Fall 2010 Test 2 Solution
Fall 2010 Test 2 Solution
Fall 2010 Test 2 Solution
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 6.041/6.431: Probabilistic Systems Analysis (Fall 2010)
fX (x)P(Y X | X = x) dx 4
1 (1 FY (x)) dx 0 4 4 1 2x = e dx 0 4 1 4 2x = 2e dx 8 0 1 = (1 e8 ). 8 =
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4. (10 points) Find the PDF of Z = X + Y . Since X and Y are independent, the convolution integral z 1 2t fZ (z ) = 2e dt max(0,z 4) 4 2z , 1/4 1 e 1/4 e8 1 e2z , = 0, can be used to nd fZ (z ).
if 0 z 4, if z > 4, otherwise.
5. (10 points) Provide a fully labeled sketch of the conditional PDF of Z given that Y = 3. Given that Y = 3, Z = X + 3 and the conditional PDF of Z is a shifted version of the PDF of X . The conditional PDF of Z and its sketch are: fZ |Y =3 (z ) fZ |{Y =3} (z ) = 1/4, if 3 z 7, 0, otherwise.
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6. (10 points) Find E[Z | Y = y ] and E[Z | Y ]. The conditional PDF fZ |Y =y (z ) is a uniform distribution between y and y + 4. Therefore, E[Z | Y = y ] = y + 2. The above expression holds true for all possible values of y , so
E[Z | Y ] = Y + 2.
7. (10 points) Find the joint PDF fZ,Y of Z and Y . The joint PDF of Z and Y can be expressed as: fZ,Y (z, y ) = fY (y )fZ |Y (z | y ) 1/2 e2y , if y 0, y z y + 4, = 0, otherwise.
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Problem 2. (30 points) Let X, X1 , X2 , . . . be independent normal random variables with mean 0 and variance 9. Let N be a positive integer random variable with E[N ] = 2 and E[N 2 ] = 5. We assume that the random variables N, X, X1 , X2 , . . . are independent. Let S = N i=1 Xi . 1. (10 points) If is a small positive number, we have P(1 |X | 1 + ) , for some constant . Find the value of . P(1 |X | 1 + ) = 2P(1 X 1 + ) 2fX (1). Therefore, = 2fX (1) 2 1 (10) 1 = 2 e 2 9 9 2 1 2 e 18 . = 3 2 2. (10 points) Find the variance of S . Using the Law of Total Variance, var(S ) = E[var(S | N )] + var(E[S | N ]) = E[9 N ] + var(0 N ) = 9E[N ] = 18. Page 3 of 4
= E[X1 ]E[N 2 ] E[X1 ]E[N ] = 0 since the E[X1 ] is 0. Therefore, S and N are uncorrelated. 4. (5 points) Are N and S independent? Justify your answer. S and N are not independent. Proof : We have var(S | N ) = 9N and var(S ) = 18, or, more generally, fS |N (s | n) = N (0, 9n) and fS (s) = N (0, 18) since a sum of an independent normal random variables is also a normal random variable. Furthermore, since E[N 2 ] = 5 = (E[N ])2 = 4, N must take more than one value and is not simply a degenerate random variable equal to the number 2. In this case, N can take at least one value (with non-zero probability) that satises var(S | N ) = 9N = var(S ) = 18 and hence fS |N (s | n) = fS (s). Therefore, S and N are not independent.
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