The document discusses micro-operations which are the basic operations used to create assembly language instructions. It describes common types of micro-operations including register transfer operations, arithmetic operations, logical operations, and shift operations. Examples are provided of how each type of micro-operation works at the hardware level, including how arithmetic circuits, logical gates, and shift units can be implemented.
The document discusses micro-operations which are the basic operations used to create assembly language instructions. It describes common types of micro-operations including register transfer operations, arithmetic operations, logical operations, and shift operations. Examples are provided of how each type of micro-operation works at the hardware level, including how arithmetic circuits, logical gates, and shift units can be implemented.
The document discusses micro-operations which are the basic operations used to create assembly language instructions. It describes common types of micro-operations including register transfer operations, arithmetic operations, logical operations, and shift operations. Examples are provided of how each type of micro-operation works at the hardware level, including how arithmetic circuits, logical gates, and shift units can be implemented.
The document discusses micro-operations which are the basic operations used to create assembly language instructions. It describes common types of micro-operations including register transfer operations, arithmetic operations, logical operations, and shift operations. Examples are provided of how each type of micro-operation works at the hardware level, including how arithmetic circuits, logical gates, and shift units can be implemented.
Asst. Professor Soch College of IT Tribhuvan University
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C. 1
Chapter 02: Micro operations Micro-operations • Micro-operations are the operations which are used to create assembly language instruction. • The operations performed on the data stored in registers are called micro-operations.
Some common example of micro-operation are:
1) Register Transfer Micro-operation: The main purpose of Register Transfer Micro operation is to transfer binary information from register to another register. 2) Arithmetic Micro-operation: The main purpose of Arithmetic Micro-operation is to perform arithmetic operation on numeric data. 3) Logical Operation: The main purpose of Logical Operation is to perform bit manipulation on numeric data. 4) Shift Micro-operation: The main purpose of Shift Micro-operation is to shift the temporary data which are present in register.
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C.
Register Transfer Micro-operation • Register transfer language is a symbolic language and a convenient tool for describing the internal organization of digital computers. • It can also be used to facilitate the design process of digital systems. • Copying the contents of one register to another is a register transfer. • Registers are designated by capital letters, sometimes followed by numbers (E.g. R1, IR, MAR, etc.). • A register transfer is indicated as: R2 ← R1 • The statement “R2 ← R1” denotes a transfer of the content of the R1 into resister R2.
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C.
Example: P: R3 ← R5, MAR ← IR • Here, if the control function P = 1, load the contents of R5 into R3, and at the same time (clock), load the contents of register IR into register MAR
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C.
Arithmetic Microoperations The arithmetic micro-operations are • Addition • Subtraction • Increment • Decrement • Add with carry • Subtract with borrow • Transfer/Load
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Soch college of IT - Hari K.C. Binary adder - subtractor • An n bit full adder requires n full adders. • The subtraction (A-B) can takes place by : Taking twos complement of one (B) and addding with the another number (A) a) When M=0, A+B
b) When M=1, A-B
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Binary Incrementer
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Arithmetic Circuit • A arithmetic circuit can be implemented by: - 4 full adders - 4 MUX - Inputs and outputs - Input carry and output carry
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Soch college of IT - Hari K.C. • When S1S0 = 00, the value of B is applied to the Y inputs of the adder. If Cin = 0, the output D = A + B. If Cin = 1, output D = A + B + 1. Both cases perform the add micro-operation with or without adding the input carry.
• When S1S0 = 01, the complement of B is applied to the Y inputs of
the adder. If Cin = 1, then D =A+B’+ 1. This produces A plus the 2’s complement of B, which is equivalent to a subtract with borrow, that is, A – B – 1.
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C.
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C. Logical Microoperation • Logic operations specify binary operations for strings of bits stored in registers and treat each bit separately. • Logic micro-operations are bit-wise operations, i.e., they work on the individual bits of data. • They are useful for bit manipulations on binary data and for making logical decisions based on the bit value.
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C.
Example: The XOR of R1 and R2 is symbolized by P: R1 ← R1 ⊕ R2 • Example: R1 = 1010 and R2 = 1100 • 1010 Content of R1 • 1100 Content of R2 • 0110 Content of R1 after P = 1
The Symbols used for logical micro-operations:
1. OR: ∨ 2. AND: ∧ 3. XOR: ⊕
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Soch college of IT - Hari K.C. 1) OR operation 1010 A before 1100 B (logic operand) 1110 A Result (A ← A ∨ B) 2) X-OR operation 1010 A before 1100 B (logic operand) 0110 A Result (A ← A ⊕ B)
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C.
AND operation 1010 A before 1100 B (logic operand) 1000 A Result A<-- A ^ B
Complement operation 1010 A 0101 A ← A’
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Soch college of IT - Hari K.C. Shift Micro-operation • Shift micro-operations are used for serial transfer of data. • They are also used in conjunction with arithmetic, logic, and other data-processing operations. • There are three types of shifts 1. Logical shift 2. Circular shift 3. Arithmetic shift
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Soch college of IT - Hari K.C. Right and left shift
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Logical Shift • A logical shift is one that transfers 0 through the serial input. The symbols shl and shr are for logical shift-left and shift-right by one position respectively. Example: • R1 ← shl R1 • R2 ← shr R2
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C.
Circular Shift • The circular shift (aka rotate) circulates the bits of the register around the two ends without loss of information. • The symbols cil and cir are for circular shift left and right respectively. Examples: • R2 ← cir R2 • R3 ← cil R3
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C.
Arithmetic Shift • The arithmetic shift shifts a signed binary number to the left or right. To the left is multiplying by 2,to the right is dividing by 2 (i.e. an arithmetic left shift multiplies a signed number by 2 and an arithmetic right shift divides a signed number by 2). • Arithmetic shifts must leave the sign bit unchanged because the sign of the number remains the same when it is multiplied or divided by 2. The left most bit in a resister holds a sign bit and remaining hold the number. • Negative numbers are in 2's complement form. • The figure below shows the arithmetic shift right and left respectively. Soch college of IT - Hari K.C. Soch college of IT - Hari K.C. Arithmetic Shift-right • Arithmetic shift-right leaves the sign bit unchanged and shifts the number (including a sign bit) to the right. Thus Rn-1 remains same; Rn-2 receives input from Rn-1 and so on. Arithmetic Shift-left • Arithmetic shift-left inserts a 0 into R0 and shifts all other bits to left. Initial bit of Rn-1 is lost and replaced by the bit from Rn-2. Overflow case during arithmetic shift-left • A sign reversal occurs if the bit in Rn-1 changes in value after the shift. • This happens if the multiplication causes an overflow. • Thus, left arithmetic shift operation must be checked for the overflow.
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C.
Hardware implementation of shift micro- operations • A bi-directional shift unit with parallel load could be used to implement this. • Two clock pulses are necessary with this configuration: one to load the value and another to shift. • In a processor unit with many registers it is more efficient to implement the shift operation with a combinational circuit. • The content of a register to be shifted is first placed onto a common bus and the output is connected to the combinational shifter, the shifted number is then loaded back into the register.
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C.
Soch college of IT - Hari K.C. Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit