A Million Fingers Are Tapping Out A Challenge To The Tyranny of Spelling
A Million Fingers Are Tapping Out A Challenge To The Tyranny of Spelling
A Million Fingers Are Tapping Out A Challenge To The Tyranny of Spelling
Thank yo!, S"ot#and$ First John %no&, then the 'n#i(htenment and no) the S"ottish *!a#i+i"ations ,!thority$ -n a dire"t "ha##en(e to the 'n(#ish at their most rea"tionary, the a!thority has de"#ared that it )i## accept text-messaging short forms in school examinations$ The dark riders o+ ar"haism )i## .rotest and the ba"k)oods )i## ho)#$ No s.e## is "ast as dire as s.e##"he"k$ /!t the "ham.ions o+ reason are massin( north o+ the border and need o!r s!..ort$ -t is .#ain si##y to re(ard do!(hn!t as 0better0 than don!t$ The same (oes +or a#ternatives to ni(ht, thro!(h, "o#o!r and )ho#esome$ 1hen the (reat Noah 1ebster invented ,meri"an s.e##in( a+ter inde.enden"e, he #e+t /ritish 'n(#ish imm!red in bi(otry$ 2e "hided 0even )e##-bred .eo.#e and s"ho#ars +or s!rrenderin( their ri(ht o+ .rivate 3!d(ment to #iterary (overnors0$ To ,meri"ans, s.e##in( re+orm )as the soverei(nty o+ "ommon sense$ For that reason the /ritish treated it as +orei(n, v!#(ar and, )orst o+ a##, ,meri"an$ - have no 4!arre# )ith (rammati"a# a!thoritarianism$ rammar is a vehi"#e that needs a hi(h)ay "ode o+ h!man "omm!ni"ation$ To .arse is to .ros.er$ rammar evo#ves to re+#e"t the ne) !ses that #an(!a(e re4!ires o+ it, as di"tionaries in"#!de ne) )ords$ ,dverbs and ad3e"tives +i(ht the (ood +i(ht a(ainst .overty-stri"ken no!ns and verbs$ 5re.ositions and "on3!n"tions are h!r#ed into the +ray$ , "ontroversia# time is had by a##$ -n "ontrast, s.e##in( has be"ome a no-(o area, an inte##e"t!a# t!ndra$ 1hi#e .#ain )ritin( is "onsidered a sty#isti" virt!e, .#ain s.e##in( is a vi"e$ 'n(#ish ortho(ra.hy is an edi+i"e o+ !nreason$ 1ord endin(s are the #ast (as. o+ the ,n(#o-Sa&on and Norman invasions, embedded in the "!#t!ra# DN, o+ #iterary /rahmins$ Not to s.e## .ro.er#y is a si(n o+ bein( "ommon, as on"e )as i(noran"e o+ 6atin$ %no)in( yo!r 0ie0 +rom 0ei0 or -ib#e +rom -ab#e does not a++e"t a )ord7s meanin( one 3ot$ -t is a "aste mark, its distin"tion derivin( +rom its very obs"!rity$ ,"ross the (#obe, st!dents o+ 'n(#ish are driven to distra"tion by its s.e##in($ /ritons ridi"!#e the Fren"h +or their r!#e-based #an(!a(e, b!t at #east they have a s"ho#ar#y a"ademy to dis"!ss and a..rove 8or resist9 re+orm$ 1hi#e 'n(#ish ada.ts its vo"ab!#ary to "ir"!mstan"e, it has no )ay o+ ada.tin( its s.e##in($ 'very time - )rite "o!(h, bo!(h, thro!(h and thoro!(h 8not to mention )rite9, - think o+ the teemin( mi##ions o+ st!dents )ho ask their tea"hers: )hy: There is no ans)er$ - s!((est they #earn ,meri"an 'n(#ish instead$ The do(matism o+ 'n(#ish ortho(ra.hy is a bond o+ #e&i"o#o(i"a# +reemasonry, a "ons.ira"y a(ainst the #aity$ ;r)e## ri(ht#y asso"iated s!"h do(ma )ith tota#itarianism$ 1ron( is ri(ht, as in )ar is .ea"e$ -n Shakes.eare7s day a!thors "onveyed the "#earest o+ messa(es )ith random s.e##in(, even o+ Shakes.eare7s o)n name$ ,s David <rysta# .oints o!t in The Fight for English, not !nti# the 1=th "ent!ry )as <hester+ie#d ab#e to "hastise his son on his .oor s.e##in(, )arnin( that 0- kno) a man o+ 4!a#ity )ho never re"overed the ridi"!#e o+ havin( s.e##ed )ho#esome )itho!t the )$0 ;rtho(ra.hi"a# .!rity is .er.et!a##y !nder strain$ <rysta# estimates that the ;&+ord di"tionary (ives a#ternate s.e##in(s +or some 2>? o+ )ords at some time in history$ 02en"e the notion o+ standard s.e##in( needs to be taken )ith a h!(e .in"h o+ sa#t$0 @et .ro.ose that /ritain sho!#d s.e## "o#o!r )itho!t a ! and it is #ike b!rnin( the +#a($ -n 1AA2 the Guardian re.orted a a##!.
.o## s!((estin( that on#y one in si& ad!#ts "o!#d s.e## a""ommodation, b!siness, hei(ht, ne"essary, se.arate and sin"ere#yB 10? (ot them a## )ron($ This )as "onsidered a sho"kin( e&am.#e o+ .!b#i" i##itera"y$ -n tr!th it )as a "omment on the ar"haism o+ the s.e##in(s$ -ta#ians )o!#d not "onsider s!"h a .o## )orth ho#din($ 1hen eor(e /ernard Sha), #eadin( "ham.ion o+ a sim.#i+ied a#.habet 8or a#+abet9 )as "ensored +or )ritin( shant, he asked )hy shan7t and not the more a""!rate sha7n7t$ 2e said o+ most a.ostro.hes, 0There is not the +aintest reason +or .ersistin( in the !(#y and si##y tri"k o+ .e..erin( .a(es )ith these !n"o!th ba"i##i$0 2e )as ri(ht in "#aimin( that ar"hai" s.e##in(s )ere maintained to kee. the .oor i##iterate, b!t )ron( to think that they )o!#d im.ede the s.read o+ 'n(#ish as a )or#d #an(!a(e$ S.e##in( is the #ast +i( #ea+ o+ em.ire, the #ast bastion o+ nanny 8or 6ynne Tr!ss9 kno)s best$ -t is st!"k in the tram#ines o+ the .ast, and nobody thinks strai(ht on the s!b3e"t$ Ce+orm has seen many +a#se da)ns$ Some ho.ed +or a breakthro!(h )ith the te#e(ram$ /!t by "har(in( +or )ords, not "hara"ters, the 5ost ;++i"e dro..ed this .ass$ -saa" 5itman "reated a ne) 'n(#ish s"ri.t )ith shorthand, b!t its boy"ott by tea"hers and restri"tion to a servi#e "#ass o+ se"retaries and 3o!rna#ists stam.ed it as a man!a# ski##$ The same a..#ied to steno(ra.hy$ ,nother o..ort!nity "ame )ith the 4)erty keyboard$ Desi(ned to avoid the 3ammin( o+ me"hani"a# arms, it )as a (o#den o..ort!nity +or sim.#i+ied s.e##in($ @et even )hen e#e"troni" keyboards ended the 3ammin( .rob#em, nobody tho!(ht to re+orm the 4)erty #ayo!t or s.e##in( )ith it$ - am to#d that Dandarin "an be transmitted +aster, by a ski##ed o.erator, than Coman s"ri.t )ith 'n(#ish s.e##in(s$ Dost 'n(#ish )ords are t)i"e as #on( as they need to be, sta((erin( !nder a )ei(ht o+ !nvoi"ed vo)e#s and "onsonants s!r.#!s to re4!irements$ <om.!ter !sers may be hard-)ired to 4)erty, b!t mi##ions sti## .#od a"ross the keyboard sear"hin( )ith sin(#e-+in(er ty.in($ Tho!sands are disab#ed by re.etitive stress in3!ries$ <an te&tin( +ina##y s.!r revo#!tion: @o!n( .eo.#e have evo#ved both a ne) s"ri.t and a "oste++e"tive reason +or !sin( it$ They are breakin( +ree o+ s.e##in( do(ma and e&.andin( the a#.habet )ith emoti"ons$ Te&tin( is the shorthand o+ the "om.!ter a(e$ -t is "on"ise, "!ttin( thro!(h the verba# 3ar(on by )hi"h the .ro+essiona# "#asses seek to e&"#!de the #ess ed!"ated$ The Txtr's A-Z, a di"tionary "om.i#ed by ,ndre) John, .oints o!t that mobi#e te&tin( #itera##y .!ts a .ri"e on )a++#e, )hi#e 0in(enio!s abbreviations have been "ontrived to "a.t!re a va(!e#y .hi#oso.hi"a# tho!(ht, a #ovin( sentiment or a bea!ti+!##y "ra+ted obs"enity0$ 2e des"ribes )hat is a "haoti" #iterary .id(in$ The S"ottish e&aminers are adamant that they are not re)ardin( te&t s.e##in(, sin"e there )i## be no marks +or it, on#y +or a""!ra"y o+ meanin($ 5!.i#s )i## be "redited +or 4!otin( 02b or not 2b0 b!t )i## (et hi(her marks i+ they s.e## it "onventiona##y$ That they sho!#d be .ena#ised +or an o++en"e that Shakes.eare himse#+ "ommitted is stran(e$ S!re#y .!.i#s are savin( .a.er and he#.in( e&aminers by their brevity$ /!t a## "han(e m!st start some)here$ Sha) #e+t the /ritish D!se!m a #e(a"y +or the .romotion o+ s.e##in( re+orm, a #e(a"y )hi"h the m!se!m sto#e a+ter a "ase o+ Jarndy"e obs"!rity in the "o!rt o+ "han"ery in 1A>E$ To make amends the /ritish 6ibrary sho!#d no) s!mmon a "on+eren"e in Sha)7s name o+ #e&i"o(ra.hers and )riters to de"#are a tho!sand 'n(#ish s.e##in(s ar"hai" and tho!sands more as "ommon !sa(e, in"#!din( te&tin( short +orms$ -+ not, the )or#d )i## .ass on and the nation7s yo!n( )i## re+orm 'n(#ish s.e##in( on their o)n$ ,#ready a mi##ion +in(ers are ta..in( o!t a revo#!tion$ The S"ots are sho)in( the )ay$
simon$3enkinsF(!ardian$"o$!k <o.yri(ht !ardian Ne)s and Dedia 6imited To see this story )ith its re#ated #inks on the !ardian Gn#imited site, (o to htt.:HH)))$(!ardian$"o$!k