Fukushima and Hiroshima: Ny Times Accessed 1/3/2012 I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor
Fukushima and Hiroshima: Ny Times Accessed 1/3/2012 I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor
Fukushima and Hiroshima: Ny Times Accessed 1/3/2012 I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor
s! &ia""# in r "ation to oth r &ontin nts $ut th 'a&t is that, d ! nding on )hat ha!! ns to th r a&tors, ho) th )ind $"o)s, and )hat kind o' radiation !"um d + "o!s, th dang r &ou"d $ gra+ ( Mor o+ r, th r is sti"" mu&h ignoran& a$out th kind o' harm don to human $ ings $# +arious " + "s o' radiation( Fukushima is not Hiroshima- it is nu&" ar ) a!ons that most ndang r mankind( But as )ith nu&" ar ) a!ons, th radiation r " as d $# !o) r !"ants is a 'orm o' )hat in )riting a$out Hiroshima I &a"" d .in+isi$" &ontamination/ a !oison that on &annot s , sm "" or ' ", and )hos '' &ts ar so "asting that, + n i' th # do not sho) u! in on # ar or on g n ration th # ma# ) "" do so in th n ,t( As on sur+i+or !ut it to m 0 .1ou ma# "ook h a"th# 'rom th outsid $ut a"" o' a sudd n som thing go s )rong and #ou ar si&k and #ou di (/ 2h n I int r+i ) d sur+i+ors in Hiroshima d &ad s ago, th # d s&ri$ d th ir t rror at )itn ssing and ,! ri n&ing grot s3u radiation s#m!toms0 a&ut '' &ts o' s + r diarrh a, $" ding 'rom +arious $odi"# ori'i& s, dr ad d .!ur!" s!ots/ 'rom $" ding into th skin, ,tr m ) akn ss and 'r 3u nt"# d ath- and d "a# d '' &ts in&"uding in&r as d in&id n& o' " uk mia during ar"# !ost4$om$ # ars, and "at r o' &an& r o' th th#roid, stoma&h, "ung, o+ar# and ut rin & r+i,( Sin& it is kno)n that radiation &an ha+ g n ti& '' &ts o+ r th g n rations, th r )as mu&h ' ar in Hiroshima a$out gi+ing $irth to a$norma" &hi"dr n( Non o' this ma# ha!! n in &onn &tion )ith Fukushima, and it is 3uit !ossi$" that r a&tors th r )i"" $ su''i&i nt"# tr at d and &oo" d to a+oid a "arg 4s&a"
nu&" ar disast r( But ) ar ta"king a$out th sam t &hno"og#, so ) shou"d not $ sur!ris d that radiation r " as d 'rom r a&tors &r at s nu&" ar ' ar simi"ar to that asso&iat d )ith th ) a!ons( I 'ound this a"so to $ tru at Thr Mi" Is"and, )h r " ss radiation )as r " as d
than at Fukushima, $ut ! o!" non th " ss ,!r ss d th 'u"" !ano!"# o' ' ar asso&iat d )ith th in+isi$" &ontamination o' radiation( Su&h ' ar has ! r+ad d th nu&" ar a&&id nt at Ch rno$#", and has $# no m ans ntir "# disa!! ar d to this da#( Th sam ' ar o' in+isi$" &ontamination o&&urr d in Am ri&ans ,!os d to nu&" ar radiation in +arious oth r !"a& s0 to !"utonium )ast at Han'ord, 2ashington, in &onn &tion )ith th !rodu&tion o' th Nagasaki $om$- to nu&" ar t sting o+ r d &ad s at Ro&k# F"ats, Co"orado- and to Ground 5 ro at t st sit s in N +ada, 'rom )hi&h G(I(6s ) r mar&h d short"# a't r nu&" ar ,!"osions( 7n ma# ask ho) it is !ossi$" that *a!an, a't r its ,! ri n& )ith th atomi& $om$ings, &ou"d a""o) its "' to dra) so h a+i"# on th sam nu&" ar t &hno"og# 'or th manu'a&tur o' a$out a third o' its n rg#( Th r was r sistan& , mu&h o' it 'rom Hiroshima and Nagasaki sur+i+ors( But th r )as a"so a !att rn o' d nia", &o+ r4u! and &o%# $ur au&rati& &o""usion $ t) n industr# and go+ rnm nt, th "ast s! &ia""# notorious in *a!an $ut $# no m ans "imit d to that &ountr#( E+ n th n, !ro4nu&" ar !o) r 'or& s &ou"d !r +ai" on"# $# managing to insti"" in th minds o' *a!an s ! o!" a di&hotom# $ t) n th !h#si&s o' nu&" ar !o) r and that o' nu&" ar ) a!ons, an i""usor# distin&tion mad not on"# in *a!an $ut throughout th )or"d( Th r is a"so th ho! 8and h r th sam n ss o' th t &hno"og# is r &ogni% d9 that som thing ! a& 'u" and "i' 4 nhan&ing &an $ d ri+ d 'rom th a) som , )or"d4d stro#ing nu&" ar d it#- that ) humans )ho &ommission d and $ui"t th ) a!ons &an som ho) 'ind r d m!tion in that sam u"timat t &hno"og#( And th r ar th .risk4ass ssm nt/ studi s that 'ind nu&" ar !o) r 3uit sa' in statisti&a" t rms, 'ai"ing as th s studi s do to a&&ount 'or ,tr m natur as ) "" as human rror and t &hni&a" ma"'un&tion( Som ha+ $ n o$: &ting to th .doomsda# "anguag / us d in &onn &tion )ith Fukushima6s radiation dang rs( And it is tru that ,agg rations at a"" " + "s shou"d $ dis&ourag d, ,a& r$ating as th # do ' ars on th !art o' + r#on ( But that doomsda# "anguag has its sour& in th doomsda# natur o' th stu'' that is ' ar d, and in th r a"i%ation that ) ha+ &r at d a t &hno"og# )ith )hi&h ) &an annihi"at ours "+ s as a s! &i s( H r too th asso&iation $ t) n $om$ and r a&tor &annot $ )i"" d out o' ,ist n& ( + nts o'
2 do $ tt r to o+ r&om our d nia" and disso&iation and to inst ad a&kno)" dg that radiation '' &ts ar on and th sam no matt r )hat th ir sour& , that th &om$ination o' natur and human 'a""i$i"it# mak s no t &hno"og# &om!" t "# sa' , and that th t &hno"og# most dang rous to us &an hard"# $ r "i d u!on to !ro+id som thing .&" an/ or !ur , or to oth r)is r d m us( Robert Jay Lifton is a lecturer in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and the author of Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima and the forthcoming memoir Witness to an !treme "entury#