Industrial Electronics
Industrial Electronics
Industrial Electronics
THEORY: Uni&unction !ransistor also called 'double base diode( consists of a bar of lightly doped n)type silicon *ith a small piece of hea+ily doped P type material &oined to one side. $t has got three terminals. !hey are ,mitter -,./ Base1 -B1./ Base" -B"..Since the silicon bar is lightly doped/ it has a high resistance 0 can be represented as t*o resistors/ 1B1 0 1B". 2hen %B1B" 3 4/ a small increase in %, for*ard biases the emitter &unction. !he resultant plot of %, 0 $ , is simply the characteristics of for*ard biased diode *ith resistance. $ncreasing %,B1 reduces the emitter &unction re+erse bias. 2hen %,B1 3 %1B1 there is no for*ard or re+erse bias. 0 $, 3 4. $ncreasing %,B1 beyond this point begins to for*ard bias the emitter &unction. 5t the pea6 point/ a small for*ard emitter current is flo*ing. !his current is termed as pea6 current -$P.. Until this point U ! is said to be operating in cutoff region. 2hen $, increases beyond pea6 current the de+ice enters the negati+e resistance region. $n *hich the resistance 1B1 falls rapidly 0 %, falls to the +alley +oltage %+. 5t this point $, 3 $+. 5 further increase of $, causes the de+ice to enter the saturation region. Materials: 7uantity 1 !rainer 8it 1 9ab :anual 1 5mmeter 1 %oltmeter 1 #scilloscope Digi
Description U!
". Using the digital 9ab :anual feed a 4+ dc on port % B1B" and +ary the +alue of %,B1 / note do*n the readings of $, and %,B1. <. 1epeat step " but this time supply <+ dc on port % B1B" and +ary the +alue of %,B1 / note do*n the readings of $, and %,B1 until you reach supplying =+ dc on port %B1B". >. Plot the graph : $, %ersus %,B1 for constant %B1B". =. Find the intrinsic standoff ratio.
FORMULA FOR !TR !" # "TA!$OFF RAT O: ? 3 %P ) %D@ %B1B"./ *here %D 3 4.A%.
Percentage ,rror
4 1 " <
> =
&'(') * .&
&E'( +&,
E +-A, #bser+ed E +-A, ;alculated
Percentage ,rror
&'(') * /&
&E'( +&,
E +-A, E +-A,
Percentage ,rror
1. Be able to obser+e the beha+ior of the capacitor *hen it charges and discharges. ". Be able to obser+e the output pulses generated by the U ! and dra* a relationship from it to the charging discharging phenomena by the 1; circuit. T1eor2: !he relaBation oscillator is an application of the uni&unction transistor and 1, charges ;, until the pea6 point. !he uni&unction emitter terminal has no effect on the capacitor until this point is reached. #nce the capacitor +oltage/ %, reaches the pea6 +oltage point %P/ the lo*ered emitter)base 1 resistance Cuic6ly discharges the capacitor .#nce the capacitor discharges belo* the +alley point %%/ the ,)1B1resistance re+ert bac6 to high resistance/ and the capacitor is free to charge again. Materials: 7uantity 1 1
1 1
:ultimeter #scilloscope
Procedure: 1. ;onnect the 1elaBation #scillator !rainer as sho* in the figure belo*: ". Supply %B1B" *ith a =+ -dc. from the Digital 9ab :odule and set the +ariable resistor to 4D. <. ;onnect the <<D resistor and the .1micro Farad capacitor to the oscilloscope and obser+e its output *a+eform >. No* +ary the resistance of the +ariable resistor from 4)146D maB. =. ;ompare the output *a+eforms produced *hen +arying of the +ariable resistor is done. E. Notice at *hat 1; combination does the U ! beha+es as a normal diode meaning no current is passing emitter &unction and *hen is it turned on since the capacitor is constant. $ata% Results and Observations: %ariable 1esistorD 46 %out-m+. ;harging and Dissipating of the ;apacitor Pulses generated at the ouput
Name: Group No: Unijunction Transistor Application +$iode Pu-p Usin3 "taircase 4enerator, Objectives:
1. Be able to obser+e the output *a+eform of a diode pump generator. ". Be able to perform con+ersion of a digital input to an analog input. <. Be able to obser+e the pulse generated by the U !. T1eor2: Basically/ a diode pump stair case generator in some sense can be loo6ed at as a digital to analog con+erter. !he inputs are digital signals because you ha+e only pulsesH Iero to high and bac6 to Iero or Iero to minus so *e can consider it as digital input. 2hen feed into the diode pump staircase generator *hat you get is an analog output/ continuous +ariation of these pulses and this is in one sense can be also considered as the digital to analog con+ersion and this staircase generator is useful in many applications including cur+e tracing case of transistors and other de+ices. 2hen you *ant to change the base +oltages in steps you can use the staircase generator at the base so that it goes in steps of some +oltage and the base current 6eeps increasing. So this can be used for se+eral such applications. Materials: 7uantity 1 Description U ! !rainer 8it
1 1 1 1
Procedure: 1. ;onnect the diode pump staircase generator in accordance to the circuit diagram belo*: ". Supply the input *ith <+-dc. from the function generator and %B1B" *ith Iero +olts from the digital lab manual <. ;onnect the input and the emitter to the oscilloscope *ith reference to the common ground. >. #bser+e the output *a+eform produced on the oscilloscope and note do*n %out. =. No* set %B1B" to 1+ and obser+e the staircase generated by the diode pump. E. Periodically increase the +alue %B1B" and see the difference on each increase of the %B1B" to the staircase generated. $ata% Results and Observations: %B1B" %out $nput *a+eform and Staircase *a+eform
1. Be able to obser+e the beha+ior of the capacitor *hen it charges and discharges. ". Be able to obser+e the output pulses generated by the U ! and dra* a relationship from it to the charging discharging phenomena by the 1; circuit. T1eor2: !he relaBation oscillator is an application of the uni&unction transistor and 1, charges ;, until the pea6 point. !he uni&unction emitter terminal has no effect on the capacitor until this point is reached. #nce the capacitor +oltage/ %, reaches the pea6 +oltage point %P/ the lo*ered emitter)base 1 resistance Cuic6ly discharges the capacitor .#nce the capacitor discharges belo* the +alley point %%/ the ,)1B1resistance re+ert bac6 to high resistance/ and the capacitor is free to charge again.
Procedure: 1. ;onnect the 1elaBation #scillator !rainer as sho* in the figure belo*: ". Supply %B1B" *ith a =+-dc. from the Digital 9ab :odule and set the +ariable resistor to 4D. <. ;onnect the <<D resistor and the .1micro Farad capacitor to the oscilloscope and obser+e its output *a+eform >. No* +ary the resistance of the +ariable resistor from 4)146D maB. =. ;ompare the output *a+eforms produced *hen +arying of the +ariable resistor is done. E. Notice at *hat 1; combination does the U ! beha+es as a normal diode meaning no current is passing emitter &unction and it is turned on since the capacitor is constant. $ata% Results and Observations: %ariable 1esistorD %out-m+. ;harging and Dissipating of the ;apacitor Pulses generated at the ouput
Name: Group No: Unipolar Junction Transistor Objectives: <. Be able bias the U ! so it can be turned on and off. >. Determine the Stand #ff $ntrinsic %alue of U !.
THEORY: Uni&unction !ransistor also called 'double base diode( consists of a bar of lightly doped n)type silicon *ith a small piece of hea+ily doped P type material &oined to one side. $t has got three terminals. !hey are ,mitter -,./ Base1 -B1./ Base" -B"..Since the silicon bar is lightly doped/ it has a high resistance 0 can be represented as t*o resistors/ 1B1 0 1B". 2hen %B1B" 3 4/ a small increase in %, for*ard biases the emitter &unction. !he resultant plot of %, 0 $ , is simply the characteristics of for*ard biased diode *ith resistance. $ncreasing %,B1 reduces the emitter &unction re+erse bias. 2hen %,B1 3 %1B1 there is no for*ard or re+erse bias. 0 $, 3 4. $ncreasing %,B1 beyond this point begins to for*ard bias the emitter &unction. 5t the pea6 point/ a small for*ard emitter current is flo*ing. !his current is termed as pea6 current -$P.. Until this point U ! is said to be operating in cutoff region. 2hen $, increases beyond pea6 current the de+ice enters the negati+e resistance region. $n *hich the resistance 1B1 falls rapidly 0 %, falls to the +alley +oltage %+. 5t this point $, 3 $+. 5 further increase of $, causes the de+ice to enter the saturation region.
Materials: 7uantity " !rainer 8it " 9ab :anual " 5mmeter " %oltmeter 1
Description U! Digi
". Using the digital 9ab :anual feed a 1+ dc on port %B1B"/ +ary the +alue of %,B1/ note do*n the readings of $, and %,B1. <. 1epeat step " but this time supply <+ dc on port % B1B" and +ary the +alue of %,B1 / note do*n the readings of $, and %,B1 remember that to for*ard bias the U ! %,B1J%1B1. >. Plot the graph: $, %ersus %,B1 for constant %B1B". =. See the percentage error of the obser+ed and calculated +alues.
&'(') * (&
&E'( +&,
E +-A, #bser+ed E +-A, ;alculated
&'(') * .&
&E'( +&,
E +-A, #bser+ed E +-A, ;alculated
&'(') * /&
&E'( +&,
E +-A, E +-A,
Name: Group No: Unijunction Transistor Application +$iode Pu-p Usin3 "taircase 4enerator, Objectives:
1. Be able to obser+e the output *a+eform of a diode pump generator. ". Be able to perform con+ersion of a digital input to an analog input. <. Be able to obser+e the pulse generated by the U !. T1eor2: Basically/ a diode pump stair case generator in some sense can be loo6ed at as a digital to analog con+erter. !he inputs are digital signals because you ha+e only pulsesH Iero to high and bac6 to Iero or Iero to minus so *e can consider it as digital input. 2hen feed into the diode pump staircase generator *hat you get is an analog output/ continuous +ariation of these pulses and this is in one sense can be also considered as the digital to analog con+ersion and this staircase generator is useful in many applications including cur+e tracing case of transistors and other
de+ices. 2hen you *ant to change the base +oltages in steps you can use the staircase generator at the base so that it goes in steps of some +oltage and the base current 6eeps increasing. So this can be used for se+eral such applications. Materials: 7uantity " 1 " 1 1 Description U ! !rainer 8it Digital 9ab :anual :ultimeter Function generator #scilloscope
Procedure: 1. ;onnect the diode pump staircase generator in accordance to the circuit diagram belo*: ". Supply the input *ith <+-dc. sCuare *a+e from the function generator and %B1B" *ith Iero +olts from the digital lab manual <. ;onnect the input and the emitter to the oscilloscope *ith reference to the common ground. >. #bser+e also the output *a+eform produced on the oscilloscope and note do*n %out. =. No* set %B1B" to 1+ and obser+e the staircase generated by the diode pump. E. Periodically increase the +alue %B1B" and see the difference on each increase of the %B1B" to the staircase generated.
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