ITC222 SF Systemcontrol AVARIAS
ITC222 SF Systemcontrol AVARIAS
ITC222 SF Systemcontrol AVARIAS
ITC222 IP190
Defective Circuit Symptom solution Replace cp150 Power Supply Shutdown, found cp150 had 1 leg sheered off . CRTs are in retrace, no 200 volt supply, found the trace burnt at pin 9 of BL200. Repaire trace Power Supply LL201 lead was folded over on the trace and the trace had a hole burnt into it. and cut lead Dead set, no standby, pin 3 ip020 was at 7 vdc. Found rp020 open. Resistor did not Power Supply show signs of being stressed. Replace rp020 The set trys to starts and then shuts down. (Pulses). IP190 shorted. Caused by shorted connection between BP005 pins 20 and 21. This caused the 3.3-volt line to go Replace IP190 Power Supply to 20-volts and take out IP190 in the power supply. dead set cp110 has blown up and now the 137 volt supply is going up to 240-vcd and the power supply shuts back down. All the secondary voltages are high expect the +6 volts is 3-volts. Cp150 has the negative lead broken flush with the cap. Replace Cp150 Release and repair the Dead set - slight squeal from the standby power supply. He found the 5vdc standby frayed cable to shorted to gnd. Found the front panel cable (br001) pinched under a metal bracket restore correct operation around the CRT's. dead set cp110 has blown up and now the 137 volt supply is going up to 240-vcd and the power supply shuts back down. All the secondary voltages are high expect the +6 volts is 3-volts. Cp150 has the negative lead broken flush with the cap. Bright screen shutdown, Missing 200+voltage from power/sweep board. Found Coil LL201 leads were long. One lead touching trace from DL201 to BL200 pin #9 trace burned open. Repair trace Dead, set had the flyback arc. Replaced the flyback. Found the IP020 shorted. Replaced IP020 and only have 7 volts at pin 3. The regulator IP020 won't run. Found RP020 100 Ohm resistor In the 300 volt supply to IP020-3 open. Replaced the resistor dead, found pin 17 bp005 was at +.7 vdc (should be -1 vdc). Checking DP 230 anode there was -50 vdc. Checking voltages on RP231 there was -50 vdc on 1 side and +.7 vdc on other. Resistor was open. Replaced and unit started up. No power, trips three times. No horizontal drive on BL111 pin 20.No 10 volts on connector BP501 pins 1 & 5. DP140 bad solder connection on cathode and anode causing set to trip three times
ITC222 CP150
Power Supply
ITC222 BR001
Power Supply
ITC222 CP150
Power Supply
Replace Cp150
ITC222 LL201
Power Supply
Repair trace
ITC222 RP020
Power Supply
Replace RP020
ITC222 RP231
Power Supply
ITC222 DP140
Power Supply
ITC222 LL201
Power Supply
ITC222 FL231
Power Supply
Bright screen shutdown, Missing 200+voltage from power/sweep board. Found Coil LL201 leads were long. One lead touching trace from DL201 to BL200 pin #9 trace burned open. Repair trace Red convergence would not adjust correctly. Entering the service menu and attempting to adjust Red convergence level 3, one side would almost adjust properly but it would cause the opposite side of the picture to pop out of convergence. Found the +15 VDC low. Shutdown, Found DL201 off of LL008 (ihvt) pin 6 shorted. No convergence in menu,convergence power supply was dead Replaced ssb and convergence amp boards,Force convergence power supply on and it comes up, found ps_df_on (pin 21 BW005) turning the convergence power supply off,Found FL231 open on 40v line.
Repair trace