Soil Investigations

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1. Introduction 2. Geography of Saint Vincent 3. Geologic Recognition 3.1. Petrologic characterization of the material of the site 3.2. Seismicity of the area 3.3. Geotechnical characterization of the rocks of the site 3.4. Behavior of the subsoil material in the perforations 4. Work methodology 4.1. Field work 4.2. Location of the test pits and perforations 4.3. Lithology of the test pits and perforations 4.4. Hydrogeology 4.4.1. Permeability tests on site 4.4.2 Detection of water levels 4.5. Work methodology in the laboratory 5. Tests results 5.1 Mt. Coke elevation 5.2 Cut elevation: stations 98+0.00 to 114+0.00 5.3 Elevation to the left of station 200+0.00 (Argyle Hill) 5.4 Elevation: stations 260+0.00 to 274+0.00 5.5 Second stage of Investigation 6. General conclusions and recommendations Annex 1. Longitudinal lithologic profile on the centerline of the runway Annex 2. Lithology of perforations and test pits Annex 3. Graphical design CBR. Annex 5. Result of compression tests of rock nuclei Annex. 6. Summary Table for perforations 1 1 3 4 7 8 9 11 11 14 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 27 28 33

1 Introduction
The present report is the result of soil investigation that was done in the project area of the Argyle International Airport, in the island of Saint Vincent, with the objective of knowing the geo-mechanic characteristics of the soil in the site designated for the runway. As a result we hope to define the parameters for the design complying with an agreement that was made between the governments of the Republic of Cuba, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

2- Geography of Saint Vincent

Saint Vincent is located within the southern part of the Lesser Antilles of the Caribbean. It is approximately 100 miles to the west of Barbados, 68 miles to the north of Grenada and about 190 miles to the north of Trinidad. Saint Vincent is the largest of 32 islands and cays that constitute the nation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. It is more or less of an oval form with 29 kms in length and 17.5 kms in width. The island consists of a central axial mountain range that begins in the north at the site known as La Soufrire, an active volcano 1178ms in height, and finishes in the south at the site known as St. Andrew, 736ms in height. This volcanic mountain range almost divides the island in two equal halves, an Eastern or windward side and a leeward side. The north-south center line of the island shows migration originating from the volcanic activity, with predominance of olivine, Scoria cones and basalts, product of the small explosive eruptions (Rowley 1978a). The Eastern Caribbean is an example of a system of arc of islands formed on the extremes of the convergent plate (in other words, on a subjacent zone where two tectonic plates meet and the denser plate forces the lighter plate downwards). This is the main cause of the volcanic and seismic activity in the Eastern Caribbean. Most of the earthquakes that happen in the Eastern Caribbean are of tectonic or volcanic origin. The tectonic earthquakes are generated when the accumulated energy flows and produces the movement of the plates. The volcanic earthquakes are generated by the movement of magma within the lithosphere. The magma is less dense than the surrounding rocks, for such reason it rises to the surface, while the rocks move, in that way generating earthquakes. In fact, more than 75% of earthquakes happen in the limits of the convergent plates. The countries of the Eastern Caribbean are therefore very susceptible to earthquakes.

3- Geologic recognition
In the site, extrusive igneous rocks, represented by several events of lava flows of different composition, pyroclastic material and ash are visible. See Figure N1. These volcanic materials come from the La Soufrire volcano located to the north of the island. The last registered eruptions were in 1902-03, 1971-72 and 1979. Source: Seismic Research Unit, University of the West Indies.

FIGURE N 1. Embankment located to the Southeast of the island UTM coordinates, datum Pro. SAm 56, 20 P Norte 1455181 and East 701154. Take note of the five events of eruption and the differentiation of the material. According to the mineralogy of the hand samples taken in field and the perforations on the study site for the new International Airport, it can be concluded that the most common materials are: Basalts and centimetric to plurimetric granular xenoliths Andesites Scoria Ash

In the eruptions that were registered, the flow structures and numerous vacuoles formed by the escape of the gases that was contained during the crystallization process stand out; these vacuoles gives it a high porosity, but they are not interconnected, therefore they do not contribute permeability to the rock. They are of a black color when fresh and

grayish color when meteorized, fine to medium grained, micro/cryptocrystalline texture. In some eruptions the rock is greenish due to the olivine content. Between the observable minerals in the hand samples you have: Plagioclase, augite, amphibole, olivine and glass of a clear coffee color. See figures N 2 and 3.

FIGURES N 2 and 3. Basalts of fine texture constituted of numerous irregularly distributed small crystals located in a mass of even finer crystals or glass. According to the geologic literature of the area these basalts are very common in the Southern areas of the island; this was substantiated in the fields, and to top it off, this material is being utilized as a heavy aggregate crushed stone N 1.

Andesite arises in a massive form or in form of docks, porphyritic texture with crystals of plagioclase (white) and amphiboles (dark) and in smaller proportion some pyroxenes (dark), color black and white spots, when meteorized it is grayish. See figures N 4 and 5, the micro pores and the vitreous matrix are emphasized.

FIGURES N 4 and 5 Andesite arising in massive form and hand sample, take note of the fenocrystals of plagioclase, the fine matrix and flow textures bandeado

Rock conformed mainly of iron oxides, gray metallic lead color when fresh and reddish when meteorized of a spongy appearance. See figures N 6 and 7

FIGURES N 6 and 7. Scorias showing its red and lead color due to meteorization and the spongy texture

Ash or Pumites
Rock with very low density and great porosity, permeable, formed by volcanic ash accumulation in an ardent cloud, little consolidated, fine grain, smaller than four millimeters in layers of until 30cm, conditions of decomposed soft rock shows high plasticity and is extremely delineable, difficult to sample as hand sample.

FIGURE N 8: Pumite showing the vacuoles and its fine texture

3.2- Seismicity of the area

The island of Saint Vincent is located in the arc of islands of the eastern Caribbean (See Figure N 9), where two tectonic plates converge, conforming a zone of subduction; when sufficient energy is accumulated, an elastic rebound takes place whose liberation of energy gives rise to earthquakes. According to some authors the seismicity of Saint Vincent is intimately related to the volcanic activity consequence of the hitting of the two tectonic plates of the Caribbean and the Atlantic.

FIGURE N 9 Historical seismicity of the arc of islands. Source USGS.

In the threat map, done for Venezuela by INTEVEP, 1996, the arc of islands within the area is included with a horizontal acceleration Coefficient of 0.25g. See figure N 10. In the location plan of the greatest earthquakes from 1969 made by FUNVISIS, 2004, the seismicity of the area can be observed. The information is being updated to include the area of the island of St Vincent and compliment this paragraph with numbers.

FIGURE N 10 Map of seismic threat, INTEVEP, 1996

3.3- Geotechnical characterization of the rocks of the site

According to the result of the perforations and the direct observation of the hand samples, the behavior of the material can be described as mixed, soil and rock depending on its origin and its mineralogical composition, on the basis of those observations and to the methods of field classification, the following was concluded: Resistance of materials: The basaltic and andesites rocks, in fresh state, and on the basis of the Geo-mechanical classification of the amplified ISRM, 1977, they can generate resistance to compression within the order of 400 to 800 Kg/cm2, nevertheless this resistance can lower in function to the degree of meteorization at ground levels in the range of 1-5 kg/cm2. The volcanic ash or pumitas rocks regularly generate unitary weights as low as 0.5g/cm3 and specific weights from 0 to 1.0 g/cm3. These variations in resistance must be taken into consideration in the analysis of the field data because it induces important mistakes when analyzed statistically.

Meteorization: These rocks meteorize mainly to fine soil of medium to high plasticity and those of porphyritic texture can meteorize to sands of medium grains. In this type of rocks the meteorization is differential, reason why it is very common to find rocks in meteorized rock state hard and good conditioned RMdf next to rocks totally decomposed and soft or RDb.

3.4- Behavior of the subsoil material in the perforations

On the basis of all that was said before, the following was concluded: The nature of the material is volcanic and highly unstable chemically and mechanically. Its resistance to meteorization is differentiated by its origin and its mineralogical composition. Its resistance to penetration is in function of its degree of meteorization. Therefore we have in a same perforation, thicknesses of soil and rock bodies parallelly, with random and not zoned variations. Initially for this project, a series of perforations by percussion and rotation were prepared where the following was carried out: Perforation method: perforations by the percussion and rotation method combined were done, whose determination is only made on site and at the moment at which the materials vary its resistance to penetration. The method of perforation used was based on the ASTM-D1586 standards, that which allows you to find the relative resistance of the different formations of the soil quickly and simply. In this test, the number of blows needed to perforate 30cm (one foot) is counted that which represents one sample in the form of tube that was broken vertically and the number of blows (N) is correlated empirically with the resistence of the soil. The taking of samples was continuous and very detailed trying, inclusively, to take samples in the washing zone. The distribution of the perforations were more frequent in the less sloped areas and distributed with higher frequency in the zones of lower slope and less in the hills, this is due to the fact that the topography is controlled by the meteorization differential, leaving the greater heights to the rocks with greater resistance and the flat and semi-flat zones to softer rocks. The depth of the perforations is based on the quality of the rock or soil as foundation material in each perforation reason why the depth is only decided according to the quality of the recovered material, and always considering to deepen 3 meters in relation to the height of the runway.

4- Work Methodology 4.1 Field Work

The work in the fields was done by means of the exploration of the soil by methods of preliminary character, to elaborate the study referred to in the results of the laboratory tests, through the following activities: 1. Technical visits by the team to the field: where the visual inspection was carried out with the purpose of observing the characteristics that the soil has, to later select the suitable sites where the sampling was done. 2. Opening and closing of test pits: the work in the field was realized by doing investigations in form of test pits up to a depth of 5.00 ms, where altered samples were taken so as to perform physical and mechanical tests. 3. Perforations: these were done with the aim of determining the characteristics, thickness and stratification of the subsoil materials and also to find its resistance to penetration. The perforations using percussion were done following the specifications of ASTM D1586 norm. This norm was chosen because it renders the best practical results and gives very useful information in terms of the subsoil when compared to the rest of the preliminary exploratory procedures. The utility and importance of this test are in the correlations made in the field and the laboratory in diverse soils, mainly in sands, that allows you to approximately relate the compactness, the angle of internal friction and in clays the value of the simple compressive strength, with the number of blows necessary, in this soil, for the standard penetrometer to penetrate the 30cms specified in the requirements. This was done with equipment for perforation that consists of: Chisel type reels, continuous drills for superficial holes, with inner diameter of the drill of empty piston rod between 2.2 and 6.5. Manual drills with solid scoops with inner diameter of 2.2 and 6.5. 140 lbs Percussion hammer. Divided spoon type Samplers. Pipe for sampling with unions to connect the divided spoon samplers. Heads and connected axis. Tripod. Monkey wrenches, retaining baskets, derrick of bars, mecate. Bottles, spatulas, markers, chalk, metric tape. Level and plummet. Once the perforation site has been located, the tripod is raised with the pulley connected to it. The level of the equipment was verified with a level. The mecate was passed through the channel of the pulley and it was supported, coiling it on the rotating cylinder of the machine approximately times in the counterclockwise sense. Later, the perforation tube was assembled, the sampler and the hammer head was joined on. 9

Once the equipment was assembled, the motor was put into operation; then the hammer with mecate was suspended until an approximate height of 1 m, leaving it to fall freely on the surface of the land. In the inner circle of the print left by the hammer, a hole of 15 cms depth and 10 cms diameter was opened; this was done with the aim of eliminating the layer of loose material. The sampling was done with the sequence of operations indicated: On the sampler the length that will be penetrated was marked with chalk, in this case three marks of 15cms each were done; that corresponded to the 15cms of repair and 30cms of normal penetration. The sampler set, bar and head was placed in the site that will be perforated in a vertical position and then the execution of blows with the hammer begun, suspending it until a height of 30 (0,76m) and dropping it freely on the head. The number of blows applied for each increase of 0,15m was counted. Additionally when rejection to the standard penetration was evident, rotating perforation with the injection of water was done. 4. Geophysical soundings: geophysical soundings were done in the study area of interest for the new Argyle International Airport. Parallel, the geological surveys of surface was done. The applied seismic methods were those of refraction and seismic reflection. In these methods, the time of propagation of the elastic waves, between the site where the seismic waves are generated and the different observing points of arrival. A series of sensors in straight lines at known distances were used, forming what is known as seismic laying or line of refraction or seismic reflection. At a known distance on the extreme of laying, in the point of detonation, generating seismic waves, with the aid of a hammer in some points and in others by the detonation of explosives, which caused vibrations in the land that were detected by each of the sensors in the laying. The basic equipment consists of the sensors; the acquisition unit , where the movements of the land detected by each sensor are stored; the connection cables between the sensors and the unit of acquisition; the trigger cable, which is responsible to mark the moment in which the registry in the acquisition unit begins. The registries of each sensor have information of the movements of the land based on the time, that which are generated in order to register parameters for the design. These registries are analyzed in the refraction to obtain the time of arrival of the first waves from the detonation point to each sensor, and in the reflection to obtain data of the waves that are reflected in the different interfaces of the soil. Additionally, one of the applications of the refraction method, that will be obtained, is the determination of the depth to the base, and for the determination of the conditions (meteorization, fracturation) and competence of the rock in the places where the structures will located. The method uses the arrival of the first waves to the geophones, P waves, but also as the arrival of S waves, in such a way that the dynamic Poisson's ratio and other modules can be determined.


4.1. Selection of measurement sites: The selection of sites for the realization of tests was oriented by the necessities of the project, for which 13 soundings were made, generating longitudinal and cross-sectional sections in the area of interest. For this, measurements were done in 11 sites in the zone of the airstrip and 2 outside this area with the intention of comparing the measurements with other soil deposits, and these other areas are additionally considered to be obstacles.

4.2- Location of the test pits and perforations

The location of the test pits and perforations obeyed a trefoil distribution in the area of the runway (45m) and in some sites outside this strip considered of interest because of the diversity of the materials found, in order to be able to later correlate the results on the layout strip. It is important to mention that in the distribution of the investigation, the first variant for the location of the runway was considered, and later the definitive variant was taken into consideration. Next is a table with a list of the coordinates and heights of the perforations that were done, their location is given with reference to the station of the layout and its distance with respect to the centerline indicating the direction, that is to say, right or left of the centerline. The separation between perforations corresponded basically to the topographic relief and was also influenced by the height of the runway. During the second stage of the investigation, nine (9) perforations and nine (9) test pits were done to control the more critical zones like great embankments or great cuts. The sites considered to be most critical were in the area of the great embankment near to station 74+000, where two perforations were done, identified as: P2-10 and P2-11, revealing soils type A-2-4(0), with very low resistance to penetration. The additional perforations that were done during this second stage of investigation served to corroborated the type of soils found throughout the profile realized on the centerline of the track with a predominance of soils types A-2-4 and A-7-6.
TEST PITS / PERF. CC-1 CC-3 CC-4 CC-5 CC-86-A CC-86 P-86 P-81 COORDENATES EAST NORTH 491396,432 1453236,512 491403,921 1453251,355 491445,609 1453262,253 491412,880 1453325,612 491474,072 1453170,403 491482,714 1453173,142 491478,922 1453136,542 491550,007 1453083,675 HEIGHT (m) 83,600 79,494 60,372 58,309 69,866 65.343 67,644 55,940 LOCATION -2+15.0 (10m left) -2+13.0 (22m left) -0+6.00 (14m right) 4+0.00 (40m left) -8+4.00 (22m left) -8+0.00 (80m left) -10+10.0 (90m right) -14+0.00 (170m right) DEPTH (m) 4.40 5.00 6.50 1.20 1.50 5.00 22.0 18.0

Table No. 1. Location of perforations y test pits


TEST PITS / PERF. CC-81 CC-84 CC-85 CC-82 CC-83 P-5 CC-6 CC-7 CC-8 CC-9 CC-10 CC-11 P-11 CC-12 CC-13 CC-14 CC-15 CC-16 CC-17 P-18A CC-50 / P-21 P-18 P-19 CC-49 CC-20 CC-20A CC-20B P-73 CC-74 CC-75 CC-76 CC-22 CC-77 CC-22A CC-23 CC-24 CC-25 CC-26 CC-27 P-28 CC-29 CC-30 CC-30A CC-37 CC-38 CC-40 CC-39 CC-41

COORDENATES EAST NORTH 491544,469 1453021,539 491600,027 1453031,590 491551,195 1453131,582 491503,828 1453219,574 491456,834 1453324,936 491491,140 1453376,628 491490,277 1453473,261 491523,319 1453457,202 491560,444 1453504,839 491566,959 1453617,876 491639,826 1453696,180 491625,543 1453730,047 491623,607 1453760,821 491675,318 1453768,81 491624,855 1453793,930 491669,984 1453818,025 491693,932 145388,671 491727,948 1453863,001 491675,835 1453907,258 491686,193 1453933,346 491749,744 1454202,337 491684,363 1453967,390 491696,067 1453977,220 491716,791 1454267,004 491745,869 1454053,510 491783,920 1454100,233 491795,651 1454206,607 491765,705 1454258,473 491861,075 1454189,029 491842,479 1454212,536 491930,312 1454183,538 491906,406 1454225,949 491844,989 1454243,810 491838,367 1454252,951 491846,198 1454353,298 491886,082 1454343,593 491879,478 1454426,214 491914,373 1454525,201 491952,638 1454513,955 491953,180 1454656,132 491991,350 1454741,050 492076,860 1454799,487 492079,326 1454821,516 492091,246 1454942,595 492145,715 1455016,337 492127,752 1455102,531 492122,786 1455088,234 492278,713 1455281,111

HEIGHT (m) 56,403 52,220 49,058 50,273 45,956 49,040 54,080 46.312 46,308 49,020 39,725 43,939 44,50 41,117 39,853 30,377 17,280 18,560 19,897 13,010 44,769 13,210 13,340 48,175 12,24 20,142 54,902 53,678 55,544 53,497 61,156 48,125 47,011 46,711 30,935 25,822 19,143 12,181 11,031 11,963 17,630 10,897 12,706 24,485 20,789 14,096 13,499 8,951

LOCATION -14+10.0 (174m right) -14+20.0 (240m right) -8+10.0 (160m right) -2+6.00 (82m right) 98+8.00(146m right) 10+16.0 (16 m right) 20+6.00 (20m left) 20+0.00 (18m right) 26+0.00 (36m right) 36+8.00 (cent line) 46+6.00 (40m right) 48+16.0(18m right) 52+0.00 (cent line) 54+0.00 (50m right) 54+14.0 (6m left) 58+10.0 (26m right) 64+10.0 (26m right) 64+10.0 (cent line) 66+16.0 (cent line) 70+8.00 (cent line) 98+0.00 (32m left) 74+0.00 (12 m left) 74+10.0 (4 m left) 96+2.00 (92 m left) 84+0.00 (14m right) 88+18.0 (30 m right) 100+0.00 (6 m right) 104+0.00 (40 m left) 100+8.00 (73m right) 102+6.00 (48 m right) 102+6.00 (140m right) 104+10.0 (100 m right) 104+12.0 (140 m right) 106+0.00 (30 m right) 104+14.0 (cent line) 106+0.00 (cent line) 124+10.0 (cent line) 134+0.00 (6 m right) 134+0.00 (45 m right) 148+0.00 (4 m left) 156+10.0 (cent line) 164+14.0 (60m right) 166+10.0 (54 m right) 178+12.0 (22 m right) 188+0.00 (26 m right) 194+14.0 (cent line) 194+0.00 (cent line) 216+16.0 (76 m right)

DEPTH (m) 2.30 4.60 3.50 4.40 4,25 23.0 3.90 3.20 3.40 3.10 4.10 3.70 15.0 4.65 4.50 4.75 3.80 9.70 6.00/19.62 15.0 7.65 3.20 3.80 3.40 3.60 18.80 5.00 4.80 4.30 4.90 4.20 3.40 4.25 3.35 4.20 3.00 2.60 6.00 3.65 2.80 1.60 2.80 3.40 3.75 4.00 2.20

Cont. Table No. 1. Location of perforations y test pits


TEST PITS / PERF. CC-41A CC-65/P-65 P-66 CC-67 CC-68 CC-69 CC-70 CC-61 CC-62 CC-63 CC-60 CC-59 CC-58 CC-41-B P-42 CC-71 CC-72 CC-43 CC-44 CC-44A CC-46 CC-80 CC-88 CC-30 B P-111 P-90 P-35 P100 P/CC 103 P105/CC105 CC101 CC102 CC109 CC104 CC106 CC107 CC108 CC106-REST CC108PREST CC109PREST CC110PREST CC90 CC91 CC92 CC93

COORDENATES EAST NORTH 492317,414 1455290,974 492384,736 1455781,977 492324,662 1455825,882 492307,898 1455858,485 492349,982 1455840,476 492397,674 1455825,669 492365,005 1455869,444 492357,938 1455726,032 492305,272 1455774,129 492320,970 1455730,970 492335,124 1455672,311 492305,868 1455591,131 492284,760 1455518,347 492249,393 1455424,810 492313,942 1455366,234 492341,162 1455412,766 492332,963 1455401,847 492350,661 1455450,002 492386,299 1455542,510 492393,462 1455620,903 492412,704 1455675,587 491828,935 1454161,93 491824,604 1454302.514 492036,998 1454863,669 492266,634 1455490,623 492250,566 1455439,237 492016,152 1454812,812 492131,379 1455237,608 492001,527 1455243,805 492091,318 1455217,347 492127,914 1455256,456 491974,422 1455316,677 492149,923 1455259,202 492018,837 1455175,111 491902,653 1455278,156 492089,739 1455185,563 492079,408 14551145,658 491526,646 1454781,744 491588,080 491695,134 491578,329 491714,716 491748,401 491752,414 491773,314 1454755,239 1454771,829 1454717,974 1453753,334 1453755,130 1453807,571 1453835,414

HEIGHT (m) 7,76 35,18 40,08 34,60 33,34 26,84 24,37 22,71 27,82 19,38 9,51 15,82 18,59 9,66 8,89 15,88 13,64 16,85 8,57 5,76 6,11 47,840 39,502 14,249 18,924 10,374 12,890 30,29 49,72 43,10 38,20 48,00 30,00 30,36 56,87 39,75 20,86 39,17 40,34 35,86 29,18 43,02 40,73 32,68 24,35

LOCATION 220+0.00 (110m right) 268+0.00 (cent line) 270+0.00 (70 m left) 272+10.0 (50 m left) 272+0.00 (50 m left) 272+10.0 (cent line) 274+14.0 (50 m left) 262+2.00 (cent line) 264+6.00 (70m left) 260+10.0 (40 m left) 256+0.00 (cent line) 248+0.00 (cent line) 240+0.00 (cent line) 230+0.00 (cent line) 226+10.0 (80 m right) 232+0.00 (90 m right) 230+10.0 (86 m right) 268+0.00 (cent line) 246+0.00 (86 m right) 262+16.0 (64 m right) 258+10.0 (85 m right) 96+6.00 (52 m right) 110+0.00 (cent line) 170+0.00 (cent line) 236+16.0 234+14.0 164+0.00 (cent line) PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO PRESTAMO 230+0.00 (cent line) PRESTMO PRESTMO PRESTMO

DEPTH (m) 3.00 4.80 29.61 3.60 3.00 4.80 3.40 2.40 4.10 3.50 3.30 4.60 4.50 1.15 11.50 3.60 3.30 2.80 2.90 3.20 1.90 3.50 4.15 3.80 21.60 24.75 6.00 15.00 14.00 18.00 4.20 3.50 3.20 3.20 5.75 2.80 2.50 5.75 4.55 3.20 3.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.85

Cont. Table No. 1. Location of perforations y test pits


4.3- Lithology of the perforations and test pits

The soil indices properties were taken based on the test pits made on the layout, near to the centerline of the runway. With the purpose of constructing the lithologic profile on the center line, the results of each perforation and test pit up to a distance of 25 ms from the center line were correlated. The average depth of the test pits is 3.50ms and the average depth of the layer of vegetation is 50cms. The presented lithologic profile specifies the lithology of the definitive variant, constructed based on the results of extracted soil from the perforations and test pits, and is presented in Annex 1. In this profile it is appreciable that the predominant soil classifications are A-2-4, A-2-7 and A-7-6 throughout the layout. Presented in Annex 2 is the detail of the lithologic columns of some characteristic perforations and test pits, that complemented the definition of the profile, and are of importance, due to their location, for the design of vitally important structures for the project, as is the case of perforation 90 that is found on the banks of the river close to station 230+0.00. In this lithologic column, one can see the variation of disintegratable rock with alluvial and mass of sand from the river bed, observing the heterogeneity of the materials, necessary to be considered in the design of the structure that will be projected in this site. Perforations 18 and 19 are also presented with their columns and one can see that although they are close, perforation 18 has a predominance of clayey materials and perforation 19 has a predominance of sandy materials. These perforations are bordering station 74+0.00 in a valley area. In the second round of investigation, nine (9) perforations were done where all the materials displayed a degree of very variable density, generally characterized by a number of blows SPT of around 10 with few cases up to 40 in first 5,00m,. Only in depths greater than 8,00m was rejection encountered (more than 80 blows). The highest values were found to correspond with the ashes of a blackish color below the levels previously mentioned. Generally, underneath the ashes, the formation of basalt and andesites within a clayey matrix was found, in which the SPT tests have generally indicated rejection, nevertheless these pyroclastic flows, are almost always observed to be affected by an intense fracturing of tectonic origin.


4.4- Hydrogeology 4.4.1- On site permeability tests

In order to determine the coefficient of permeability of the soil, three perforations were done; P28, P35 and P111. In these perforations the permeability measurement was done until a depth of 3.00 m, and the values obtained appear in the following table, where the permeability obtained in each site is specified.
PERF. P-35 P-111 P-28 COORDENATES ESTE NORTE 492016,152 492266,634 491953,180 1454812,812 1455490,623 1454656,132 Test Intervals 0,00 3,00 m 0,00 3,00 m 0,00 3,00 m kf (cm/seg) 3,12x10-5 3,47x10-6 1,16x10-5 Observations

Low permeability Low permeability Low permeability

Table No. 2. Measurement of permeability As you can see, a low permeability was registered in all three of the perforations, typical of fine sands, soils of the A-2 group. According to, Valle Rodas, 1975, these soils of the A-2 group, which were the soils that were found in the sites of the perforations, are poorly graded mixtures of gravel, sand, lime and clay, which provoke low to medium permeability.

4.4.2- Detection of water levels

During the execution of perforations and test pits water levels were detected, that is presumed to have originated from filtrations of the land, nevertheless, they were localized, and they appear in the following table.
PERF. CC-30 CC-27 P-90 CC-40 CC-39 CC-60 COORDENATES EAST NORTH 492076,860 1454799,487 491952,638 1454513,955 492250,566 1455439,237 492127,752 1455102,531 492122,786 1455088,234 492335,124 1455672,311 Water Level Depth. (m) 1,40 2,15 2,00 3,80 2,90 2,50

Table No. 3. Registered water levels


In the perforation 18-A, the water table was detected at 6,80m being influenced by the sea level, having registered the highest values between 6.80 7,00m. Different measurements were made during different days and the lowest values registered are close 9,10m.

4. 5- Methodology- Laboratory work

With the aim of determining the physical-mechanical characteristics of the subsoil that define its behavior, the laboratory tests were done following standardized norms. The samples that were taken to the laboratory were selected in such a way that the most important levels are those that appear as the results of the group of samples. The altered samples were chosen directly during the revision of the samples that were in the boxes of each sounding. The unaltered samples were sampled in the layers of clayey type materials. The laboratory tests that were conducted are mentioned next: Visual examination of the samples Test for the determination of the percentage of humidity (ASTM D2216) Test of consistency limits (ASTM D4318) Test of granulometry (ASTM C136) Test to determine the specific weight with pycnometer (ASTM D854) Test of modified compaction (Cuban Norm of 2004) Test of natural Density (Cuban Norm 156:2002) CBR Test (ASTM D1883) HRB System of classification (ASTM D3282)

5- Tests Results
The test pits were divided in groups in order to generate the results in sectors of the work area, therefore test pits and perforations were located on the layout and on the elevations studied as future soil reserves. In a general sense, the study area dispose of a type of soil that is generally a clayey sand of medium-low plasticity, especially when it refers to the ash, nevertheless it is evident that the characteristics of the materials could be modified by the actions of perforation. As for the mechanical characteristics, these are very variable according to the levels shown and, above all, depending on the alteration of the samples, because of the perforation. Due to these considerations, it was decided that the test results are considered as intervals, rather than points, and 16

the interpretation of the same results, was done in correlation with the results of the investigations in field (SPT tests). The test pits that were done on the runway strip are included on the layout, that which generates results of soils that are predominantly of the A-2-4, A-2-7 group type. Test pits were done in the area of the taxiways, where there was an average layer of vegetation of 50 cms and the soils found there are characterized as being of the A-2-4 and A-7-6 groups. In the case where excavations are necessary in this area, these soils can be used in the first layers of fill. In the second stage of the investigation, additional test pits and two perforations were done, that which registered values of penetration between 15 and 40 up to 5,50m of depth. From this value the penetration resulted to be greater than the rejection. A small elevation located adjacent to the platform area was investigated, towards the southwest of the same (CC106-PREST, CC108-PREST, CC109-PREST, CC110PREST, see location in the table No.1), giving as result soils of the groups A-2-7 and A-7-5, in a study of 2.90 m depth, with an average depth of the vegetation layer of 45cm. These are appropriate materials for the construction of embankments compacted to 98% minimum, of its maximum dry density. However, the minimum degree of compaction can be greater than the CBR obtained according to the project. Additionally, the natural and loose densities in all the soils were determined, with the objective of knowing the changes of volume that they will experience when being excavated or compacted. The different types of soils experienced the changes of volume that are presented at continuation: From natural state to excavated state: 1.567 From loose state to the state when it is compacted at 0.95 of its maximum dry density the value is: 1.256 In annex 3 appears the graph of the design CBR for the runway, where it is observed that the definitive value is 15%.

5.1- Mt. Coke Elevation

The area located in the stations -12+0.00 to 50+0.00, includes the approach area and head 02, zone of cut. The soils present in this elevation are of the A-2-6 and A-2-7 type, displaying high values of plasticity, LL greater than 25% and plastic index greater than 6. A material characterized to be A-1-B was found, only in the area that faces Stubbs Bay, nevertheless it is advisable to indicate, that of all the perforations that were done in this area (81, 83, 86) rock nuclei with dimensions suitable for testing were obtained, the compression test was done to these rocks and the average values obtained, in the area where the rock was found to be less fractured, are in the order of magnitude of 600kg/cm3, which means that the superficial soil is limy sand, but the base


rock is more of a basaltic volcanic rock of high resistance. From what has been observed during the perforations, this basaltic rock is found to be embedded in the clayey sand matrix. For the soil profile of this elevation an average CBR of 35.93% was obtained. The samples for the physical and CBR tests correspond to the most weathered part of the elevation; where the bulldozer was able access. The material studied from this cut can be used in the fill areas up to sub-grade level, compacted up to 95% of its maxima dry density, with which a CBR greater or equal to 15% can be achieved. The following is a table with the summary of the values obtained from the tests.



w pt(%)


W (%)




(kg/m3) C.B.R.(%) W (%)

(kg/m3) C.B.R.(%) W (%)

(kg/m3) C.B.R.(%)

CC3 CC4 CC4 CC5 CC5 CC81 CC84 CC85 CC86

0,25-5,00 0,30-2,20 2,20-5,00 0,50-2,70 2,70-4,50 0,30-2,50 0,30-4,60 0,25-3,50 0,40-5,00

9,30 11,30 20,00 14,10 11,80 13,10 11,30 10,70

2295 2243 2052 2123 2245 2153 2308 2258

2100 2015 1710 1861 2008 1904 2074 2040

10,90 10,30 12,20 14,80 11,00 12,00

2056 1983 1889 1905 2098 2051

78,00 48,40 92,50 23,60 78,70 45,90

10,70 10,30 11,90 16,40 11,10 11,50

1933 1862 1732 1853 2061 1980

31,20 28,70 23,80 30,00 64,40 37,50

13,80 9,90 12,80 15,50 11,40 12,30

1770 1739 1607 1798 1931 1870

11,00 8,20 10,40 25,40 42,30 42,30



12,70 20,00 9,30

2210 2308 2052

1964 2100 1710

11,87 14,80 10,30

1997 2098 1889

61,18 92,50 23,60

11,98 16,40 10,30

1904 2061 1732

35,93 64,40 23,80

12,62 15,50 9,90

1786 1931 1607

23,27 42,30 8,20


Table No. 4. Proctor y CBR Values (Mt. Coke Elevation)

5.2- Cut Elevation station 98+0.00 to 114+0.00

The soil found in this elevation up to 4 meters of depth, are of the A-2-7 group. It can be excavated with bulldozer. According to perforations No. 21, 73 and 77, from 4 ms, the occasional use of explosives will be required because of the presence of pyroclastic larva such as basalts, andesites, etc, of great resistence, nevertheless the use of this method will be substantiated in the result of the seismic refraction. The material from this excavation is recommended to be used in the filling of the airstrip area un to the sub-grade levels, compacted to 95% of its maximum dry density, since the plasticity exceeds the LL of 25% and PI of 6. The average CBR value of this cut is 16.83%.






w pt(%)


W (%)




(kg/m3) C.B.R.(%) W (%)

(kg/m3) C.B.R.(%) W (%)

(kg/m3) C.B.R.(%)

CC20-A CC22-A CC-49 CC-50 CC-74 CC-74 CC-75 CC-76 CC-83 CC61 CC63 CC65 CC68 CC69

2,10-3,40 2,10-3,40 0,30-3,20 1,10-3,70 0,20-3,20 3,20-5,00 0,40-1,90 0,45-4,30 3,50-5,50 0,40-2,40 0,90-3,50 1,75-4,80 0,30-3,00 070-4,10

34,5 31,5 25,5 22 32,8 35,2 32,2 27,6 30 29 32 25,8 27 30,5

1841 1841 1722 1881 1876 1816 1904 1951 1885 1939 1740 1902 1989 1890

1275 1400 1372 1542 1413 1343 1440 1529 1450 1503 1450 1512 1570 1448

30,6 22,4 21,4 32,9 32,7 32,2 27,6 28,5 26,9 26,2 31,1

1255 1506 1163 1379 1427 1249 1508 1507 1519 1449

6,9 3,8 51,2 0,5 2,8 21 0,7 65,6 23 33,2 35,3

30,4 22 21,6 32,7 32,7 32,2 27,7 29,4 26,3 26,3 31

1237 1291 1352 1279 1279 1331 1335 1393 1480 1405 1361

21,8 4,8(*) 24,9 1,6 (*) 1,6 (*) 5,9 2,2 (*) 31,2 9,5 15,2 9,3

30,5 22,2 21,5 32,7 32,9 32,3 27,1 29,5 26,7 26 30,9

1361 1340 1255 1379 1163 1246 1480 1254 1435 1296 1279

34,8 6,7 10,5 2,8 0,5 0,3 3,2 3,3 5,5 0,3 2,5



29,32 35,20 22,00

1872 1989 1722

1459,38 1570,00 1343,00

28,41 32,90 21,40

1396,20 1519,00 1163,00

22,18 65,60 0,50

28,39 32,70 21,60

1340,27 1480,00 1237,00

16,83 31,20 5,90

28,39 32,90 21,50

1317,09 1480,00 1163,00

6,40 34,80 0,30


Table No. 5. Proctor y CBR Values (Station 98+0,00 114+0,00)

5.3- Elevation to the left of station 200+0.00 (Argyle Hill)

This elevation is located to the left of station 200+0.00, at a distance of approximately 20 meters from the center line towards the left. Three perforations were done in this area, which are 100, 103 and 105. In perforations 103 and 105, the soil have an average depth of 8 meters, covered by a layer of vegetation with 25cms of depth, from this depth (8m) very fractured rock was found. The soil found in the first 78 meters is classified to be from groups A-7-6 to A-2-4, which can be used for the construction of embankments in the first 2 meters, being placed above this other material of better physical mechanical characteristics and can be excavated with tournapull and bulldozer.


5.4- Elevation station 260+0.00 to 274+0.00

This elevation includes the area at the end of the runway. Soils of the group A-2-4 were found, giving only one soil sample of the A-2-6 group at a depth until 1,70m. The A-2-6 soils are very located according to the investigation done and does not characterize the studied cut area. The A-2-4 material can be used for filling. An average CBR 16.30% was obtained. The excavations in this area can be done with tournapull (moto scraper) and bulldozer.



w pt(%)


W (%)




(kg/m3) C.B.R.(%) W (%)

(kg/m3) C.B.R.(%) W (%)

(kg/m3) C.B.R.(%)

CC-61 CC-63 CC-65 CC-65 CC-68 CC-69

0,40-2,40 0,90-3,50 1,75-4,80 2,80-4,80 0,80-2,60 1,70-4,80

29 32 25,8 27 30,5

1939 1740 1902 1994 1890

1503 1450 1512 1570 1448

28,5 26,9 26,2 31,1

1508 1507 1519 1449

65,6 23 33,2 35,3

29,4 26,3 26,3 31

1393 1480 1405 1361

31,2 9,5 15,2 9,3

29,5 26,7 26 30,9

1254 1435 1296 1279

3,3 5,5 0,3 2,5



28,86 32,00 25,80

1893 1994 1740

1496,60 1570,00 1448,00

28,18 31,10 26,20

1495,75 1519,00 1449,00

39,28 65,60 23,00

28,25 31,00 26,30

1409,75 1480,00 1361,00

16,30 31,20 9,30

28,28 30,90 26,00

1316,00 1435,00 1254,00

2,90 5,50 0,30


Table No. 6. Proctor y CBR Values (Station 260+0,00 274+0,00)

5.5 Second stage of Investigation

During the second preliminary stage of investigation, a series of perforations were done only in localized sites in order to define with more precision the profile presented in the first stage. The location of the test pits and perforations appears in the following table. Later, the summary tables of the tests and the classification of soils that were found appear, where one can see that up to the depths of the test pits, on average 3,504,00m, the soils vary, being soils A-2-7, A-7-6, A-2-7, A-2-4. However, at greater depths reached with the perforations, depths greater than 5,00m, the soils are more homogenized being in their majority soils types A-2-4 and A-7-5.


CALICATAS Y PERFORACIONES SEGUNDA ETAPA COORDENATES TEST PITS / HEIGHT DEPTH PERF. ESTE NORTE (m) (m) CC2-1 491821,135 1454959,124 27,024 4,00 CC2-2 492074,486 1455020,226 24,324 4,00 CC2-3 491967,241 1454880,083 15,070 4,00 CC2-4 492070,420 1454582,488 7,505 4,00 CC2-5 491994,622 1454602,061 8,247 4,00 CC2-6 491627,405 1454620,591 27,555 4,00 CC2-7 491607,639 1454543,659 35,873 4,00 CC2-8 492031,127 1454649,180 8,951 4,00 CC2-9 491840,956 1454097,764 30,325 4,00 P2-01 491525,998 1453459,537 46,150 10,00 P2-02 491487,004 1453431,011 50,248 9,70 P2-03 491796,561 1454186,053 51,331 14,65 P2-04 492068,402 1454793,687 10,993 9,80 P2-05 491945,946 1454562,606 9,806 10,00 P2-10 491780,185 1453924,886 9,879 8,00 P2-11 491834,609 1453896,840 8,670 6,50 P2-12 492074,486 1455020,226 24,324 9,70

Table No. 7. Location of perforations y test pits, second stage






CC2-01 CC2-02 CC2-03 CC2-04 CC2-05 CC2-06 CC2-07 CC2-08 CC2-09

49 46 60 54 52 NL 49 53 52

14 7 24 18 24 NP 16 25 19

adim. 2,65 2,39 2,30 2,61 2,36 2,74 2,27 2,37 2,39

W(%) 35,00

(g/cm3) 1342,00




39,00 17,00 30,00 30,00

1272,00 1590,00 1407,00 1366,00

5,40 15,00 21,00 15,00

A-2-7(1) A-5(2) A-7-5(13) A-7-5(3) A-7-6(6) A-2-4(0) A-2-7(1) A-7-6(5) A-2-7(2)

Table No. 8. Summary of test from the test pits




Gs 200







P2 01 P2 02

P2 03 P2 04

P2 05

P2 10

P2 11

P2 12

M-6-8 M-9-10 M-2-3 M-4-9 M-10-12 M-11 M-12-18 M-4,5,6 M-7 M-8-15 M-5-8 M-9-10 M-11-15 M-3,4 M-5-11 M-12-17 M-3-6 M-7,8 M-9-13 M-2-3 M-6-10 M-11-15

2,55-4,00 4,00-5,00 0,55-1,50 1,55-6,50 7,55-9,70 8,0 9,55-14,65 2,50-3,50 3,50-4,00 4,002,05-4,00 4,05-5,00 5,55-9,80 1,05-2,05 2,50-5,50 5,55-7,93 1,05-1,50 3,05-3,50 4,05-6,50 0,55-1,50 2,50-5,00 5,55-9,70

NL NL 40 76 75 NL NL 32 37 53 NL 30 NL 31 NL NL NL 36 31 NL

NP NP 11 20 19 NP NP 11 16 23 NP 9 NP 10 NP NP NP 11 10 NP

99 98 96 99 97 63 71 96 99 98 98 97 92 96 94 98 98 92 96 98 98 95

72 71 70 85 60 33 37 74 77 86 74 60 62 65 58 81 73 61 59 73 75 59

25 21 23 52 36 17 21 27 24 43 24 7 16 17 13 17 27 16 20 32 18 14

adim. 2,70 2,75 2,75 2,49


2,53 2,79 2,68

2,71 2,72 2,76 2,78 2,78 2,77 2,71

A-2-4(0) A-2-4(0) A-2-6(0) A-7-5(9) A-7-5(2) A-2-4(0) A-2-4(0) A-2-6(0) A-2-6(0) A-7-5(3) A-2-4(0) A-2-4(0) A-2-4(0) A-2-4(0) A-2-4(0) A-2-4(0) A-2-4(0) A-2-4(0) A-2-6(0) A-2-6(0) A-2-4(0) A-2-4(0)

Table No. 9. Summary of test from the perforations

Correlating the values obtained in this complement of test pits and perforations with those obtained in the first stage of preliminary investigation, useful parameters to be consider in the designs appear next, based on existing tabulations of typical values. This way, the value of the modulus of elasticity in the soils encountered can be estimated, those which are soils types A-2-4, A-2-6, A-2-7 and some of soils type A-75, in general, consistent limy and clayey sand soil. a. Correlation between the SPT penetration test and the relative density of limy sands found: The values registered in the penetrations that were done oscillate up to depths of 5,00m with values less than 30 blows, reason why taking propose references by Terzaghi and Peck, one can consider that the A-2-4 soils found throughout the study area have a moderately compact relative density, with an internal angle of friction close to 30. (see referential tables)


Tabla Nro.10. Proposed correlation by Terzaghi and Peck (Relative N-Density)

Table No. 11. Correlation between the SPT penetration test and the angle of internal friction of the sand, proposed by Terzaghi and Peck.

b. Correlation between the SPT penetration test, the consistency of the clays and the resistance to simple compression: in soils type A-7-5 that were found, the number of blows until depths of 5.00 registered values up to an average of 20 and greater at greater depths, for which reason one can say that the clayey soils of the area have a very compact consistency with resistances close to 200kN/m2.

Table No. 12. Correlation between the SPT penetration test, the consistency of the clays and the resistance to simple compression, proposed by Meyerhof.


c. In relation to the Poisson module, you have that the soils that were encountered can take on values between 0,25 a 0,30.

Table No. 13. Typical values for Poisson module.

6- Conclusions and Recommendations

In the layout three types of fine clayey soils of the A-7-6 type appear basically, sand gravel mixtures with lime of the A-2-6 group type and soils type A-2-4. The layer of vegetation have an average depth of 0,50m. The soils that will serve as foundation are classified as A-2-4 and A-2-7, they are additionally characterized by their good superficial draining, satisfactory result due to the topography of the area. In the cut sections the product materials of the excavations must be used for the construction of embankments up to the sub-grade levels, compacting it to 95% of its maximum dry density. The different types of soil found experience changes of volumes from natural to loose a change of 1.567 and from compacted to loose a change of 1.256 at 0.95 of its maximum dry density. In relation to the determination of the natural density, it should always be done so as to compare with the typical values of design, and it is recommended to choose the most critical in order to work with certain factor of safety. For such reason it was calculated and left to the designer to decide which to use. It is important to mention that an isolated result does not say anything about the soil, only the correlation of all the results with the observation on site is what defines the lithology, for such reason in the profile you find correlated depths depending on the location of the investigations, which define therefore the soil, that which will be considered as the type of soil found, and is that which should be considered as soil of the site. The filtration water is not represented in the lithologic columns, for that reason it is only mentioned in tables, since this water is influence by the gradient at the time


of digging the test pit, it is only represented when one is certain of the level of the water table. The soils classified as A-2-6 and A-2-7, can be used to fill the embankments that will be constructed, and not in layers of the sub-base and base of the pavement structure. According to the technical assignment received the 15/10/06, the value of the CBR support capacity for the sub-base and/or base layer of 50%, has not been achieved by any of the materials from the reserve and cut areas of the layout in the investigation. In the excavations done with bulldozer, the last 30cm of the surface of the sub-grade level will be compacted to its maximum dry density. Where the excavation is done with explosives, the last 50 cm beneath the subgrade level must be replaced, to ensure that this thickness of material is compacted to its maximum dry density. To do the excavations until a depth 5,50m, in the runway strip, from station 10+000 to station 272+000, you should use tournapull or motor scrapers. The compacting of the fillings must be carried out using mixed compactors: vibratory landfill and vibratory - smooth tires. A design CBR of 15% is recommended for pavement The slope recommended for the embankments based on the materials from the site is 1,5:1, since natural embankments have been observed to be totally stable with even negative slopes. It is important to guarantee the terrace in the slopes with heights that they do not surpass 7,5m and berms close to 3,00m. The use of vaults is recommended to span the Yambou river bed, designed as triarticulated curved prefabricated structures of reinforced concrete, with its geometry and dimensions defined by the hydraulic engineer. The idea of the vault as a way of spanning the river bed is supposed to change the structural material by structural form, being the work by means of compressions a lot more efficient than the work by means of flexion, due to the fact that it uses all the resistant capacity of the section. These vaults are structures composed of voussoirs equivalent to a half-section of the arc with variable width in function of the dimensions of the element. The base can be supported on a previously built foundation in situ, each half being sustain in its key against the other, which makes it is independently stable during its assembly, thus not needing of any proppings. This makes it possible for a team of workers to mount between 15 and 20 lineal meters per day, only needing two cranes in the assembly of the first pieces and one in the rest. Geometry should be designed and calculated specifically for the hydraulic conditions present in the site, on the basis of the anti-funicular means of loads. For the protection of the embankments, the TERRATREL systems are recommended, those which are walls with areas that can be used for vegetation in the slope, using metallic frame works of high adhesion (Tierra Armada type) for the reinforcement. These systems tend to protect the soil from the impact of rain drops, reduce the speed of the drainage of the water by increase of rugosity


and increase the infiltration by holes made by roots, animals, etc. In general, the vegetation must be formed by selected species, susceptible to sustaining itself and to grow in the local conditions, since the same species from the region offer an innate guarantee. Another important function is the control of the water content in the superior layers of the soil, thanks to the evapo-transpiration of the plants. When one talks about the improvement in the appearance that is obtained with the vegetation, one can comment that the effect is not only confined to the appearance, but to many other aspects, like the insulating effect, for the noises, that can be obtained with some types of vegetation, which can have greater interest in urban and residential zones.

Eng. Beln Len A. Head of Soils Laboratory

Eng. Leonardo Prez Prez Commission Coordinator of the Argyle International Airport


ANNEX 1. Longitudinal Lithologic Profile on the center line of the Runway


ANNEX 2. Lithology of the perforations and test pits


ANNEX 3. Graphical design CBR.


ANNEX 4. Results of compression tests of rock nuclei


ANNEX 5. Summary Table of perforations


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