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CLASS OF SMPN 26 BANDAR LAMPUNG IN 2009/2010 By RIA PUSPITA Language is a tool to express the ideas, feeling and thoughts. The language that is used by people from different countries is called International language. English is an International language that is used by almost all of people in the world. As we know there are four language skills in learning English. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of the problems that arise is in mastering vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the English components included in English skill. Sometimes, the students get difficulties to memorize the words in teaching vocabulary. Many students get difficult in increasing their vocabulary. The students find difficult to memorize many vocabularies. Therefore in solving this problem, the writer will use lexical sets. By using lexical sets teaching vocabulary in the classroom will be effective and more interested, because there are some games inside this technique. The objective of the research is to know whether using lexical sets can increase the students vocabulary mastery. The writer used experimental method. The writer used random sampling technique in the taking sample. The samples of the research are 35
RIA PUSPITA students of the second semester at SMP Negeri 26 Bandar Lampung. For the data collecting technique the writer used objective test that was multiple choice test, and in data analysis the writer used t- test formula, before using it the researcher determined the average (X) and variant (S2) of Pre- test and Post- test as follow :
x1 x 2 n
t test =
The result of the researcher should that t- ratio > t- table = 13.20 > 2.651. So it can be said that there is an influence of using comic strips towards students vocabulary mastery.
I declared that this paper is completely my own work. As long as I know, I did not imitated or plagiarize anybodys work. The whole content of this paper is my responsibility. I realize that I have quoted some opinion, statements and ideas of some experts.
Bandar Lampung,
Ria Puspita
The writer was born in Bandar Lampung on October 24 th 1988. Her name is Ria Puspita and her nick names are Ria, Rayya or Vita. She is a Muslim. She is the first daughter of the great couple of Mr. Zulkarnaen and Mrs. Nurhayati Agustina. She has one younger brother and lives in Kemiling, Bandar Lampung. She graduated from Elementary School of Xaverius Dipasena Citra Darmaja in 2000. She continued her study at Junior High School at SMPN 7 Menggala. Then she continued her study at SMA Utama 2 Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2006. In 2006 the writer started studying in English Department of STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2010.
I dedicated this paper to: My beloved Father (Zulkarnaen) and Mother (Nurhayati Agustina) My beloved family (Chandra, Aunty Lusi, Ibu Not, Kak Doni, Agi, Mbak Imah) My soul mate My beloved friends (dita, miftah, dara, mega) Whomever that gives me support, advice and contribution along my study in STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung SMPN 26 Bandar Lampung
Thanks to Allah SWT, because the writer had finished this paper. The main goal of this paper is to fulfill the requirement to get S-I Degree in English Department of English Language and Art of STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung, so this paper can be finished entitled The Implementation of Using Lexical Sets Towards Students Vocabulary Mastery at The Second Semester Of The Eighth Class Of The SMPN 26 Bandar Lampung In 2009/2010.
The writer realizes that the paper still have a lot of deficiency, caused by the limitedness of the writer, however owing to guidance and motivation from all sides, this paper can be finished on time. The writer would like to express her great appreciation and gratitude to: 1. 2. Drs. Hi. Dailami Zain, as The Chief of STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung Drs. Akhmad Sutiyono, M.Pd , as The Chief Of Language and Art Department of STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung. 3. Drs. Imam Subari, M.M, as the first advisor who always guides the writer in finishing this paper. 4. Hj. Djuwarsih, S.Pd, as the second advisor who always guides the writer in finishing this paper.
Drs. Sudarmaji, M.Pd, as the chief of scientific of STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung who always help the writer in finishing this paper.
I hope this graduating paper will be useful for anyone who reads it.
To interact with other in every time and place, people use language. Language is a tool to express the ideas, feeling and thoughts. The language that is used by people from different countries is called International language. English is an International language that is used by almost all of people in the world. Considering the importance of English in our life, Indonesian government decided that English become a compulsory subject that must be taught start from elementary school up to university. It is expected that students are able to speak English effectively and fluently. Without language, it is impossible for teacher and students to explain and understand the lesson. In Indonesia, English is taught as a foreign language.
As we know there are four language skills in learning English. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. And based on the current curriculum, the students who have graduated from each level should master those four skills. To achieve the goal of learning and teaching English, teacher should motivate students to master all of skills so, they are able to use English for communication.
But, unfortunately the goal of curriculum have not achieved yet. It can be proved that most of the students who have finished their study are unable to use English in their real life. Learning English in Indonesia is still difficult for the students. And increasing students motivation has become difficult task for the teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to teach students by using suitable techniques. The teacher should be able to choose and apply interesting techniques of English teaching in order to get a good result. Because by using interactive and interesting technique, those will increase the students motivation in learning.
One of the problems that arise is in mastering vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the English components included in English skill. Sometimes, the students get difficulties to memorize the words in teaching vocabulary. There are so many ways or method to teach vocabulary. Not only the method, but the teachers need to be innovative and creative to make vocabulary learning process more enjoyable and enable the student to memorize it longer.
Many students get difficult in increasing their vocabulary. The students find difficult to memorize many vocabularies. Therefore in solving this problem, the writer will use lexical sets. By using lexical sets teaching vocabulary in the classroom will be effective and more interested, because there are some games inside this technique.
Based on preliminary research the writer found that students vocabulary mastery is still low. They have lack of in vocabulary. Based on the background of problem above, the writer would like to improve the students vocabulary mastery at SMP Negeri 26 Bandar Lampung by using lexical sets as one of the main ways in teaching process. Based on the statement above, the writer will conduct the research entitle: The implementation of using lexical sets towards students vocabulary mastery at the first semester of the eighth class of SMP Negeri 26 Bandar Lampung in 2009/ 2010.
1.2 The Identification of the Problem Based on the background of the problem above, the writer identifies the problems as follow: 1. The students have lack of in mastering vocabulary. 2. The students find difficulties in categorize subgroups of vocabularies. 3. The teacher never uses this technique in teaching vocabulary before.
1.3 The Limitation of the Problem Based on the identification above, the writer would like to limit the problem of research only for The implementation of using lexical sets towards students vocabulary mastery at the first semester of the eighth class of SMP Negeri 26 Bandar Lampung in 2008/2009.
1.4 The Formulation of the Problem Based on the limitation research problems above, the writer formulates the problem as follows: 1. How is the students vocabulary mastery? 2. How is the implementation of using lexical sets towards students vocabulary mastery?
1.5 The Objective and the Use of Research 1.5.1 The Objective of Research Based on the formulation of problem the writer formulates the objective of research as follow: 1. To know is there any score increase by using lexical set. 2. To know the influence of using lexical sets towards students vocabulary mastery.
1.5.2 The Use of Research 1. To give information to the English teacher about the influence of using lexical sets towards students vocabulary mastery.
2. To motivate the students in learning English, especially in learning vocabulary. 3. As information for further research with certain interest. 1.6 The Scope of the Research 1.6.1 The Subject of the Research The subject of research is the students at the first semester of the eighth class of SMP Negeri 26 Bandar Lampung. 1.6.2 The Object of the Research
The object of the research is the implementation of using lexical sets towards students vocabulary mastery. 1.6.3 The Place of the Research
The research will be conduct at SMP Negeri 26 Bandar Lampung jalan Imam Bonjol no.52 Sumberejo Kemiling. 1.6.4 The Time of the Research
The research would research at the first semester of the eight class of SMP Negeri 26 Bandar Lampung in 2009 / 2010. CHAPTER II FRAME OF THEORIES, THINKING AND HYPOTHESIS
English as international language has a large influence for human life. English is used of most of the people around the world. English as a foreign language should be learnt by the students in order to develop the quality of human resources in Indonesia. Teaching English as a foreign language is not simple as teaching English as second language. The learners do not use English for daily communication and they just speak English when they have English class at school. Their environment and situation dont support them to speak English for daily communication. The government of Indonesia has stated that English is the first foreign language that must be taught at school.
As foreign language, English should be taught from junior high school up to university. In teaching English as foreign language, the teacher should prepare the material that will be taught, the instruction and technique. Both of learning and teaching language can be regarded as a process.
In Indonesia, English is taught as a foreign language therefore, English is not use for daily communication in social intercourse. A definition about a foreign language given by Wilkins (1980 : 155) that a foreign language is not the mother tongue of any group within the country where it is being learned and has any internal communication either. It means that the students who learn English as foreign
language have a little or limited exposure or opportunities to use their English in real life. In teaching English as foreign language the teacher should prepare the material well. The technique of teaching should be suitable with the material. The teaching and learning process will be run well if both of teacher and students feel comfortable in the classroom activities. It will never be happened without good preparation. There are some factors to be considered to create a successful lesson, they are: 1. The teachers knowledge 2. The appropriate teaching method 3. The students interest in the subject 4. The clear goal for the students 5. Good relationship between the teacher and the students 6. Make the students feel involved 7. Make the students feel enjoyable in their learning 8. Include game and song 9. Have a varied pace
Motivate the students is also the important has been done by the teacher because students motivation has an important role in the learning process. The teacher should be able to make English interesting to be learned. To achieve good result from
teaching and learning process the teacher should think and work hard for preparing. It is about the material, method, technique, and also good media which is used to help students in their learning and transferring the message of material given by the teacher. Teacher demand must be creative and innovative in facilitating, designing and supporting the students need.
Teacher and students must be active in their learning. It means that the goal of teaching and learning will never be achieved if both of teacher and students do not work cooperatively. Both of them should place their self correctly and do each of their duty as well as possible. Learning English as a foreign language needs a lot of practices. Students should practice their English regularly and intensively both in classroom and outside classroom. They will have many opportunities to develop their English when they are actively involved in the classroom interaction. By practicing English continuously, their ability will increase rapidly. Because we know that practice makes perfect. In teaching English, at least there are two qualifications are needed from the teacher. First is qualification in English and second is a teaching qualification. The teacher plays a role as a model for his/her students. The second qualification is the ability to manage the class situation.
If the students realize how important English for communication and feel curiosity to learn a language, it is not too difficult for them to appear their own motivation to develop and master four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
2.2 The Concept of Vocabulary According to Longman (1987: 1177) explain that vocabulary is a list of words usually in alphabetical order and with explanation of their meaningless complete than dictionary. It is clear that we can say a word when arrange letters in order way and result will make up the meaning. So, the vocabulary is entirely important for the students to learn in order they can express their mind in making sentence, interact and also catch the meaning from the text. Wilkins states without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. It means that we can not do anything without vocabulary. We can communicate with other by using word or many vocabularies. If we only learn about grammar, our English will not improve very much. But, we will get the improvement if we learn more words and expressions. Language can be used to convey our intention and to express the message clearly, without vocabulary we can say anything meaningfully. Vocabulary is one of the component parts of a language.
Considering the statement above, the writer assumes that vocabulary is very important. One can communicative with others if they master the vocabularies well. One, who will learn a language, means she should try to learn the vocabularies first. No vocabulary there is any language. The statement above tells that vocabulary is an essential thing in language learning. By knowing vocabulary, the writer believe that everyone will be able to understand what someone else says and we can communicate with other easily. It means that we get success in learning a language especially in learning international language.
Vocabulary plays an important role in language learning especially in learning English. We would be able to speak, listen, read and write. If we have got familiar with the words which are used in daily communication it will easy for us to get the interaction with other. In this case, the writer use three possible ways: 1. Learning vocabulary from context clues 2. Learning vocabulary from guessing 3. Learning vocabulary from definition
At the first the learner will get information about vocabulary such as: how to spell, how to pronounce, how to use words in appropriate sentences as well as meaning. The second is how learners manage the input he/ she has obtained and processed it. When it necessary in form spoken and written symbols. Thornbury said that vocabulary learning is a memory task, but it also involves creative and personalized use. It means that after we learn about vocabulary, we should use it in our communication. Thornbury said that what the implications for teaching vocabulary is how the words learnt by the students and the teacher have the role in the activity. And the second one is how they use it in their daily life. It means that both the teacher and the students must have the responsibility for their learning, especially for vocabulary expansion.
2.3 The Concept of Lexical Sets Andrea Schindler is the Regional English Language Officer at the American Embassy in Amman, Jordan. She promotes English language teaching and gives English teacher-training workshops and seminars throughout the Levant. She has taught English and trained teachers in the Middle East, Asia, and the United States for over 20 years.
Andrea Schindler explained Lexical set is a group of words with the same topic, function or form. This is another student-centered activity that allows students to review and critically evaluate vocabulary in categories.
And based on the statement in lexical sets is a group of words which share a similar phonetic feature. The lexical set says nothing about the specific realization of its feature (its exact pronunciation), only that all the words in that set will have more or less the same pronunciation for that feature. This activity requires higher thinking skills to categorize vocabulary appropriately. The teacher has to make cards that can be arranged into categories and subcategories. Then, give each pair or group of students a lexical set and tell them to categorize them in different logical ways. This will engage them in thinking till you end it up.
Use in English One common use of lexical sets is for vowel categories or equivalence classes in the English language. Throughout the phonological history of the English language, there have been numerous splits and mergers, with the result that various accents and dialects make different distinctions between vowels. For example, some speakers of English pronounce luck and look identically, while others pronounce look and Luke identically, while still others distinguish between all three of luck, look, Luke. It is not
possible, therefore, to say that, for example, sound A in dialect X corresponds to sound B in dialect Y. However, it is possible to identify a number of lexical sets: groups of words which will have the same vowel sound in all or most varieties of English, and use these to talk about, for example, the specific pronunciation of the vowel characterizing a particular lexical set in a particular variety of English. In the example above, the words luck, look, Luke belong the lexical sets STRUT, FOOT, GOOSE, respectively. A common convention is to choose a particular keyword which is part of the set and to use this word, in upper case, to identify the entire set. Lexical sets mean, for example, that people pronounce words in FOOT (such as good, full, bush) with the same vowel -- they do not say whether or not this vowel is distinct from that of, say, luck or Luke. In other words, lexical sets are intended to convey all distinctions that occur in the varieties of English under consideration, regardless of whether all those distinctions are present in any particular variety. Purpose This is another student-centered activity that allows students to review and critically evaluate vocabulary in categories. Students must analyze the relationship between items, thus using critical thinking skills while reviewing vocabulary items. Again, this takes some preparation on your part.
Example 'Cat, dog, tortoise, goldfish, gerbil' is part of the topical lexical set pets, and 'quickly, happily, completely, dramatically, angrily' is part of the syntactic lexical set adverbs. In the classroom Lexical sets are a way of looking at new vocabulary that some learners find useful. Activities include asking learners to sort words into groups, word games such as the chaining game 'I went to the market and bought', Odd One Out, and Stop, and class poster projects. Lexical Set as "a group of words which share a similar phonetic feature. The lexical set says nothing about the specific realization feature (its exact pronunciation), only that all the words in that set will have more or less the same pronunciation for that feature. John C. Wells, in his book Accents of English, defined the Standard Lexical Sets of English. The following 24 sets for stressed syllables and 4 sets for unstressed syllables allow one to describe a very wide range of varieties of English from across the world. Lexical set Kit Dress Trap Lot Strut Foot Bath Examples (ship, rip, dim) (step, ebb, hem) (bad, cab, ham) (stop, rob, swan) (cub, rub, hum) (full, look, could) mouth (pouch, noun, crowd) Near (beer, pier, fierce)
square (care, air, wear) Start North Force (far, sharp, farm) (war, storm, for) (floor, coarse, ore) (poor, tour, fury)
Cloth Nurse Fleece Face Palm Thought Goat Goose Price Choice
(cough, long, gone) (hurt, term, work) (seed, key, seize) (weight, rein, steak) (calm, bra, father) (taut, hawk, broad) (soap, soul, home) (who, group, few) (ripe, tribe, aisle) (boy, void coin)
There are also four lexical sets for unstressed vowels: Lexical set Examples Happy Letter Comma Into (silly, Tony, merry) (beggar, martyr, visor) (China, sofa, about) (influence, situation, bivouac)
Of course, each of those lexical sets is realized as a vowel. Here's how I would analyze my speech. Lexical set Kit Dress trap/bath lot/cloth Transcription [] [] [] [ ]
[ ] [] [ ] [i] [e]
palm/thought [] Goat Goose Price Choice Mouth Near Square Start north/force Cure Happy Letter Comma Into [o] [u] [a], before a voiceless consonant:[] [o] [a], before a voiceless consonant:[] [i] [] [] [o] [] [i] [] [] [] []
These lexical sets, based upon pronunciation, can be placed upon a vowel chart, showing their relationships in terms of where the vowels are made in mouth:
We can make a group of the lexical sets by vowel placement: Front Monophthongs: fleece, kit, dress, trap/bath Central Monophthongs: strut, comma, nurse, letter Back Monophthongs: goose, foot/into, lot, thought/palm Diphthongs: face, price, choice, mouth, goat Centering Diphthongs: near, square, cure, north/force, start
Preparation 1. Pick a category of vocabulary, such as things found in a school. 2. Make a list of 25 to 30 words from this group. Then, arrange the words into subgroups, such as furniture (chair, desk, table), things you write with (pen, pencil, crayons), etc. You should make four to eight different subgroups of
vocabulary. You can organize the subcategories any way you want, but make sure there is some logic. 3. Make sets of little cards with each word on one card. Make 12 to 15 sets of the 25 to 30 words, depending upon how many students you have. 4. Divide the students into pairs or groups of three. Give each pair a lexical set. 5. Tell them that they have to put the pile of words into categories. 6. After they have worked for a bit, tell them the number of categories. They will moan and then rework their groups. After another bit, tell them exactly how many items are in each different category. They will groan and then reanalyze their subcategories yet again. This activity focuses to their attention on the vocabulary and makes them critically think about hierarchy and grouping, which are higher order thinking skills than mindless, decontextualized memorization. This activity will engage your class until you put an end to it. Remember, more time-on-task equals more learning. With preliterate young learners, you can use pictures of items already learned instead of words. With advanced young learners, you could have pairs of students to create the lexical sets and then use a different pairs set each time you run the activity. Again, a sense of being a stakeholder, a part-owner of the learning process, is incredibly motivating for students.
2.4 The Frame of Thinking Teaching vocabulary using lexical sets can reinforce and increase students motivation in learning English. Based on all the previous explanation above, the writer assumes that teaching vocabulary by using lexical sets can motivate students to enjoy the vocabulary lesson during learning and teaching process. Using lexical sets is more interesting and guides them to reanalyze the subcategories of vocabulary. An interesting lexical set also helps students to find the ideas in learning vocabulary. It is important in order to master four language skills those are listening, speaking, reading and writing. The components of the language are grammar or structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling etc are needed.
Based on the theories and frame of thinking above, the writer would like to propose the hypothesis as follows: 1. There is increase score by using lexical sets. 2. There is positive influence of using lexical sets towards students vocabulary mastery.