EI 1° Ano e Eja Inglês
EI 1° Ano e Eja Inglês
EI 1° Ano e Eja Inglês
- Aplicador(a) ___________________ Data: __/__/__ AVALIAO de Estudos Independentes VALOR 100 PTS 1) Read the text and mark the right answers. (Leia o texto e marque a opo CORRET )
Vocabulary: as bor!: !asceu Germa! air raid: ata"ue a#reo Alem$o. orld ar %%: &' Guerra mu!dial. Pare!ts: pais. Au!t: tia. (!ded up: termi!ou) acabou. *erc+a!t seama!: mari!+eiro de !a,io merca!te. -irt+: !ascime!to. .emarry: casar-se !o,ame!te. *aster: professor (a). Art sc+ool for colle0e: faculdade de belas artes. Good 0rades: boas !otas. /+ou0+t) t+i!1: pe!sou) pe!sar) ac+ar) /au0+t) teac+: e!si!ou e!si!ar. /o purc+ase: comprar. /o struc1: ati!0ir) atropelar. 2ff duty police officer: policial fora de ser,i3o. Deat+: morte. C+ild: cria!3a. Pra!1ster: peralta) le,ado) me!or i!frator. /rouble: e!cre!ca) problema. Cripple: alei4ado) lesio!ado.
1) According to this biography, who taught John Lennon how to play the piano? ) po!i"e o##i"er $) s"hoo! tea"her C) %is aunt &imi d) his mother
2) The biography says that John Lennon was born during a) %a!!oween ') Christmas ') war d) a $eat!e(s show
3) According to this biography, Lennons parents a) &arried ') engaged ") di)or"ed d) dated
) !hat was the pro"ession o" Lennons "ather? a) a tea"her ') a seaman ") an artist d) an a"tor
#) $ow Lennons %other Julia died? a) ') ") d) *he was run o)er '+ a po!i"e squad. *he died '+ a domesti" a""ident. *he died '+ an e!e"tri" sho"k in the 'athroom. *he was assassinated.
&) !hen John as a child what did he li'e to do? a) ,rawing ') singing ") #ishing d) p!a+ so""er
() $ow was John Lennon as a student during his school li"e? a) 'ri!!iant student ') regu!ar student ") 'ad student d) nerd
)) *as op+,es abai-o, .ual apresenta so%ente /erbos regulares retirados do te-to? a) ') ") d) -orked. p!a+ed. dried. and "aught. *eparated. ended up. remarried. en/o+ed. Thought. "aught. made. taught. Carried. did. 'ui!t. and sang.
0) 1uais das op+,es abai-o, s2o /erbos 344567LA458 retirados do te-to? a) &ade. raid. ') Taught. thought. ") *eparated. de)astated d) sang. di)or"ed
10) 9 "rag%ento, :he did not get good grades in school; apresenta .ual tipo de senten+a no passado si%ples? <8i%ple past) a) ##irmati)e ') interrogati)e ") negati)e d) positi)e
11) mong the examp!es 'e!ow. mark the option that represents the 1&2ER T13E 4OR&.
a) 1s this !o)e5
16) ""ording to T%E 47T7RE -1T% 8O198 TO. #ind the missing word in the senten"e 'e!ow and mark the right answer. The+ :::::::::::::::: in pu'!i" se"urit+. a) ') ") d) are in)esting don(t in)est are going to in)est wi!! in)est
1;) Comp!ete the senten"e with the right O$<ECT 2RO9O79 and & R= the R18%T answer> <enni#er is rea!!+ "oo!. E)er+one in our "!ass !ikes ::::: a !ot. a) ') ") d) him she us her
1?) Comp!ete the senten"e. 7se 8O198 TO and & R= the right answer. 2hi! ::::::::::: use the internet again. a) ') ") d) are going to doesn(t is going to won(t
1@) Comp!ete o quadro a'aixo e marque as traduAes CORRET *. 3ER$ mix manage tea"h print a) ') ") d) 9O79 mixer TR 9*L T1O9 misturador
misturador. "arregador. instrutor. pintor misturador. "oordenador. pro#essor. pintor misturador. gerente. pro#essor. impressora. &isturador. diretor. mestre. "ompressor.
1ui=> $ow %uch do you 'now about 5nglish ? 8pea'ing countries? 1&) *entre os pa@ses abai-o, .ual n2o te% o 3nglAs co%o l@ngua o"icial5
a) <amai"a
") 8uatema!a
d) B#ri"a do su!
1() 1uais s2o as l@nguas o"iciais do BanadC? a) !emo e 2ortuguCs d) Latim e mandarim ') 4ran"Cs e 1ng!Cs ") Espanho! e 4ran"Cs
1)) *e acordo co% as regras do :8i%ple present; e do :Dresent continous; preencha as lacunas abai-o e %ar.ue a resposta B9445TAE Chris> -hat ::::::::: +ou :::::::: now5 Ro'ert> 1 :::::::: m+ "ar. a) do. do am wash. ') are. do. washing. ") are. doing. am washing. d) do. doing. washing. 10)Bo% rela+2o ao :si%ple present;, preencha as lacunas abai-o e %ar.ue a resposta B9445TAE &+ #riend :::::::::: downtown and :::::::: near his house. That(s wh+ he :::::::: time to 'e around his #riends and #ami!+. a) !i)es. stud+. ha)e ') !i)es. studies. has ") !i)e. stud+. ha)e d) !i)es. studies. ha)es. 2F) Bhoose the alternati/e that best co%pletes the GeyoncH song :Gro'en $earted 6irl;> D in(t gotta 'e a#raid. m+ :::::::::::::: is #ree to spread m+ wings and #!+ awa+. awa+ with +ouEF a) "ut 'a"k on ') go astra+ ") #uss d) 'roken heart
1 $ C , 2 $ C , 3 $ C , $ C , # $ C , & $ C , ( $ C , ) $ C , 0 $ C , 1F 11 12 13 1 $ C , $ C , $ C , $ C , $ C , 1# 1& 1( 1) 10 2F $ C , $ C , $ C , $ C , $ C , $ C ,