Action Plan For Culture Friendly Classroom: (Indigenous/Native)
Action Plan For Culture Friendly Classroom: (Indigenous/Native)
Action Plan For Culture Friendly Classroom: (Indigenous/Native)
Target / Aim Action How will it be achieved? !eachers allocate one whole day to celebrate the new students or e#ample$ outdoor activities, local traditional games, local dancing ritual etc% &tudents will have to dress in their uni'ue local costumes while per orming the rituals% -ounsellor will begin the session by giving the tal" and some un activities where the pupils able to relate to their cuItural bac"ground &tudents will be brought to the nearby city and to e#plore the city with teachers/ guidance in small group% !he adviser teacher will inculcate the importance o education and how they can change and improve their li e% Timescale When will it be achieved? (an )*+, Led by Impact Who is Money, time, responsible? people, acilities -lass teacher .ear , pupils%
March )*+,
&tudents will have to decorate their classroom using the natural resources that they could ind in the 3ungle !eacher will later on e#plain the importance to sustain the peace in the country% !eacher will organise a trip to 6enting Highland% 5upils will have to bring one o their parents or any adults in the amily%
4ugust )*+,
-lass teacher
7ec )*+,
Target / Aim Action How will it be achieved? !eachers allocate one whole day to celebrate the new students or e#ample$ outdoor activities, local traditional games, local dancing ritual etc% -ounsellor will begin the session by giving the tal" and some un activities where the pupils able to relate to their cuItural bac"ground &tudents will be brought to the nearby city and to e#plore the city with teachers/ guidance in small group% !he adviser teacher will inculcate the importance o education and how they can change and improve their li e% Timescale When will it be achieved? (an )*+, Led by Who is responsible? -lass teacher Impact Money, time, people, acilities .ear , pupils%
March )*+,
!eacher organi:es an educational trip to 5etrosains and !M Head'uarters% !eacher will e#plain to the pupils about the advantages o science and technology% !he school authority invites the parents and their children to celebrate the estivals celebrated in Malaysia%
Mei )*+,
(uly )*+,
&tudents will have to decorate their classroom using the natural resources that they could ind in the 3ungle !eacher will later on e#plain the importance to sustain the peace in the country% !eacher will organise a trip to 6enting Highland% 5upils will have to bring one o their parents or any adults in the amily%
4ugust )*+,
-lass teacher
7ec )*+,