Bod Mapping and Descriptions

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Infor ERP VISUAL Enterprise 6.5.

BOD Mapping and Descriptions

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Publication Information
Release: Infor ERP VISUAL Enterprise 6.5.4 Publication Date: August 13, 2009 Version: VE6.5.4

CodeDefinition/DocumentID/ID If ListID=Dimension, then soa_code_lise.code+ soa_code_list.agency_id If ListID=HoldReasonCodes, CommodityCodes, ProductLines, then soa_code_list.code Else soa_code_list.list_id+ soa_code_list.agency_id+ soa_code_list.code If ListID=Dimension, then Code Mapping Maintenance, SOA Codes, List ID '~' Code Mapping Maintenance, SOA Codes, Agency ID If ListID=HoldReasonCodes, CommodityCodes, ProductLines, then SOA Codes, LIst ID Else Code Mapping Maintenance, SOA Codes, List ID '~' Code Mapping Maintenance, SOA Codes, List ID '~' Code Mapping Maintenance SOA Codes, Code

CodeDefinition/EffectiveTimePeriod/StartDateTime If list ID=dimension: soa_dimension.effective_date Otherwise: soa_code_list. effective_date CodeDefinition/EffectiveTimePeriod/EndDateTime If list ID=dimension: soa_dimension.expiration_date Otherwise: soa_code_list. expiration_date CodeDefinition/Status/Code If listID=dimension: If listID=dimension: SOA_DIMENSION.STATUS soa_dimension.status If listID=HoldReasonCodes: Open If listID=HoldReasonCodes: Open If listID=CommodityCodes: Open If listID=CommodityCodes: Open If listID=ProductLines: Open If listID=ProductLines: Open If listID=Departments: Open If listID=Departments: Open If listID=Territory: Open If listID=Territory: Open If listID=InvAdjReasonCodes: Open If listID=InvAdjReasonCodes: If listID=PackagingTypes: Open Open Otherwise: SOA Code Maintenance, SOA Codes, Status. If listID=PackagingTypes: Open If code has been deleted, then status=Deleted Otherwise: soa_code_list.status CodeDefinition/ReadOnlyIndicator If listID=diemnsion: If listID=diemnsion: SOA_DIMENSION.READ_ONLY soa_dimension.read_only If listID=HoldReasonCodes: False If listID=HoldReasonCodes: False If listID=CommodityCodes: False If listID=CommodityCodes: False If listID=ProductLines: False If listID=ProductLines: False If listID=Departments: False If listID=Departments: False If listID=Territory: False If listID=Territory: False If listID=InvAdjReasonCodes: False If listID=InvAdjReasonCodes: If listID=PackagingTypes: False False Otherwise: SOA Code Maintenance, SOA Codes, Read Only If listID=PackagingTypes: False Otherwise: soa_code_list. read_only CodeDefinition/ListID soa_code_list.list_id SOA Code Maintenance, SOA Codes, List ID or listID=HoldReasonCodes listID=CommodityCodes listID=ProductLines listID=Departments listID=Territory listID=InvAdjReasonCodes listID=PackagingTypes If ListID=Dimension: SOA_DIMENSION.ID If listID=HoldReasonCodes: Part Maintenance, Hold Reasons, Hold Reason ID If listID=CommodityCodes: Application Global Maintenance, Tables Maintenance, Commodities, Code If listID=ProductLines: Part Maintenance, Product Codes, Product Code If listID=Departments: Application Global Maintenance, Accounting Maintenance, Department Maintenance, ID If listID=Territory: Application Global Maintenance, Tables Maintenance, Territory, Code If listID=InvAdjReasonCodes: Application Global Maintenance, Reasons Maintenance, Adjustment Reason Maintenance, Code If listID=PackagingTypes: Application Global Maintenance, Package Type Maintenance, Code August 13, 2009 3

CodeDefinition/CodeValue If ListID=Dimension: If listID=HoldReasonCodes: If listID=CommodityCodes: commodity.code If listID=ProductLines: product. code

If listID=Departments: department.For all other listIDs=SOA Code Maintenance, SOA Codes, Code id If listID=Territory: territory.code If listID=InvAdjReasonCodes: adj_reason.code If listID=PackagingTypes: package_type.code For all other listIDs: soa_code_list.code CodeDefinition/Name If ListID=Dimension: If ListID=Dimension: SOA_DIMENSION.ID If listID=HoldReasonCodes: Part Maintenance, Hold Reasons, Hold Reason ID If listID=HoldReasonCodes: If listID=CommodityCodes: Application Global Maintenance, Tables Maintenance, Commodities, Code If listID=ProductLines: Part Maintenance, Product Codes, Product Code If listID=CommodityCodes: If listID=Departments: Application Global Maintenance, Accounting Maintenance, Department Maintenance, ID commodity.code If listID=Territory: Application Global Maintenance, Tables Maintenance, Territory, Code If listID=ProductLines: product. If listID=InvAdjReasonCodes: Application Global Maintenance, Reasons Maintenance, Adjustment Reason Maintenance, Code code If listID=PackagingTypes: Application Global Maintenance, Package Type Maintenance, Code If listID=Departments: department.For all other listIDs: SOA Code Maintenance, SOA Codes, Name id If listID=Territory: territory.code If listID=InvAdjReasonCodes: adj_reason.code If listID=PackagingTypes: package_type.code For all other listIDs: soa_code_list.code CodeDefinition/Description If ListID=Dimension: If ListID=Dimension: SOA_DIMENSION.DESCRIPTION soa_dimension.description If listID=HoldReasonCodes: Part Maintenance, Hold Reasons, Description If listID=HoldReasonCodes: If listID=CommodityCodes: Application Global Maintenance, Tables Maintenance, Commodities, Code hold_reason.description If listID=ProductLines: Part Maintenance, Product Codes, Description If listID=CommodityCodes: If listID=Departments: Application Global Maintenance, Accounting Maintenance, Department Maintenance, Description commodity.code If listID=Territory: Application Global Maintenance, Tables Maintenance, Territory, Code If listID=ProductLines: product. If listID=InvAdjReasonCodes: Application Global Maintenance, Reasons Maintenance, Adjustment Reason Maintenance, description Description If listID=Departments: department.If listID=PackagingTypes: Application Global Maintenance, Package Type Maintenance, Code description For all other listIDs: SOA Code Maintenance, SOA Codes, Description If listID=Territory: territory.code If listID=InvAdjReasonCodes: adj_reason.description If listID=PackagingTypes: package_type.code For all other listIDs: soa_code_list.code_desc

August 13, 2009

CustomerPartyMaster @category Organization @role Customer, Bill-to, or Ship-to. One BOD is sent for each customer address. When the Sold To address is sent, then role= Customer. When the Bill To address is sent, then role=Ship-to. When alternate shipping addresses are sent, then role=ship-to CustomerPartyMaster/PartyIDs/ID When CustomerPartyMaster@role=Customer, then Customer Maintenance, Customer ID When CustomerPartyMaster@role=Bill-to, then Customer Maintenance, Customer ID~Bill-to When CustomerPartyMaster@role=Ship-to, then Customer Maintenance, Customer ID~Ship-to @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID CustomerPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID customer.tax_id_number Customer Maintenance, Accounting tab, Tax ID Number CustomerPartyMaster/Name customer.customer_name Customer Maintenance, Customer Name

CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Name customer.customer_name Customer Maintenance, Customer Name CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence 1: customer.addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Sold To Street Address 2: customer.addr_2 3: customer.addr_3 CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CitySubDivisionName unknown CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CityName Customer Maintenance, City CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode customer.state Customer Maintenance, State @listID Country Sub-divisions CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountryCode Customer Maintenance, Country @listID Countries CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/PostalCode customer.zipcode Customer Maintenance, Zip @listID Postal/Zip Codes CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Name Customer Maintenance, Banks, Name @languageID settings.lanugage_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Location/Address/AddressLine customer_bank.addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Banks, Street Address customer_bank.addr_2 customer_bank.addr_3 @sequence 1: customer_bank.addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Banks, Street Address 2: customer_bank.addr_2 3: customer_bank.addr_3 CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Location/Address/CityName Customer Maintenance, Banks, City CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode customer_bank.state Customer Maintenance, Banks, State @listID Country Sub-divisions CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Customer Maintenance, Banks, Country August 13, 2009 5

@listID Countries CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Location/Address/PostalCode customer_bank.zipcode Customer Maintenance, Banks, Zip @listID Postal/Zip Codes CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/FinancialAccount/IBANID customer_bank.iban Customer Maintenance, Banks, IBAN CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/FinancialAccount/AccountIDs/ID customer_bank.account_no Customer Maintenance, Banks, Account # CustomerPartyMaster/RequesterContact/Name customer.contact_name Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Contact CustomerPartyMaster/PlannerContact/Name customer.contact_name Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Contact CustomerPartyMaster/BuyerContact/Name customer.contact_name Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Contact CustomerPartyMaster/ReceivingContact/Name customer.contact_name Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Contact CustomerPartyMaster/Status/Code customer.active_flag Customer Maintenance, Active check box. When selected, status is Open. When clear, status is Closed. @listID Customer Status CustomerPartyMaster/DaysEarlyAllowed customer.days_early Customer Maintenance, Shipping tab, Accepts Early Orders check box and field CustomerPartyMaster/Classification/Codes/Code 1: customer.customer_type 1: Customer Maintenance, Order Mgt tab, Customer Type 2: customer.territory 2: Customer Maintenance, General tab, Territory 3: cust_address.ship_price_grp 3: Customer Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, Price Group 4: customer.market_id 4: Customer Maintenance, General tab, Market @sequence 1 2 3 4 @listID 1: Customer Account Type 2: Territories 3: ShipAdr Price Groups 4: Markets

August 13, 2009

CustomerPartyMaster/DefaultShipFromWarehouseLocation/ID customer.warehouse_id Customer Maintenance, Order Management tab, Primary Warehouse CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/Term/Description customer.terms_description Customer Maintenance, Accounting tab, Terms CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/Term/Duration P9999D CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/OrderLimitAmount customer.credit_limit Customer Maintenance, Credit Limit tab, Credit Limit @currencyID customer.iso_curr_code Customer Maintenance, Accounting tab, Currency ID translated to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/TotalCreditLimitAmount customer.credit_limit Customer Maintenance, Credit Limit tab, Credit Limit @currencyID customer.iso_curr_code Customer Maintenance, Accounting tab, Currency ID translated to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/MaxAgingDuration customer.recv_age_limit Customer Maintenance, Credit Limit tab, Recv Age Limit expressed as P[RECV_AGE_LIMIT]D, for example P30D CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/StatementPeriodDuration customer.recv_age_limit Customer Maintenance, Credit Limit tab, Recv Age Limit expressed as P[RECV_AGE_LIMIT]D, for example P30D CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/AccountOpenedDateTime customer.open_date Customer Maintenance, General tab, Account Open CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/LastModificationDateTime customer.modify_date Customer Maintenance, General tab, Account Modified CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID customer.carrier_id Customer Maintenance, Shipping tab, Carrier ID CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Name carrier.carrier_name Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Carrier Name CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine carrier.carrier_addr_1 Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Addr 1, 2, and 3 carrier.carrier_addr_2 carrier.carrier_addr_3 @sequence 1 carrier.carrier_addr_1 Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Addr 1, 2, and 3 2 carrier.carrier_addr_2 3 carrier.carrier_addr_3 CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CityName carrier.carrier_city Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, City CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode carrier.carrier_state Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, State/Province @listID Country Sub-divisions CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode carrier.carrier_country Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Country @listID Countries CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode carrier.carrier_zipcode Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Zip/Postal Code CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode email @listID Communication Use Codes CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Contact/Communication/URI carrier.carrier_web_url Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Web URL CustomerPartyMaster/SalesPersonReference/IDs/ID customer.salesrep_id Customer Maintenance, General tab, Sales Rep ID @schemeName System CustomerPartyMaster @category August 13, 2009 7

Organization @role Customer CustomerPartyMaster/PartyIDs/ID Account, Account ID @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID CustomerPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID v_account.tax_id_nbr Account, Accounting tab, Tax ID # CustomerPartyMaster/Name Account, Account tab, Name

CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Name Account, Account tab, Name CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence 1 v_address.addr_1 Address, General tab, Address fields 2 v_address.addr_2 3 v_address.addr_3 CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CityName Address, General tab, City CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode v_address.state Address, General tab, State @listID Country Sub-divisions CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountryCode Address, General tab, Country @listID Countries

August 13, 2009

CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/PostalCode v_address.zipcode Address, General tab, Zip @listID Postal/Zip Codes CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Description Sold To CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Name Customer Maintenance, Banks, Name @languageID SOA Maintenance, Language ID CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Location/Address/AddressLine customer_bank.addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Banks, Street Address customer_bank.addr_2 customer_bank.addr_3 @sequence 1: customer_bank.addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Banks, Street Address 2: customer_bank.addr_2 3: customer_bank.addr_3 CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Location/Address/CityName Customer Maintenance, Banks, City CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode customer_bank.state Customer Maintenance, Banks, State @listID Country Sub-divisions CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Customer Maintenance, Banks, Country @listID Countries CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/Location/Address/PostalCode customer_bank.zipcode Customer Maintenance, Banks, Zip @listID Postal/Zip Codes CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/FinancialAccount/IBANID customer_bank.iban Customer Maintenance, Banks, IBAN CustomerPartyMaster/FinancialParty/FinancialAccount/AccountIDs/ID customer_bank.account_no Customer Maintenance, Ban ks, Account # CustomerPartyMaster/RequesterContact/Name v_account.contact_first_name+ Account, Contact tab, Primary Contact v_account.contact_initial+ v_account.contact_last_name CustomerPartyMaster/PlannerContact/Name v_account.contact_first_name+ Account, Contact tab, Primary Contact v_account.contact_initial+ v_account.contact_last_name CustomerPartyMaster/BuyerContact/Name v_account.contact_first_name+ Account, Contact tab, Primary Contact v_account.contact_initial+ v_account.contact_last_name CustomerPartyMaster/ReceivingContact/Name v_account.contact_first_name+ Account, Contact tab, Primary Contact v_account.contact_initial+ v_account.contact_last_name CustomerPartyMaster/Status/Code v_account.inactive_account Account, General tab, Inactive check box @listID Customer Status CustomerPartyMaster/DaysEarlyAllowed v_account.days_early Account, Shipping tab, Accepts Early Orders CustomerPartyMaster/Classification/Codes/Code customer.customer_type Customer Maintenance, OrderMgt, Customer Type August 13, 2009 9

customer.territory @sequence 1: customer.customer_type 2: customer.territory @listID Customer Maintenance, General tab, Territory 1: Customer Maintenance, Order Mgt tab, Customer Type 2: Customer Maintenance, General tab, Territory Customer Account Type, Territories CustomerPartyMaster/DefaultShipFromWarehouseLocation/ID v_account.warehouse_id Account, Ordr Mgt, Primary Warehouse CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/Term/Description v_account..terms_disc_date Account, Accounting tab, Terms v_account.terms_disc_days v_account.terms_disc_percent v_account.terms_disc_type v_account.terms_net_date v_account.terms_net_days v_account.terms_net_type CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/Term/Duration P9999D CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/OrderLimitAmount v_account.credit_limit Account, Accounting tab, Credit Limit @currencyID customer.iso_curr_code Customer Maintenance, Accounting tab, Currency ID translated to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/TotalCreditLimitAmount v_account..credit_limit Account, Accounting tab, Credit LImit @currencyID customer.iso_curr_code Customer Maintenance, Accounting tab, Currency ID translated to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/MaxAgingDuration v_account.recv_age_limit Account, Accounting tab, Recv Age Limit expressed as P[RECV_AGE_LIMIT]D, for example P30D CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/StatementPeriodDuration v_account.recv_age_limit Account, Accounting tab, Recv Age Limit expressed as P[RECV_AGE_LIMIT]D, for example P30D CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/AccountOpenedDateTime v_account.open_date Account, Account tab, Open CustomerPartyMaster/CustomerAccount/LastModificationDateTime v_account.last_modified Account, Account tab, Modified CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID customer.carrier_id Customer Maintenance, Shipping tab, Carrier ID CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Name carrier.carrier_name Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Carrier Name CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine carrier.carrier_addr_1 Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Addr 1, 2, and 3 carrier.carrier_addr_2 carrier.carrier_addr_3

August 13, 2009


@sequence 1 carrier.carrier_addr_1 2 carrier.carrier_addr_2 3 carrier.carrier_addr_3 Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Addr 1, 2, and 3

CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CityName carrier.carrier_city Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, City CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode carrier.carrier_state Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, State/Province @listID Country Sub-divisions CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode carrier.carrier_country Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Country @listID Countries CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode carrier.carrier_zipcode Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Zip/Postal Code CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode email @listID Communication Use Codes CustomerPartyMaster/CarrierParty/Contact/Communication/URI carrier.carrier_web_url Application Global Maintenance, Carrier Maintenance, Web URL CustomerPartyMaster/SalesPersonReference/IDs/ID v_account.salesrep_id Account, Sales Rep tab, Default Sales Rep @schemeName System

August 13, 2009


Invoice/InvoiceHeader @type payable.type receivable.type If type = M then for payables, "CreditMemo"; for receivables, "DebitMemo" If type = I then "Invoice" for payables and receivables

Invoice/InvoiceHeader/DocumentID/ID payable.voucher_id For payables, payable.voucher_id receivable.invoice_id For receivables, receivable.invoice_id Invoice/InvoiceHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole For payables, "Customer" For receivables, "Supplier" @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity ID @location SOA Maintenance, SOA Location @lid The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID Invoice/InvoiceHeader/LastModificationDateTime The system inserts the date and time the BOD was created Invoice/InvoiceHeader/DocumentDateTime payable.create_date For payables, is not displayed in Payables Invoice Entry. Available in Invoice ID browse table. receivable.create_date For receivables, is not displayed in Receivables Invoice Entry. Available in Invoice ID browse table. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Note notation.note @languageID settings.language_id Payables Invoice Entry, Invoice Notations Receivables Invoice Entry, Invoice Notations SOA Maintenance, Language ID

Invoice/InvoiceHeader/TotalAmount payable.total_amount For payables, Payables Invoice Entry, Total Amount receivable.total_amount For receivables, Receivables Invoice Entry, Total Amount If invoice is void, then 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id For payables, Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID receivable.currency_id For receivables, Receivables Invoice Entry, Currency ID The system translates the currency ID to an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID For payables, Payable Invoice Entry, Vendor ID For receivables, null Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/TaxID vendor.tax_id_number For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Tax ID Number application_global.tax_id_number For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, Tax ID Number Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Name For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Name application_global. For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, Company Name company_name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Name For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Name application_global. For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, Company Name company_name Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence 1: vendor.addr_1 For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3 2: vendor.addr_2 For receivables, Application Global Mainteance, Company Address 1, Company Address 2, Company Address 3 3: vendor.addr_3 1: application_global. company_addr_1 2: application_global. company_addr_2 3: application_global. August 13, 2009 12

company_addr_3 Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CityName For payables, Vendor Maintenance, City application_global.company_city For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, City Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode vendor.state For payables, Vendor Maintenance, State application_global.company_state For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, State The system translates the VISUAL code to the ISO country code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance @listID Country Sub-divisions Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Country application_global. For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, Country company_country The system translates the VISUAL code to the ISO country code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance @listID Countries Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode vendor.zipcode For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Zip application_global. For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCodeCode @listID Postal/Zip Codes Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Name vendor.contact_first_name+ For payables, Vendor Maintenance, First Name, Initial and Last Name vendor.contact_initial+vendor. For receivables, n/a contact_last_name Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/JobTitle vendor.position For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Position For receivables, n/a Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode vendor.contact_phone For payables: vendor.contact_mobile For Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone, UseCode="phone" vendor.contact_fax For Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Mobile Phone, UseCode="phone" vendor.contact_email For Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, FAX, UseCode="Fax" For Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, E-mail Address, UseCode="email" For receivables, n/a Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber vendor.contact_phone For payables vendor.contact_mobile Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone vendor.contact_fax Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Mobile Phone Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, FAX For receivables, n/a Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/URI vendor.contact_email For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, E-mail address For receivables, n/a Invoice/InvoiceHeader/SupplierParty/SalesContact/Name For payables, n/a For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Sales Rep, Name for the sales rep ID in the invoice. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID receivable.customer_id For payables, n/a For receivables, then Receivables Invoice Entry, Customer ID @schemeName System Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/TaxID application_global.tax_id_number For payables, Application Global Maintenance, Tax ID Number customer.tax_id_number For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Tax ID Number Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Name application_global. For payables, then Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name For receivables, then Customer Maintenance, Name August 13, 2009 13

@languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Name application_global. For payables, Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence 1: application_global. For payables, Application Global Maintenance, Address fields company_addr_1 For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Address fields 2: application_global. company_addr_2 3: application_global. company_addr_3 1: customer.addr_1 2: customer.addr_2 3: customer.addr_3 Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName if payables then For payables, Application Global Maintenance, City application_global.company_city For receivables, Customer Maintenance, City else

August 13, 2009


Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode application_global.company_state For payables, Application Global Maintenance State customer.state For receivables, Customer Maintenance, State The system translates the VISUAL code to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. @listID Country Sub-divisions Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode application_global. For payables, then Application Global Maintenance, Country company_country For receivables, then Customer Maintenance, Country. The system translates the VISUAL code to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. @listID Countries Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode application_global. For payables, then Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode For receivables, then Customer Maintenance, Zip customer.zipcode @listID Postal/Zip Codes Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Name customer.first_name+customer. For payables, n/a. initial+customer.last_name For receivables, then Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Contact Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/JobTitle customer.position For payables, then n/a. For For receivables, then Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Position Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode customer.contact_phone For payables, n/a customer.contact_mobile For receivables: customer.contact_fax For Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone, UseCode="phone" customer.contact_email For Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Mobile Phone,UseCode="phone" For Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, FAX, UseCode="Fax" For Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, E-mail Address, UseCode="email" Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber customer.contact_phone For payables, n/a customer.contact_mobile For Receivables, Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone customer.contact_fax Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Mobile Phone Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, FAX Invoice/InvoiceHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/URI customer.contact_email For Payables, n/a For receivables: Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, E-Mail Address Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/PartyIDs/ID For payables, Payable Invoice Entry, Vendor ID For receivables, n/a @accountingEntity System @location SOA Maintenance, SOA Location Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/PartyIDs/TaxID vendor.tax_id_number For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Tax ID Number application_global.tax_id_number For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, Tax ID Number Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Name For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Name application_global. For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, Company Name company_name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Name For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Name application_global. For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, Company Name company_name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID August 13, 2009 15

Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine vendor.remit_to_addr_1 For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Remit to Address 1, Address 2, Address 3 vendor.remit_to_addr_2 For receivables, Application Global Mainteance, Company Address 1, Company Address 2, Company Address 3 vendor.remit_to_addr_3 application_global. company_addr_1 application_global. company_addr_2 application_global. company_addr_3 @sequence 1: vendor.remit_to_addr_1 2: vendor.remit_to_addr_2 3: vendor.remit_to_addr_3 1: application_global. company_addr_1 2: application_global. company_addr_2 3: application_global. company_addr_3 Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CityName vendor.remit_to_city For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Remit to City application_global.company_city For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, City Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode vendor.remit_to_state For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Remit To State application_global.company_state For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, State The system translates the VISUAL code to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. @listID Country Sub-divisions Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode vendor.remit_to_country For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Remit To Country application_global. For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, Country. company_country The system translates the VISUAL code to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. @listID Countries Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode vendor.remit_to_zipcode For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Remit to Zip application_global. For receivables, Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode @listID Postal/Zip Codes Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/Name vendor.contact_first_name+ For payables, Vendor Maintenance, First Name, Initial and Last Name vendor.contact_initial+vendor. For receivables, n/a contact_last_name Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/JobTitle vendor.position For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Position For receivables, n/a @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode vendor.contact_phone For payables: vendor.contact_mobile For Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone, UseCode="phone" vendor.contact_fax For Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Mobile Phone, UseCode="phone" vendor.contact_email For Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, FAX, UseCode="Fax" For Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, E-mail Address, UseCode="email" For receivables, n/a @listID Communication Use Codes Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber August 13, 2009 16

For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Remit to Address 1, Address 2, Address 3 For receivables, Application Global Mainteance, Company Address 1, Company Address 2, Company Address 3

vendor.contact_phone vendor.contact_mobile vendor.contact_fax For payables Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Mobile Phone Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, FAX For receivables, n/a

Invoice/InvoiceHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/Communication/URI vendor.contact_email For payables, Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, E-mail address For receivables, n/a Invoice/InvoiceHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/DueDateTime calculation: For receivables and payables, the system adds the net days value from the terms box to the invoice date. receivable.invoice_date+ receivable.terms_net_days payable.invoice_date+payable. terms_net_days Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Status/Code payable.status For payables, if Payables Invoice Entry, Status Field equals Void, then Void. Otherwise, status equals Open receivable.status For Receivables, if Receivables Invoice Entry, Status field equals Void, then Void Otherwise, status equals Open @listID For payables, Invoice Status (Supplier) For receivables, Invoice Status (Customer) Invoice/InvoiceHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type ExtendedAmount, TotalAmount Invoice/InvoiceHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount for type=ExtendedAmount for type=ExtendedAmount calculation: calculation: payable.total_amount+payable. For payables, Payable Invoice Entry, Invoice Total plus payable.discount_taken. Discount Taken is not displayed in Invoice Entry discount_taken window. Available in Invioce ID browse table. receivable.total_amount+ For receivables, Receivable Invoice Entry, Invoice Total plus receivable.discount_given. Discount Given is not displayed in receivable.discount_given Invoice Entry window. Available in Invoice ID browse table. for type=TotalAmount If invoice is void, then amount is 0 payable.total_amount for type=TotalAmount receivable.total_amount For payables, Payable Invoice Entry, Invoice Total For receivables, Receivable Invoice Entry, Invoice Total If invoice is void, then amount is 0

August 13, 2009


@currencyID currency.currency_id Invoice/InvoiceLine/LineNumber payable.line_no receivable.line_no Exchange Rate Maintenance, Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency For payables, Payables Invoice Entry, Line Number For receivables, Receivables Invoice Entry, Line Number

Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ItemID/ID purchase_order_line.part_id For payables, Purchase Order Entry, Lines table, Part ID or, if null, Service ID purchase_order_line.service_id For receivables, Customer Order Entry, Lines, Part ID customer_ order_line.part_id Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ServiceIndicator purchase_order_line.service_id For payables, if Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Service ID is populated, then servicechargeindicator=Y customer_order_line. For receivables, if Customer Order Entry, Lines, Service Charge is populated, then servicechargeindicator=Y service_charge_id Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Note notation.note Invoice/InvoiceLine/Quantity receivable_line.line_qty @unitCode receivable_line.line_uom Part Maintenance, Part ID notations For payables, N/A For receivables, Receivable Invoice Entry, Lines, Qty For payables, N/A For receivables, Receivable Invoice Entry, Lines, U/M. If null, then EA. The system translates the VISUAL UOM code to the ISO code.

Invoice/InvoiceLine/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID/ID payable_line.purc_order_id For payables, Payables Invoice Entry, Lines, Purchase Order Ln# For receivables, n/a Invoice/InvoiceLine/PurchaseOrderReference/LineNumber payable_line.purc_order_line_no For payables, Payables Invoice Entry, Lines, Purchase Order Ln# For receivables, n/a Invoice/InvoiceLine/ExtendedAmount payable_line.amount For payables, Payables Invoice Entry, Lines, Amount receivable_line.amount For receivables, Receivables Invoice Entry, Lines, Amount @currencyID payable.currency_id For payables, Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID receivable.currency_id For receivables, Receivables Invoice Entry, Currency ID The system translates the currency ID to an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping. Invoice/InvoiceLine/TotalAmount payable_line.amount For payables, Payables Invoice Entry, Lines, Amount receivable_line.amount For receivables, Receivables Invoice Entry, Lines, Amount If invoice is void, then amount is 0 @currencyID payable.currency_id For payables, Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID receivable.currency_id For receivables, Receivables Invoice Entry, Currency ID The system translates the currency ID to an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping. Invoice/InvoiceLine/RequestedDeliveryDate purchase_order_line. For payables, Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Promise Date; If null, then Purchase Order Entry, Promise Date; if null, then promise_date Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Desired Recv Date; if null, then current date. purchase_order.promise_date For recevables, Customer Order Entry, Lines, Promise Date; If null, then Customer Order Entry, Promise Date; if null, then purchase_order_line. Customer Order Entry, Lines, Desired Recv Date; if null, then current date. desired_recv_date purchase_order. desired_recv_date customer_order_line. promise_date customer_order.promise_date customer_order_line. desired_recv_date customer. order_desired_recv_date Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID receivable.customer_id For payables, n/a For receivables, then Receivables Invoice Entry, Customer ID August 13, 2009 18

@schemeName System @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id @location Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity ID SOA Maintenance, SOA Location Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/TaxID application_global.tax_id_number For payables, Application Global Maintenance, Tax ID Number customer.tax_id_number For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Tax ID Number Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Name application_global. For payables, Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Location/Name application_global. For payables, Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1: application_global. For payables, Application Global Maintenance, Address fields company_addr_1 For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Address fields 2: application_global. company_addr_2 3: application_global. company_addr_3 1: customer.addr_1 2: customer.addr_2 3: customer.addr_3 @sequence 1: application_global. company_addr_1 2: application_global. company_addr_2 3: application_global. company_addr_3 1: customer.addr_1 2: customer.addr_2 3: customer.addr_3 Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName if payables then For payables, Application Global Maintenance, City application_global.company_city For receivables, Customer Maintenance, City else The system translates the VISUAL code to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode application_global.company_state For payables, Application Global Maintenance, State customer.state For receivables, Customer Maintenance, State @listID Country Sub-divisions Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode application_global. For payables, Application Global Maintenance, Country company_country For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Country. The system translates the VISUAL code to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. @listID Countries Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode application_global. For payables, Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Zip customer.zipcode @listID August 13, 2009 19

For payables, Application Global Maintenance, Address fields For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Address fields

Postal/Zip Codes Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Contact/Name customer.first_name+customer. For payables, n/a initial+customer.last_name For receivables, Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Contact Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Contact/JobTitle customer.position For payables, n/a For receivables, then Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Position Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode customer.contact_phone For payables, n/a customer.contact_mobile For receivables: customer.contact_fax For Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone, UseCode="phone" customer.contact_email For Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Mobile Phone,UseCode="phone" For Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, FAX, UseCode="Fax" For Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, E-mail Address, UseCode="email" Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber customer.contact_phone For payables, n/a customer.contact_mobile For Receivables, Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone customer.contact_fax Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Mobile Phone Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, FAX Invoice/InvoiceLine/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/URI customer.contact_email For payables, n/a For receivables: Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, E-Mail Address Invoice/InvoiceLine/SalesOrderReference/DocumentID/ID receivable_line.order_id For payables n/a For receivables, Receivable Invoice Entry, Lines, Order ID Invoice/InvoiceLine/SalesOrderReference/LineNumber receivable_line. For payables n/a cust_order_line_no For receivables, Receivable Invoice Entry, Lines, Order ID Ln # Invoice/InvoiceLine/ExtendedCost/Amount calculation: inventory_trans. For payables, n/a act_material_cost+ For receivables, Inventory Transaction Entry, Material+Inventory Transaction Entry, Labor+Inventroy Transaction Entry, Burden+ inventory_trans.act_labor_cost+ Inventory Transaction Entry, Service inventory_trans.act_burden_cost+ If invoice is void, then amount is 0 inventory_trans.act_service_cost

August 13, 2009


@currencyID receivable.currency_id For payables, n/a For receivables, Receivables Invoice Entry, Currency ID The system translates the currency ID to an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping.

August 13, 2009


ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemID/ID Part Maintenance, ID part.mfg_part_id If the part has a manufacturer, Part Maintenance, Defaults tab, Manufacturer Part ID is also used @schemeName System If the part has a manufacturer, then Manufacturer @schemeAgencyID part.mfg_name The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID If the part has a manufacturer, then Part Maintenance, Defaults tab, Manufacturer @schemeAgencyName part.mfg_name Part Maintenance, Defaults tab, Manufacturer ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ServiceIndicator False ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Description part.description Part Maintenance, Description ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Note notation.note Part Maintenance, Part ID Notations @languageID SOA Maintenance, Language ID @author The system uses the User ID associated with the notation. @entryDateTime The system uses the time-date stamp from the notation @status Open ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Classification/Codes/Code part.ABCCode Part Maintenance, Costing tab, ABC Code part.commodity_code Part Maintenance, Commodity Code part.product_code Part Maintenance, Product Code part.hts_code Part Maintenance, Order Mgt tab, HTS Code part.material_code Part Maintenance, Order Mgt tab, Material Code part.nmfc_code Part Maintenance, Default NMFC Code ID part.tariff_code Part Maintenance, Intrastat tab, Tariff Code part.vat_code Part Maintenance, Intrastat tab, VAT Code part.purchased Part Maintenance, Purchased Check Box part.consumable Part Maintenance, Consumable check box part.primary_whs_id Part Maintenance, Defaults tab, Primary Warehouse ID part.primary_loc_id Part Maintenance, Defaults tab, Primary Location ID part.drawing_id Part Maintenance, Config Mgt tab, Drawing # @sequence 1: part.ABCCode 1: Part Maintenance, Costing tab, ABC Code 2: part.commodity_code 2: Part Maintenance, Commodity Code 3: part.product_code 3: Part Maintenance, Product Code 4: part.hts_code 4: Part Maintenance, Order Mgt tab, HTS Code 5: part.material_code 5: Part Maintenance, Order Mgt tab, Material Code 6: part.nmfc_code 6: Part Maintenance, Default NMFC Code ID 7: part.tariff_code 7: Part Maintenance, Intrastat tab, Tariff Code 8: part.vat_code 8: Part Maintenance, Intrastat tab, VAT Code 9: part.purchased 9: Part Maintenance, Purchased Check Box 10: part.consumable 10: Part Maintenance, Consumable check box 11: part.primary_whs_id 11: Part Maintenance, Defaults tab, Primary Warehouse ID 12: part.primary_loc_id 12: Part Maintenance, Defaults tab, Primary Location ID 13: part.drawing_id 13: Part Maintenance, Config Mgt tab, Drawing # @listID 1: ABCCode 2: Commodity Codes 3: Product Lines 4:HTS_CODE 5: MATERIAL_CODE 6: NMFC_CODE 7: TARIFF_CODE 8: VAT_CODE 9: Item Type August 13, 2009 22

10: Item Type 11: VisualWH 12: VisualLOC 13: VisualDrawingID 14: Part Pricing Group ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Specification/Property @sequence Sequenced 1 through 4 to get specifications from four places within the VISUAL database ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Specification/Property/Note part.part_binary; part. part_co_binary; part. part_po_binary; part. part_mfg_binary @type Type 1: Part Type 2: Part_CO Type 3: Part_PO Type 4: PART_MFG @languageID SOA Maintenance, Language ID ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/LeadTimeDuration part.planning_leadtime Part Maintenance, Lead Time (in days) ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/BackFlushedIndicator part.auto_backflush Part Maintenance, Auto Issue check box ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/TrackingIndicator part.stocked Part Maintenance, Stocked check box ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemStatus/Code part.status If Part Maintenance, Config Mnt, Obsolete check box is selected, then status is Obsolete. part.inventory_locked If Part Maintenance, Inv Tx Locked check box is selected, then status is Hold. In all other cases, status is open. @listID Item Status ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/BaseUOMCode part.stock_um Part Maintenance, Stock UM ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/StorageUOMCode part.stock_um Part Maintenance, Stock UM ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ShippingUOMCode part.weight_um Part Maintenance, Weight UM ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/LastModificationDateTime The system inserts the date and time the BOD was generated. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/AlternateUOMCode part_units_conv.to_um Part Maintenance, Unit of Measure Conversion, To Unit of Measure ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UOMCodeConversion/FromUOMPackage/UOMCode part_units_conv.from_um Part Maintenance, Unit of Measure Conversion, From Unit of Measure ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UOMCodeConversion/RateNumeric part_units_conv.conversion_factorPart Maintenance, Unit of Measure Conversion, Conversion Factor ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UOMCodeConversion/ToUOMPackage/UOMCode part_units_conv.to_um Part Maintenance, Unit of Measure Conversion, To Unit of Measure ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemValue/UnitValue/Amount part.unit_cost Part Maintenance, Costing Tab, Unit Price ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ItemValue/UnitValue/PerQuantity 1 ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/BOMReference/DocumentID/ID requirement.part_id Manufacturing Window, Material Card, Part ID for the Engineering Master associated with the part in Part Maintenance, ID. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/DrawingAttachment/FileName part.drawing_rev_no Part Maintenance, Config Mnt tab, Drawing Revision ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/SellableIndicator True ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/ProcurementMethodCode August 13, 2009 23

Manufacturer ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/PlanningMethodCode part.order_policy Part Maintenance, Planning tab, Order Policy @listID Planning Methods ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/LinePointQuantity part.order_point Part Maintenance, Planning tab, Order Qty

August 13, 2009


@unitCode part.stock_um Part Maintenance, Stock UM ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/OrderPointQuantity part.order_point Part Maintenance, Planning tab, Order Qty @unitCode part.stock_um Part Maintenance, Stock UM ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/MinQuantity part.minimum_order_qty Part Maintenance, Planning tab, Min Order Qty ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/MaxQuantity part.maximum_order_qty Part Maintenance, Planning tab, Max Order Qty ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/SafetyStockQuantity part.safety_stock_qty Part Maintenance, Planning tab, Safety Stock Qty ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/EOQQuantity part.fixed_order_qty Part Maintenance, Planning tab, Order Point Qty ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/LeadTimeDuration part.planning_leadtime Part Maintenance, Planning tab,Lead Time (in days) ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/OrderCycleDuration part.days_of_supply Part Maintenance, Planning tab, Days of Supply. The system inserts a P before the field value and a D after the field value. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/ProcurementParameters/Horizons/HorizonDuration part.days_of_supply Part Maintenance, Planning tab, Days of Supply. The system inserts a P before the field value and a D after the field value. ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/Substitutions/ItemID/ID part_substitute.substitute_part_id Part Maintenance, Order Management, Substitute Parts ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/AddOns/ItemID/ID part_cross_selling. Part Maintenance, Order Management, Cross Sellling Parts cross_sell_part_id ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/AddOns/ServiceIndicator False

August 13, 2009


Location @type Site, Warehouse, Vendor, Customer, Office Location/ID For type=site or office application_global. manufacturing_entity_ID shipto_address.shipto_id+ shipto_address.addr_no settings.location_id For type=Warehouse warehouse.warehouse_ID+ warehouse_address.addr_no For type=Customer customer.customer_ID+ customer_address.addr_no v_account.acct_id+0 For type=Vendor vendor.vendor_ID+ vendor_address.addr_no @schemeName @schemeAgencyID infor.visual Location/Name For type=site or office application_global. company_name or For type=Warehouse For type=Customer or or For type=Vendor or Location/Address/AddressLine For type=site or office application_global. company_addr_1 application_global. company_addr_2 application_global. company_addr_3 or shipto_address.addr_1 shipto_address.addr_2 shipto_address.addr_3 For type=Warehouse warehouse_address.addr_1 warehouse_address.addr_2 For type=Site or office Application Global Maintenance, Company Name or Purchase Order Entry, Ship To Address, Name For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Name For type=Customer Customer Maintenance, Name or Customer Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, Name or For CRM: Account Maintenance, Name For type=Vendor Vendor Maintenance, Name or Vendor Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, Name For type=Site or office site ~ Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity ID site ~ Purchase Order Entry, Ship to Address, Ship To ID ~ Purchase Order Entry, Ship to Address, # site ~ SOA Maintenance, Location ID For type=Warehouse: warehouse ~ Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse ID ~ 0 warehouse ~ Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse ID ~ Warehouse Maintenance, Alternate Warehouse Address, # For type=Customer customer ~ Customer Maintenance, Customer ID ~ 0 customer ~ Customer Maintenance, Customer ID ~ Customer Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, # For CRM: customer ~ Account Maintenance, Account ID ~ 0 For type=Vendor vendor ~ Vendor Maintenance, Vendor ID ~ 0 vendor ~ Vendor Maintenance, Vendor ID ~ Vendor Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, #


For type=Site or Office Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields or Purchase Order Entry, Ship to Address, Street Address fields For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Street Address fields For type=Customer Customer Maintenance, Sold To Street Address fields or Customer Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, Address fields or For CRM: Account Maintenance, Street Address fields August 13, 2009 26

warehouse_address.addr_3 For type=Customer customer.addr_1 customer.addr_2 customer.addr_3 or customer_address.addr_1 customer_address.addr_2 customer_address.addr_3 or v_account.addr_1 v_account.addr_2 v_account.addr_3 For type=Vendor vendor.addr_1 vendor.addr_2 vendor.addr_3 or vendor_address.addr_1 vendor_address.addr_2 vendor_address.addr_3 @sequence For type=site or office 1: application_global. company_addr_1 2: application_global. company_addr_2 3: application_global. company_addr_3 1: shipto_address.addr_1 2: shipto_address.addr_2 3: shipto_address.addr_3 For type=Warehouse 1: warehouse_address.addr_1 2: warehouse_address.addr_2 3: warehouse_address.addr_3 For type=Customer 1: customer.addr_1 2: customer.addr_2 3: customer.addr_3 or 1: customer_address.addr_1 2: customer_address.addr_2 3: customer_address.addr_3 or 1: v_account.addr_1 2: v_account.addr_2 3: v_account.addr_3 For type=Vendor 1: vendor.addr_1 2: vendor.addr_2 3: vendor.addr_3 or 1: vendor_address.addr_1 2: vendor_address.addr_2 3: vendor_address.addr_3 Location/Address/CityName For type=site or office For type=Site or Office August 13, 2009 27 For type=Vendor Vendor Maintenance, Purchase From Address fields or Vendor Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, Address fields

For type=Site or Office Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields or Purchase Order Entry, Ship to Address, Street Address fields For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Street Address fields For type=Customer Customer Maintenance, Sold To Street Address fields or Customer Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, Address fields or For CRM: Account Maintenance, Street Address fields For type=Vendor Vendor Maintenance, Purchase From Address fields or Vendor Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, Address fields

application_global.company_city Application Global Maintenance, City or or Purchase Order Entry, Ship To Address, City For type=Warehouse For type=Customer or or For type=Vendor or For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City For type=Customer Customer Maintenance, City or Customer Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, City or For CRM: Account Maintenance, City For type=Vendor Vendor Maintenance, City or Vendor Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, City

Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For type=site or office For type=Site or office application_global.company_state Application Global Maintenance, State or or shipto_address.state Purchase Order Entry, Ship To Address, State For type=Warehouse warehouse_address.state For type=Customer customer.state or customer_address.state or v_account.state For type=Vendor vendor.state or vendor_address.state @listID Location/Address/CountryCode For type=site or office application_global. company_country or For type=Warehouse For type=Customer or or For type=Vendor or @listID Location/Address/PostalCode August 13, 2009 28 For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, State For type=Customer Customer Maintenance, State or Customer Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, State or For CRM: Account Maintenance, State For type=Vendor Vendor Maintenance, State or Vendor Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, State Country Sub-divisions For type=Site or office Application Global Maintenance, Country or Purchase Order Entry, Ship To Address, Country For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country For type=Customer Customer Maintenance, Country or Customer Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, Country or For CRM: Account Maintenance, Country For type=Vendor Vendor Maintenance, Country or Vendor Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, Country


For type=site or office application_global. company_zipcode or shipto_address.zipcode For type=Warehouse warehouse_address.zipcode For type=Customer customer.zipcode or customer_address.zipcode or v_account.zipcode For type=Vendor vendor.zipcode or vendor_address.zipcode @listID For type=Site or office Application Global Maintenance, Zip or Purchase Order Entry, Ship To Address, Zip For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zip For type=Customer Customer Maintenance, Zip or Customer Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, Zip or For CRM: Account Maintenance, Zip For type=Vendor Vendor Maintenance, Zip or Vendor Maintenance, Shipping Addresses, Zip

Postal/Zip Codes

August 13, 2009


Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/DocumentID/ID Opportunity, Opportunity ID @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity ID @location settings.location_id SOA Maintenance, SOA Location @lid settings.instance_id The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/DocumentDateTime v_opportunity.open_date Opportunity, General tab, Open Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/Description v_opportunity.description Opportunity, Description Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/Status/Code v_opportunity.status Opportunity, General tab, Status Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime The system inserts the date and time that the BOD was generated. Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/TotalAmount v_opportunity.opty_amount Opportunity, General tab, Amount @currencyID v_opportunity.currency_id Opportunity, Details tab, Currency Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID v_account.cust_id Account, Account ID Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/CustomerParty/Name Customer Maintenance, Name Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/MarketingProgram/ID v_opportunity.lead_source Opportunity, General tab, Lead Source Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/SalesStageCode v_opportunity.cur_stage_id Sales Plan, Sales Stage, SOA Code for the sales stage in Opportunity, General tab, Current Stage. v_sales_stage.soa_code Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/DecisionDateTime v_opportunity.est_close_date Opportunity, General tab, Est Close Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/DocumentPurpose v_opportunity.sales_lead Opportunity, General tab, Sales Lead/Opportunity option buttons Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/ForecastIndicator v_opportunity.forecast Opportunity, Details tab, Forecast check box. If selected, then indicator=true. If cleared, then indicator=false Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/SalesPersonReference/IDs/ID Sales_Rep~v_opportunity. Sales_Rep~Opportunity, General tab, Sales Rep salesrep_id Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Extended Amount, Total Amount Opportunity/OpportunityHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount For type=Extended Amount, Total Oppurtunity, General tab, Amount. If the amount is not in the system currency, the system converts the amount. Amount v_opportunity.opty_amount @currencyID currency.currency_id Currency Maintenance (VF), Currency ID marked as system. Opportunity/OpportunityDetail/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Extended Amount, Total Amount Opportunity/OpportunityDetail/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount For type=Extended Amount, Total Oppurtunity, General tab, Amount. If the amount is not in the system currency, the system converts the amount. Amount v_opportunity.opty_amount @currencyID currency.currency_id Currency Maintenance (VF), Currency ID marked as system.

August 13, 2009


PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/DocumentID/ID payable.voucher_id Payables Invoice Entry, Voucher ID @accountingEntity payable.entity_id Payables Invoice Entry, Entity ID @location payable.entity_id Site~Payables Invoice Entry, Entity ID @lid settings.instance_id The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/AlternateDocumentID @agencyRole Supplier PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/AlternateDocumentID/ID payable.invoice_id Payables Invoice Entry, Invoice ID PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/DocumentDateTime payable.create_date Is not displayed on Payables Invoice Entry window. Available in the Voucher ID browse table. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Status/Code payable.pay_status If Payables Invoice Entry, General Tab, Status = Log, then status = Unapproved payable.paid_amount If Payables Invoice Entry, General Tab, Status = Pay and Paid to Date = 0, then status = Open payable.total_amount If Payables Invoice Entry, General Tab, Status = Pay and Paid to Date is greater than zero but not equal to Invoice Total, then status = PartialPaid If Payables Invoice Entry, General Tab, Status = Pay and Paid to Date = Invoice Total, then status = Paid In all other cases when Payables Invoice Entry, General Tab, Status = Pay, status = Vouchered If Payables Invoice Entry, General Tab, Status = Hold, then status = Hold If Payables Invoice Entry, General Tab, Status = Void, then status = Closed If there is unapplied cash (PAY_STATUS = U is not displayed in Payables Invoice Entry), then status = UnappliedCash PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime payable.zero_date If status=Paid, then payable.zero_date. Is not displayed in Payables Invoice Entry. Available in Voucher ID browse. payable.create_date For all other statuses, payable.create_date. Available in Voucher ID broswe PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID payable.vendor_id Payables Invoice Entry, Vendor ID PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/TaxID vendor.tax_id_number Vendor Maintenance, Accounting Tab, Tax ID number PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Name Vendor Maintenance, Name PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName Vendor Maintenance, Name PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence 1: vendor.addr_1 Vendor Maintenance, Address fields 2: vendor.addr_2 3: vendor.addr_3 PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CityName Vendor Maintenance, City PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode vendor.state Vendor Maintenance, State @listID Country Sub-divisions PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Vendor Maintenance, Country PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode vendor.zipcode Vendor Maintenance, Zip field PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Name vendor.contact_name Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Contact fields PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/JobTitle vendor.contact_position Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Position PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode phone fax mobile email August 13, 2009 31

@listID Communication Use Codes PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber vendor.contact_phone Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone vendor.contact_fax Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Fax vendor.contact_mobile Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Mobile Phone PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/URI vendor.contact_email Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, E-mail Address PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/SalesContact/Name purchase_order.contact_honorific Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Contact fields purchase_order. contact_first_name purchase_order.contact_initial purchase_order. contact_last_name PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/SalesContact/JobTitle purchase_order.contact_position Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Position PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/SalesContact/Communication/DialNumber purchase_order.contact_phone Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Phone PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/ShippingContact/Name purchase_order.contact_honorific Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Contact fields purchase_order. contact_first_name purchase_order.contact_initial purchase_order. contact_last_name PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/ShippingContact/JobTitle purchase_order.contact_position Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Position PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/ShippingContact/Communication/DialNumber purchase_order.contact_phone Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Phone PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/CustomerServiceContact/Name purchase_order.contact_honorific Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Contact fields purchase_order. contact_first_name purchase_order.contact_initial purchase_order. contact_last_name PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/CustomerServiceContact/JobTitle purchase_order.contact_position Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Position PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/SupplierParty/CustomerServiceContact/Communication/DialNumber purchase_order.contact_phone Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Phone PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/PartyIDs/ID payable.vendor_id Payables Invoice Entry, Vendor ID PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/PartyIDs/TaxID vendor.tax_id_number Vendor Maintenance, Accounting Tab, Tax ID number PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Name Vendor Maintenance, Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName vendor.remit_to_name Vendor Maintenance, Remit To Name PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence 1: vendor.remit_to_addr_1 Vendor Maintenance, Remit To Address fields 2: vendor.trmit_to_addr_2 3: vendor.remit_to_addr_3

August 13, 2009


PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CityName vendor.remit_to_city Vendor Maintenance, Remit To City PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode vendor.remit_to_state Vendor Maintenance, Remit To State PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode vendor.remit_to_country Vendor Maintenance, Remit To Country PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode vendor.remit_to_zipcode Vendor Maintenance, Remit To Zip PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/Name vendor.contact_name Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Contact fields PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/JobTitle vendor.contact_position Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Position PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode 1: Phone 2: Fax 3: Mobile 4: Email @listID Communication Use Codes PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber vendor.contact_phone Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone vendor.contact_fax Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Fax vendor.contact_mobile Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Mobile Phone PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/RemitToParty/Contact/Communication/URI vendor.contact_email Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, E-mail Address PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PayableStyle payable.type Payables Invoice Entry, Type. If type is Invoice, then payablestyle=invoice. If type is Memo or Unapplied Case, then payablestyle =CreditMemo PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/InvoiceReference/DocumentID @agencyRole Supplier PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/InvoiceReference/DocumentID/ID payable.invoice_id Payable Invoice Entry, Invoice ID PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Supplier1099Indicator vendor.report_1099_misc If Vendor Maintenance, Accounting Tab, Report 1099-Misc is selected, then "True." If the check box is clear, then "False" PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/ExtendedAmount payble.total_amount Payables Invoice Entry, Invoice Total. The system converts the amount to system currency. If the invoice is void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/TotalAmount payble.total_amount Payables Invoice Entry, Invoice Total. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Tax/Amount @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Allowance/BasisAmount payable.total_amount Payables Invoice Entry, Invoice Total. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Allowance/Amount payable.discount_taken Payables Invoice Entry, Discount Taken. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. August 13, 2009 33

@currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance.

PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Charge/BasisAmount payable.total_amount Payables Invoice Entry, Invoice Total. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/Charge/Amount payable.discount_taken Payables Invoice Entry, Discount Taken. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/DiscountAllowedAmount payable.discount_taken Payables Invoice Entry, Discount Taken. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/DiscountTakenAmount payable.discount_taken Payables Invoice Entry, Discount Taken. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PayableAmount payble.total_amount Payables Invoice Entry, Invoice Total. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentAmount payble.total_amount Payables Invoice Entry, Invoice Total. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaidAmount payable.paid_amount Payables Invoice Entry, Paid Amount. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentMethodCode cash_disbursement. Payment Entry, Output Type. If type is check, then paymentmethod is Cheque. Otherwise, paymentmethod is payment_method ElectronicFundsTransfer PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/Description payable.terms Payables Invoice Entry, Terms, Term ID PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/DueDateTime Calculation: Calculation: payable.invoice_date+payables. Payables Invoice Entry, Invoice Date plus Payables Invoice Entry, Terms, Net Days terms_net_days If payments are made in installments, then Invoice Entry, Installments, Due Date of last installment or payable_inst.due_date PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Discount/Description payable.terms Payables Invoice Entry, Terms, Term ID @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID

August 13, 2009


PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Discount/EffectiveDateTime payable.discount_date Payables Invoice Entry, Terms, Discount Fixed Date or If discount date is null, then Payables Invoice Entry, Invoice Date payables.invoice_date PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type ExtendedAmount, TotalAmount PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount calculation: Calculation: (payables.total_amount*payables. (Payables Invoice Entry, Invoice Total multiplied by Payables Invoice Entry, Terms,Discount % divided by 100) multiplied by terms_disc_percent/100)*payable. payables.sell_rate. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. sell_rate @currencyID currency.currency_id Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/LineNumber payable.line_no Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Ln# PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Description payable.reference Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Reference PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/DocumentReference @type Receive Delivery, Purchase Order PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/DocumentReference/LineNumber payable_line.receiver_line_no Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Receiver Ln # payable_line.purc_order_line_no Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Order Ln # PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/DocumentReference/ItemIDs/ItemID/ID receiver.part_id Purchase Receipt Entry, Part ID puchase_order.part_id Purchase Order Entry, Part ID PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Status/Code payable.pay_status Payables Invoice Entry, Status. If Payables Invoice Entry, General Tab, Status = Void, then status = Closed. Otherwise, status= Open PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Item/ItemID/ID purc_order_line.part_id Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Part ID PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Quantity payable_line.qty Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Qty @unitCode purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, UM PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/ExtendedAmount payable_line.amount Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Amount. If total is not in system currency, the system converts the amount to the system currency using the current exchange rate in Currency Exchange Rate Maintenance. If the invoice has been voided, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/TotalAmount payable_line.amount Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Amount. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Tax/Amount @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Allowance/BasisAmount payable_line.amount Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Amount. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Allowance/Amount payable.discount_taken Payables Invoice Entry, Discount Taken. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the August 13, 2009 35

amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance.

PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Charge/BasisAmount payable_line.amount Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Amount. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/Charge/Amount payable.discount_taken Payables Invoice Entry, Discount Taken @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/DiscountStatus/DiscountTakenAmount payable.po_disc_percent Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, P/O Recv Disc%. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/PayableAmount payable_line.amount Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Amount. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/PaymentAmount payable_line.amount Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Amount. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/PaidAmount payable_line.amount Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Amount. The system converts the amount to the system currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID payable.currency_id Payables Invoice Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the code into an ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/BaseCurrencyAmount @type ExtendedAmount, TotalAmount PayableTransaction/PayableTransactionLine/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount calculation: payable_line.amount* Payables Invoice Entry, Lines table, Amount multiplied by payable.sell_rate. The system converts the amount to the system payable.sell_rate currency. If the status is Void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID currency.currency_id Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency

August 13, 2009


Person/ID SalesRep~+sales_rep.ID Buyer~purc_requisition.requestor Planner~work_order. engineered_by Planner~part.planner_user_id Planner~part_warehouse. planner_user_id Buyer~part.buyer_user_id Buyer~part_warehouse. buyer_user_id Person/Name @languageID settings.language_id Person/GenderCode Not Specified @listID Genders Person/PersonnelReference/ID sales_rep.employee_ID Sales Rep Maintenance, Employee ID The BOD appends a type to the ID. SalesRep~Sales Reps Maintenance, ID Planner~Manufacturing Window, General tab, Engineered By Planner~Part Maintenance, Planning tab, Planner User ID Planner~Material Planning Window, Warehouse Locations, Planner User ID Buyer~Part Maintenance, Planning, Buyer User ID Buyer~Material Planning Window, Warehouse Locations, Buyer User ID Employee~Employee Maintenance, Employee ID

Sales Reps Maintenance, Name SOA Maintenance, Language ID

Person/ContractualPartyContact/PartyIDs/ID sales_rep.vendor_ID Sales Rep Maintenance, Vendor ID Person/SalesRepDefinition/Quota/FinancialPeriod/FinancialCalendarReference/ID settings.calendar_name SOA Maintenance, Calendar Name Person/SalesRepDefinition/Quota/FinancialPeriod/PeriodID v_quota.month Sales Quotas, Month (CRM) Person/SalesRepDefinition/Quota/FinancialPeriod/Year v_quota.year Sales Quotas, Year (CRM) Person/SalesRepDefinition/Quota/Amount v_quota.quota_amount Sales Quotas, Amount (CRM) @currencyID currency.currency_id Exchange Rate Maintenance, Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency.

August 13, 2009


Personnel/ID @lid settings.instance_id Personnel/GivenName employee.first_name @languageID settings.language_id Personnel/MiddleName employee.middle_initial @languageID settings.language_id Personnel/FamilyName employee.last_name @languageID Personnel/GenderCode Not Specified @listID Genders Personnel/Address/AddressLine 1: employee.addr_1 2: employee.addr_2 3. employee.addr_3 @sequence 1: employee.addr_1 2: employee.addr_2 3. employee.addr_3 Personnel/Address/CityName Employee Maintenance, Street Address fields Employee Maintenance, Employee ID The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID Employee Maintenance, First SOA Maintenance, Language ID Employee Maintenance, Mi SOA Maintenance, Language ID Employee Maintenance, Last SOA Maintenance, Language ID

Employee Maintenance, Street Address fields

Employee Maintenance, City

Personnel/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode employee.state Employee Maintenance, State @listID Country Sub-divisions Personnel/Address/CountryCode Employee Maintenance, Country @listID Countries Personnel/Address/PostalCode employee.zipcode @listID Employee Maintenance, Zip Postal/Zip Codes Personnel/Communication/UseCode 1: phone 2: email @listID Communication Use Codes Personnel/Communication/DialNumber Employee Maintenance, Phone. Use for Communciation Sequence 1 Personnel/Communication/URI employee.email_addr Personnel/DepartmentID employee.department_ID Personnel/Status/Code @listID Personnel/WorkShiftID employee.shift_ID Personnel/WageType August 13, 2009 38 Employee Maintenance, Email Address. Use for Communication Sequence 2 Employee Maintenance, Department If Employee Maintenance, Active check box is selected, then code = Y. If it is not selected, then code = N Personnel Status Employee Maintenance, Default Shift ID

employee.type @listID Personnel/WageGroupCode employee.earning_code_ID @listID Employee Maintenance, Type options Wage Types Employee Maintenance, Earning Code WageGroupCode

August 13, 2009


ProductionOrder/DocumentID/ID work_order.type'~'work_order. base_id'~'work_order.lot_id'~' work_order.split_id'~'0 @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id @lid settings.instance_id The system concatenates the following: Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Type ~ Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Base ID/Job ID ~ Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Eng ID/Lot ID ~ Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Split ID ~ 0 Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID

ProductionOrder/LastModificationDateTime application_global.sysdatetime The system inserts the date and time that the BOD was created. ProductionOrder/DocumentDateTime work_order.create_date Work Order browse, Create Date ProductionOrder/Description Work Order Header, Specifications @languageID settings.language_id ProductionOrder/Status/Code work_order.status SOA Maintenance, Language ID The system translates Work Order status codes as follows: If Work Order status=unreleased, then status=planned If Work Order status=firmed, then status=firm If Work Order status=released and the date of the earliest transaction against the work order is greater than the status effective date, then status=Active If Work Order status=cancelled, then status=cancelled If Work Order status=closed, then status=closed ProductionOrderStatus ProductionOrder/Status/Description work_order.status The system translates Work Order status codes as follows: If Work Order status=unreleased, then status=planned If Work Order status=firmed, then status=firm If Work Order status=released and the date of the earliest transaction against the work order is greater than the status effective date, then status=Active If Work Order status=cancelled, then status=cancelled If Work Order status=closed, then status=closed ProductionOrder/Status/EffectiveDateTime work_order.status_eff_date Work Order browse, Status Eff Date ProductionOrder/Site @type Site ProductionOrder/Site/ID Site~work_order.entity_id ProductionOrder/Site/Name Site~Work Order browse, Entity ID Application Global Maintenance, Name


ProductionOrder/Site/Address/AddressLine application_global.addr_1 Application Global Maintenance, Address fields application_global.addr_2 application_global.addr_3 @sequence 1: application_global.addr_1 Application Global Maintenance, Address fields 2: application_global.addr_2 3: application_global.addr_3 ProductionOrder/Site/Address/CityName Application Global Maintenance, City ProductionOrder/Site/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode application_global.state Application Global Maintenance, State @listID Country Sub-divisions ProductionOrder/Site/Address/CountryCode Application Global Maintenance, Country @listID Countries August 13, 2009 40

ProductionOrder/Site/Address/PostalCode application_global.zipcode Application Global Maintenance, Zip @listID Postal/Zip Codes ProductionOrder/OrderQuantity work_order.desired_quantity @unitCode part.stock_um ProductionOrder/DueQuantity work_order.desired_quantitywork_order.received_quantity @unitCode part.stock_um Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Quantity Part Maintenance, Stock UM Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Quantity minus Manufacturing Window, Work Order Voew Panel, Received Quantity

Part Maintenance, Stock UM

ProductionOrder/ExecutionTimePeriod/StartDateTime The system uses the earliest transaction date against the Work Order. The system only sends this information if the work order is closed. ProductionOrder/ExecutionTimePeriod/EndDateTime work_order.close_date The system uses the date that the Work Order status changed to close. The system only sends this information if the work order is closed. ProductionOrder/ForecastedTimePeriod/StartDateTime work_order.sched_start_date Manufacturing Window, Scheduled Start Date (in parantheses after Desired Start Date. The last date in the third column (text work_order.desired_rls_date display) or row (card display)) If Scheduled Start Date is null, then Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Release Date ProductionOrder/ForecastedTimePeriod/EndDateTime work_order.sched_finish_date Manufacturing Window, Scheduled Finish Date (in parantheses after the Desired Want Date) work_order.desired_want_date If Scheduled Finish Date is null, then Manufacturing Window, Desired Want Date (after Days Late) ProductionOrder/DueDateTime work_order.sched_finish_date work_order.desired_want_date Manufacturing Window, Scheduled Finish Date (in parantheses after the Desired Want Date) If Scheduled Finish Date is null, then Manufacturing Window, Desired Want Date (after Days Late)

ProductionOrder/RequiredDateTime work_order.desired_want_Date Manufacturing Window, Desired Want Date (after Days Late) ProductionOrder/ReworkIndicator False ProductionOrder/PlannerPersonReference/IDs/ID work_order.engineered_by Work Order, Work Order Header, General tab, Engineered By. ProductionOrder/ShopFloorPlannerPersonReference/IDs/ID part.planner_user_id Part Maintenance, Planning tab, Planner User ID ProductionOrder/ForwardScheduleIndicator work_order.forward_schedule If Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Forward Schedule From Release Date is selected, then True. If it is not selected, then False. ProductionOrder/PlannedDueDate work_order.sched_finish_date Manufacturing Window, Scheduled Finish Date (in parantheses after the Desired Want Date) work_order.desired_want_date If Scheduled Finish Date is null, then Manufacturing Window, Desired Want Date (after Days Late) ProductionOrder/RequestedDeliveryDate work_order.desired_want_date Manufacturing Window, Desired Want Date (after Days Late) ProductionOrder/Costing @rateCode Machine, Material, Labor, Burden, Contractor, Total

August 13, 2009


@type Actual, Estimated, Planned ProductionOrder/Costing/Amount For type=Actual Machine: 0 Material: work_order. act_material_cost Labor: work_order.act_labor_cost Burden: work_order. act_burden_cost Contractor: work_order. act_service_cost Total: work_order. act_material_cost+work_order. act_labor_cost+work_order. act_burden_cost+work_order. act_service_cost For type=Estimated Machine: 0 Material: work_order. est_material_cost Labor: work_order.est_labor_cost Burden: work_order. est_burden_cost Contractor: work_order. est_service_cost Total: work_order. est_material_cost+work_order. est_labor_cost+work_order. est_burden_cost+work_order. est_service_cost For type=Planned Machine: 0 Material: work_order. est_material_cost Labor: work_order.est_labor_cost Burden: work_order. est_burden_cost Contractor: work_order. est_service_cost Total: work_order. est_material_cost+work_order. est_labor_cost+work_order. est_burden_cost+work_order. est_service_cost @currencyID currency.currency_ID Currency Maintenance, Currency ID. Uses currency marked as system currency. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/Sequence 1 ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ID work_order.type+work_order. The system concatenates the following: base_id+work_order.lot_id+ Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Type ~ Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Base ID/Job ID ~ work_order.split_id+work_order. Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Eng ID/Lot ID ~ Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Split ID ~ sub_id Manufacturing Window, Operation Card, Operation Seq # ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/NextID work_order.type+work_order. The system uses the next operation in the work order and concatenates the following: base_id+work_order.lot_id+ Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Type ~ Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Base ID/Job ID ~ work_order.split_id+work_order. Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Eng ID/Lot ID ~ Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Split ID ~ sub_id Manufacturing Window, Operation Card, Operation Seq # ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Description requirement.long_description Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Description August 13, 2009 42

ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Status/Code requirement.status Manufacturing Window, Status. You can view the status code in the Operation View panel, in the text display mode (the status code precedxes the release date, and in the graphic display more (the status precedes the release date). @listID ProductionOrderStatus ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Status/Description requirement.status Manufacturing Window, Status. You can view the status code in the Operation View panel, in the text display mode (the status code precedxes the release date, and in the graphic display more (the status precedes the release date). ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Status/EffectiveDateTime requirement.eff_status_date ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/ItemID/ID work_order.part_id Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Part ID @accountingEntity work_order.entity_id Work Order browse, Entity ID @location Site~work_order.entity_id Site~'Work Order browse, Entity ID ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/TrackingIndicator False ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/ProducedQuantity work_order.desired_qty Calculated by subtracting the Work Order, Received Qty from the Work Order, Desired Qty, both available on the Manufacturing work_order.work_order.received. Window, Work Order View panel. The Desired Quantity is also displayed in the Quantity field on Manufacturing Window, Work quantity Order Header Card. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/Rejection/RejectQuantity operation.deviated_qty Manufacturing Window, Labor Tickets, Qty (Deviated) for the operation. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/Costing @rateCode Material, Labor, Burden, Contractor @type Planned, Estimated, Actual ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OutputItem/Costing/Amount For type=Estimated For type=Estimated rate code=Material: work_order. rate code=Material: Manufacturing Window, Costs, Est Material for work order header est_material_cost rate code=Labor: Manufacturing Window, Costs, Est Labor for work order header rate code=Labor: work_order. rate code=Burden: Manufacturing Window, Costs, Est Burden for work order header est_labor_cost rate code=Contractor: Manufacturing Window, Costs, Est Service for work order header rate code=Burden: work_order. For type=Actual est_burden_cost rate code=Material: Manufacturing Window, Costs, Act Material for work order header rate code=Contractor: work_order.rate code=Labor: Manufacturing Window, Costs, Act Labor for work order header est_service_cost rate code=Burden: Manufacturing Window, Costs, Act Burden for work order header For type=Actual rate code=Contractor: Manufacturing Window, Costs, Act Service for work order header rate code=Material: work_order. act_material_cost rate code=Labor: work_order. act_labor_cost rate code=Burden: work_order. act_burden_cost rate code=Contractor: work_order. act_service_cost @currencyID currency.currency_ID Currency Maintenance, Currency ID. Uses currency marked as system currency. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ConstrainedResourceReference/ResourceID/ID operation.resource_id Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Resource ID operation_resource.resource_id Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Advanced tab, Resource ID ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ProcessCode operation.service_id Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Service ID ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/FixedRejectQuantity operation.fixed_scrap_units Manufactuirng Window, Operations Card, Scrap/Yield tab, Fixed Scrap ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/RejectQuantity operation.deviated_qty Manufacturing Window, Labor Tickets, Qty (Deviated) for the operation. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/BatchSizeQuantity operation.calc_end_qty Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Scrap/Yield tab, End Qty August 13, 2009 43

ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/TransferLotQuantity operation.minimum_move_qty Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Setup/Run, Min Move Qty ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/SetupTimeDuration operation.setup_hrs Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Setup/Run, Setup Hrs ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/WaitTimeDuration operation.max_gap_prev_op The value in Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Other tab, Max gap from previous op divided by 60. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/RunTimeDuration operation.run_hrs Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Setup/Run tab, Run operation.run_type, operation. run, operation.calc_end_qty, operation.load_size_qty ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/BatchDuration operation.transit_days If Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Service ID is populated, then Setup/Run tab, Transit Days multiplied by 24 operation.setup_hours+ (operation.run_type, operation. run, operation.calc_end_qty, operation.load_size_qty) ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/RejectPercent operation.scrap_yield_pct If Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Scrap option is selected, then 100 minus the value in Scrap/Yield% If Yield option is selected, then Scrap/Yield% ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Site @type Site ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Site/ID application_global.enitity_id Site~Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Site/Name Application Global Maintenance, Name ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Site/Address/AddressLine application_global.addr_1 Application Global Maintenance, Address fields application_global.addr_2 application_global.addr_3 @sequence 1: application_global.addr_1 Application Global Maintenance, Address fields 2: application_global.addr_2 3: application_global.addr_3 ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Site/Address/CityName Application Global Maintenance, City ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Site/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode application_global.state Application Global Maintenance, State @listID Country Sub-divisions

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ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Site/Address/CountryCode Application Global Maintenance, Country @listID Countries ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Site/Address/PostalCode application_global.zipcode Application Global Maintenance, Zip ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/YieldPercent operation.scrap_yield_pct If Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Scrap option is selected, then Scrap/Yield% If Yield option is selected, then 100 minus the value in Scrap/Yield% ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ScrapQuantity operation.fixed_scrap_units Manufactuirng Window, Operations Card, Scrap/Yield tab, Fixed Scrap ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/OperationPersonReference/ResourceID/ID labor_ticket.employee_id Labor Ticket Entry, Employee ID for the labor ticket associated with the work order. Can also review in Manufacturing Window, Labor Tickets. @accountingEntity application_global.mfg_entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location application_global.mfg_enitity_id Site~Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @lid The system combines the information in the Tenant ID and Visual Instance ID fields in Infor Enterprise Service Bus Maintenance ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/EquipmentReference/ResourceID/ID operation.resource_id Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Resource ID operation_resource.resource_id Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Advanced tab, Resource ID ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/WorkCenterID operation.resource_id Manufacturing Window, Operations Card, Resource ID ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Costing @rateCode Labor, Burden, Contractor @type Estimated, Actual ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/Costing/Amount For type=Estimated, rate code= For type=Estimated, rate code=Labor: Manufacturing Window, Est Labor for operation Labor: operation.est_atl_lab_cost For type=Estimated, rate code=Burden: Manufacturing Window, Est Burden for operation For type=Estimated, rate code= For type=Estimated, rate code=Contractor: Manufacturing Window, Est Service for operation Burden: operation. For type=Actual, rate code=Labor: Manufacturing Window, Act Labor for work order operation est_atl_burd_cost For type=Actual, rate code=Burden: Manufacturing Window, Act Burden for work order operation For type=Estimated, rate code= For type=Actual, rate code=Contractor: Manufacturing Window, Act Service for work order operation Contractor: operation. est_atl_ser_cost For type=Actual, rate code= Labor: operation.act_atl_lab_cost For type=Actual, rate code= Burden: operation. act_atl_bur_cost For type=Actual, rate code= Contractor: operation. act_atl_ser_cost @currencyID currency.currency_ID Currency Maintenance, Currency ID. Uses currency marked as system currency. ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ExecutionTimePeriod/StartDateTime labor_ticket.start_date ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ForecastedTimePeriod/StartDateTime operation.sched_start_date Manufacturing Window, Operation View Panel, Sched Start Date ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/ForecastedTimePeriod/EndDateTime operation.sched_end_date Manufacturing Window, Operation View Panel, Sched Finish Date ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/RunTimePeriod/StartDateTime labor_ticket.start_date ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/RunTimePeriod/EndDateTime labor_ticket.end_date ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/SetupTimePeriod/StartDateTime labor_ticket.start_date August 13, 2009 45

ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/SetupTimePeriod/EndDateTime labor_ticket.end_date

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PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Supplier PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/DocumentID/ID Purchase Order Entry, Our Order ID @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location settings.location_id SOA Maintenance, SOA Location @lid settings.instance_id The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/AlternateDocumentID/ID purchase_order.sales_order_id Purchase Order Entry, Other tab, Sales Order ID @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location SOA Maintenance, SOA Location @agencyRole Site ~'application_global.entity_id Site ~ Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/LastModificationDateTime The system inserts the date and time that the BOD was generated PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/DocumentDateTime purchase_order.order_date Purchase Order Entry, Order Date PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/Note note.notation Purchase Order Entry, Order Notations @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID @author Purchase Order Entry, Order Notations. The system inserts the user ID stamped on the entry. @entryDateTime Purchase Order Entry, Order Notations. The system inserts the date/time stamped on the entry. @status Open PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/Status/Code purchase_order.status Purchase Order codes are translated as follows: Purchase Order Entry, Status=Firmed, then status=Open Purchase Order Entry, Status=Released, then status=Ordered Purchase Order Entry, Status=Closed, then status=Closed Purchase Order Entry, Status=Cancelled/Void, then status=Cancelled PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/Status/Description Order codes are translated as follows: Purchase Order Entry, Status=Released, then status=Ordered Purchase Order Entry, Status=Firmed, then status=Planned Purchase Order Entry, Status=Closed, then status=Closed Purchase Order Entry, Status=Cancelled/Void, then status=Cancelled PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime purchase_order.status_eff_date If status equals Closed or Cancelled/Void, then status effective date is the Last Received Date (PURCHASE_ORDER . LAST_RECEIPT_DATE). If the Last Receipt Date is blank and in all other cases, then the status effective date is the date the purchase order was created (PURCHASE_ORDER.CREATE_DATE). PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID purchase_order.entity_ID Purchase Order Entry, Other tab, Entity ID @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Name application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Langauge ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/ID August 13, 2009 47

Site ~' application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity ID or or 'Site ~' shipto_addr.shipto_ID':' Ship To Addresses, Shipto ID and # shipto_AddrNo PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Name application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name or or Ship To Addresses, Name PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence 1: application_global.addr1 Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields 2: application_global.addr2 or 3: application_global.addr3 Ship To Addresses, Street Address fields or 1: shipto_addr.addr1 2: shipto_addr.addr2 3: shipto_addr.addr3 PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName Application Global Maintenance, City or or Ship To Addresses, City PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode application_global.state Application Global Maintenance, State or or shipto_addr.state Ship To Addresses, State @listID Country Sub-divisions @listAgencyID OAGIS PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Application Global Maintenance, Country or or Ship To Addresses, Country @listID Countries @listAgencyID OAGIS PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode application_global.zipcode Application Global Maintenance, Zip or or shipto_addr.zipcode Ship To Addresses, Zip @listID Postal/Zip Codes @listAgencyID OAGIS PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID purchase_order.vendor_ID Purchase Order Entry, Vendor ID @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID

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PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Name Vendor Maintenance, Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Langauge ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Name purchase_order. Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Contact fields contact_first_name purchase_order.contact_initial purchase_order. contact_last_name PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/JobTitle purchase_order.contact_position Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Pos. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode 1: phone 2: mobile 3: fax 4. email PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber purchase_order.contact_phone Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Phone purchase_order.contact_mobile Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Mobile purchase_order.contact_fax Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Fax PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/URI purchase_order.contact_email Purchase Order Entry, Contact tab, Email PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID purchase_order.entity_ID Purchase Order Entry, Other tab, Entity ID @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Name application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Langauge ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location @type Site, Warehouse, Customer, Vendor PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/ID For type=site For type=Site site ~ application_global.entity_ID 'site ~' Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity ID For type=Warehouse warehouse ~ purchase_order. warehouse_ID ~ warehouse_address.addr_no @schemeName For type=Warehouse: 'warehouse ~' Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse ID '~' '0' 'warehouse ~' Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse ID '~' Warehouse Maintenance, Alternate Warehouse Address, #

System PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Name For type=site For type=Site application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name For type=Warehouse: For type=Warehouse Warehouse Address, Name warehouse_address. warehouse_name PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence For type=site For type=Site 1: application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields company_addr_1 2: application_global. For type=Warehouse: company_addr_2 Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Street Address fields August 13, 2009 49

3: application_global. company_addr_3 For type=Warehouse 1: warehouse_address.addr_1 2: warehouse_address.addr_2 3: warehouse_address.addr_3 PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName For type=site For type=Site application_global.company_city Application Global Maintenance, City For type=Warehouse For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City

PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For type=site For type=Site application_global.company_state Application Global Maintenance, State For type=Warehouse warehouse_address.state @listID @listAgencyID OAGIS PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For type=site For type=Site application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Country company_country For type=Warehouse: For type=Warehouse Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country @listID Countries @listAgencyID OAGIS PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For type=site For type=Site application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode For type=Warehouse: For type=Warehouse Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zip warehouse_address.zipcode @listID Postal/Zip Codes @listAgencyID OAGIS PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ContractReference/DocumentID/ID purchase_order.contract_ID Purchase Order Entry, EDI tab, Contract ID @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ExtendedAmount Calculation: The system adds the sum for each line in the Purchase Order as follows: Sum of all purchase_order_line. Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Purchase Price multiplied by Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Quantity) unit_price*purchase_order_line. user_order_quantity @currencyID purchase_order.currency_ID Purchase Order Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the Currency ID to the SOA code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/TotalAmount calculation: The system adds the sum for each line in the Purchase Order as follows: ((purchase_order_line.unit_price* (Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Purchase Price multiplied by Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Quantity) multiplied by (1 minus puchase_order_line. Purchase Order Entry, Lines\, Disc % divided by 100) plus Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Fixed Charge August 13, 2009 50 For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, State Country Sub-divisions

user_order_qty)*(1purchase_order_line. trade_disc_percent/100)+ purchase_order_line.fixed_charge @currencyID purchase_order.currency_ID Purchase Order Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the Currency ID to the SOA code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BillToParty/PartyIDs/ID Site~purchase_order.entity_ID Site~Purchase Order Entry, Other tab, Entity ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BillToParty/Name application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Langauge ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Name application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence 1: application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields company_addr_1 2: application_global. company_addr_2 3: application_global. company_addr_3 PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CityName application_global.company_city Application Global Maintenance, City

August 13, 2009


PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode application_global.company_state Application Global Maintenance, State For type=Warehouse warehouse_address.state @listID Country Sub-divisions @listAgencyID OAGIS PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Country company_country @listID Countries @listAgencyID OAGIS PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode @listID Postal/Zip Codes @listAgencyID OAGIS PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Name carrier.carrier_name PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine carrier.addr_1 Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 1 carrier.addr_2 Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 2 carrier.addr_3 Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 3 @sequence 1: carrier.addr_1 1: Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 1 2: carrier.addr_2 2: Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 2 3: carrier.addr_3 3: Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 3 PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CityName Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, City PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode carrier.state Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, State/Province @listID Country Sub-divisions @listAgencyID OAGIS PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Country @listID Countries @listAgencyID OAGIS PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode carrier.zipcode Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Zip/Postal Code @listID OAGIS @listAgencyID Postal/Zip Codes PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/PaymentTerm/Description purchase_order.terms_net_type Purchase Order Entry, Terms purchase_order.terms_net_days purchase_order.terms_net_date purchase_order.terms_disc_type purchase_order.terms_disc_days purchase_order.terms_disc_date purchase_order. terms_disc_percent August 13, 2009 52

purchase_order.terms_description @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Langauge ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/PromisedShipDateTime purchase_order. Purchase Order Entry, Promise Ship Date promise_ship_date PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/PromisedDeliveryDateTime purchase_order.promise_date Purchase Order Entry, Promise Delivery Date PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/PaymentMethodCode vendor.payment_method Vendor Maintenance, Payment tab, Payment Method PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/OrderDateTime purchase_order.order_date Purchase Order Entry, Order Date PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/QuoteReference/DocumentID/ID rfq_vendor.supplier_quote_id @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type ExtendedAmount, TotalAmount PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount calculation: For type=ExtendedAmount For type=ExtendedAmount The system adds the sum for each line in the Purchase Order as follows: (purchase_order_line.unit_price* Purchase Order Line, Purchase Price multiplied by ((1 minus (Purchase Order Line, Disc % divided by 100)) multiplied by (1-purchase_order_line. Purchase Order Entry, Quantity) trade_disc_percent/100))* purchase_order_line. For type=TotalAmount user_order_quantity The system adds the sum for each line in the Purchase Order as follows: (Purchase Order Line, Purchase Price multiplied by Purchase Order Line, Quantity) multiplied by (1 minus Purchase Order Line, For type=TotalAmount Disc % divided by 100) plus Purchase Order Line, Fixed Charge (purchase_order_line.unit_price* purchase_order_line. user_order_quantity)*(1purchase_order_line. trade_disc_percent/100)+ purchase_order_line.fixed_charge @currencyID Currency Maintenance, ID marked as system currency. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/LineNumber purc_order_line.line_no Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, Line # PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Description part.description If the line item is a part, then Part Maintenance, Description service.description If the line item is a service, then Outside Service Maintenance, Description @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Langauge ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Status/Code purc_order_line.line_status The system translates Line Status Codes as follows: If the line status is closed, then the status=closed In all other cases, line status equals purchase_order.status. @listID Purchase Order Status @listAgencyID Infor

August 13, 2009


PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Status/EffectiveDateTime purc_order_line. If the line status is closed, then the Purchase Order Line Status Effective Date equals the date items from the line were last ln_status_eff_date received (purc_order_lin.last_received_date). In all other cases, the Purchase Order Line Status Effective Date equals the Purchase Order Status Effective Date. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/ItemID/ID purc_order_line.part_id If the item is a part, then Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, Part ID purc_order_line.service_id If the item is a service, then Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, Service ID @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/ServiceIndicator purc_order_line.service_id If Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, Service ID is populated, then true. If the field is empty, then false. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/Description part.description If the line item is a part, then Part Maintenance, Description service.description If the line item is a service, then Outside Service Maintenance, Description @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/Classification @type Commodity Codes, Product Lines PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/Classification/Codes/Code part.commodity_code If type=Commodity Code, then Part Maintenance, Commodity Code part.product_code If type=ProductLine, then Part Maintenance, Product Code @listID Commodity Codes, Product Lines @listAgencyID Infor PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/Specification/Property/NameValue part.eng_mstr If name=Engineering Reference, then Part Maintenance, Eng Master Eng ID part.drawing_id If name=DrawingNumber, then Part Maintenance, Config Mgt tab, Drawing # @name Engineering Reference, Drawing Number PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Quantity purc_order_line.user_order_qty Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, Quantity @unitCode purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, U/M PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/UnitPrice/Amount purc_order_line.unit_price Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, Unit Price @currencyID purchase_order.currency_ID Purchase Order Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the Currency ID to the SOA code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/UnitPrice/PerQuantity 1 @unitCode purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, U/M PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ExtendedAmount calculation: The system adds the sum as follows: (purchase_order_line.unit_price* Purchase Order Line, Unit Price multiplied by ((1 minus (Purchase Order Line, Disc % divided by 100)) multiplied by Purchase (1-purchase_order_line. Order Line, Quantity) trade_disc_percent/100))* purchase_order_line. user_order_quantity @currencyID purchase_order.currency_ID Purchase Order Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the Currency ID to the SOA code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/TotalAmount calculation: The system adds the sum as follows: (purchase_order_line.unit_price* (Purchase Order Line, Unit Price multiplied by Purchase Order Line, Quantity) multiplied by (1 minus Purchase Order Line, Disc purchase_order_line. % divided by 100) plus Purchase Order Line, Fixed Charge user_order_quantity)*(1If line item is a service and the extended amount is less than the Purchase Order Lines, Minimum Charge, then the system uses purchase_order_line. the minimum charge. August 13, 2009 54

trade_disc_percent/100)+ purchase_order_line.fixed_charge purchase_order_line. minimum_charge @currencyID purchase_order.currency_ID Purchase Order Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the Currency ID to the SOA code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/RequiredDeliveryDateTime purc_order_line. Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, Recv Date field. desired_recv_date If field is empty, then Purchase Order Entry, Desired Recv Date purchase_order. desired_recv_date PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/AllowSubstitutionIndicator True PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/ID For type=site For type=Site site ~ application_global. 'site ~' Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity ID manufacturing_entity_ID For type=Warehouse: For type=Warehouse 'warehouse ~' Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse ID '~' '0' warehouse ~ purchase_order. 'warehouse ~' Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse ID '~' Warehouse Maintenance, Alternate Warehouse Address, # warehouse_ID ~ warehouse_address.addr_no PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Name For type=site For type=Site application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name For type=Warehouse: For type=Warehouse Warehouse Address, Name warehouse_address. warehouse_name PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence For type=site For type=Site 1: application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields company_addr_1 2: application_global. For type=Warehouse: company_addr_2 Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Street Address fields 3: application_global. company_addr_3 For type=Warehouse 1: warehouse_address.addr_1 2: warehouse_address.addr_2 3: warehouse_address.addr_3 PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName For type=site For type=Site application_global.company_city Application Global Maintenance, City For type=Warehouse For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City

PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For type=site For type=Site application_global.company_state Application Global Maintenance, State For type=Warehouse warehouse_address.state For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, State

PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For type=site For type=Site application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Country company_country For type=Warehouse: For type=Warehouse Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country August 13, 2009 55

PurchaseOrder PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For type=site For type=Site application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode For type=Warehouse: For type=Warehouse Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zip warehouse_address.zipcode PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/SpecialPriceAuthorizationCode purc_order_line. Purchase Order Entry, purchase order lines, Special Price Authorization special_price_auth PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/RequisitionReference/DocumentID/ID purc_order_req.purc_ord_line_no Purchase Requisition Entry, Ln # for the requisition ID that corresponds to the purchase order. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PromisedShipDateTime purc_order_line. Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Promise Ship Date. If field is blank, then Purchase Order Entry, Promise Ship Date promise_ship_date purchase_order. promise_ship_date PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PromisedDeliveryDateTime purc_order_line.promise_date Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Promise Delivery Date. If field is blank, then Purchase Order, Promise Delivery Date purchase_order.promise_date PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ReceivedQuantity purc_order_line. Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Stock UM Rec'd Qty total_received_qty @unitCode purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/OpenQuantity calculation: The system subtracts the amount in Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Stock UM Rec'd Qty from Purchase Order Entry, Lines, purc_order_line.user_order_qty- Quantity purc_order_line. total_received_qty @unitCode purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M

August 13, 2009


PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BuyerParty/Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BuyerParty/Location/ID application_global.entity_id Site~Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BuyerParty/Location/Name application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BuyerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1: application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields company_addr_1 2: application_global. company_addr_2 3: application_global. company_addr_3 PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BuyerParty/Location/Address/CityName application_global.company_city Application Global Maintenance, City PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BuyerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode application_global.company_state Application Global Maintenance, State PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BuyerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Country company_country PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BuyerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PriceOverrideIndicator False PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ContractApplicableIndicator purchase_order.contract_ID If Purchase Order Entry, EDI tab, Contract ID is populated, then True. If Contract ID is blank, then False PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ContractReference/DocumentID/ID purchase_order.contract_ID Purchase Order Entry, EDI tab, Contract ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/AllocatedQuantity purc_order_line.allocated_qty Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Allocate Qty @unitCode purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/ID For type=site For type=Site site ~ application_global. 'site ~' Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity ID manufacturing_entity_ID For type=Warehouse: For type=Warehouse 'warehouse ~' Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse ID '~' '0' warehouse ~ purchase_order. 'warehouse ~' Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse ID '~' Warehouse Maintenance, Alternate Warehouse Address, # warehouse_ID ~ warehouse_address.addr_no PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Name For type=site For type=Site application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name For type=Warehouse: For type=Warehouse Warehouse Address, Name warehouse_address. warehouse_name PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence For type=site For type=Site 1: application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields company_addr_1 2: application_global. For type=Warehouse: company_addr_2 Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Street Address fields 3: application_global. company_addr_3 August 13, 2009 57

For type=Warehouse 1: warehouse_address.addr_1 2: warehouse_address.addr_2 3: warehouse_address.addr_3 PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName For type=site For type=Site application_global.company_city Application Global Maintenance, City For type=Warehouse For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City

PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode For type=site For type=Site application_global.company_state Application Global Maintenance, State For type=Warehouse warehouse_address.state For type=Warehouse: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, State

PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode For type=site For type=Site application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Country company_country For type=Warehouse: For type=Warehouse Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode For type=site For type=Site application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode For type=Warehouse: For type=Warehouse Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zip warehouse_address.zipcode PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/RFQReference/DocumentID purc_order_rfq.purc_rfq_id Purchase Order Entry, Show PO RFQs, RFQ ID ~ Vendor Maintenance, ID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Extended, Total PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount calculation: For type=Extended For type=Extended The system calcualtes the sum as follows and converts to system currency: (purchase_order_line.unit_price* Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Purchase Price multiplied by Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Quantity purchase_order_line. user_order_quantity For type=Total The system calcualtes the sum as follows and converts to system currency: For type=Total (Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Purchase Price multiplied by Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Quantity) multiplied by (1 minus (purchase_order_line.unit_price* Purchase Order Line, Disc % divided by 100) plus Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Fixed Charge purchase_order_line. user_order_quantity)*(1purchase_order_line. trade_disc_percent/100)+ purchase_order_line.fixed_charge @currencyID Currency Maintenance, ID marked as system currency. PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/LineNumber purc_line_del.del_sched_line_no Purchase Order Entry, Delivery Schedule table, Ln# PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/Quantity purc_line_del.user_order_qty Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, Qty @unitCode purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/RequiredDeliveryDateTime purc_line_del.desired_recv_date Purchase Order Entry, Delivery Schedule table, Desired Recv Date PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/PurchaseOrderSchedule/ReceivedQuantity August 13, 2009 58

purc_line_del.received_qty @unitCode purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Delivery Schedule table, Qty Received Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M

August 13, 2009


Quote/QuoteHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Supplier Quote/QuoteHeader/DocumentID/ID Estimating Window, Quote ID @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location application_global.entity_id Site~Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @lid settings.instance_id The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID Quote/QuoteHeader/LastModificationDateTime The system inserts the date it created the BOD Quote/QuoteHeader/DocumentDateTime quote.create_date Not in Estimating Window. Information available in Quote ID browse table. Quote/QuoteHeader/Description Quote/QuoteHeader/Note quote.quote_specs @status Quote/QuoteHeader/Status/Code quote.status Estimating Window, Address tab, Name Estimating Window, Notes, Quote Specs Open Estimating Window, Status box

Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID quote.customer_id Estimating Window, Customer ID Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Name Estimating Window, Address tab, Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Lanugage ID Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine quote.addr_1 Estimating Window, Address tab, Street Address fields quote.addr_2 quote.addr_3 Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName Estimating Window, Address Tab, City Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode quote.state Estimating Window, Address Tab, State Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode/Code @listID Country Sub-divisions Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Estimating Window, Address tab, Country Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode/Code @listID Countries Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode quote.zipcode Estimating Window, Address tab, Zip Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode/Code @listID Postal/Zip Codes Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Name quote.contact_first_name Estimating Window, Contact tab, First, MI and Last Name fields quote.contact_initial quote.contact_last_name Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/JobTitle quote.contact_position Estimating Window, Contact tab, Position Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode/Code @listID Communication Use Codes August 13, 2009 60

Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber quote.contact_phone Estimating Window, Contact tab, Phone quote.contact_fax Estimating Window, Contact tab, Fax Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/URI quote.contact_email Estimating Window, Contact tab, E-Mail Quote/QuoteHeader/ExtendedAmount quote_price.qty The system calculates the amount for each quote line and adds them together to derive the total amount. The system calcuates quote_price.unit_price the quote line amount as follows: Estimating Window, Quote Line Item Price, Quantity multiplied by Estimating Window, Quote quote_price.trade_disc_percent Line Item Price, Quoted Unit Price, multiplied by (1 minus (Estimating Window, Quote LIne Item Price, Trade Discount% divided by 100)) @currencyID quote.currency_id Estimating Window, Other tab, Currency ID The system converts the currency code to the ISO code using the settings in Code Mapping Maintenance Quote/QuoteHeader/TotalAmount quote_price.qty The system calculates the amount for each quote line and adds them together to derive the total amount. The system calcuates quote_price.unit_price the quote line amount as follows: Estimating Window, Quote Line Item Price, Quantity multiplied by Estimating Window, Quote quote_price.trade_disc_percent Line Item Price, Quoted Unit Price, multiplied by (1 minus (Estimating Window, Quote LIne Item Price, Trade Discount% divided by 100)) @currencyID quote.currency_id Estimating Window, Other tab, Currency ID The system converts the currency code to the ISO code using the settings in Code Mapping Maintenance Quote/QuoteHeader/TransportationTerm/FrieghtTermCode quote.freight_terms Estimating Window, Other tab, Terms dialog, Freight Terms Quote/QuoteHeader/PaymentTerm/Description quote.terms_description Estimating Window, Other tab, Terms Quote/QuoteHeader/EffectiveTimePeriod/EndDateTime quote.expiration_date Estimating Window, Dates tab, Expires Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/ID quote.salesrep_id Estimating Window, Other tab, Sales Rep Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Name Sales Reps Maintenance, Name Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/DepartmentName employee.department For sales reps who are employees, Employee Maintenance, Department For sales reps who are vendors, n/a Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/DialNumber For sales reps who are employees: Employee Maintenance, Phone For sales reps who are vendors: Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/URI employee.email_addr For sales reps who are employees: Employee Maintenance, E-mail Address vendor.email_addr For sales reps who are vendors: Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Email Address Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/Percentage sales_rep.commission_percent If the sales rep does not share commissions, then Sales Reps Maintenance, Def Comm%. sales_rep.share_percent If the sales rep does share commissions, then Sales Reps Maintenance, Def Comm% prorated by the value in Sales Reps Maintenance, Commission Sharing, Share %

August 13, 2009


Quote/QuoteHeader/FollowUpDate quote.followup_date Estimating Window, Dates tab, Followup Quote/QuoteHeader/LeadTimeDuration quote.quoted_leadtime Estimating Window, Dates tab, Quoted Leadtime. The system inserts a P before the field value and a D after the field value. Quote/QuoteHeader/ProbabilityPercent quote.win_probability Estimating Window, Dates tab, Win probability% Quote/QuoteHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Extended, Total Quote/QuoteHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount For type=total and extended: For type=total and extended: The system calculates the amount for each quote line and adds them together to derive the total (quote_price.qty*quote_price. amount. The system calcuates the quote line amount as follows: Estimating Window, Quote Line Item Price, Quantity multiplied unit_price*(1-quote_price. by Estimating Window, Quote Line Item Price, Quoted Unit Price, multiplied by (1 minus (Estimating Window, Quote LIne Item trade_disc_percent/100) Price, Trade Discount% divided by 100)) multiplied by the Sell Rate to exchange the native currency to the system currency. @currencyID currency.currency_id Exchange Rate Maintenance, Currency ID Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency. Quote/QuoteLine/LineNumber quote_line.line_no Quote/QuoteLine/Description quote_line.description Quote/QuoteLine/Status/Code quote.status @listID Quote Status (Supplier) Quote/QuoteLine/Status/EffectiveDateTime The system uses the date and time it generated the BOD Quote/QuoteLine/Item/ItemID/ID quote_line.part_id Estimating Window, Lines, Part ID Estimating Window, Lines, Line # Estimating Window, Lines Description If Estimating Window, Status=Lost, then Line Status=Lost. If Estimating Window, Status=any other status, then Line Status= Quote

Quote/QuoteLine/Item/ServiceIndicator False Quote/QuoteLine/Quantity quote_price.qty @unitCode quote_price.selling_um Estimating Window, Quote line item price, Quantity Estimating Window, Quote line item price, U/M

Quote/QuoteLine/UnitPrice/Amount quote_price.unit_price Estimating Window, Quote line item price, Unit Price @currencyID quote.currency_id Estimating Window, Other tab, Currency ID The system converts the currency code to the ISO code using the settings in Code Mapping Maintenance Quote/QuoteLine/UnitPrice/PerQuantity 1 Quote/QuoteLine/ExtendedAmount calculation: Equals Estimating Window, Quote line item price, Unit Price multiplied by Estimating Window, Quote line item price, Quantity quote_price.unit_price* multiplied by (1 minus (Estimating window, Quote line item price, Trade Discount % divided by 100)) quote_price.qty*(1-(quote_price. trade_disc_percent/100)) @currencyID quote.currency_id Estimating Window, Other tab, Currency ID The system converts the currency code to the ISO code using the settings in Code Mapping Maintenance Quote/QuoteLine/TotalAmount calculation: Equals Estimating Window, Quote line item price, Unit Price multiplied by Estimating Window, Quote line item price, Quantity quote_price.unit_price* multiplied by (1 minus (Estimating window, Quote line item price, Trade Discount % divided by 100)) quote_price.qty*(1-(quote_price. trade_disc_percent/100)) @currencyID quote.currency_id Estimating Window, Other tab, Currency ID The system converts the currency code to the ISO code using the settings in Code Mapping Maintenance Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/ID Sales_Rep~Sales Rep Maintenance, ID August 13, 2009 62

Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Name Sales Reps Maintenance, Name Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/DepartmentName employee.department For sales reps who are employees, Employee Maintenance, Department For sales reps who are vendors, n/a Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication 1: phone 2: email Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/UseCode Communication Use Codes Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/UseCode/Code @listID Phone Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/DialNumber For sales reps who are employees: Employee Maintenance, Phone For sales reps who are vendors: Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/URI employee.email_addr For sales reps who are employees: Employee Maintenance, E-mail Address vendor.email_addr For sales reps who are vendors: Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Email Address Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/Percentage sales_rep.commission_percent If the sales rep does not share commissions, then Sales Reps Maintenance, Def Comm%. sales_rep.share_percent If the sales rep does share commissions, then Sales Reps Maintenance, Def Comm% prorated by the value in Sales Reps Maintenance, Commission Sharing, Share % Quote/QuoteLine/QuoteSubline/LineNumber The first subline=1. The system increases the subline number by 1 for each subsequent subline Quote/QuoteLine/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Extended, Total Quote/QuoteLine/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount For type=total and extended: For type=total and extended: The system calcuates the quote line amount as follows: Estimating Window, Quote Line Item Price, (quote_price.qty*quote_price. Quantity multiplied by Estimating Window, Quote Line Item Price, Quoted Unit Price, multiplied by (1 minus (Estimating Window, unit_price*(1-quote_price. Quote LIne Item Price, Trade Discount% divided by 100)) multiplied by the Sell Rate to exchange the native currency to the trade_disc_percent/100) system currency. @currencyID currency.currency_id Exchange Rate Maintenance, Currency ID Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency. Quote/QuoteHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Supplier Quote/QuoteHeader/DocumentID/ID Quote, Quote ID @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location settings.location_id SOA Maintenance, Location ID @lid settings.instance_id The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID

August 13, 2009


Quote/QuoteHeader/LastModificationDateTime The system inserts the date it created the BOD Quote/QuoteHeader/DocumentDateTime v_quote.create_date Quote/QuoteHeader/Description Quote/QuoteHeader/Note Quote, Specifications @status Open Quote/QuoteHeader/Status/Code R Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID v_quote.customer_id Quote, Quote ID Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Name Estimating Window, Address tab, Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine v_quote.addr_1 Quote, Address, Sold To Address v_quote.addr_2 v_quote.addr_3 Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName Quote, Address, Sold To Address Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode v_quote.state Quote, Address, Sold To Address Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode/Code @listID CountrySubDivision. The system gets the listID name from Code Mapping Maintenance. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Quote, Address, Sold To Address Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode/Code @listID CountryCode. The system gets the listID name from Code Mapping Maintenance. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode v_quote.zipcode Quote, Address, Sold To Address Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode/Code @listID PostalCode. The system gets the listID name from Code Mapping Maintenance. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Name v_contact.contact_first_name Contact, Name fields v_contact.contact_initial v_contact.contace_last_name Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/JobTitle v_contact.contact_position Contact, General tab, Position Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode/Code @listID CommunicationUseCode. The system gets the listID name from Code Mapping Maintenance. Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber v_contact.bus_phone Contact, General tab, Bus Phone v_contact.fax_phone Estimating Window, Contact tab, Fax Quote/QuoteHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/URI v_contact.email_addr Contact, General tab, E-Mail Quote/QuoteHeader/ExtendedAmount v_quote_line.qty The system calculates each line as follows and adds the sums from each line to derive the total: v_quote_line.unit_price Quote, Line Items, Qty multiplied by Quote, Line Items, Unit Price multiplied by (1 minus (Quote, Line Items, Disc%/100)) v_quote_line.cust_disc_percent @currencyID v_quote.currency_id Quote, Details tab, Currency ID. The system converts the currency code to the iSO code using the settings in Code Mapping August 13, 2009 64 Account, Name

Maintenance. Quote/QuoteHeader/TotalAmount v_quote_line.qty The system calculates each line as follows and adds the sums from each line to derive the total: v_quote_line.unit_price Quote, Line Items, Qty multiplied by Quote, Line Items, Unit Price multiplied by (1 minus (Quote, Line Items, Disc%/100)) v_quote_line.cust_disc_percent @currencyID v_quote.currency_id Quote, Details tab, Currency ID. The system converts the currency code to the iSO code using the settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. Quote/QuoteHeader/TransportationTerm/FrieghtTermCode v_quote.frt_terms Quote, Details tab, Terms dialog, Freight Terms Quote/QuoteHeader/PaymentTerm/Description v_quote.terms_description Quote, Details tab, Terms Quote/QuoteHeader/EffectiveTimePeriod/EndDateTime v_quote.expiration_date Quote, General tab, Effective end date Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/ID v_quote.salesrep_id Quote, General tab, Sales Rep Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Name Sales Reps Maintenance (VE), Name Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/DepartmentName employee.department For sales reps who are employees, Employee Maintenance (VE), Department For sales reps who are vendors, n/a Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/DialNumber For sales reps who are employees: Employee Maintenance (VE), Phone For sales reps who are vendors: Vendor Maintenance (VE), Contact tab, Phone Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/URI employee.email_addr For sales reps who are employees: Employee Maintenance (VE), E-mail Address vendor.email_addr For sales reps who are vendors: Vendor Maintenance (VE), Contact tab, Email Address Quote/QuoteHeader/OrderCommission/Percentage sales_rep.commission_percent If the sales rep does not share commissions, then Sales Reps Maintenance (VE), Def Comm%. sales_rep.share_percent If the sales rep does share commissions, then Sales Reps Maintenance (VE), Def Comm% prorated by the value in Sales Reps Maintenance, Commission Sharing, Share % Quote/QuoteHeader/FollowUpDate v_quote.follow_up_date Quote/QuoteHeader/LeadTimeDuration v_quote.quoted_leadtime Quote, General tab, Leadtime Quote/QuoteHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Extended, Total Quote/QuoteHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount For type=extended and total: The system calculates each line as follows and adds the sums from each line to derive the total: v_quote_line.qty Quote, Line Items, Qty multiplied by Quote, Line Items, Unit Price multiplied by (1 minus (Quote, Line Items, Disc%/100)) v_quote_line.unit_price v_quote_line.cust_disc_percent @currencyID currency.currency_id Exchange Rate Maintenance (VE), Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency.

August 13, 2009


Quote/QuoteLine/LineNumber quote_line.line_no Quote/QuoteLine/Description quote_line.description Quote/QuoteLine/Status/Code R @listID QuoteStatus. The system gets the listID name from Code Mapping Maintenance. Quote/QuoteLine/Status/EffectiveDateTime The system uses the date and time it generated the BOD Quote/QuoteLine/Item/ServiceIndicator False Quote/QuoteLine/Quantity v_quote_line.qty @unitCode v_quote_line.selling_um Quote, Line Items, Qty Quote, Line Items, U/M Estimating Window (VE), Lines, Line # Estimating Window (VE), Lines Description

Quote/QuoteLine/UnitPrice/Amount v_quote_line.unit_price Quote, Line Items, Unit Price @currencyID v_quote.currency_id Quote, Details tab, Currency ID. The system converts the currency code to the iSO code using the settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. Quote/QuoteLine/UnitPrice/PerQuantity 1 Quote/QuoteLine/ExtendedAmount v_quote_line.qty The system calculates each line as follows: v_quote_line.unit_price Quote, Line Items, Qty multiplied by Quote, Line Items, Unit Price multiplied by (1 minus (Quote, Line Items, Disc%/100)) v_quote_line.cust_disc_percent @currencyID v_quote.currency_id Quote, Details tab, Currency ID. The system converts the currency code to the iSO code using the settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. Quote/QuoteLine/TotalAmount v_quote_line.qty v_quote_line.unit_price v_quote_line.cust_disc_percent @currencyID v_quote.currency_id The system calculates each line as follows: Quote, Line Items, Qty multiplied by Quote, Line Items, Unit Price multiplied by (1 minus (Quote, Line Items, Disc%/100))

Quote, Details tab, Currency ID. The system converts the currency code to the iSO code using the settings in Code Mapping Maintenance.

Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/ID Sales_Rep~Sales Rep Maintenance, ID Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Name Sales Reps Maintenance, Name Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/DepartmentName employee.department For sales reps who are employees, Employee Maintenance, Department For sales reps who are vendors, n/a Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication 1: phone 2: email Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/UseCode Communication Use Codes Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/UseCode/Code @listID Phone Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/DialNumber For sales reps who are employees: Employee Maintenance, Phone For sales reps who are vendors: Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/SalesPerson/Communication/URI employee.email_addr For sales reps who are employees: Employee Maintenance, E-mail Address vendor.email_addr For sales reps who are vendors: Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Email Address Quote/QuoteLine/OrderCommission/Percentage sales_rep.commission_percent If the sales rep does not share commissions, then Sales Reps Maintenance, Def Comm%. August 13, 2009 66

sales_rep.share_percent If the sales rep does share commissions, then Sales Reps Maintenance, Def Comm% prorated by the value in Sales Reps Maintenance, Commission Sharing, Share % Quote/QuoteLine/QuoteSubline/LineNumber The first subline=1. The system increases the subline number by 1 for each subsequent subline Quote/QuoteLine/BaseCurrencyAmount @type Extended, Total Quote/QuoteLine/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount For type=extended and total: For type=extended and total: The system calculates each line as follows: v_quote_line.qty Quote, Line Items, Qty multiplied by Quote, Line Items, Unit Price multiplied by (1 minus (Quote, Line Items, Disc%/100)). The v_quote_line.unit_price system converts the amount to the system currency based on the exchange rate. v_quote_line.cust_disc_percent @currencyID Exchange Rate Maintenance (VE), Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency.

August 13, 2009


RFQ/RFQHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Supplier, Customer RFQ/RFQHeader/DocumentID/ID rfq_vendor.vendor_id @accountingEntity application_global.mfg_entity @location settings.location_id @lid settings.instance_id Vendor RFQ Entry, Request ID ~ Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Vendor ID

Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity SOA Maintenance, SOA Location The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID

RFQ/RFQHeader/LastModificationDateTime The system inserts the date and time it created the BOD. RFQ/RFQHeader/DocumentDateTime request_for_quote.create_date Does not appear in the Vendor RFQ Entry window. Available in Request ID browse. RFQ/RFQHeader/Note Vendor RFQ Entry, RFQ Notations RFQ/RFQHeader/Status/Code request_for_quote.status Vendor RFQ Entry, Status If VISUAL status = Cancelled/Void, then status = Lost If VISUAL Status = Closed and Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Status = Accepted, then status = Processed. Otherwise, Status = Lost. In all other cases, status = Open RFQ Status (Customer) RFQ/RFQHeader/Status/Description request_for_quote.status If Vendor RFQ Entry, Status is Active, then RFQStatus=Working If Vendor RFQ Entry, Status is Closed, then RFQStatus=Lost If Vendor RFQ Entry, Status is Cancelled, then RFQStatus=Cancelled RFQ/RFQHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime request_for_quote.status_eff_dateDoes not appear in the Vendor RFQ Entry window. Available in Request ID browse. RFQ/RFQHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Name application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name RFQ/RFQHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields company_addr1 application_global. company_addr2 application_global. company_addr3 @sequence 1: application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields company_addr1 2: application_global. company_addr2 3: application_global. company_addr3 RFQ/RFQHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName application_global.company_city Application Global Maintenance, City RFQ/RFQHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode application_global.company_state Application Global Maintenance, State RFQ/RFQHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Country company_country RFQ/RFQHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode RFQ/RFQHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/Name request_for_quote.buyer Vendor RFQ Entry, Buyer August 13, 2009 68


RFQ/RFQHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/DepartmentName employee.department_id Employee Maintenance, Department ID for Employee ID inserted in Vendor RFQ Maintenance, Buyer RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID rfq_vendor.vendor_id Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Vendor ID RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Name Vendor Maintenance, Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Name Vendor Maintenance, Name RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine rfq_vendor.addr_1 Vendor RFQ Entry, Address tab, Street Address fields rfq_vendor.addr_2 rfq_vendor.addr_3 @sequence 1: rfq_vendor.addr_1 Vendor RFQ Entry, Address tab, Street Address fields 2: rfq_vendor.addr_2 3: rfq_vendor.addr_3 RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CityName Vendor RFQ Entry, Address tab, City RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode rfq_vendor.state Vendor RFQ Entry, Address tab, State RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Vendor RFQ Entry, Address tab, Country RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode rfq_vendor.zipcode Vendor RFQ Entry, Address tab, Zip RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Name rfq_vendor.contact_first_name Vendor RFQ Entry, Contact tab, Contact rfq_vendor.contact_initial rfq_vendor.contact_last_name RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/JobTitle rfq_vendor.contact_position Vendor RFQ Entry, Contact tab, Position RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode Phone, Fax RFQ/RFQHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber rfq_vendor.contact_phone Vendor RFQ Entry, Contact tab, Phone rfq_vendor.contact_fax Vendor RFQ Entry, Contact tab, Fax RFQ/RFQHeader/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID request_for_quote.warehouse_id Vendor RFQ Entry, Warehouse ID RFQ/RFQHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Name Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Name RFQ/RFQHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine warehouse_address.addr_1 Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Address fields warehouse_address.addr_2 warehouse_address.addr_3 RFQ/RFQHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City RFQ/RFQHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode warehouse_address.state Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, State

August 13, 2009


RFQ/RFQHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country RFQ/RFQHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode warehouse_address.zipcode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zip RFQ/RFQHeader/BillToParty/Name customer.bill_to_name Customer Maintenance, Bill to Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID RFQ/RFQHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine customer.bill_to_addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Bill to Address fields customer.bill_to_addr_2 customer.bill_to_addr_3 @sequence 1: customer.bill_to_addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Bill to Address fields 2: customer.bill_to_addr_2 3: customer.bill_to_addr_3 RFQ/RFQHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CityName customer.bill_to_city Customer Maintenance, Bill to City RFQ/RFQHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode customer.bill_to_state Customer Maintenance, Bill to State @listID Country Sub-divisions RFQ/RFQHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode customer.bill_to_country Customer Maintenance, Bill to Country @listID Countries RFQ/RFQHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode customer.bill_to_zipcode Customer Maintenance, Bill to Zipcode @listID Postal/Zip Codes RFQ/RFQHeader/PaymentTerm/Description vendor.terms_net_type Vendor Maintenance, Accounting tab, Terms vendor.terms_net_days vendor.terms_net_date vendor.terms_disc_type vendor.terms_disc_days vendor.terms_disc_date vendor.terms_disc_percent vendor.terms_description @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID RFQ/RFQHeader/BuyerParty/Location @type Site RFQ/RFQHeader/BuyerParty/Location/ID settings.location_id Site~SOA Maintenance, Location ID @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.visual_instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID RFQ/RFQHeader/BuyerParty/Location/Name application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name RFQ/RFQHeader/BuyerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields company_addr1 application_global. company_addr2 application_global. company_addr3 @sequence August 13, 2009 70

1: application_global. company_addr1 2: application_global. company_addr2 3: application_global. company_addr3 Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields

RFQ/RFQHeader/BuyerParty/Location/Address/CityName application_global.company_city Application Global Maintenance, City RFQ/RFQHeader/BuyerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode application_global.company_state Application Global Maintenance, State @listID Country Sub-divisions RFQ/RFQHeader/BuyerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Country company_country @listID Countries RFQ/RFQHeader/BuyerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode @listID Postal/Zip Codes RFQ/RFQHeader/EffectiveTimePeriod/StartDateTime rfq_vendor.quoted_date Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Quote date RFQ/RFQHeader/EffectiveTimePeriod/EndDateTime rfq_vendor.expiration_date RFQ/RFQHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type ExtendedAmount, TotalAmount RFQ/RFQHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount rfq_vendor_quote. Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Default Unit Price. If the default unit price is not in the system currency, the system converts default_unit_price the currency amount to the system currency based on the exchange rate in effect on the date of the vendor quote. @currencyID currency.currency_id Exchange Rate Maintenance, Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency RFQ/RFQLine/LineNumber rfq_line.line_no RFQ/RFQLine/Description rfq_line.description @languageID settings.language_id RFQ/RFQLine/Status/Code rfq_vendor_quote.quote_status Vendor RFQ Entry, Lines, Ln# Vendor RFQ Entry, Lines, Description SOA Maintenance, Language ID Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Status The system translates VISUAL codes as follows: If Vendor RFQ Entry, Status is Active and Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Status is Printed, then status=Working. If Vendor RFQ Entry, Status is Active and Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Status not printed, then status=Unapproved. If Vendor RFQ Entry, Status is Closed and Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Status is Approved, then status=Converted. If Vendor RFQ Entry, Status is Closed and Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Status is not Approved, then status=Rejected. If Vendor RFQ Entry, Status is Cancelled, then status=Rejected. RFQ Status (Customer) RFQ/RFQLine/Status/EffectiveDateTime rfq_vendor_quote.status_eff_date


August 13, 2009


RFQ/RFQLine/Item/ItemID/ID rfq_line.part_id rfq_line.service_id Vendor RFQ Entry, Lines, Part ID Vendor RFQ Entry, Lines, Service ID

RFQ/RFQLine/Item/ServiceIndicator rfq_line.service_id If Vendor RFQ Entry, Lines, Service ID is populated, then serviceindicator=true. If it is blank, then serviceindicator=false. RFQ/RFQLine/Item/Description part.description service.description @languageID settings.language_id RFQ/RFQLine/Quantity 1 RFQ/RFQLine/UnitPrice/Amount rfq_vendor_quote. Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Default Unit Price. If the default unit price is not in the system currency, the system converts default_unit_price the currency amount to the system currency based on the exchange rate in effect on the date of the vendor quote. @currencyID rfq_vendor_quote.rvq_currency_idVendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote. Displays at bottom of dialog box. RFQ/RFQLine/UnitPrice/PerQuantity 1 @unitCode rfq_vendor_quote. Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Purchase U/M rvq_purchase_um RFQ/RFQLine/ExtendedAmount calculation: rfq_vendor_quote.unit_price_1* rfq_vendor_quote.qty_break_1 @currencyID rfq_vendor_quote. rvq_purchase_um RFQ/RFQLine/TotalAmount calculation: rfq_vendor_quote.unit_price_1* rfq_vendor_quote.qty_break_1 @currencyID rfq_vendor_quote. rvq_purchase_um Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Up to 1 Quantity multiplied by Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Up to 1 Price Part Maintenance, Description Outside Service Maintenance, Description SOA Maintenance, Language ID

Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Purchase U/M

Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Up to 1 Quantity multiplied by Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Up to 1 Price

Vendor RFQ Entry, Vendor Quote, Purchase U/M

RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID rfq_line.warehouse_id Vendor RFQ Entry, Lines, Warehouse ID RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Name Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Name RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine warehouse_address.addr_1 Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Address fields warehouse_address.addr_2 warehouse_address.addr_3 @sequence 1: warehouse_address.addr_1 Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Address fields 2: warehouse_address.addr_2 3: warehouse_address.addr_3 RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode warehouse_address.state Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, State RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country RFQ/RFQLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode warehouse_address.zipcode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zip RFQ/RFQLine/BuyerParty/Location @type Site RFQ/RFQLine/BuyerParty/Location/ID August 13, 2009 72

settings.location_id Site~SOA Maintenance, Location ID RFQ/RFQLine/BuyerParty/Location/Name application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name RFQ/RFQLine/BuyerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields company_addr1 application_global. company_addr2 application_global. company_addr3 @sequence 1: application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields company_addr1 2: application_global. company_addr2 3: application_global. company_addr3 RFQ/RFQLine/BuyerParty/Location/Address/CityName application_global.company_city Application Global Maintenance, City RFQ/RFQLine/BuyerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode application_global.company_state Application Global Maintenance, State RFQ/RFQLine/BuyerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Country company_country RFQ/RFQLine/BuyerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Zip company_zipcode RFQ/RFQLine/BuyerParty/BuyerContact/Name calculation: Employee Maintenance, First Name+Employee Maintenance, MI+Employee Maintenance, Last Name for Employee ID inserted employee.first_name+employee. in Vendor RFQ Maintenance, Buyer middle_initial+employee. last_name RFQ/RFQLine/BuyerParty/BuyerContact/DepartmentName employee.department_id Employee Maintenance, Department ID for Employee ID inserted in Vendor RFQ Maintenance, Buyer RFQ/RFQLine/RequisitionReference/DocumentID/ID purc_rfq_req.purc_req_id Vendor RFQ Entry, Show RFQ Requisitions, Requisition ID

August 13, 2009


ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DocumentID/ID receivable.invoice_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Invoice ID @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location settings.location_id SOA Maintenance, SOA Location @lid settings.instance_id The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintance, Visual Instance ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/LastModificationDateTime The system uses the date and time it created the BOD. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DocumentDateTime receivable.create_date ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Status/Code receivable.status The system calculates the status as follows: receivable.paid_amount Open = receivable.status ='A' and receivable.paid_amount = 0 receivable.zero_date is null. Fields are not displayed in receivable.total_amount Receivables Invoice Entry window. Available in Invoice ID browse table. receivable.zero_date Paid=receivable.status = 'A' and Receivable Invoice Entry, Paid to Date and receivable.zero_date are not null, and Receivable receivable.void_date Invoice Entry, Invoice Total equals Receivable Invoice Entry, Paid to Date. Receivable.status and receivable.zero_date are not receivable.type displayed in Receivables Invoice Entry window. Available in Invoice ID browse table. PartialPaid = receivable.status = 'A' and Receivables Invoice Entry, Paid to Date does not equal zero and receivable.zero_date is null and Receivables Invoice Entry, Invoice Total does not equal Receivables Invoice Entry, Paid to Date. Receivable.status and receivable.zero_date are not displayed in Receivables Invoice Entry window. Available in Invoice ID browse table. Unapplied Cash = Receivables Invoice Entry, Type = 'U' and Receivables Invoice Entry, Invoice Total does not equal Receivables Invoice Entry, Paid to Date and receivable.zero_date is null. Receivable.zero_date is not displayed in Receivables Invoice Entry window. Available in Invoice ID browse table. Late = Receivables Invoice Entry, Invoice Total does not equal Receivables Invoice Entry, Paid to Date Void = Receivable.type=Void ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime receivable.zero_date If status is Paid, then status effective date is receivable.zero_date. Field is not displayed in Receivables Invoice Entry window. receivable.create_date Available in Invoice ID browse table. receivable.last_paid_date If status is PartialPaid, then status effective date is receivable.last_paid_date. Field is not displayed in Receivables Invoice Entry window. Available in Invoice ID browse table. For all other statuses, status effective date is receivable.create_date. Field is not displayed in Receivable Invoice Entry window. Available in Invoice ID browse table. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Status/ReasonCode receivable.status If receivable status meets the criteria for WriteOff, then ReasonCode is BD @listID ReasonCode ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Status/Reason If receivable status meets the criteria for WriteOff, then Reason is Bad Debt ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID receivable.customer_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Customer ID field ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/TaxID customer.tax_id_number Customer Maintenance, Accounting tab, Tax ID Number ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Name Customer Maintenance, Customer Name @languageID customer. bill_language_id Customer Maintenance, Language Forms tab, Language ID (Bill to) ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/ID Customer Maintenance, Customer ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Name customer.bill_to_name Customer Maintenance, Bill To Customer Name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName customer.bill_to_name Customer Maintenance, Bill To Customer Name. If Blank, then Customer Maintenance, Customer Name. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine customer.bill_to_addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Bill To Street Address fields. If Bill to Street Address fields are blank, Sold To Street Address fields. customer.bill_to_addr_2 customer.bill_to_addr_3 or customer.addr1 August 13, 2009 74

customer.addr2 customer.addr3 @sequence 1: customer.bill_to_addr1 2: customer.bill_to_addr2 3: customer.bill_to_addr3

Customer Maintenance, Bill To Street Address fields

ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName customer.bill_to_city Customer Maintenance, Bill To City. If blank, then Sold To City. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode customer.bill_to_state Customer Maintenance, Bill To State. If blank, then Sold To State. customer.state ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode customer.bill_to_country Customer Maintenance, Bill To Country. If blank, then Sold To Country. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode customer.bill_to_zipcode Customer Maintenance, Bill To Zip. If blank, then Sold To Zip. customer.zipcode ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Name customer.contact_hornorific Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Contact fields customer.contact_first_name customer.contact_initial customer.contact_last_name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/JobTitle customer.contact_position Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Position/Salutation ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber customer.contact_phone Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/RequesterContact/Name customer_order.contact_honorific Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Contact fields customer_order. contact_first_name customer_order_contact_initial customer_order. contact_last_name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/RequesterContact/JobTitle customer_order.contact_position Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Pos/Sal ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/RequesterContact/Communication/DialNumber customer_order.contact_phone Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Phone ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/Name customer_order.contact_honorific Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Contact fields customer_order. contact_first_name customer_order_contact_initial customer_order. contact_last_name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/JobTitle customer_order.contact_position Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Pos/Sal ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/Communication/DialNumber customer_order.contact_phone Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Phone ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/ReceivingContact/Name customer_order.contact_honorific Customer Order Entry, Contact fields customer_order. contact_first_name customer_order_contact_initial customer_order. contact_last_name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/ReceivingContact/JobTitle customer_order.contact_position Customer Order Entry, Pos/Sal ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CustomerParty/ReceivingContact/Communication/DialNumber customer_order.contact_phone Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Phone August 13, 2009 75

ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/PartyIDs/ID receivable.customer_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Customer ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/PartyIDs/TaxID customer.tax_id_number Customer Maintenance, Accounting tab, Tax ID Number ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Name customer.bill_to_name Customer Maintenance, Bill to Customer Name; If Bill to Customer Name. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/ID Customer Maintenance, Customer ID

August 13, 2009


ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Name customer.bill_to_name Customer Maintenance, Bill To Customer Name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName customer.bill_to_name Customer Maintenance, Bill To Customer Name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine customer.bill_to_addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Bill To Street Address fields customer.bill_to_addr_2 customer.bill_to_addr_3 @sequence 1: customer.bill_to_addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Bill To Street Address fields 2: customer.bill_to_addr_2 3: customer.bill_to_addr_3 ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CityName customer.bill_to_city Customer Maintenance, Bill To City ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode customer.bill_to_state Customer Maintenance, Bill To State ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode customer.bill_to_country Customer Maintenance, Bill To Country ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode customer.bill_to_zipcode Customer Maintenance, Bill To Zip ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Contact/Name customer.contact_hornorific Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Contact fields customer.contact_first_name customer.contact_initial customer.contact_last_name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Contact/JobTitle customer.contact_position Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Position/Salutation ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/BillToParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber customer.contact_phone Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID Customer Maintenance, Maintain Shipping Addresses, Name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/TaxID cust_address.tax_id_number Customer Maintenance, Maintain Shipping Addresses, Tax ID Number ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Name Customer Maintenance, Maintain Shipping Addresses, Name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/ID cust_address.shipto_id Customer Maintenance, Maintain Shipping Addresses, # ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Name Customer Maintenance, Maintain Shipping Addresses, Name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName Customer Maintenance, Maintain Shipping Addresses, Name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine cust_address.addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Maintain Shipping Addresses, Street Address Fields cust_address.addr_2 cust_address.addr_3 ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName Customer Maintenance, Maintain Shipping Addresses, City ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode cust_address.state Customer Maintenance, Maintain Shipping Addresses, State ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Customer Maintenance, Maintain Shipping Addresses, Country ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode cust_address.zipcode Customer Maintenance, Maintain Shipping Addresses, Zip ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Contact/Name customer_order.contact_honorific Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Contact fields customer_order. contact_first_name customer_order.contact_initial customer_order. August 13, 2009 77

contact_last_name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Contact/JobTitle customer_order.contact_position Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Pos/Sal ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ShipToParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber customer_order.contact_phone Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Phone ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/PartyIDs/ID customer.bill_to_name Customer Maintenance, Bill To Customer Name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/PartyIDs/TaxID customer.tax_id_number Customer Maintenance, Accounting tab, Tax ID Number ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Name customer.bill_to_name Customer Maintenance, Bill To Customer Name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/ID Customer Maintenance, Customer ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Name customer.bill_to_name Customer Maintenance, Bill To Customer Name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/AttentionOfName customer.bill_to_name Customer Maintenance, Bill To Customer Name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/AddressLine customer.bill_to_addr_1 Customer Maintenance, Bill to Street Address fields customer.bill_to_addr_2 customer.bill_to_addr_3 ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CityName customer.bill_to_city Customer Maintenance, Bill to City ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode customer.bill_to_state Customer Maintenance, Bill to State ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/CountryCode customer.bill_to_country Customer Maintenance, Bill to Country ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Location/Address/PostalCode customer.bill_to_zipcode Customer Maintenance, Bill to Zip ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Contact customer.contact_hornorific Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Contact fields customer.contact_first_name customer.contact_initial customer.contact_last_name ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Contact/JobTitle customer.contact_position Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Position/Salutation ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PayFromParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber customer.contact_phone Customer Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/SalesLocation/ID customer.territory Customer Maintenance, General tab, Territory

August 13, 2009


ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Description receivable.terms_description Receivable Invoice Entry, Terms receivable.terms_net_type receivable.terms_net_days receivable.terms_net_date receivable.terms_disc_type receivable.terms_disc_days receivable.terms_disc_date receivable.terms_disc_percent ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/DueDateTime calculation: The system adds the days in the Receivable Invoice Entry, Terms, Net Days to Receivble Invoice Entry, Invoice Date receivable.invoice_date+ receivable.terms_net_days ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PaymentTerm/Discount/Description receivable.terms_description Receivable Invoice Entry, Terms receivable.terms_net_type receivable.terms_net_days receivable.terms_net_date receivable.terms_disc_type receivable.terms_disc_days receivable.terms_disc_date receivable.terms_disc_percent ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ReceivableStyle receivable.type Receivable Invoice Entry, General tab, Type If Type = Invoice, then ReceivableStyle is Invoice If Type = Unapplied Cash or Memo, then Receivable Style is CreditMemo ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/InvoiceReference/DocumentID @agencyRole receivable.customer_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Customer ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/InvoiceReference/DocumentID/ID receivable.invoice_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Invoice ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ExtendedAmount receivable.total_amount Receivable Invoice Entry, Invoice Total. The system converts the total into the system currency. If the invoice is void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID receivable.currency_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Currency ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/TotalAmount receivable.total_amount Receivable Invoice Entry, Invoice Total. The system converts the total into the system currency. If the invoice is void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID receivable.currency_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Currency ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/Tax/Amount 0 ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/DiscountAllowedAmount receivale.total_amount The system calculates the amount as follows: reveivable.terms_disc_percent Receivable Invoice Entry, Invoice Total multiplied by (Receivable Invoice Entry, General tab, Terms button box divided by 100) @currencyID receivable.currency_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Currency ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/DiscountTakenAmount receivable.discount_given @currencyID receivable.currency_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Currency ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/DiscountStatus/LateDiscountIndicator receivable.zero_date If RECEIVABLE.ZERO_DATE is greater than RECEIVABLE.DISCOUNT_DATE, then LateDiscountIndicator is True. In all other receivable.discount_date cases, False. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ReceivableAmount calculation: Receivable Invoice Entry, Invoice Total minus Receivable Invoice Entry, Paid to Date. The system converts the total into the receivable.total_amountsystem currency. If the invoice is void, then the amount is 0. receivable.paid_amount @currencyID receivable.currency_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Currency ID August 13, 2009 79

ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ReceiptAmount calculation: Receivable Invoice Entry, Invoice Total minus Receivable Invoice Entry, Paid to Date. The system converts the total into the receivable.total_amountsystem currency. If the invoice is void, then the amount is 0. receivable.paid_amount @currencyID currency.currency_id Exchange Rate Maintenance, Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/ReceivedAmount receivable.paid_amount Receivable Invoice Entry, Paid to Date. The system converts the total into the system currency. If the invoice is void, then the amount is 0. @currencyID receivable.currency_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Currency ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/PaymentMethodCode cash_receipt.payment_method Cash Application, Payment Method for Payment ID associated with Receivable ID If Payment Method=Check, then PaymentMethodCode is Cheque If PaymentMethod=Bacs or Export File, then PaymentMethodCode is ElectronicFundsTransfer If no cash receipt is associated with the receivable ID, the system inserts empty spaces. @listID PaymentMethodCode. The system gets the listID name from Code Mapping Maintenance. ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionHeader/CurrencyExchangeRate receivable.currency_id Receivable Invoice Entry, Currency ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionLine/LineNumber receivable_line.line_no Receivable Invoice Entry, invoice entry table, Ln# ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionLine/Description receivable_line.reference Receivable Invoice Entry, invoice entry table, Reference ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionLine/DocumentReference @type SalesOrder ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionLine/DocumentReference/LineNumber receivable_line. Receivable Invoice Entry, Lines, Customer Order Ln # cust_order_line_no ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionLine/Status/Code Open ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionLine/Type receivable.type Receivable Invoice Entry, General tab, Type options ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionLine/Amount receivable_line.amount Receivable Invoice Entry, invoice line table, Amount. The system converts the total into the system currency. If the invoice is void, then the amount is 0. @currencyCode receivable.currency_id Receivable Invoice Entry, General tab, Currency ID ReceivableTransaction/ReceivableTransactionLine/Tax/Amount 0

August 13, 2009


ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole For type=Receiver, Shipper, CNSNReceiver Supplier For type=WOIssRtn, IBTReceiver Manufacturer ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DocumentID/ID for type=receiver For type=Receiver: Receiver~Purchase Receipt Entry, Receiver ID~Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Ln# for type=shipper For type=Shipper shipper.packlist_id+shipper_line. Shipper~Shipping Entry, Packlist ID~Shipping Entry, Lines, Ln# line_no For type=WOReceipt, WOIssRtn for type=woreceipt, woissrtn WOReceipt~Inventory Transaction, Transaction ID~0 inventory_transaction. For type=IBTReceiver transcation_id IBTReceiver~Inter Branch Transfer Receipt Entry, Receiver ID~Inter Branch Transfer Receipt Entry, Lines, Ln# for type=ibtreceiver For type=CNSNReceiver CNSNReceiver~Consignment Receiving, Receiver ID~Consignment Receiving, Lines, Ln# line_no for type=cnsnreceiver consign_rcvr_line.line_no @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location settings.location_id SOA Maintenance, SOA Location @lid settings.instance_id The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/LastModifiedDateTime for type=shipper For type=Receiver shipper.create_date The system inserts the date and time it created the BOD. for type=woreceipt, woissrtn For type=Shipper inventory_transaction. Is not displayed on the Shipping Entry window. Available in the Packlist ID browse table transaction_date For type=WOReceipt for type=ibtreceiver Inventory Transaction, Transaction Date ibt_receiver.create_date For type=CNSNReceiver for type=cnsnreceiver Consignment Receiver Create Date is available on the Receiver ID browse consign_receiver.create_date ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/DocumentDateTime for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver.received_date Purchase Receipt Entry, Act Recv Date for type=shipper For type=Shipper shipper.create_date Is not displayed on the Shipping Entry window. Available in the Packlist ID browse table for type=woreceipt, woissrtn For type=WOReceipt inventory_transaction. Inventory Transaction, Transaction Date transaction_date For type=IBTReceiver for type=ibtreceiver Inter Branch Transfer Receipt Entry, Actual Recv Date ibt_receiver.receive_date For type=CNSNReceiver for type=cnsnreceiver Consignment Receiving, Receive Date consign_receiver.received_date ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/Note note.notations For type=Receiver Purchase Receipt Entry, Receiver Notations For type=Shipper Shipping Entry, Packlist Notations @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID @author The system inserts the user ID stamped on the notation. @entryDateTime The system inserts the time-date stamped on the notiation @status Open ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/Status/Code August 13, 2009 81

For type=Receiver, WOReceipt, WOIssRtn, CNSNReceiver If transaction is deleted, then Status equals Canceled. Otherwise, Status equals Received For type=Shipper, IBTReceiver Netable @listID Receive Delivery Status @listAgencyID Infor ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver.received_date Purchase Receipt Entry, Act Recv Date for type=shipper For type=Shipper shipper.create_date Shipper Create Date is available on the Packlist ID browse table for type=woreceipt, woissrtn For type=WOReceipt, WOIssRtn inventory_transaction. Inventory Transaction, Transaction Date transaction_date For type=IBTReceiver for type=ibtreceiver Inter Branch Transfer Receipt Entry, Actual Recv Date ibt_receiver.receive_date For type=CNSNReceiver for type=cnsnreceiver Consignment Receiving, Receive Date consign_receiver.received_date ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/WarehouseLocation @type Warehouse ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/WarehouseLocation/ID for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver_line.warehouse_id Purchase Receipt, Lines, Warehouse ID for type=shipper For type=Shipper inventory_trans.warehouse_id Inventory Transaction, Warehouse ID for the inventory transaction ID associated with the Packlist ID for type=woreceipt For type=WOReceipt inventory_transaction. Inventory Transaction Entry, Warehouse ID warehouse_id For type=ibtreceiver for type=ibtreceiver Inter Branch Transfer, Ship To Address that corresponds to Inter Branch Transfer Receipt Entry, Lines, Warehouse ID ibt_receiver_line.warehouse_id For type=CNSNReceiver ibt.ship_to_addr_no Consignment Receiving, Warehouse ID for type=cnsnreciever consign_rcvr_line.warehouse_id ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/WarehouseLocation/Name Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Name ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/WarehouseLocation/Address/CityName Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/WarehouseLocation/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode warehouse_address.state Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, State @listID Country Sub-divisions @listAgencyID Infor ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/WarehouseLocation/Address/CountryCode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country @listID Countries @listAgencyID Infor ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/WarehouseLocation/Address/PostalCode warehouse_address.zipcode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zip @listID Postal/Zip Codes @listAgencyID Infor ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ActualShipDateTime for type=receiver For type=receiver purchase_order.vend_pack_date Purchase Receipt Entry, Vendor Packlist Date for type=shipper For type=Shipper August 13, 2009 82

shipper.create_date for type=ibtreceiver ibt_receiver.create_date for type=cnsnreceiver purchase_order.vend_pack_date Shipper Create Date is available on the Packlist ID browse table For type=IBTReceiver IBT Receiver create date is available in the Inter Branch Transfer Receipt Entry IBT ID browse table. For type-CNSNReceiver Purchase Receipt Entry, Vendor Packlist Date

ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ScheduledDeliveryDateTime for type=receiver For type=Receiver purchase_order.promise_date Purchase Order Entry, Promise Delivery Date for type=shipper For type=Shipper shipper.create_date Shipper Create Date is available on the Packlist ID browse table for type=woreceipt For type=WOReceipt work_order.desired_want_date Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Want Date for type=woissrtn For type=WOIssRtn inventory_transaction. Inventroy Transaction Entry, Transaction Date transaction_date For type=ibtreceiver for type=ibtreceiver Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Desired Recv Date ibt.desired_recv_date For type=CNSNReceiver for type=cnsnreceiver Purchase Order Entry, Desired Recv Date purchase_order. desired_recv_date ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ActualDeliveryDateTime for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver.received_date Purchase Receipt Entry, Act Recv Date for type=shipper For type=Shipper shipper.create_date Shipper Create Date is available on the Packlist ID browse table for type=woreceipt, woissrtn For type=WOReceipt, WOIssRtn inventory_transaction. Inventory Transaction, Transaction Date transaction_date For type=ibtreceiver for type=ibtreceiver Inter Branch Transfer Receipt Entry, Actual Received Date ibt_receiver.received_date For type=CNSNReceiver for type=cnsnreceiver Consignment Receiving, Receive Date consignment_receiver. received_date ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/TransportationMethodCode for type=receiver, cnsnreceiver For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purchase_order.ship_via Purchase Order Entry, Ship Via for type=shipper For type=Shipper customer_order.ship_via Shipping Entry, Ship Via for type=ibtreceiver For type=ibtreceiver ibt_shipper.ship_via Inter Branch Transfer Shipping Entry, Other tab, Ship Via @listID Transportation Method @listAgencyID OAGIS ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver.carrier_id Purchase Receipt Entry, Carrier ID for type=shipper For type=Shipper customer_order.carrier_id Customer Order Entry, Carrier ID for type=ibtreceiver For type=ibtreceiver ibt.carrier_id Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Carrier ID for type=cnsnreceiver For type=CNSNReceiver consign_receiver.carrier_id Consignment Receiving, Carrier ID @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID fields ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/CarrierParty/Name Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Name ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine carrier.addr_1; carrier.addr_2; Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 1, Addr 2, Addr 3 fields carrier.addr_3

August 13, 2009


ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CityName Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, City field ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode carrier.state Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, State field ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Country field ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode carrier.zipcode Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Zip / Postal Code field ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ReceivedDateTime for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver.received_date Purchase Receipt Entry, Act Recv Date for type=shipper For type=Shipper shipper.create_date Shipper Create Date is available on the Packlist ID browse table for type=woreceipt, woissrtn For type=WOReceipt, WOIssRtn inventory_transaction. Inventorty Transaction Entry, Transaction Date transaction_date For type=ibtreceiver for type=ibtreceiver Inter Branch Transfer Receipt Entry, Actual Received Date ibt_receiver.received_date For type=CNSNReceiver for type=cnsnreceiver Consignment Receiving, Receive Date consign_receiver.receive_date ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/BillOfLadingID for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver.bol_id Purchase Receipt Entry, Bill of Lading ID for type=shipper For type=Shipper shipper.bol_id Field is not displays in Shipping Entry window. for type=ibtreceiver For type=IBTReceiver ibt_shipper.bol_id Field is not displayed in Inter Branch Transfer Shipping Entry window. for type=cnsnreceiver For type=CNSNReceiver consign_receiver.bol_id Consignment Receiving, Bill of Lading ID ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/ASNReference/DocumentID/ID for type=ibtreceiver For type=ibtreceiver ibt_shipper.shipper_id Inter Branch Transfer Shipping Entry, Shipper ID @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID fields ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/ItemID/ID for type=receiver, cnsnreceiver For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purc_order_line.part_id Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Part ID for type=receiver For type=Receiver purc_order_line.service_id Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Service ID for type=shipper For type=Shipper cust_order_line.part_id Customer Order Entry, Lines, Part ID for type=woreceipt, woissrtn For type=WOReceipt, WOIssRtn inventory_transaction.part_id Inventory Transaction Entry, Part ID for type=ibtreceiver For type=ibtreceiver ibt_line.part_id Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Lines, Part ID @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID fields ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/Description part.description Part Maintenance, Description service.description Outside Service Maintenance, Description ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/Classification @type COMMODITY, PRODUCTLINE ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/Classification/Codes/Code if type=commodity: part. If type=commodity: Part Maintenance, Commodity Code commodity_code If type=productline: Part Maintenance, Product Code if type=productline: part. product_code August 13, 2009 84

@sequence 1 @listID Commodity Codes, Product Lines @listAgencyID Infor ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/Classification/Description The system inserts the SOA code description associated with the commodity or productline code. ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/CountryOfOriginCode for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver_line.orig_country_id Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Orig Country for type=shipper For type=Shipper shipper_line.orig_country_id Shipping Entry, Lines, Country of Origin for type=cnsnreceiver For type=CNSNReceiver consign_rcvr_line.orig_country_id Consignment Receiving, Lines, Country of Origin ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/ImportLicenseRequiredIndicator False ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/OrderQuantity for type=receiver, cnsnreceiver For type=Receiver, CNSN Receiver purc_order_line.user_order_qty Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Quantity for type=shipper For type=Shipper cust_order_line.user_order_qty Customer Order Entry, Lines, Quantity for type=woreceipt, woissrtn For type=WOReceipt work_order.desired_qty Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Quantity for type=ibtreceiver For type=ibtreceiver ibt_line.user_order_qty Inter Branch Transfer, Lines, Quantity @unitCode for type=receiver, cnsnreceiver For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M field service.usage_um If item is a service and U/M field is blank, then use Outside Service Maintenance, Usage UM for type=shipper For type=Shipper cust_order_line.selling_um Customer Order Entry, Lines, U/M for type=woreceipt, woissrtn For type=WOReceipt, WOIssRtn part.stock_um Part Maintenance, Stock UM for type=ibtreceiver For type=ibtreceiver ibt_line.ibt_um Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Lines, U/M ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/ShippedQuantity for type=ibtreceiver For type=ibtreceiver ibt_shipper_line.user_shipped_qty Inter Branch Transfer Shipping Entry, Lines, Ship Qty @unitCode for type=ibtreceiver For type=ibtreceiver ibt_line.ibt_um Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Lines, U/M ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/OpenQuantity for type=receiver, cnsnreceiver For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purc_order_line.user_order_qty- Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Quantity minus Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Dispatch Quantity purc_order_line. For type=Shipper total_usr_recv_qty Customer Order Entry, LInes, Quantity minus Customer Order Entry, Lines, Shipped Qty for type=shipper For type=WOReceipt, WOIssRtn cust_order_line.user_order_qty- Manufacturing Window, Work Order Header, Quantity minus Manufacturing Window, Work Order View panel, Received Qty cust_order_line.user_shipped_qty For type=ibtreceiver for type=woreceipt, woissrtn Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Lines, Quantity minus Inter Branch Transfer Entry, LInes, Qty Received work_order.desired_qtywork_order.received_qty for type=ibtreceiver ibt_line.user_order_qty-ibt_line. usr_recd_qty @unitCode for type=receiver, cnsnreceiver For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M field service.usage_um If item is a service and U/M field is blank, then use Outside Service Maintenance, Usage UM for type=shipper For type=Shipper cust_order_line.selling_um Customer Order Entry, Lines, U/M for type=woreceipt, woissrtn For type=WOReceipt, WOIssRtn August 13, 2009 85

part.stock_um for type=ibtreceiver ibt_line.ibt_um Part Maintenance, Stock UM For type=ibtreceiver Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Lines, U/M

ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/LoadingWeightMeasure for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver_line.gross_weight Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Gross Weight for type=ibtreceiver For type=Shipper ibt_shipper_line.shipping_weight n/a for type=cnsnreceiver For type=ibtreceiver consign_rcvr_line.gross_weight Inter Branch Transfer Shipping Entry, Lines, Per Unit Ship Weight For type=CNSNReceiver Consignment Receiving, Lines, Gross Weight @unitCode for type=receiver, shipper, For type=Reciever, Shipper, CNSNReceiver CNSNReceiver Part Maintenance, Weight UM part.weight_um For type=ibtreceiver for type=ibtreceiver Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Lines, Weight U/M ibt_line.weight_um ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID/ID for type=receiver For type=CNSNReceiver receiver_line.purc_order_id Consignment Receiving, Order ID for type=cnsnreceiver consign_receiver.purc_order_id @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location SOA Maintenance, SOA Location ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/LineNumber for type=receiver receiver_line.purc_order_line_no for type=cnsnreceiver consign_rcvr_line. purc_order_line_no ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/ScheduleLineNumber For type=receiver For type=Receiver purc_line_del.del_sched_line_no Purchase Order Entry, Delivery Schedule, Ln# ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/Quantity For type=receiver For type=Receiver purc_line_del.user_received_qty Purchase Order Entry, Deliver Schedule, Qty. If null, then Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Quantity Received receiver_line.user_received_qty ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/SalesOrderReference/DocumentID/ID shipper.cust_order_id Shipping Entry, Order ID ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID/ID @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location SOA Maintenance, SOA Location ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/SalesOrderReference/LineNumber shipper_line.cust_order_line_no Shipping Entry, Lines, C/O Ln# ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/Status/Code for type=receiver, woreceipt, For type=Receiver woissrtn, cnsnreceiver If Warehouse Maintenance, Location/Parts is Available, then status is Available. Otherwise, status is OnHold part_location.loc_status For type=Shipper, ibtreceiver Available For type=WOReceipt, WOIssRtn If Warehouse Maintenance, Location/Parts, Status equals Available, then status is Available. Otherwise, status is OnHold

August 13, 2009


@listID Receive Delivery Status @listAgencyID Infor ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/Status/ReasonCode For type=receiver, WOReceipt, For type=receiver, WOReceipt, WOIssRtn, CNSNReceiver WOIssRtn, CNSNReceiver If status is OnHold, then Part Maintenance, Warehouse Locations, Hold Reason ID part_location.hold_reason_id @listID Hold Reason Code @listAgencyID Infor ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/ReceivedQuantity for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver_line.user_received_qty, Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Quantity Received, if positive if positive For type=Shipper for type=shipper Shipping Entry, Lines, Qty Shipper multiplied by -1 shipper_line.user_shipped_qty For type=WOReceipt, WOIssRtn for type=woreceipt, woissrtn Inventory Transaction Entry, Quantity inventory_transaction.qty For type=ibtreceiver for type=ibtreceiver Inter Branch Transfer Receipt Entry, Lines, Quantity Received ibt_receiver_line. For type=CNSNReceiver user_received_qty Consignment Receiving, Lines, Quantity Received for type=cnsnreceiver consign_rcvr_line. user_received_qty @unitCode for type=receiver, cnsnreceiver For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M for type=shipper For type=Shipper cust_order_line.selling_um Customer Order Entry, Lines, UM for type=woreceipt, WOIssRtn For type=WOReceipt part.stock_um Part Maintenance, Stock UM for type=ibtreceiver For type=ibtreceiver ibt_line.ibt_um Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Lines, UM ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/ReturnedQuantity for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver_line.user_received_qty Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Quantity Received multiplied by -1, if Quantity Received is negative for type=WOIssRtn For type=Shipper, ibtreceiver inventory_transaction.qty 0 for type=cnsnreceiver For type=WOIssRtn consign_rcvr_line. Inventory Transaction Entry, Quantity user_received_qty For type=CNSNReceiver If Received Quantity is less than zero, then Consignment Receiving, Lines, Quantity Received mulitplied by -1 @unitCode for type=receiver, cnsnreceiver For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M for type=shipper For type=Shipper cust_order_line.selling_um Customer Order Entry, Lines, UM For type=WOIssRtn For type=WOIssRtn part.stock_um Part Maintenance, Stock U/M ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/DamagedQuantity for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver_line.rejected_qty Puchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Rejected Qty for type=cnsnreceiver For type=Shipper, ibtreceiver consign_rcvr_line.rejected_qty 0 @unitCode for type=receiver, cnsnreceiver For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M for type=shipper For type=Shipper cust_order_line.selling_um Customer Order Entry, Lines, UM ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/LineNumber receiver_line.line_no Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, # August 13, 2009 87

ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryItem/CountSequence part_warehouse.count_sequence If the transaction is deleted, then part_warehouse.count_sequence. inventory_trans.count_sequence Otherwise, inventory_trans.count_sequence ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryUnit/ScheduledDeliveryDateTime for type=receiver, cnsnreceiver For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purc_line_del.desired_recv_date Purchase Order Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, Desired Receive Date for type=shipper For type=Shipper shipper.create_date Create Date is available on the Packlist ID browse ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryUnit/ActualDeliveryDateTime for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver_line.received_date Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Last Received Date for type=shipper For type=Shipper shipper.create_date Create Date is available on the Packlist ID browse for type=cnsnreceiver For type=CNSNReceiver consign_receiver.received_date Consignment Receiving, Receive Date ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryUnit/ReceiveDeliveryUnitItem/OrderQuantity for type=receiver, cnsnreceiver For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purc_line_del.user_order_qty Purchase Order Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, Qty for type=shipper For type=Shipper cust_line_del.user_order_qty Customer Order Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, Qty @unitCode for type=receiver, CNSNReciever For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M for type=shipper For type=Shipper cust_order_line.selling_um Customer Order Entry, Lines, UM ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryUnit/ReceiveDeliveryUnitItem/OpenQuantity for type=receiver For type=Receiver purc_line_del.user_order_qtyPurchase Order Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, Qty Received minus the sum of Purchase Receipt Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, receiver_line_del. Received Qty user_received_qty For type=Shipper for type=shipper Customer Order Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, Qty minus Customer Order Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, Shipped Qty cust_line_del.user_order_qtyFor type=Receiver cust_line_del.user_shipped_qty Purchase Order Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, Qty Received minus the sum of Purchase Order Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, for type=cnsnreceiver Received Qty purc_line_del.user_order_qty purc_line_del.user_received_qty @unitCode for type=receiver, CNSNReceiver For type=Receiver, CNSNReceiver purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, Lines, U/M for type=shipper For type=Shipper cust_order_line.selling_um Customer Order Entry, Lines, UM ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryUnit/ReceiveDeliveryUnitItem/PurchaseOrderReference/LineNumber For type=receiver: For type=Receiver purc_line.line_no Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Ln# for type=shipper: For type=Shipper shipping_lines.cust_order_line_no Shipping Entry, Lines, C/O Ln# for type=cnsnreceiver consign_rcvr_line. purc_order_line_no ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryUnit/ReceiveDeliveryUnitItem/PurchaseOrderReference/ScheduleLineNumber for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver_line_del. Purchase Receipt Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, Line # purc_del_line_no For type=Shipper for type=shipper Shipping Entry, Edit Deliver Schedule, Line # shipper_line_del.line_no for type=cnsnreceiver cnsn_rcvr_line_del.line_no ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryUnit/ReceiveDeliveryUnitItem/ReceivedQuantity for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver_line_del. Purchase Receipt Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, Received Quantity. user_received_qty if qty is For type=Shipper positive otherwise 0.0 Shipping Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, Shipped Qty multiplied by -1 for type=shipper August 13, 2009 88

shipper_line_del. user_shipped_qty for type=cnsnreceiver cnsn_rcvr_line.user_received_qty @unitCode purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, U/M field ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryUnit/ReceiveDeliveryUnitItem/ReturnedQuantity for type=receiver For type=Receiver receiver_line_del. Purchase Receipt Entry, Edit Delivery Schedule, Received Quantity multiplied by -1 if quantity is negative; otherwise, 0.0 user_received_qty * -1 if qty is For type=Shipper negative otherwise 0.0 0 for type=cnsnreceiver cnsn_rcvr_line.user_received_qty * -1 if qty is negative; otherwise, 0.0 @unitCode purc_order_line.purchase_um Purchase Order Entry, purchase order line table, U/M field

August 13, 2009


Requisition/RequisitionHeader/DocumentID/ID Purchase Requisition Entry, Requisition ID @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location settings.location_id SOA Maintenance, SOA Location @lid settings.instance_id The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, VISUAL Instance ID Requisition/RequisitionHeader/LastModificationDateTime The system uses the date and time it created the BOD. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/DocumentDateTime purc_requisition.requisition_date Purchase Requisition Entry, Requisition Date Requisition/RequisitionHeader/Note Purchase Requistion Entry, Requisition Notations @languageID SOA Maintenance, Language ID Requisition/RequisitionHeader/Status/Code purc_requisition.status Purchase Requisition Entry, Status. The system translates VISUAL codes as follows: If VISUAL status=Draft, then status=Open If VISUAL status=Ordered, then status=Converted If VISUAL status=In Process, then status=Open If VISUAL status=Approved, then status=Approved If VISUAL status=Cancelled/Void, then status=Canceled If VISUAL status=Closed, then status=Rejected Requisition/RequisitionHeader/Status/Description Purchase Requisition Entry, Status. The system translates VISUAL codes as follows: If VISUAL status=Draft, then status=Open If VISUAL status=Ordered, then status=Converted If VISUAL status=In Process, then status=Open If VISUAL status=Approved, then status=Approved If VISUAL status=Cancelled/Void, then status=Canceled If VISUAL status=Closed, then status=Rejected Requisition/RequisitionHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime purc_requisition.status_eff_date Not in Purchase Requistion Entry window. You can display the information in the Requisition ID browse. If you deleted the requistion, then the effecitve date is the date and time the system created the BOD. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID Company @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID field Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/Name application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Name company_name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/Location @type Site Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/ID purc_requisition. Purchase Requisition Entry, Shipto ID. If field is null, then Site~SOA Maintenance, SOA Location purc_req_addr_no Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Name Application Global, Name Purchase Order Entry, Ship to Address, Name Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine shipto_address.addr_1 Purchase Order Entry, Ship to Address Street Address fields shipto_address.addr_2 or shipto_address.addr_3 Application Global Maintenance, Address fields or application_global.addr_1 August 13, 2009 90

application_global.addr_2 application_global.addr_3 @sequence 1: shipto_address.addr_1 2: shipto_address.addr_2 3: shipto_address.addr_3 or 1: application_global.addr_1 2: application_global.addr_2 3: application_global.addr_3

Purchase Order Entry, Shipto Address, Street Address fields or Application Global Maintenance, Address fields

Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName Purchase Order Entry, Shipto Address, City or Application Global Maintenance, City Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode shipto_address.state Purchase Order Entry, Shipto Address, State application_global.state Application Global Maintenance, State Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Purchase Order Entry, Shipto Address, Country or Application Global Maintenance, Country Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode shipto_address.zipcode Purchase Order Entry, Shipto Address, Zipcode application_global.zipcode or Application Global Maintenance, Zip Requisition/RequisitionHeader/CustomerParty/BuyerContact/Name purc_requisition.buyer Purchase Requisition Entry, Buyer Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID purc_requistion.vendor_ID Purchase Requistion Entry, Vendor ID Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Name Vendor Maintenance, Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Location @type Site Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Name Vendor Maintenance, Name Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine vendor.addr_1 Vendor Maintenance, Address fields vendor.addr_2 vendor.addr_3 @sequence 1: vendor.addr_1 Vendor Maintenance, Address fields 2: vendor.addr_2 3: vendor.addr_3 Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CityName Vendor Maintenance, City Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode vendor.state Vendor Maintenance, State Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Vendor Maintenance, Country Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode vendor.zipcode Vendor Maintenance, Zip Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Name purc_requisition. Purchase Requistion Entry, Contact tab, Contact fields contact_first_name purc_requistion.contact_initial purc_requistion. contact_last_name Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/JobTitle August 13, 2009 91

purc_requistion.contact_position Purchase Requistion Entry, Contact tab, Pos field Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode Phone, Fax, Email

August 13, 2009


Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode/Code @listID Communication Use Codes Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber purc_requisition.contact_phone Purchase Requisition Entry, Contact tab, Phone purc_requistion.contact_mobile Purchase Requistion Entry, Contact tab, Mobile purc_requisition.contact_fax Purchase Requistion Entry, Contact tab, Fax Requisition/RequisitionHeader/SupplierParty/Contact/Communication/URI purc_requistion.contact_email Purchase Requistion, Entry, Contact tab, E-mail Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ExtendedAmount purc_requistion.total_amt_orderedPurchase Requistion Entry, Order Total @currencyID purc_requistion.currency_id Purchase Requistion Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the currency ID to an ISO code using Code Mapping Maintenance. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/TotalAmount purc_requistion.total_amt_orderedPurchase Requistion Entry, Order Total @currencyID purc_requistion.currency_id Purchase Requistion Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the currency ID to an ISO code using Code Mapping Maintenance. Requisition/RequisitionHeader/BuyerParty/PartyIDs/ID @schemeName System @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID field Requisition/RequisitionHeader/BuyerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode Country Sub-divisions Requisition/RequisitionHeader/BuyerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Countries Requisition/RequisitionHeader/RequesterParty/PartyIDs/ID Requester~purc_requistion. Requester~Purchase Requistion Entry, Requestor requestor @accountingEntity application_global.mfg_entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location settings.location_id SOA Maintenance, SOA Location Requisition/RequisitionHeader/RequesterParty/Name employee.first_name Employee Maintenance, First/Mi/Last employee.middle_initial employee.last_name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Requisition/RequisitionHeader/RequesterParty/Contact/Name employee.first_name Employee Maintenance, First/Mi/Last employee.middle_initial employee.last_name Requisition/RequisitionHeader/Approvers/SequencedApprover @sequence 1: Purchase Requisition Entry, Approvals, Approval 1 2: Purchase Requisition Entry, Approvals, Approval 2 3: Purchase Requisition Entry, Approvals, Approval 3 4: Purchase Requisition Entry, Approvals, Approval 4 Requisition/RequisitionLine/LineNumber purc_req_line.line_no Purchase Requistion Entry, Lines, Ln# Requisition/RequisitionLine/Description purc_req_line.part_id If the item on the line is a part, then Purchase Requisition Entry, Lines, Part ID ~ Part Maintenance, Description. part.description If the item on the line is a service, then Purchase Requisition Entry, Lines, Service ID ~ Outside Service Maintenance, Description purc_req_line.service_id service.description Requisition/RequisitionLine/Status/Code purc_req_line.line_status Purchase Requisition Entry, Lines, Status. The system translates VISUAL codes as follows: If VISUAL status=Draft, then status=Open August 13, 2009 93

If VISUAL status=Ordered, then status=Converted If VISUAL status=In Process, then status=Open If VISUAL status=Approved, then status=Approved If VISUAL status=Cancelled/Void, then status=Canceled If VISUAL status=Closed, then status=Rejected @listID Requisition Status Requisition/RequisitionLine/Status/Description Purchase Requisition Entry, Lines, Status. The system translates VISUAL codes as follows: If VISUAL status=Draft, then status=Open If VISUAL status=Ordered, then status=Converted If VISUAL status=In Process, then status=Open If VISUAL status=Approved, then status=Approved If VISUAL status=Cancelled/Void, then status=Canceled If VISUAL status=Closed, then status=Rejected @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Requisition/RequisitionLine/Status/EffectiveDateTime purc_req_line.status_eff_date Requisition/RequisitionLine/Item/ServiceIndicator purc_req_line.service_id If field is blank, then serviceindicator=false. If field is populate, then service indicator=true Requisition/RequisitionLine/Item/Description part.description If the item on the line is a part, then Part Maintenance, Description. service.description If the item on the line is a service, then Outside Service Maintenance, Description @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Requisition/RequisitionLine/Item/Classification @type COMMODITY, PRODUCTLINE Requisition/RequisitionLine/Item/Specification/Property/NameValue part.eng_mstr If name-EngineeringReference, then Part Maintenance, Eng Master Eng ID part.drawing_id If name=DrawingNumber, then Part Maintenance, Config Mgt tab, Drawing # @name EngineeringReference, DrawingNumber Requisition/RequisitionLine/Quantity pur_req_line.user_order_qty Purchase Requistion Entry, Lines, Quantity @unitCode pur_req_line.purchase_um Purchase Requisition Entry, Lines, U/M Requisition/RequisitionLine/UnitPrice/Amount purc_req_line.unit_price Purchase Requisition, Entry, Lines, Unit Price @currencyID purchase_req.currency_id Purchase Requistion Entry, Currency ID. The system translates the currency ID to an ISO code using Code Mapping Maintenance. Requisition/RequisitionLine/UnitPrice/PerQuantity 1 @unitCode pur_req_line.purchase_um Purchase Requisition Entry, Lines, U/M Requisition/RequisitionLine/RequiredDeliveryDateTime pur_req_line.desired_recv_date Purchase Requisition Entry, Lines, Desired Recv Date purchase_req.desired_recv_date If field is null, Purchase Requisition Entry, Desired Recv Date Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Name Application Global, Name purc_req_line.warehouse_id Purchase Requisition Entry, Lines, Warehouse Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine warehouse_address.addr_1 Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Street Address fields warehouse_address.addr_2 or warehouse_address.addr_3 Application Global Maintenance, Address fields or application_global.addr_1 application_global.addr_2 application_global.addr_3 August 13, 2009 94

Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City or Application Global Maintenance, City Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode warehouse_address.state Application Global Maintenance, State application_global.state Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country or Application Global Maintenance, Country Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode warehouse_address.zipcode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zipcode application_global.zipcode or Application Global Maintenance, Zip Requisition/RequisitionLine/FixedPriceItemIndicator False Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Name Application Global, Name purc_req_line.warehouse_id Purchase Requisition Entry, Lines, Warehouse Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine warehouse_address.addr_1 Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Street Address fields warehouse_address.addr_2 or warehouse_address.addr_3 Application Global Maintenance, Address fields or application_global.addr_1 application_global.addr_2 application_global.addr_3 Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City or Application Global Maintenance, City Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode warehouse_address.state Application Global Maintenance, State application_global.state Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country or Application Global Maintenance, Country Requisition/RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode warehouse_address.zipcode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zipcode application_global.zipcode or Application Global Maintenance, Zip Requisition/RequisitionLine/RFQReference/DocumentID purc_rfq_req.rfq_id Purchase Requisition Entry, Show RFQs, RFQ ID

August 13, 2009


SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Customer, Supplier on outbound BODs SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DocumentID/ID Customer Order Entry, Our Order ID @accountingEntity application_global. Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity default_mfg_entity @location settings.location_id SOA Maintenance, SOA Location @lid settings.instance_id The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DocumentID/RevisionID customer_order.revision_id Not displayed in Customer Order Entry window. Available in Order ID browse table. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/LastModificationDateTime The system uses the date that it created the BOD SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DocumentDateTime customer_order.create_date Not displayed in Customer Order Entry window. Available in Order ID browse table. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/Note customer_order.notations Customer Order Entry, Order Notations @languageID Customer Order Entry, Order Notations @author Customer Order Entry, Order Notations @entryDateTime Customer Order Entry, Order Notations SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/Status/Code customer_order.status Customer Order Entry, Status. @listID Sales Order Status @listAgencyID Infor SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime customer_order.status_eff_date Not displayed in Customer Order Entry window. Available in Order ID browse table. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID @schemeName System SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Name customer_order.customer_id Customer Order Entry, Customer ID @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/AddressLine customer.bill_to_addr1 Customer Maintenance, Bill To Address fields customer.bill_to_addr2 customer.bill_to_addr3 If Bill To Address fields are null, then Customer Maintenance, Address fields customer.addr1 customer.addr2 customer.addr3 @sequence 1: customer.bill_to_addr1 2: customer.bill_to_addr2 3: customer.bill_to_addr3 1: customer.addr1 2: customer.addr2 3. customer.addr3 SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CityName customer.bill_to_city Customer Maintenance, Bill To City If Bill To City field is null, then Customer Maintenance, City August 13, 2009 96

Customer Maintenance, Bill To Address fields If Bill To Address fields are null, then Customer Maintenance, Address fields

SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode customer.bill_to_state Customer Maintenance, Bill To State customer.state @listID @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountryCode customer.bill_to_country Customer Maintenance, Bill To Country @listID @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/PostalCode customer.bill_to_zipcode Customer Maintenance, Bill To Zip customer.zipcode @listID @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Name customer_order. Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Contact fields contact_first_name customer_order.contact_initial customer_order. contact_last_name SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/JobTitle customer_order.contact_position Customer Order Entry, Contact Tab, Pos SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/UseCode UseCode=phone, fax, or email SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/DialNumber 1: customer_order.contact_phone 1: Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Phone 2: customer_order.contact_mobile 2: Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Mobile 3: customer_order.contact_fax 3: Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Fax SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Contact/Communication/URI customer_order.contact_email Customer Order Entry, Contact tab, Email SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Name Application Global, Name SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1: application_global.addr_1 Application Global Maintenance, Address fields 2: application_global.addr_2 3: application_global.addr_3 @sequence application_global.addr_1 Application Global Maintenance, Address fields application_global.addr_2 application_global.addr_3 SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CityName Application Global Maintenance, City If Bill To City field is null, then Customer Maintenance, City Postal/Zip Code If Bill To Country field is null, then Customer Maintenance, Country Countries If Bill To State field is null, then Customer Maintenance, State Country Sub-divisions

August 13, 2009


SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode application_global.state Application Global Maintenance, State @listID Country Sub-divisions @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Application Global Maintenance, Country @listID Countries @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SupplierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode application_global.zipcode Application Global Maintenance, Zip @listID Postal/Zip Codes @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SupplierParty/SalesContact/Name Sales Reps, Name SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Name customer_order.customer_id Customer Order Entry, Customer ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1: customer_address.addr_1 Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, Address fields for the corresponding Ship To ID 2: customer_address.addr_2 3: customer_address.addr_3 @sequence 1: customer_address.addr_1 Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, Address fields 2: customer_address.addr_2 3: customer_address.addr_3 SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, City for the corresponding Ship To ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode customer_address.state Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, State for the corresponding Ship To ID @listID Country Sub-divisions @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, Country for the corresponding Ship To ID @listID Countries @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode customer_address.zipcode Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, Zip for the corresponding Ship To ID @listID Postal/Zip Codes @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ContractReference/ID customer_order.contract_id Customer Order Entry, EDI tab, Contract ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ExtendedAmount customer_order_line.extension The system adds the Extended Amounts for each line in the Customer Order. The system displays the total under the lines table. @currencyID customer_order.currency_id Customer Order Entry, Monetary tab, Currency ID. The system translates this code to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/TotalAmount The system adds the extension, freight, and tax amounts for all lines in Customer Order Entry and subtracts the discounts for all lines. The system displays the total as the Grand Total (under the Lines table) @currencyID August 13, 2009 98

customer_order.currency_id Customer Order Entry, Monetary tab, Currency ID. The system translates this code to the ISO code based on your settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/PartyIDs/ID customer_order.customer_id Customer Order Entry, Customer ID @schemeName System SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Name customer.bill_name Customer Maintenance, Bill To Name if null, then If null, then Customer Maintenance, Sold To Name SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine customer.bill_to_addr1, customer. Customer Maintenance, Bill To Address fields bill_to_addr2, customer. bill_to_addr3. If Bill To Address fields are null, then Customer Maintenance, Address fields if bill to address fields are null, then customer.addr1, customer. addr2, customer.addr3 @sequence 1: customer.bill_to_addr1 2: customer.bill_to_addr2 3: customer.bill_to_addr3 if bill to address fields are null, then: 1: customer.addr1 2: customer.addr2 3. customer.addr3 SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CityName customer.bill_to_city Customer Maintenance, Bill To City if bill to city field is null, then: If Bill To City field is null, then Customer Maintenance, City

Customer Maintenance, Bill To Address fields If Bill To Address fields are null, then Customer Maintenance, Address fields

SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode customer.bill_to_state Customer Maintenance, Bill To State if bill to country field is null, then: If Bill To State field is null, then Customer Maintenance, State customer.state @listID Country Sub-divisions @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode customer.bill_to_country Customer Maintenance, Bill To Country if bill to country field is null, then: If Bill To Country field is null, then Customer Maintenance, Country @listID Countries @listAgencyID ISO

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SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode customer.bill_to_zipcode Customer Maintenance, Bill To Zip if bill to zip field is null, then: customer.zipcode @listID @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID customer_order.carrier_id Customer Order Entry, Carrier ID @schemeName System SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Name Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Name based on the Carrier ID selected in Customer Order Entry, Carrier ID or, if null, Customer Maintenance, Shipping Tab, Carrier ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1: carrier.addr1 Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Address fields based on the Carrier ID selected in Customer Order Entry, Carrier ID 2: carrier.addr2 or, if null, Customer Maintenance, Shipping Tab, Carrier ID 3: carrier.addr3 @sequence 1: carrier.addr1 Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Address fields based on the Carrier ID selected in Customer Order Entry, Carrier ID 2: carrier.addr2 or, if null, Customer Maintenance, Shipping Tab, Carrier ID 3: carrier.addr3 SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CityName Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, City based on the Carrier ID selected in Customer Order Entry, Carrier ID or, if null, Customer Maintenance, Shipping Tab, Carrier ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode carrier.state Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, State based on the Carrier ID selected in Customer Order Entry, Carrier ID or, if null, Customer Maintenance, Shipping Tab, Carrier ID @listID Country Sub-divisions @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Country based on the Carrier ID selected in Customer Order Entry, Carrier ID or, if null, Customer Maintenance, Shipping Tab, Carrier ID @listID Countries @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Zip based on the Carrier ID selected in Customer Order Entry, Carrier ID or, if null, Customer Maintenance, Shipping Tab, Carrier ID @listID Postal/Zip Codes @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/EarlyShipmentAllowedIndicator customer_order.accept_early Customer Order Entry, Other tab, Accept Early. If selected, then EarlyShipmentAllowedIndicator="True". All else="False" SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PaymentTerm/Description customer_order.terms_net_type Customer Order Entry, Monetary tab, Terms customer_order.terms_net_days customer_order.terms_net_date customer_order.terms_disc_type customer_order.terms_disc_days customer_order.terms_disc_date customer_order. terms_disc_percent customer_order.terms_description @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID August 13, 2009 100 If Bill To City field is null, then Customer Maintenance, City

Postal/Zip Codes

SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/RequestedShipDateTime customer_order. Customer Order Entry, Desired Ship Date desired_ship_date SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PromisedShipDateTime customer_order.promised_date Customer Order Entry, Promised Ship Date SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BackOrderIndicator customer_order.back_order If Customer Order Entry, Other tab, Is separate Back order is selected, then indicator=true. Otherwise, indicator=false SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID/ID customer_order.customer_po_ref Customer Order Entry, Customer PO SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SalesPersonReference/IDs/ID Sales_rep~customer_order. Sales_rep~Customer Order Entry, Other tab, Sales Rep salesrep_id @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id Application Global Maintenance, Default Mfg Entity @location settings.location_id SOA Maintenance, SOA Location SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SalesPersonReference/Name Sales Reps, Name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/ExtendedPretaxAmount The system subtracts total of the tax amount for all lines from the total of extended amounts for all lines. @currencyID currency.currency_id Exchange Rate Maintenance, Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SubTotalAmount The system subtracts total of the tax amount for all lines from the total of extended amounts for all lines. @currencyID currency.currency_id Exchange Rate Maintenance, Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount @type TotalAmount, ExtendedAmount, ExtendedPretaxAmount, SubtotalAmount, SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BaseCurrencyAmount/Amount For type=TotalAmount For type=TotalAmount: The system adds the extension, freight, and tax amounts for all lines in Customer Order Entry and For type=ExtendedAmount subtracts the discounts for all lines. The system displays the total as the Grand Total (under the Lines table). If the invoice For type-ExtendedPretaxAmount currency is not the same as the system currency, the system converts the amounts to the system currency based on the For type=SubtotalAmount exchange rate in effect at the time of the transaction. For type=ExtendedAmount: The system adds the Extended Amounts for each line in the Customer Order. The system displays the total under the lines table. If the invoice currency is not the same as the system currency, the system converts the amounts to the system currency based on the exchange rate in effect at the time of the transaction. For type-ExtendedPretaxAmount: The system subtracts total of the tax amount for all lines from the total of extended amounts for all lines. The system subtracts total of the tax amount for all lines from the total of extended amounts for all lines. If the invoice currency is not the same as the system currency, the system converts the amounts to the system currency based on the exchange rate in effect at the time of the transaction. For type=SubtotalAmount: The system subtracts total of the tax amount for all lines from the total of extended amounts for all lines. If the invoice currency is not the same as the system currency, the system converts the amounts to the system currency based on the exchange rate in effect at the time of the transaction. @currencyID currency.currency_id Exchange Rate Maintenance, Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system currency SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/LineNumber cust_order_line.line_no Customer Order Entry, Lines, Ln# SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Status/Code cust_order_line.line_satus Defaults to Customer Order Entry, Status. Customer Order Entry, Lines, Ln Closed Short If the Customer Order is active and the amount in Customer Order Entry, Lines, User Shipped Quantity is greater than zero but less than the Quantity, then status=PartialShipped. Otherwise, status=Shipped. If the line has been fully invoiced, then status=Invoiced. @listID Sales Order Status

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@listAgencyID Infor SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Status/EffectiveDateTime If the Line Closed Short check box is selected, use the Actual Ship Date (CUST_ORDER_LINE.ACTUAL_SHIP_DATE) where the Last Shipped Date (CUSTOMER_ORDER_LINE.LAST_SHIPPED_DATE) is not null. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Item/ItemID/ID cust_order_line.part_id If Last Shipped Date is blank, use the date the Customer Order was created (CUSTOMER_ORDER.CREATE_DATE). SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Item/ServiceIndicator cust_order_line.service_charge_idCustomer Order Entry, Lines, Service Charge ID. If populated, then ServiceIndicator=True. If null, then ServiceIndicator=False SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Item/Description part.description Part Maintenance, Description service.description Outside Service Maintenance, Description SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Quantity cust_order_line.user_order_qty Customer Order Entry, Lines, Quantity @unitCode cust_order_line.selling_um Customer Order Entry, Lines, UM SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UnitPrice/Amount cust_order_line.unit_price Customer Order Entry, Lines, Unit Price @currencyID customer_order.currency_id Customer Order Entry, Currency ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UnitPrice/PerQuantity 1 @unitCode cust_order_line.selling_um Customer Order Entry, Lines, UM SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ExtendedAmount cust_order_line.user_order_qty The system calculates as follows: cust_order_line.unit_price Customer Order Entry, Lines, Qty multiplied by Customer Order Entry, Lines, Unit Price multiplied by (1 minus Customer Order cust_order_line. Entry, Lines, Disc%/100) trade_disc_percent @currencyID customer_order.currency_id Customer Order Entry, Currency ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/TotalAmount cust_order_line.user_order_qty The system calculates as follows: cust_order_line.unit_price (Customer Order Entry, Lines, Qty multiplied by Customer Order Entry, Lines, Unit Price multiplied by (1 minus Customer Order cust_order_line. Entry, Lines, Disc%/100)) plus ((Customer Order Entry, Lines, Qty multiplied by Customer Order Entry, Lines, Unit Price trade_disc_percent multiplied by (1 minus Customer Order Entry, Lines, Disc%/100)) multiplied by Sales Tax Group Maintenance, Sales Tax Percent) cust_order_line. sales_tax_group_id @currencyID customer_order.currency_id Customer Order Entry, Currency ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Name customer_order.customer_id Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, Name for the corresponding Ship To ID. If Ship To ID on Customer Order Entry, Lines is null, then use Shipto ID on header. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1: customer_address.addr_1 Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, Address fields for the corresponding Ship To ID 2: customer_address.addr_2 3: customer_address.addr_3 @sequence 1: customer_address.addr_1 1: Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, Address fields 2: customer_address.addr_2 3: customer_address.addr_3 SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, City for the corresponding Ship To ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode customer_address.state Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, State for the corresponding Ship To ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, Country for the corresponding Ship To ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode customer_address.zipcode Customer Order Entry, Shipping Address, Zip for the corresponding Ship To ID SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/EarlyShipmentAllowedIndicator cust_order_line.accept_early Customer Order Entry, Lines, Accept Early. If null, then Customer Order Entry, Accept Early August 13, 2009 102

or customer_order.accept_early SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/RequiredDeliveryDateTime cust_line_del.desired_ship_date Customer Order Entry, Delivery Schedule, Desired Ship Date SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PromisedShipDateTime cust_order_line.promise_date Customer Order Entry, Lines, Promise Ship Date. If null, then Customer Order, Promise Ship Date or customer_order.promise_date SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ActualShipDateTime cust_order_line.last_shipped_dateCustomer Order Entry, Lines, Ship Date SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipFromParty/Location @type Warehouse SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipFromParty/Location/ID cust_order_line.warehouse_id Customer Order Entry, Lines, Warehouse ID @schemeName System SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipFromParty/Location/Name SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/AddressLine warehouse_address.addr_1 Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Street Addres fields warehouse_address.addr_2 warehuose_address.addr_3 @sequence 1: warehouse_address.addr_1 Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Street Addres fields 2: warehouse_address.addr_2 3: warehuose_address.addr_3 SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CityName Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode warehouse_address.state Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, State @listID Country Sub-divisions SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country @listID Countries @listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/PostalCode warehouse_address.zipcode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zip @listID Postal/Zip Codes

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@listAgencyID ISO SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/AllocatedQuantity cust_order_line.allocate_qty Customer Order Entry, Lines, Allocate Qty @unitCode cust_order_line.selling_um Customer Order Entry, Lines, UM SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/LineNumber cust_line_del.del_sched_line_no Customer Order Entry, Delivery Schedule, Ln# If no delivery schedule exists for the line, then 0 SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/Quantity cust_line_del.user_order_qty If no delivery schedule exists for the line, then Customer Order Entry, Lines, Qty cust_order_line.user_order_qty @unitCode cust_order_line.selling_um Customer Order Entry, Lines, UM SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/Status/Code cust_order_line.line_status Customer Order Entry, Lines, Ln Closed Short If the Customer Order is active and the amount in Customer Order Entry, Lines, User Shipped Quantity is greater than zero but less than the Quantity, then status=PartialShipped. Otherwise, status=Shipped. If the line has been fully invoiced, then status=Invoiced. Defaults to Customer Order Entry, Status. @listID Sales Order Status @listAgencyID Infor SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/Status/EffectiveDateTime If the Line Closed Short check box is selected, use the Actual Ship Date (CUST_ORDER_LINE.ACTUAL_SHIP_DATE) where the Last Shipped Date (CUSTOMER_ORDER_LINE.LAST_SHIPPED_DATE) is not null. SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/RequiredDeliveryDateTime cust_line_del.desired_ship_date Customer Order Entry, Delivery Schedule, Desired Ship Date cust_order_line. If no delivery schedule existis for the line, Customer Order Entry, Lines, Desired Ship Date desired_ship_Date SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/PromisedShipDateTime cust_order_line.promise_date Customer Order Entry, Lines, Promise Ship Date SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/SalesOrderSchedule/PromisedDeliveryDateTime cust_order_line.promise_del_date Customer Order Entry, Lines, Promised Del Date

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Shipment/ShipmentHeader/DocumentID @agencyRole Shipper Shipment/ShipmentHeader/DocumentID/ID for type=shipper: shipper+shipper. For type=shipper: Shipper ~ Shipping Entry, Packlist ID ~ Shipping Entry, Lines, Line No. For example, Shipper~00006~1 packlist_id+shipper_line.line_no For type=IBTShipper: Inter Branch Transfer Shipping Entry, Shipper ID ~ Inter Branch Transfer Shipping Entry, IBT Ln # for type=ibtshipper: ibtshipper+ For type=POReturnReceipt: POReturnReceipt ~ Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Receiver ID ~ Purchase Receipt Entry, Line No ibt_shipper.shipper_id+ For type=WOIssue: WOIssue ~ Inventory Transaction Entry, Transaction ID ibt_shipper_line.line_no For type=WOReceiptRtn: WOIssue ~ Inventory Transaction Entry, Transaction ID for type=poreturnreceipt: For type=CNSNReceiptRtn: CNSNReceiptRtn ~ Consignment Receiving Entry, Receiver ID ~ Consignment Receiving Entry, poreturnreceipt+receiver_line. Lines, Ln # receiver_id+receiver_line.line_no for type=woissue: woissue+ inventory_transaction. transaction_id for type=woreceiptrtn: woreceiptrtn+ inventory_transaction. transaction_id for type=cnsnreciptrtn: consign_receiver.receiver_id+ consign_receiver_line.line_no @location settings.location_id SOA Maintenance, SOA Location @lid settings.instance_id The system combines lid://infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/LastModificationDateTime The system uses the date and time it created the BOD Shipment/ShipmentHeader/DocumentDateTime for type=shipper: shipper. For type=shipper: Is not displayed on Shipping Entry window. Available in Packlist ID browse table. create_date For type=IBTshipper: Is not dispalyed on Inter Branch Transfer Shipping Entrywindow. Available in Shipper ID browse table for type=ibtshipper: ibt_shipper. For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Receipt Entry, Act Recv Date create_date For type=WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn: Inventory Transaction Entry, Transaction Date for type=poreturnreceipt: receiver. For type=CNSNReceiptRtn: Consignment Receiving, Receive Date received_date for type=woissue, worecieptrtn: inventory_transaction. transaction_date for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_receiver.received_date Shipment/ShipmentHeader/Note for type=shipper: notations.note For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Packlist Notations

Shipment/ShipmentHeader/Status/Code for type=shipper: shipper.status For type=shipper: Displays below RMA ID For type=IBTShipper, POReturnReceipt, WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn, CNSNReceiptRtn: If the transaction is deleted, then status is Cancelled. Otherwise, status is shipped @listID Shipment Status (Supplier) Shipment/ShipmentHeader/Status/Description For type=shipper: the system translates the code in shipper.status based on the settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. For type=IBTshipper, POReturnReceipt, WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn, CNSNReceiptRtn: Cancelled or Shipped Shipment/ShipmentHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime for type=shipper: shipper. For type=shipper: Field not displayed on window. Available in Packlist ID browse table. status_eff_date For type=IBTshipper: If status is Shipped, then Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Other tab, Last Shipped. If status is cancelled, then for type=ibtshipper: ibt. the system uses the current date and time. shipped_date For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Receipt Entry, Act Recv Date for type=poreturnreceipt: receiver. For type=WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn: If status is shipped, then Inventory Transaction Entry, Transaction Date. If status is received_date cancelled, then the system uses the current date and time. for type=woissue, woreceiptrtn: For type=CNSNReceiptRtn: If status is shipped, then Consignment Receiving, Receive Date. If status is cancelled, then the inventory_transaction. system uses the current date and time. transaction_date for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_receiver.received_date August 13, 2009 105

Shipment/ShipmentHeader/WarehouseLocation @type type=warehouse Shipment/ShipmentHeader/WarehouseLocation/ID for type=shipper, ibtshipper, For type=shipper, IBTshipper, WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn: Inventory Transaction Entry, Warehouse ID for transaction ID woissue, woreceiptrtn: associated with shipment. inventory_transaction. For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Warehouse ID warehouse_id For type=CNSNReceiverRtn: Consignment Receiving, Lines, Warehouse ID for type=poreturnreceipt: receiver_line.warehouse_id for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_rcvr_line.warehouse_id Shipment/ShipmentHeader/WarehouseLocation/Name Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Name Shipment/ShipmentHeader/WarehouseLocation/Address/AddressLine warehouse_address.addr_1 Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Address fields warehouse_address.addr_2 warehouse_address.addr_3 @sequence 1: warehouse_address.addr_1 2: warehouse_address.addr_2 3: warehouse_address.addr_3 Shipment/ShipmentHeader/WarehouseLocation/Address/CityName Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City Shipment/ShipmentHeader/WarehouseLocation/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode warehouse_address.state Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, State Shipment/ShipmentHeader/WarehouseLocation/Address/CountryCode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country @listID Countries Shipment/ShipmentHeader/WarehouseLocation/Address/PostalCode Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zip @listID Postal/Zip Codes Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ActualShipDateTime for type=shipper: shipper. For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Actual Ship Date plus shipper.shipped_time. Shipper.shipped_time not displayed on the shipped_date Shipping Entry window. Available in the Packlist ID browse table. shipper.shipped_time For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Receipt Entry, Act Recv Date for type=poreturnreceipt: receiver. For type=WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn: Inventory Transaction Entry, Transaction Date received_date For type=CNSNReceiptRtn: Consignment Receiving, Receive Date for type=woissue, woreceiptrtn: inventory_transaction. transaction_date for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_receiver.received_date Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ScheduledDeliveryDateTime for type=shipper: shipper. For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Edit Packlist, Expected Del Date. Shipper.expected_del_time not displayed on Shipping Entry expected_del_date window. Available in Packlist ID browse table. shipper.expected_del_time If fields are null, then Shipper, Promise Ship Date shipper.sched_del_date Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ActualDeliveryDateTime for type=shipper: For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Edit Packlist, Act Del Date. If null, then Shipping Entry, Edit Packlist, Exp Del Date. shipper.actual_del_date shipper.expected_del_date Shipment/ShipmentHeader/TareWeightMeasure for type=shipper: shipper. For type=shipper: Field not displayed on window. Available in Packlist ID browse table. tare_weight For type=IBTshipper: Inter Branch Transfer Shipping Entry, Lines, for type=ibtshipper: ibt_shipper_line.tare_weight @unitCode for type=shipper: shipper_line. For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Lines, Weight U/M. Translated to ISO code based on settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. weight_um For type=IBTShipper: IBT Shipping Entry, Lines, Weight U/M. Translated to ISO code based on settings in Code Mapping August 13, 2009 106

for type= ibtshipper:ibt_shipper_line. weight_um Maintenance.

Shipment/ShipmentHeader/NetWeightMeasure for type=shipper: shipper. For type=shipper: Field not displayed on window. Available in Packlist ID browse table. total_net_weight for type=ibtshipper: ibt_shipper_line.net_ship_weight @unitCode for type=shipper: shipper_line. For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Lines, Weight U/M. Translated to ISO code based on settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. weight_um For type=IBTShipper: IBT Shipping Entry, Lines, Weight U/M. Translated to ISO code based on settings in Code Mapping for type= Maintenance. ibtshipper:ibt_shipper_line. weight_um Shipment/ShipmentHeader/GrossWeightMeasure for type=shipper: shipper. For type=Shipper: Shipping Entry, Lines, Shipping Weight total_gross_weight For type=IBTShipper: IBT Shipping Entry, Lines, Per Unit Shipping Weight for type=ibtshipper: For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Gross Weight ibt_shipper_line.shipping_weight For type=CNSNReceiptRtn: Consignment Receiving, Lines, Gross Weight for type=poreturnreceipt: receiver_line.gross_weight for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_rcvr_line.gross_weight @unitCode for type=shipper: shipper_line. For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Lines, Weight U/M. Translated to ISO code based on settings in Code Mapping Maintenance. weight_um For type=IBTShipper: IBT Shipping Entry, Lines, Weight U/M. Translated to ISO code based on settings in Code Mapping for type= Maintenance. ibtshipper:ibt_shipper_line. weight_um for type=poreturnreceipt: Shipment/ShipmentHeader/CountryOfOriginCode for type=poreturnreceipt: For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Receipt Entry, Lines, Country of Origin receiver_line.orig_country For type=CNSNReceiptRtn: Consignment Receiving, Lines, Orig Country for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_rcvr_line.orig_country_id Shipment/ShipmentHeader/TransportationMethodCode for type=shipper: shipper.ship_via For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Ship Via for type=ibtshipper: ibt_shipper. For type=IBTShipper: IBT Shipping Entry, Ship Via sihp_via For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Receipt Entry, Other tab, Ship Via for type=poreturnreceipt: receiver. For type=CNSNReceiptRtn: Consignment Receiving, Ship Via ship_via for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_receiver.ship_via Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/PartyIDs/ID For type=shipper, IBTshipper, CNSNReceiptRtn: COMPANY @schemeName System Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Name for type=shipper, ibtshipper, For type=shipper, IBTShipper, WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn, CNSNReceiptRtn: Application Global Maintenance, General Tab, Name woissue, woreceiptrtn, cnsnreceiptrtn: application_global. company_name @languageID settings.language_id SOA Maintenance, Language ID Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location @type For type=shipper: Warehouse Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/ID for type=shipper: For type=shipper: Location Type ~ Inventory Transaction Entry, Warehouse ID inventory_transaction. For type=IBTshipper: Location Type ~ Inter Branch Transfer Entry, From Whse ID ~ IBT.SHIP_FROM_ADDR_NO (no is not warehouse_id displayed in window) for type=ibtshipper: ibt. For type=POReturnReceipt, WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn, CNSNReceiptRtn: Location Type ~ Application Global Maintenance, from_whse_id Name August 13, 2009 107

ibt.ship_from_addr_no for type=poreturnreceipt, woissue, woreceiptrtn, cnsnreceiptrtn: location type ~ application_global. company_name @schemeName System

August 13, 2009


@schemeAgencyName settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in the Visual Instance ID field. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Name for type=shipper, ibtshipper: For type=shipper, IBTShipper: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Name For type=POReturnReceipt, WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn, CNSNReceiptRtn: Application Global Maintenance, General Tab, Name for type=poreturnreceipt, woissue, woreceiptrtn, cnsnreceptrtn: application_global. company_name Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/AddressLine @sequence for type=shipper, ibtshipper: For type=shipper, IBTshipper: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Street Address fields 1: warehouse_address.addr_1 For type=POReturnReceipt, WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt, CNSNReceiptRtn: Application Global Maintenance, General Tab, 2: warehouse_address.addr_2 Street Address fields 3: warehouse_address.addr_3 for type=poreturnreceipt, woissue, woreturnreceipt, cnsnreceiptrtn: 1: application_global.addr_1 2: application_global.addr_2 3: application_global.addr_3 Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CityName for type=shipper, ibtshipper: For type=Shipper: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City For type=POReturnReceipt, WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn: Application Global Maintenance, City for type=poreturnreceipt, woissue, woreceiptrtn: Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode for type=shipper, ibtshipper: For type=shipper: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, State warehouse_address.state For type=POReturnReceipt, WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn, CNSNReceiptRtn: Application Global Maintenance, General tab, State for type=poreturnreceipt, woissue, woreceiptrtn, cnsnreceiptrtn: application_global. state @listID Country Sub-divisions Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CountryCode for type=shipper, ibtshipper: For type=shipper: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country For type=POReturnReceipt, WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn, CNSNReceiptRtn: Application Global Maintenance, General tab, Country for type=poreturnreceipt, woissue, woreceiptrtn, cnsnreceiptrtn: application_global. country @listID Countries Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/PostalCode for type=shipper, ibtshipper: For type=shipper: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zip For type=POReturnReceipt, WOIssue, WOReceiptRtn, CNSNReceiptRtn: Application Global Maintenance, General tab, Zip for type=poreturnreceipt, woissue, woreceiptrtn, cnsnreceiptrtn: application_global. zipcode @listID Postal/Zip Codes Shipment/ShipmentHeader/CarrierParty/PartyIDs/ID for type=shipper: customer_order. For type=shipper: Customer Order Entry, Sold to/Ship to tab, Carrier ID carrier_id For type=IBTShipper: Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Carrier ID for type=ibtshipper: ibt.carrier_id For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Receipt Entry, Carrier ID for type=poreturnreceipt: receiver. For type=CNSNReceiptRtn: Consignment Receiving, Carrier ID carrier_id for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_receiver.carrier_id August 13, 2009 109

Shipment/ShipmentHeader/CarrierParty/Name carrier.carrier_name Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Name Shipment/ShipmentHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/AddressLine 1: carrier.addr_1 1: Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 1 2: carrier.addr_2 2: Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 2 3: carrier.addr_3 3: Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 3 @sequence carrier.addr_1 Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 1 carrier.addr_2 Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 2 carrier.addr_3 Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Addr 3 Shipment/ShipmentHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CityName Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, City Shipment/ShipmentHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode carrier.state Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, State/Province @listID Country Sub-divisions Shipment/ShipmentHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/CountryCode Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Country @listID Countries Shipment/ShipmentHeader/CarrierParty/Location/Address/PostalCode carrier.zipcode Application Global Maintenance, Carriers, Zip/Postal Code @listID Postal/Zip Codes Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID for type=shipper: customer_order. For type=shipper: Customer Order Entry, Customer ID customer_id For type=IBTShipper, WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt: COMPANY For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Order Entry, Vendor ID for type=poreturnreceipt: For type=CNSNReceiptRtn: Consignment Receiving, Customer tab, Customer ID purchase_order.vendor_id for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_receiver.customer_id @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Name for type=shipper, cnsnreceiptrtn: For type=shipper, CNSNReceiptRtn: Customer Maintenance, Name customer.customer_name For type=IBTShipper, WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt: Application Global Maintenance, Name for type=ibtshipper, woissue, For type=POReturnReceipt, CNSNReceiptRtn: Vendor Maintenance, Name woreturnreceipt: application_global. company_name for type=poreturnreceipt, cnsnreceiptrtn: vendor. vendor_name @languageID SOA Maintenance, Language ID Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/ID for type=shipper: For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Lines, Shipto # shipping_address.shipto_no For type=IBTshipper: Inter Branch Transfer Entry, To Whse ID, IBT.SHIP_TO_ADDR_ID for type=ibtshipper: ibt.to_whse_id ibt.ship_to_addr_no for type=poreturnreceipt: purchase_order. purc_ord_addr_no @schemeAgencyName settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID. Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Name for type=shipper: For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Shipping Address, Name For type IBTShipper: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Name for type=ibtshipper: For type=POReturnReceipt: Vendor, Name or Purchase Order Entry, Purchase Addresses, Name for type=poreturnreceipt: vendor. August 13, 2009 110

name or Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/AddressLine for type=ibtshipper: For type=IBTShipper: Warehouse Mainteance, Warehouse Address, Street Address fields 1: warehouse_address.addr_1 For type=POReturn Receipt: Purchase Order Entry, Purchase Addresses, Street Address fields 2: warehouse_address.addr_2 For type=WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt: Application Global Maintenance, Street Address fields 3: warehouse_address.addr_3 for type=poreturnreceipt: 1: vendor.addr_1 2: vendor.addr_2 3. vendor.addr_3 1: purchase_address.addr_1 2: purchase_address.addr_2 3. purchase_address.addr_3 for type=woissue, woreturnreceipt 1: application_global.addr_1 2: application_global.addr_2 3: application_global.addr_3 Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CityName for type=shipper: For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Shipping Address, City For type=IBTShipper: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, City for type=ibtshipper: For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Order Entry, Purchase Addresses, City For type=WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt: Application Global Maintenance, City for type=poreturnreceipt: for type=woissue, woreturnreceipt: Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode for type=shipper: For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Shipping Address, State shipping_address.state For type=IBTShipper: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, State for type=ibtshipper: For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Order Entry, Purchase Addresses, State warehouse_address.state For type=WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt: Application Global Maintenance, State for type=poreturnreceipt: purchase_address.state for type=woissue, woreturnreceipt: application_global.state @listID Country Sub-divisions Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountryCode for type=shipper: For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Shipping Address, Country For type=IBTshipper: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Country for type=ibtshipper: For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Order Entry, Purchase Address, Country For type=WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt: Application Global Maintenance, Country for type=poreturnreceipt: for type=woissue, woreturnreceipt: @listID Countries Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/PostalCode for type=shipper: For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Shipping Address, Zip For type=IBTshipper: Warehouse Maintenance, Warehouse Address, Zipcode for type=ibtshipper: For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Order Entry, Purchase Address, Zipcode For type=WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt: Application Global Maintenance, Zipcode for type=poreturnreceipt: for type=woissue, woreturnreceipt: @listID August 13, 2009 111

Postal/Zip Codes Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ScheduledShipDateTime for type=shipper: shipping. For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Desired Ship Date desired_ship_date Shipment/ShipmentItem/ItemID/ID for type=shipper: customer_order_line.part_id for type=ibtshipper: ibt_line. part_id for type=poreturnreceipt: purc_order_line.part_id purc_order_line.service_id for type=woissue, woreturnreceipt: inventory_transaction.part_id for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_rcvr_line.part_id @accountingEntity application_global.entity_id @location settings.location_id For type=shipper: Customer Order Entry, Lines, Part ID For type=IBTshipper: Inter Branct Transfer Entry, Lines, Part ID For type=POReturnReceipt: Purchase Order Entry, Lines, Part ID or Service ID For type=WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt: Inventory Transaction Entry, Part ID For type=CNSNReceiptRtn: Consignment Receiving, Lines, Part ID

Application Global Maintenance, Default Manufacturing Entity SOA Maintenance, Location ID

August 13, 2009


Shipment/ShipmentItem/ServiceIndicator For type=WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt, CNSNReceiptRtn: False Shipment/ShipmentItem/Classification @type Type=PRODUCTLINE, COMMODITY Shipment/ShipmentItem/Classification/Codes/Code for type=productline: part. For type=PRODUCTLINE: Part Maintenance, Product Code product_code For type=COMMODITY: Part Maintenance, Commodity Code for type=commodity: part. commodity_code @listID Product Lines, Commodity Codes Shipment/ShipmentItem/ImportLicenseRequiredIndicator False Shipment/ShipmentItem/OrderQuantity for type=shipper: cust_order_line. For type=shipper: Customer Order Entry, Lines, Quantity user_order_qty For type=IBTshipper: Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Lines, Quantity for type=ibtshipper: ibt_line. user_order_qty @unitCode for type=shipper: cust_order_line. For type=shipper: Customer Order Entry, Lines, U/M selling_um fro type=ibtshipper: ibt_line.ibt_um Shipment/ShipmentItem/ShippedQuantity for type=shipper: shipper_line. For type=shipper: Shipping Entry, Lines, Qty Shipped usr_shipped_qty For type=IBTshipper: Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Lines, Qty Shipped for type=ibtshipper: ibt_line. For type=WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt: Inventory Transaction, Quantity usr_shipped_qty for type=poreturnreceipt: for type=woissue, woreturnreceipt: inventory_transaction.qty for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: @unitCode for type=shipper: cust_order_line. For type=shipper: Customer Order Entry, Lines, U/M selling_um For type=WOIssue, WOReturnReceipt: Part Maintenance, Stock U/M for type=ibtshipper: ibt_line.ibt_um for type=woissue, woreturnreceipt: part.stock_um Shipment/ShipmentItem/OpenQuantity for type=ibtshipper: ibt_line. For type=IBTshipper: The performs the following calculation: Inter Branch Transfer Entry, Lines, Quantity minus Inter Branch user_order_qty Transfer Entry, Lines, Qty Shipped. If Quantity is not greater than Qty Shipped, then 0. ibt_line.user_shipped_qty @unitCode for type=ibtshipper: ibt_line.ibt_um Shipment/ShipmentItem/BackOrderedQuantity For type=IBTshipper: 0 @unitCode for type=ibtshipper: ibt_line.ibt_um Shipment/ShipmentItem/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID/ID for type=poreturnreceipt: receiver_line.purc_order_id for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_rcvr_line.purc_order_id @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID. Shipment/ShipmentItem/PurchaseOrderReference/LineNumber for type=poreturnreceipt: receiver_line.purc_order_line_no for type=cnsnreceiptrtn: consign_rcvr_line. purc_order_line_no August 13, 2009 113

Shipment/ShipmentItem/SalesOrderReference/DocumentID/ID shipping.cust_order_id Shipping Entry, Order ID @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID. Shipment/ShipmentItem/SalesOrderReference/LineNumber shipper_line.cust_order_line_no Shipping Entry, Lines, C/O Ln# Shipment/ShipmentItem/Costing @rateCode material, labor, burden, contractor @type Actual Shipment/ShipmentItem/Costing/Amount For type=material: Inventory Transaction Entry, Material Unit Cost inventory_transaction. Inventory Transaction Entry, Labor Unit Cost act_material_cost Inventory Transaction Entry, Burden Unit Cost For type=labor: Inventory Transaction Entry, Service Unit Cost inventory_transaction. act_labor_cost For type=burden: inventory_transaction. act_burden_cost For type=contractor: inventory_transaction. act_service_cost @currencyID currency.currency_id Exchange Rate Maintenance, Currency Maintenance, Currency ID marked as system. Shipment/ShipmentItem/SerializedLot/ItemQuantity trace_inv_trans.trace_qty Inventory Transaction Entry, Part Traceability, Qty Shipment/ShipmentItem/SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID trace_inv_trans.trace_id Inventory Transaction Entry, Part Traceability, field name as specified in Part Trace Profile Maintenance, Label Shipment/ShipmentItem/LineNumber consign_rcvr_line.line_no Consignment Receipt Entry, Lines, Ln # Shipment/ShipmentItem/CountSequence part_warehouse.count_sequence

August 13, 2009


SupplierPartyMaster @role Supplier SupplierPartyMaster/PartyIDs/ID @schemeName @schemeAgencyID settings.instance_id Vendor Maintenance, Vendor ID System The system combines infor.visual with the value in SOA Maintenance, Visual Instance ID.

SupplierPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID vendor.tax_id_number Vendor Maintenance, Accounting tab, Tax ID Number SupplierPartyMaster/Name @languageID settings.language_id Vendor Maintenance, Name SOA Mainenace, Language ID

SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/AddressLine 1: vendor.addr_1 Vendor Maintenance, Purchase From Street Address fields 2: vendor.addr_2 3: vendor.addr_3 SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/CityName Vendor Maintenance, Purchase From City SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode vendor.state Vendor Maintenance, Purchase From State. @listID Country Sub-divisions SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountryCode Vendor Maintenance, Purchase From Country. @listID Countries SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/PostalCode vendor.zipcode Vendor Maintenance, Purchase From Zip @listID Postal/Zip Codes SupplierPartyMaster/SalesContact/Name vendor.contact_first_name Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, First, Initial, and Last Name fields vendor.contact_initial vendor.contact_last_name SupplierPartyMaster/SalesContact/JobTitle vendor.contact_position Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Position/Salutation SupplierPartyMaster/SalesContact/Communication/UseCode Phone Fax Email SupplierPartyMaster/SalesContact/Communication/UseCode/Code @listID Communication Use Codes SupplierPartyMaster/SalesContact/Communication/DialNumber vendor.contact_phone Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Phone vendor.contact_mobile Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, Mobile Phone vendor.contact_fax Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, FAX SupplierPartyMaster/SalesContact/Communication/URI vendor.contact_email Vendor Maintenance, Contact tab, E-Mail Address SupplierPartyMaster/Supplier1099Indicator vendor.report_1099_misc If Vendor Maintenance, Accounting tab, Report 1099 Misc.check box is selected, then true. If it is not selected, then false SupplierPartyMaster/SupplierAccount/Status/Code vendor.active_flag If Vendor Maintenance, Active check box is selected, then Open. If check box is not selected, then Closed SupplierPartyMaster/SupplierAccount/Term/Description vendor.terms_net_type Vendor Maintenance, Accounting tab, Terms vendor.terms_net_days vendor.terms_net_date August 13, 2009 115

vendor.terms_disc_type vendor.temrs_disc_days vendor.terms_disc_date vendor.terms_disc_percent vendor.terms_description @languageID settings.language_id

SOA Mainenace, Language ID

August 13, 2009


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