5 2010 Notes
5 2010 Notes
5 2010 Notes
Ninja Juhachiki
18 Skills of the Ninja
Seishin-teki kyy (spiritual refinement) Taijutsu (unarmed combat) Kenjutsu (sword fighting) Bjutsu (stick and staff fighting) Shurikenjutsu (throwing shuriken) Sjutsu (spear fighting) Naginatajutsu (naginata fighting) Kusarigamajutsu (kusarigama fighting) Kayakujutsu (pyrotechnics and explosives) Hensjutsu (disguise and impersonation) Shinobi-iri (stealth and entering methods) Bajutsu (horsemanship) Sui-ren (water training) Bryaku (military strategy) Chh (espionage) Intonjutsu (escaping and concealment) Tenmon (meteorology) Chi-mon (geography)
Centuries ago this warrior needed to train the best possible way for war, to do this they trained in the Ninja Juhakkei (18 skills). Many people say that they are ninja, and claim that they are ninja, but do not completely train in the 18 skills of the ninja. In this, it is to understand that they are not a ninjutsu school, but teach ninja aspects within their curriculum. Do you train in ALL of the 18 Skills? Are you completely a Ninja?
E Magazine of the International Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo
Are you part of the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Home Study Program? Want Deeper Training in the 7 Shinobi Traditions of the School? Do you want more Authentic information on the Ninja Arts? Looking for the deeper meaning of True Shinobijutsu?
Budoka, If you are interested in any of the events that are listed, you can contact the school via email at Anshu@BudoRyuNinjutsu.com or you can call us at 913-449-5367. We will be more than happy to help you with any questions that you have regarding training with the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo! You can also log on to the website www.BudoRyuNinjutsu.com and see the upcoming events page and get more in depth information on the next training camp! Take Care, Be Safe and Good Luck in your Journey of Budo.
Insights and Interpretations In the World of Ninjutsu By Anshu Christa Jacobson
DVD #1 - DAY 1 Chapter 1 - PLAY ALL Chapter 2 - INTRO Chapter 3 - HOMBU DOJO Chapter 4 - YURAI NO KUDEN Chapter 5 - JISSEN Chapter 6 - NI NO GATA Chapter 7 - SUN NO GATA Chapter 8 - SHI NO GATA Chapter 9 - GO NO GATA Chapter 10 - ROKU NO GATA Chapter 11 - KUSARI-GAMA Chapter 12 - SHINOBI IRI Chapter 13 - SHINOBI ASHI Chapter 14 - UKE ASHI Chapter 15 - YOKO BASHIRI Chapter 16 - KITSUNE BASHIRI Chapter 17 - REFLECTIONS Aprox: 55mins.
DVD #2 - DAY 2 Chapter 1 - PLAY ALL Chapter 2 - INTRO Chapter 3 - HOMBU DOJO Chapter 4 - TAIJUTSU Chapter 5 - KUJI Chapter 6 - KOBUJUTSU Chapter 7 - NAWAJUTSU Chapter 8 - SENTRY REMOVAL Chapter 9 - TAISABAKI Chapter 10 - SHINOBI IRI Chapter 11 - REFLECTIONS Aprox: 55mins.
On May 28th and 29th the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo will be hosting a 2 day Event! Tomo Ryu Shinobijutsu! Essence of the Koka Ninja! Last years event was great and had and excellent turnout! If you are interested in learning real koka methods and authentic ninjutsu training, this is the event that you do NOT want to miss! Some of the things that will be covered in the event is STEALTH INPO TONPO SENTRY REMOVAL GUERRILLA STEALTH MOVEMENT TACTICAL UNIT TRAINING KENJUTSU IAIJUTSU SHURIKENJUTSU KUSARIGAMAJUTSU BOJUTSU TAIJUTSU SOOJUTSU SUITON NO JUTSU BORYAKU CHOHO AND MUCH MORE! IF YOU ARE A BUDO RYU NINJUTSU DOJO STUDENT REGARDLESS OF HOMBU STUDENT, DOJO STUDENT OR HOME STUDY PROGRAM STUDENT, THIS IS NOT A CAMP THAT YOU WANT TO MISS! For many of you, you know that this ryuha that is part of the school holds a special place in my heart, and would love to see all of you there! Spaces are going to be limited! Register for this event now and save your place!
For more information of this event for times, scheduling and agenda contact Anshu Christa Jacobson through email at: Anshu@BudoRyuNinjutsuDojo.com or phone: (913) 449-5367
Tomo Ryu Ninjutsu - Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu - Koto Ryu Koppojutsu - Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu - Eishin Ryu Iaijutsu - Tenjin Ryu Jujutsu - Koka Ryu Dakentaijutsu -
Want to Study the Ninja Arts but DO NOT live near a Dojo?
Each Level of training is sold individually one DVD at a time. RANK IS HONOR SO IS KNOWLEDGE. This is how martaial arts has been taught for centuries! You plant the seed, than you grow. Many "Martial Arts Programs" will just sell you the whole system up front and they also send your master level certificate with it! This is because they do not care about you, all they want is your $$$! If they cared about your development, than they would not call you a weapons master or ninja master without watching a single test! NOT US! Here you are not just a sells statistic! This program is to teach true Japanese Budo, honor, dignity, respect. Here you have to pass the first level, achieve the first goal, and have the honor of moving forward! This is Budo, teaching the student that they have to focus on a goal, focus on what is in front of you and Complete the Objective! Interested?...HERE IS HOW IT WORKS! You must complete the training in order starting with the 9th Kyu. The price of each level includes the Instructional DVD, Instruction Manual and ALL of your testing Fees! All you have to do is learn the material, tape yourself doing all the required tested skills and send in your test to the Hombu Dojo of the Budo Ryu. We do not sell this training program as a complete set. RANK is an HONOR and so is KNOWLEDGE. Just as you have to pass the test to recieve your rank, you have to pass the test to have the access to the information on the next level. The Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo takes this art of secrecy VERY SERIOUS! EARN YOUR RANK, EARN THE INFORMATION GIVING!
We also offer Weapon Training Programs for those that only want to learn the art of Kobujutsu (old warrior arts of ancient weapons). YES WEAPONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE COMPLETE BLACK BELT PROGRAM, but there are many out there that already study a form of martial arts such as karate, kempo, kung fu, krav maga, etc, etc and just want to add some weapons training to their current training program! We do offer many differnet weapons to choose from, each one has it own aspects and method in war. I know that many programs will place 5-10 weapons on one DVD in under 90mins and say that is how to use the weapon, here we cannot do that, because we do not want to cheat the student from acheiving their goals in the martial arts! Each program is designed to go over the details of the weapons in depth, teaching all areas of kamae, striking, blocking, distancing, timing, footwork, strategy, philosophy; the list goes on! There are so mamy things that go into each weapon there is no way that we can get all of these weapons on one or two DVDs! START TODAY! LEARN THE REAL MEANING OF BUDO (Japanese Warrior Way) in this program! Learn the art of the samurai and traditional Japanese Swordsmanship! There are many other weapons programs to choose from such as the Shinobigatana / Ninjatou (ninja sword), Shuriken (throwing blades), Tantojutsu (knife fighting), Bo (stick and staff fighting), Manriki Gusari (weighted chain), Naginata (halberd fighting), Jutte (Edo police defensive weapon), Shuko (iga ninja hand claws), Tekko Kagi (koga ninja hand claws), Yari (spear), Kunai (digging tool), Hand Guns (modern firearms), Shinobi-zue (ninja staffs and cane), Kama (sickle), Kusarigama (chain and sickle), Kyoketsu Shoge (chained ring and hook), Yumi & Ya (Japanese Bow and Arrow) and more! No one offers a larger selection of traditional Japanese Kobujtusu Training!
Organizational ties does not lead one to enlightenment,Political Martial Arts Does not help you save your life,The belt that you wear will not help you save your family and loved ones lives. You either can or you cannot,if you cannot, than you need to stop talking so much about others and things that does not matter and train.
The Art of Muscle Tearing
Here at the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo 1 of the 7 traditions that is taught is Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu. This art is a circular style of hand to hand fighting that focuses on vital point striking and muscle tearing. However at the school we also have another art called Tenjin Ryu Jujutsu. This art of Samurai bujutsu has what is called Kyushojutsu within its training. Many times you get people that think that these are the same things, that the Ninja called vital point training Kosshijutsu and the Samurai called it Kyushojutsu. This is far from the truth and the ones that think that probably have not had extensive training in either one, if they did they would not make those statements. KOSSHIJUTSU: refers to muscle tearing (like grabbing large muscles squeezing and ripping to create pain) and it also refers to vital areas of the body, the Kosshi points are areas like eyes, throat, groin, etc, etc. KYUSHOJUTSU: refers to specific points on the body, these are the fine points that are within a Kosshi place on the body. So this is completely different aspect of fighting as it takes more intellect to understand. To give you an example, a Kosshijutsu fighter might say that they executed a snap kick to the groin of the enemy to buckle them down, a Kyushojutsu fighter would be more specific naming the nerve that they hit on the left side of the testicle. To take this a little more advanced in understanding, usually the Kosshijutsu fighter will know the AREAS to hit to create pain and they know the movement off of that pain so that they know how to move to the next space. A Kyushojutsu fighter will know all of the nerves and trigger points inside the Kosshi and they understand the internal damage also not just the movement of the enemy after they feel pain. Although these (kosshijutsu and kyushojutsu) are dramatically different in application, you have to understand that you cannot be good at either one without the other, usually they do not go hand in hand, but you have to a little of one to get the full dynamics of the other. The ninja understood the need to be able to strike specific areas of the body to create the maximum amount of pain. The training of Kyusho and Kosshi are taught today in the training halls of the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo.
To start the kata we start in Shizen no Kamae. The Uke will deliver 3 Oi Zuki (lung punch) in succession. Starting with the left punch first. As the attacker comes in the left punch left foot lead, you will step off at a 45 degree angle leaning away from the strike and execute an Uraken uchi (back knuckle) to the inside arm of the attacker.
After the strike to the inside of the arm (bicep or inner wrist areas) you then lean forward and execute a Shito-ken to the upper ribs that are located under the arm pit. This is a ver sensitive area and causes a great amount of pain.
After the strike to the ribs, you then position yourself with a 50/50 weight to stance ratio and place a palm in the face of the enemy, baiting him to throw another strike,take away vision, or just simply use this as a distraction so that you can pull weapons and such.
The classical kata then repeats 2 more times the same way, right punch right foot lead comes in, you will do the same and then again with the left punch left foot lead again too.
JUMONJI NO KATA To start this henka (variation) we have the attacek throw the 3 strikes to us, this time alternating left, right, left. As they throw the attacks you need to move your taijutsu andhit the same Kosshi areas of the arm that are open so that you can create the pain the attacker.
After you have struck the enemy in all of the Kosshi areas (after the 3rd punch you then step in with your right foot and execute a glancing strike the the upper ribs area that you see in the classical kata but continue your movement through so that you can maintain control of the enemy.
As you arm goes trough the enemy you end up grabbing the enemy with your right hand and execute the nage waza Ganseki Nage that we get from the Gyokko Ryu Kihon Happo.
Now that you threw the enemy to the ground you maintain postion for control or you can evade and escape to avoid any future danger!.
In training in the art of Kosshijutsu it is important that one understand the Kosshi Sanpo or the three laws of Kosshijutsu. This train of though also comes from the Gyokko Ryu and is found in the Kihon Happo. The three laws of this is called the Kosshi Sanpo and consist of the 3 kata (1) Ichimonji no Kata (2) Hicho no Kata (3) Jumonji no Kata. Each of these kata has its own theory, principal, strategy and philosophy towards the understanding of Kosshijutsu. The one thing that I think that I is the most important to understand from a historical position is that all of the areas that are struck can also be struck to the enemy if they are wearing the samurai yori (Armor). Loot at the kata that I demonstrated jumonji no kata the fist strike point is either the inside of the bicep of the inner wrist, this is open even if one is wearing armor. The 2nd strike point is that of the upper ribs, if you have seen the dou (chest piece) of the samurai armor you will see that this is the open area also for striking this is also why so many sword techniques are taught to go to that point also. The 3rd place is the face or the eyes. This movement in the kata is to teach viod, from here you need to So with that it is very important to move freely and understand that all of the places of the Kosshi Sanpo (3 laws of Kosshi) are to be done as ninja not wearing armor against a person that may or may not be wearing armor. Another point that I feel is very important is to understand that Kosshijutsu and Kyushojutsu are just tools to help you gain advantages int eh conflict. What I mean by this is they create pain, and when you create that pain that gives you the open opportunity to be able to do something else like pull weapons and or throw, lock break and finish the enemy. As Budoka we have to strive to better ourselves not just for the advantage of making ourselves better, but to have peace of mind that we are making our family safer. This feeling of love or doing this for the protection of our family is the power that we use when we have to fight. This love it what makes us want to live. The Samurai would kill themselves if they felt dishonor. The ninja knew it was an honor to live. And to want to live, you have to fight for more than yourself. You need to fight for the family, village, lord and ryu that you love so much. I wish you all well in your training. Take Care, Be Safe and Good Luck in your Journey of Budo! Anshu Christa Jacobson Headmaster of the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo
The Samurai would kill themselves if they felt dishonor. The ninja knew it was an honor to live. And to want to live, you have to fight for more than yourself. You need to fight for the family, village, lord and ryu that you love so much. - Anshu Christa Jacobson
Table of Contents
Page 7 Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Annual Schedule Page 12 Thoughts of Martial Philosophy by Kyoushi Paul Adams Page 20 Shoten no jutsu by Sensei Dan Buckley Page 24 The O.O.D.A Loop by Kyoshi Allie Alberigo Page 37 Martial Paradox by Ashida Kim Page 40 Freedom of Movement by Jayson Kane Page 46 Traditional vs. Modern by Kyoushi Paul Adams Page 51 Ninpo Goshin Taijutsu by Anshu Christa Jacobson Page 61 - Hattor Hanzo by Anthony Cummings Page 66 Kosshijutsu by Anshu Christa Jacobson
Links of Interest!
Anshu Christa Jacobson owns and operates other businesses. Even though the majority of her time is dedicated to the art of Ninpo and teaching these arts to her students, she is also a certified personal fitness trainer, sports nutritionist, as well as an artist and a model. She has many websites that offer a wide range of information and products! Look below at the links to all of the websites and businesses that Anshu owns and operates!
Links of Interest!
Anshu Christa Jacobson owns and operates other businesses. Even though the majority of her time is dedicated to the art of Ninpo and teaching these arts to her students, she is also a certified personal fitness trainer, sports nutritionist, as well as an artist and a model. She has many websites that offer a wide range of information and products! Look below at the links to all of the websites and businesses that Anshu owns and operates!
Links of Interest!
Anshu Christa Jacobson owns and operates other businesses. Even though the majority of her time is dedicated to the art of Ninpo and teaching these arts to her students, she is also a certified personal fitness trainer, sports nutritionist, as well as an artist and a model. She has many websites that offer a wide range of information and products! Look below at the links to all of the websites and businesses that Anshu owns and operates!