Nanomagnetism: R. A. Buhrman
Nanomagnetism: R. A. Buhrman
Nanomagnetism: R. A. Buhrman
Master of Magnetism
From Lodestones to Nanomagnets and Spin Torque
70 nm
130 nm
Magnetite A black, isometric, strongly magnetic, opaque mineral of the spinel group, (Fe3O4). It constitutes an important ore of iron. Magnetite is a very common and widely distributed accessory mineral in rocks of all kinds Thales of Miletus is credited with discovering that amber rubbed with wool or fur attracts light bodies such as pieces of dry leaves or bits of straw, and observing that lodestone attracts iron and other lodestones.
How is magnetite magnetized in nature? One proposal is that this occurs during lighting strikes when strong fields are generated by the current passing through the mineral.
Zheng He
William Gilbert wrote De Magnete, arguably the first modern scientific research text, with experimental results and interpretation, in 1600. The book starts with a resolve to strip away all myth from the subject and reason from observation: "In follies and fables do philosophers of the vulgar sort take delight; and with such like do they cram readers a-hungered for things obtruse, and every ignorant gaper for nonsense. But when the nature of the lodestone shall have been by our labours and experiments tested, then will the hidden and recondite but real causes of this great effect be brought forward, proven , demonstrated...and the foundations of a grand magnetic science being laid will appear anew, so that high intellect may no more be deluded by vain opinions"
1831 Faraday discovers that changing magnetic fields create electric fields Faraday induction
Two results: The development of a fundamental understanding of electromagnetism. Strong technological need for better magnetic materials and stronger magnets.
Ferromagnetic Domains
The magnetic energy of a ferromagnet is reduced via the formation of domains Ideal single crystal behavior of a magnetically soft material
More typically, in polycrystalline ferromagnets domains are irregular in form and not perfectly matched Domain size set by energy cost of forming domain walls balanced by the energy reduction by formation of domains Domain wall thickness ~ 10 1000+ nm.
H > Hc, coercive field Msat Hc If after H > Hc <M> = Msat for H < < Hc, hard ferromagnet If after H > Hc <M> << Msat for H < < Hc, soft ferromagnet
A lodestone magnet from the 1750's and typical ferrite and rare earth used in modern appliances. Each of these contain about 1J of magnetic energy.
The number of magnets in the family car has increased from one in the 1950's to over thirty today. Over 30g of magnets are produced annually for each person on Earth.
Electron microscope image of NdFeBNb ferromagnet with different grain sizes made by spin quenching. Which material is the hard ferromagnet? Which one is the soft ferromagnet?
60 nm
= e
= 1 = mean lifetime or time spent in one of the possible magnetic states. 0 -1 = rate the magnet attempts to flip ~ 109 /sec
1 Emag / k BT 0
For data storage we require > 10 years. As Vol becomes smaller, Hc must become larger. Challenge for nanoscale magnetic memory
New discovery: Predicted in 1996 by IBM scientist, John Slonczewski Actually observed in 1992 at Cornell but not understood until later
on the
Fixed magnet
Free magnet
Left-going electrons are partially reflected back by fixed layer Reflected electrons exert opposite torque on free layer => anti-parallel alignment is favored
Fixed layer is larger or otherwise pinned so that spin transfer from the current does not excite it Right-going electrons exert torque on free layer favoring parallel alignment
~40 nm
~120 nm
dV/dI [Ohm]
dV/dI [Ohm]
-600 0 +600
Current [mA]
At the nanoscale, new spin phenomena become accessible and some physics challenges, such as thermal fluctuations, become far more important.
Our objective is: To understand and hence better control nanoscale spin and magnetic phenomena, To overcome the physics and materials challenges to make them useful in technology and beneficial for society .