Bulletin - October 28, 2012

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Cyril & Methodius Parish

608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, Illinois 60439

Parish Staff
Rev. Lawrence Lisowski

Pastoral Ministry
Rev. Marcin Szczypula Associate Pastor Deacon Michael Ciciura Deacon Norbert Lesnieski

Mrs. Shirley Tkachuk Parish School Principal Mrs. Trish Nickleski Sacramental Prep
Religious Education Coordinator

October 28, 2012 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

May the Souls of all the Faithful Departed Rest in Everlasting Peace
Edward D. Milas December 17, 2011 Thaddeus B. Florynski January 18, 2012 Josef Dzielski January 22, 2012 Margaret Dastych January 22, 2012 Thomas M. Howe January 29, 2012 Dolores M. Smalarz January 31, 2012 Irena H.Kedzior February 13, 2012 Barbara Murdza February 15, 2012 Mark Sierankowski February 17, 2012 Mildred Grych February 19, 2012 Mary P. Hartwig March 4, 2012 Judith A. Kurinec March 26, 2012 William J. McGann, Sr. March 26, 2012 Dorothy L. Boldyga April 14, 2012 Agata Wepsiec May 8, 2012 Edward A. Blazonczyk May 21, 2012 Virginia Eischen May 23, 2012 Sophie Grygus June 17, 2012 Tadeusz Budz June 20, 2012 Catherine Brohan June 22, 2012 Rodrigo V. Recio June 26, 2012 Edwin J. Witkowski June 26, 2012 Deborah Buffa July 2, 2012 Patricia A. Heeg July 9, 2012 Marvin Gonsiorowski July 12, 2012 Casimir H. Kluga July 13, 2012 Marguerite A. Bloom July 14, 2012 Mary T. Bussiere August 5, 2012 Edward V. Lisowski August 7, 2012 Richard J. Diaz August 7, 2012 Erin Kathleen Ernst August 14, 2012 James Stachowski August 25, 2012 Jacek Knapczyk August 25, 2012 Dorothy A. Wilczewski September 5, 2012 Barbara M. Esposito September 12, 2012 John Kaczmarski September 26, 2012 Walter Faron October 4, 2012 Ralph E. Johnson October 5, 2012 Robert J. Wilczewski October 14, 2012

Kim Zajec Religious Education Secretary

Liturgy Coordinator
Marietta Vargo

Music Ministry
Miroslawa Sojka-Topor Music Director

Youth Ministry
Michael Lundberg

Denise Duda Business Manager Lynn Bailey Assistant Business Manager Alicja Szczepanik Unity Coordinator Monika Bochenek Beth Rachwalski Peggy Sniegowski Ann Zajec Parish Secretaries Cheryle Long Debbie Grand Evening Receptionists Dennis Sepessy Facility Manager Kay Manning Bulletin Editor

Our Parish Mission Statement

We are a family of faith, entrusted with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Rooted in a rich tradition of worship, service and prayer, we foster the unity and faith of this community. Enlivened by the Spirit, we share our gifts, talents and resources to bring about the Kingdom of God.

Page Two

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

All of Us - #571
by Fr. Larry Remembering Some Very Important People This week the Catholic Church will celebrate two very important feast days that allow us to remember and reverence those who have gone before us in faith. The Feast of All Saints is on Thursday, which is a holy day of obligation. We remember the heroes of our church who faithfully embraced the mission and ministry of Jesus. Often it was through simple and ordinary acts of kindness and compassion that they lived extraordinary lives. There is a wonderful saying, Anyone who aspires to greatness must serve others. When we bend down to help others, strange as it may seem, this is the way to climb." The saints of our church modeled this for us in a beautiful way. On Friday, we celebrate the feast of All Souls. We hold in our prayers all of our loved ones who have died, especially our parishioners who have died within the last year. During the month of November, parishioners are invited to place a picture or holy card of a loved one that they want to pray for on our side altar. Note that the bulletin today contains the complete Mass schedule for these two special days. Never Too Early To Plan This is the time of year when many families begin to consider making preliminary funeral arrangements. Doing some pre-planning can avoid a lot of stress and confusion when a loved one dies. I remember when my parents died, my brother and I had to make what seemed like a hundred decisions in a matter of only a few days. You never realize how much there is to do when you want to simply bring a person to their final resting place. Lemont is blessed to have a number of fine funeral directors who can assist you in your preliminary arrangements. They have a great relationship with the Catholic Church and have a great sensitivity and flexibility to the individual needs of a family. Their

contact information can be found on the sponsor pages of our bulletin. Also, a good idea for families is to discuss where they want to be buried or if cremation might be an option. Our parish cemetery is owned and operated by the Archdiocese of Chicago. There are still a few open sections where graves can be purchased by a family. Our parish cemetery is directly managed by the staff of Good Shepherd Cemetery, located at 16201 South 104th Avenue in Orland Park. Their phone number is (708) 226-9951. Office Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday A conversation with them may give you some piece of mind. Helping the Poor We are grateful to the members of the Holy Name Society who are hosting and organizing a clothing drive this weekend in conjunction with the St. Vincent DePaul Society. The donation container will be here all weekend. So if you want to come back after Mass with a bag of clothes, feel free to do so. Your help is greatly appreciated, especially as the winter approaches us. Welcome To Our Family I had the opportunity to baptize two young boys at the 5:30 PM Mass on Saturday last week. It was a proud day for Christian Michael Banasiak and Benjamin Nico Salerno and their families as well.

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

Off to U of I This Sunday afternoon I will be driving down to see our students at the University of Illinois. We will attend the campus Mass at the Newman Center and then head out for some pizza. It is always fun to break bread with them. Prayer Before An Election I came across the following prayer to help us stay spiritually focused as we approach our upcoming political elections. Remember to go out and vote. It is a privilege and a duty. Lord God, as the election approaches, we seek to better understand the issues and concerns that confront our city, state, country and how the Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community. We ask for eyes that are free from blindness so that we might see each other as brothers and sisters, one and equal in dignity, especially those who are victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty. We ask for ears that will hear the cries of children unborn and those abandoned, men and women oppressed because of race or creed, religion or gender. We ask for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of leaders who will bring us closer to your Kingdom. We pray for discernment so that we may choose leaders who hear your Word, live your love, and keep in the ways of your truth as they follow in the steps of Jesus and his Apostles and guide us to your Kingdom of justice and peace. We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Welcome to SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish

The Parish Staff of St. Cyrils welcomes all to our historic parish that has carried on the mission of Jesus since 1884.

Parish Information
608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Denise Duda, Business Manager (630) 257-2776; (630) 257-9372 Fax email: rectory@stcyril.org website: www.stcyril.org 607 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Shirley Tkachuk, Principal (630) 257-6488; shirleyt@stcyril.org Trish Nickleski D.R.E. (630) 257-9314; religed@stcyril.org


Religious Education:

Mass Schedule:
Saturday: Sunday: 7:00 AM & 5:30 PM 7:00, 8:30 (Polish), 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM (Polish) 5:00 PM (St. Patricks - English)

Special Masses:
Weekdays: Tuesday PM: First Friday: 7:00 AM 8:00 PM Polish 7:00, 9:00 AM (Fall) & 7:00 PM (Polish)

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: 4:30 - 5:00 PM First Fridays: 5:00 - 6:30 PM Also available by appointment.

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick:

Following the Monday morning 7:00 AM Mass.

Rectory Office Hours: Each weekday the Rectory

will be closed between the hours of 12 PM-1 PM. Monday through Wednesday Thursday and Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Closed

Page Four

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith Religious Education News By Trish Nickleski, D.R.E. Dear Parents,

October 28, 2012

Reminder: Next Sunday, November 4th, there is a Confirmation Parent Meeting at 3:30 PM in the church for all parents, students and sponsors of students in our parish school and religious education program who are making their Confirmation in March. It is very important that you are in attendance at this very important meeting!

Our school is finishing up participating in the baby bottle collection for the Womens Center. Thank you to everyone who has helped with this wonderful project. We are entering the new month of November. It will be a short month due to time off for Thanksgiving, but as usual it will be a very busy one for all the members of our school community. We will begin in prayer as we come together to celebrate the Feast of All Saints Day on November 1st. Students in grades K-8 will attend the 9:00 AM Mass. Please join us as students from Mrs. Stocks homeroom will represent many different saints. Also during the month, our Monday morning prayers will focus on all of the things we have to be thankful for along with learning about the first Thanksgiving. Please mark your calendar for Friday, November 9th. We will host an open house for parents interested in enrolling a child in either prekindergarten (ages 3 and 4) or kindergarten for the 2013-2014 school year. It will run from 9:00-11:00 AM. Interested parents will be able to tour our school, meet members of our staff and watch classes as they are working. Please call our office (630) 257-6488 ext. 19 if you have any questions. November will also include our Talent Show on the 15th, Thanksgiving Feast on the 16th and Parent Teacher Conferences on the 20th. Our Mothers Club annual fall fundraiser will take place on Friday, November 9th. This years theme is Double Down on Dreams and promises to be a great evening. Please join us and help support our school! We are currently looking for certified teachers who might be interested in doing some substitute teaching in our school. Please call our office for more information. Thank you for all you do to help our school! Mrs. S. Tkachuk, Principal

Thursday is All Saints Day, a day when we honor all the saints of the church, known and unknown. Do you know anything about the saint you or your children were named after? If not why not make it a family project this week to gather some information on the saints you were named after. Our textbook series covers different Saints at each grade level. When your child is in eighth grade one of the requirements for making Confirmation is that they write a research paper on their chosen Confirmation saint name. We encourage the students to pick a saint that has some meaning to them not just a name that sounds good with the rest of their name. Some saints who have their special day in November are St. Charles Borromeo, St. Leo the Great, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, St. Albert the Great, St. Elizabeth of Hungary and St. Gertrude the Great. Set some time aside this week to talk amongst your family about the saints in our church and also those people who we may think are saints whether they are living or dead. There are many books available for children on the saints. You may want to think about purchasing one for your child to have in their library of books. You can find these books at any religious goods store or at Amazon.com. Friday is All Souls Day which is the day in which the church remembers in prayer all who have died. It is said that on these two days the space between heaven and earth is thinnest, a time when those who have gone before us can hear us best.

Saints are those who by their life and work make it clear and plain that God lives.
Nathan Soderblom

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

Thank You to the 722 families who have supported our campaign with their pledge.
Those choosing to be acknowledged will be listed in our bulletin.

All School Mass, September 11, 2012

Our Faith, Our Gift, Our Home Capital Campaign Goal $1,000,000 Pledged $ 812,600

Our Faith, Our Gift, Our Home Capital Campaign Parish Pledge Confirmation
I/We wish to pledge a gift of: Total Amount of Gift or Pledge Amount enclosed Balance by May 2013
Method of Payment: Public Acknowledgment: Check

$ __________________ $ __________________ $ __________________

Frequency of Payments: Single payment Installment payments

Electronic Fund Transfer I/We wish to remain anonymous

I/We wish to be acknowledged

Name(s) __________________________________________________

Parishioner Envelope #: _________________

Address _______________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _________ Zip _______________

EFT Authorization: Name of Bank _______________________________ (9) Digit Routing Number: Name(s) on Account: ________________________________ Account Number: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Checking Savings Type:

Phone _____________________

Email ____________________________

Signature _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Page Six

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

Double Down for Dreams!

St. Cyrils
S.S. Cyril & Methodius School Fall Fundraiser


Friday November 9th, 2012 Lithuanian World Center 14911 E. 127th Street, Lemont 7 PM-11 PM $50 per ticket includes, open bar, appetizers and funny money to gamble with (amount TBD). Tickets will NOT be sold at the door To purchase tickets or make a donation please contact Heather Tomala at (630) 309-2467 or Htomala22@gmail.com Or refer to the school website stcyril.org

Grace Saleh & Dino Pastore Married October 20, 2012

Beat the Lotto Parish Raffle Tickets $100 each

Get your paid tickets in before Saturday, December 8th for our Early Bird Drawings with prizes totaling $5,000. Your ticket goes back into the drum for the BIG Drawing on February 10, 2013. Only 1500 Tickets sold. Winner need not be present. Profits go to the following eleven sharing organizations. Holy Name Society Tuition Assistance Program Altar & Rosary Society School Operations Athletic Commission Overall Parish Operations Polish Club Mothers Club Religious Education Youth Ministry Parish Council

More tickets are available. To answer any questions, or for more tickets or if you did not receive your ticket yet, please call one of your LOTTO committee members:
Nancy (630) 257-2860 Mary Beth (630) 257-2998 Mary (630) 257-0569 Lorianne (630) 739-6966 Rose (815) 254-0367 Joan Mickey Jo Ann Keith Anita (630) 257-2939 (630) 243-6386 (312) 203-7355 (630) 257-9791 (630) 243-8970

Early Bird Drawing December 8, 2012

Prizes: 1st 2nd 3rd-4th 5th-10th $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $250.00

Grand Drawing February 10, 2013

Prizes: Grand Prize 2nd 3rd 4th-6th 7th-21st 22nd-25th $40,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00

Dont forget to mark an organization on your ticket! A ticket can be sold to 1, 2, 5 and even 10 people. There is also a Sellers Raffle with your name entered in a special raffle for every 5 tickets sold.

All tickets returned to drum for final drawing

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

Family Fun Featuring Halloween Bingo!

Sunday October 28th 2 PM5 PM Fr. Gilewski Gym The Holy Name Society Men's Club is sponsoring a clothing drive to benefit the St. Vincent DePaul Society. The collection will be held this weekend, October 27th and 28th following each Mass at St Cyril's. We hope you collected your clothing for this worthwhile society. Donations will need to be boxed in order to be accepted.
Come have fun with your family! Prizes include: Manna cards, Out of Uniform Passes/Taffy Apples Concessions will be available! $10.00 per packet of adult cards, kid cards and a bingo dabber! Extra kid cards will be sold for $2.50 There will be an adult winner and a child winner for each game! Extra dabbers will be sold for $1.

Come in Costume for Added Fun!! Helping Hands Needs Your Help
Over the summer months, our shelves in Helping Hands have been depleted. We need your help to stock up for the Fall and Winter months. Helping Hands collects food to distribute to members of the Lemont community. Grocery bags are available in the back of church to remind you to consider picking up items on your next grocery visit to return to church. Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated. We are always in need of non-perishable foods like canned soups and vegetables, pasta, sauces, chili, tuna, cereal and baking and pancake mixes. We also need non-food items such as paper towels, napkins, soaps (hand, dish and laundry), shampoo, mouthwash and toothpaste. Thank you for your support and generosity!

Page Eight

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith There is NO EXCUSE for Domestic Violence

October 28, 2012

Under the radar of many peoples awareness, domestic abuse is a significant assault on the sacredness of life in families and committed relationships. Since 2009, the Archdiocesan Domestic Abuse Outreach program has compassionately reached out to victims and survivors in parishes throughout the Chicago Archdiocese. This program assists parishes in ministering to victims of domestic violence and connects them to resources to help victims free themselves from physical, emotional, economic or sexual violence. If you are a victim or survivor of domestic abuse seeking help: National Hotline: 1-800-799 SAFE (7233); 1-800-7873224 (TDD) State of Illinois Helpline: 1-877-863-6338 (1-877 TO END DV)

Loving God, We thank You for the generous blessings You have bestowed upon Our Faith. May Your Spirit give us the vision to look into our hearts for inspiration, and in your honor, respond with our sacrifice, Our Gift. Help us as we care for this sacred and holy place, Our Home, where we come to offer you glory, praise and honor. Amen.

Page Nine

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

Reflections on the Sunday Mass A few days ago I sat down to reflect on Sunday Mass. I wasnt quite sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised and overwhelmed by many different memories and emotions! I quickly realized how much Sunday Mass is, and has been, an important part of my life. Beginning when I was a very young child, I clearly remembered Sundays being a time for our family to be together. While we did other things, we always began the day by attending Mass as a family. I was too young to understand, but my parents were helping me to realize the importance of Sunday Mass and to build a relationship with God. I am thankful to them for their wisdom and guidance! Before long, I started to attend St. Daniel the Prophet, our parish school. At that time, it was staffed by the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Kansas. They were very hard working women who taught us more about our faith and prepared us for Communion, Reconciliation (it was just called Confession back then) and Confirmation. I remember a sunny and beautiful First Communion. I received Jesus for the very first time on Saturday, October 27, 1962. Its hard to believe it was fifty years ago! To this day, Sunday Mass is a most important part of my life. Through it, I have developed my personal relationship with God. It is a relationship which led me to become a teacher and then a principal. The celebration of the Mass has given me many moments of joy with family and friends, and also helped me to have the strength to handle times of sorrow. Sunday Mass is a time for me to give God praise and thanks for all Ive been given, ask forgiveness for my mistakes and pray for wisdom! It is a most wonderful gift for us all! Shirley Tkachuk Parish School Principal

Niedzielna Msza wi ta Kilka dni temu usiad am aby rozwa y czym jest dla mnie Niedzielna Msza wi ta. Nie by am do ko ca pewna czego oczekiwa . By am mile zaskoczona oraz wzruszona wieloma rznymi wspomnieniami oraz emocjami! Szybko u wiadomi am sobie jak wa n cz ci mojego ycia jest i by a Niedzielna Msza wi ta. Zaczynaj c kiedy by am ma ym dzieckiem, jasno pami ta am Niedziele jako czas kiedy nasza ca a rodzina gromadzi a si razem. Podczas gdy robili my rwnie inne rzeczy, zawsze zaczynali my nasz dzie od uczestnictwa we Mszy wi tej jako rodzina. By am zbyt ma a aby to poj , lecz moi rodzice pomagali mi zrozumie wa no Mszy wi tej i budowa relacje z Bogiem. Jestem im wdzi czna za ich wiedz i kierownictwo! Dawno temu, zacz am ucz szcza do naszej parafialnej szko y wi tego Daniela Proroka. W tym czasie, naszymi nauczycielkami by y Siostry Mi osierdzia z Leavenworth, Kansas. By y one bardzo ci ko pracowitymi kobietami, ktre uczy y nas o naszej wierze i przygotowywa y nas do Pierwszej Komunii wi tej, Spowiedzi i Bierzmowania. Pami tam s oneczn i pi kn Pierwsz Komuni wi t . Poraz pierwszy przyj am Jezusa do swojego serca w sobot , 27 pazdziernika, 1962 roku. Trudno uwierzy , e by o to 50 lat temu! Do dnia dzisiejszego, Niedzielna Msza wi ta jest najwa niejsz cz ci mojego ycia. Poprzez ni stworzy am osobist relacj z Bogiem. Jest to relacja, ktra poprowadzi a mnie do zostania nauczycielk , a pzniej dyrektork . Celebracja Mszy wi tej da a mi wiele chwil rado ci z moj rodzin i przyjaci mi oraz rwnie pomog a mi w posiadaniu si y w czasach smutku. Niedzielna Msza wi ta jest czasem dla mnie, aby wielbi Boga i dzi kowa mu za wszystko co by o mi dane, pro b o przebaczenie za moje b dy i modlitw o m dro ! Jest ona najwspanialszym darem dla nas wszystkich!

Shirley Tkachuk
dyrektorka szko y w. Cyryla i Metodego

Page Ten

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

Liturgical Ministers Needed Liturgical Ministers are needed for all Masses. If you would like to serve your parish in one of its ministries, please contact the Liturgy Office at liturgy@stcyril.org or phone 630.257-5806. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Distribute Holy Communion (bread and wine) at Mass. Prior to becoming a Eucharistic Minister, training is required by the Archdiocese of Chicago. Upon completion of training, the person is then commissioned at Mass and given a certificate from the Archdiocese. Lectors Proclaim the Word of God at Mass and for Prayer Services and also offer the Prayers of the Faithful when a deacon is not present. Upon completion of a mandatory training program, the person is commissioned as a lector and is usually scheduled once a month.

Some of you may be aware that we have a knit and crochet group called Loops of Love. We have been going for a couple of years and the of love people who attend from the various churches in Lemont are amazing! They teach people to both knit and crochet, correct mistakes, give encouragement and produce wonderful things themselves. We thought it would be a good time to give you an update of what we have done to date. We have donated 373 items. This includes some knitted and crocheted items that others in the churches have made or inherited and brought to us to distribute. We have made and donated afghans, prayer shawls, dish clothes, hot pads, spa clothes, hats, scarves and gloves, mittens and baby blankets. They have been donated to individuals, Cornerstone, Courage, Crafty Angels, Misericordia, Lemont Center, PADS at St Luke, Red Scarf-Orphan Foundation, Lemont Churches (prayer shawls), and Great Lakes Naval Station. Join us! If the group is new to you and you would like to join us please do. Contact Doreen at (630) 257-2414.

Walk of Love - Build a Lasting Memory - Tribute Brick Reservations

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish has a unique location on our historical and sacred parish grounds to remember those we love with the Walk of Love pathway leading to the entrance of our Church. You can inscribe names on paving bricks that will serve as a permanent message of thanksgiving and love. Reservation form and check may be mailed or dropped in the collection basket. Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ Home Phone ______________________________ State ___________ Zip ____________

Daytime phone ____________________

Please reserve a 4 x 8 tribute brick for $200. I have enclosed a check payable to SS. Cyril & Methodius. I understand that the inscription on the tribute brick will read exactly as printed in the grid below. Inscription has a limit of 3 lines and 13 characters per line, including spaces.

Please note that bricks will be located randomly; we cannot request nor determine where any individual brick will be placed.

Page Eleven

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith New American Saints by Marietta Vargo, Liturgy and Adult Faith Formation Director Her congregation said, her devotion to St. Francis of Assisi, who deeply cared for the sick, poor, together with a special concern for those with leprosy, confirmed her resolve that the call to Hawaii was Gods will.

October 28, 2012

Last Sunday, Pope Benedict canonized two American women, Kateri Tekakwitha and Marianne Cope. Last week, we looked at the life of St. Kateri, today we introduce St. Marianne. St. Marianne Cope (Barbara Koop) was born in Germany in 1838 and the following year came to America with her family and settled in Utica, NY. Barbara graduated from their parish grade school, and although she felt called to religious life, could not do so for nine years. As the oldest child, she went to work in a factory to help support her family. Only when her siblings were old enough to care for themselves and after the death of her invalid father, was Barbara able to enter the convent. In 1862, at the age of 24, she joined the Sisters of St. Francis in Syracuse, NY, and was given the name Sr. Marianne. She became a teacher and principal, was instrumental in founding hospitals and was a hospital administrator. St. Marianne was often criticized for treating "outcast" patients, but she became well-known and loved for her kindness, wisdom and down-to-earth practicality. She also held leadership positions in her congregation, including mother general (superior). In 1883, her congregation was asked to serve the lepers in Hawaii and Mother Marianne and six other sisters made the long journey from New York to Hawaii to begin their new ministry. She never returned home.

Within two years, the sisters accomplished so much good that Mother Marianne was given a medal by King Kalakaua of Hawaii for the plans she developed to help those suffering from leprosy. In 1884, she met Fr. Damien DeVeuster who ministered to the lepers on Molokai. When Fr. Damien contracted leprosy, Mother Marianne arranged for his care. Fr. Damien was canonized in 2009. Pope Benedict said, Marianne Cope willingly embraced a call to care for the lepers of Hawaii after many others had refused. At a time when little could be done for those suffering from this terrible disease, Marianne Cope showed the highest love, courage and enthusiasm." In 2004, Marianne Cope was declared venerable by Pope John Paul II. In 2005, she was beatified and last Sunday, she was canonized. Pope Benedict said of her and the six others who were canonized, may the witness of their lives generously spent for love of Christ, speak today to the whole Church, and may their intercession strengthen and sustain the church in her mission to proclaim the Gospel to the whole world."
Information for the article from the Sisters of St. Francis of Syracuse and Vatican websites.

College Connection
Lemont Tri-Parish Youth Ministry has introduced a new program called the College Connection. The program is designed to keep a connection to students leaving home and their parishes through mail that will be sent to them while they are away at school. Students will receive bulletins, care packages, prayers and other surprises sent to their mailboxes while away at school. To be a part of the program email Mike Lundberg, Tri-Parish Youth Minister, at lemontyouthm@sbcglobal.net with the name and school address of the student that would like to participate.

Public Action to Deliver Shelter It is a new PADS year already! And because we are starting a new year we need some supplies for the women and children at the PADS shelter in Palos where we volunteer. If you have the time and the money, would you please bring some cold cereal, cans of soup, womens underwear (plain) in all sizes. Also feminine products; and of course socks, socks, socks; there can never be enough socks! At the St. Lukes site we dont need the small, sample sizes of things. It will really be a big help to get us started. Thanks so much and if you have any questions please feel free to call. Doreen Dabney (630) 257-2414.

Page Twelve

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith Karen Dziekan

October 28, 2012

The Road Less Travelled

One of our parishioners, Rich Hare, had recently completed a 635 mile pilgrimage called the French Route of the Camino de Santiago which spans from the Southern border of France to the Northern border of Spain (from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean) on foot! Rich was inspired to take this journey after watching the movie, The Way starring Martin Sheen. His journey took 39 days but he soon found his learning and experiences would last a lifetime. Earlier this year, Richs wife, Debbie, had succumbed to lung cancer leaving Rich looking for answers and finding true north in his life. He admits at first this might have been a way to run away from himself or his life, but he knew he had to go. He was drawn to take this journey. He began his journey very open minded. He said, Fr. Larry advised me to go without blinders on; to see the big picture and everything out there. That is exactly what I did. I was open to whatever came my way, whether religious, spiritual, or personal. Once I was on the Camino, I just kept going forward and never looked back. On the Camino, there are no politics or borders; just people helping people finish the Camino. When I started this journey, I was confused about the direction of my life due to the loss of my wife. What I found was I never lost her and never will. She will always be in my heart and in my mind. Rich began this passage alone, but throughout this life-altering experience, he met many people. My problems were not so different than many others and

some had far worse than I had. I helped them and they helped me. We slept together, walked together, and prayed together. Im grateful to them all. It was comforting and rewarding to have a chance to give back. Through this journey, it proved there are a lot of good people in this world. People willing to help that dont know you. They liked me for Rich Hare pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago being me. I asked Rich now that he returned and completed his journey, what insights has he gained. He said, You never really complete it. It shows you a different way of looking at life and now Im living a continuation of that. When you finish the Camino is when you realize you are just starting it. That's why it's called "The Way". You realize we all need each others help in order to make life work. It is rewarding to share those experiences with others. These are people who were once strangers, but are now cherished friends. As we concluded, Rich said he could never describe the spiritual and religious spectrum of the Camino. It is something you experience, not describe, and it was not like anything he had ever experienced in his life before. He believes God sent him there and helped heal him through his journey. Rich feels like a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders and he has a new outlook on life. He plans to be a better person, father, and friend and Rich looks forward to every new day.

2nd Collection on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, November 18, 2012

Page Thirteen

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

All Souls Day Mass

On Friday, November 2nd we celebrate All Souls Day. On this day we hold in our hearts and in our prayers those who have gone before us in faith. There will be a special mass at 6 PM to remember those who have died this past year. There will be a candle lighting ceremony and the reading of names. Everyone is welcome. Please join us as we remember all who have died at this liturgy. All are invited to bring a picture of those who have died that will be displayed in front of church during November.

Who Becomes a Catholic Today? Who are the people who join the Catholic Church today? You or someone you know may be in one of the following life situations: Young people who are engaged to marry Catholics want to share not only their lives and values, but also their faith. Young parents who are expecting their first born or have children starting school often find that this is the time to join a faith community that will help them find God in their lives and establish moral values in their family. People who are baptized either in the Catholic faith or another Christian religion, but were not brought up or educated in the religion. As the years go by, they may seek to return to their Christian roots. People from all backgrounds that are seeking God in their liveslooking for answers to life and death questions. The Catholic Church offers great traditions of Scripture, the worship of God in vibrant liturgies, intellectual studies of theology, joyful celebrations through the Sacraments, care for the sick and the dying and love and hope for the poor of the world. How Does a Person Become Catholic? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a process by which the Catholic Church welcomes new members into its communal life. The RCIA is a living experience of the Church, and not just a series of classes which teach knowledge about the Church. Although there is instruction in the facts of the faith, instruction is but one part of a larger experience of knowing and sharing with other members of the Church. Who is RCIA for? It is for non-Christian men and women; for Christians that are not Catholic; for Catholics who are baptized, but have no religious training. How Can I Join? The Catholic churches in Lemont work together in this experience. Contact Fr. Larry or Doreen at (630) 2572414 and watch the bulletins for further details. New Group Now Forming for Fall

SS. Cyril & Methodius Mass Schedule

All Saints Day Thursday, November 1st 7:00 AM (English) 9:00 AM School Mass 11:30 AM (Polish) 4:30 PM (Polish) 6:00 PM (English) 7:30 PM (Polish) All Souls Day Friday, November 2nd 7:00 AM (English) 11:30 AM (Polish) 6:00 PM (English) 7:30 PM (Polish) St. Alphonsus Church All Saints Day, November 1st 7:30 AM & 7 PM All Souls Day, November 2nd 7:30 AM & 7 PM St. Patrick All Souls Day, November 2nd 7:30 PM

Page Fourteen
Margaret Frass Margie Dorothy Wesolowski Kathy Moran Margaret Finnegan Anna Van Orden Anna Zoltek Lebrenda Case Clara Povalish Frank Polli Florence Kazich Sandi Merlo Joseph Perry Delores Bromberek Eleanor Povalish Genevieve Barbagallo Delores Beltrami -Lucchini Marion Galante Nick Hernandez Stella Troc Rose Miller Jozef Kopinski Regina Madeja Victor Splitt Jim Bailey Marianne Danko Art Danko Pat Salerno Mrs. Hindo John LaSota Alexandria Stojanov Gerry Pytlewski Mari Cleary Maria Bobowski

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

Micaela Martinez Susan Baley Joel Falco Jim Christmann Don Barcza Edmund Povalish Patrick Nickols Joanne Novak Louie Novak John E. Rutkowski Dan Mulligan Linda Palmer Rose Kureja Dennis Lucheon James Lapansky Vivian Hinson William Stenz Bob Smith Samuel Tavolino Valentine Slachetka Dr. Edward Matuga Sr. Joan-Marie Kryszak Carol Krajewski Michael Bromberek Lloyd Hoster, Jr. Janina TylkaSuleja Irene Zaremba Pam Brickey Olivia Buciak Debbie Grand Georgiane Vacca

October 28, 2012

Czym yje nasza parafia...

Lucille Handorf Stanley Chrzanowsky Angie Knopinski Nathan S. McKenna Lottie Bylina James McNamara James Hanley Lillian Kuzak Kim Bromberek Lynn Porter Janet LaSota Eleanor Twardowski Betty Bolino Milda Praninskas Lucy Lejeaunesse Anne Orlowski Stephanie Langheld Sam Caruso Cheryl Povalish Dale Chappell Dolores Langheld Virginia Kozlowski Allen Govic Nancy Hoinacki Richard Cieski Deana Gozder Katherine Boyle Marie Kasl

Zaduszki w Lemont Program slowno-muzyczny autorstwa pani Danuty Dr kowskiej- Konefa Dnia 11 Listopada, w wi to Niepodleg o ci Polski, serdecznie wszystkich zapraszamy na Patriotyczn Msz wi t o godzinie 1:30 PM. Bezpo rednio po Mszy odb dzie si program s owno-muzyczny Zaduszki, ktry b dzie dotyczy sensu ludzkiego ycia i przemijania. Jest to idealna okazja dla nas wszystkich, a szczeglnie m odego pokolenia, aby lepiej zrozumie Uroczysto Wszystkich wi tych i Dzie Zmar ych. Niech Zaduszki pozwol nam przypomnie sobie pi kne polskie tradycje oraz wspomnie tych ktrzy od nas odeszli! Double Down for Dreams! Zapraszamy pa stwa na Double Down for Dreams, noc pe n atrakcji z ktrej fundusze b d przeznaczone na nasz szko parafialn , w. Cyryla i Metodego. Cena biletu to $50 i obejmuje otwarty bar, przystawki oraz etony, ktrymi b dzie mo na gra w r ne gry. W t noc, odb dzie si rwnie cicha aukcja i b dzie dost pna photobooth. Zabawa wydarzy si w pi tek, 9 Listopada w Lithuanian World Center, 14911 East 127th Street w Lemont, od godziny 7:00 PM do 11:00 PM. Po bilety prosz zg asza si do Heather Tomala pod numerem (630) 309-2467 albo pod e-mail Htomala22@gmail.com. Mo na rwnie wype ni formularz na stronce szkolnej http://stcyril.org/schoolnews/doubledown. Bilety nie b d sprzedawane przy wej ciu. Alicja Szczepanik unity@stcyril.org

To add a name or have someone visit you in the hospital or in your home, please call us at (630) 257-2776.

Page Fifteen

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

Wtorek, 30 Pa dziernik
Wieczr modlitw do Matki Bo ej Cz stochowskiej..7:00pm

Niedziela, 4 Listopad
Msza w..8:30am.1:30 pm

pieszmy si
Ks. Jan Twardowski Spieszmy si kocha ludzi, tak szybko odchodz zostan po nich buty i telefon g uchy tylko to, co niewa ne jak krowa si wlecze najwa niejsze tak pr dkie, e nagle si staje potem cisza normalna wi c ca kiem niezno na jak czysto urodzona najpro ciej z rozpaczy kiedy my limy o kim zostaj c bez niego Nie b d pewny, e czas masz, bo pewno niepewna zabiera nam wra liwo tak jak ka de szcz cie przychodzi jednocze nie jak patos i humor jak dwie nami tno ci wci s absze od jednej tak szybko stad odchodz jak drozd milkn w lipcu jak d wi k troch niezgrabny lub jak suchy uk on eby widzie naprawd zamykaj oczy chocia wi kszym ryzykiem rodzi si nie umiera kochamy wci za ma o i stale za p no () 28- Szymon i Juda Tadeusz, aposto owie SZYMON, Nosi przydomek Kananejczyk, czyli Gorliwy Tradycja utrzymuje, e g osi nauk Chrystusa. Mia ponie mier m cze sk przez przeci cie pi . Relikwie jego znajduj si w Rzymie w Bazylice w.Piotra. JUDA TADEUSZ, Wymieniany jest w ewangelicznych spisach aposto w.Juda Tadeusz czczony jest jako patron w sprawach beznadziejnych. 1-Wszystkich wi tych. Uroczysto Wszystkich wi tych ustanowi papie Grzegorz IV. W Ko ciele kato lickim oddawano cze Osobom Trjcy wi tej; Ojcu, Synowi i Duchowi wi temu. W pierwszych wiekach chre cija stwa zacz to czci Matk Bo , ktr sobr w Efezie nazwa Bogarodzic . W czasach wielkich i krwawych prze ladowa rozwin si kult m czennikw. papie Bonifacy IV po wi ci im Panteon, dawn wi tyni poga sk . Z czasem chrze cijanie zacz li czci rwnie niem czennikw, uwa aj c, e przez wi te ycie zas u yli oni na nagrod w niebie.Panteon nazwano wwczas ''ko cio em wszystkich wi tych'' wi ci sa bohaterami Ko cio a,a dla nas wzorem do na la -dowania i or downikami u Boga. 2-DZIE ZADUSZNY Uroczysto Dnia Zadusznych wprowadzi w.Odylon, opat z Cluny, ktry nakaza wszy stkim podleg ym sobie klasztorom odprawia wieczorem 1 listopada modlitwy za zmar ych zakonnikw. Zwyczaj ten wkrtce przyj si w ca ym Ko ciele. Katechizm religii katolickiej naucza, e w chwili mierci dusza ludzka zostaje os dzona przez Boga. Poniewa dusze nieobarczo ne grzechem miertelnym maj mo liwo odpokutowania swych win w czy cu, my, yj cy, staramy si im przyj z pomoc .Ulg w pokucie czy cowej i skrcenie odbywanej kary przynosz ; msza w.,ofiarowana w ich intencji modlitwa, dobre lub pokutne uczynki. Nie tylko w Dniu Zadusznym, ale przez ca y rok nale y pami ta o modlitwie za zmar ych 3- Marcin de Porres, brat zakonny. Z okazji imienin ks.Marcina sk adamy serdeczne yczenia, B ogos awie stwa Bo ego na ka dy dzie

Polskie Msze wi te w Uroczysto Wszystkich wi tych i Dzie Zaduszny: Czwartek, 1 Listopada, Uroczysto Wszystkich wi tych: 11:30 AM, 4:30 PM, 7:30 PM Pi tek, 2 Listopada, Dzie Zaduszny: 11:30 AM, 7:30 PM Ks. Marcin D. Szczypula

Page Sixteen

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

Mass Intentions
Monday October 29th 7:00 AM BOB GIKAS by Christine Stoch ELEANOR RUDIS by Bertha Rudis Tuesday October 30th 7:00 AM STANLEY KEDZIOR by Family EDWARD V. LISOWSKI by Maria & Richard Martello & Sons 8:00 PM (Polish) MARIA NOWOBILSKI by F. Kowalczyk Family JOZEF NIEMIEC by F. Kowalczyk Family Wednesday October 31st 7:00 AM KATARZYNA JARZMIK ROBERT & DOROTHY WILCZEWSKI by John & Rose Wilczewski 6:30 PM (Polish) AUGUSTYN PR DKI by Family KAROLINA & W ADYS AW SWIAT OWSKI by Family Thursday November 1st 7:00 AM JOHN B. SROKA (Anniv.) by Wife & Daughter JOANNA LICHOSYT by Family 9:00 AM SCHOOL MASS 11:30 AM (Polish) STANIS AW LUKANUS by the Lukanus Family JAKUB & HELENA UKASIK by Family 4:30 PM (Polish) ANDRZEJ & MARIA WROBEL by Anna M ka BRONIS AW & MICHA CIE LA by Casey & Anna Cie la 6:00 PM KOZAK & LISOWSKI FAMILY RALPH JOHNSON by Joseph & Mary Basiorka 7:30 PM (Polish) JAN & ANNA NOWOBILSKI by Donna & John Nowobilski KRZYSZTOF BIALAS by Brat z rodzin

Friday November 2nd 7:00 AM ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY MICHAEL FLANAGAN HAYES by His Family 11:30 AM (Polish) STANIS AW M KA by Anna M ka STANLEY STOCH & JAN LEJA by Christine Stoch 6:00 PM KOZAK & LISOWSKI FAMILY ERIN KATHLEEN ERNST by Kay Manning 7:30 PM (Polish) CZES AW ZAGRANICZNY by Family JAN BUDZ by Ludwina Budz Saturday November 3rd 7:00 AM MOTHERS DAY NOVENA OF MASSES IN HONOR OF ALL SAINTS 3:00 PM WEDDING: Jessica Finocchio & Nick McDonough 5:30 PM THERESA BARRY & BARBARA VEENSTRA by George Barry TED FLORYNSKI by Steve & Diana Pall Sunday November 4th 7:00 AM BOGDAN WRBEL by Mr. & Mrs. Stoch DECEASED MEMBERS OF POLISH CLUB by The Polish Club 8:30 AM (Polish) MICHAEL GRELE (Anniv.) by sisters, Grace & Kathy Grele STELLA NIEWOLA by Zych & Bednara Families 10:30 AM KRYSTYNA LONG by F. Kowalczyk Family JANINA SPIEWAK by Stanislaw & Anna Gal 12:00 PM CHRISTINE LONG by Parents EDWARD V. LISOWSKI by Chraca Family 1:30 PM (Polish) STANIS AW & KRYSTYNA GORNIAK by Family WILHELM & MICHALINA GARNIAK by Family

Renee Bober & Mark Kroplewski Lisa Rubik & Greg Botica Kataryna Markiewicz & John Zapala Ashley Farej & Nick Kurko Nicole Cecchini & Josh Thompson

In todays readings blessings are pronounced on those who do not share the values of the world. Your marriage and family are blessed by the values you have in your Sacrament of Matrimony. Help them grow by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends for the Chicago area are February 15 -17, 2013, April 19-21, 2013 or June 7-9,2013. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations contact us through www.wwmechicago-gary.org .

Page Seventeen

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

Upcoming Events:
Saturday, Sunday, October 27th & 28th, 2012 HNS Clothing Drive, after all Masses, parking lot Halloween Bingo, Sunday, 2-5 PM, Gym Sunday, November 4, 2012 Bake Sale after all Masses Polish Club Mtg., 9:30 AM, Fr. Sivore Hall Confirmation Parent Mtg., 3:30 PM, Church The following is the attendance, envelope count and contribution totals for October 20th & 21st, 2012:
Mass time Count Envelopes Contribution

Tuesday, October 30th: Weekly devotions at 7 PM which consist of the Rosary, Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, Pro Life Prayers, Benediction and Sacrament of Reconciliation. After devotions, a Mass in Polish will be celebrated at 8 PM. Wednesday, October 31st: Polish Mass at 6:30 PM followed by Rosary at 7:30 PM. First Friday, November 2nd: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 7 AM Mass until Polish First Friday Mass at 7 PM. First Saturday, November 3rd: Rosary after 7 AM Mass, Polish Novena at 7 PM.
Please pray for We ask you to please keep in your prayers the following parishioners who are on active duty in the military: Bogumila Bielanska, Sgt.; LCPL Matthew Gill; Josh McManus, USMC; Stephan Staniulis, USMC, Gunnery Sergeant; LCPL Robert Stasiak; Don Tabron, CWO 5, US Army; George T. Burke, Staff Sergeant, USMC, Iraq; LCPL Cassie Leja, USMC, Iraq; Matthew Waugh, USMC, LCPL, Afghanistan; Capt. Catherine R. Chappell, Pilot HC130, U.S. Air Force; Frank Romanowski, Army Combat Medic; Mark Zajac, U. S. Navy; Keith Zajac, U.S. Navy; LCPL David Ehle, USMC; Jason Hoster, Sergeant National Guard, Kuwait.


5:30 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM Totals

314 155 352 661 325 452 2,259

118 94 144 181 96 85 718

$2,393 1,486 2,679 5,190 1,617 1,553 $14,918

Adult attendance envelope count for the third week of October reflects 29% of parishioners use their weekly envelopes; attendance includes adults and children.

Electronic Fund Transfer

Parish Contributions October 20th & 21st, 2012

Envelopes Childrens envelopes Electronic Fund (weekly) Total 718 22 64 $ 14,918 72 1,113 16,103 3,528

2nd Collection Propagation of the Faith $

718 envelopes plus weekly EFT donations represent 31% of our parishioners. Your donations help meet our immediate needs, repairs and improvements. We sincerely appreciate your generosity.
Currently, Electronic Fund Transfers are being used by 64 families on a weekly basis and 115 families on a monthly basis. For October 2012, monthly electronic donations amounted to $7,296

Electronic Fund Transfer, (EFT), is the process of automatically having your contribution offering transferred from your checking or saving account to St. Cyrils account. What will EFT do for you? No more check writing No more looking for the correct currency Automated record keeping Once you have signed up for Electronic Fund Transfer you will no longer need envelopes except for special second collections. If your financial situation changes, you may change or stop your payment at any time by calling the parish office. Return the completed form by mail or place it in the collection basket marked ATTN: Annie. You will be sent an EFT form with more information about the EFT process. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Annie at (630) 257-2776.

Electronic Fund Transfer Request Form

Name: __________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City/ST/Zip: _____________________________________ Phone:_____________________ Envelope Number _____

Page Eighteen

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish United in Faith

October 28, 2012

Liturgical Ministers Weekend Schedule

November 3rd & 4th 5:30 PM English Mass 7:00 AM English Mass 8:30 AM Polish Mass 10:30 AM English Mass Celebrant
Fr. Lisowski w/ Deacon Ciciura

J. Sworan R. Suchecki

Eucharistic Ministers Host Cup

R. Walchlager L. Harbison P. DiBartelo K. Lewandowski R. Platon C. Diaz Deacon Norb C. Maturlak K. Maturlak L. Dastych L. Czupta Y. Sullivan S. Antonopoulos C. Holy M. Labno N. Batistich R. Witkowski Deacon Norb K. Wolniakowski C. Ptacek M. Zajac J. Kalkowski L. Kulpinski H. Nowak P. Sniezko A. Swiderek M. Ciciura N. Schneider L. Barnett R. Niemiec F. Romanowski (C) M. Ciciura K. Depa B. Depa J. Blickhahn M. Zelek J. Baluch

Altar Servers
McKenna H. Nicole K. Kevin P. Volunteer Frank G. Cayley H. Piotr C. Michal C. Steven I. Thomas I. Bart Z.

Fr. Lisowski

K. Shannon L. Wood M. Sniezko M. Kwak D. Ciciura B. Perisin

Fr. Szczypula

Fr. Lucas w/ Deacon Ciciura

12:00 Noon English Mass 1:30 PM Polish Mass 5:00 PM St. Patrick

Fr. Lucas w/ Deacon Ciciura

M. A. DeBiase C. Long

Luke D. Ryan L. Christian M. Alexandra G.

Fr. Szczypula

K. Hejna K. Hejna

Fr. Lisowski

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