus since 1884.

Parish Information Rectory:

608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Denise Duda, Business Manager (630) 257-2776; (630) 257-9372 Fax rectory@stcyril.org website: www.stcyril.org 607 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Shirley Tkachuk, Principal (630) 257-6488; shirleyt@stcyril.org Trish Nickleski D.R.E. (630) 257-9314; religed@stcyril.org

Minister of Music: Mira Sojka-Topor musicmin@stcyril.org (630) 257-0100 Liturgy Marietta Vargo, liturgy@stcyril.org Coordinator: (630) 257-5806 Youth Minister: Michael Lundberg lemontyouthm@sbcglobal.net (630) 257-2414 Dr. Jolanta Tatara, Principal www.polschool.com (630) 669-9058 Peggy Sniegowski (630) 257-2776 secretary@stcyril.org Carol Mierendorf (630) 257-2776 Melissa Krawczyk, President 2012/2013 bulletin@stcyril.org helpinghands@stcyril.org


Polish School:

Religious Education:

Secretary: Minister of Care: Parish Council:

Mass Schedule:
Saturday: Sunday: 7:00 AM & 5:30 PM 7:00, 8:30 (Polish), 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM (Polish) 5:00 PM (St. Patricks - English)

Helping Hands:

New Parishioners:
Please fill out the registration forms on the welcoming table in the back of Church and place them in the registration box. A member of the welcoming committee will contact each new parishioner.

Special Masses:
Weekdays: Tuesday PM: First Friday: 7:00 AM 8:00 PM Polish 7:00, 9:00 AM (Fall) & 7:00 PM (Polish)

Parents need to be registered, active and supporting parishioners prior to arranging a Baptism at St. Cyrils. If this is a firstborn child, the parents are required to attend a Pre-Baptismal Preparation Class. Both sponsors should be adults and one an active, practicing Catholic.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: 4:30 - 5:00 PM First Fridays: 5:00 - 6:30 PM Also available by appointment.

The bride or groom must be a registered, active parishioner of SS. Cyril & Methodius for a minimum of six months before scheduling a wedding date. Arrangements are to be made with the priest at least six months before the wedding. A Marriage Preparation Program is a requirement of the Archdiocese. To schedule a wedding, please contact the rectory office. Due to renovations to the interior of our church, wedding reservations during the months of June, July, and August of 2012 are not being scheduled at St. Cyrils. Our priests and staff are working closely with our neighboring parishes, St. Alphonsus and St. Patrick, to accommodate our parishioners. For more information and assistance, please call the rectory.

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick:

Following the Monday morning 7:00 AM Mass.

Rectory Office Hours: Each weekday the Rectory

will be closed between the hours of 12 PM-1 PM. Monday through Wednesday Thursday and Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Closed

Page Three All of Us - #561 by Fr. Larry Shhh!

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

August 19, 2012

This weekend I am out of town making a retreat at the Jesuit Retreat House in Gloucester, Massachusetts, which is just about an hour north of Boston. It is an eight day retreat. Most of the day is spent in silence and prayer. I meet with a spiritual director once a day for about a half hour. They guide me in prayer, reflection and some spiritual readings. Participating in such a retreat is a real luxury. Most folks would love to get away from their responsibilities and enjoy eight days of peace, quiet and rest. I am grateful for the opportunity. I thank members of my Pastoral Staff who are covering for me while I am away from the parish. (I fly back to Chicago on Wednesday, August 22nd.) Know that I will be praying for you and your family, especially when we gather for the Sunday Eucharist. Back to Church Next weekend, August 25th and 26th, we hope to be back in church for Mass. The church will not be totally completed because the painters will still be working on the side walls. We will be using only the middle section of church to gather. There will still be scaffolding on the side walls as things progress to the finish line. In one way, this will be exciting to watch the work being completed. When you walk into church you realize that the scope of such a project has been very large. Painting the church is not like painting your bedroom or closet. Like moving into a new house, it will take time to get everything in order. For example, we may have to wait until the painting is completely done before we get all the statues and furniture back into place. So please be patient as we get into the home stretch. We will get there. Thank you again for your willingness to pray in the gym during the months of our summer construction. Overall, I think our experience in the gym went well. It was not all that bad. It worked out pretty good, all things considered. Back to School It is hard to believe that soon the school bells will ring again and our doors will open for the beginning of

another school year. Where did the summer go? Mrs. Shirley Tkachuk, our school principal, and our faculty members have already been working hard preparing for the arrival of our students. The classrooms are ready. Let the teaching begin! We welcome those families who are new to our school community, especially our Preschool and Kindergarten children. We are glad that you have chosen a Catholic education here at St. Cyril's. Adding the dimension of faith to learning truly makes a difference in the life of a young boy or girl as they grow in wisdom. Interested in Becoming Catholic? This is the time of the year when we make an appeal to those who are considering becoming Catholic and would like to learn more about the Catholic faith. Someone may have been baptized in another Christian denomination, or not baptized at all, and are interested in the Catholic faith. The RCIA program (The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) offers the spiritual formation and religious education about Catholicism. It is a wonderful journey of faith that will begin this fall with weekly sessions. For more information about the RCIA program, contact Doreen Dabny at 630-257-2414. Eternal Rest Grant to Her, O Lord Our hearts and prayers go out to Kathy and Mike Ernst. This past week, their daughter Erin, died at home. Erin just graduated from Lemont High School in the spring and was enrolled to attend the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater, Wisconsin. Erin has two sisters, Maggie and Annie. They have been actively involved in our parish, especially in the Religious Education Program. It is at a moment like this, when life changes so drastically, and unexpectantly, that our faith is certainly tested. We feel the huge loss that comes with losing someone so young, talented and beautiful. I am sure God cries with us. May our support and prayers for the Ernst family be a source of consolation and comfort. May our parish family reach out to them with tender kindness in their time of need. We need each other now more than ever. The disciples knew this when they walked away together from the darkness that came with the cross at Calvary. May the light of Christ push away our darkness and bring healing and peace.

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

August 19, 2012

Religious Education News By: Trish Nickleski, C.R.E.

Religious Education Registration Information for the 2012/2013 school year: Any new families wishing to register for Religious Education classes can do so NOW! Registration materials can be found in the back of the gym or you can go online to our website www.stcyril.org and pull off the forms from there. Classes are beginning to fill up so please return your registration in a timely fashion so that we can plan accordingly for the start of classes in September. If you are a new family and you have any questions please feel free to call my office at 630-257-9314. Classes currently closed are: Sunday: 2 & 8 grades Monday: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 grades Mrs. Nickleski will be in the back of church the weekend of August 25th and 26th after the 5:30, 8:30, 10:30, Noon and 1:30 Masses for registration of new families. If you have not registered your child/children in the religious education program and need to do so, please take care of it that weekend. It is important that we get all new students registered as soon as possible so we have enough time to get everything in place for the new school year. Upcoming dates to remember: Monday, August 20th: Catechist Meeting, 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. This meeting is for all catechists /new and returning. Monday, August 27th: Returning Family Parent Meeting 7 PM, in Church. Thursday, August 30th: New Aide Meeting, 7:00 PM in the teachers lounge in school. Tuesday, September 4th: New Family Meeting, 7 PM, in Fr. Sivore Hall in school. Wednesday, September 5th: Returning families Parent Meeting, 7 PM, in the Church.

Welcome Back! SS. Cyril & Methodius School Faculty

Pre-Kindergarten: Miss Kara Sedlack Kindergarten: Miss Katey Wagner & Mrs. Missy Willey First Grade: Mrs. Erin Stock & Mrs. Kristy Vilimas-Dusberger Second Grade: Miss Mary Paukovitz & Mrs. Sue Tomala Third Grade: Mrs. Amy Selfridge & Mrs. Danielle West Fourth Grade: Mrs. Colleen Hickey & Mr. Paul Smith Fifth Grade: Mrs. Kerri Poniatowski & Mrs. Connie Ptacek Sixth Grade: Mrs. Denise Coules & Mrs. Lynn Rozhon Seventh Grade: Miss Meredith Marzalik & Mr. Don Sniegowski Eighth Grade: Mrs. Barbara Szostak & Mr. John Brady Physical Education: Mrs. Mary Grabowski Computers: Mrs. Mary Reilley Art: Mrs. Mary Marzalik Upcoming Events: August 22nd Drop-Off Day (9:00 AM-Noon) August 22nd PreK and Kindergarten Orientation 6:30 PM August 23rd School begins (11:30 dismissal; AM bus service only!) August 24th Full day of school September 4th School begins for PreK The Religious Education Program is in need of volunteers for the 2012/2013 school year. Catechists need to be 18 years old and catechist aides must be in high school. All adult volunteers must go through a background check and attend the Protecting Gods Children Workshop over the summer. The following positions are open: Monday Session: 5:30 until 7:00 pm Catechist for 5th grade Catechist Aide for 6th grade Wednesday Session: 5:30 until 7:00 pm Catechist for 1st, 2nd and 5th grade Catechist Aide for 1st grade Training for Catechists is available through the Archdiocese of Chicago. All catechists are given a stepby-step teachers manual and each class has a maximum of 20 students with a teachers aide. Catechist aides will have a training session before classes start.

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

August 19, 2012

Thank You to the 708 families who have supported our campaign with their pledge.
Those choosing to be acknowledged will be listed in our bulletin.

Our Faith, Our Gift, Our Home Capital Campaign Goal $1,000,000 Pledged $ 800,850
Sanctuary painting, August 14, 2012

Our Faith, Our Gift, Our Home Capital Campaign Parish Pledge Confirmation
I/We wish to pledge a gift of: Total Amount of Gift or Pledge Amount enclosed Balance by May 2013
Method of Payment: Public Acknowledgment:

$ __________________ $ __________________ $ __________________

Frequency of Payments:

Single payment Installment payments


Electronic Fund Transfer

I/We wish to be acknowledged

I/We wish to remain anonymous

Name(s) __________________________________________________

Parishioner Envelope #: _________________

Address _______________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _________ Zip _______________

EFT Authorization: Name of Bank _______________________________ (9) Digit Routing Number: Name(s) on Account: ________________________________ Account Number: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Type: Checking Savings

Phone _____________________

Email ____________________________

Signature _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Page Six

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

August 19, 2012

School Supply Collection for St. Adalbert's and Helping Hands Our sister parish, St. Adalberts and our Helping Hands pantry would greatly appreciate your generosity in helping with the burden of providing school supplies this year. Please donate any of the following items to fill the needs for one child. ITEMS: Pens, erasers, crayons 16 or 24 count, glue sticks, rulers, loose leaf paper - wide rule, markers, folders, pencil case, single subject notebooks, yellow highlighter, Kleenex box - small, scissors Fiskars for kids, index cards and back packs. Please leave items in the back of the gym at any Mass you attend. Thank you for your generosity. We will be accepting donations until Sunday, August 26th.

Walk of Love - Build a Lasting Memory - Tribute Brick Reservations

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish has a unique location on our historical and sacred parish grounds to remember those we love with the Walk of Love pathway leading to the entrance of our Church. You can inscribe names on paving bricks that will serve as a permanent message of thanksgiving and love. Reservation form and check may be mailed or dropped in the collection basket. Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ Home Phone ______________________________ State ___________ Zip ____________

Daytime phone ____________________

Please reserve a 4 x 8 tribute brick for $200. I have enclosed a check payable to SS. Cyril & Methodius. I understand that the inscription on the tribute brick will read exactly as printed in the grid below. Inscription has a limit of 3 lines and 13 characters per line, including spaces.

Please note that bricks will be located randomly; we cannot request nor determine where any individual brick will be placed.

Page Seven

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith Congratulations

August 19, 2012

Abide In Me, a not-forprofit organization founded by parishioner Sharon Duncan, invites you to attend Celebrate Me Home, a benefit to foster independence, cultivate community and make dreams come true for adult women with disabilities. All proceeds will support the purchase, adaptation and maintenance of an all-accessible small group home for Jamee Fiedler, daughter of parishioners Bob and Colleen Fiedler, and a group of women from Garden Center Services. The fun-filled event will take place Saturday, September 8th at 115 Bourbon Street (3359 W. 115th Street, Merrionette Park) from 3-8 PM and will feature live entertainment, a silent auction, split the pot and balloon raffles and a grand raffle drawing for prizes totaling $2,500. Dinner, dessert, beer, wine and pop included in ticket price ($30 adults, $15 children under 12). For more information, to purchase tickets (also available at the door), or to donate to the cause please visit the benefit website at www.celebratemehomebenefit.com.

Sharon & Dan Kaminski Married July 14, 1962 St. Brunos Church Chicago, Illinois

Loving God, We thank You for the generous blessings You have bestowed upon Our Faith. May Your Spirit give us the vision to look into our hearts for inspiration, and in your honor, respond with our sacrifice, Our Gift. Help us as we care for this sacred and holy place, Our Home, where we come to offer you glory, praise and honor. Amen.

Over 365 Catholic Churches in Chicago carry cultural heritage, spiritual significance and artistic glory. Enjoy a mini-pilgrimage in the old Chicago neighborhoods, alive in worship and revitalize your vision of life. Tour includes professionally guided visit to three churches, guided art, architecture and history explanations with time for observation, exploration and prayer. Wednesday, September 12, 2012 8:45 AM Board bus at SS. Cyril & Methodius 10:00 AM St. Alphonsus 11:00 AM St. Mary of the Angels 12:00 PM Holy Name Cathedral (for Mass) 1:00 PM Lunch at Pauline Books & Media (provided by the Altar & Rosary Society) 2:30 PM Return to SS. Cyril & Methodius Tickets: $40 Adults, $38 Seniors, $20 Youth (maximum of 57 spaces) Contact Rose Wilczewski of the Altar & Rosary Society for reservations (815) 254-0367 or rsablels@att.net

Page Eight

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith Who Becomes a Catholic Today? Who are the people who join the Catholic Church today? You or someone you know may be in one of the following life situations:
i Young people who are engaged to

August 19, 2012

Cara Dohse Cara graduated from Lemont High School in May. She participated in many plays throughout her four years. She was very involved in the Drama Club and was in many musicals. She also was on the Lemont High speech team. Cara has been very involved at her church, St. Patricks. She was in the St. Pats youth choir for nine years. She was also an altar server for five years. Today, Cara sings at the 5:00 PM Sunday Mass at St Pats. She has been a cantor for the past six years. She became involved in the Youth Ministry program in seventh grade. She attended two mission trips, one to Chicago the other to Memphis. In the fall, Cara will attend the College of Dupage and hopes to attend a school in the city in the near future . She has many majors in mind including Special Education, Education, Therapy or something to do with art or photography. Cara is excited about the future; she says she doesnt know what to expect after college but Im excited to see where this crazy life takes me. Congratulations Cara! Thank you for all your wonderful service and lending your beautiful voice to the Mass.

marry Catholics want to share not only their lives and values, but also their faith.
i Young parents who are expecting

their first born or have children starting school often find that this is the time to join a faith community that will help them find God in their lives and establish moral values in their family.
i People who are baptized either in the Catholic faith or

another Christian religion, but were not brought up or educated in the religion. As the years go by, they may seek to return to their Christian roots.
i People from all backgrounds that are seeking God in

their liveslooking for answers to life and death questions. The Catholic Church offers great traditions of Scripture, the worship of God in vibrant liturgies, intellectual studies of theology, joyful celebrations through the Sacraments, care for the sick and the dying and love and hope for the poor of the world. How Does a Person Become Catholic? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a process by which the Catholic Church welcomes new members into its communal life. The RCIA is a living experience of the Church, and not just a series of classes which teach knowledge about the Church. Although there is instruction in the facts of the faith, instruction is but one part of a larger experience of knowing and sharing with other members of the Church. Who is RCIA for? It is for non-Christian men and women; for Christians that are not Catholic; for Catholics who are baptized, but have no religious training. How Can I Join? The Catholic churches in Lemont work together in this experience. Contact Fr. Larry or Doreen at (630) 2572414 and watch the bulletins for further details. New Group Now Forming for Fall

College Connection
Lemont Tri-Parish Youth Ministry has introduced a new program called the College Connection. The program is designed to keep a connection to students leaving home and their parishes through mail that will be sent to them while they are away at school. Students will receive bulletins, care packages, prayers and other surprises sent to their mailboxes while away at school. To be a part of the program email Mike Lundberg (Tri-Parish Youth Minister) at lemontyouthm@sbcglobal.net with the name and school address of the student that would like to participate.

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

August 19, 2012

Reminder About Background Checks and Protecting Gods Children Workshops Please remember that the Archdiocese of Chicago is requiring all volunteers who work with children in our parish, parish school, school sports program and religious education program to go through a background check and attend the Protecting Gods Children workshop. The background check and the workshop are two separate things and are found at two different websites. Several of these workshops are being held at nearby parishes over the summer and in the fall. The dates and times are listed below. Please remember that you need to register online at www.virtus.org before attending the workshop. If you cannot make one of these workshops then you will need to go to a different parish than the ones listed below to attend the workshop. A complete listing of the different sites for these workshops can be found at the VIRTUS website. If you have any questions or would like a packet of information to help you register for the background check and the workshop please call Trish Nickleski at 630-257-9314. St. Alphonsus, Lemont 9/18/12 at 7:00 PM St. Michaels, Orland Park 8/8/12 and 8/16/12 at 6:30 PM St. Francis of Assisi, Orland Park 8/8/12 at 6:30 PM St. Linus, Oak Lawn 8/16/12 at 6:30 PM St. John of the Cross, Willow Springs 8/22/12 at 7:00 PM Our Lady of the Woods, Orland Park 9/13/12 at 6:30 PM 10/20/12 at 9:00 AM St. Stephen, Tinley Park 9/22/12 at 9:00 AM St. Francis Xavier, La Grange 9/23/12 at 1:00 PM St. George, Tinley Park 10/9/12 at 6:30 PM Please note that if you do not complete the above requirements by October 31st you will not be allowed to volunteer with children at the school and the religious education program. This also includes all who volunteer in the sports program at the parish school. This is a requirement of the Archdiocese and all parishes are being required to have their volunteers complete these two requirements along with paper work that can be obtained by contacting your program coordinator or calling Trish in the Religious Education office at 630-257-9314.

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

Margaret Frass Margie Dorothy Wesolowski Kathy Moran Margaret Finnegan Anna Van Orden Anna Zoltek Lebrenda Case Clara Povalish Frank Polli Florence Kazich Sandi Merlo Joseph Perry Delores Bromberek Eleanor Povalish Genevieve Barbagallo Delores Beltrami -Lucchini Marion Galante Nick Hernandez Stella Troc Rose Miller Jozef Kopinski Regina Madeja Victor Splitt Jim Bailey Marianne Danko Art Danko Pat Salerno Mrs. Hindo Lydia Assensi John LaSota Alexandria Stojanov Gerry Pytlewski Mari Cleary Maria Bobowski Micaela Martinez Susan Baley Joel Falco Jim Christmann Don Barcza Edmund Povalish Patrick Nickols Joanne Novak Louie Novak John E. Rutkowski Dan Mulligan Linda Palmer Rose Kureja Dennis Lucheon James Lapansky Vivian Hinson William Stenz Bob Smith Samuel Tavolino Valentine Slachetka Dr. Edward Matuga Sr. Joan-Marie Kryszak Carol Krajewski Michael Bromberek Lloyd Hoster, Jr. James Hackett

August 19, 2012

Czym yje nasza parafia...

Szkoa ju tu , tu !
Wakacje dobiegaj ko ca, a wi c chcemy pa stwu przypomnie i Polska Szkoa im. Jana Pawa II rozpocznie swoje zaj cia ju za niecay miesi c. Lekcje w Romeoville rozpoczn si w pi tek 7 wrze nia o godzinie 5:30 P.M. W Lemont, w sobot 8 wrze nia, zmiana poranna zacznie lekcje o godzinie 9 A.M., a zmiana popoudniowa o 1:00 P.M. Nasza szkoa jako jedna z niewielu oferuje program dwuj zyczny do ktrego przyjmowane s dzieci w r nej granicy wieku i znajomo ci j zyka polskiego. Polska Szkoa im. Jana Pawa II r ni si od innych tym, e jest w niej u miech, profesjonalizm i serdeczna atmosfera dla ucznia. Zapisy b d przyjmowane w pierwszych dniach szkoy.

Lucille Handorf Stanley Chrzanowsky Angie Knopinski Nathan S. McKenna Lottie Bylina James McNamara James Hanley Lillian Kuzak Kim Bromberek Lynn Porter Janet LaSota Eleanor Twardowski Betty Bolino Milda Praninskas Lucy Lejeaunesse Anne Orlowski Stephanie Langheld Sam Caruso Cheryl Povalish Dale Chappell Dolores Langheld Virginia Kozlowski Allen Govic Nancy Hoinacki Richard Cieski Deana Gozder Katherine Boyle Marie Kasl

Zbirka przyborw szkolnych dla uczniw z Parafii wi tego Adalberta

Nasza parafia stara si pomaga innym jak tylko mo e. Pom my ksi dzu Mike Michelini z Ko cioa wi tego Adalberta uzbiera przybory szkolne potrzebne dla dzieci z ich parafii. Potrzebne przybory: dugopisy,gumki do cierania, kredki po 16 lub 24 sztuk w opakowaniu, kleje w sztyfcie, linijki, zeszyty, flamastry, foldery, skoroszyty, pirniki, mae opakowania chusteczek higienicznych, no yczki-Fiskars dla dzieci, karteczki indeksowe oraz plecaki. Prosimy o zostawianie datkw z tyu sali gimnastycznej przed Msz wi t na ktr ucz szczacie. Dzi kujemy za wasz hojno . Donacje b d akceptowane do niedzieli, 26 sierpnia.

To add a name or have someone visit you in the hospital or in your home, please call us at (630) 257-2776.

Kursy przygotowuj ce do egzaminu na obywatelstwo

Zrzeszenie Ameryka sko-Polskie organizuje bezpatne kursy, przygotowuj ce do egzaminu na obywatelstwo. Kursy zaczynaj si we wrze niu tego roku. Zaj cia b d si odbyway w tygodniu wieczorami oraz w soboty i niedziele na pnocej i poudniowej stronie Chicago. W celu zapisania si na kursy prosz dzwoni pod numer (773) 282-1122 WEW.400. Alicja Szczepanik unity@stcyril.org

Page Eleven

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

August 19, 2012

Thank you Mission Trip Leaders

Our teens have returned from their mission trip to St Louis, Missouri.

Matka Teresa o przebaczeniu

Kochaj cy Ojciec jest kochaj cym Ojcem dla nas wszystkich i jest zawsze gotowym przebaczy, zapomnie... Jest zawsze blisko. Nie musimy i daleko, by go szuka - jest tu , w naszym sercu: kochaj cy nas, wzywaj cy nas, chroni cy nas w agodno ci i mio ci. Potrzebujemy du o mio ci by wybaczy i potrzebujemy du o pokory, by zapomnie, bo nie jest to pene przebaczenie je eli te nie zapomnimy. Tak dugo, jak nie potrafimy zapomnie, tak naprawd nie przebaczyli my w peni i w ten sposb ranimy siebie nawzajem.

Twenty-four teens spent a very hot week helping the poor, visiting the elderly, painting, and making many home and yard repairs. Everyone had a enriching week and cant wait until next years trip. Thank you to our Mission Trip Director Brittany Hunter who saved the day by coming forward to take our teens. Thank you also to the other wonderful chaperones David Ehle, Theresa Mirkrut and Kelly Kardas .

Youth Ministry How Do I Join ?

We will begin a new year of Tri-Parish Youth Ministry next month. Many new high school teens have been asking how they can join. The process is very simple. You can email me at lemontyouthm@sbcglobal.net and I will put you on the email list and inform you of coming events. I will also send flyers to your home address a week before the event. We have many great things planned for the coming year. Our formal meetings are on Sunday nights at 6:00 PM in St Pats parish center. We are a fun and welcoming group. Many teens have made life-long friends of the teens they have met in youth ministry. It is a great way to stay connected to your faith and church as well as meet some really great kids. Mike Lundberg Youth Minister

Wracamy do przeszo ci, powtarzamy te same b dy... To znaczy, e nigdy nie zapomnieli my. Potrzebujemy pokory, by zapomnie i wa nie dlatego jest tak wa ne uczenie si pokory. To jest jedna z tych pi knych rzeczy, o ktre prosi nas Jezus: "Uczcie si ode Mnie, bo jestem cichy i pokorny sercem". Zacz on od agodno ci; agodno wzgl dem bli nich, agodno wobec braci i sistr, a nast pnie pokora przed Bogiem. We cie wi c t agodno i pokor , agodno czy mio , czy wspczucie, czy jak inaczej to nazwiecie. One dopeniaj to przebaczenie, poniewa zanim komu wybaczymy musimy sobie u wiadomi e MY te potrzebujemy przebaczenia i to tu wchodzi w gr pokora serca. Wwczas przebaczenie jest najwi kszym uosobieniem pokoju. Ks. Marcin D. Szczypula

St. Paul tells us to be careful in the way we live. Do we listen and follow Gods voice so we can discern His will in our own lives and marriage relationship? Allow God to strengthen, renew and rekindle your marriage sacrament so that it can flourish and reflect the love of God. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend for the Chicago/Northwest Indiana area is September 7-9, 2012, Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 1-800-4423554 or contact us through www.wwmechicago-gary.org

Page Twelve

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

August 19, 2012

Mass Intentions
Monday August 20th 7:00 AM = JAN I KATARZYNA RAJCA by Family = CASIMIR KLUGA by His Wife Tuesday August 21st 7:00 AM = STANLEY KEDZIOR by Family = CHARLES JORDAN, JR. by Trish & Neil Rogers 8:00 PM (Polish) = ANTONI WONTORCZYK by The Wontorczyk Family = JOANNA LICHOSY by Family Wednesday August 22nd 7:00 AM = ILENE BROMBEREK by Family = MICHAEL KENDZIERSKI by Pat & Rich Knowski Thursday August 23rd 7:00 AM = KOZAK & LISOWSKI FAMILIES = JOHN MADDEN by Anne & Tim Madden Friday August 24th 7:00 AM O BOGOSAWIE STWO BO E DLA MARIANA I KRYSTYNY WIK (30 Rocznica Slubu) = WOJCIECH BEDNARA by His Wife, Antoinette Zych Saturday August 25th 7:00 AM GODS BLESSINGS FOR RICHARD GUZIOR by The Guzior Family = EDDIE BLAZONCZYK by Tish Blazonczyk 5:30 PM DAWN & VINCE VALDES (25th Anniv.) = JERRY KAZICH by His Grandchildren Sunday August 26th 7:00 AM = EUGENE TASHARSKI by Ray & Mary Beth Rudis MARIA CIECHANSKA by Krystyna Wojtowicz 8:30 AM (Polish) ANNA I JOZEF BOCHENEK (30th Anniv.) by Son = CISLAK, KAROL I ROCZNICA MIERCI by Leona 10:30 AM = LUDWIKA SZCZEPANIAK (Rocznica mierci) by Family = MARY HARTWIG by Trish Nickleski 12:00 PM = HENRIETTA MIKOLAJCZAK by Her Daughter = PETER SENDRA by Tosia Urbala 1:30 PM (Polish) = KAROL JAZOWSKI by Jazowski Family = MICHAEL GRELE by Kathy & Grace Grele

We strongly urge all parishioners to register, to become informed on key issues, and to vote. The Church does not support or oppose any candidate, but seeks to focus attention on the moral and human dimensions of issues. We do not authorize the distribution of partisan political materials on parish property.

Happy Birthday wishes to Fr. Larry celebrating 54 years on Thursday, August 23rd!

Front Cover:
Christ with Chalice Juan de Juanes 1523 Oil on wood Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary

Page Thirteen

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

August 19, 2012

Upcoming Events:
Monday, August 20th: RE Catechist Mtg., 7 PM, Fr. Sivore Hall Wednesday, August 22nd: Drop off Day, 9 AM, School Pre-K & Kindergarten Parent Mtg., 6:30 PM, FSH Thursday, August 23rd: 2012/2013 School Year Begins, 1/2 Day Friday, August 24th: First Full Day of School

Tuesday, August 21st: Weekly devotions at 7 PM which consist of the Rosary, Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, Pro Life Prayers, Benediction and Sacrament of Reconciliation. After devotions, a Mass in Polish will be celebrated at 8 PM.

Please pray for

We ask you to please keep in your prayers the following parishioners who are on active duty in the military:

May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Her

In your prayers please remember the soul of Erin K. Ernst. May her soul and the souls of all our faithful departed family and friends rest in everlasting Peace.

Bogumila Bielanska, Sgt.; LCPL Matthew Gill; Josh McManus, USMC; Stephan Staniulis, USMC, Gunnery Sergeant; LCPL Robert Stasiak; Don Tabron, CWO 5, US Army; George T. Burke, Staff Sergeant, USMC, Iraq; LCPL Cassie Leja, USMC, Iraq; Matthew Waugh, USMC, LCPL, Afghanistan; Capt. Catherine R. Chappell, Afghanistan, (C130 Pilot), U.S. Air Force; Frank Romanowski, Army Combat Medic; Mark Zajac, U. S. Navy; Keith Zajac, U.S. Navy; LCPL David Ehle, USMC; Jason Hoster, Sergeant National Guard, Kuwait. Electronic Fund Transfer Electronic Fund Transfer, (EFT), is the process of automatically having your contribution offering transferred from your checking or saving account to St. Cyrils account. What will EFT do for you? No more check writing No more looking for the correct currency Automated record keeping Once you have signed up for Electronic Fund Transfer you will no longer need envelopes except for special second collections. If your financial situation changes, you may change or stop your payment at any time by calling the parish office. To sign up for Electronic Fund Transfer, complete the request for an EFT form. Return the completed form by mail or place it in the collection basket marked ATTN: Annie. You will be sent an EFT form with more information about the EFT process. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Annie at (630) 2572776.

Anna Bielanska & Christopher Briden Laura Zettergren & Dave Walters
Parish Contributions August 11th & 12th, 2012
Envelopes Childrens envelopes Electronic Fund (weekly) Total 620 29 66 $ 10,812 20 1,163 11,995

620 envelopes plus weekly EFT donations represent 27% of our Parishioners. Your donations help meet our immediate needs, repairs and improvements. We sincerely appreciate your generosity.
Currently, Electronic Fund Transfers are being used by 64 families on a weekly basis and 114 families on a monthly basis. For August 2012, monthly electronic donations amounted to $7,241

Electronic Fund Transfer Request Form

Name: __________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City/ST/Zip: _____________________________________

Page Fourteen

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

August 19, 2012

Liturgical Ministers Weekend Schedule

August 25th & 26th 5:30 PM English Mass 7:00 AM English Mass 8:30 AM Polish Mass 10:30 AM English Mass 12:00 Noon English Mass 1:30 PM Polish Mass 5:00 PM St. Patrick Celebrant
Fr. Lisowski

R. Schmidt S. Wolniakowski

Eucharistic Ministers Host Cup

T. Nickleski S. Pavlovic P. DiBartelo P. Gozder J. Cisek L. Kulpinski M. Zelek S. Kadelak J. Baluch L. Czupta D. Hoinacki L. Dastych M. Kickels G. Galassi S. Galassi T. Kadelak D. Arenberg D. Paloian C. Walschlager J. Doyle M. Rudis T. Ziebell Deacon Lesnieski B. Bogun A. Cieslinski K. Jenner E. Neubauer Y. Sullivan S. Antonopoulos J. Wilczewski R. Wilczewski K. Batistich N. Batistich K. Hejna K. Hejna

Altar Servers
Timothy B. Lauren S. Lindsay S. Frank G. Christian M. Matthew G. Michal C. Piotr C. Jacob K. Grace C. Jonathon B. Alexandra G. Jonathan M. Mick B. Conor B. Matthew O. Andrew B. Mateusz J.

Fr. Kutch

L. Wood E. Green B. Kajpust A. Galara J. LaSota J. LaSota

Fr. Szczypula

Fr. Lisowski

Fr. Lisowski

C. Long C. Korte

Fr. Szczypula

G. Witkowski R. Witkowski

Fr. Boras

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