Power BJT Specification For RDFC Applications: Application Note AN-2276
Power BJT Specification For RDFC Applications: Application Note AN-2276
Power BJT Specification For RDFC Applications: Application Note AN-2276
This application note provides key parametric requirements of power BJTs suitable for Resonant Discontinuous Forward Converter (RDFC) applications. As the main power switch, the BJT will undergo different stresses in RDFC compared to hard switching topologies such as flyback. Selecting the correct BJT is vital to obtain optimal power supply performance and meet safety requirements. Further information on the RDFC topology and CamSemis advanced controller ICs is available at www.camsemi.com.
A typical RDFC application circuit is illustrated in Figure 1. The NPN power transistor, Q1, is the main power switching element. It switches in resonant / quasi-resonant mode at high frequency during the operation of the converter. The collector voltage waveform will depend on the converters operating mode. The RDFC IC controls Q1 through the BAS pin based on the information received through the COL and CS pins. Collector voltage of Q1 is sensed via the Ccol capacitor during both on and off states. On state voltage sensed via the COL pin is used to control the base current so the transistor is held in quasisaturation. Off state voltage sensed via the COL pin is used to identify the optimum turn-on timing for Q1 and to define the overall on time of the transistor. When the power supply is operating under load, the on time is fixed at of the off time. The CS pin is used to sense the Q1 emitter current, limit the current under overload conditions and reduce the switch duty cycle at light loads. During the on state, base current is supplied through the AUX pin to the BAS pin. Raux is used to limit the maximum base current.
The Resonant Discontinuous Forward Converter (RDFC) topology with CamSemis controller IC offers a highly efficient and low cost solution for the replacement of linear power supplies. One of the most significant BOM cost advantages offered by the RDFC solution is the use of a low cost bipolar power transistor for the primary switch, rather than an expensive MOSFET. CamSemis RDFC controller ICs embody advanced patented techniques for bipolar transistor base drive control.
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As illustrated in Figure 2 the main power switch (Q1) is operated in a significantly different way to a conventional flyback converter power switch. This results in different parametric requirements for suitable power transistors. These requirements are described in detail in the following sub-sections.
Figure 3: Q1 Base Drive Circuit The RDFC IC allows switch-off of the transistor with minimum collector voltage and uses a base turn off MOSFET (QOFF in Figure 3) with an RDSON of typically 5 . Therefore, VCER is the breakdown rating applied to Q1. As VCER is not normally specified in datasheets, the VCES or VCBO rating is used as the allowable worst-case peak collector voltage during the Q1 off state.
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However, manufacturer datasheets usually dont characteristics. provide comprehensive hFE Therefore, extrapolation of available data may be required to predict minimum hFE over the operating range. The hFE characteristic of the transistor is selected based on the worst-case peak collector current and maximum base current limitation. This ensures BJT quasi-saturation under worst-case on-state conditions. Lower than rated hFE could cause inefficient power conversion and BJT overheating. The on-state collector voltage can be preset using the proportional base drive system in the controller. Setting a lower voltage improves efficiency but decreases the hFE of the transistor and increases storage time. For 700 V VCBO transistors it is normally best to operate around 2-3 V on-state
The following tables list suitable transistors with key parameters for 115 Vac and 230 Vac RDFC applications, based on the above requirements.
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hFEmin is calculated based on the minimum guaranteed IBASPBD specification of 100 mA for CamSemis C2472 and C2473 products and 22 mA for CamSemis C2471 product, [1] and [2]
Application Power Range (W) 1-3 4-6 7-10 11-20 21-30 31-40
C2472 / C2473
[1] [2] [3] [4] RDFC C2472, C2473 Product Datasheet (DS-1423), www.camsemi.com/support/datasheets LPRDFC C2471 Product Datasheet (DS-1639), www.camsemi.com/support/datasheets RDFC Basic Design Guide (DG-1694), www.camsemi.com/support/designguides Low Power RDFC Basic Design Guide (DG-2128), www.camsemi.com/support/designguides
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