Score Mod. Wizard Spells Known Max Spell Level Weapon Damage Range Cost Armor AC Pen SPD Fum Cost
Score Mod. Wizard Spells Known Max Spell Level Weapon Damage Range Cost Armor AC Pen SPD Fum Cost
Score Mod. Wizard Spells Known Max Spell Level Weapon Damage Range Cost Armor AC Pen SPD Fum Cost
Score 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mod. -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 None None None None +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 Wizard Spells Known No spellcasting -2 spells* -2 spells* -1 spell* No adjustment No adjustment No adjustment No adjustment No adjustment No adjustment No adjustment +1 spell +1 spell +1 spell +2 spells +2 spells
* Minimum 1 spell. ** Based on Intelligence for Wizards and Personality for Clerics.
Weapon Battleaxe* Blackjack Blowgun Club Crossbow* Dagger Dart Flail Garrote Handaxe Javelin Lance# Longbow* Longsword Mace Polearm* Shortbow* Shortsword Sling Spear# Staff 2-Handed Sword* Warhammer
Range 20/40/60 80/160/240 10/20/30** 20/40/60** 10/20/30** 30/60/90** 70/140/210 50/100/150 40/80/160** -
Cost 7 gp 3 gp 6 gp 3 gp 30 gp 3 gp 5 sp 6 gp 2 gp 4 gp 1 gp 25 gp 40 gp 10 gp 5 gp 7 gp 25 gp 7 gp 2 gp 3 gp 5 sp 15 gp 5 gp
Armor Unarmored Padded Leather Studded Leather Hide Scale mail Chainmail Banded mail Half-plate Full plate Shield**
* Human and elf base speed is 30. Dwarf and halfling base speed is 20. ** Shields cannot be used with two-handed weapons.
Attack Roll Mod Melee Missile +2 +1 -1d -1d -1d -2 +2 +1d +1d +2 -2 -1d -1d -1d -1d -1 -2 +2 +1d +1d -2
* Two-handed weapon. Characters using two-handed weapons use a d16 on initiative checks. ** Strength modifier applies to damage with this weapon at close range only. *** Damage dealt is always subdual damage. These weapons are particularly effective when used with the element of surprise. A thief who succeeds in a backstab attempt with one of these weapons uses the second damage value listed. All other classes and all other thief attacks use the first value. Characters generally purchase normal straightedged daggers, but cultists, cave-dwellers, evil priests, alien worshipers, and other menacing villains carry curvy or ceremonial daggers known as athame, kris, or tumi. # These weapons inflict double damage on a mounted charge. A lance can only be used when mounted.
* And 50% chance of friendly fire if attack misses; see page 96.
The Dice Chain d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d10 d12 d14 d16 d20 d24 d30
Critical Hits* None None None Primary on max roll** Primary as normal
* Warriors and others with improved crit threat ranges (i.e., those who can crit on 19-20 or better) lose that ability when fighting two-handed. ** Primary hand scores a critical hit on a max die roll (16 on 1d16) that also beats targets AC (no automatic hit)
Example Deeds Blinding Attacks, Disarming Attacks, Pushbacks, Trips and Throws, Precision Shots, Rallying Maneuvers, Defensive Maneuvers, Signature Deeds, Weapon-Specific Deeds A Warrior or Dwarf can declare a Mighty Deed of Arms, prior to any attack. If his deed die is 3 or better and the attack lands (e.g., the total attack roll exceeds the targets AC), the Deed succeeds. Type Group of monsters Single monster Retainer
DC 5 10 15 20
Description Childs play, minor challenges with possibility of failure and/or consequences. Mans deed, weak and unskilled could not achieve these tasks. Feats of derring-do, it takes someone special to accomplish these tasks. Heros work, only the most super-human heroes attempt and succeed at these tasks.
A character can burn luck to give a one-time bonus to a roll on a 1 for +1 basis (or 1 for +2 if halfling), before or after his die roll. A character can only burn Luck to affect his own die rolls (except for halflings). Luck cannot be burned to affect the die roll of other characters or monsters, even if they affect the character. Warriors and Dwarfs may burn a point of Luck to avoid rolling on the Fumble Table. Wizards may burn a point of Luck to avoid rolling on the Corruption Table. Ability Damage Catching fire Charge Dropping a torch Falling Firing into melee Grappling Recover Armor Recovering missiles Subdual damage Unarmed combat Withdrawal
Trigger When the first creature is slain and when half the creatures have been killed or incapacitated. When it has lost half its hit points.
When first encountering combat or danger in each adventure and at the end of each adventure. Morale check = 1d20 + Will save, retainers also add their employers Personality modifier. Typical DC is 11.
Skill Ability Balancing Agility Breaking, bending, lifting Strength Climbing Strength or Agility Listening Luck Searching, spotting Intelligence Sneaking Agility Skill check (trained) = 1d20 + ability modifier vs. DC Skill check (untrained) = 1d10 + ability modifier vs. DC Each Round Free 1st Action Die 2nd Action Die Extra Action
Action Move (up to base speed)* Attack, Skill, Spell or Move Attack**, Skill, Spell or Move Dwarf shield bash
* Human/elf base speed is 30. Dwarf/halfling base speed is 20. ** A Wizard can only use his 2nd Action Die to cast a spell..
Activity Draw/sheathe weapon Equip or drop shield Open a door Light a torch or lantern Uncork potion or unfurl scroll Locate item in backpack Stand up from prone Mount or dismount steed Read a scroll or drink potion
* Can be included as part of a movement action.
Time 1 action* 1 action* 1 action* 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action v1.0 08.0412
Check 1-11 12-13 14-17 18-19 20-23 24-27 28-29 30-31 32+
Holy Smite Beam 60, 1d3 Cone 30, 1d4 Cone 60, 1d5 Cone 120, 1d6
1 HD NE T1 T1d3+CL T1d4+CL T1d6+CL T1d8+CL, D1d4 (NS) T2d6+CL, D1d4 (NS) K1d8+CL (NS) K2d6+CL (NS)
NS = No Save. NE = No Effect. T = Creatures up to this HD are turned in a quantity indicated. Unless indicated, turned creatures receive a saving throw (Will vs. turn check DC). A turned creature moves away from the cleric at maximum speed or cowers if unable to retreat. A turned creature continues to flee for 3d10 minutes. D = Creatures are turned, and they take the indicated damage on the first round of turning. K = Creatures are automatically killed. The number of creatures killed is indicated after the K. Holy Smite = In addition to the turning effect and directed in the same direction as the clerics line-of-sight for the turning attempt. All unholy creatures affected take the indicated damage automatically with no save. Beam: a concentrated ray of light that the cleric can direct against one target within 60. Cone: a cone is wide at its end as the length listed.
1 pp
Mod +1 to +3 -1
-1 +1 +1 -1
Condition Broken Limbs Organ Damage Disease Paralysis Poison Blindness or deafness
Description Very easy encounter with little to no damage or resource loss for the adventurers. This is the kind of encounter that no longer challenges a group and clearly does not advance their skill level. An encounter with damage and resource expenditure but relatively easy nonetheless. The typical easy encounter falls into this bracket. A typical encounter. The characters incurred damage and were required to utilize resources to survive the encounter. No fatalities or significant losses. A difficult encounter, even with good tactics. Significant damage and potentially permanent consequences, possibly even a fatality. An extremely difficult encounter, one that the party barely survives. Multiple character fatalities, significant character damage, and potentially a retreat of some kind required. Non-combat encounters may also be worth experience points (e.g., bypassing hazards; advancing past dangerous situations). Thieves should receive XP for bypassing traps (typically 1-2 points), and puzzles should likewise be worth XP to all who participated in solving them. Mundane, class-related activities (1XP) and non-combat activities appropriate to class (2XP) can be rewarded.