PmrsufESm 8

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pmrsufESm 8 14-8-2009

wpfzufuvnf; a':atmifqef;pk

arwÅmudk arwÅmESih o
f m
axmufxm;rItjynfheJU tqiftajy
ukef vdkuaf vsmpDpOfay;cJhjcif;yJ jz
wum rsufESmpmudk Munfh&ifv
ref;ompdef(zmyGef) taeeJU Edik if aH wmf&UJ w&m;pD&ifyikd cf iG hf
udk Edkief if;pGm xde;f odr;f xm;aMumif;
Edkiif HwumeJU a'owGi;f u uReaf w
tckwavm jynfwGif;jynfy rD'D,mawGrSm a&Smufonfh Oya'yk'rf (22)t& tvkyEf Sihf axmif'Pf 'gayr,fh a':atmifqef;pkMunf[m uRefawmfwkdY vkdvm;wJh rdwfaqGrsm;&JU pdk;&drf
uRefawmfwdkYEdkifiHeJU ywfoufNyD; t&rf;a[mh(hot) (3)ESpf uscHap&ef jypf'PfcsrSwcf Jhygw,f/ Ekid if H&JU vGwvf yfa&;udk toufay;NyD; &,lay;cJhwJh z,f&Sm;ay;&m a&mufaprSmjzpfygw
jzpfaewJh *Re0f DvD,H,ufawmeJU a':atmifqef;pkMunf odkUaomf tJ'Dvkd jypf'PfcsrSwNf yD;vQifNyD;csi;f rSm EkdifiHhacgif;aqmif AkdvfcsKyfatmifqef;&JUorD; jzpfae ay:aygufvmEdkiw f Jh rwnfNidrrf IawG
wkYd trIupd öukd w&m;½Hk;u tNyD;owfpD&ifcsuf csrSwf yJ MRTV, MRTV-4 wdkUuae txl;owif;wpf&yf wm&,f? &yf&Gmat;csrf;om,ma&;eJYwnfNidrfa&;udk r,fh ta&;BuD;wJhqHk;jzwfcsujf zpfo
cJhNyD;ygNyD/ a':atmifqef;pkMunfukd axmifcsr,fqk&d if xkwfvTifhaMunmay;vdkufwJh tcsdefrSm uRefawmfwdkU a&S;½Ivkw d m&,f? wpfOD;ay:wpfOD; tmCmwrsm; r&Sd 'Drkdua&pDvrf;aMumif;udk wnfNid
bmjzpfr,f? nmjzpfr,f? bmvkyfr,f? nmvkyf jynfoltm;vHk; b0ifaEG;NyD; &ifat;oGm;Mu&wm apa&;twGu&f ,f? 'Drkdua&pDvrf;aMumif;rSm taESmihf ,Gi;f bJ qufvufavQmufvSr;f Edk
r,fqkdNyD; rD'D,maygif;pHku vHIUaqmfMu? aoG;xdk;Mu? trSefygyJ/ tm;vHk;twGuf trSefwu,f vdktyfwJh t,Suf rjzpfapa&;twGuf&,f 'Dvkd &nfpl;NyD; toifhjrwfqHk;tcGihftvrf;vdkYvnf;
tcgawmfay;MueJUqkdawmh uReaf wmfwkYv d nf; qlqlylyl tcsed rf Sm trSew f u,f vdktyfaewJh&v'fukd aqmifMuOf;
½kw½f w k of oJ aJ wGrsm; xyfjzpfOD;rvm;qdkNyD; ylyefrw
trSeyf g/ tckawmhw&m;½H;k &J U pD&ifcsut
d m
f ay:Edik if aH wmf
ay;Edkicf JhwJh r*Fvmowif;ygyJ/ Edkiif Hawmf at;csr;f
om,ma&;ESihf zGUHNzdK;a&;aumifpDOuú|taeeJY a':atmif
uReaf wmfwhkd jynfol tm;vH;k uawmh Edik if aH wmftydik ;f
tBuD;tuJ&JU axmufxm;pmem n§mwmrI jyovdu k w f hJ qef;pkMunfukd w&m;½H;k u tNyD;owf pD&ifcsurf csrw S rf D wJh apwemarwåm? xufjrufjynfh 0wJh tajrmftjrifehJ a
tqHk;tjzwfawGaMumifh om;a&Ttk;d xrf;wJhued ;f qdkucf Jh wpf&ufBudKwifNyD; jypfrIqdkif&m usifhxHk;Oya't&
NyD; uRefawmfwkdYjynfoltm;vHk; &ifat;cJh&ygNyD/ avQmhaygh ajymif;vJjcif;? qdki;f iHhjcif;ESihf aumif;rGepf Gm rdbozG,f pdwf"mwfudk jyoNyD; om;a&Ttdk;xrf;v
txl;ojzifh a':atmifqef;pkMunfeUJ ywfoufNyD; aexkid yf gu vGwNf idr;f csr;f omcGihjf yKjcif;qdki&f m nTeMf um;
w&m;½Hk;&JU tqHk;tjzwf b,fvkdrsm; jzpfvmavrvJ csuw f pf&yfukd xkwjf yefcJhygw,f/ Edkiif Hawmf at;csr;f qduk af tmif twwfEikd q f ;kH vdu k af vsmoufnm§ aqm
qdkNyD; tm;vHk;u pdw0f ifpm;cJhMuygw,f/ w&m;½Hk;rSm om,ma&;ESihfzGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpD Ouú|½Hk;uae jynfxJ
oufaoxGuq f kdcsuaf wG? ppfaq;csuaf wGukd aeYpOf a&;0efBuD;Xmeukd taMumif;Mum;wJh nTeMf um;csujf zpfyg jcif;jzpfaMumif; em;vnf,MkH unfMuygw,f/ tem*wf v
owif;pmawGrSm azmfjyay;aewJhtwGuf trIoGm;
trIvmudv k nf; oHk;oyfEkid cf JhMuygw,f/ bmyJjzpfjzpf
w,f/ tJ'Dowif;udk ½kyjf rifoHMum;? a&'D,kdawGuae
tcsed rf qdik ;f xkwv f iT ahf Munm ay;oGm;cJw h m[m Edik if yH ikd f
twGuf tcGih t f vrf;opfawG jzpfxeG ;f vmEdik af tmif t
jypfrIxif&Sm;&ifawmh w&m;½Hk;u wnfqJOya'rsm;eJU rD'D,mawG&JU oGuv f uf xufjrufvmrIukd jyovdkuf zefw;D vrf;zGihaf y;cJhjcif; jzpfw,fvv hkd nf; xifjrif,q l v
tnD ausmom;&ifom; rcJGjcm;bJ tjypfay; ta&;,l jcif;ygyJ/
wmudk cH&rSmyJqkdwmudkvnf; trsm;u vufcHxm; EdkifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&; w,f/ 'gaMumifh uReaf wmfwhkd jynfot l m;vH;k uawmh w
Muygw,f/ w&m;Oya'&JU txufrSm b,folrS aumifpDtaeeJY a':atmifqef;pkMunftay: rvJG
r&SEd kdib
f l; r[kwv f m;/ ra&SmifombJ w&m;pGq J rkd jI yKcJ&h jcif;aMumifh pdwrf csr;f ajrh wpfO;D rSm qdo
k vdk wpfcsed u f tmCmwa[mif;awG? q
vdk&if;ajym&&if Mo*kwfv 11&ufaeYrSm zG,jf zpfcJh&aMumif;? odkYaomfvnf; w&m;Oya'pdk;rdk;a&;
a':atmifqef;pkMunfwkUd trIukd tNyD;owf pD&ifcsuf twGuf wnfqOJ ya'eJt Y nD rSeu f efrQwpGm w&m;pD&ifrI awGukd oifyek ;f acsMuNy;D Edik if aH &;tiftm;pkawGtm;vH;k
csrSwcf Jhygw,f/ tJ'Dvkd pD&ifcsucf srSw&f mrSm w&m;cH
rsm;&JUa&SUaeawG? w&m;vdkbufrS yg0ifaqmif&Guf
udk Edkiif Hom;tm;vHk;u av;pm;vdkuef m cH,lMu&rSm
jzpfaMumif; azmfjyxm;ygw,f/ wu,fhukd rSeu f ef
'Drukd a&pDvrf;aMumif;rSm pkpnf;nDnw G f aysm&f iT pf mG eJh
MuwJh Oya't&m&Sad wGtjyif &efuket f ajcpdkuf oH½Hk; av;euf wduswJh azmfjycsuyf gyJ/ Edkiif Hwkid ;f rSm Oya' vufnD vufwcGJ sw D ufEikd Mf uzdhk arQmv f ifh rdygw,f/
rsm;eJU xdki;f Edkiif Htajcpdkuf oH½Hk;wcsKUd u oHtrwfBuD; qdkwm &Sad e&rSmjzpfNyD; Edkiif Hom;tm;vHk;uvnf; tJ'D
awG? oHrLS ;awG? UNDP Xmaeud, k pf m;vS,?f jynfwiG ;f wnfqJOya'eJYtnD rSefuefrQwpGm w&m;pD&ifrIudk EdkifiHawmftBuD;tuJtaeeJY 4if;&JUvkyfykdifcGihftmPm aocsmjyefawG;Munfh&if 'g[
jynfy owif;axmufawGvnf; pHkpHknDnD wufa&muf av;pm;vdu k ef m cH,Ml u&rSmomjzpfygw,f/ Oya'onf twGi;f uae a':atmifqef;pkMunftay: pmemaxmuf tvdkufavsmEdkifqHk; oufn§maxm
avhvmcGihf &cJhMuygw,f/ tm;vHk;odNyD;jzpfwJhtwdki;f Ekid if Hom;tm;vHk;twGuf wpforwfwnf;om &Sad e&rSm xm;n§mwmrIjyKcJhjcif; jzpfygw,f/ jzpfygvdrfhr,f/ 'g[m Win-W
&efukeaf jrmufykdi;f c½dkif w&m;½Hk;u a':atmifqef; jzpfNyD; tjzLtrnf;? tpdr;f tusu?f ausmom; &ifom; 'gaMumihf a':atmifqef;pkMunfudk w&m;½kH; jzpfvmatmif ykHazmfay;cJhjcif; jzpfEd
pkMunftay: 1975 ckESpf Edkiif Hawmftm; aESmifh,Suf cJGjcm;vkYd r&Ekid yf gbl;/ 'g[m tifrwefta&;BuD;yg taeeJY jypfrIusL;vGefaMumif; xif&Sm;awGU&Sd&NyD; qefYusib f uftkypf kawGtaeeJY 'Dta
zsuq f D;vdkolrsm;\ ab;tEÅ&m,frS umuG,af pmihf w,f/ jypf'PfcsrSwyf gu b,fvkjd ypf'Pf csrSwx f m;onf wnfwnfNidrNf idref JY a&S Uquf aqm
jzpfap w&m;½kH;u csrSwx f m;wJh jypf'Pf&JUxuf0uf tcGihftvrf;aumif;awG zefwD; v
wu,fawmh Edik if aH wmftydik ;f u qH;k jzwfcsuf[m w&m;w,f? udkom uscHapzdkY avQmhayghajymif;vJvku
jypf'Pfukdvnf; qkid ;f iHhvku
d Nf yD; use&f Sw
d Jh
d yf gw,f/ jypf'Pfqkdi;f ihhH
jzpfw,fvkYdvnf; ,lqEkid yf gw,f
rQww,f? axmufxm;oufn§mrI &Sdw,fqdkwm xyfNyD;&Sif;zdkY umvtwGif; a':atmifqef;pkMunfukd rlvtwlae
(2)OD;eJYtwl olr&JU rlvaetdrrf SmyJ aexdkicf Gihjf yKcJhyg
vku d wf Jh jypf'PfuscH&r,fh tcsed f
vGeaf om tcsed u f mvtwGi;f pnf;u
rvdkatmif xif&Sm;cdkifrmaeygNyD/ 'gudk uRefawmfwdkhtm;vHk; w,f/ 'ghtjyif avQmhayghajymif;vJvku
uscH&r,fh tcsed u f mvxuf rausmv f Gew
d w f Jh jypf'Pf
f Jh tcsed u
f mv
pGm aexkid rf ,fqk&d if qkid ;f iHhxm;wJh
vGwNf idr;f csr;f omcGihjf yKr,fvYkd qkx d
odygw,f/ urÇmuvnf; odygw,f/ odkYaomf tcsKd haom twGi;f pnf;urf;eJYtnD aumif;rGepf Gm aexkid o
qd&k if qkid ;f iHx
f Gm;r,f
h m;wJh jypf'Pftm;vH;k ukd vGwNf idr;f csr;f om
rdoavmuf ajym&&if a':atmif
at;at;csr;f csr;f om aexkid o f Gm;r
Edik if aH wGeYJ tcsKd ah om qefu
Y sifbufr'D , D mawGu 'gudk vufrcH cGihf ay;oGm;rSm jzpfw,fvkYd qkyd gw,f/
'Dowif;udk Mum;odvkdu&f csed rf Sm apwem?
csr;f omcGihfqkw d m jzpfvmEkid w
qkd&if tem*wfc&D;twGuf tcG
f Jhta

arwåma&SUxm;NyD; tajrmftjrif&Sd&SdeJU vdkufavsm rukeq f kH;ao;bl;vkYd arQmfvifhEkid yf g

Ekid b f J xif&mjrif&m ajymae qdak eMujcif;[m olt Y aMumif;eJo
Y l oufn§m aqmif&Guaf y;cJhwJh Edkiif HawmftBuD;tuJ&JU a':atmifqef;pkMunftay:
aus;Zl;aMumifh EdkifiHeJUjynfol&JU wnfNidrfat;csrf;rI csrSwrf IeJY Ekid if Hawmftydki;f u axm
aemufqkwfr&EdkifawmUwJU tajctaerdkYvdkY ZGwftwif; rsufpd rysu, f Gi;f bJ 'Drkud a&pDEkid if Hawmfopf wnfaqmufa&; vkud af vsmaqmif&Gurf IawGtay: j
a&S Uc&D;udk acsmacsmarGUarGU a&SUqufEkid af wmhrSmudkawG;NyD; tm;vkH;taeeJY vdIuv f SJ0rf;ompGm v
pHkrSdwfNyD; a&S qh ufwdk; ae&jcif;rsKd;bJ jzpfygvdrh fr,f/ pum; uRefawmfwkdY jynfoltm;vHk; 0rf;omMunfEl;cJhMu&yg ayr,fh Ekid if HtcsKUd eJY jynfyrD'D,m
w,f/ twkid ;f uefYuGuw f ,f? pdk;&drw
f ,f?
uRHxm;awmh Ekwfvdkhr&Edkifbl; xifygw,f/ 'g[m wpfzufu Edkiif HawmfrSm csrSwx
pnf;urf;Oya'udk xdef;odrf;&ma&mufovdk tjcm;
f m;wJh pojzifh rjzpfEkid w
f mawGukd ighp
f TihfaeMuqJ jzpfygw,f/ odk

14-8 (08).pmd 1 8/14/2009, 1:24 AM

14-8-2009 pmrsufESm 9

wpfzufuvnf; a':atmifqef;pkMunftay: pmem

axmufxm;rItjynfheJU tqiftajyqHk;jzpfatmif tpGr;f
Edkiif Hawmftydki;f u qHk;jzwfcsu[
w,f? axmufxm;oufn§mrI &Sw
f m w&m;w,f? rQw
d ,fqkdwm xyfNyD;
aejynfawmf 0efBuD;Xmeaygif;pHk trsdK;om;abmvHk;NydKifyGJ
ukef vdkuaf vsmpDpOfay;cJhjcif;yJ jzpfEkdiyf gw,f/ Edkiif H &Si;f zdYk rvdak tmif xif&mS ;cdik rf maeygNyD/ 'gudk uReaf wmf 'kw,d tqifh tkyfpkywfvnfyGJpOfrsm; qufvuf,SOfNydKif
wum rsufESmpmudk Munfh&ifvnf; wnfqJtpdk;& wdkYtm;vHk; odygw,f/ urÇmuvnf; odygw,f/
taeeJU Edik if aH wmf&UJ w&m;pD&ifyikd cf iG hf tcsKyftjcmtmPm aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 13
odkYaomf tcsKUd aom Edkiif HawGeJY tcsKUd aom qefYusif wwd,tBudrf aejynfawmf 0efBuD;Xmeaygif;pHk trsdK;om;abmvHk;NydKifyGJ 'kwd,tqifhtkyfpkywfvnf
udk Edkief if;pGm xde;f odr;f xm;aMumif; jyo&ma&mufovdk buf rD'D,mawGu 'gudk vufrcHEikd b f J xif&mjrif&m yGJpOfrsm;udk ,aeYnae 4em&DwGif qufvufusif;y&m aejynfawmftm;upm;uGif;üusif;yaom yGJpOfwGif
Edkiif HwumeJU a'owGi;f u uReaf wmfwkYEd kid if H&JU tusK;d udk ajymae qdkaeMujcif;[m olYtaMumif;eJYol aemufqkwf (**)tkypf krS trSw(f 1)pufr0I efBuD;Xmetoif;ESifh trSwf(2) vQyfppfpGrf;tm;0efBuD;Xmetoif;wdkY ,SOfNydKifupm;
wmfwkdY vkdvm;wJh rdwfaqGrsm;&JU pdk;&drf ylyefrIawGudkvnf; MuNyD; trSw(f 1)pufr0I efBuD;Xmetoif;u av;*dk;-ESpf*dk;jzifh tEdkif&&Sdonf/
y;cJhwJh r&EdkifawmhwJh tajctaerdkYvdkY ZGwftwif; rsufpd
z,f&Sm;ay;&m a&mufaprSmjzpfygw,f/ rvdkvm;tyfbJ tEkdif&
jzpfae ay:aygufvmEdkiw f Jh rwnfNidrrf IawGukd a&Smif&Sm;Edkiaf p pHkrSwd Nf yD; a&S Uqufwkd;ae&jcif;rsK;d yJ jzpfygvdrhfr,f/ aejynfawmfysOf;rem;(aygif;avmif;) tm;upm;uGif;ü usif;yaom yGJpOfwGif (**)tkyfpkrS opfawma&;&m
a&;udk r,fh ta&;BuD;wJhqHk;jzwfcsujf zpfovdk a&SUquf&r,fh pum;uRHxm;awmh Ekwv f kdYr&Edkib f l; xifygw,f/ 0efBuD;Xmetoif;ESifh jynfxJa&; 0efBuD;Xmetoif;wdkY ,SOfNydKifupm;Mu&m opfawma&;&m0efBuD;Xmetoif;u
'ghtjyif a':atmifqef;pkMunfukd olr&JUrlv ESpf*dk;-wpf*dk;jzifh tEdkif&&Sdonf/
m; r&Sd 'Drkdua&pDvrf;aMumif;udk wnfNidraf t;csr;f rI rysuf Mo*kwf 14&ufwGif aejynfawmf tm;upm;uGif;ü (CC)tkyfpkrS e,fpyfa'oESihf wkdif;&if;om;vlrsdK;rsm;
taESmihf ,Gi;f bJ qufvufavQmufvSr;f Edkizf kYd vrf;zGihfay;wJh aetdrrf Sm jyefvnfaexdkicf Gihf jyKcJhjcif;tay: jynfy zGHUNzdK;wdk;wufa&;ESihf pnfyifom,ma&; 0efBuD;Xmetoif;ESihf vl0ifrIBuD;Muyfa&;ESihf jynfolYtiftm;0efBuD;Xme
pl;NyD; toifhjrwfqHk;tcGihftvrf;vdkYvnf; ,lqEdkiyf gw,f/ rD'D,mawGu House Arrest qdkwJh toHk;tEIe;f rsK;d toif;? aejynfawmfysO;f rem;(aygif;avmif;) tm;upm;uGi;f ü (CC)tkypf krS b@ma&;ESit fh cGe0f efBuD;Xme toif;ESifh
tm;upm;0efBuD;Xmetoif;wdkY qufvuf,OS Nf ydKifupm;MurnfjzpfaMumif; owif;&&Sdonf/ (owif;pOf)
awGoHk;NyD; xifa,mifxifrSm;jzpfatmif vkyaf eyg
;vH;k uawmh Edik if aH wmftydik ;f u Bu;D rm; w,f/ wu,fawmh aetdrftus,fcsKyf (House
Arrest) vdkY roHk;oifhygbl;/ olrudk oufaomifh
ufjynfh 0wJh tajrmftjrifehJ av;eufwh J oufomeJY vGwv f Gwv f yfvyf aeEdkiaf tmif apwem
xm;NyD; pDpOfay;cJhjcif;rsK;d om jzpfr,fxifygw,f/
jyoNyD; om;a&Ttdk;xrf;vmwJhudef; bmaMumifhvJqdkawmh olrtaeeJY aetdrftwGif;?
NcHOypmtwGif; vGwfvyfpGm oGm;vmaexdkifEdkifNyD;
vdu k af vsmoufnm§ aqmif&u G af y;cJh cGihfjyKowif;pm? *sme,f? pmtkyaf wGvnf; zwfEkdif
MunfMuygw,f/ tem*wf vrf;aMumif; ygw,f/ MWD eJY MRTV vnf; MunfhEkdiyf gw,f/
usef;rma&;twGuf vdktyfwJhtcg cGifhjyKxm;wJh
wG jzpfxeG ;f vmEdik af tmif tajctae q&m0ef? olemjyKtzGJUeJY ppfaq;ukocGihf &Syd gw,f/
'ghtjyif ud, k &hf UJ vtkd yfcsuu f kd pmeJaY &;om;NyD; ajymcGihf
w,fvv hkd nf; xifjrif,q l vsuf&dMS uyg vnf;&Syd gw,f/ {nfo h nfuv kd nf; cGijhf yKcsuef UJ vufcH jrefrmEdik if H tmqD,t
H rsKd;orD;rsm; cspfMunfa&;toif;rS
awGUqHkEkid yf gw,f/ tjcm;aqmif&Guv f kw d Jh udpö&yfawG
wdhk jynfot l m;vH;k uawmh wpfO;D arwÅm &Srd ,fqkd&ifvnf; cGihfjyKcsu&f ,lNyD; aqmif&Guo f Gm; MunfUjrifwdkifrsufrjrifoifwef;ausmif;odkh tvSLaiGrsm;ay;tyfvSL'gef;
u tmCmwa[mif;awG? qefu h siv f rkd I Edkiyf gw,f/ 'gawG[m Edkiif Hawmftydki;f u ,cifwke;f
uxuf ydkNyD; vdkuaf vsmcGihjf yKay;vmwm r[kwv f m;/
&efukef Mo*kwf 13 oH½Hk;tBuD;tuJrsm;\ ZeD;rsm;ESifh
toif;0ifrsm;? vlrI0efxrf;OD;pD;
rsm;toif;rS rsufrjrifausmif;om;
ausmif;olrsm; usef;rma&;twGuf
(42)ESpfajrmuf tmqD,HaeYudk
ifiaH &;tiftm;pkawGtm;vH;k tem*wf wdk;wufajymif;vJrIvkdU ½IjrifoifhwJh taetxm; *kPfjyKaomtm;jzifh jrefrmEdkifiH
tmqD,H trsdK;orD;rsm; cspfMunf
XmerS wm0ef&Sdolrsm;? apwem&Sif
tvSL&Sifrsm;? rsufrjrifausmif;rS
aiGusyf oHk;odef;wkdYudkvnf;aumif;
ay;tyfvSL'gef;&m vlrI0efxrf;OD;pD;
rsK;d yg/ ausmif;om; ausmif;olrsm; wuf Xme 'kwd,ñTefMum;a&;rSL;csKyf
pkpnf;nDnw G f aysm&f iT pf mG eJh wufnD bmyJajymajym udpö&yfwkdi;f rSm [dkbuftjrif
a&;toif; (Myanmar ASEAN
Women's Friendship Association-
a&S;OD;pGm vlrI0efxrf;OD;pD;Xme
OD;atmifxGef;ckdifu vufcHonf/
quf v uf í jynf a xmif p k
'Dbuf tjrif? olUtjrif udk,ht f jrif uJGjym;rIuawmh MAWFA)rSvr l 0I efxrf;?u,fq,f
Muzdhk arQmv f ifh rdygw,f/ &Sad e Edik wf mygyJ/ odUk aomf uReaf wmfwUkd jynfol tm;vH;k a&;ES i f h jyef v nf a e&mcsxm;a&; 'kw, d ñTeMf um;a&;rSL;csKyf OD;atmif
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MunhfjrifwkdifNrdKUe,f rsufrjrif
tmPm aocsmjyefawG;Munfh&if 'g[mEdkiif Hawmftydki;f u oifwef;ausmif;odkY tvSLaiGrsm;
a':,k,kaqGu Munfjh rifwkid f rsuf ESpfodef;? rSefcsdKaq;wdkufrS aiGusyf
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ay;tyf vSL'gef;onfh tcrf;tem;udk
jzpfygvdrfhr,f/ 'g[m Win-Win Solution wpfck ozG,f pdw"f mwfukd jyoNyD; om;a&Ttkd;xrf;vmwJh ,aeY eHeuf 9 em&DcGJwGif tqdkyg
í &Sif;vif;ajymMum;onf/ Mu&m rsufrjrif oifwef;ausmif;
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qdki;f ihhH wpfqufwnf;ajym&&if avQmhayghajymif;vJ vsuf &SMd uygw,f/ 'gaMumifh uRefawmfwkdU jynfol \ ZeD; a':jrifjh rifph kd;? 'kw,d 0efBuD; rsufrjrif oifwef;ausmif; (Munhf rsm;onf rsufrjrifoifwef;ausmif;
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twlae vku d wf Jh jypf'PfuscH&r,fh tcsed u f mvxuf rausmf jrefrmEdkifiH tmqD,HtrsdK;orD;rsm; aiGusyfESpfodef;? ynmoifaxmufyHh \oDqdkazsmfajzrIudk Munfh½Itm;ay;
jyKcJhyg vGeaf om tcsed u f mvtwGi;f pnf;urf;eJt Y nD aumif;rGef u tmCmwa[mif;awG? qefUusiv f krd IawGukd oifyke;f cspfMunfa&;toif;tvkyt f rIaqmif aMu;twGuf aiGusyf ESpfodef;ESifh um ausmif;om;? ausmif;olrsm;
pf'Pf pGm aexkid rf ,fqk&d if qkid ;f iHhxm;wJh jypf'Pftm;vkH;ukd acsMuNyD; Edkiif Ha&; tiftm;pkawGtm;vHk; tem*wf aumfrwD tzGJU0ifrsm;? tmqD,HtzGJU pm;aomuf a uR;arG ; a&; twG u f pmoifMum;aerIudk vSnfhvnf
0if EdkifiHrsm;rS oHtrwfBuD;rsm;\ aiGusyf wpfoed ;f wdkuY kdvnf;aumif;? Munfh½I avhvmMuonf/
umv vGwNf idr;f csr;f omcGihjf yKr,fvYkd qkx d m;ygw,f/ em;vnf 'Drkdua&pDvrf;aMumif;rSm pkpnf;nDnGwf aysm&f Tipf GmeJU ZeD;rsm;? tjcm; pdwfyg0ifpm;aom EdkifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme trsdK;orD; (owif;pOf)
m;r,f rdoavmuf ajym&&if a':atmifqef;pkMunf taeeJY wufnDvufnD vufwJGcsDwufEkdiMf uzdkU arQmfvifhryd g
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pwem? qkd&if tem*wfc&D;twGuf tcGifhta&;aumif;awG
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csrf;rI csrSwrf IeJY Ekid if Hawmftydki;f u axmufxm;oufn§mpGm Change ukd ajcwpfvSr;f pvku d jf cif; jzpfEkid yf gw,f/ 2009ckESpf ZlvkdifvwGif wyfrawmf? jrefrmEkdifiH&JwyfzGJUESifh taumufcGefOD;pD;XmewkdYu rl;,pfaq;0g;
trIaygif; 253rIukd zrf;qD;EkdifcJhMuNyD; bdef; 45rI tav;csdef (46'or3114uDvkd)? bdef;jzL 79rI
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71rI (531442 jym;)? bdef;pmrIefY 12rI tav;csdef (34'or1823 uDvkd)? Zkdvrfaq;jym; wpfrI okH;jym;?
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twkid ;f uefYuGuw f ,f? pdk;&drw
f ,f? csucf si;f vTwaf y;yg ukd tjyHK;eJYom wkHYjyefoifhovkd arwåmudkvnf; tufwufpw D pfrI (4'or 5jym;)? x&mra'gvf ESprf (I tawmifh 2200)? 'kid , f mZDyrf wpfrI (tjym; 191200)?
xm;wJh pojzifh rjzpfEkid w f mawGukd ighpum;EGm;& ajymqdk arwåmeJYom wkHYjyef&rSm r[kwfvm;/ 'grSvnf; acsmif;qk;d aysmufaq;&nftav;csde(f 0'or07vpfwm)? rSwyf kw H ifysuf ok;H rIEiS hf tjcm;trI ok;H rIwkjYd zpfonf/
tqkdyg trIaygif; 253rIwkdYukd zrf;qD;cJh&mwGif w&m;cH usm; 336OD;ESifh r 62OD; pkpkaygif;
tjcm; xkwv f TihfaeMuqJ jzpfygw,f/ odkYaomf wu,fawmh Change qkw d m jzpfvmEkid rf Smyg/ / w&m;cH 398OD;wkdYtm; Oya't& ta&;,lcJhaMumif; owif;&&Sdonf/ (owif;pOf)

14-8 (09).pmd 1 8/14/2009, 1:24 AM

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 14 August, 2009

Loving-kindness attracts loving-kindness

Mahn Tha Sein (Papun)
The court pronounced the final judgment on the treats all the people equally, and no man is privileged consideration. But, certain countries and foreign ra-
case against Mr John William Yettaw and Daw Aung in law, and that is very important. dio stations, as usual, are still claiming unreasonably
San Suu Kyi, which received media coverage at However, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is the daughter that they object the sentence, they are deeply con-
home and abroad. In the run-up to the final judgment, of General Aung San, who sacrificed his life for the cerned over her, and she should be released immedi-
the media incited protests, generated public outrage independence of Myanmar, viewing that peace, ately. Needless to say, the government’s decision is
and masterminded the schemes, claiming that anti- tranquility and stability will prevail, no malice should just, fair, and considerate, which is known to the
government groups would do something harmful to be held against each other, and there should be no people and the international community. Neverthe-
the nation if Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was put behind obstruction in the path to democracy, the Head of State less, some countries and anti-government media can-
bars. So, I was in fear that there might be riots again showed his consideration in the framework of his not accept the judgment and are commenting on the
in the nation. But, the entire people now can breathe authority for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. situations blindly. They have no choice but to con-
a sigh of relief and the situation is acceptable to all So, whatsoever sentence was pronounced, it was tinue their scheme, turning a blind eye to objective
sides as the Head of State issued a directive on the amended that the half of the sentence to be served was conditions of the nation because they are already
court pronouncing sentence to show his considera- remitted and the remainder of the sentence was to be locked in the situations. They have committed them-
tion and benevolent attitude to them. suspended. During the period of suspended sentence, selves in their words, so they are in no position to eat
In particular, all wondered what judgment the she shall reside in her residence with her two compan- their words.
court would pronounce to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. ions. Moreover, all suspended sentence shall be par- The government permitted Daw Aung San Suu
The statements and arguments of the witnesses at the doned if she abides in accordance with the annexed Kyi to reside in her residence, but foreign media use
court were stated daily in the newspapers, so all could stipulations in good conduct during the suspended the expression “house arrest” to mislead the global
view the nature and developments of the trial. The period and not exceeding such period. family into misunderstanding the government. Such
majority of the people accepted that if someone is Hearing the good news, the people were all pleased, an expression should not be used. The decision is
found guilty, the court has to take action against relishing the thought and hope of continuing the tran- intended for her convenience. She can live in the
him in accordance with the existing law, without sition to democracy smoothly without sacrificing com- compound of her house freely; she can read allowed
any discrimination against or in favour of a par- munity peace and stability due to the directive the newspapers, journals and publications; she can watch
ticular person, because no man is above the law. visionary Head of State issued with benevolent attitude MWD and MRTV; she can get health care from the
In short, the final judgment was pronounced to and loving-kindness. permitted doctor and nurses; she can make written
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and others on 11 August. The Issuing the directive, the Head of State not only request for her needs; she can receive her guests with
court delivered sentences in the presence of lawyers respected the law but also expressed consideration restrictions; and she can do other necessary things
of the accused, district law officers (public towards Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to his highest through permission. That depicts that the government
prosecuters), ambassadors whose offices are based in degree for her comfort and convenience. In the complies with her wishes at the unprecedented level,
Yangon and Thailand, military attaches, representa- international arena, the ruling government not only and it is, indeed, a positive change.
tive of UNDP, and local and foreign journalists. exercised the jurisdiction skillfully, but also re- Anyhow, different people have different views
Yangon North District Court delivered three years lieved the concerns of the foreign countries and on a matter. The people understand and believe
rigourous imprisonment to the accused Daw Aung regional countries that favour the interest of that the government showed its benevolent atti-
San Suu Kyi in connection with the 1975 Law Safe- Myanmar. The directive can be deemed to be an tude and consideration as possible as it could to
guarding the State Against the Danger of Subversive important decision that helps avert needless conse- generate a situation that is acceptable to all sides.
Elements, Section 22. quence of instability, and an opportunity given for We also assume that the directive created some
Shortly thereafter, MRTV and MRTV-4 aired carrying on the democratization without infringing more opportunities for a brighter future of the
breaking news, which relieved all the emotional stability and peace. nation. So, we hope that the two sides turn to forgive
feelings of the entire people. It was a good news Actually, the directive indicated that the govern- and forget attitude and the political forces will work
which brought about a result acceptable to all. One ment commuted the sentence at the highest level. In together for successful completion of the democratic
day before the court’s final judgment to Daw Aung other words, the directive is designed to ensure win- process.
San Suu Kyi, the Chairman of the State Peace and win situation. Moreover, it gave anti-government Due to the term “change” said by President
Development Council issued a directive to amend groups good opportunities to accept the situations and Obama, these days, that word is very popular all
under Criminal Procedure Code that half of the sen- keep on carrying out political activities. over the world. In my opinion, by issuing the
tence to be served was remitted and the remainder of The directive also says that should Daw Aung San directive, the government has paced a giant step
the sentence was to be suspended, and all suspended Suu Kyi abide in accordance with the annexed stipula- towards change. If a person offers his hand, and
sentences shall be pardoned if she abides in accord- tions in good conduct during the suspended period and the other does the same, it will not be difficult for
ance with the annexed stipulations in good conduct not exceeding such period, all suspended sentences them to shake hands. We should smile in return
during the suspended period. The State Peace and shall be pardoned. As far as I am concerned, Daw Aung when someone smiles to us, and we should show
Development Council Office gave the directive to the San Suu Kyi can enjoy amnesty if she abides by the loving-kindness in return when someone shows
Ministry of Home Affairs. The news was aired annexed stipulations. Then, she can hope good oppor- loving-kindness for us. Only then will there be a
promptly by the MRTV and radio, and that reflected tunities for her future. change.
the efficiency of brilliant performance of State me- The people accepted wholeheartedly the court Translation: MS
dia. pronouncing sentence to her and the government’s *********
The directive said that the court constituted the
case for breach of provision against Daw Aung San The directive can be deemed to be an important
Suu Kyi and the State Peace and Development Coun-
cil Office was aggrieved at the said action; that decision that helps avert needless consequence of
however, for the sake of the rule of law, judicial
proceedings justly made in accordance with existing instability, and an opportunity given for carrying on
law shall be respected and abided by all citizens. It is
an inspiring statement. Every country has their laws, the democratization without infringing stability and
and each citizen has to respect the judgments pro-
nounced in accordance with the existing law. The law

14-8-09 NL 8 7/31/18, 1:44 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 14 August, 2009 9

A & I Minister attends opening of new

school building
NAY PYI TAW, 13 Aug Township Education Members of the board of
— The opening of new Officer Daw Ohn Nwe and trustees of the school
school building for Alesu Chairman of School Board handed over documents
Village Basic Education of Trustees U Maung Kyi related to the new school
Middle School (Branch) opened the new school building to the township
was held at the school in building. education officer.
the village in Hinthada The minister and After the ceremony,
Township, Ayeyawady departmental officials the minister presented
Division on 9 August sprinkled scented water on cash to education fund of
attended by Minister for the stone plaque, and the the school through
Agriculture and Irrigation minister delivered an members of the board of
Maj-Gen Htay Oo. address. trustees and publications
Chairman of Hinthada Ayeyawady Division and cash to U Po Kyar
Township Peace and Education Officer Memorial Thuta Sweson Minister Maj-Gen Htay Oo at the opening of new building of BEMS
Development Council U (Admin) U Khin Maung Library in Neinvan (branch) in Alesu Village, Hinthada Township.
Aung Kyaw Naing, Yi spoke words of thanks. village.—MNA MNA

The minister delivered an address and attended to the

PBANRDA Minister meets with local people in needs. Next, the minister inspected Ywaynadi market
and gave necessary instructions.
Labutta, Pantanaw and Nyaungdon On 10 August, the minister inspected market
YANGON, 13 Aug—Minister for Progress of Border social organizations, members of ward Peace and buildings and sales of goods at newly-built Ywaynadi
Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Development Councils at the hall of Ywaynadi Hall in Market in Labutta and gave necessary instructions.
Col Thein Nyunt met with townselders, members of Labutta Township, Ayeyawady Division on 9 August. After hearing reports on progress of construction
of the market presented by MD U Thein Aung of Thein
Construction Company at the briefing hall, the minister
fulfills the requirements.
Under the supervision of township Development
Affairs Committee, 160 shops have been constructed
by the company so far and there remained 160 shops
to be built.
Next, the minister met with townselders, members
of social organizations and members of ward/village
PDCs at the Hall of Pantanaw Township. The minister
heard reports on requirements of respective wards and
villages presented by townselders and fulfilled the
At the hall of Nyaungdone Township, the minister
made a speech in meeting with townselder, members
of social organizations and ward PDCs and attended to
Minister Col Thein Nyunt inspects completion of Ywaynadi Market in Labutta.—PBANRDA the needs.—MNA
Minister receives Vietnamese 123456789
Ambassador Minister
N AY P YI T AW , 13 Vietnamese Ambassador They held discussions Thein Zaw
Aug—Minister for to the Union of Myanmar on cooperation in receives
Communications, Posts Mr Chu Chong Phung at communication sectors of Vietnamese
and Telegraphs Brig-Gen the ministry here the two countries. Ambassador
Thein Zaw received yesterday morning. MNA Mr Chu
TV Guide Volume 1, No. 6 in circulation CPT
YANGON, 13 Aug— presentations on Milan, 123456789
TV Guide Volume 1, No. Munich, Hawaii and
6 will come out on 14 Barcelona cities to be
August (Friday). telecast through Travel
The book carries the & Living TV channel. Myanmar Fisheries Federation to
highlight stories and the Furthermore, the book
programmes for a week presents the programmes hold seminar
being broadcast through of other TV channels
MRTV-4 Free Channel. including 5 Movies, 5 YANGON, 13 Aug— Association, will take place Dr Myo Thant Tin of
Moreover, the readers Series, Cartoon Network With the sponsorship of at 2 pm on 15 August the federation will give
can taste the forecasts for and 5 Cartoon. TV Guide Parami Foundation, a (Saturday) in the building talks on MEDIO-Credit
the matches of football covers the programmes seminar jointly organized of Myanmar Fisheries Financing Scheme for
clubs from the English of Mandalay FM for a (Tel: 391186, 243893) by Myanmar Fisheries Federation on Bayintnaung SME and those interested
Premier League. In week. publishes the TV Guide Federation and Myanmar Road, West Gyogin, Insein may attend the talk.
addition, the highlight Novel Light Express every Friday.—MNA Prawn Entrepreneurs’ Township, here. MNA

14-8-09 NL 9 7/31/18, 1:44 AM

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