SAIC-A-2015 Rev 2

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SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID - 18-MAY-05 - REV 0 (Standards Cutoff - December 2005)


SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Visual Inspection at Test Pressure
















ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA General Requirements ... Use SATR-A-2001 with this checklist After the test pressure is reached and before commencement of inspection of the system, the isolation valve between the temporary test manifold/piping and the piping/equipment under pressure test shall be closed and the test pump disconnected. See Attachments 1 & 2. All joints including welded shall be left exposed for visual leak detection during the strength test. External coating & priming of such joints is not allowed unless approved by the Manager of Inspection Department and the proponent Organization representative. The pipe itself can be externally primed and coated to a final coat. See Attachment 3 (Walkdown Inspection Technique). The test pressure shall be maintained for a sufficient time, but shall not be less than 30* minutes, to determine that there are no leaks. *Large systems (Plant Piping) can take longer to complete. Exceptions to Item A3 above, Plant Piping Pressure Testing & Visual Inspection Requirements. See Attachment 4. Visual Inspection & Testing meets SAES-L-150 reqmts. Exceptions to Item A3 above, Pipeline Pressure Testing & Visual Inspection Requirements. See Attachment 4. Visual Inspection & Testing meets SAES-L-150 reqmts. Test procedures, pressures, durations, & leakage acceptance criteria shall be equal to those that the valves were originally purchased to. All resilient (soft) seated isolation valves shall have zero leakage. Valve Testing details are included in separate Procedure Test Records for each test are entered on a Pressure Test Report Form 2642-ENG. Test duration & Acceptance is shown in Comment section of report. (Tape has test pressure & test start/finish time) Remove tape from gage & press into Test Report. Attachment 2.







SAES-A-004, Para. 8.1.2


SAES-L-150, Para. 7.3


SAES-L-150, Para. 7.2 SAES-L-150, Section 7 Plant Piping SAES-L-150, Section 8 Pipelines SAES- L-108, Para. 4.7.6





SAES-A-004, Para. 8.3

REMARKS: ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 - Pressure Testing Details --------- Attachment 2 - Efficient Practice For Acceptance of Pressure Tests Attachment 3 - Walkdown Inspection Techniques ----------- Attachment 4 - SAES-L-150 Pressure Testing Application & Insp REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: 1. SAES-A-004, General Requirements for Pressure Testing, (30 March, 2005) 2. SAES-L-150, Pressure Testing of Plant Piping and Pipelines, (30 September, 2003) 3. SAES-L-108, Selection of Valves, (30 March, 2005)

Contractor / Third-Party
Construction Representative*
Work is Complete and Ready for Inspection: Name, Initials and Date: Name, Initials and Date:

Saudi Aramco
PMT Representative
T&I Witnessed QC Record Reviewed Work Verified

QC Inspector
Performed Inspection Name, Initials and Date: Work / Rework May Proceed

PID Representative
T&I Witnessed Name, Initials and Date: QC Record Reviewed Work Verified

QC Supervisor
Quality Record Approved: Name, Sign and Date: *Person Responsible for Completion of Quality Work / Test

Proponent and Others

Name, Organization, Initials and Date: T&I Witnessed QC Record Reviewed Work Verified



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SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID - 18-MAY-05 - REV 0 (Standards Cutoff - December 2005)


SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Visual Inspection at Test Pressure





Attachment 1 - Pressure Testing Details

Plant Piping Pressure Tests with fluids (Strength & Service tests) are staged with inspection as follows: A) Preliminary leak check at 50% of test pressure = complete visual to check for leaks. (Contractor) B) Twenty per cent stage increase thereafter = visual inspection for leaks as evidenced by no noticeable pressure drop at test gage. Note Filling & Venting Practices & Efficiency C) Final at 100% of test pressure with test pump disconnected = Complete visual inspection during full system walkdown for leaks by all Inspectors & Witnesses. (SA Inspector Witnesses & Accepts/Rejects test) See Attachment 2 for Efficiency related to testing and inspection of small systems. PRESSURE DROPS (GAUGE READINGS) - SURVEILLANCE OF TESTING REPAIR MEETHODS On return to test manifold & taped gage after preliminary walkdowns, any drop (noticeable) in pressure must be accounted for by the Inspector. The test does not proceed to a higher pressure until all leaks are repaired and repaired by approved methods in procedures as follows: Flanged connections can be retorqued to maximum torque value Valve stem packings are tightened to stop leaks (Caution: Watch for uneven Packing Gland flange adjustment) Note: Often Valves arrive from manufacturer with uneven packing gland flanges. Adjustment/repair may be needed. Threaded joint leaks are repaired (seal welded or reworked) Weld joint leaks are repaired (approved welding repair procedure) Weld joint leaks are repaired (approved welding repair procedure) After repairs, pressurize system & repeat the entire walkdown, never assume all leaks are repaired. SEE ATTACHMENT 3 FOR WALKDOWN TECHNIQUES DURING FINAL PRESSURE TESTING (ACCEPTANCE)

Hydrotest Filling & Venting Practices (Efficiency)

1. PRESSURE TESTING IS ALWAYS CRITICAL PATH ON MAJOR PROJECTS 2. COMPANY HAS IDENTIFIED PRESSURE TESTING INEFFICIENCY AS A MAJOR OBSTACLE TO SUCCESS. 3. ROOT CAUSE OF THE INEFFICIENCY IS PRIMARILY POORLY TRAINED TEST CREWS AND INSPECTORS. 4. QUALITY MANAGERS & THEIR INSPECTORS ARE TASKED TO ASSURE BEST & EFFICIENT PRACTICES. 5. WHEN POSSIBLE, MULTIPLE TEST PACKAGES ARE COMBINED INTO ONE TEST. DOCUMENT SET-UP. 6. TEST CREWS SHALL ALLOW ADDITIONAL TIME (EFFECTIVELY VERIFIED) FOR TRAPPED AIR TO VENT. 7. TEST CREWS SHALL PERFORM FINAL FILL SLOWLY AFTER FLUID LEVELS DROP AT OPEN VENTS. Filling may be done by hand or pump as experience dictates. See Criteria below. Task crews for safety & efficiency. Trapped air is usually adequately displaced when a solid flow or stream of water is observed coming out of the vent. 8. INSPECTION SHALL EVALUATE EFFICIENCY & ASSURE BEST PRACTICES TO MINIMIZE RETESTS. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Thousands of Manhours are lost due to test failures (retest required) when poorly trained test crews rush during filling. Assure proper venting of air & a slow final fill technique. Efficiency is critical. Recommendation: Test crews dedicated solely to set-up, filling and other preparation should be utilized. Training regarding proper filling and venting techniques shall be identified for inefficient test crews who waste the valuable time of others (Ops, Inspection, SAPMT, PID, etc) when tests fail to hold pressure. CRITERIA: On initial pressurization, pressure holds AFTER equalization at 50% test pressure. Gauge drops indicate a leak (acceptable for efficiency) or "inefficient" test crews leaving air in lines (unacceptable). Note: Gauges that hold pressure at 50% of test pressure almost always pass. Contact SA after lines show a successful result at 50% initial pressurization stage for efficiency. Communication issue (cell, radio, etc)

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SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID - 18-MAY-05 - REV 0 (Standards Cutoff - December 2005)


SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Visual Inspection at Test Pressure





Attachment 2 - Efficient Practice For Acceptance of Pressure Tests


THIS IS FOR ROUTINE PLANT PIPING PRESSURE TESTS (30-MINUTE TESTS) ON SMALL SYSTEMS. 1. PRESSURE TESTING IS ALWAYS CRITICAL PATH ON MAJOR PROJECTS 2. COMPANY HAS IDENTIFIED PRESSURE TESTING INEFFICIENCY AS A MAJOR OBSTACLE TO SUCCESS. 3. ROOT CAUSE OF THE INEFFICIENCY IS PRIMARILY POORLY TRAINED TEST CREWS AND INSPECTORS. 4. QUALITY MANAGERS & THEIR INSPECTORS ARE TASKED TO ASSURE BEST & EFFICIENT PRACTICES. 5. WHEN POSSIBLE, SAVE TIME DURING PRESSURE TESTING SET-UP & PRODUCTION AS FOLLOWS: a) Ensure Efficient Test Crew Practices as outlined in Attachment 1. Retrain any crews who are inefficient. b) Minimize time required for Outside Parties (SAPMT, PID, Proponent, etc) to attend Pressure Testing. c) Implement an easy to perform and easy to document practice of "tape" application on test gauges. d) Mimimize time waiting on Project Inspection/SAPMT to ABSOLUTE ZERO as follows for 30-minute tests: END RESULT WILL BE IMPROVED EFFICIENCY AND LESS TIME ACHIEVING PASSING PRESSURE TESTS. FOLLOW THESE GENERAL GUIDELINES (DETAILS AS AGREED UPON IN PROJECTS) 1) Notify SA that day (at agreed upon intervals) of the test packages likely to be ready for testing. 2) Notify SA Witness (PMT, PID) exactly when 50% test pressure holds "after equalization". (Cell, Radio) Technique: QC Inspector has applied a strip of tape (to be later affixed into the test report) on test gauge. This can be the plain vanilla colored tape approximately 25 mm wide by 50 mm long that allows marking. The QC Inspector or test crew supervisor match marks the test pressure (on equalization at 50%) and Verifies the test is ready to proceed to the next stage. Company is informed that their witness is needed. Note: Any pressure drop indicates liklihood of trapped air or leakage as per Attachment 1 (identify the cause of the pressure drop BEFORE proceeding, checking valve stems, fittings, valve seat leakby, etc ). Test reaches 100% of test pressure. Allow adequate equalization time. Note exact start time & notify SA*. At this time, SA (SAPMT, PID, etc) is notified that the test is ready to begin if they are not already present. *QC Inspector match marks the pressure gauge needle & writes the start time on the tape (30 minute test). Note: Usually, only a few minutes are required for most walkdowns. At the test conclusion, the time the test ended is written down on the tape & the Inspector Initials/Dates/Accepts & affixes tape into test report. COMPANY WITNESS ALSO INITIALS/DATES/ACCEPTS TEST ON THE TAPE AFFIXED INTO TEST REPORT. PACKAGE CONTROL IS CRITICAL FOR EFFICIENCY. LATER, SIGNATURES ARE OBTAINED EASILY LATER WHEN HARD TAPE EVIDENCE IS AFFIXED INTO TEST REPORTS. IT ELIMINATES THE NEED FOR 100% SA PRESENCE AT ALL TEST SITES FOR THE ENTIRE TEST DURATION. ALSO, ON VERBAL APPROVAL, AFTER CONFIDENCE IS OBTAINED THAT TECHNIQUE IS EFFICIENT, START TIMES DO NOT WAIT ON COMPANY. IN ALL CASES, THE TEST IS TERMINATED WHEN INSPECTORS COMPLETE THEIR EXAMINATIONS. LARGER SYSTEMS, ESP. WHERE CLIMBING IS REQUIRED, REQUIRED COORDINATED INSP EFFORTS. PRACTICE IS RECOMMENDED FOR PRESSURE TESTING PROCEDURES & IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATION.

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SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID - 18-MAY-05 - REV 0 (Standards Cutoff - December 2005)


SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Visual Inspection at Test Pressure





Attachment 3 - Walkdown Inspection Techniques

Hot Weather Effect & Test Interpretations (Inspector to Note):
1. Test pressures rise steadily and very noticeably due to rise in pipe surface temps during Summer. 2. Test pressure at gage can remain the same and even rise slightly with very small leaks* * Ensure good walkdown practice. Check valve stems, threads, flanges & low points very closely. Never assume a test result based on the test gauge. Visually examine the entire pressure boundary methodically. 3. Relief valves (set 5% above test pressure) can pop and lower test pressures (nullify test results) *Efficiency is needed to complete exams as quickly as possible without rushing through inspection. 4. In hot weather, ensure careful bleedoff in inspection presence. Maintain minimum test pressure. 5. Always account for noticeable drops in test pressures. See Potential Leak Sources.

Potential Leak Sources (Inspector to Note):

a) Valve leakby and test connection threaded fitting leaks (worn) are the # 1 cause of failed tests*. * Closed valves used as a test limit are never assumed to be "passing" water. Verify no other leaks * Closed valves in the test manifold are checked and replaced if they "pass", verify no other leaks * Threaded pressure hose connections wear out & need frequent replacement. Most common leak. b) Valve packing leaks are very often found with NO* noticeable test pressure drop (in hot weather) *The normal test pressure rise due to sun-heated piping is not seen, but negated by packing leak. c) Flanges with small leaks are hard to find. Check low points by hand*patting & use mirror/light. *A sheet of dry paper can be patted against lowest periphery of the flange. Watch for sharp edges! d) Threaded joints* are checked closely (leaks are common with inadequate thread engagement). *Seal welded threaded joints often leak. Best technique is close visual checks with mirror & hand. e) Socket welds (GTAW & SMAW process) can leak through tiny pores caused by oil contamination. f) Butt weld leaks are rare & 100% through-wall porosity is often the culprit. g) Telltale hole leakage (stanchion legs, dummy legs, repads) is thru attachment welds* * Attachment welds to pressure boundary can burn through & create thru-wall defects that leak h) Pipe/Fitting manufacturing defects cause thru-wall leaks. There is a variety of common defects* * Seams, laps, slugs, delaminations, pinholes, tears, shuts and thread defects (torn, flat, etc) 6. Leakage Evidence or questionable leakage (also check gage pressure) is always investigated

Investigate Leakage Evidence (Inspector to Note):

1) Visually attempt to determine the exact source* of leakage evidence (except for obvious leaks) * Never Assume Leakage Evidence is local. The source may be another line (Know the Effects of Gravity). * Never Assume water present means a test system leak. (Filling Leak Repaired, another source) * Assess leakage evidence carefully by a detailed visual inspection/observation method: * Check test gage or have a test crew member return & check the gage for obvious pressure drop * Never assume because pressure hasn't dropped that a leak does not exist (hot weather effect) 2) Approach the area with caution. Assess the evidence. Is the leak ACTIVE? (Obviously wet or dripping) 3) If yes, wipe the area dry & wait a few seconds (on further leaks, mark the location & move on) 4) If not obvious, but a leak is suspected, wipe area dry & wait 60* seconds. Use Hand/dry paper! * Ascertain a leakage rate (in drops/minute). Move on and complete the remainder of test. PROBLEM 5) Test crews often struggle with small leaks & use a pressure gage as their acceptance criteria*. REASON = INSPECTOR IS LIKELY ACCEPTING TESTS BASED ON GAUGE RESULTS ALONE SOLUTION = AWARENESS 6) Any Leakage found (rate) on unsuccessful tests is entered in Test Report "Remarks/Comment" Section Example: Retest OK (no leaks at test pressure) after minor valve packing leaks (2 drops/minute) repaired


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SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID - 18-MAY-05 - REV 0 (Standards Cutoff - December 2005)


SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Visual Inspection at Test Pressure





Attachment 4 - SAES-L-150 Pressure Testing Application & Insp

7 Plant Piping Applications
7.1 Unless limited by flanges, valves or other component in the line or specified in paragraph 7.4 below, the hydrostatic strength test pressure for every section of new constructed line shall produce a hoop stress in the pipe of 90% of the specified minimum yield strength (SMYS) at the test temperature. The test pressure shall be calculated based on the pipe nominal wall thickness less the mill tolerance (manufacturer's minus tolerance). The test pressure shall not be less than the minimum test pressure per ASME B31.3 paragraph 345.4.2. 7.2 Except where specified in 7.4 of this standard, the test pressure shall be maintained for a sufficient time, but shall not be less than 30 minutes, to determine that there are no leaks. (Item A3 of this Checklist) 7.3 All joints including welded shall be left exposed for visual leak detection during strength test. External coating and priming of such joints are not allowed unless approved by Manager of Inspection Department and the proponent\ Organization representative. The pipe itself can be externally primed and coated to a final coat. 7.4 Following are specific cases of exemptions to either or both of 7.1 and 7.2 of this standard (Item A4): 7.4.1 Lube and seal oil piping shall be pressure tested with its own fluid. The test pressure shall be 1.5 times the design pressure or 690 kPa (ga) (100 psig) whichever is the greater. Test duration shall be in accordance with 7.2. 7.4.2 Underground process piping shall be tested prior to backfilling. The test pressure shall be maintained for a minimum of 2 hours while the joints are inspected for leakage. If for justifiable safety reasons the line must be backfilled, then the joints shall remain exposed during testing, otherwise the test shall be a 24 hour recorded test. The test pressure is in accordance with 7.1. 7.4.3 Flare lines 24-inch NPS and larger* with a design pressure of 517 kPa (ga) (75 psig) or lower may be pneumatically strength tested in accordance with paragraph 345.5 of ASME B31.3. * Note: Portions of this line may be smaller than 24" and extend to isolation valves downstream of PZVs, etc 7.4.4 Piping in vacuum service shall be pressure tested to 1.5 times the differential external pressure not less than 100 kPa (ga) (15 psig). Test duration shall be in accordance with 7.2.

7.4.5 Service test is acceptable for the following per L-150, Para. 7.4.5 (Threaded Joints)
a) Plant utility piping in air & inert gas services with designed pressure & equal to less than 035 kPa (ga) (150 psig). b) Low pressure steam piping designed for 60 psig or less. INSPECTION SHALL REFER TO SAIC-L-2015 CHECKLIST FOR THREADED JOINTS AS APPLICABLE. 7.5 For revalidation purposes of existing plant piping, test pressure shall be minimum req'd by ASME B31.3. Actual piping wall thickness and flange rating shall be taken into consideration when calculating the test pressure.

8 Pressure Testing of Pipelines

This section defines specific requirements (such as test pressure, duration, etc.) for pressure testing of pipelines. 8.1 Unless limited by flanges or valves in the line, hydrostatic strength test pressure for every section of newly constructed pipelines shall be calculated to produce a hoop stress of 90% of the SMYS of the pipe material based on the nominal wall thickness. The test pressure at the lowest point of the pipeline, considering hydrostatic head, shall not result in a hoop stress greater than the SMYS. Strength test pressure shall be maintained for 2 hours. 8.2 The strength test temperature shall not result in a combined longitudinal stress (calculated based on 0.7 hoop stress at the test pressure plus temperature stress plus bending stress) exceeding the SMYS. 8.3 Tightness test shall be conducted at 95% of strength test pressure, immediately after completing strength test. Tightness test pressure shall be maintained as long as req'd for inspector to examine all exposed joints. A 24-hour recorded tightness test shall be applied when the pipeline is buried or insulated, or is partially buried or insulated for more than 300 m (1000 ft) or 10% of its total length whichever is less. 8.4 Existing pipelines if subjected to revalidation pressure testing, the test pressure shall be minimum of 1.25 times the MAOP for pipelines with 0.6 and 0.72 design factors; and shall be minimum of 1.4 times the MAOP for pipelines with 0.4 and 0.5 design factors. The actual pipe wall thickness and flange rating shall be taken into consideration when calculating the test pressure. For Pipelines, The results of the latest (new) pressure testing shall be documented in the "Safety Instruction Sheet".


11.3 Where pressure variations due to test water temperature changes occur, such as in cross-country pipelines, thermocouples shall be installed to obtain accurate pipe metal temperature measurements to determine the acceptance of the pressure test. Chairman of the Piping Standards Committee in Consulting Services Department shall be consulted for any deviations on the 24 hour pressure chart. Page 5 of 9

SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID - 18-MAY-05 - REV 0 (Standards Cutoff - December 2005)


SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Visual Inspection at Test Pressure





Attachment 1 - Pressure Testing Details

Plant Piping Pressure Tests with fluids (Strength & Service tests) are staged with inspection as follows: A) Preliminary leak check at 50% of test pressure = complete visual to check for leaks. (Contractor) B) Twenty per cent stage increase thereafter = visual inspection for leaks as evidenced by no noticeable pressure drop at test gage. Note Filling & Venting Practices & Efficiency C) Final at 100% of test pressure with test pump disconnected = Complete visual inspection during full system walkdown for leaks by all Inspectors & Witnesses. (SA Inspector Witnesses & Accepts/Rejects test) See Attachment 2 for Efficiency related to testing and inspection of small systems. PRESSURE DROPS (GAUGE READINGS) - SURVEILLANCE OF TESTING REPAIR MEETHODS On return to test manifold & taped gage after preliminary walkdowns, any drop (noticeable) in pressure must be accounted for by the Inspector. The test does not proceed to a higher pressure until all leaks are repaired and repaired by approved methods in procedures as follows: Flanged connections can be retorqued to maximum torque value Valve stem packings are tightened to stop leaks (Caution: Watch for uneven Packing Gland flange adjustment) Note: Often Valves arrive from manufacturer with uneven packing gland flanges. Adjustment/repair may be needed. Threaded joint leaks are repaired (seal welded or reworked) Weld joint leaks are repaired (approved welding repair procedure) Weld joint leaks are repaired (approved welding repair procedure) After repairs, pressurize system & repeat the entire walkdown, never assume all leaks are repaired. SEE ATTACHMENT 3 FOR WALKDOWN TECHNIQUES DURING FINAL PRESSURE TESTING (ACCEPTANCE)

Hydrotest Filling & Venting Practices (Efficiency)

1. PRESSURE TESTING IS ALWAYS CRITICAL PATH ON MAJOR PROJECTS 2. COMPANY HAS IDENTIFIED PRESSURE TESTING INEFFICIENCY AS A MAJOR OBSTACLE TO SUCCESS. 3. ROOT CAUSE OF THE INEFFICIENCY IS PRIMARILY POORLY TRAINED TEST CREWS AND INSPECTORS. 4. QUALITY MANAGERS & THEIR INSPECTORS ARE TASKED TO ASSURE BEST & EFFICIENT PRACTICES. 5. WHEN POSSIBLE, MULTIPLE TEST PACKAGES ARE COMBINED INTO ONE TEST. DOCUMENT SET-UP. 6. TEST CREWS SHALL ALLOW ADDITIONAL TIME (EFFECTIVELY VERIFIED) FOR TRAPPED AIR TO VENT. 7. TEST CREWS SHALL PERFORM FINAL FILL SLOWLY AFTER FLUID LEVELS DROP AT OPEN VENTS. Filling may be done by hand or pump as experience dictates. See Criteria below. Task crews for safety & efficiency. Trapped air is usually adequately displaced when a solid flow or stream of water is observed coming out of the vent. 8. INSPECTION SHALL EVALUATE EFFICIENCY & ASSURE BEST PRACTICES TO MINIMIZE RETESTS. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Thousands of Manhours are lost due to test failures (retest required) when poorly trained test crews rush during filling. Assure proper venting of air & a slow final fill technique. Efficiency is critical. Recommendation: Test crews dedicated solely to set-up, filling and other preparation should be utilized. Training regarding proper filling and venting techniques shall be identified for inefficient test crews who waste the valuable time of others (Ops, Inspection, SAPMT, PID, etc) when tests fail to hold pressure. CRITERIA: On initial pressurization, pressure holds AFTER equalization at 50% test pressure. Gauge drops indicate a leak (acceptable for efficiency) or "inefficient" test crews leaving air in lines (unacceptable). Note: Gauges that hold pressure at 50% of test pressure almost always pass. Contact SA after lines show a successful result at 50% initial pressurization stage for efficiency. Communication issue (cell, radio, etc)

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SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID - 18-MAY-05 - REV 0 (Standards Cutoff - December 2005)


SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Visual Inspection at Test Pressure





Attachment 2 - Efficient Practice For Acceptance of Pressure Tests


THIS IS FOR ROUTINE PLANT PIPING PRESSURE TESTS (30-MINUTE TESTS) ON SMALL SYSTEMS. 1. PRESSURE TESTING IS ALWAYS CRITICAL PATH ON MAJOR PROJECTS 2. COMPANY HAS IDENTIFIED PRESSURE TESTING INEFFICIENCY AS A MAJOR OBSTACLE TO SUCCESS. 3. ROOT CAUSE OF THE INEFFICIENCY IS PRIMARILY POORLY TRAINED TEST CREWS AND INSPECTORS. 4. QUALITY MANAGERS & THEIR INSPECTORS ARE TASKED TO ASSURE BEST & EFFICIENT PRACTICES. 5. WHEN POSSIBLE, SAVE TIME DURING PRESSURE TESTING SET-UP & PRODUCTION AS FOLLOWS: a) Ensure Efficient Test Crew Practices as outlined in Attachment 1. Retrain any crews who are inefficient. b) Minimize time required for Outside Parties (SAPMT, PID, Proponent, etc) to attend Pressure Testing. c) Implement an easy to perform and easy to document practice of "tape" application on test gauges. d) Mimimize time waiting on Project Inspection/SAPMT to ABSOLUTE ZERO as follows for 30-minute tests: END RESULT WILL BE IMPROVED EFFICIENCY AND LESS TIME ACHIEVING PASSING PRESSURE TESTS. FOLLOW THESE GENERAL GUIDELINES (DETAILS AS AGREED UPON IN PROJECTS) 1) Notify SA that day (at agreed upon intervals) of the test packages likely to be ready for testing. 2) Notify SA Witness (PMT, PID) exactly when 50% test pressure holds "after equalization". (Cell, Radio) Technique: QC Inspector has applied a strip of tape (to be later affixed into the test report) on test gauge. This can be the plain vanilla colored tape approximately 25 mm wide by 50 mm long that allows marking. The QC Inspector or test crew supervisor match marks the test pressure (on equalization at 50%) and Verifies the test is ready to proceed to the next stage. Company is informed that their witness is needed. Note: Any pressure drop indicates liklihood of trapped air or leakage as per Attachment 1 (identify the cause of the pressure drop BEFORE proceeding, checking valve stems, fittings, valve seat leakby, etc ). Test reaches 100% of test pressure. Allow adequate equalization time. Note exact start time & notify SA*. At this time, SA (SAPMT, PID, etc) is notified that the test is ready to begin if they are not already present. *QC Inspector match marks the pressure gauge needle & writes the start time on the tape (30 minute test). Note: Usually, only a few minutes are required for most walkdowns. At the test conclusion, the time the test ended is written down on the tape & the Inspector Initials/Dates/Accepts & affixes tape into test report. COMPANY WITNESS ALSO INITIALS/DATES/ACCEPTS TEST ON THE TAPE AFFIXED INTO TEST REPORT. PACKAGE CONTROL IS CRITICAL FOR EFFICIENCY. LATER, SIGNATURES ARE OBTAINED EASILY LATER WHEN HARD TAPE EVIDENCE IS AFFIXED INTO TEST REPORTS. IT ELIMINATES THE NEED FOR 100% SA PRESENCE AT ALL TEST SITES FOR THE ENTIRE TEST DURATION. ALSO, ON VERBAL APPROVAL, AFTER CONFIDENCE IS OBTAINED THAT TECHNIQUE IS EFFICIENT, START TIMES DO NOT WAIT ON COMPANY. IN ALL CASES, THE TEST IS TERMINATED WHEN INSPECTORS COMPLETE THEIR EXAMINATIONS. LARGER SYSTEMS, ESP. WHERE CLIMBING IS REQUIRED, REQUIRED COORDINATED INSP EFFORTS. PRACTICE IS RECOMMENDED FOR PRESSURE TESTING PROCEDURES & IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATION.

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SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID - 18-MAY-05 - REV 0 (Standards Cutoff - December 2005)


SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Visual Inspection at Test Pressure





Attachment 3 - Walkdown Inspection Techniques

Hot Weather Effect & Test Interpretations (Inspector to Note):
1. Test pressures rise steadily and very noticeably due to rise in pipe surface temps during Summer. 2. Test pressure at gage can remain the same and even rise slightly with very small leaks* * Ensure good walkdown practice. Check valve stems, threads, flanges & low points very closely. Never assume a test result based on the test gauge. Visually examine the entire pressure boundary methodically. 3. Relief valves (set 5% above test pressure) can pop and lower test pressures (nullify test results) *Efficiency is needed to complete exams as quickly as possible without rushing through inspection. 4. In hot weather, ensure careful bleedoff in inspection presence. Maintain minimum test pressure. 5. Always account for noticeable drops in test pressures. See Potential Leak Sources.

Potential Leak Sources (Inspector to Note):

a) Valve leakby and test connection threaded fitting leaks (worn) are the # 1 cause of failed tests*. * Closed valves used as a test limit are never assumed to be "passing" water. Verify no other leaks * Closed valves in the test manifold are checked and replaced if they "pass", verify no other leaks * Threaded pressure hose connections wear out & need frequent replacement. Most common leak. b) Valve packing leaks are very often found with NO* noticeable test pressure drop (in hot weather) *The normal test pressure rise due to sun-heated piping is not seen, but negated by packing leak. c) Flanges with small leaks are hard to find. Check low points by hand*patting & use mirror/light. *A sheet of dry paper can be patted against lowest periphery of the flange. Watch for sharp edges! d) Threaded joints* are checked closely (leaks are common with inadequate thread engagement). *Seal welded threaded joints often leak. Best technique is close visual checks with mirror & hand. e) Socket welds (GTAW & SMAW process) can leak through tiny pores caused by oil contamination. f) Butt weld leaks are rare & 100% through-wall porosity is often the culprit. g) Telltale hole leakage (stanchion legs, dummy legs, repads) is thru attachment welds* * Attachment welds to pressure boundary can burn through & create thru-wall defects that leak h) Pipe/Fitting manufacturing defects cause thru-wall leaks. There is a variety of common defects* * Seams, laps, slugs, delaminations, pinholes, tears, shuts and thread defects (torn, flat, etc) 6. Leakage Evidence or questionable leakage (also check gage pressure) is always investigated

Investigate Leakage Evidence (Inspector to Note):

1) Visually attempt to determine the exact source* of leakage evidence (except for obvious leaks) * Never Assume Leakage Evidence is local. The source may be another line (Know the Effects of Gravity). * Never Assume water present means a test system leak. (Filling Leak Repaired, another source) * Assess leakage evidence carefully by a detailed visual inspection/observation method: * Check test gage or have a test crew member return & check the gage for obvious pressure drop * Never assume because pressure hasn't dropped that a leak does not exist (hot weather effect) 2) Approach the area with caution. Assess the evidence. Is the leak ACTIVE? (Obviously wet or dripping) 3) If yes, wipe the area dry & wait a few seconds (on further leaks, mark the location & move on) 4) If not obvious, but a leak is suspected, wipe area dry & wait 60* seconds. Use Hand/dry paper! * Ascertain a leakage rate (in drops/minute). Move on and complete the remainder of test. PROBLEM 5) Test crews often struggle with small leaks & use a pressure gage as their acceptance criteria*. REASON = INSPECTOR IS LIKELY ACCEPTING TESTS BASED ON GAUGE RESULTS ALONE SOLUTION = AWARENESS 6) Any Leakage found (rate) on unsuccessful tests is entered in Test Report "Remarks/Comment" Section Example: Retest OK (no leaks at test pressure) after minor valve packing leaks (2 drops/minute) repaired


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SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID - 18-MAY-05 - REV 0 (Standards Cutoff - December 2005)


SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Visual Inspection at Test Pressure





Attachment 4 - SAES-L-150 Pressure Testing Application & Insp

7 Plant Piping Applications
7.1 Unless limited by flanges, valves or other component in the line or specified in paragraph 7.4 below, the hydrostatic strength test pressure for every section of new constructed line shall produce a hoop stress in the pipe of 90% of the specified minimum yield strength (SMYS) at the test temperature. The test pressure shall be calculated based on the pipe nominal wall thickness less the mill tolerance (manufacturer's minus tolerance). The test pressure shall not be less than the minimum test pressure per ASME B31.3 paragraph 345.4.2. 7.2 Except where specified in 7.4 of this standard, the test pressure shall be maintained for a sufficient time, but shall not be less than 30 minutes, to determine that there are no leaks. (Item A3 of this Checklist) 7.3 All joints including welded shall be left exposed for visual leak detection during strength test. External coating and priming of such joints are not allowed unless approved by Manager of Inspection Department and the proponent\ Organization representative. The pipe itself can be externally primed and coated to a final coat. 7.4 Following are specific cases of exemptions to either or both of 7.1 and 7.2 of this standard (Item A4): 7.4.1 Lube and seal oil piping shall be pressure tested with its own fluid. The test pressure shall be 1.5 times the design pressure or 690 kPa (ga) (100 psig) whichever is the greater. Test duration shall be in accordance with 7.2. 7.4.2 Underground process piping shall be tested prior to backfilling. The test pressure shall be maintained for a minimum of 2 hours while the joints are inspected for leakage. If for justifiable safety reasons the line must be backfilled, then the joints shall remain exposed during testing, otherwise the test shall be a 24 hour recorded test. The test pressure is in accordance with 7.1. 7.4.3 Flare lines 24-inch NPS and larger* with a design pressure of 517 kPa (ga) (75 psig) or lower may be pneumatically strength tested in accordance with paragraph 345.5 of ASME B31.3. * Note: Portions of this line may be smaller than 24" and extend to isolation valves downstream of PZVs, etc 7.4.4 Piping in vacuum service shall be pressure tested to 1.5 times the differential external pressure not less than 100 kPa (ga) (15 psig). Test duration shall be in accordance with 7.2.

7.4.5 Service test is acceptable for the following per L-150, Para. 7.4.5 (Threaded Joints)
a) Plant utility piping in air & inert gas services with designed pressure & equal to less than 035 kPa (ga) (150 psig). b) Low pressure steam piping designed for 60 psig or less. INSPECTION SHALL REFER TO SAIC-L-2015 CHECKLIST FOR THREADED JOINTS AS APPLICABLE. 7.5 For revalidation purposes of existing plant piping, test pressure shall be minimum req'd by ASME B31.3. Actual piping wall thickness and flange rating shall be taken into consideration when calculating the test pressure.

8 Pressure Testing of Pipelines

This section defines specific requirements (such as test pressure, duration, etc.) for pressure testing of pipelines. 8.1 Unless limited by flanges or valves in the line, hydrostatic strength test pressure for every section of newly constructed pipelines shall be calculated to produce a hoop stress of 90% of the SMYS of the pipe material based on the nominal wall thickness. The test pressure at the lowest point of the pipeline, considering hydrostatic head, shall not result in a hoop stress greater than the SMYS. Strength test pressure shall be maintained for 2 hours. 8.2 The strength test temperature shall not result in a combined longitudinal stress (calculated based on 0.7 hoop stress at the test pressure plus temperature stress plus bending stress) exceeding the SMYS. 8.3 Tightness test shall be conducted at 95% of strength test pressure, immediately after completing strength test. Tightness test pressure shall be maintained as long as req'd for inspector to examine all exposed joints. A 24-hour recorded tightness test shall be applied when the pipeline is buried or insulated, or is partially buried or insulated for more than 300 m (1000 ft) or 10% of its total length whichever is less. 8.4 Existing pipelines if subjected to revalidation pressure testing, the test pressure shall be minimum of 1.25 times the MAOP for pipelines with 0.6 and 0.72 design factors; and shall be minimum of 1.4 times the MAOP for pipelines with 0.4 and 0.5 design factors. The actual pipe wall thickness and flange rating shall be taken into consideration when calculating the test pressure. For Pipelines, The results of the latest (new) pressure testing shall be documented in the "Safety Instruction Sheet".


11.3 Where pressure variations due to test water temperature changes occur, such as in cross-country pipelines, thermocouples shall be installed to obtain accurate pipe metal temperature measurements to determine the acceptance of the pressure test. Chairman of the Piping Standards Committee in Consulting Services Department shall be consulted for any deviations on the 24 hour pressure chart. Page 9 of 9

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