I. Choose The Right Word:: Test Paper
I. Choose The Right Word:: Test Paper
I. Choose The Right Word:: Test Paper
row" _________________ (do) his homework a"d his row" alwa)s __________ to"i3ht because he
(read) his "ews1a1er i" the eve"i"3. Tom sometimes ____________ (study) but __________________(learn) all his lesso"s tomorrow
tha"_________(I). Her two so"s take 1hotos! too. She tells _________( they) how to do it but ________(they) 1hotos are "ot ver) beautiful.
*.0) 3ra"d1are"ts have 3ot the lar3est farm i" the villa3e. _____________________________________________________________________
V. Read the text. Write ! "true# or $ "false# for each of the sentences below:
9"ce u1o" a time! i" a ma3ical 1lace called /everla"d! there lived a bo) "amed :eter :a". :eter could fl)! a"d he had ma") wo"derful adve"tures with his frie"ds; Ti"ker ell the fair)! the mermaids i" the la3oo" a"d the #ost o)s. 9"e of :eter<s best frie"ds was Ti3er #il)! the +"dia" 1ri"cess. :eter<s o"l) e"em) was the terrible 1ilot (a1tai" Hook. The (a1tai" hated :eter :a". +t was duri"3 a fi3ht with :eter that Hook lost his ha"d to a hu"3r) crocodile. That was wh) he had to wear a hook. The crocodile had liked the taste of Hook<s ha"d! a"d it followed the (a1tai" ever)where! tr)i"3 to 3et the rest of him. (a1tai" Hook lived i" a co"sta"t fear of the crocodile a"d i" a co"sta"t ho1e of 3etti"3 eve" with :eter :a". 1. :eter :a" could"<t fl) a"d he had ma") wo"derful adve"tures.______ 2. The +"dia" 1ri"cess was :eter<s o"l) frie"d.__________ 3. (a1tai" Hook was a terrible 1irate who hated :eter :a"._________ 4. (a1tai" Hook had to wear a hook because a hu"3r) crocodile ate his le3._____________ 5. The crocodile that followed (a1tai" Hook was afraid of him._______
12 : 966. 1. 2. 3. $. *. 12: = 1> 12 22: =2 > 12 22: =2 > 12 22: =$ > * 22: =$ > *
I. Put each phrasal verb from the bo !" the appropr!ate place !" the te t. 3row o" sta"d u1 to make for broke off make do with 1ut u1 with drew u1 do"e u1 3o"e off tr) out come u1 a3ai"st
's 0rs %avis was talki"3 o" the 1ho"e! a white va" (2) drew up outside her house. She (1) _____________ her 1ho"e call. ?(a"<t talk "ow! 0a33ie! the decorators are here@ )es! we<re havi"3 our kitche" (2) _____________ .< &ith that! she 1ut the 1ho"e dow" a"d showed the workme" i". ?&e<ve (3) _____________ a little 1roblem with the 1ai"t! 0rs %avis!< said the taller of the two me". The Hi3hla"d lue )ou chose i" the catalo3ue has bee" disco"ti"ued! so we<ve had to ($) _____________ the "earest colour! Ao)al lue.< 0rs %avis looked troubled. ?%o"<t worr)! 0rs %!< said the other workma". ?&e ca" (*) _____________ a little bit of the Ao)al lue o" )our walls! a"d the" if )ou do"<t like it we ca" alwa)s 3o over it with somethi"3 else later.< He o1e"ed the ti"! a"d 0rs %avis frow"ed. ?+t<s a bit li3hter tha" )ou wa"ted! but it<ll (,) _____________ )ou! + 1romise!< said the smaller workma". ?Hmmm! + do"<t k"ow!< said 0rs %avis! ?+<ve rather (-) _____________ the idea of blue "ow. :erha1s we ca" leave the 1ai"ti"3 <till m) husba"d 3ets home. He ma) be able to (.) _____________ this colour! but it<s "ot what we ima3i"ed.< ?'"wa)! )ou<ll love the be"ch to1 we<ve 3ot!< said the little o"e. This marble base will (9) _____________ a much stro"3er work surface tha" the co"ve"tio"al materials! a"d it<s much more durable. +t<ll (12) _____________ a lot of ba"3i"3 a"d cutti"3.< &e<ll do that toda)! a"d leave the 1ai"ti"3 till later.< (2# p)
II. $omplete each se"te"ce %!th a %ord formed from the %ord !" cap!tals. 1 2 3 $ * , &he" Sue was too ill to 1erform i" the 1la)! her ________________ re1laced her. STB%C The 1ro4ect ma) be aba"do"ed because of a ________________ of fu"ds. SH9AT +" m) cou"tr) it is ________________ to wear a seat belt if )our car is fitted with o"e. (90:8# + left school without a") ________________ at all. DB'#+6C B"fortu"atel)! there is absolutel) "o ________________ evide"ce for this claim. S(+8/(8 'lice 3ave ________________ to a health) bab) 3irl at 9.32. 9A/
. 9 12
There has bee" wides1read u"rest i" the ca1ital! followi"3 the ________________ of the curre"c) )esterda). E'#B8 +f ________________ fails! rest assured we are 1re1ared to use force. %+:#90'T %o"<t worr)! 0rs ur3ess. This s1ider<s bite is Fuite ________________ ! but )ou were ri3ht to 3et it checked out. H'A0 0) old 0aths teacher had lots of fu"") ________________ ! which of course we used to tr) a"d imitate. 0'//8A (2# p)
III. Re%r!te each se"te"ce so that !t co"ta!"s the %ord !" bold& a"d so that the mea"!"' sta(s the same. 1 B"til the" +<d "ever bee" abroad. f!rst That was _____________________________________________ bee" abroad. + used to have more frie"ds tha" + do "ow. as + do"<t __________________________________________________ + used to. + have"<t bee" to a Goo si"ce + was si5 )ears old. last + was si5 )ears old _________________________________________ to a Goo. '11are"tl) the 0a"a3i"3 %irector is thi"ki"3 about i"troduci"3 fle5ible worki"3 hours. co"s!der!"' The 0a"a3i"3 %irector is thou3ht ____________________________________ of fle5ible worki"3 hours. &ithout the fi"a"cial assista"ce of the 3over"me"t! the railwa) com1a"ies could"<t co1e. %as +f ______________________________________________ the) receive from the 3over"me"t! the) could"<t co1e. (1# p)
I). $omplete the se"te"ces %!th (our o%" !deas* (1&+p) 1. He will be at the air1ort@@@@@@@.. 2. +f + saw him@@@@@@@@.. 3. +f she had writte" a letter to me@@@@@@@@@.. $. +t would has bee" better@@@@@@@@@@.. *. He would tell )ou@@@@@@@@@. (1# p)
). The !"ter"et a"d the computer 'ames * a curse or a bless!"', Illustrate %!th releva"t e amples. (2#-2+ l!"es)- .p (2# p)