Warsash - AFF Course PDF
Warsash - AFF Course PDF
Warsash - AFF Course PDF
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I Control fire fighting operations aboard ships; 2. Organise and train fire parties; 3. Inspect and senrice fire detection and extinguishing systems and equipment; 4. Investigate and compile reports on incidents involving fire.
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Section 1
5 6
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5 Section 6 Section 7
35 38
41 45 47 52
Section 8
Section 9
58 60
Section 10
Section 11 Section 12
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Section 1
- Fire Theory
Fire Prevention
Fires aboard ships have to be fought by the crew in the first instance and very often there may be no assistance. Recognising a fire hazard and correcting the situation shows that: "PREVENTION 1 s BETTER THAN CURE"
There are three distinct ways to prevent fires:
Fire Consciousness
Although ship fires are quickly discovered because of the increased requirement to fit fire detectors it can often be shown that:
Fire has occurred in the area before but no corrective action has been taken. Fire is likely to start at some time by assessing the problems in the area.
Good Housekeeping
When an area is kept clean and tidy the risk of fire lowers considerably. A waste paper bin is clearly a fire preventative measure providing it is regularly emptied and not left overflowing with rubbish.
There are many areas where bad housekeeping results in fires:
1) Galley extracts full of grease 2) Tumble dryers and trunkings full of fluff and dust 3) Engine room drip trays and bilges that have collected oil 4) Oil soaked lagging etc.
Safe Practice
Procedures can be safety regulated by "Permits to Work which will ensure that all necessary precautions have been taken before maintenance is carried out. However, some work may not require these procedures and personnel must not be allowed to take short cuts. Manufacturer's instructions coupled with the Company's Regulations are supplied to ensure that all operations are carried out safely. The Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen is a very useful document to consult.
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Theory of Combustion
FIRE is the result of fuel, oxygen and an ignition sou-, produce a mixture of heat, ligM, smoke. combining to
Heat is a form of energy and may be produced by: 1 Chemicalenergy-exothemiereactions(thosewkichproduoeheat) 2. Mechanical energy friction 3. Electrical energy sparks, a m 4. Nuclear energy
Gas pressurisation
Convection Radiation 1.
There are various ways to start a fire: with a source of ignition, a flame, spark, arc
byh@ngthe~Ia~w~SelforAutolgnitionTemperature(SIT o r AIT) i.e. a fat pan will catch fire h u t the application o f q l g V: ,flame; compression in a diesel engine. I T :
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some materials when damp or soaked with oil, especially vegetable oil, or thrpugh a mixture of chemicab are likely to Spomtaneously .Cornbust without any external appliwon of heat.
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Extinguirrhing Methods
The t h w primary extinguishing methods are achieved by removing one or more sides of the fire triangle; i.e.stanrabion, smothering or d i n g .
Removal of potential fuel from around the six sides of the fire which may be ignited by mnductivity through bulkheads, decks or deck heads. Patrds must continuously check all areas surrounding the fire including the decks above the incident where there may be no initial signs of fire spread.
Ventilation Control. Any system that is r~irculating air must be switched off. This is invariably the case with air conditioning. Selective extraction for short periods may be considered in some circumstanoes where people are missing.
Smothering must be maintained until a# the heat has dissipated otherwise there may be re-ignition.
Note Class 5.1 oxidising agents produce oxygen when heated. They cannot he smothered but an extinguished by cooling with copious quantities of water or specialised dry powders.
3. Cooling
Boundary Cooling sprays must be used to cool all accessible boundaries. If no steam comes ofF a bulkhead it indimtes the temperature will be below 100" and further application of water is of little or no use.
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When areas begin to dry off, spot cool and inform the fire party leader as this may give good indication of where the fire is. This information will be invaluable to fire fighters who are about to enter or are already inside the compartment.
Fire fighters within the ship structure do not generally cause stability problems by using water to limit steam production. Correctly applied, water flashes to steam by removing the maximum heat energy from the fire. Since steam creates high levels of heat and humidity this limits the amount of water that can be applied.
The weight of water i n a compartment will reduce the vessel's stability however the free surface effect of water flowing across the ship will have a far greater effect in reducing the range of stability.
Excess water must be removed as soon as possible by drainage, portable pumps etc. It can be clearly seen that water partially drained to lower decks will also =use free surface effect at those levels. Not all extinguishing methods relate t o the fire triangle:
4. Flame inhibition - breaking down the molecular chain reaction of combustion in a flame is achieved by using dry powder which physically absorbs the energy in the flame.
OXY ge Flame Weat
Flame Structure
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Fires aboard ships are classified by the International Maritime Organisation into two different standards. The IS0 Standad classes A as Sotids, B Liquids, C Gases, D metals and F as cooking oils where each has a preferred method of extinguishment. Electricity is deemed to be a power source which needs to be isolated.
There is ako the U.S. National Fire Proteetin Association Standard (NFPA) where Class A is the same, B is liquids and gases, C is electrical, D is metals and Class K are cooking oils.
Definition: A fire involving solid materials, usually of an organic nature, in which combustion normally takes place with the fornation of glowing .->t *Q -,' embars. m 2 G > h ; ; : 2 : A L
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T h e Stages O f A Fire
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Developm c o t
Once a fire has started it can grow rapidly. Burning materials become a new source o f ignition heating adjacent combustible materials to ignition temperatures. The growing fire beoomes hotter as it spreads to more and more combustible materials including those with greater bulk or higher ignition temperature.
In an enclosed room or compartment a stage may be reached where all the combustible materials are heated saciently to produce flammable concentrations of vapour and the fire develops very rapidly, this is known as Ole "FLASHOVER"
Paw 9
During the final d-y stage the fire is running out of fuel or oxygenand . eventually bums out unless more fuel or oxygen becomes available. Smouldering can continue at r d u d rate with wry tow wncwtmtbns of oxygen. If opening a door or breaking a window restoresthe full oxygen coaoentration, cumbustion may be r ~ s tblkhed a with expl~sive violence, This phenbmenon is known as the backdraft.
2. Udng the back -of the hand, dose to but not touching the dmr, work h a mthe bottom up t o fed for radiant heat. Make an assmaummnt.
3. Keep on the lower side of the door and about 10 cms.Wait for abut qO seconds. If there is n out rush o#gases through the top gap p r o g w to extinguish the fire. If In any doubt leave the door
Because Class A materials may retain their heat for long periods spend 2@?4 of your time e.Wng~khIng a fire but 80% checking Por mr?gnMon
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Secret burning
Hot gages can accumulate in v&& ana remain und&ecm until they bum "flriough and setf ventilate many hours later. They may even 'jump' ! , several deckvj@W n k i n g vents, d i e runs etc.
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pipe work or lead th mugh deckheads which are not properly fire stopped hot g e r - may rise 9nd .
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The surface tension of water limits its ability to soak in so ensure all layers of . h e material have b w n damped down,
5. Surface area In solids and liquids fire can only occur at ornear the surface. Increase the surface area, e.g. foam rubber, piles of rags, dud, etc, the fire risk and spread dramatially increases, therefore remember:
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The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code classifies flammable liquids with flashpoints (F.P.) below 61 "Cas hazardous .
Flashpoint :
The lowest temperature at which a spark or flame will ignite vapours of just "flash".
q. 2. 3.
Vapour density
Nearly all hydrocarbons (mineral oils) give off vapour heavier than air, i.e. have a vapour density greater than 1 .
Methane Ethylene Propane Butane Petrol
Flammablelexplosive limits
2.2% - 9.6%
2.5% - 82.0%
5.0% - 15.0%
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Self or Auto Ignition temperatures (SITIAIT) is where the vapours will ignite without the application of spark or flame.
Oils with low SITIAITs in contact with hot exhausts are the cause of many engine room fires.
Petrol Diesel (heavy) Lub Oil Cooking Oil
S.1.T.I A.1.T
600C 320C 260C 360C
Blanket or lid Smothering gas (C02, Inert Gas, Nitrogen) Foam, directed on to a vertical surface so that it spreads over the surface, is the preferred extinguishing method. Water may be used in spray form provided
The oil has only been burning for a short time The flash point of the oil is not too low; practically if the flash point is less that 40C water spray is of little use, especially in windy conditions. V a p o ~ will ~ r continue to form above the spray and ignition will continue. It does not spread the fire.
Beware of the boilover
When water enters a hot liquid with a temperature of mare that 100C it a) sinks below the surface b) expands about 1700 times to steam c ) atomises and spreads the liquid
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CLASS C Gaseous Isolate Fires involving flammable gases under pressure in pipes, tanks, containers, aerosols, etc.
Critical Temperature of a Gas This is the temperature above which it cannot be liquefied by pressure alone i.e, it needs to be cooled down first.
Steel structures exposed to fire lose their strength. At above 350C the strength of steel decreases markedly. Cylinders may fail at lower temperatures.
Flame impingement on the bare metal of pressurised vessels (aerosols or LPG tanks) has caused ruptures before the critical temperature has been reached, this is the:
If the cylinder contains a liquid which at atmospheric pressure would be a gas a sudden expansion takes place. Propane will expand from a liquid to a gas 270 times its liquid volume, carbon dioxide 450 times. Options
I 2.
Flames on the open deck - manoeuvre vessel. Immediate use of water sprays to keep metal on adjacent tanks cool and therefore intact. If enough water is applied to the upper surface of the container so that it is kept wet its temperature cannot exceed 100". Water spray has to be used quickly or its effectiveness is reduced. Above 200C water droplets tend to skate off on a layer of steam without effectively cooling the structure. Flame bending - a narrowed down spray used at right angles to the flame will bend it away from dangers but be careful not to extinguish the flame. An unlit leak should NEVER be ignited. In general do no extinguish unless the teak can be isolated othetwise a flammable gas cloud will form.
An unlit gas cloud will disperse to find a source af ignition and form a -
"UVCE" - Unconfined Vapour Cloud Explosion with subsequent flashback to the leak.
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CLASS D - Metals
Cool, smother.
Generally speaking, water, foam, COz or dry powders produce violent There are special graphite dry powders reactions in a metal fire. extinguishers which apply the powder slowly over the surface of the burning metal. The large surface area of turnings covered in oil, swarf or metal dust in workshops will greatly increase the fire risk, therefore
Practice good housekeeping again!!
Water can also be used in the form of a deluge in relation to the size of fire provided it is applied from a safe distance. Fires in economisers generally require copious water as a deluge, never a spray, to rapidly cool. This can have a detrimental effect on the structures involved causing deformation or shattering.
More commonly aluminium superstructures which contain a small percentage of magnesium that is added for strength, will start to melt and deform at about 600C. Boundary cooling sprays are therefore required to keep the structure cool and intact.
Lithium batteries
Lithium batteries which are often found on seismic vessels contain a large amount of energy in a small package. If they are overcharged, discharged or subjected to high temperatures they may catch fire or explode. For comparison a size 'Dl cell has an energy density equivalent to approximately a quarter stick of dynamite!
However, with proper use and handling, these cells have demonstrated an excellent safety record. The initial heat source can be external e.g. fire, soldering or internal such as heating caused by a short circuit, forced over discharge, charging conditions or excessive mechanical abuse such as excessive shock or vibration.
If a lithium battery appears to be getting hot:
1. 2. 3.
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Cell storage
2. 3.
5. 6.
In their original containers. In a well ventilated dry, cool area. In an isolated area away from combustible materials. Store depleted cells in an area separate from fresh cells. A "Class D"dry powder extinguisher r n ~ ~ be s t readily available.
Never stack heavy objects on boxes containing lithium batteries to preclude puncturing or crushing of cell case. Do not allow excessive quantities of cells to accumulate in any storage area.
Because of the high temperatures that can be reached when cooking oil fires are not quickly put out they can be difficult to extinguish using ordinary foams. Specially formulated foams when applied to the burning liquid cools and emulsifies the oil, extinguishes the flame, seals the surface and prevents reignition.
It is the potassium salts that turn the fat or oil into a soap that seals the surface. They can only be used on animal fats, vegetable oils and Class A
One Class F extinguisher is required to be fitted to each galley which has deep fat fryers on ships built on or after 1 Jan 2009. Ship owners are encouraged to fit these on older ships.
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The BS EN 3-7:2004+A1:2007 Standard requires all new extinguishers to be coloured red regardless of contents to align with Europe. It states that National regulations may require a zone of colour. BS 7863:2009 states that between 3% and 10% of the extinguisher body may be cotour coded. Depending on the vessel's flag state, a H extinguishers may be red. 2. Extinguishers should be inspected once a year by a competent* person and be provided with a sign indicating that it has been examined. 3. At each fire drill at least one fire extinguisher should be discharged by a different crew member (MGN 71 M). At least one fire extinguisher of -each type manufactured in the same year should be discharged at 5 -_ yearly intervals as part of a fire drill, IMO A231Res.951. 4. Always test the extinguisher at the stowage position before use. Keep clear of the head cap as the extinguisher is pressurised. 5. Instructions for recharging should be kept on board. Records must be maintained and should show the date of inspection, the type of maintenance carried out and whether a pressure test was performed.
When opening any extinguisher for maintenance, first ensure that all pressure has been released by depressing the handle. Next unscrew the head or valve assembly several turns carefully to allow any residual pressure to escape via the venting arrangement and do not unscrew it further until all pressure has escaped.
Before recharging, the extinguisher must be completely emptied. Only water and foam extinguishers are to be washed out with dean water.
Remove any powder that remains in the extinguisher. It is most important that mixing of different powders is avoided. Some mixtures can produce water and carbon dioxide causing the extinguisher to explode i.e. sodium bi-carbonate (BC powder) and ammonium phosphate (ABC powder)
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Stored pressure extinguishers These can only be opened for inspection after discharge.
Spares charges shall be provided for 100% of the first 10 portable extinguist~ersand 50% of the remaining fire extinguishers capable of being recharged on board. A portable extinguisher has total weight of not more than 20 kg. Where fire extinguishers cannot be recharged on board additional ones of the same quantity, type and capacity shall be provided.
Pressure testing
All extinguishers must be hydraulically pressure tested every 10 years as required by an International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Resolution and British Standard however the British Standard further requires a competent person to inspect and discharge them every 5 years.
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Keeplowtoavoid heatandstearn. Sweepthejetquicklytobreakitupinto water droplets to enhance the cooling effect and move around the fire. Once the fire i s knocked down use the full force of the jet to help the water penetrate and break up the fuel.
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DRY POWDER EXTINGUISHERS Colour Code Blue Absorb flame energy Suitability: Ideal for low flashpoint liquids petrol) and gases (propane, butane); as was noted before heavier oils such as cooking or lubricating oils may well be already above their auto ignition temperature (AIT) and re-ignite once the dry powder extinguisher is empty.
Technique: Keep low to avoid flare up when you start extinguishing. Sweep rapidly from side to side and work from the front to the back. Do not walk into the fuel. Although dry powder gives rapid knockdown it has no cooling or smothering effect on oils and vapours may remain to be re-ignited
Note ABC powders, also known as general purpose or multi purpose powders melt to form a vapour tight seal over Class A materials (wood, textiles) but they remove no heat.
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Ideal for inside electrical equipment or under engines where access is difficult. They are electrically non-cond uctive.
The gas comes out with some force and may scatter any fuel if the discharge horn is placed too close to loose material or burning liquid. The gas must be directed above the fuel so as to exclude the oxygen from its surface and smother the fire. On an open fire use the same sweeping action as described for dry powder- sweep rapidly from side to side and work from the front to the back. As the C02 changes state from a liquid to a gas before it leaves the extinguisher, the discharge horn becomes very cold. There is a danger of a frost burn if anything other than the handle or grip is touched by the operator. The gas is I.5times heavier than air and expands by approximately 450: I.
Operating lever
-Carry handle
high-pressure hose
Discharge t u b e
Halon (Green)
There has been no commercial production of BCF or BTM since January 1994. A new EC regulation requires all fire-fighting equipment in the EU containing halons to be decommissioned before 31'' December 2003 however it will still be found on vessels registered outside the EU as IMQ have not yet adopted this edict.
- Heavy vapour, about 5.5 times heavier than air - Safe up to 100,000 volts rapid vapourisation leaves no residue
Has a positive cooling effect on a Class A fire but this is much less than
- Good penetration in all but deep seated fires
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Larger foam, dry powder and carbon dioxide wheeled units are usually found in engine rooms and often placed near manifolds during tanker loading or discharge. They are aperated on the same principle as hand held extinguishers. Because of their larger capacity and higher application rates they are able to control larger fires. Do not place them too close to high fire risk areas where a fire may limit
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Foam Compound
Properties of a good fire fighting foam.
* Resistance to burn back Resistance to foam being boiled away from the flame front * Resistance to re-ignition Resistance to hot vapour boiling up through the foam blanket after the fire is out leading to re-flash Foam expansion ratios as per Solas Ch t 1-2 regulations.
Low expansion - shall not generally exceed 12 to I
Medium expansion - between 50 to 1 and 150 to A ) High expansion - shall not exceed 1000 to I
detergent based.
Revised guidelines for the performance and testing criteria and surveys of foam concentrate for fixed fire extinguishing systems MSC.IlCirc.1312 June 2009
These guidelines apply to foam concentrates used for fixed deck foam extinguishing systems required for:
1. Tankers
2. Chemical tankers
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may lead to abnormal ageing of the concentrates. Periodical testing should be performed by the ship owner or operator at a recognised laboratov not more than 3 years after being supplied to the ship and then yearly.
Note: This circular also applies to portable foam concentrates and to portable foam applicators according to Chapter 4 of the Fire Safety Systems Code which states that 2 x 20 titre drums of foam concentrate are required to be carried. This applies to ships whose keel was laid down by i July 2002.
It would not be good practice to open these drums to take a 1 litre sample every year as not only would air be introduced but the stocks of foam would gradually become depleted. The chairman of the IMO correspondence group, 13 Oct 2010, agreed that this was not clear in the document but added that it would probably not be recommended practice.
This traditional foam is made from animal protein from and can commonly be found for use on crude oil tanker decks and pump room systems. Protein foam may lose its properties after prolonged storage because of biological degradation after exposure to air or to temperatures below 5" C or above 40" C. These temperatures will vary between manufacturers and the grade of foam. If stored within specified temperature ranges and in original sealed containers the shelf life should be at least 10 years.
Fluoro-protein Resistance to burn back is given by the addition of fluoride additives. This gives:
a. Greater resistance to burn back b. Easier fluid flow - quicker knockdown properties may vary between Manufacturers
AFF -Feb 20 11.IEA
3. Aqueous film forming foam. (AFFF) This is a wetter foam than usual. The water that drains out of the foam forms a vapour sealing film over the oil's surface.
1) No vapour - no flame 2) Gives rapid knockdown
As the water film may boil away, it may not have the security of fluoroproto foams on a hat-oil fire but again properties vary between manufacturers.
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Film forming fluoro-protein foam. (FFFP) Trade name Petroseal . This has the resistance to burnback of the fluoro-protein foam and the quick knockdown and resistance to re-ignition of AFFF. It will also adhere to hot vertical surfaces thus affording thermal insulation. It may be applied as an unaspirated spray. This means that no air is drawn in before the foam leaves the nozzle.
5. Alcohol Resistant foams These are for use on water miscible, polar liquids (acetone, ketone, glycol, methanol and other industrial alcohols). It forms a polymer film
that prevents the water from being leached out of the foam by the watersoluble alcohol.
General Purpose Foams These can be used on polar liquids (alcohols), or non-polar liquid (hydrocarbons) and are foams manufactured with film forming properties.
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Operikt~ng lever
foam s O l u t ~ c ~ n
D~scharge rube
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Foam Concerrtration
Foams are available in different strengths, 3% or 6% being the most common types. When it is being supplied via a pick up tube to a foam nozzle or in-line inductor coupled to the fire main, tRe equipment must be set to the solution strength for these foam eoncentrates to be effective. Low expansion foam is the usual type found on board ship. The % strength of the foam indicates that:
6% foam eoncentrate + 94% water and air
Dry powder is used to knock down the flames whilst foam is used to smother the liquid and so prevent any flammable vapoun from -igniting.
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The 'dutch roll' is a very common way of rolling up hoses ready for use aboard ships.
The hose is folded in half with the female coupling uppermost about '/; metre back from the male.
Rollupthehoseforstowage.Whenpreparingto fight a fire, hold on to the two couplings and throw the hose away from the fire to enable the male to be attached to the hydrant and the female to be attached to the nozzle ready for advance.
Modern hoses are made out of synthetic materials and are not prone to rot however they may be damaged by shock or abrasion.
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any space they are required to be used. They shall be at least 10 rn long but not more than 15 rn in machinery spaces, 20 m in other spaces and open decks and 25 m for open decks on ships with a maximum breadth in excess of 30 m.
There are many different types on board skips, instantaneous, stork, etc. which means that one vessel's hoses cannot be coupled up to another type to supply fire fighting water. Every vessel of 500 tons or over in accordance with the Fire Protection Regulations S.I. No1012 of 1998 must have an International shore connection (complying with the requirements of schedule 1 of MSN 1665) to be compatible with other couplings.
International shore connection.
The connection is the same as the other hose couplings on board and can therefore be connected to the ship's fire main. The blank flange when bolted in position prevents any leakage of water from the fire main. Should all fire pumps fail another vessel or shore side fire brigade will have a connection that is compatible with their couplings. The blank flange is removed, the face of the second connection i s then bolted to the ship's connection enabling the fire main to be pressurised from another source.
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Fire Main 8 Isolation Arrangements The effective distribution and maximum water discharge rates from the fire main will be determined by the type and size of vessel. However there must be a means of isolating the fire main outside the machinery space which will supply water from the emergency fire pump to other areas. When fixed deck foam systems are required on tankers, isolating valves should be fitted at 40 metre intervals in order to protect the integrity of the fire main in case of fire or explosion. All fire mains should be provided with means for draining during frosty weather.
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There are very many types of nozzle found aboard merchant vessels that must be capable of being switched off. They must be able to be adjusted to produce a jet or a spray. Jet spray nozzles are commonly found but care must be taken when first opening as a jet will come out. This may:
2. 3. 4. 5.
Spread the fire or sink into hot oil causing a boilover. Use a lot of water which creates steam (expansion rate 1700:l) Strike another person Easily conduct electricity Knock the fire team backwards through jet reaction Throw dust into the air and cause a dust explosion
A 60"spray will give maximum cooling and protection for the fire fighters but the amount of water put onto a fire in an enclosed space must be limited in the early stages because of the scalding effect of steam produced. By restricting the initial amount of water put on to the fire the humidity can be controlled and consequently the duration of the fire fighter will increase. A nozzle must be set on the spray mode when tackling an oil fire. A 180" water wall can be opened up for protection, access and rescue.
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There are three positions for the handle that goes from shut off to fog to jet. The tiny water droplets absorb the energy in the flames in a similar way to dry powder, however it will also cool and the steam created will help to smother. For these reasons water fog can be used on low flash point liquid fires.
The main hazard with the fog nozzle in an enclosed space, with little or no ventilation, a great deal of steam is produced. Short bursts of either jet or fog (depending on the hazard) must be used othenuise the conditions created will be unbearable.
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An extension tube, the fog lance (or applicator) can replace the high-pressure nozzle; this creates a low velocity fog, which can be inserted directly into the fire. The 60" or 90" bend will enable it to be used around corners or through small apertures thus helping to protect the fire fighter.
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AFF -Feb 2 O l l . J E A
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It is recommended that a fire or other emergency drill should be held simultaneously with the first stage of the abandon ship drill.
A mock attack in varying spaces, e.g.
cargo holds
Fire and emergency pumps started. Hoses should be laid out and where practicable water should be played through them first with the machinery space pump and secondly with the emergency pump with the isolation valve closed.
Instruction and discharge of extinguishers Closing of openings and operation of remote controls Operation of fixed installations Exercises in BA and other emergency appliances
10. At least one extinguisher let off by a different member of crew 11, Instruction in fire prevention and other emergency subjects
Once the alarm has sounded the crew muster at their emergency station. Provision must be made for alternative muster points where fire or smoke makes it impossible to assemble. The regular ritual of mechanically performing these duties will contain little training benefit therefore drills must be as realistic as possible.
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2. All escape routes including stairways and corridors are free of obstruction and properly maintained.
All fixed fire fighting installation valves are set in the correct operation position
gauges indicating correctly
All fire extinguishers are at correct pressure and are not due for servicing
All automatic alarms for sprinkler systems activate using the section test valves The international shore connection is serviceable
Fire fighting equipment lockers contain their full inventory and the equipment they contain is in serviceable condition All fire doors, fire dampers and closing devices can be operated locally
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All fire doors, and ventilation dampers where appropriate, operate remotely Where practicable all aqueous foam and water spray fixed fire fighting installations operate correctly
All accessible components of fixed fire-fighting systems, typically nozzles, are free from damage or obstruction on visual inspection All fire pumps, including sprinkler system pumps, develop correct pressures and flow rates
All antifreeze solutions are correctly maintained and the cross connection between fire main and sprinkler system operates correctly
Fixed fire detection systems manufacturers test instructions operate
AFF -Feb 2 O l l . J E A
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Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBDs) "All ships" means ships, irrespective of type, constructed before, on or after lSt July 2002. Ships constructed before 1'' July 2002 shall comply with the following not later than the date of the first survey after 1'' July 2002.
An EEBD is a supplied air or oxygen device only used for escape from a compartment that has a hazardous atmosphere arid shall not be used for fighting fires, entering oxygen deficient voids or used by fire fighters. It shall have a service duration of at least 10 minutes and when inactivated shall be capable of being carried hands free. Brief instructions or diagrams clearly illustrating their use shall be clearly printed on each EEBD. The donning procedures shall be quick and easy to allow for situations where there is little time to seek safety from a hazardous atmosphere. All EEBD training units shall be clearly marked.
Spare EEBDs shall be kept on board. All ships shall carry at least two EEBDs within the accommodation spaces. In all passenger ships, at least two EEBDs shall be carried in each main vertical zone. 111 all passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers, two EEBDs, shall be carried in addition i.e. four per main vertical zone. These sets are to be carried in by BA wearers to give to passengers or crew to enable them to escape through smoke to safety.
Engine rooms On all ships, within machinery spaces, EEBDs shall be situated ready far use at easily visible spaces, which can be reached quickly and easily at any time in the event of a fire. Their location shall take into account the number of people normally working in the space and its layout. The number required is not specified. It is evident that placing them adjacent to an escape door or hatch would be of little use.
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Codtdination Communiqatlon
, Information
( Record information I
Comrnunlcatlon must identrfy transmitting station, be brief concise, and the main points of the transmission repeated to avoid misunderstanding. 5. Leadership-the leaderstands backinordertoattainanwerallview and does not fire fight. Orders must be given in a clear, firm voice using as few words as possible. There must be no decision by committee although the leader must listen and act on the information being fed to him. Often there are too many people wanting to help, these must be put into the standby or support group.
It is excellent practice in drills to occasionalty take the leader out of the emergency stnrctcrre so the second in m m a n d can have an opportunity in taking on this difficult task.
Some ideas:-
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SAR can be developed by partially reducing the lighting or using cosmetic smoke Specific breathing apparatus (BA) teams can be exercised whilst the rest of the ship is working normally, constant gauge checks are essential
d. Vessels without compressors cannot use their cylinders for practice, however the demand valve can be disconnected from the facemask and the exercise continued normally. The limitation is that the gauge checks cannot be implemented. It is recommended that spare training cylinders are kept onboard.
It is possible that, on smaller vessels the BA Controller may also be the officer in charge. The BAC is essential and he (they) must be in clear air adjacent to every entry point. He is responsible for: a. assistance in donning, giving confidence b, briefing (SAR, fire fighting, or both)
c. gauge checks
d, two relief BA wearers are ready to enter and relieve or rescue five minutes before the whistle time of the first entry team.
e. debrief and undress first entry team
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As a general rule the owners of a ship have a legal right to control access to their property, the ship, and to decide what assistance the ship may require. They may also dispense with assistance already accepted, for any reason, but in doing so may incur legal liability. The Authority to exercise these property rights is usually delegated to the ship's Master (Captain). Shore based fire brigades and other persons invited to assist ships in difficulty must respect the ultimate control of the owners as exercised through the Master. However the Master of a ship, in exercising this control is subject to various legal duties to take all reasonable care to secure the safety of personnel andlor ship. In most cases where a ship in port is threatened by fire, the concept of 'reasonable care' would require the Master to accept the services of the local fire brigade and recognise their expertise and resources, delegating control of the operations to the Fire Chief concerned. The decision to do so or not must always be with the Master who will be fully accountable in law for the consequences of such a decision.
Frank Rushbrook CBE. 'Ship Fires and the Law, through the eyes of a fire fighter'
' it would be a very foolish fire omcer indeed, no matter how qualified, who did not recognise that the highly specialised structure of a ship required him to work
closely with and to take advice from the Master and Harbour Master of the port concerned. Problems involving stability, for example require professional knowledge which few, if any, fire officers wiil have, though of course they wiil have some understanding of the subject'.
There are exceptions to the above general rule where the ship fire also threatens the safety of the wider public andlor the property interests of others, e.g, harbour installations including protection of the environment. In such cases national laws often provide statutory rights of intervention which over ride the above property rights. Power is granted to various national and local authorities, in defined circumstances and for specified reasons, to take control of alt such actions as may be required to contain or minimise such dangers. Those tikely to be involved should be familiar with their nature and extent as any abuse or misuse of such powers, no matter how well Mentioned, can be subject to legal redress in the courts.
I {a)
Arrange training exercises with the Brigade and ship's crew working together
Learn how the local Brigade works and what its plans are for a ship fire Urge shore superintendents to make close liaison with the Fire Brigade
cargo manifest
Does the port have a local disaster plan? If so obtain a copy and determine what support can be expected from Port Authorities, hospitals, Armed Services, Coastguard etc.
2.(a) Are Brigade hose couplings compatible with the ship's fire main?
(b) Ensure quaysides are clear at all times allowing access for emergency
vehicles (c) Always arrange to have a responsible officer to meet the Brigade at the top of the gangway and conduct them to the scene of the fire
Introduce a plan of laying a guideline or guide tape from the fire area to the gangway
Page 42
What arrangements are there for obtaining additional supplies of carbon dioxide:
bulk supplies cylinders?
What arrangements are there for extra foam supplies? What arrangements are there to make available fire tugslboats if ship is anchored offshore?
The above mentioned points and many others are for you to think about that may arise from the exchange of information between ship's officers and Fire Brigade officer. The question of stability is one that can only be dealt with by the ship's officers. Fire officers, although they may understand the basic principles of stabitity, can only assist in supplying data regarding the tonnage of water put in and taken out during fire-fighting operations.
3. In t h e event of a fire on board your vessel a fire officer will ask you some of the following questions. Question (a) will be the first.
(d) Is there any danger of electricity in the compartment? (i.e, high voltage)
Cj) How much water has been pumped into the ship?
(k) How critical is stability at present?
(I) How many access points are there? (m) Are there dangerous goods on board? AFF -Feb 2011.JEA
Page 43
When a ship is under repair, the responsibility for fire prevention and fire fighting must be clearly defined. The repair yard often takes responsibility for this, if so, there must be a clear agreement in writing to this effect. Divided responsibility must always be avoided as it can only lead to confusion and has been the main cause of the disastrous loss of certain ships. Outside the UK standards of fire-cover vary tremendously. There may or may not be a disaster plan. An IMO resolution, Dangerous Goods in port areas Annex to Marpot Ill, has been ratified. This requires that there should be one however masters should make themselves aware of standards of fire cover and disaster plans in any port they visit.
- --
Page 44
oils, organic (vegetable); hydrocarbon (mineral)
paints, corrosives
oxidising agents, chlorine, hydrazine acids acetylene, oxygen, propane refrigerants Classification in the IMDG Code is as follows:
1 2
Explosives Gases. Compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure Flammable liquids Flammable solids Substances liable to spontaneous combustion
Substances, which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
Page 45
The segregation table matrix in Section 15 is easy to follow. By entering the class along the top and the class to be stowed with down the side, a number 1 to 4 or X will show the degree of segregation required. This is specified in the key below t h e table.
Note "X" often means that no separation is required; however there may be exceptions which will be found in the individual schedules for that Class. It may,
for instance, say:
- ;
Fl,~rnrlrabte gasas
FIan~mei,lrf i c l ~ ~ i d ~ i - + ; Fla~rjrnablesoi~tl-;
i Sutl.;r~r~j;esw5iLh
daoyerous .. wlr-l:,w e 7
i O~lrhrirtg srltlstal?ce!,
Oryanrc psroxideb
. . . . -.
. . A A - , ,
. .
A -
, ,...
AFF -Feb 2 0 P l . J E A
Page 46
Section 7 Effects of Oxygen Deficiency and Products of Corn bustion on the Body
Physiotogy of Respiration
Normal in halation is 12 -15 breaths per minute. Increased to 30 - 40 per minute when working hard, excited or afraid. In the lungs oxygen is absorbed by the red corpuscles, circulated to the muscles and brain, which then oxidises the blood sugar to provide energy.
it is the complete lack of discomfort (excess COz would cause panting) that is the danger.
Oxygen depleting cargoes. A prominent risk while carrying certain cargoes is oxygen depletion due to the inherent form of the cargo, e.g. self heating, oxidation of metals and ores or decomposition of vegetable oils, animal fats, grain and other organic materials or their residues including copra, wood in various forms (packaged, pulp, wood chips, shavings, sawdust) jute, flax, cotton, wool, fishmeal, guano, are concentrates, coal, charcoal, direct reduced iron (DRI), metal wastes scrap metal etc
clumsy, angry
sleepy, unconsciaus
3-4 minutes brain cells begin to die
14% ......
7% ......
Carbon Monoxide (CO)Poisoning - caused by partially burnt fuels
No smell or taste, no characteristic signs or symptoms - breathlessness does not necessarily occur - victim will appear pink or flushed.
The following concentrations of Carboxyhaemoglobin in the blood stream produce the indicated symptoms:
'lo%> 30%
30%> 70%
70% & over
Carboxyhaemoglobin replaces Oxyhaemoglobin in the blood stream since CO has an affinity (or attraction) for the haemoglobin in red corpuscles approximately 300 times greater than that of oxygen.
I %
AO% emission of CO is common when modern materials are burning together with C02, HCN (Hydrogen Cyanide) and oxygen depletion, are the main agents producing narcosis and death in fires.
COz 5000 ppm
Hydrogen Sulphide (H:S) is given only a short term exposure limit (STEL) of 15 minutes @ 10 ppm
First Aid
1 Immediate removal to fresh air, providing there is no personal danger.
2. If conscious:
a. keep at rest for 4 hours b, oxygen is not necessarybut would speed recovery
+ 5% CO2 or 100%
Page 48
The Code of Safe Working Practices must be carried on all UK ships. Refer to Chapters 6.5, 10.5, 16.1.2 and 17 for entering enclosed or confined spaces. Heat and Humidity
The body core has to be kept within a few degrees of a certain temperature as it contains important organs. Heat production is increased by exercise and is lost by:
Radiation - 50% under normal resting conditions. If the surrounding atmosphere is hotter than the body then it will tend to absorb heat. This is called hyperthermia. Clothing interferes with radiation and will naturally reduce heat loss from the body but equally it will protect the body from absorbing heat radiated towards it.
- accounting for
Vaporisation from skin and lungs accounts for 25%. The evaporation of sweat cools the blood below the surface of the skin, unfortunately excessive sweating over a short period leads to salt loss and heat exhaustion. Fire fighters must replace these body fluids with as much fresh water as they require. Conditions of high humidity are a feature of shipboard fires so the sweat cannot evaporate. The last line of defence to lose heat is to pant, further reducing the duration of the BA set.
Never change the cylinder, but change the fire-fighter as helshe may be nearing the limit of hislher ability to withstand heat and humidity.
Page 49
Resuscitators are required on most vessels see MSN 1768 (M+F). It is important that a resuscitator is taken quickly to an emergency as brain cells begin to die after approximately three minutes of oxygen starvation. Air to the casualty is the priority.
Operation and design of resuscitators varies so it is essential to be aware of your particular set. Head harness straps will retain the facemask firmly in contact with the contours of t h e face, and a clear airway is maintained by extending the casualties neck over the upper cylinder, whilst automatically ventilating the lungs. The equipment is suitable for t h e resuscitation of persons whose respiration has failed e.g, through drowning, electric shock. etc.
Page SO
The unconscious casualty who is being rescued from an irrespirable atmosphere in an enclosed space will require t h e arms to be restrained otherwise on regaining consciousness there may be an attempt to tear the facernask off. If the casualty does vomit in the mask before reaching fresh air, it will have to be quickly cleared and replaced. When the apparatus is used solely for artificial respiration in non-hazardous atmospheres it is recommended the facemask is held in place by hand. An anti-inhalation valve can be fitted when the equipment is to be used in irrespirable atmospheres.
Page 5 1
Fire-fighters Outfit
Various companies manufacture lightweight close proximity suits designed to give protection to ships fire-fighting crews. The UK requires water resistant, readily cleanable and flameproof material approved to European Standard EN 469. The Bristol Fleet Safety Suit Neck flap to protect from flashover Removable polycarbon visor
Water resistant Safety suit gives protection in close proximity to radiant heat and resists flame licks of up to IOOOC
Full gauntlet mittens may hamper the fire-fighter in determining whether bulkheads are hot Trousers worn outside boots
Equipment should ideally be stowed with trousers rigged over boots for a
quick response
Different sized people (e.g.feet) can cause a problem that must be considered during emergency drills.
Aluminised lightweight fabrics have been developed which reflect radiant heat from hydrocarbon fires. They must be kept clean. Neither of these suits may give adequate protection in incidents involving dangerous chemicals.
Page 52
Section 8
In June 2000, MSN 1751 (M+F) Harrnonised System of Survey and Certification (HSSC) was issued relating to the new regulations.
The HSSC seeks to standardise the period of validity and the interval between surveys for the nine main Convention certificates to a maximum period of validity for all certificates, except a passenger safety certificate, to 5 years. The intention is to simplify and streamline the process.
There is a new provision for a certificate known as the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate, which may be issued as an alternative to the existing Cargo Ship Safety Construction Cargo Ship Safety Equipment and Cargo Ship Radio certificates.
Su wey Types initial
Held before the ship is put into senrice.
(P) (R)
Satne as periodical but also leads to the issue of a new certificate. Inspection of specified items General inspection of the items relating to the particular
intermediate (I)
The maximum period of validity of all certificates, except the passenger ship safety certificate, which is renewed annually, is five years. Each certificate will be dated from the expiry date of the previous one, unless the ship is laid up or undergoing major repairs.
A -
45-48-51 R
A or P
A or I
I orA
Safety Cons
The renewal survey may be carried out up to three months before expiry but dated from the expiry date. A certificate may be extended by three months, short voyages one month, but still dated at the expiry date.
AFF -Feb 2011.JEA
Page 5 3
Cargo Ships
Cargo ship safety equipment certificate.
An initial survey shall indude inspection of the fire safety systems and appliances.
The following lists some of the areas to be inspected.
Fire control plans and Muster lists posted
Ship's whistle and appropriate alarms Fire pumps, including emergency pump capable of producing 2 jets of water whilst also permitting the simultaneous operation of foam system on tankers.
All pumps, firemain, hydrants, nozzles, applicators, spanners, relief valves and international shore connectors.
Fire-fighters outfits
Remote stops for machinery spaces, alarms for unmanned machinery spaces
This list is not intended to be complete and same vessels will have special arrangements.
An annual survey shall include a general inspection of the equipment referred to above. A renewal and periodical survey will also include the above.
Pagc 54
Passenger ships
An initial survey of radio installations also including those used in life saving appliances, fire protection, fire safety systems and appfiances. A renewal survey is undertaken annually and an additionat survey is made following a repair.
The Statutory Instrument relating to fire is the 1998 Merchant Shipping (Fire Protection) Regulation for Large Ships S.I. No 1012 as amended S.I. No 2951 2003 which applies to convention vessels constructed on or after 1st July 2002 where the 1998 Regs. do not apply.
This is further amplified by 'Construction - Fire Protection, Detection and Extinction implementing SOLAS Chapter 11-2, 2002' and can be found on web site w w w . m c ~ a . ~ o v . under uk 'Guidance and Regulations'.
Page 55
556% 659OC
30 60
" "
A Class Division 1 . Constructed of steel (or equivalent) and stiffened 2. Prevent passage of smoke and flame for 60 minutes during the standard fire test
Therrno-couples attached to the unexposed side record the average and maximum temperatures.
4. Temp at any one point to rise > 1 80C above initial temp
Standard A60 All above conditions, 2. 3. & 4. satisfied for 60 minutes 2. & temperature requirements 3. & 4. for 30 minutes A30 A15 2. & temperature requirements 3. & 4. for 15 minutes A0 No temperature requirement but no smoke or flame must pass through the sample during the I hour test.
B Class Division This must prevent the passage of flame for the first 30 minutes of the standard fire test. Smoke may pass through the ventilation panel on a door.
Average temp rise >140C for duration of test Temp at any one point to rise by >225OC above initial temperature B15 Aboveconditionssatisfiedfor~5minutes B 0 No temperature requirements
Page 56
C Class Division
This is constructed of non-combustible materials but there are no requirements relative to the passage of smoke and flame nor limitations relative to the temperature rise.
Passenger Ships
A Class Divisions
In general, main vertical zones bounded by A Class divisions should not exceed 40 metres. A Class divisions are also used as boundaries protecting spaces that provide vertical access (stairways etc.), the boundaries of machinery spaces and those separating accommodation from cargo and sewice spaces and others.
B Class Division
All corridor bulkheads, which are not required to be A Class, must be B Class.
C Class Division
C Class divisions are used for inter-cabin bulkheads and inter-sanitary accommodation must be constructed of approved non-combustible materials.
Tables in SOLAS detail the appropriate class of bulkhead or deck to be used between spaces on all ships. An accommodation space on a cargo ship adjacent to an engine room would require an A60 bulkhead whereas an accommodation space next to a cargo space would require an AO.
These are fire resistive bulkheads and must not be breached by ship's staff or contractors to allow pipe work, cables etc to lead from one compartment to another. This can be done but only with the permission and advice from the company, ship's class surveyor, Ltoyds, DNV, RINA etc. Cargo Ships The fire resistance will vary depending on the degree of fire detection or whether a sprinkler system is fitted. Method IC is common where a fire detection and fire alarm system provide smoke detection and manually operated call points in all corridors, stairways and escape routes within accommodation spaces.
Tankers A60 materials must be used for those areas of superstructure and deckhouses facing t h e cargo deck and for 3 metres aft on either side, engine casing,uptake and cargo pump rooms.
Page 57
Section 9
The Merchant Shipping (Accident Reporting and Investigation) Regulations .18Ih ~ p r i l2005 S.I. No 881 requires all accidents and dangerous occurrences to be reported to the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) as soon as is practicable. The information that the MAlB requires is detailed in the S.I.
Note: S.I. No. 881 and MGN 289 (M + F) apply to UK vessels worldwide and all vessels of all flags within UK territorial waters including inland waterways. The regulations consolidate and strengthen the ability of the MA16 to prevent future marine accidents by giving legislative backing to working practices that underpin effective investigations leading to meaningful recommendations.
The main changes include:
3 The list of people who must report an accident has been expanded to include the ship's owner, harbour and inland watenvay authorities as well as the MCA.
P The MAlB Chief Inspector can require a ship to remain in UK waters if he considers it necessary for the preservation of evidence.
An MAlB report is inadmissible for judicial proceedings unless a Court determines otherwise.
professional legal adviser solely representing the witness, from a witness interview. To do so, they must have a substantial reason to believe that the presence of that person would hamper the investigation and they must have the agreement of the Chief Inspector. The witness can choose a different representative but this is to ensure that the witness feels free to answer all questions without a representative of his employer or other interested party present.
Those they are addressed to must acknowledge recommendations and a response must be returned to the MAIB within 28 days.
The Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen, chapter 3 gives information an how to investigate accidents. The Code must be made available to all on board and the number of copies held will be determined by the crew complement.
it is by the identification and study of accidents, principally through the MA1Bs accident reporting system that similar events may be prevented in the future.
Page 58
As much evidence as possible must be recorded so the accident can be investigated thoroughly. This will be especially important should there be injury or loss of life. Fire Incidents
for the new requirements in the Advanced Fire Training Course, 'Investigate and compile reports on incidents involving fire' has been included so consider the following points:
Synopsis of the incident
On Board Organisation
Date Time Place Faulty storage, carelessness or neglect Poor maintenance Malicious Command Coordination Control Assistance from outside organisations Effect of this assistance
The extent and spread of the fire: Statements from participants or witnesses First indications of fire Actions taken by those first at the scene History of previous failures Housekeeping standards Ability and knowledge of those involved Repair work undertaken Conclusion Recommendations
Page 59
Section 10 - Fire Detection and Extinguishing Systems See 'Fire Safety Systems Code'lSBN 978-92-8014481-2 for fudher
Active and Passive Fire Systems The choice of detector has to be based on the risk to be protected and carefully sited so that it does not give any spurious alarms. Audible and visible warning of a fire must be given in some central control point usually the control room however accommodations must be covered by separate detection zones where fitted.
Heat Detectors
,,. . rr ,,
- -
- .
level but w~ll also give warning if there is a sudden increase in temperature of say 1 OC in a minute. Often in practice this is ach~eved by fitting two curved bimetal strips ins~de a cylindrical container, the top half is shielded by thick plastic whilst the lower strip is subjected to greater heat through a th~n aluminium cover.
Note: Heat detectors are far less likely to give falselsgurious alarms than most other types.
Radiation or Flame Detection
Radiation or Flame Detectors are designed to respond to infra red (I.R.) and ultra violet (U.V.) light and identify characteristics peculiar to flame. I.R. responds to the flicker in a flame and may give spurious alarms from sunlight, faulty fluorescent lights, etc. Many modern detectors have now reduced these spurious alarms considerably by further comparing the flame with the light spectrum.
U.V. is not affected by sunlight or artificial light but is sensitive to electrical arcs. Radiation detectors have a quick response as they do not rely on combustion products and can therefore be used outside. They do however need a clear view of the protected area.
- --.
Page 60
Smoke Detectors
1. Ionisation
Smoke enters the chamber, causes an electrical imbalance and initiates the alarm. It is very sensitive in the early stages of a fire hence care must be taken in siting it.
Combustion products in galley or mess areas could give repeated spurious alarms but nor should they be placed near fresh air inlets which may reduce their speed of reaction.
They may not be sensitive to gases given off by heated plastics, carbon monoxide or other flammable vapours
These are mounted in a light proof housing and respond to the light scattered by smoke particles in a beam. Spurious alarms may arise from steam and dust being detected. J n general, earlier detection can be obtained with a smoke sensitive system compared to one which is heat sensitive.
Liphi r n m o
IO dldtttl
P h u ~ o . e l c ~ ; rcnll ~c
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- Dellecird tiqltl
s d s
Page 61
The most usual type of firwletection equipment to be found in cargo holds is a smokedetector system where a sample of air is taken from each proteeded space and pass4 through a smoke detector. This system has the adwantage that the same sampling pipes may be used to deliver the fire extinguishing medium to the space.
T b sampling pipes terminate at a cabinet in which the labelled ends o f the pipes can be seen. A propeller or other device indithat a stream air is in fact being drawn through the pipe. Indirect liihting will illurnin: aw smoke particles entaring the cabinet. The air tfwn passes through a photo4ectrb detector that will set off an audible and visible alarm. Air may be dischamed into the wheelhouse to give the o f b r of the watch an opportunity of nasal detection if all eke bib.
Fire Detaction and COI Smothmring Syswm
Cargo hold flro. (1) Smoke Is drawn trwn No. I hoMb ths S.P.C.
Page 62
In the carbon dioxide room or in the detector cabinet there will be a manifold with each space labelled on each lever, 2 lower hold, 3 lower hold etc . The appropriate three-way valve is operated which closes the line to the detector cabinet but allows delivery of C O 2 to the space on fire.
Four 3 way valves
- trrrrmlc
In the control room there will be instructions as to how many cylinders should be released initially and how many at set intervals until arrival in port or all C 0 2 is used up. In a hatch filled with cargo it cannot be certain that the COZ would flush out all the air trapped in amongst the cargo, so control is aimed for.
The number of cylinders initially released will depend on the amount of cargo in the hatch, e.g. where a space is full 4 cylinders wohld be manually released into the space whereas 10 cylinders maybe released into the same partially filled space.
One disadvantage of this type of detection system is that one detector i s sampling air from a very large volume. To overcome this disadvantage more recent types have a miniaturised detector on each sampling pipe.
Page 63
Release Operation
Two actions are required to prevent inadvertent release. The diagram shows the circuit to be completed by connecting the probe and opening the pilot cylinder. This then activates a slave C01 cylinder that discharges the required number of cylinders for t h e space. Although each cylinder can be discharged individually, 50% CO, has to be discharged in one minute with 85% discharged in two minutes.
CQI or Halon
release Cabinet
Page 64
Cargo Spaces:
A minimum volume of 30% of the gross volume of the largest space that is capable of being sealed, Spaces containing motor vehicles or closed rolro spaces must have a minimum of 45% of gross volume.
Engine Rooms
35% of the grass volume of the largest space including the casing 85% to be discharged in first two minutes
Liquid Level lndicator The Liquid Level Indicator enables the extinguishing content to be checked without dismantling the manifold or common release wires so that the system remains fully operational. The Liquid Level Indicator consists of a small low power radioactive source and receiver displaced on a yoke by the width of the container being measured. Simply moving the sensor assembly over the height of the container and observing the indicator on the control box, quickly identifies the liquid level. The tables provided convert the liquid level into the weight of extinguishing gas.
Page 65
Occasionally C01 is stored in large low-pressure refrigerated tanks instead of the customary high-pressure 48 Kg cylinders.
Engine Room Smothering An audible and visual distinctive warning must be provided to indicate the imminent discharge of C02. Engineers must recognise this warning when it sounds and evacuate immediatety. Before discharge the Master has to ensure that all personnel are out of the engine room and all doors and openings are closed.
Remember that although COZhas the great advantage that it causes no further damage than that already caused by the fire, it has no cooling effect and re-ignition will occur if the engine room is opened up before the steelwork has cooled below the AlTl SIT of any vapours or liquids remaining. This will vary depending on the size and duration of the fire before the gas was injected. Assuming that a fire cannot be immediately extinguished by portable equipment the COn system should be activated within 20 minutes.
Even when the fire is extinguished a fully equipped fire team must inspect the engine room before the gas can be ventilated and auxiliary machinery can be started. Temperature checks can be achieved by water sprays on the entry door. If steam is given off it is too hot to enter. lnfra red thermometers or thermal imaging cameras are most useful and where temperatures of 70 C to 80 C are obtained a careful entry can be undertaken. If the vessel is not in any danger there may be no urgency to re-enter.
N.B. CO?should not be introduced into a space containing a flammable vapourlair mixture, e.g. a pump room that is not burning for the purpose of inerting it. The high velocity discharge generates enough static to initiate an explosion.
1. The controls must be in a position accessible during a fire in the space they protect. 2. These controls should be conspicuously marked with instructions for their use. 3. As many responsible persons as possible should be conversant with the protection system on board the ship. 4. Although decisions as to the flooding by COz etc are normally the responsibility of the Master one never knows, in port or following an explosion, who may have to operate the system
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Page 66
Halogenated Hydrocarbon Systems Note: These gases are allowed to be used under the Solas Ch 11-2 regulations but are forbidden in all EU registered ships. These are only permitted in machinery spaces, pump rooms and cargo spaces solely used for vehicles not carrying cargo. As for COZall ventilation and fans have to be stopped but as BCF and BTM work by a fast chemical inhibition of the flame and not by smothering, it must all be discharged in 10 seconds.
The quantify for EIR spaces is: Halon 1301 BTM Halon 121 1 BCF
Maximum 7% ofgrossvolume
The discharge nozzles shall permit a uniform distribution but must not endanger personnel engaged on maintenance of machinery or using the normal access ladders.
The quantity for cargo spaces is: Halon 1301 BTM Halon 1211 BCF
5.0% 5.0%
NB: With halon systems all generatorsfengines having air intakes within the EIR must be shut down prior to release of fixed system to prevent halons being scavenged from the space before taking effect.
Novec 1230.
This is a liquid a room temperature so the cylinders are pressurised with nitrogen to 25 bar. It rapidly extinguishes a fire by 80% cooling and 20% chemical interference with the flame. Design concentration is about 5.5%
The gas is stored as a pressured liquid and vaporises to a gas on discharge. In most systems 7% of gas is required which cools and also chemically interferes with the flame.
Inert gases reduce oxygen levels normally requiring 35% to 50%
+ Argon
Page 67
Note. These gases have been engineered to allow personnel to survive in atmospheres at design concentrations.
Inert:gas Fire Extinguishing Systems.
The principal disadvantage of C02 as a fire-fighting agent is that there is a finite amount, and once used it can only be replenished in port, lnert gas generators may be installed providing the gas affords equivalent protection as a fixed COp system. These systems are uncommon.
In spaces other than oil tanks it must be capable of producing hourly, a volume of gas equal to 25% of the largest compartment protected, for 72hours.
Sulphur Dioxide SO2 0.3% Traces of carbon monoxide and water vapour
80% 14% 4%
Page 68
Sprinkler Systems
A sprinkler system is a fire detection system with the added advantage that it immediately sprays water on to the fire.
A charged system of pipes kept pressurised with fresh water has outlets which are sealed by a glass bulb containing a liquid of a known coefficient of expansion. At a certain temperature this liquid will have expanded and bursts the bulb; the water hits the diffuser and sprays on the fire. The flow of water activates the alarm and indicates the section activated. When the pressurised freshwater reserve falls (about 1 % ton tank) a dedicated seawater pump cuts in and maintains the flow.
Other heads will not be activated unless they are affected by heat; if too many heads are activated, the pressure will not be maintained. The delivery from one head is about three tons an hour. This may affect stability in a prolonged fire but the system should not be shut off until it is certain that the fire out. The system is grouped into sections, each of no more than 200 heads, each section having its own isolating and detection valve and no section should (normally) cover more than two decks nor penetrate a Class A bulkhead. Visual and audible alarm systems shall be centralised on the bridge or a main fire control station indicating in which zone the sprinkler head has been activated.
Monthly Tests
MGN 71 (MI - Musters and Drills - tells us that where a sprinkler system is fitted it should be tested monthly as follows
I. All fixed fire fighting installation valves are set in the correct operational position
2. Dry pipe sprinkler systems e.g. for computer rooms are pressurised where appropriate and the gauges indicate correctly
Page 69
Quarterly Tests
I. All automatic alarms for sprinkler systems activate using the section test valve
Annual Tests
I. All accessible components of fixed fire fighting systems, typically nozzles, are free from damage or obstruction on visual inspection
The coloured liquid in the bulb of the sprinkler or hi fog nozzle has been known to leak. If there is no liquid in the glass bulb there is nothing to expand, break the glass and hence release the water from the pressurised system.
Page 70
Page 71
Grinnell Automatic Sprinkler S~stem Index of parts (Previous page) 1 Air Compressor Starting Panel 2. PressureTank 2. Air Compressor 3. Compressor Safety Valve 5. Compressor Check Valve 6. Compressor Stop Valve 7. Pressure Gauges 8. Water Level lndicator 9. Drain Valve 10.Safety Valve 1 1. Fresh Water Supply Stop Valve 12. Fresh Water Supply Check Valve 13.Connection from Fresh Water
20.Pressure Tank Alarm Bell 27 . Hose Coupling 22.Trunk Main 23. Pump Test Valve 24. Pump Delivery Stop Valves 25. Pump Delivery Check Valve
26. Automatic Pressure Relay 27. Pump 28, Installation Control Valves 29. Automatic Relay Isolating Valve 30. Release Valve 31. Indicator Pilot Lamp 32. Indicator 33. Alarm Bell 34. Automatic Pump Starting Panel 35. Diagram of Ship layout 36. Sprinklers 52. Trunk Main Drain Valve 53. Air Release Valve 54 By-pass Check Valve
44. Alarm Valve Clack 45 . Alarmvalve Seat with Annular Groove 46. Drip Plug including Orifice 47. Drain Pipe 48. Pressure Gauge (below valve) 49. Stop Valve
Shore Connections
Stop Valves Alarm Valve
Diaphragm Alarm Switch Shore Connection Stop Valve Shore Connection Check Valve
(Following page) 37. Pressure Gauge (above valve) 38. Diaphragm Alarm Switch 39. Alarm Valve 40. Test valve 41. Alarm Isolating Valve 42. Stop Valve Alarm Switch 43. Drain Valve
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Page 73
Sprinkler Heads
Colour Codinq
68OC 7 9OC
The coloured bulb contains a coloured liquid, which expands and breaks the glass at the required temperature. Where there are high ambient temperatures, e.g. laundry, drying moms and galley blue bulbs may be used provided the operating temperature is not more than 30C above the
maximum deckhead temperature.
Quartxoid bulb
Fixed Type
Similar heads without the valve seat and glass bulb are provided in spaces such as paint lockers. They are usually coupled up to a dry pipe system which activates when the fire main valve is opened.
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The fixed foam system for tankers must be able to deliver foam to the entire cargo tank deck area as well as into any ruptured tank. It must be capable of simple operation with the control station located outside the cargo area, adjacent to the accommodation spaces and readily accessible and operable in the event of fire in the areas protected. Sufficient foam concentrate shall be supplied for 20 minutes of foam generation in ships fitted with inert gas or 30 minutes where there is no inert gas.
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This has a foam concentrate tank outside the machinery space. Adjacent to it there is an inductor with duat water supply from the ship's pumps (this should ensure operation if one supply fails). The water passes through the inductor, which adds to it the correct amount of concentrate from the tank and delivers the solution to the foam generators in the boiler room. From there the foam passes to the foam spreaders. When there are two machinery spaces, the system may include distribution piping, with valves, to discharge the foam to either space.
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This system has a large tank containing foam solution. In the event of a fire, carbon dioxide is released into this tank from an attached cylinder or cylinders and drives the foam solution up a tube and along a pipe, to the foam generators, from where the foam is conveyed to spreaders.
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Low expansion foam systems for engine rooms. The system shall be capable of discharging through fixed discharge outlets in not more than 5 minutes a quantity of foam sufficient to cover to a depth of 150 mm the largest single area that over which oil fuel is liable to spread.
The expansion ratio shall not exceed 12 - 1. There must be effective distribution and for means to direct the foam by fixed sprayers onto other main hazards in the protected space.
High Expansion Foam - (Hi-Ex)
Hi-Ex foam can be generated either by a fixed installation (manual or automatic) or by a moveable unit, and can be used on carbonaceous or oil fires. Principles of Operation of a high expansion foam generator. Basically Hi-Ex foam is composed of a mass of bubbles having an expansion ratio of approximately 1000 volumes of foam for each volume of liquid foam concentrate. A Hi-Ex foam system requires a limited water content, e.g. in passenger ship accommodations, to avoid a stability problem. It can also be used effectively in ro-ro spaces, engine rooms and pump rooms. Individual Hi-Ex foam bubbles are each about 10mm in diameter, and are created by uniformly wetting a special net with a mixture of water (fresh or salt) and foam, then blowing air through the net by means of a
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When foam with an expansion ratio of 1000 to 1 is driven onto a fire, the one volume of liquid is flashed to steam. The resulting expansion rate creates a mixture of some 1700 volumes of steam to reduce the oxygen content to 7.5% or well below what is required for active burning. Conversion of water to steam absorbs a great deal of heat, thus cooling the burning material.
The Angus Turbex Mark 1 1 high expansion foam generator. Hi-Ex foam cannot be forced into an enclosed space. There must be an escape for the hot gas already in the compartment diametrically opposite the foam injection point for the foam to spread freely.
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Fixed High Expansion foam systems for engine rooms and pump rooms.
This can be produced by hi-ex foam generators using air from outside the space or by generators using air from inside the enginelpump roam.
Principle requirements for the system. (MSC.1lCirc.f 271)
1. The system should be capable of manual release. Automatic release of the system is not permitted unless appropriate operational measures or interlocks are provided to prevent the local application system from interfering with the effectiveness of the hi-ex foam. eg. water sprays breaking down the foam. 2. Procedures should be established to require personnel reentering the space after a system discharge to wear breathing apparatus to protect them from oxygen deficient air and products of combustion entrained in the foam blanket. 3. The quantity of foam concentrate should be sufficient to produce a volume of foam equal to at least five times the volume of the largest protected space but not less than enough for 30 minutes of full operation for the largest protected space. 4. All sections of piping should be provided with connections for flushing, draining and purging with air. 5. Audible and visual alarms should operate for at least 20 seconds to warn of imminent release. 6. If the space is greater than 500m3 it must be capable of being ventilated as the foam flows in otherwise a back pressure could curtail the formation of foam.
Hazards of High Expansion Foam
1. There is a general loss in effectiveness of vision, hearing and sense of direction, i.e. disorientation, difficult to find casualties. 2. Penetration of light from torches is severely affected, cannot see dangers, i.e. missing floor plates. 3. Audibility of speech and the sound of low-pressure warning whistles are severely restricted. 4. Thermal imaging cameras are ineffective. Clearing away the foam.
Breathing apparatus must be worn when entering a space where hi-ex has been released as toxic gases may be entrained in the foam bubbles. Unless a casualty has to be rescued, entering hi-ex before it has been broken down should be avoided. This can be achieved by using water sprays or dry powder but with the disadvantage of causing
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further damage. The foam will break down the longer it is left but this is no help to the Master who may require power back sooner rather than later.
Medium pressure drencher systems are often chosen to protect car decks on ro-ro ferries. Typical Specialised Sprinkler Protection
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Some newer fixed installations for engine rooms and pump rooms
Under the revised guidelines for the approval of equivalent fixed gas fire fighting systems MSClcirc.848 they should have the same reliability as previously approved systems.
Where halocarbon clean agents are used, 95% of the design concentration should be discharged in 10 seconds or less. Novec A230
It has a low toxicity and has a boiling point of 48 degrees C and therefore exists as a liquid at room temperature. It is superpressurised with nitrogen to 25 bar and it rapidly extinguishes fire through a combination of heat absorption (its main action) and an element of chemical interference with the flame. Novec 1230 will require approximately twice as much agent by weight as the equivalent halon system although end use design concentrations will be similar.
It contains neither bromine nor chlorine, has a zero ozone depleting potential and an atmospheric lifetime of 3 - 5 days.
This extinguishes fires quickly through a combination of chemical interaction and physical heat removal. It does not smother. Stored as a liquid in pressurised cylinders, FM 200 flows to a discharge nozzle where it is deployed as a gas. In most systems about 7% of gas is required. It has zero ozone depleting potential, a low global warming potential and a short atmospheric lifetime. Halotron
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Boundary cooling Boundary starvation Isolation of recirculated air Patrols, especially above
Smoke extraction systems have been incorporated into buildings for many years. However, no international attention was paid to ship design until 158 people died aboard the Ro Ro vessel Scandinavian Star in April 1990.
Some passenger vessels are able to slightly over pressurise their stairwell escape routes which prevents smoke in accommodation entering the stairwel\ where other passengers or personnel are escaping from different levels. The only problem is that the deck where the fire has started remains smoke-logged which may lead to fatalities. Other newer passenger vessels do have smoke detectors in the cabin exhaust. When a fire is detected, all recirculated and fresh air being supplied is stopped, with only the toilet extraction left on to allow smoke and other products an escape.
If the muster is complete, ail ventilation systems can be shut down and the fire attacked by the fire team. Once they have covered or extinguished the fire, they may well request ventilation by whatever means. Tactical ventilation of a space may generally be very successful if employed, but if there are fire-fighters inside they must decide or approve how this is achieved.
It can be seen that radio communications are essential. Although there is no requirement to carry radios for this purpose, their use is essential and can be very effective. The officer in charge can monitor their
progress and assist as required. The confidence of a BA wearer will increase where there is communication to the outside.
When initial fire fighting attempts are unsuccessful, early use of fixed installations into engine rooms is generally recommended. There may, however, be circumstances where an entry is required. Entry must be made at the lowest level possible and, when this has been effected, a funnel flap must be opened to allow the steam and hot gases to escape. There is always a concern that the fire will be fed with more oxygen but,
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providing there is a limited opening at the entry point, a chimney effect will not be created.
At present the only requirement for smoke extraction applies to public spaces i.e. atria on passenger vessels that span three or more open decks. They must have an automatic smoke extraction system activated by smoke detector or manual control so that the space can be exhausted in 10 minutes or less.
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During the course of any fire, toxic products and poisonous gases are produced as a result of combustion. In order to protect fire-fighters, breathing apparatus (BA) is required. The self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) set, which is carried like a rucksack and provides the wearer with fresh air, has been developed. In addition, atmospheric BA, which requires the wearer to drag hose line from an outside bellows set, is still found in use.
Merchant Navy Regulations The Merchant Shipping (Fire Protection) Regulations 1998: Fire fighting equipment and MSN 1665 (schedule 5) lays down the requirements for Breathing Apparatus on ships.
The Merchant Shipping FP Regulation 25 states the minimum number of outfits required for fire-fighters on board vessels. The items required in a fire-fighters' outfit include:
BA set either (atmospheric)
Lifeline Safety harness or belt Axe Torch Protective clothing Helmet Boots Gloves
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Atmospheric BA relies upon the atmosphere far its air supply. The most common type found on board is the "smoke helmet or smoke mask". This consists of a wide vision facemask similar to that of a self contained BA set. Air is supplied to the facemask via reinforced tubing in lengths of 18m from manually operated bellows. The system is designed with a maximum limit of 2 lengths (36m) of tubing, so that if the bellows fail to operate the wearer can continue to draw air along the supply tube. Advantages
Air supply is inexhaustible. Remember the physical condition of the wearer will impose practical time limits.
Personnel can be trained easily in its use. Care, maintenance and testing are simple.
This may
Operating Procedures
Clear airway and bellows of any debris.
The wearer should be in sight of a BA team or outside operator, they should never be allowed to work on their own.
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normal way)
The whole apparatus is carried rucksack fashion by means of an adjustable harness. Three items make up (SCBA) they are:
a) b) c)
Breathing Assembly
The cylinder(s) fitted to a breathing apparatus set must, to comply with MCA requirements, have a minimum duration of 30 minutes. Since an average person breathes 40 litres of air per minute, this means the minimum is calculated as follows:
2 3
CHARGED CAPACITY 1240 lltres 1200 l~tres 1200 litres 1800 litres
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The cylinder most commonly provided for marine use is the 1240 litre, 31 minute cylinder. As a pressure gauge is provided, it is simple to ensure that the cylinder is full. Every cylinder must be subjected to a hydraulic stretch test at intervals not exceeding five years. The date of the last hydraulic stretch test is stamped either on the brass ferrule around the neck, or the shoulder of the cylinder, i.e. Jan 2000 test date is stamped 0l.2000. It is vital that no cylinder is charged out of test. Each cylinder must be issued with a test certificate in accordance with British Standards.
Cylinder Valve In operation, the valve should be fully open without aver tightening. This will prevent inadvertent closure by rubbing the valve on a bulkhead or obstruction in a confined space. Pressure gauge
A gauge gives the wearer a constant indication of the cylinder pressure. The gauge face is calibrated in ?O bar intervals and may be numbered every 30 or 50 bar.
Demand valve
The air delivered by the demand valve depends upon the requirements of the wearer. Demand valves are capable of delivering up to 5 times the average volume of air. The demand valve is attached to the facemask.
Face Mask
The mask is constructed of anti-dermatitic rubber and has a highdensity potycarbonate shatterproof visor, providing maximum vision to the wearer. The mask i s fitted with the following: a) Speech Diaphragm - This is a thin mica disc situated opposite the mouth, allowing the wearer to converse normally. b) Ori-Nasal Mask - This inner mask avoids the build up of exhaled carbon dioxide (COP)by t h e use of on-way mushroom valves. These valves open on inhalation and allow air into t h e ori-nasal mask. On exhalation these valves close which means that the air i s directed out
through the one-way exhalation valve to atmosphere. AFF -Feb 201 1.JEA Page 89
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To avoid this problem, if the pressure within the mask is maintained slightly above that of the atmosphere, any leakage that occurs will be outward not inward. This slight pressure within the mask is known as POSITIVE PRESSURE and wilt protect the wearer.
Provided that the demand valve and exhalation valve are designed to maintain a pressure above that of the atmosphere inside the facemask, the duration of the set will not be affected unless leakage occurs.
The operation of the positive pressure facility will vary from set to set. The most common type is the "first breath actuated positive pressure". No air is allowed into the facemask until the wearer has donned the mask and taken their first deep breath. Air will be supplied at positive pressure and the wearer will be able to continue breathing normally. When the mask is removed, a reset button should be used to stop the flow of air.
Prevents possibility of toxic or other products of combustion entering the face mask Provides wearer with confidence
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The following procedure is given as a general guide to donning and starting up of positive pressure BA. The manufacturer's manual for specific equipment should always be consulted to check for any variations.
Take care when removing BA sets from stowage to avoid damage. Atways place visor uppermost to avoid scratching BA must always be donned and started up in fresh air
o Stand BA set upright making sure the back plate is facing you and that the face mask is released from the top of the cylinder o Lightly grasp the right hand shoulder strap and face mask harness in the left hand and swing the set onto the right shoulder, next slip the left arm into the left shoulder strap Place the face mask neck strap over the head
a Adjust the shoulder straps so that the set is comfortable and tighten body belt Inspect the face mask ensuring that the head harness straps are fully extended
Check that the gauge is in a readable position
Starting up
o Open main cylinder valve fully
operates momentarily
Don the face mask, adjust to ensure good fit and tighten the straps (bottom to top, two at a time)
o Breathe in and out two or three times to ensure that air is flowing in through the demand valve and out of the exhalation valve
o Check that positive pressure is functioning by inserting a finger
between the face mask and face - this should cause an audible flow of air
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Listen for any leakage around the present adjust the head harness
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Breathing Apparatus Control Procedures What i s BA Control? Breathing apparatus control is a procedure that should be adopted every time wearers use breathing apparatus. It is a method whereby a nominated entry control officer and the officer in charge of the incident, can keep an accurate record of how many BA wearers there are, their approximate location and when they are expected to return to the entry point. Why do we have BA control procedures?
Faced with a fire on board, it is likely that the BA wearer may forget an important check or necessary procedure before an entry is made. It is advisable to have someone in fresh air and comparative safety with the overall responsibility for ensuring all checks are carried out. To avoid any confusion, the BA Control Officer (BACO) can brief teams as to their task and search pattern. If BA teams fail to withdraw when expected the BACO could initiate emergency procedures. How control is effected?
At each point of entry, a controller should be located in fresh air. Once stationed, they must not change their position, so the initial siting is important (the possibility of smoke spread resulting in evacuation of the position must be considered). As each SA wearer passes, the BACO physically checks that the set is being worn correctly and fully operational.
The efficient operation of control procedures is based on the accurate recording of certain information relating to each team member. Some breathing apparatus sets have identification tallies attached to them to record this information. The tally is to be removed from the BA set before entry and inserted into a Breathing Apparatus Control Board where additional information is added.
The BA set identification tally should be marked in chinagraph pencil with:
The time of whistle is then calculated using the duration tables on the BA control board. This sequence is carried out for each BA wearer
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passing the BACO. Ideally a clear plastic faced control board can be used with chinagraph pencil for practice or emergency. But, pencil and paper or even chalk on a dry bulkhead could be used to record the relevant information. A timepiece will need to be available throughout the incident.
If a duration table cannot be referred to for working out the time of whistle a simple calculation will have to be made for each pressure.
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B.A. Control Board
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BA wearers are relieved at the appropriate time sufficient BA wearers (if available) are standing by at the entry point for relief purposes at least five minutes before relief is due.
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The BACO and all team members must be aware of which search
pattern they are to undertake, i.e, left or right hand, this must not be altered until it is time to withdraw. Then the opposite search will be made to find the way out.
Try to memorise the way in by touch and make a mental note of any
objects near to the entrance, this will relieve anxiety upon exit and
reduce air consumption.
All gauges should be checked frequently and ample air allowed for the return journey
Shuffle,do not walk. The weight of the body should be placed on the
rear foot until the advancing foot has tested that it is safe to move forward. The front foot should also move from side to side to check for obstructions and possible casualties.
Before anything is touched with the palm of the hand, it must be tested first with the back of the hand. if a live electrical cable is touched it will throw the hand away. Any injuries sustained will still allow the palm of the hand to be used without too much difficulty.
When ascending or descending levels, always face the stairs or ladder, this shields the face from heat and provides handholds to be held to prevent a fall.
A complete search should be carried out and the possibility of casualties being in unlikely locations must be considered, e.g. in lockers, shower cubicles, under bunks and behind doors. BE METHODICAL and avoid cutting corners.
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Direct search
If moving forward in a single line (direct search), then the first in line must keep one hand moving up and down in front of his body (with the back of t h e hand facing forward) to protect the trunk and the head. All team members must have one hand on the bulkhead and also be in
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Indirect search
When it is necessary to search a large compartment, it may be better for team members to work alongside one another at a right angle to the bulkhead (indirect search). Using this method, all team members will need to 'shuffle' forward and protect themselves by sweeping their arm in front, whilst staying in contact with the team member next to them. It is vitally important that one team member remains in contact with the bulkhead at all times.
NOTE: Left hand search indicates that the bulkhead is kept to the left of the body whilst moving forwards and vice versa for a right hand search.
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fire fighting techniques, door opening and search procedures. 10. Regular, realistic training must be carried out to enable designated fire crews to became familiar with all parts of the vessel and competent in the use of their equipment.
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