Unit 02 - Microoperations
Unit 02 - Microoperations
Unit 02 - Microoperations
c o m
Unit 2 Micro-operations
Micro-operations (also known as a micro-ops or ops) are the operations which are used to create
assembly language instruction. The operations performed on the data stored in registers are called
micro-operations. Some common example of micro-operation are:
1) Register Transfer Micro-operation: The main purpose of Register Transfer Micro operation is to
transfer binary information from register to another register.
2) Arithmetic Micro-operation: The main purpose of Arithmetic Micro-operation is to perform
arithmetic operation on numeric data.
3) Logical Operation: The main purpose of Logical Operation is to perform bit manipulation on
numeric data.
4) Shift Micro-operation: The main purpose of Shift Micro-operation is to shift the temporary data
which are present in register.
Micro-operations 7 Hrs.
Arithmetic Micro-operations 3 Hrs.
Add Micro-operation
Subtract Micro-operation
Binary Adder
Binary Subtractor
Binary Adder-Subtractor
Binary Incrementer
Arithmetic Circuit
Logic Micro-operations 1.5 Hrs.
Logic Micro-operations
Implementations and Applications
Shift Micro-operations 1.5 Hrs.
Logical Shift
Circular Shift
Arithmetic Shift
Combinational Circuit Shifter
Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit 1 Hr.
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Register Transfer Micro-operation
Register transfer language is a symbolic language and a convenient tool for describing the internal
organization of digital computers. It can also be used to facilitate the design process of digital
Copying the contents of one register to another is a register transfer. Registers are designated by
capital letters, sometimes followed by numbers (E.g. R1, IR, MAR, etc.).
A register transfer is indicated as: R2 R1
The statement R2 R1 denotes a transfer of the content of the R1 into resister R2.
A register transfer such as R3 R5 implies that the digital system has:
the data lines from the source register (R5) to the destination register (R3)
Parallel load in the destination register (R3)
Control lines to perform the action
Control Function
Often actions need to only occur if a certain condition is true. In digital systems, this is often done
via a control signal, called a control function.
Example: P: R2 R1 i.e. if (P = 1) then (R2 R1)
Which means if P = 1, then load the contents of register R1 into register R2.
If two or more operations are to occur simultaneously, they are separated with commas.
Example: P: R3 R5, MAR IR
Here, if the control function P = 1, load the contents of R5 into R3, and at the same time (clock),
load the contents of register IR into register MAR
Symbols Description Examples
Capital letters & numerals Denotes a register MAR, R2
Parentheses () Denotes a part of a register R2(0-7), R2(L)
Arrow Denotes transfer of information R2 R1
Colon : Denotes termination of control function P:
Comma , Separates two micro-operations A B, B A
Table: Basic symbols for register-transfer
Arithmetic Micro-operation
The basic arithmetic micro-operations are
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The additional arithmetic micro-operations are
Add with carry
Subtract with borrow
Summary of Typical Arithmetic Micro-Operations:
R3 R1 + R2
R3 R1 - R2
R2 R2
R2 R2+ 1
R3 R1 + R2+ 1
R1 R1 + 1
R1 R1 - 1
Contents of R1 plus R2 transferred to R3
Contents of R1 minus R2 transferred to R3
Complement the contents of R2 (1s Complement)
2's complement the contents of R2 (Negate)
R1 plus 2's complement the contents of R2 (Subtraction)
Increment the content of R1 by 1
Decrement the content of R1 by 1
Binary Adder
Figure: 4-bit binary adder
To implement the add micro-operation with hardware, we need the resisters that hold the data
and the digital component that performs the arithmetic addition. The digital circuit that generates
the arithmetic sum of two binary numbers of any lengths is called Binary Adder.
The binary adder is constructed with the full-adder circuit connected in cascade, with the output
carry from one full-adder connected to the input carry of the next full-adder.
An n-bit binary adder requires n full-adders. The output carry from each full-adder is connected to
the input carry of the next-high-order-full-adder. Inputs A and B come from two registers R1 and
The subtraction A-B can be carried out by the following steps
Take the 1s complement of B (invert each bit)
Get the 2s complement by adding 1
Add the result to A
B0 A0
B1 A1
B2 A2
B3 A3
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Binary Adder-Subtractor
Figure: 4-bit adder-subtractor
The addition and subtraction operations can be combined into one common circuit by including an
exclusive-OR gate with each full-adder.
The mode input M controls the operation the operation. When M=0, the circuit is an adder and
when M=1 the circuit becomes a subtractor. Each exclusive-OR gate receives input M and one of
the inputs of B.
1. When M=0: B M = B 0 = B, i.e. full-adders receive the values of B, input carry is B and
circuit performs A+B.
2. When M=1: B M = B 1 = B' and C0= 1, i.e. B inputs are all complemented and 1 is
added through the input carry. The circuit performs A + (2's complement of B).
Binary Incrementer
Figure: 4-bit binary Incrementer
The increment micro-operation adds one to a number in a register. For example, if a 4-bit register
has a binary value 0110, it will go to 0111 after it is incremented. Increment micro-operation can be
done with a combinational circuit (half-adders connected in cascade) independent of a particular
B0 A0
C0 C1
B1 A1
B2 A2
B3 A3
S3 C4
x y
A0 1
x y
x y
x y
S3 C4
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Arithmetic Circuit
The arithmetic micro-operations can be implemented in one composite arithmetic circuit. By
controlling the data inputs to the adder (basic component of an arithmetic circuit), it is possible to
obtain different types of arithmetic operations. In the circuit below contains:
4 full-adders
4 multiplexers (controlled by selection inputs S0 and S1)
Two 4-bit inputs A and B and a 4-bit output D
Input carry cin goes to the carry input of the full-adder.
Output of the binary adder is calculated from the arithmetic sum: D = A + Y + cin
By controlling the value of Y with the two selection inputs S1 & S0 and making cin= 0 or 1, it is
possible to generate the 8 arithmetic micro-operations listed in the table below:
Table: Arithmetic Circuit Function Table
When S1S0 = 00, the value of B is applied to the Y inputs of the adder. If Cin = 0, the output D = A + B.
If Cin = 1, output D = A + B + 1. Both cases perform the add micro-operation with or without adding
the input carry.
When S1S0 = 01, the complement of B is applied to the Y inputs of the adder. If Cin = 1, then D =A
+B+ 1. This produces A plus the 2s complement of B, which is equivalent to a subtract with
borrow, that is, A B 1.
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Figure: 4-bit Arithmetic Circuit
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When S1S0 = 10, the input from B are neglected, and instead, all 0s are inserted into the Y inputs.
The output becomes D = A + 0 + Cin. This gives D = A when Cin = 0 and D = A +1 when Cin = 1. In the
first case we have a direct transfer from input A to output D. In the second case, the value of A is
incremented by 1.
When S1S0 = 11, all 1s are inserted into the Y inputs of the adder to produce the decrement
operation D = A 1 when Cin. This is because a number with all 1s is equal to the 2s complement of
1 (the 2s complement of binary 0001 is 1111). Adding a number A to the 2s complement of 1
produces F = A +2s complement of 1 = A 1. When Cin = 1, then D = A 1 + 1 = A, which causes a
direct transfer from input A to output D. Note that the micro-operation D = A is generated twice, so
there are only seven distinct micro-operations in the arithmetic circuit.
Logic Micro-operation
Logic operations specify binary operations for strings of bits stored in registers and treat each bit
separately. Logic micro-operations are bit-wise operations, i.e., they work on the individual bits of
data. They are useful for bit manipulations on binary data and for making logical decisions based on
the bit value.
Example: The XOR of R1 and R2 is symbolized by P: R1 R1 R2
Example: R1 = 1010 and R2 = 1100
1010 Content of R1
1100 Content of R2
0110 Content of R1 after P = 1
Symbols used for logical micro-operations:
1. OR:
2. AND:
3. XOR:
The + sign has two different meanings: logical OR and Summation
When + is in a micro-operation, then summation
When + is in a control function, then OR
Example: P + Q: R1 R2 + R3, R4 R5 R6
There are 16 different logic operations that can be performed with two binary variables
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Table: Sixteen Logic Micro-operations
Hardware Implementations and Applications
The hardware implementation of logic micro-operations requires that logic gates be inserted for
each bit or pair of bits in the registers to perform the required logic function. Although there are 16
logic micro-operations, most computers use only four --- AND, OR, XOR (exclusive-OR), and
complement by which all others can be derived.
Figure below shows one stage of a circuit that generates the four basic logic micro-operations. It
consists of four gates and a multiplexer. Each of the four logic operations is generated through a
gate that performs the required logic. The outputs of the gates are applied to the data inputs of the
multiplexer. The two selection inputs S1 and S0 choose one of the data inputs of the multiplexer and
direct its value to the output.
The diagram shows one typical stage with subscript i. For a logic circuit with n bits, the diagram
must be repeated n times for i = 0, 1, 2, , N1. The selection variables are applied to all stages.
The function table lists the logic micro-operations obtained for each combination of the selection
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Figure: One stage of Logic Circuit
Logic micro operations are very useful for manipulating individual bits or a portion of a word stored
in a register. They can be used to change bit values, delete a group of bits, or insert new bit values
into a register. The following examples show how the bits of one register (designated by A) are
manipulated by logic micro-operations as a function of the bits of another register (designated by
B). In a typical application, register A is a processor register and the bits of register B constitute a
logic operand extracted from memory and placed in register B.
The selective-set operation sets to 1 the bits in A where there are corresponding 1s in B
1010 A before
1100 B (logic operand)
1110 A after
The selective-complement operation complements bits in A where there are corresponding 1s in
1010 A before
1100 B (logic operand)
0110 A after
The selective-clear operation clears to 0 the bits in A only where there are corresponding 1s in B
1010 A before
1100 B (logic operand)
0010 A after
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The mask operation is similar to the selective-clear operation, except that the bits of A are cleared
only where there are corresponding 0s in B
1010 A before
1100 B (logic operand)
1000 A after
The insert operation inserts a new value into a group of bits. This is done by first masking the bits
to be replaced and then Oring them with the bits to be inserted.
0110 1010 A before
0000 1111 B (mask)
0000 1010 A after masking
0000 1010 A before
1001 0000 B (insert)
1001 1010 A after insertion
The clear operation compares the bits in A and B and produces an all 0s result if the two number
are equal
1010 A
1010 B
0000 A A B
Shift Micro-operation
Shift micro-operations are used for serial transfer of data. They are also used in conjunction with
arithmetic, logic, and other data-processing operations.
There are three types of shifts
1. Logical shift
2. Circular shift
3. Arithmetic shift
Figure: Shift Micro-operations
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Figure: Right Shift Operation and Left Shift Operation
Logical Shift
A logical shift is one that transfers 0 through the serial input. The symbols shl and shr are for logical
shift-left and shift-right by one position respectively.
R1 shl R1
R2 shr R2
Circular Shift
The circular shift (aka rotate) circulates the bits of the register around the two ends without loss of
information. The symbols cil and cir are for circular shift left and right respectively.
R2 cir R2
R3 cil R3
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Arithmetic Shift
The arithmetic shift shifts a signed binary number to the left or right. To the left is multiplying by 2,
to the right is dividing by 2 (i.e. an arithmetic left shift multiplies a signed number by 2 and an
arithmetic right shift divides a signed number by 2).
Arithmetic shifts must leave the sign bit unchanged because the sign of the number remains the
same when it is multiplied or divided by 2. The left most bit in a resister holds a sign bit and
remaining hold the number. Negative numbers are in 2's complement form. The figure below
shows the arithmetic shift right and left respectively.
R2 ashr R2
R3 ashl R3
Figure: Arithmetic Shift Right
Arithmetic Shift-right
Arithmetic shift-right leaves the sign bit unchanged and shifts the number (including a sign bit) to
the right. Thus Rn-1 remains same; Rn-2 receives input from Rn-1 and so on.
Arithmetic Shift-left
Arithmetic shift-left inserts a 0 into R0 and shifts all other bits to left. Initial bit of Rn-1 is lost and
replaced by the bit from Rn-2.
Overflow case during arithmetic shift-left
A sign reversal occurs if the bit in Rn-1 changes in value after the shift. This happens if the
multiplication causes an overflow. Thus, left arithmetic shift operation must be checked for the
An overflow occurs after an arithmetic shift-left if before shift Rn-1 Rn-2. An overflow flip-flop Vs
can be used to detect the overflow: Vs = Rn-1 Rn-2. If V = 0, there is no overflow but if V = 1,
overflow is detected.
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Hardware implementation of shift micro-operations
A bi-directional shift unit with parallel load could be used to implement this. Two clock pulses are
necessary with this configuration: one to load the value and another to shift. In a processor unit
with many registers it is more efficient to implement the shift operation with a combinational
circuit. The content of a register to be shifted is first placed onto a common bus and the output is
connected to the combinational shifter, the shifted number is then loaded back into the register.
This can be constructed with multiplexers.
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It has 4 data inputs A0 through A3 and 4 data outputs H0 through H3. There are two serial inputs,
one for shift-left (IL) and other for shift-right (IR). When S = 0: input data are shifted right (down in
fig). When S = 1: input data are shifted left (up in fig).
Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit
The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a common operational unit connected to a number of storage
registers. To perform a micro-operation, the contents of specified registers are placed in the inputs
of the ALU. The ALU performs an operation and the result is then transferred to a destination
register. The ALU is a combinational circuit so that the entire register transfer operation from the
source registers through the ALU and into the destination register can be performed during one
clock pulse period.
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The diagram above shows just one typical stage. The circuit must be repeated n times for an n-bit
i. Input Ai and Bi are applied to both the arithmetic and logic units. A particular micro-
operation is selected with inputs S1 and S0.
ii. A 4x1 MUX at the output chooses between an arithmetic output in Di and a logic output in
iii. The data inputs to the multiplexer are selected with inputs S3 and S2.
iv. The other two data inputs to the MUX receive inputs Ai-1 for the shift right operation and
Ai+1 for the shift left operation.
v. Cin is the selection variable for the arithmetic operation.
vi. The circuit provides eight arithmetic operation, four logic operations and two shift
operations. Each operation is selected with the five variables s3, s2, s1, s0 and cin. The input
carry cin is used for arithmetic operations only.
vii. The table lists the 14 operations of the ALU. The first eight are arithmetic operation and are
selected with S3 S2 = 00. The next four are logic operation and are selected with S3 S2 = 01
and last two operation are shift operation and are selected with S3 S2 = 10 and 11.
Book References:
(1) Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Structured Computer Organization, Fourth Edition.
(2) M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, Pearson, 3rd Ed, 2004.
(3) John P. Hayes, Computer Architecture & Organization.
Web References:
(4) http://en.wikipedia.org
(5) http://www.cs.uwm.edu/
(6) http://www.transtutors.com/
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(1) What do you mean by shift micro-operations? Explain. (T.U. 2066)
(2) What do you mean by logic micro-operations? (T.U. 2067)
(3) Differentiate between logic micro operations and shift micro operations. (T.U. 2068)
(4) Explain the arithmetic logic shift unit. (T.U. 2069)
(5) Design the binary adder-subtractor with example. (T.U. 2070)
(6) Design a 2-bit adder and logic circuit capable of performing AND, ADD, complement and shift
left operation.
(7) Give the hardware realization of 4-bit arithmetic circuit capable of doing addition, subtraction,
increment, decrement etc. Give the function table and explain its operation.
(8) The 8-bit registers A, B, C & D are loaded with the value (F2)H, (FF)H, (B9)H and (EA)H
respectively. Determine the register content after the execution of the following sequence of
micro-operations sequentially.
(i) A A + B, C C + Shl(D)
(ii) C C ^ D, B B + 1.
(iii) A A C.
(iv) A Shr(B) Cir(D)
(9) A half-adder is a combinational logic circuit that has two inputs, X and Y and two outputs, S and
C that are the sum and carry-out, respectively, resulting from binary addition of X and Y.
(i) Design a half-adder as a two-level AND-OR circuit.
(ii) Show how to implement a full adder, by using half adders.
(10) Show the implementation of a full adder using half adders
(11) Differentiate between arithmetic shift and logical shift.
(12) Register A is having S-bit number 11011001. Determine the operand and logic micro-operation
to be performed in order to change the value in A to:
(i) 01101101
(ii) 11111101
(iii) Starting from an initial value R = 11011101, determine the sequence of binary values in
R after a logical shift left, followed by circular shift right, followed by a logical shift right
and a circular shift left.
A Gentle Advice:
Please go through your text books and reference books for detail study!!! Thank you all.
Notes Compiled By:
Bijay Mishra
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