Bulletin - January 29, 2012

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Cyril & Methodius Parish

608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, Illinois 60439

Parish Staff
Rev. Lawrence Lisowski

Pastoral Ministry
Rev. Marcin Szczypula Associate Pastor Deacon Michael Ciciura Deacon Norbert Lesnieski

Mrs. Shirley Tkachuk Parish School Principal Mrs. Trish Nickleski Sacramental Prep
Religious Education Coordinator

January 29, 2012 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Kim Zajec Religious Education Secretary

Liturgy Coordinator
Marietta Vargo

Music Ministry
Miroslawa Sojka-Topor Music Director

Youth Ministry
Michael Lundberg

Denise Duda Business Manager Lynn Bailey Assistant Business Manager Maggie Starzec Unity Coordinator Monika Bochenek Beth Rachwalski Peggy Sniegowski Ann Zajec Parish Secretaries Cheryle Long Debbie Grand Evening Receptionists Dennis Sepessy Facility Manager Kay Manning Bulletin Editor

Our Parish Mission Statement

We are a family of faith, entrusted with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Rooted in a rich tradition of worship, service and prayer, we foster the unity and faith of this community. Enlivened by the Spirit, we share our gifts, talents and resources to bring about the Kingdom of God.

Page Two

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH Welcome to SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish

January 29, 2012

The Parish Staff of St. Cyrils welcomes all to our historic parish that has carried on the mission of Jesus since 1884.

Parish Information Rectory:

608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Denise Duda, Business Manager (630) 257-2776; (630) 257-9372 Fax rectory@stcyril.org website: www.stcyril.org 607 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Shirley Tkachuk, Principal (630) 257-6488; shirleyt@stcyril.org Trish Nickleski D.R.E. (630) 257-9314; religed@stcyril.org

Minister of Music: Mira Sojka-Topor musicmin@stcyril.org (630) 257-0100 Liturgy Marietta Vargo, liturgy@stcyril.org Coordinator: (630) 257-5806 Youth Minister: Michael Lundberg lemontyouthm@sbcglobal.net (630) 257-2414 Dr. Jolanta Tatara, Principal www.polschool.com (630) 669-9058 Peggy Sniegowski (630) 257-2776 secretary@stcyril.org Carol Mierendorf (630) 257-2776 Nancy Kosek, President 2011/2012 bulletin@stcyril.org helpinghands@stcyril.org


Polish School:

Religious Education:

Secretary: Minister of Care: Parish Council: Bulletin:

Helping Hands:

Mass Schedule:
Saturday: Sunday: 7:00 AM & 5:30 PM 7:00, 8:30 (Polish), 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM (Polish) 5:00 PM (St. Patricks - English)

New Parishioners:
Please fill out the registration forms on the welcoming table in the back of Church and place them in the registration box. A member of the welcoming committee will contact each new parishioner.

Special Masses:
Weekdays: Tuesday PM: First Friday: 7:00 AM 8:00 PM Polish 7:00, 9:00 AM (Fall) & 7:00 PM (Polish)

Parents need to be registered, active parishioners prior to arranging a Baptism at St. Cyrils. If this is a firstborn child, the parents are required to attend a Pre-Baptismal Preparation Class. Both sponsors should be adults and one an active, practicing Catholic.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: 4:30 - 5:00 PM First Fridays: 5:00 - 6:30 PM Also available by appointment.

The bride or groom must be a registered, active parishioner of SS. Cyril & Methodius for a minimum of six months before scheduling a wedding date. Arrangements are to be made with the priest at least six months before the wedding. A Marriage Preparation Program is a requirement of the Archdiocese. To schedule a wedding, please contact the rectory office. Due to renovations to the interior of our church, wedding reservations during the months of June, July, and August of 2012 are not being scheduled at St. Cyrils. Our priests and staff are working closely with our neighboring parishes, St. Alphonsus and St. Patrick, to accommodate our parishioners. For more information and assistance, please call the rectory.

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick:

Following the Monday morning 7:00 AM Mass.

Rectory Office Hours: Each weekday the Rectory

will be closed between the hours of 12 PM-1 PM. Monday through Wednesday Thursday, Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Closed

Page Three
All of Us - #531
Fr. Larry
Fr. Larry was on vacation.

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH

January 29, 2012

Sunday, January 29th: Catholic Schools Week Opening Day Mass (10:30A.M.) We invite all of our parishioners to visit our Open House!

Welcome Friar Johnpaul Cafiero

Pre-Lenten Mission Evening of Reflection

Monday, February 6th, 7PM in Church

Open House and social in our school from 11:30-1:00; meet the staff, see our school and visit our Book Fair. Parent Ambassadors will be available for guided tours. Students are to be in uniform when they attend Mass over the weekend!

Monday, January 30th: Service in our Community

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What do we thirst for this Lent?

Our Pre-Lenten Evening of Reflection will be a prayer service with a reflection given by Franciscan Friar Johnpaul Cafiero, who will speak on the theme, "What do we thirst for this Lent?" Friar Johnpaul will reflect on how can we can enrich and nourish our spiritual life during the Lenten season. He will guide us as we ask ourselves, what must I do to become closer to God? What is missing in my spiritual life? What do I thirst for this Lent? Friar Johnpaul was born and raised in the New York Metro area and is a former police officer who has worked as a counselor and chaplain at the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center in Chicago. Friar has lectured and preached internationally. In addition to his preaching ministry, Friar Johnpaul is a pastoral associate and preacher at Holy Family Parish in Inverness and also serves as chaplain for the Illinois State Police in Chicago. Friar Johnpaul will be preaching at all Masses next weekend as an invitation to our Evening of Reflection.

Morning Prayer together in our gym Parents invited to visit school from 9:00-10:00 AM Out of uniform wearing Red, White, and Blue Scouts in Uniform (For prayer service) Prayer Service in church at 1:30 PM

Tuesday, January 31st: Student Appreciation Day

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Morning Prayer in our gym Out of uniform to support your favorite team No homework Board games with your Faith Partner

Wednesday, February 1st: Teacher Appreciation Day

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Morning Prayer in gym Teacher luncheon and teachers come out of uniform!

Thursday, February 2nd: Faith. Academics. Service.

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Morning Prayer in gym What I want to be when I grow up! (Graffiti Wall) Prayer Chain

Friday, February 3, 2012: Catholic Schools in our Life

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Closing Mass at 9:00 AM (Celebrating our Mothers Club) Prayer chain presentation Art Assembly BINGO at 2:00 PM Father/Daughter Dance in the evening

Page Four

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH

Religious Education News By: Trish Nickleski, D.R.E. Report cards were sent home last week with the youngest child in the family. If you did not receive your childs report card please call the Religious Education Office at 630-257-9314. Dear Parents,

January 29, 2012

Our 8th graders from the parish school and religious education program are busy preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
They have written a letter to Bishop Manz on why

Today marks the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. This is the time to honor our schools excellence as we highlight its mission and accomplishments. It is the time to reflect on the high-quality and faithfocused education that we offer. It is also a time to remind our entire community of the vital contributions we make to education and the quality of life. Most of all, Catholic Schools Week is a time to celebrate! Many of you, like me, are fortunate enough to experience the wonderful reality of Catholic education each and every day. It is found in the dedication and integrity of our teachers, staff and everyone else involved in running SS. Cyril & Methodius School. It is found in the hard work and accomplishments of our students who, day by day, are learning and growing in the Lord and gaining a values-filled education. It is found in the commitment of our parents, guardians and volunteers who give selflessly of their time, talents and energy to help make our school excellent. It is found in the constant support and encouragement of Fr. Larry and all of our parishioners. Thank you for your commitment to our mission. Please join our Catholic Schools Week celebration. Participate in our Open House and meet the teachers and students. Encourage friends and neighbors who may be considering a Catholic school to join our community. Not only is this week a time to celebrate, it is also a time to spread the word about the education and experiences provided at SS. Cyril & Methodius School. TOP 10 Reasons to Choose Catholic Schools 1. Catholic tradition and academic excellence in a community grounded in faith. 2. Balanced curriculum that includes art, music, and physical education. 3. Emphasis on moral development, service to others, and leadership skills. 4. A 99 percent graduation rate. 5. Strong preparation for further education. 6. Safe and disciplined environment. 7. Exceptional faculty who help students reach their highest potential. 8. Individual attention in a caring community. 9. Commitment to technology use to enhance education. 10. Good stewardship of resources. Mrs. S. Tkachuk, Principal

they want to be confirmed and also tell him about the service that they have performed. I always enjoy reading these letters because it is good to hear what the students have done for service and what they have gotten out of performing the service. Many of them go into it not wanting to do community service but then find out how rewarding the service can be. They end up enjoying the work that they have done and feel good about it. I truly hope that it sparks something in them to continue doing community service throughout their lives.
They also have to complete a research paper on their

chosen Saint name. This helps to get to know the saint that they have chosen for their Confirmation name.
Confirmation will be celebrated on Saturday, March

17th at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. SPRED is a program of religious education developed specifically for children, teenagers and adults with mental retardation, autism and its spectrum, cerebral palsy, severe epilepsy and learning problems no matter their level of ability. Through friendships with adult volunteers, these people grow in faith within a small faith community. They celebrate the sacraments and are part of our Sunday Mass with full, active participation through various adaptations. We know of people who can benefit from SPRED and there are others. We would like to met their parents at our next Informational Gathering on Thursday, February 9th at 7 PM in our schools teachers lounge. We have a need for seven more adult volunteers who will be trained for this ministry. Those interested men and women are invited to join the parents on February 9th. No experience is needed, just a willingness to offer friendship within a small faith community.

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH

January 29, 2012

Thank You to the 552 families who have supported our campaign with their pledge. Those choosing to be acknowledged will be listed in our bulletin.
Loving God, We thank You for the generous blessings You have bestowed upon Our Faith. May Your Spirit give us the vision to look into our hearts for inspiration, and in your honor, respond with our sacrifice, Our Gift. Help us as we care for this sacred and holy place, Our Home, where we come to offer you glory, praise and honor. Amen. Our Faith, Our Gift, Our Home Capital Campaign
Goal Pledged $1,000,000 $639,452 Thank you for your support this year to our Capital Campaign. We have completed the first phase of our project with the renovation and construction of much needed additional washrooms in the back of Church and Sacristy area. As well, two new Reconciliation rooms were constructed to provide a more reverent and sacred space to celebrate the Sacrament. Planning is now taking place to embark on the much larger second phase to begin in June of 2012 with the painting of the interior of our church. The good news is we are over halfway to our overall goal. The success of our campaign will enable our parish to continue our ministry and enhance our worship and prayer. Working together, we can met the needs of our parish community both today and for many years to come. Let us in faith, share our gift and care for our home.

Our Faith, Our Gift, Our Home Capital Campaign SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish Pledge Confirmation
I/We wish to pledge a gift of: Total Amount of Gift or Pledge Amount Enclosed Balance to be Paid
Method of Payment: Public Acknowledgment:

$ __________________ $ __________________ $ __________________

Frequency of Payments:

Single payment 24 monthly payments


Electronic Fund Transfer

I/We wish to be acknowledged

I/We wish to remain anonymous

Name(s) __________________________________________________

Parishioner Envelope #: _________________

Address _______________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _________ Zip _______________

EFT Authorization: Name of Bank _______________________________ (9) Digit Routing Number: Name(s) on Account: ________________________________ Account Number: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Type: Checking Savings

Phone _____________________

Email ____________________________

Signature _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Page Six
Market Day Volunteers Choir Members Lectors Respect Life Committee Youth Ministry Volunteers Athletic Commission Tree of Love Committee Baptismal Preparers Bulletin Stuffers Parish Council Art & Environment Habitat for Humanity Polish Club Officers Reconciliation Planners Beat the Lotto Committee School Board Liturgy Preparation Teams Mothers Club Officers Rectory Saturday Volunteers Pre-Cana Instrumentalists Wedding Rehearsals RCIA Money-Counters Block Party Committee Renovation Committee SPRED Liturgy Committee Altar & Rosary Officers Ushers Eucharistic Ministers Church Sacristans Bereavement Ministry Ministry of Care Block Party Committee Peace & Justice Helping Hands Cantors Wellness Committee News from the Pews Religious Ed Board Religious Ed Catechists Religious Ed Aides Religious Ed Office Staff Religious Ed Crossing Guards Wedding Sacristans Welcoming Committee Rectory Volunteers Golf Outing Committee Finance Committee Coaches Holy Name Society Officers Holiday Traffic/Parkers

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH

January 29, 2012

Parish Appreciation Party

In honor of celebrating your service or ministry to our Parish community, you and your guest are cordially invited to our Parish Appreciation Party on Sunday, February 12th 1:00-3:00 PM Fr. Gilewski Center (Gym) immediately following the Bilingual Unity Mass at 12 PM (no 1:30 PM Mass will be celebrated) Beat the Lotto raffle drawing will be held at 2 PM
Please return this portion to the rectory or collection basket by February 5th, 2012 SSCM Appreciation Party: M____________________________ _____accepts with pleasure _____declines with regret
Invitations will not be mailed; if you volunteer in a ministry or serve on a committee, please return your response to the rectory.

Page Seven

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH

January 29, 2012

Valentine/Anniversary Mass
For All Married & Engaged Couples Friday, February 10th, 7:00 PM In honor of Valentine's Day, we will acknowledge all married and engaged couples at the Friday evening mass on February 10th. At the Mass, couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows. Please bring a framed wedding or engagement picture that can be placed before the altar. A reception will follow afterwards in the sacristy; please bring an appetizer to share. Let us know if you and your spouse will be able to attend so that we can plan accordingly. Fill out the form and return it to the rectory or call with your reservation at (630) 257-2776.

Reservation for Valentine Mass

Friday, February 10th, 7:00 PM Name of Couple : ____________________________________ Address _____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Years Married ________________________ or date Engaged _____________________

Page Eight

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH

January 29, 2012

January 15, 2012

ALICIA GRACE TYLKA, daughter of Pawe and Wioleta (Lugowski) Tylka JUSTIN MACIEJ PA SZCZYK, son of Maciej and Anna (Dziadkowiec) Pa szczyk

Catholic Charities is teaming up with the Bank of America Chicago Marathon Our goal is to recruit 100 runners by race day. RUN OR RECRUIT A RUNNER FOR TEAM CATHOLIC CHARITIES SPONSOR TEAM CATHOLIC CHARITIES Visit our website: www.catholiccharities.net/ chicagomarathon Registration for the Chicago Marathon opens on February 1st and is expected to sell out very quickly. Last years race sold out in a matter of weeks. Please be sure to contact us as soon as possible to secure your space! Help us spread the word! Share Team Catholic Charities website with your friends on Facebook and Twitter www.catholiccharities.net/chicagomarathon

Alicia Grace Tylka, Baptized Sunday, January 15, 2012 Spiritual AwarenessWhat Does That Mean? In Ronald Rolheisers book, The Shattered Lantern, he encourages all Christians to rediscover the felt presence of God and calls this a renewing of Spiritual Awareness. His contention is Christians are living in a state of God as a hangover. God is a hangover, a neurosis, a calling card, a religion, a cause and only rarely a living, informing, comforting, challenging person whose reality dwarfs that of our everyday world. We still have some experience of God, though rarely is this a vital one wherein we actually drink, first-hand, from living waters. Most often, God is not experienced as a living person to whom we actually talk, person to person, from whom we seek final consolation and comfort, and to whom we relate friend to friend, child to parent. Because Christians long for a vibrant and real relationship with God our Lenten Bible Study will examine this Spiritual Awareness. Our six social justice topics will have almsgiving opportunities attached to each. So please keep your Wednesday evenings in Lent free and keep reading this column for more about what is coming!

The PADS season is in full swing!

PADS is an acronym for Public Action to Deliver Shelter. It is a series of facilities, mostly churches, which serve as a safe haven one night per week for homeless men, women and children. St. Lukes Orthodox Church is the Monday night shelter we support. The churches in Lemont cover all the needs on the first Monday of each month, October through April. But St. Lukes is finding it more and more difficult to find people to cover the other Mondays during the month. The shift times are: 7-11PM, 11PM-3AM, 3-7AM and 5-8AM. The work is simple and it is wonderful to develop relationships with the guests. If you could give only one shift from now until the end of April, it would be a big help to St. Lukes. Please seriously consider this. If you are interested, call me at 630.257.2414 or email at ddabneyj@st-als.org and I will put you in touch with the proper people. Thanks so much.

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SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH

January 29, 2012

Grand Drawing February 12, 2012

Prizes: Grand Prize 2nd 3rd 4th-6th 7th-21st 22nd-25th $40,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $500

Parish Raffle Sunday, February 12, 2012!

Get your paid ticket into the Rectory or collection bin as soon as possible!!!

Dont forget to mark an organization on your ticket! Tickets are $100. Talk to your friends and ask them to get in on a ticket with you. A ticket can be sold to 1, 2, 5, and even 10 people. Holy Name Society Polish Club Tuition Assistance Program Mothers Club Altar & Rosary Society Religious Education School Operations Youth Ministry Athletic Commission Parish Council Overall Parish Operations ONLY 1500 Tickets sold. Winner need not be present.

et in r paid tick in t! Get you ning ou ers will be Times run 0,000. Sell $4 rchase chance at ance to pu now for a for your ch f Church tickets. the back o additional

Walk of Love - Build a Lasting Memory - Tribute Brick Reservations

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish has a unique location on our historical and sacred parish grounds to remember those we love with the Walk of Love pathway leading to the entrance of our Church. You can inscribe names on paving bricks that will serve as a permanent message of thanksgiving and love. Reservation form and check may be mailed or dropped in the collection basket. Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ Home Phone ______________________________ State ___________ Daytime phone Zip ____________


Please reserve a 4 x 8 tribute brick for $200. I have enclosed a check payable to SS. Cyril & Methodius. I understand that the inscription on the tribute brick will read exactly as printed in the grid below. Inscription has a limit of 3 lines and 13 characters per line, including spaces.

Please note that bricks will be located randomly; we cannot request nor determine where any individual brick will be placed.

Page Ten
Allen Govic Nancy Hoinacki Richard Cieski Deana Gozder Katherine Boyle Marie Kasl Margaret Frass Margie Dorothy Wesolowski Kathy Moran Margaret Finnegan Anna Van Orden Anna Zoltek Lebrenda Case Clara Povalish Frank Polli Florence Kazich Sandi Merlo Joseph Perry Delores Bromberek Eleanor Povalish Genevieve Barbagallo Elaine Hooker Delores Beltrami -Lucchini Marion Galante Nick Hernandez Patrick Grieco Stella Troc Rose Miller Jozef Kopinski

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH

Regina Madeja Victor Splitt Jim Bailey Marianne Danko Art Danko Pat Salerno Mrs. Hindo Lydia Assensi John LaSota Alexandria Stojanov Gerry Pytlewski Mari Cleary Maria Bobowski Micaela Martinez Mark Walus Susan Baley Joel Falco Kimberly Yanowsky Jim Christmann Don Barcza Edmund Povalish Patrick Nickols Joanne Novak Louie Novak Linda Palmer John E. Rutkowski Dorothy Tasharski Dan Mulligan Karen Luebs

January 29, 2012

Lucille Handorf Stanley Chrzanowsky Angie Knopinski Nathan S. McKenna Lottie Bylina James McNamara James Hanley Irena Kedzior Lillian Kuzak Kim Bromberek Lynn Porter Janet LaSota Eleanor Twardowski Betty Bolino Milda Praninskas Lucy Lejeaunesse Anne Orlowski Stephanie Langheld Sam Caruso Cheryl Povalish Dale Chappell Dolores Langheld Virginia Kozlowski

Z ycia naszej wsplnoty

Zabawa Serduszkowa Klub Polski serdzcznie zaprasza na zabaw serduszkow 4-ego lutego do pi kniej sali Crystal Grand, 12416 S. Archer Ave. w Lemont. Do ta ca gra zesp Romeo. Bilety kosztuj $60. W cenie biletu wy mienity obiad i otwarty bar. Zapewniamy wiele atrakcji. Zabawa rozpoczyna si o 7 wieczorem. Pierwszy Pi tek Miesi ca - 3 Luty Zapraszamy wszystkicj na Adoracj Naj wi tszego Sakramentu. Indywidualna adoracja rozpoczyna si od 9:15 rano. Lista do zapisania si na indywidualn adoracj znajduje si z tyu ko cioa. Unity Mass - 12 Luty O 12:00 po poudniu odb dzie si polsko-angielska msza w. W zwi zku z tym nie b dzie mszy w. o 1:30. Jest to wspaniaa okazja do wsplnego spotkania si wszystkich czonkw w naszej parafii. Dzie Polski - 19 Luty Serdecznie wszystkich zapraszamy na uroczyst akademi po Mszy w 1:30 pm. Tematem b dzie Krlewskie Miasto Krakw i ogoszenie Polaka Roku. Cay program jest w j zyku polskim i angielskim. Wi cej informacji, prosze dzwoni pod numer: 630-863-9304 Dzi kujemy.

To add a name or if you would like someone to visit you in the hospital or in your home, please call the rectory at (630) 257-2776.

Matka Bo a Nieustaj cej Pomocy Wizerunek Matki Bo ej Najswi tszej Maryi Panny, patronki najbardziej smutnych i potrzebuj cych, ktrzy odczuwaj szczegln potrzeb mio ci i opieki. Jako pierwsza cz renowacji naszego ko cioa, ikona Matki Boskiej Nieustaj cej Pomocy bya kompletnie odnowiona do poprzedniej pi kno ci. W poprzednie lata tynk wyszczerbi si i farba zaczea odchodzi. W ubiegym tygodniu arty ci zwrcili ikone do parafii. Teraz znajduje si w nowym pokoju go cinnym w zachodniej cz ci ko cioa. W pokoju go cinnym b dzie poo ony dywan i pare krzese, eby nie by taki pusty jak, jest teraz. Pokj b dzie bardziej obszerniejszy i wygodniejszy dla ludzi do wsplnych spotka . Kl cznik zostanie umieszczony przed ikon dla tych, ktrzy potrzebuj spokojnie pomodli si .

Magda Starzezc mstarzec@stcyril.org

Page Eleven

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH

January 29, 2012

Niedziela,29 Stycze

Wieczr modlitw do Matki Bo ej Cz stochowskiej..7:00pm

Wtorek, 31 Stycze
Msza w..8:30am.1:30 pm


wi to Ofiarowania Pa skiego zwane rwnie wi tem Matki Bo ej Gromnicznej pochodzi z greckiego Hypa-pante oraz Heorte ton Kataroin ( wi to spotkania i oczyszczenia) Jest to wi to chrze cija skie, upami tniaj ce ofiarowanie Jezusa Chrystusa w wi tyni Jerozolimskiej, zgodnie z prawem Moj eszowym, dawniej nazywane Oczyszczeniem Naj wi tszej Maryi Panny (w 40. dzie od Narodzenia Jezusa), czym nawi zywano do wi ta spotkania i wi ta oczyszczenia w tradycji starotestamentalnej i chrze cija skiej.

15-Pawe I, pustelnik.Od dzieci stwa wychowywany w duchu chrze cija skim, maj c 20 lat uciek na pustyni , aby unikn prze ladowania.Po dwch latach chcia powrci do domu, szwagier pragn cy odziedziczy cay maj tek zagrozi mu wydaniem w r ce oprawcw.Obawiaj c si uwi zienia, Pawe ponownie uda si na pustyni , tym razem ju na zawsze. Sp dzi w samotno ci 90 lat, prowadz c ycie wypenione modlitw i surowymi pokutami. Jak mwi legenda, ka dego dnia kruk przynosi mu p bochenka chleba, a kiedy Pawa odwiedzi Antoni pustelnik, wwczas kruk przynis cay bochenek.Zmar, maj c 113 lat.Legenda gosi, e gdy jego przyjaciel Antoni martwi si , jak poradzi sobie z wykopaniem grobu, przybiegy dwa lwy, ktre to uczyniy.W historii Ko cioa Pawe uznany jest za pierwszego pustelnika i jego wa nie obra sobie za patrona zakon paulinw. W herbie tego zakonu, widniej cym na pierwszej bramie na Jasnej Grze, znajduje si kruk i dwa lwy. 16- Hilary z Arles, biskup.Pocz tkowo prowadzi ycie zakonne, zach cony do tego przez swego krewnego Honorata, ktry zosta p niej wi tym.Odznacza si wielk dbao ci o sprawy religijne, a w rz dzeniu diecezj kierowa si sprawiedliwo ci . Prowadzi ubogie ycie, zarabiaj c na utrzymanie prac fizyczn . Cieszy si oglnym szacunkiem ludu, ktry od jego mierci czci go jako wi tego. 18- Regina Protmann, zakonnica. W domu rodzinnym wzrastaa w atmosferze szczeglnej wierno ci dla religii katolickiej.Od modych lat pozostawaa pod kierownict-wem duchowym ksi y jezuitw i nale aa do zao onej przez nich Sodalicji Maria skiej.Przez 12 lat wraz z towarzyszkami, ktre poci gn a za sob , oddawaa si cichej pracy charytatywnej przy parafii.Zao ya nowe zgromadzenie zakonne i przy pomocy swego spowiednika napisaa regu , zatwierdzon przez biskupa.Now wsplnot zakonn powierzya w.Katarzynie Aleksandryjskiej patronce ko cioa parafialnego. Siostrom katarzynkom, bo tak je nazwano, jako gwne zadanie wskazaa posug chirym, zarwno w domach prywatnych, jak i w przytukach oraz wychowanie dzieci i modzie y. ''Spraw, aby ka dy dzie mia szans sta si najpi kniejszym dniem twojego ycia''

Serdecznie zapraszam na Msze wiet w j zyku polskim wraz z obrz dem po wi cenia wiec w czwartek, 2 lutego o godzinie 6.30PM
Ks. Marcin Szczypula mszczypula@yahoo.com

Page Twelve
Mass Intentions
Monday January 30th 7:00 AM = FRANCISZEK by Joseph Maj = LORRAINE PALANKA by Larry & Debbie Mielcarz

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH

January 29, 2012

Laura Murray & Mark Graca

Please pray for
We ask you to please keep in your prayers the following parishioners who are on active duty in the military: Bogumila Bielanska, Sgt.; LCPL Matthew Gill; Josh McManus, USMC; Stephan Staniulis, USMC, Gunnery Sergeant; LCPL Robert Stasiak; Don Tabron, CWO 5, US Army; George T. Burke, Staff Sergeant, USMC, Iraq; LCPL Cassie Leja, USMC, Iraq; Matthew Waugh, USMC, LCPL, Afghanistan; Catherine R. Chappell, U.S. Air Force; Frank Romanowski, Army Combat Medic; Mark Zajac, U. S. Navy; Keith Zajac, U.S. Navy; LCPL David Ehle, USMC; Kristen LaSota, 2nd Lt, U.S. Air Force, Nurse, Afghanistan.

Tuesday January 31st 7:00 AM = WESLEY LISTER (Anniv.) by Jackie Weirich & Family = MICHELENE STEIN by Jackie Weirich & Family 8:00 PM (Polish) = VINCENT & KATARZYNA JARES by Kazimiera & Tadeusz Boguni = KAROLINA & JOZEF KOZIO by Their Daughter, Helena Wednesday February 1st 7:00 AM = MARTIN NALLY by Nick & Judy Mokelke = LORRAINE PALANKA by Larry & Debbie Mielcarz Thursday February 2nd 7:00 AM = KOZAK & LISOWSKI FAMILY = FOR ALL SOULS IN PURGATORY by The Bialas Family 6:30 PM (Polish) = MARIA by Jozef Maj Friday February 3rd 7:00 AM ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY 9:00 AM SCHOOL MASS 7:00 PM = CZESAW ZAGRANICZNY by Family = JAN BUDZ by Rodzina Budz Saturday February 4th 7:00 AM MOTHERS DAY NOVENA OF MASSES = ZOFIA PSYL by Anna & Frank Wozniak 5:30 PM = FLORIAN ROLOWICZ by Kathy Guskey = MARGARET A. HERBERT by George Barry Sunday February 5th 7:00 AM = EUGENE TASHARSKI by Lorraine Malm = SLABON, WOZNIAK & PRZYBYSZ FAMILIES by Anna & Frank Wozniak 8:30 AM (Polish) = ANIELA MUCHA by Tadeusz & Helena Las = JAN, ANIELA & BRONISAW KALATA by Maria, Harry & Andrew Karolak 10:30 AM = ROBERT MROZEK by His Father = HELENA GALICA by The Fischer Family 12:00 PM GRATITUDE FOR GODS BLESSINGS = KATHY SULLIVAN by Friends 1:30 PM (Polish) O ZDROWIE I BOGOSAWIE STWO BO E DLA IRENY URKOSKI by Wnuczek Peter & Crka ZA ZMARYCH Z RODZINY SKRZYPCZAK, ROCHATKA & URKOSKI

2011 Contribution Statements

Contribution statements for 2011 will be mailed upon request only. Please fill out the following form and return to the Rectory, or in the collection basket at Church, with your name and address; your statement will be mailed to you after December 31st.



Address: _____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Phone: ______________________________

Front Cover:
Jesus and Devil Bhanu Dudhat Acrylic on canvas Dudhat Art Gallery Mumbai, India

Page Thirteen
Upcoming Events:

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH


January 29, 2012

Sunday, January 29th: Parish School Open House following 10:30 AM Mass Wednesday, February 1st: Parish Council Commission Mtg., 7:30 PM, RMR Polish Club Board Mtg., 7 PM, FL Friday, February 3rd: Daddy/Daughter Dance, 6:30-9 PM, Gym Sunday, February 5th: Bake Sale after all Masses, Fr. Gilewski Hall Polish Club Mtg., 9:30 AM, FSH In keeping with the tradition of the Feast of St. Blas, a general blessing of throats is being given at the Masses this weekend. Individual blessings will be imparted after the 7AM Mass on Friday, February 3rd.

Tuesday, January 31st: Weekly devotions at 7 PM which consists of the Rosary, Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, Pro Life Prayers and Benediction. After devotions, a Mass in Polish will be celebrated at 8 PM. First Friday, February 3rd: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 9 AM Mass until Polish First Friday Mass at 7 PM First Friday, February 4th: Rosary after 7 AM Mass, Polish Novena at 7 PM.

Parking & Plowing

Cars will be ticketed by Lemont Police officers if they are illegally parked during Mass. Please respect the intent of handicapped spaces, be considerate of our neighbors property and also remember that emergency vehicles need to have open access to the church, school and fire hydrants at all times. Also, please park in lots that have already been cleared of snow to give our plowing service access.

May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them

In your prayers please remember the souls of Margaret Dastych and Jzef Dzielski. May their souls and the souls of all our faithful departed family and friends rest in everlasting Peace.

Electronic Fund Transfer

Electronic Fund Transfer, (EFT), is the process of automatically having your contribution offering transferred from your checking or saving account to St. Cyrils account. What will EFT do for you? No more check writing No more looking for the correct currency Automated record keeping

Parish Contributions
January 21st and 22nd, 2012 Envelopes Childrens envelopes Electronic Fund (weekly) Total 720 68 55 $ 12,643 80 1,014 13,737

720 envelopes plus weekly EFT donations represent 31% of our Parishioners. Your donations help meet our immediate needs, repairs and improvements. We sincerely appreciate your generosity.
Currently, Electronic Fund Transfers are being used by 55 families on a weekly basis and 110 families on a monthly basis. For January 2012, monthly electronic donations amounted to $6,921

Once you have signed up for Electronic Fund Transfer you will no longer need envelopes except for special second collections. If your financial situation changes, you may change or stop your payment at any time by calling the parish office. To sign up for Electronic Fund Transfer, complete the request for an EFT form. Return the completed form by mail or place it in the collection basket marked ATTN: Annie. You will be sent an EFT form with more information about the EFT process. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Annie at (630) 2572776.

Electronic Fund Transfer Request Form

Name:________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________ _____________________________________________ City/Zip:___________________ Phone:_____________________ Envelope Number _____

Page Fourteen

SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish UNITED IN FAITH

January 29, 2012

Liturgical Ministers Weekend Schedule

February 4th & 5th 5:30 PM English Mass 7:00 AM English Mass 8:30 AM Polish Mass 10:30 AM English Mass 12:00 Noon English Mass 1:30 PM Polish Mass 5:00 PM St. Patrick Celebrant
Fr. Szczypula

M. Tejkowski D. Ehle

Eucharistic Ministers Host Cup

J. Tejkowski T. Nickleski J. Doyle J. Kalkowski P. Gozder D. Baranoski Deacon Lesnieski B. Rajca P. Sniezko N. Schneider C. Tomala L. Harbison P. Palutsis/choir S. Galassi M. Dapkus T. Hayes M. Hayes R. Walschlager D. Arenberg T. Ziebell K. Lewandowski A. Swiderek R. Witkowski M. Zelek S. Antonopoulos M. ODonnell K. ODonnell L. McKernin M. Laskowski N. Batistich K. Batistich J. Blickhahn A. Cielinski

Altar Servers
N. Doyle S. Liptak O. Pustulka K. Presz J. Purpura J. Basiorka K. Gaszman J. Gasienica K. Wlodarczyk M. Harbison J. Wilczek N. Duda J. Mattingly P. Mikuzis B. Papiernik P. Sniezko M. Sniezko P. Sniezko

Fr. Lisowski/ Deacon Ciciura Fr. Szczypula

K. Shannon K. Purvin K. Predki P. Sniezko

Fr. Lucas

P. Palutsis G. Maniscalo

Fr. Lucas

R. Wilczewski M. Szaflarski

Fr. Szczypula

T. Kadelak M. Medaluk

B. Bogun

Fr. Lisowski

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