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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Exp. No.


AIM: To study the mode characteristics of reflex klystron. EQUIPMENTS: 1. 2. . ". &. ). .. 2. Klystron power supply Reflex Klystron with mount !solator #aria$le %ttenuator 're(uency meter *a+e,uide-detector mount with detector /icro ammeter0 #1*R meter *a+e ,uide stand and accessories.

PROCEDURE: a) Carrier Wave opera io! 1 2 %ssem$le the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure with microammeter as indicatin, 'ire the Klystron correctly for 3* operation with optimum $eam +olta,e %d4ust the repeller +olta,e to maximum ne,ati+e +alue and decrease it in steps power and fre(uency in ta$le. The fre(uency is the o5p each time. & ) of 1# and record o5p measured $y tunin, the fre(uency meter to ha+e a dip in meter

The fre(uency meter should $e detuned each time while measurin, power

6lot power5fre(uency +ersus repeller +olta,e to ,et mode cur+es-fi,ure 3ompute +arious parameters from the ,raph

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

") Mo#$%a e# &o$r'e (&)$are *ave opera io!) 1 2 %ssem$le the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure with #1*R meter as indicatin, 1et the mod-selector switch to %/-/7D position. Keep %/-/7D and %/'ire the Klystron correctly for s(uare wa+e operation with optimum $eam +olta,e " & ) %d4ust the modulation +olta,e and repeller +olta,e to o$tain maximum readin, %lso ad4ust the klystron tunin, plun,er for a maximum in #1*R meter. Repeat steps to ) of 3* procedure in the #1*R meter and read it on the power scale meter 'RE0 kno$ at the mid



Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Fi+$re: Mo#e C,ara' eri& i'& o- re-%e. /%0& ro!

K Klystron Kly 6ower 1upply

/icro ammeter

Klystron /ount > Tu$e


#aria$le attenuator

're(uency meter

Detector mount #1*R /eter

Fi+$re: Se $p -or & $#0 o- K%0& ro! $"e

Ta"%e: Mo#e C,ara' eri& i'& o- Re-%e. K%0& ro! 1l no Repeller +olta,e08 #9 /icroammeter readin, 8 : % 9 're(uency08 ;<=9

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Exp. No. : Date : 1UNN DIODE CHARACTERISTICS AIM: To study the ;unn oscillator as a source of microwa+e power and hence to study the characteristics $9 To find the threshold +olta,e. a9 !-#

EQUIPMENTS: 1 2 " & ) . ;unn 7scillator ;unn 7scillator power supply 6!N diode modulator !solator 're(uency meter %ttenuator Detector with tuna$le mount.

PROCEDURE: 1 1et the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure.

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab 2 1et the ;unn oscillator micrometer tunin, screw at suita$le fre(uency 8?@;<=9. %d4ust attenuator the ta$le 8read

for suita$le power le+el 3han,e ;unn $iasin, in steps of A.&# and record correspondin, currents in current in the panel meter of the ;unn power supply9 " & ) . 2 @ 1A 11 Draw the current +olta,e characteristic. 1et the ;unn $ias +olta,e a$o+e #o and with =ero attenuation. Record power Reduce the ;unn $iasin, in steps of A.&# and record correspondin, power 6lot power5fre(uency +ersus $ias characteristics *ith ;unn oscillator micrometer screw in the middle of its ran,e0 set ;unn fre(uency of oscillation +alue record in ta$le0 the power readin, cur+e-the /o+e micrometer screw to one extreme till power falls to a low $ut reada$le /o+e micrometer screw in the opposite direction in steps of A.&mm and $iasin, for maximum and fre(uency for and fre(uency

this ;unn diode $iasin,

power o5p and record in ta$le this power and

and correspondin, fre(uency till the screw reaches another extreme 6lot power +ersus fre(uency characteristics and fre(uency +ersus micrometer cali$ration cur+e


Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

#o #-- &

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Fi+$re: I23 C,ara' eri& i'& o- 1$!! o&'i%%a or

6ower 1upply K # Kly !

/icro %mmeter
Detector mount

;unn 7scillator


6!N /odulator

%ttenuator 'r. /eter

Fi+$re: Se $p -or ,e & $#0 o- 1$!! Dio#e

/icrometer Readin, C Ta"%e: I23 C,ara' eri& i'& 1l no Dias #olta,e 8#9

're(uency C 3urrent 8m%9 Threshold #olta,e 8#9

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Exp. No. : Date : FREQUENCY AND WA3ELEN1TH MEASUREMENT AIM: To determine the fre(uency and wa+elen,th in a rectan,ular wa+e,uide and to +erify the relation $etween EA 0 E,0 and Ec EQUIPMENTS : Klystron oscillaltor0 isolator0 fre(uency meter0 +aria$le attenuator0 standin, wa+e detector0 mo+a$le short terminator0 Klystron power supply and #1*R meter PROCEDURE: Frequency measurement: 1. 1et up the microwa+e $ench as shown in fi,ure 2. 1et +aria$le attenuator at minimum position . 1et #1*R meter at "AdD ". 1witch 7N klystron power supply. /odulate with 1k<= s(uare wa+e &. %d4ust the reflector +olta,e to ,et maximum deflection in the #1*R meter. ). /aximi=e the deflection with tu$in, pro$e in the #1*R meter 're(uency measurement usin, fre(uency meter

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab .. Tune the fre(uency meter until a dip is o$ser+ed in the #1*R meter. %lso tune the fre(uency meter to o$tain minimum deflection. Note fre(uency directly from fre(uency meter.

Wavelength measurement: 2. Replace the termination with +aria$le short. Detune the fre(uency meter. @. /o+e the pro$e alon, slotted line. The deflection in the #1*R meter will +ary. 1A. /o+e pro$e to minimum deflection point. 11. /o+e the pro$e to next minimum position and record the pro$e position. 3alculate ,uide wa+elen,th as twice the distance 12. 3alculate ,uide wa+elen,th as twice the distance $etween minimum positions. 1 . 3alculate fre(uency usin, the expression f C c where a is the inner dimension of wa+e,uide $roader side


Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

K Klystron Kly 6ower 1upply


Klystron /ount > Tu$e


#aria$le attenuator

're(uency meter

1lotted Fine #1*R /eter

Fi+$re: Se $p -or -re)$e!'0 4 *ave%e!+ , 5ea&$re5e! &


AIM: To study the attenuator characteristics $y a9 /easurin, the insertion loss and $9 6lottin, o5p power +ersus micrometer readin, for the ,i+en +aria$le attenuator. EQUIPMENTS: 1tandard microwa+e test $ench and the ,i+en test attenuator.

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab PROCEDURE: 1 2 " & ) . %ssem$le the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure with #1*R as indicatin, meter 'ire the Klystron correctly for %/-/7D operation with optimum $eam +olta,e 86A9 distur$in, the $ench. #1*R meter 8619. note down the plot the ,raph %d4ust for maximum power o5p 8? AdD9. Note the o5p power in #1*R meter !nsert the test attenuator $etween fre(uency meter and detector mount without /o+e the micrometer screw to fully released position. Note the o5p power in /o+e the micrometer screw in the opposite direction in steps of A.&mm and 'ind out the attenuation 861-629 +alue for different micrometer readin,s and K Kly Klystron 6ower 1upply

3alculate the insertion loss as 86A-619 correspondin, power 8629 from the #1*R meter

#1*R /eter

Klystron /ount > Tu$e

!solator %ttenuator

're(uency meter

Test %ttenuator

Detector mount

Fi+$re: Se $p -or & $#0i!+ a e!$a or ',ara' eri& i'&

Ta"%e: A e!$a or C,ara' eri& i'& 1l no /icrometer readin, 8mm9 o5p 6ower 8dD9 62 6A-62 8dD9

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Ca%'$%a io!: 're(uency of operation C !nput power 6A C 7utput power 61 C !nsertion loss C 6A-61 C RESULT:


AIM: To study the operation of isolator and circulator and hence to measure a9 !nsertion loss $9 !solation

EQUIPMENTS: 1tandard microwa+e test $ench and the ,i+en test isolator and circulator.

PROCEDURE: 1 2 %ssem$le the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure with #1*R as indicatin, meter 'ire the Klystron correctly for %/-/7D operation with optimum $eam +olta,e %d4ust for maximum power o5p 8? AdD9. Note the o5p power in #1*R meter 86A9

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab " !nsert the test isolator5circulator in the forward direction 8with arrow towards the detector9 $etween

fre(uency meter and detector mount without distur$in, the $ench. The third port of the circulator should $e terminated with a matched load. & ) . 2 Note the o5p power in #1*R meter 8619. 3alculate the insertion loss as 86A-619 'or measurement of isolation0 connect the isolator5circulator in the re+erse Note the o5p power in #1*R meter 8629. 3alculate isolation as 6A-62 The same should $e repeated for the other ports of the ,i+en circulator direction.

RESULT: 6ort

6ort 1


6ort 2


!solator 75p

Fi+$re: Cir'$%a or a!# I&o%a or

K Klystron Kly 6ower 1upply

#1*R /eter

Klystron /ount > Tu$e

!solator %ttenuator

're(uency meter

!solator5 circulator

Detector mount

Fi+$re: Se $p -or & $#0i!+ i&o%a or 4 'ir'$%a or

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Ta"%e: I!&er io! %o&& i5p port 6ort 1 6ort 2 6ort Ta"%e: I&o%a io! i5p port 6ort 1 6ort 2 6ort 6ower at i5p 8d$9 6ort 6ort 1 6ort 2 o5p port 6ower at o5p 8d$9 !solation loss 8d$9 6ower at i5p 8d$9 o5p port 6ort 2 6ort 6ort 1 6ower at o5p 8d$9 !nsertion loss 8d$9

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Exp. No. : Date : DIRECTIONAL COUPLER AIM: To measure the couplin, factor0 insertion loss and directi+ity EQUIPMENTS: 1tandard microwa+e test $ench and the directional coupler under test and matched load. PROCEDURE: 1 2 " %ssem$le the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure with #1*R as indicatin, meter 'ire the Klystron correctly for %/-/7D operation with optimum $eam +olta,e %d4ust for maximum power o5p 8? AdD9. Note the o5p power in #1*R meter 86i9 !nsert the test directional coupler in the forward direction $etween fre(uency meter and detector mount without distur$in, the $ench and connect the detector to terminated in matched load & ) . Note the auxiliary arm o5p power in #1*R meter 86ao90 ie.0 the power coupled to Now carefully interchan,e the detector of the auxiliary line o5p and matched load Note the main arm o5p power in #1*R meter 86o90 and calculate insertion loss the auxiliary of the main 8F9 as 6i-6o arm. %lso calculate the couplin, factor 839 as 6i-6ao. line without distur$in, the setup. the auxiliary arm with the main arm o5p

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab 2 @ 1A Restore the ori,inal arran,ement0 with the exception that the directional coupler Note the auxiliary arm o5p power in #1*R meter 86d90 it is assumed that 6i is 3ompute the isolation 8!9 as 6i-6d and also check !C3>D under test $e in the same as $efore. The

re+erse direction. directi+ity 8D9 is calculated as 6ao-6d


6ort 6ort "

!5p0 6ort 1

75p 6ort 2

Fi+$re: Dire' io!a% 'o$p%er K Klystron Kly 6ower 1upply /atched load #1*R /eter !solator >%ttenuator >'r. /eter
Directional %ux arm /ain arm 3oupler

Klystron /ount > Tu$e

Detector mount

Fi+$re: Se $p -or & $#0i!+ i&o%a or 4 'ir'$%a or Ca%'$%a io!: 're(uency of operation C Ta"%e: Dire' io!a% 'o$p%er 1l no 6i 8d$9 6ao 6o 8d$9 6d 8d$9 3 8dD9 F 8dD9 D 8dD9 !C

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab 8d$9 1 2 Exp. No. : Date : E2PLANE TEE 4 H2PLANE TEE AIM: To study the properties of E- and <-plane tee 4unctions and to determine isolations and couplin, coefficients. EQUIPMENTS: 1tandard microwa+e test $ench and the E- and <-plane tee 4unctions under test and matched load PROCEDURE: 1 2 " & ) . 2 %ssem$le the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure .1 with #1*R as indicatin, meter 'ire the Klystron correctly for %/-/7D operation with optimum $eam +olta,e %d4ust for maximum power o5p 8? AdD9. Note the o5p power in #1*R meter !nsert the test E-plane tee 4unction $etween fre(uency meter and detector mount Determine the isolation in deci$els $y notin, the o5p le+el in the #1*R meter 8d$ !nterchan,e the position of the detector and matched load and determine the 86i9 without distur$in, scale9 isolation in deci$els 3>D 8dD9

the $ench. and connect the detector to one of the ports and terminate the other in a matched load.

$y notin, the chan,e in the o5p le+el Repeat steps "0 & and ) for other orientations of the tee as well as for <-plane tee also. 3alculate the couplin, coefficient from 3C1A 8-G52A90 where G is the attenuation. 1u$stitute the isolation calculate couplin, coefficient.

calculated in each case as G and hence RESULT:

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

2 1 H2P%a!e Tee

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

1 E2P%a!e Tee

K Klystron Kly 6ower 1upply !solator >%ttenuator >'r. /eter

/atched load

#1*R /eter

Klystron /ount > Tu$e

E-0 <-plane Tee

Detector mount

Fi+$re: Se $p -or & $#0i!+ E6 H2p%a!e

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Ca%'$%a io!: 're(uency of operation C Ta"%e: I!&er io! %o&& i5p port 6ort 1 6ort 2 6ort 6ower at i5p 8dD9 o5p port 6ort 2 6ort 6ort 1 6ort 6ort 1 6ort 2 G2 C 8!2 >! 2952 C 6ower at o5p 8dD9 !nsertion loss 8dD9 !12 C !1 C !21 C !2 C ! 1C ! 2C G C 8!1 >! 1952

G1 C 8!12>!21952 C

<ence the correspondin, couplin, factors are 31 C 32 C 3 C Exp. No. : Date : LOW 3SWR MEASUREMENT AIM: To study the method of measurin, #1*R at the input of the component under test or unknown load when #1*R B 1A EQUIPMENTS: 1tandard microwa+e test $ench and slotted section slide screw tuner and components under test. PROCEDURE: 1 2 " %ssem$le the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure with microammeter as indicatin, 'ire the Klystron correctly for 3* operation with optimum $eam +olta,e Tune the detector $y ad4ustin, the stu$ len,th for maximum meter deflection. %lso set the slide screw tuner for the desired #1*R meter Terminate the load end with the ,i+en slide screw tuner followed $y the matched load.

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab & ) . 2 1et the pro$e position for maximum readin, on microammeter. That is at +olta,e maximum of the /o+e the pro$e alon, the slotted line and ad4ust it at minimum position0 read and record in ta$le. 3alculate the #1*R as 8!max5!min9152. Repeat the same for different components. !f a #1*R meter is used in place of microammeter0 set the klystron for s(uare follow the followin, steps @ 1A %d4ust the ,ain of the #1*R meter amplifier to ,i+e full scale deflection to read 1.AA on the #1*R /o+e the pro$e alon, the slotted line and ad4ust it at minimum position0 note the #1*R meter meter at the +olta,e maximum 8step &9 readin,. This ,i+es the #1*R directly when the maximum is set for 1.AA No e 7: % slide screw tuner can $e used $etween the slotted section and the component for ,eneratin, any desired #1*R $etween 1 and 1A. No e 8: % matched load has a #1*R close to unity. <ence to measure the #1*R of this matched load0 the slide screw tuner setup should $e remo+ed and only the matched load is connected. Then the measurement procedure is same as $efore0 $ut since the #1*R is close to unity0 #1*R readin, is taken after the #1*R meter scale is set in the 1 to H ran,e. !f the readin, is less than 1. 0 then it is chan,ed o+er to EI6%NDED 1*R scale when the slotted line pro$e is in the field minimum position. This readin, ,i+es the #1*R of the matched load which will $e close to unity 8 do the experiment for 19 open ended wa+e ,uide 29 a $lank flan,e 9 a terminated fixed attenuator No e 9: U!%oa#e# Q o- a Cavi 0 re&o!a or: 3onnect the ,i+en test ca+ity in place of slide screw tuner and matched load. /easure the #1*R for different fre(uencies and compute the J of the ca+ity as explained in appendix. wa+e modulation and

standin, wa+e. Record the meter readin, in the ta$le


Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

S a!#i!+ *ave pa er!&

K Klystron Kly 6ower 1upply !solator >%ttenuator > 'r. /eter

Detector /ount

#1*R /eter

1lotted section

1lide 1crew Tuner

/atched Foad

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Klystron /ount > Tu$e

Fi+$re: Se $p -or & $#0i!+ 3SWR

Ca%'$%a io!: Ta"%e: Lo* 3SWR 5ea&$re5e! 1l no /aximum readin, K! max 8:%9L /inimum readin, K! min 8:%9L 1C

K !n #1*R meter set the maximum readin, as 10 hence minimum readin, directly ,i+es the #1*RL Ta"%e: Lo* 3SWR 5ea&$re5e! ( 3SWR 5e er) 1l no 1C

Ca%'$%a io! : Q o- a re&o!a! 'avi 0 f1 C J C 8f2Cf195fo C f2C foC

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Exp. No. : Date : HI1H 3SWR MEASUREMENT AIM: To study the method of measurin, #1*R at the input of the component under test or unknown load when #1*R M 1A EQUIPMENTS: 1tandard microwa+e test $ench and slotted section slide screw tuner and components under test. PROCEDURE: 1 2 " & pattern ) . 2 /o+e the pro$e carria,e $y a distance less than E5" towards ,enerator and record its position 8x19 in set in step & when meter readin, /o+e the pro$e carria,e towards load $y a distance less than E52 to a position 3ompute the 1*R usin, 1C E,5N8x2-x19 !f a #1*R meter is used in place of microammeter0 set the klystron for s(uare follow the followin, steps @ 1A 1et the minimum meter readin, of step & as d$ in the #1*R meter /o+e the pro$e carria,e $y a distance less than E5" towards ,enerator and record its position 8x19 in wa+e modulation and ta$le where meter readin, is dou$le of the minimum readin, is a,ain dou$led. Record its position 8x29 in ta$le. %ssem$le the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure with microammeter as indicatin, 'ire the Klystron correctly for 3* operation with optimum $eam +olta,e Tune the detector $y ad4ustin, the stu$ len,th for maximum meter deflection. %lso set the slide screw tuner for the desired #1*R 8M1A9 /easure and record minimum meter readin, with pro$e carria,e at the minimum of standin, wa+e meter Terminate the load end with the ,i+en slide screw tuner followed $y the matched load.

ta$le where meter readin, is A.AAd$

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab 11 12 /o+e the pro$e carria,e towards load $y a distance less than E52 to a position 3ompute the 1*R usin, 1C E,5N8x2-x19 when meter readin,

is a,ain A.AAd$. Record its position 8x29 in ta$le.

T,e +$i#e *ave %e!+ , ;+ i& 5ea&$re# a& *i'e ,e #i& a!'e "e *ee! *o &$''e&&ive 5i!i5a The experiment can $e repeated for different fre(uencies RESULT:



Fi+$re: Do$"%e 5i!i5a 5e ,o# -or 3SWR 5ea&$re5e!

K Klystron Kly 6ower 1upply !solator >%ttenuator > 'r. /eter

Detector /ount

#1*R /eter

Klystron /ount > Tu$e

1lotted section

1lide 1crew Tuner

/atched Foad

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Fi+$re: Se $p -or & $#0i!+ Hi+, 3SWR

Ca%'$%a io!: ;uide *a+e len,th C Ta"%e: Hi+, 3SWR 5ea&$re5e! /inimum readin, K! min 8:%9L I18cm9 I2 8cm9 1C E,5N8x2-x19 're(uency of operation C

1l no

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Exp. No. : Date : IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT AIM: To measure the unknown impedance of the ,i+en de+ice EQUIPMENTS: 1tandard microwa+e test $ench0 slotted section0 iris $acked with a matched load 8a flat plate with round hole9 as unknown impedance and $lank flan,e. PROCEDURE: 1 2 " " %ssem$le the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure with #1*R meter as indicatin, 'ire the Klystron correctly for %/-/7D operation with optimum $eam +olta,e %d4ust for maximum power o5p 8? AdD9. Terminate the slotted section with the $lank flan,e and accurately measure the len,th. the new positions of 3onnect the de+ice under test in place of $lank flan,e and measure #1*R and position of the +olta,e minima 8119. 81ee fi,ure9 .%lso calculate ,uide wa+e the minima 8I19. The #1*R can $e used to calculate for calculatin, the phase of & #1*R +alue 1 and E,. 3ompute the unknown load impedance of the ,i+en de+ice from the lmin0 1 and E, analytically as OFCOo 81-41tanPlmin95 81-4tanPlmin9 or $y usin, smith chart. meter

ma,nitude and the shift in position of the minima

the reflection coefficient. Note down lmin C 11-I1. %lso determine the


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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Klystron K Kly1upply 6ower

Detector /ount

#1*R /eter

Klystron /ount > Tu$e

!solator >%ttenuator >'r. /eter

1lotted section


/atched Foad

Fi+$re: Se $p -or I5pe#a!'e 5ea&$re5e! Ca%'$%a io!: Ta"%e: I5pe#a'e 5ea&$re5e! 1l. no 11 8cm9 12 8cm9 I18cm9 E, 8cm9 lmin 8cm9

;uide wa+e len,th C #1*R0 1 C Omin C

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab P C 2N5E, C OFCOo 81-41tanPlmin95 81-4tanPlmin9 C

Exp. No. : Date : DIELECTRIC CONSTANT MEASUREMENT AIM: To study the two-point method for measurin, dielectric constant of the ,i+en low loss solid dielectric 8Teflon9 EQUIPMENTS: 1tandard microwa+e test $ench and slotted section samples of ,i+en dielectric and $lank flan,e. PROCEDURE 1 2 %ssem$le the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure with microammeter as indicatin, 'ire the Klystron correctly for 3* operation with optimum $eam +olta,e meter. Terminate the load end with the short circuit.

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Tune the detector $y ad4ustin, the stu$ len,th for maximum meter deflection. " *ith no sample in the shorted wa+e ,uide0 measure and record in the ta$le the taken as d1min free space positions of standin, wa+e minima0 startin, from any ar$itrary plane d CA as position of the first minima is & ) . 2 @ 1A shown in fi,ure. 3ompute ,uide wa+elen,th. The

Qsin, fre(uency meter determine the fre(uency of operation and compute the

wa+elen,th 8+erify the +alue $y usin, E, and EcC2a9 Remo+e the short circuit0 insert ,ently the dielectric sample and replace the short- circuit in such a /easure and record in ta$le the position of the standin, wa+e +olta,e minima 'ind out the #1*R. /easure and record wa+e,uide dimensions. 8'or necessary theory refer appendix9 3alculate the dielectric constant 8detailed description of the calculations are shown in appendix9 from the same manner that it touches the end of the sample reference plane as chosen in step &. The position of the first minima 8with dielectric is taken as d2min9


Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Klystron 6ower 1upply

Detector /ount


Klystron /ount > Tu$e

!solator >%ttenuator 'r. /eter

1lotted section with dielectric

1hort circuit

Fi+$re: Se $p -or 5ea&$ri!+ ,e #ie%e' ri' 'o!& a! Ca%'$%a io!&: *a+e,uide dimension 0 aC 3ut of wa+elen,th Ec 8C2a9 C 're(uency of operation C ;uide wa+e len,th E, 8without dielectric9 C ;uide wa+elen,th Ed 8with dielectric9 C Ta"%e: Die%e' ri' 'o!& a! 1l no 1ample Thickness t1 8cm9 d 1min 8cm9 d2min 8cm9 tan P8R1>t1995 8P t19 tan 8Pdt195 8Pd t19 6ossi$le +alues of I I1 C I2 C I C I1 C I2 C I C I1 C I2 C I C $C

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Exp. No. : Date : HORN ANTENNA AIM: To study the E-plane and <-plane radiation pattern of a pyramidal horn antenna and compute a9 Deam width $9 Directional ,ain of the antenna. EQUIPMENTS: 1tandard microwa+e test $ench0 horn antennae0 wa+e,uide twist etc. . PROCEDURE: 1 2 meter %d4ust for maximum power o5p 8? AdD9. Record this power recei+ed in the ta$le " & ) . 2 Rotate the recei+in, antenna in steps of 1Ade,. 7n $oth the sides and enter it in 6lot the E plane radiation pattern and determine the half power $eam width SE. Repeat the procedure after replacin, the wa+e,uide twists with a strai,ht wa+e 3ompute the directional ,ain of the antenna usin, ;C 1 3ompare it with the theoretical +alue of ;C2Na$5 Eo2 2)5 SE S< the ta$le compare it with the ,uide and compute %ssem$le the e(uipment as shown in fi,ure with horns properly ali,ned and parallel to the ,round distance $etween antennas e(ual to dou$le of rmin M 2D25Eo . E +ector must $e

'ire the Klystron correctly for 3* operation with optimum $eam +olta,e micrometer as indicatin,

theoretical +alue 8SE.C& Eo5$9 S< 8S<.C2AEo5a9

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Fi+$re: Se $p -or & $#0i!+ Hor! a! e!!a


- d$


A 2A %n,ular displacement

Fi+$re: A! e!!a ra#ia io! pa er!6 re' a!+$%ar p%o Ta"%e: A! e!!a -ie%# pa er! 1l no E-plane settin, o5p current 8:%9 <-plane settin, o5p current 8:%9

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab %n,ular 1 2 " & ) . 2 @ 1A 11 12 1 1" 1& 1) 1. 12 settin, 8de,9 & 1A 1& 2A 2& A & "A "& &A && )A )& .A .& 2A 2& @A Feft ri,ht %n,ular settin, & 1A 1& 2A 2& A & "A "& &A && )A )& .A .& 2A 2& @A Feft ri,ht

Ca%'$%a io!&: *a+e,uide dimension0 a C 're(uency of operation C 'ree space wa+elen,th C SE.C& Eo5$ C S<.C2AEo5a C ;C 1 2)5 SE S< C ;C2Na$5 Eo2 C RESULT: $C

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab


Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

I!& r$' io!& o ,e & $#e! &: 7 1e!era%:

%ll laws and rules of the 1%1TR% Qni+ersity apply to the use of this la$. !n particular0 uniform and attendance are compulsory. !t is the responsi$ility of any user of Qni+ersity facilities to know and a$ide $y all Qni+ersity re,ulations. 8 La" Repor &:

Fa$ reports are re(uired of indi+idual students0 and are due two weeks after the correspondin, experiment has $een completed. 1tudents are encoura,ed to keep a la$ note$ook to record ori,inal data0 e(uipment layout0 and notes a$out the experiment. Reports should $e neat and clearly or,ani=ed0 and should include ori,inal data sheets. ;raphs should $e neatly drawn0 either usin, a computer ,raphics packa,e0 or $y hand. Each ,raph axis of a ,raph must include a title and units. 9 Care o- E)$ip5e! :

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

6lease $e +ery careful with the microwa+e test e(uipment0 as it is +ery delicate0 and expensi+e to repair or replace. !f you suspect somethin, is not operatin, correctly0 report it to the la$ technician. De especially careful when usin, connectors to a+oid $reakin, pins and cross-threadin,. !f at any time you are uncertain a$out la$ safety0 please ask the la$-in-char,e $efore proceedin,. /ake sure that all e(uipment you used has $een turned off and returned to the place you o$tained it from. = Mi'ro*ave Ra#ia io! Ha>ar#&

Excessi+e exposure to electroma,netic fields0 includin, microwa+e radiation0 can $e harmful. %lthou,h the power le+els used in /icrowa+e !nstructional Fa$ are +ery low and should not present a health risk0 it is still prudent to0 ? ? ? "e a*are o- ,e re'o55e!#e# &a-e po*er %i5i & "e a*are o- ,e po*er #e!&i ie& *i , *,i', 0o$ *i%% "e *or/i!+ $&e +oo# *or/ ,a"i & o 5i!i5i>e e.po&$re o ra#ia e# -ie%#&

The (uestion of what is a TsafeT radiation le+el is contro+ersialU like hi,hway speed limits0 all we can say with total certainty is that less is safer. /icrowa+e radiation is nonioni=in,0 so the main $iolo,ical effect is induced heatin,0 which may occur relati+ely deep inside the $ody to affect sensiti+e or,ans. <ealth risks increase accordin, to the power density and the duration of the exposure. The eye is the most sensiti+e or,an0 and studies ha+e shown that cataracts can de+elop from exposures as short as 1.& hours to power densities of 1&A m*5cm2. Thus0 usin, a safety factor of more than 1A0 the current Q1 safety standard0 3@&.1-1@@10 recommends a maximum exposure power density of 1A m *5cm2 , at fre(uencies a$o+e 1A ;<=0 with lower le+els at lower fre(uencies. Dy comparison0 the power density from the sun on a clear day is a$out 1AA m*5cm20 $ut most of this power is $eyond the microwa+e spectrum0 and so does not enter deeply into the $ody. The sources used in the /icrowa+e !nstructional Fa$oratory0 such as klystron ,enerators and ;unn diodes0 ha+e power outputs in the 1A - 1& m * ran,e. !n most cases0 there is little dan,er of $ein, exposed to radiation at these power le+els $ecause our experiments use coaxial lines or wa+e,uide0 which pro+ide a hi,h de,ree of shieldin,. !t is possi$le0 howe+er0 to encounter power densities near the Q1 recommended limit at the end of an open-ended coaxial ca$le or wa+e,uide. 1uch power densities exist only ri,ht at the open end of the

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab coax line or wa+e,uide0 due to the 15r2 decrease of radiated power with distance. 'or example0 at a distance of 1A cm from a wa+e,uide flan,e with an input power of 2A m*0 the 'riis formula ,i+es the power density as0

which is seen to $e far $elow the recommend safety limits. E+en thou,h there should $e little dan,er from microwa+e radiation ha=ards in the la$0 the followin, work ha$its are recommended whene+er workin, with R' or microwa+e e(uipment: ? ? ? Never %oo/ i! o ,e ope! e!# o- a *ave+$i#e or ra!&5i&&io! %i!e ,a i& Do !o p%a'e a!0 par o- 0o$r "o#0 a+ai!& ,e ope! e!# o- a *ave+$i#e or T$r! o-- ,e 5i'ro*ave po*er &o$r'e *,e! a&&e5"%i!+ or #i&a&&e5"%i!+ 'o!!e' e# o o ,er

e)$ip5e! : ra!&5i&&io! %i!e: 'o5po!e! &

Appe!#i.2 A

Mi'ro*ave Te& <e!',

% standard microwa+e experimental setup is shown in the followin, fi,ure. The explanation of the important components is also follows

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Fi+$re: Se $p -or a Mi'ro*ave e& "e!', 7 Re-%e. K%0& ro! a!# 1$!! Dio#e O&'i%%a or. /easurement of any electrical parameter re(uires a si,nal source. 'or microwa+e measurements we need a microwa+e source which ,enerates si,nal at microwa+e fre(uencies. !n the la$oratory these microwa+e si,nals are produced either $y a Reflex Klystron which is an electron tu$e or a ;unn diode oscillator which $ased on microwa+e semiconductor. !n Klystron the kinetic ener,y of electrons are con+erted into microwa+es $y +elocity modulation of electron $eam inside the tu$e. !mportant parts of a Reflex Klystron are cathode0 ca+ity resonator0 and repeller. The Reflex Klystron uses two types of re,ulated +olta,es0 a hi,h positi+e dc +olta,e called $eam +olta,e for the acceleratin, ,rid and a hi,h ne,ati+e dc +olta,e for the repeller. Doth the +olta,es can $e +aried. These +olta,es are produced separately in a re,ulated power supply unit. /icrowa+e fre(uencies are of the order of ;<=. !t cannot $e measured $y a 3R7 which has a fre(uency ran,e of few /<=. Therefore the output of Reflex Klystron has to $e amplitude modulated and this is done $y superimposin, 1K<= s(uare wa+e modulatin, si,nal on the dc repeller +olta,e. The power output from a Reflex Klystron used in the la$oratory produces a few milliwatts of power.

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication

Microwave & Optical Communication Lab %nother microwa+e source is ;unn diode oscillator which needs a low +olta,e of order of few +olts. ;unn diode oscillations are produced when two terminal $ulk de+ice made of ;a%s or !n6 is su$4ected to hi,h electric fields. %t these hi,h electric fields0 the de+ices exhi$it ne,ati+e differential conducti+ity and so they produce oscillations at microwa+e fre(uencies when they are located in in a microwa+e ca+ity resonator. %s in the case Klystron the microwa+e si,nals ha+e to $e amplitude modulated. !n a ;unn diode oscillator this is done either $y superimposin, a 1 K<= s(uare wa+e si,nal on the dc $ias source or $y a 6!N modulator externally. 8 Ferri e I&o%a or. %n isolator is a two port de+ice which produces minimum attenuation for propa,atin, si,nals in one direction and +ery hi,h attenuation in the opposite direction. This property is exhi$ited when a microwa+e ferrite material in a wa+e,uide is su$4ected to a steady ma,netic field. *hen the isolator is inserted $etween the microwa+e source and the load0 almost all power is transmitted to the load0 $ut the reflected si,nal from the load is not fed$ack to the source. This eliminates the undesira$le +ariations in source output or fre(uency due to chan,in, loads. Thus the ferrite isolator effecti+ely isolates the source and the load for the reflected si,nal. The amount of isolation pro+ided $y an isolator is of the order of 2A- A dD in the $ackward direction. The insertion loss is a$out A.& dD. 9 Fre)$e!'0 Me er: % fre(uency meter is of a$sorption type resonator is a +aria$le ca+ity resonator and is weakly coupled into the mainline. This is tuned to resonance $y ad4ustin, the len,th of the ca+ity usin, a micrometer if it is an indirect type or a drum if it is direct type. *hen the fre(uency meter is ad4usted to resonance0 it throws a weak short circuit across its point of connection with the main ,uide and hence a dip in the meter readin, results in the #1*R meter. !n indirect type fre(uency meter the fre(uency is found $y a cali$ration chart which ,i+es the relation $etween micrometer readin, and microwa+e fre(uencies. !n direct type fre(uency meter the fre(uencies are ,i+en on the drum. = 3aria"%e A e!$a or:

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab /icrowa+e attenuators or pads are used to control the le+el of si,nal power from the microwa+e source to the load to the re(uired le+el. !n the flap type attenuator a resisti+e card enters the wa+e,uide throu,h a slot in the $road wall0 there$y interceptin, and a$sor$in, a portion of the electroma,netic wa+e. The amount of attenuation is +aried from =ero to a maximum +alue of a$out AdD. @ S%o e# Li!e: % slotted line is a piece of transmission line like rectan,ular wa+e,uide with a slot in that. The width of the slot is small enou,h to a+oid any distortion in the ori,inal field confi,uration inside the wa+e,uide. <owe+er0 the slot is $i, enou,h to accommodate a coaxial E-field pro$e mounted on a carria,e which could $e mo+ed alon, the slot at a constant depth to achie+e uniform couplin, coefficient $etween the electric field inside the wa+e,uide and the pro$e in all positions. The len,th of the slot will $e a$out 1&cm0 enou,h to co+er 2- wa+elen,ths to ensure the possi$ility of findin, se+eral maxima and minima of standin, wa+e pattern. % scale is fixed to the ,uide and a #ernier scale is fixed to the pro$e carria,e for len,th measurements. The pro$e fixed in the pro$e carria,e ,enerally can mo+ed up and down $y screw mechanism to the control depth of penetration. !f the penetration is too deep0 it may function as o$stacle and distur$ the field lines inside the ,uide. !f the too small0 then it pro+ides loose couplin, to the electric field and the +olta,e de+eloped in the pro$e may $e too small for measurement. A Dio#e De e' or: The crystal diode detector used in the slotted line a microwa+e crystal rectifier consistin, of a tun,sten wire that is pointed to diameters of a$out 2.&microns. This is pressed a,ainst a n-type or p-type silicon chip. The a$o+e metal-semiconductor com$ination when suita$ly processed results in a rectifyin, contact and hence can $e used for detectin, the microwa+es. %t power le+els $elow A.A1mw 8-2AdD9 the crystal $eha+es like a s(uare law detector and as a linear detector at A.1mw 8-1AdD9 The current-+olta,e relation of a point contact diode such as 1N2 D used as a detector element in the pro$e is of the form !d C !A8ea# V 19

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab where !A and WaX are diode constants. %t low power le+el0 the +olta,e applied to the detector will $e +ery low and therefore approximatin, we ,et !d C !A 8 a# > a2#252 > Y9 !f we assume the +olta,e applied to a microwa+e detector is # C #AcosZt0 the a$o+e e(uation $ecomes !d C !A [ a #AcosZt> 8a2#25"98 1> cos2Zt9\ The ac components are filtered out $y the $y-pass capacitors thus ,i+in, !d C !Aa2#A25" 8or9 !d C k#A where k C !Aa25" This e(uation shows that for small si,nals picked up $y the pro$e from the field in the wa+e,uide0 the crystal detector follows s(uare-law and the detector is called a s(uare-law detector. 3orrespondin, to +olta,e maximum and +olta,e minimum on the line0 the detector current will $e !dmax C k#max2 and !dmin C k#min2 Therefore the standin, wa+e ratio $ecomes 1 C #max5#min C ]8!dmax5!dmin9 1o the #1*R in a slotted line is ,i+en $y the s(uare root of the ratio of maximum diode current to minimum diode current. The output of the detector could either $e applied to an ammeter or to a #1*R meter to measure the #1*R. B 3SWR Me er The #1*R meter is a hi,h ,ain +olta,e amplifier tuned to a fixed fre(uency of 1 K<=. The amplifier has a +aria$le ,ain and the maximum ,ain possi$le is a$out )AdD which could $e altered in steps of 1AdD. There is also a course ,ain control and a fine ,ain control for continuous +ariation of ,ain. There are three scales for measurement of #1*R and each scale can $e selected throu,h a switch. 7ne scale has the #1*R ran,e from 1 to H and another one from to 1A. 'or measurement of #1*R less than 1.&0 there is an expanded scale which can measure #1*R from 1 to 1. 0 and this ensures accuracy of measurement when #1*R is low. There is also dD scale and dD expanded scale which will $e useful for measurement off hi,h #1*R. The klystron should $e operated in %/-/7D 8s(uare modulated9 mode when it is used with the #1*R /eter.

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab


T*o poi! 5e ,o# o- 5ea&$ri!+ #ie%e' ri' 'o!& a! :

!n this method a rectan,ular wa+e,uide terminated $y a metal plate act as a short circuit is connected to the o5p end of the slotted section. The +olta,e minimum 8d1min9 is located. The dielectric under test is shaped so as to fit into the wa+e,uide. The sample thickness t1 fitted into the wa+e,uide end and is $acked $y a short circuit metal plate. The new +olta,e minimum 8d2min9 is located $y usin, the impedance relation Od tan 8Pd d1min9 C -Oo tan 8P d2min9 ---- 1 The followin, transcendental e(uation can $e deri+ed tan 8Pd t195 Pd t1 C tan 8P 8R1>t1995 P t1 where R1Cd1min-d2min is the shift in the position of minimumU PC2N5E, and Pd denote the phase constants in the empty wa+e,uide and the dielectric0 respecti+ely. The e(uation is sol+e for Pd t1 and the dielectric constant of the sample is calculated from the relation PdC2N5EoK^r:r-8 Eo82a99L152 where :r C1 and a width of the ,uide The solution of e(n.1 ,i+es multiple roots. The measurement is repeated with a second ample of thickness t2 and Pd is determined. The correct solution is the one common to $oth the measurements.

Appe!#i.2 C:

De er5i!a io! o- Cavi 0 Q "0 3SWR 5ea&$re5e! :

3a+ities such as those incorporated within a tu$e normally ha+e only one couplin, such as those incorporated within a tu$e normally ha+e only one couplin, connection0 that throu,h which power is extracted in operation. 'or such a ca+ity0 the half power fre(uencies are determined $y impedance measurement. This is $ecause the #1*R set up in the line that feeds the resonator is uni(uely related to the e(ui+alent ca+ity impedance in which the line is terminated. <alf power fre(uencies may $e found directly from #1*R measurements. The circuit used for #1*R measurement can $e used for this purpose. Terminate the $ench with the sin,le ca+ity resonator. Note down the #1*R +alue for +arious fre(uency +alues and plot fre(uency +ersus 1 +alue ,raph. 'rom the ,raph note down fo0 f1 and f2 and hence calculate J as JC8f2-f195fo

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab








Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab AIM: To measure propa,ation loss and $endin, loss for two plastic fi$ers. EQUIPMENTS: Fink-D kit with power supply0 patch chords0 2A/<= dual channel oscilloscope0 1/<= function ,enerator0 1_ m fi$er ca$le.

PROCEDURE: 1. /ake the connections. 3onnect the power supply ca$les with proper polarities to link-D kit. *hile connectin, this ensures that the power supply is 7''. 2. Keep the 1*@ towards TI1 position for 1'<.&) . Keep 4umpers and 1*2 positions as shown in fi,. ". Keep intensity control pot 62 towards minimum position. &. 1witch 7N power supply. ). 'eed a$out 2#p-p sinusoidal si,nal of 1 k<= from the function ,enerator to the !N post of analo, $uffer. .. 3onnect the output post 7QT of analo, $uffer to the post TI !N of transmitter. 2. 1li,htly unscrew the cap of 1'<.&) # 8))Anm9.Do not remo+e the cap from the connector. 7nce the cap is loosened0 insert the 1m fi$er in to the cap. Now ti,hten the cap $y unscrewin, it $ack @. 3onnect the other end of the fi$er to the detector 1'< &A# 8phototransistor detector9 +ery carefully as per the instructions a$o+e. 1A. 7$ser+e the detected si,nal at post %N%F7; 7QT on oscilloscope. %d4ust intensity control pot 62 optical power control potentiometer so that you recei+e si,nal of 2# p-p.

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab 11. /easure the peak +alue of recei+ed si,nal at %N%F7; 7QT terminal. Fet this +alue $e #1. 12. Now replace 1m fi$er with m fi$er $etween same Fed and detector. Do not distur$ any settin,s. %,ain take peak +olta,e readin, and let it $e #2. 1 . !f G is the attenuation of the fi$er then we ha+e 61562 C#15#2C eK-G8F1>F29L where *here G C nepers5meter0 F1C 'i$er len,th for #1 F2 C 'i$er len,th for #2 This G is for peak wa+e len,th of ))Anm. 1". 1witch 7'' the power supply. 1&. Keep 1*@ towards TI1 position for 1'< .&). 1). 1et the 4umpers to form simple analo, link usin, FED 1'< "&A # at @&Anm and phototransistor 1'< &A# with 1m fi$er ca$le. 1.. 1witch 7N power supply. 12. Repeat the same procedure as a$o+e for this link to ,et G at @&A nm and compare the G +alues. MEASUREMENT OF <ENDIN1 LOSS: 1. 1et up the ))A nm analo, link usin, 1m fi$er as per the a$o+e procedure. 2. Dend the fi$er in a loop and measure the amplitude of recei+ed si,nal. . Keep reducin, the diameter of $end to a$out 2 cm and take correspondin, out +olta,e readin,s 8do not reduce loop diameter less than 1cm9. ". 6lot the ,raph of recei+ed si,nal amplitude +ersus loop diameter repeat the procedure for second transmitter. RESULT:


Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab AIM: To measure the numerical aperture of optical fi$er pro+ided with the kit usin, )&Anm wa+elen,th FED and find the # Vnum$er. EQUIPMENTS: '3F-A10 1m fi$er ca$le0 ruler0 power supply0 N% `!;. PROCEDURE: 1. /ake connections as shown in fi,. 3onnect the power supply ca$les with proper polarity to '3F -A1 kit. *hile connectin, this0 ensure that power supply is 7''. 2. 1li,htly unscrew the cap of FED 1'< .&)# 8))A nm9.Do not remo+e the cap from the connector. 7nce the cap is loosened0 insert the fi$er in to the cap. Now ti,hten the cap $y screwin, it $ack. . Keep the 4umpers `610 `62 and `6" on '3F A1 as shown in fi,ure. ". Keep the switch 12 in #! position. &. 1witch 7N the power supply. ). !nsert the other end of the fi$er in to the numerical aperture measurement `!;. <old the white sheet facin, the fi$er. %d4ust the fi$er such that its cut face is perpendicular to the axis of fi$er. .. Keep the distance of a$out 1Amm $etween fi$er tip and screen. ;ently ti,hten the screw and thus fix the fi$er in the place. 2. 7$ser+e the $ri,ht red spot on the screen $y +aryin, intensity pot 6 and $ias pot 6".

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab @. /easure exactly the distance d and also the +ertical and hori=ontal diameters /R and 6N as indicated in the fi,ure 1A. /ean radius is calculate usin, the formulae r C 8/R>6N95" 11. 'ind the numerical aperture of the fi$er usin, the formulae N%C sinamax C r 5 d2>r2 where amax is the maximum an,le at which li,ht

incident is properly transmitted throu,h the fi$er. 12. #- num$er can $e calculated usin, the formulae: #C2bc N% ca 5 d where a is the core radius of the fi$er0 N% is the Numerical aperture0 d is the wa+elen,th . RESULT:

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Exp. No. : Date : SETTIN1 UP A FI<ER OPTIC ANALO1 LINK

AIM: To study fi$er optic analo, link EQUIPMENTS: '3F-A1 and '3F-A20 '3F-A1 with power ca$le0 1m fi$er ca$le0 power supply0 2A/<= dual channel oscilloscope0 patch chords. PROCEDURE: 1. /ake the connections. 3onnect the power supply ca$les with proper polarities to '3F-A1 and '3F-A2kit.*hile connectin, this ensure that the power supply is 7''. 2. 3onnect function ,enerator ';-A1 to '3F-A1 usin, power ca$le. . Keep the 4umpers `610 `620 `6 and `6" on '3F-A1 as shown in fi,ure ". Keep the 4umpers `61_`62 on '3F-A2 as shown in fi,ure. &. Keep switch 12 in TI !N position on '3F-A1. ). 1witch 7N the power supply

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Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

.. 3onnect 1 K<= 2#p-p si,nal from ';-A1 as a constant si,nal to the !N post of analo, $uffer on '3F-A1. 2. 3onnect the output of analo, $uffer post 7QT to post TI !N @. 1li,htly unscrew the cap of FED 1'<.&)D 8))A nm9.Do not remo+e the cap from the connector. 7nce the cap is loosened insert the fi$er in to the cap. Now ti,hten the cap $y screwin, it $ack. 1A. Now rotate the optical power control pot 6 in '3F-A1 in anti clock wise direction. This ensures maximum current flow throu,h FED. 11. 1li,htly unscrew the cap of photodiode 1'<2&A#.Do not remo+e the cap from the connector. 7nce the cap is loosened0 insert the other end of the fi$er in to the cap. Now ti,hten the cap $y screwin, it $ack. 12. Keep switch 1*1 to %N%F7; 7QT position in '3FA2 1 . 7$ser+e the output si,nal from the detector at 7QT post on oscilloscope $y ad4ustin, optical power control pot 6 on '3F-A1 and you should ,et the ori,inal transmitted si,nal 1". To measure the analo, $andwidth of the link keeps the same connections and +aries the fre(uency of input si,nal from 1AA <= onwards. /easure the amplitude of the recei+ed si,nal for each fre(uency read. 1&. 6lot a ,raph of amplitude-fre(uency. /easure the fre(uency ran,e for which response is flat. 1). 6erform the a$o+e procedure a,ain for all com$inations of transmitter and recei+er. RESULT:


Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab To study the #! characteristics of fi$er optic FED and plot the ,raph of forward current +ersus output optical ener,y and also to study the photo detector response. EQUIPMENTS: '3F-A1 _ '3F-A20 1meter 'i$er ca$le0 6atch chords0 `umper to crocodile wires0 6ower 1upply0 #oltmeter0 3urrent meter0 2A /<= Dual 3hannel 7scilloscope. PROCEDURE: 1. /ake connections as shown in fi,ure. 3onnect the power supply with proper polarity to '3F-A1 _ '3FA2 Kits. *hile connectin, this0 ensure that the power supply is off. 2. 1li,htly unscrew the cap of FED 1'< .&)# 8))A nm9 .Donet remo+e the cap from the connector. 7nce the cap is loosened0 insert the 1meter fi$er into the cap. Now ti,hten the cap $y screwin, it $ack. . 1li,htly unscrew the cap of 6hoto detector 1'< 2&A#. Donet remo+e the cap from the connector. 7nce the cap is loosened0 insert the other end of the fi$er into the cap. Now ti,hten the cap $y screwin, it $ack. ". Keep the 4umpers `610 `620 `6 _ `6" on '3F-A1 as shown in fi,ure. &. Keep 4umpers `61 _`62 on '3F-A2 as shown in fi,ure. ). Keep switch 12 in #! position on '3F-A1 .. 3onnect +oltmeter and current meter as per the polarities shown in fi,ure. 2. 1witch on the power supply. @. Keep the potentiometer 6 in its maximum position.6 is used to control current flowin, throu,h FED.

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab

1A. . Keep potentiometer 6" in its fully clockwise rotation.6" is used to control $ias +olta,e of FED. 11. To ,et the #! characteristics of FED0 rotate 6 correspondin, forward +olta,e. 12. 'or each readin, taken a$o+e0 find out power0 which is the product of ! and #. This is the electrical power supplied to the FED. Data sheets for the Fed specify optical power coupled into plastic fi$er when slowly and measure the forward current and

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab forward current was 1A m% as 2AA f*. This means that the electrical power at 1A m% current is con+erted into 2AA f* of optical ener,y. <ence the efficiency of FED comes out to $e approximately 1.1&g. 1 . *ith this efficiency assumed0 find out optical power coupled into plastic optical fi$er for each of the readin,. 6lot the ,raph of forward current +ersus output optical power of the FED. 1". 1imilarly measure the current at the detector. 1&. 6lot the ,raph of recei+er current +ersus output optical power of the FED. 1). 6erform the a$o+e procedure a,ain for all the com$inations of the Transmitter _ Recei+er. RESULT:


Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab 3-(3) I- (5A) Pi(5W) Po(CW) 3 (3) I (CA)

#fC 'orward +olta,e of FED 1'< .&) !fC'orward 3urrent of FED 1<' .&) 6i C#c ! 8Electrical 6ower9 6oC6ic 1.1& g 87ptical power of FED .&)9 #C7utput #olta,e of 1'< 2&A

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


Microwave & Optical Communication Lab !C7utput 3urrent of 1'< 2&A

Dept. Of Electronics & Communication


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