PG Rules & Regulations 2010

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1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 SYSTEM OF EDUCATION The rules and regulations provided herein shall govern all the Post Graduate programs (i.e) PG Diploma, Master and Doctoral Programs offered by the TNAU. The semester system shall be followed for the entire PG diploma, Post-Graduate degree programs. The duration of PG Diploma, masters and doctoral programs is one (2 semesters), two (4 semesters) and three (6 semesters) academic years respectively. The first year of study shall be the first and second semesters following students admission. The second year of study shall be the third and fourth semesters and for Doctoral Program third year means the fifth and sixth semesters. DEFINITIONS Academic year means a period consisting of two consecutive semesters including the inter-semester break as announced by the Dean(SPGS) Co-ordinator means a teacher of a department who has been nominated by the Head of the Department with the approval of Dean (SPGS) / Dean of the college to coordinate the post graduate programs in the department. The coordinator looks after registration, time table, regulation of credit load, preparation of class grade charts, maintenance of individual students files, etc. Curriculum is a group of courses and other specified requirements for the fulfillment of the post graduate degree program. Curricula and syllabi refer to list of approved courses for post graduate degree programs wherein each course is identified with a three-letter code, a course number, outline of the syllabus, credit assigned and schedule of classes. Course is a teaching unit of a discipline to be covered within a semester as detailed in the curricula and syllabi issued by the University, consisting of core, optional and supporting courses. Credit load of a student during a semester is the total number of credits registered by that student during that particular semester. A credit in theory means one hour of classroom lecture and a credit in practical means two and half hours of laboratory / workshop / field work per week. 2.7 2.8 2.9 Grade Point means the total marks in percentage divided by 10 and rounded off to two decimal places. Credit Point means the grade point multiplied by corresponding credit hours. Grade Point Average (GPA) means the total credit points secured divided by total credit hours registered during a semester.

2. 2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4



2.10 Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) means the total credit points secured by a student for all semesters divided by total credit hours of the courses registered and rounded off to two decimals. 2.10 Report card is the list of courses registered by a student during a semester along with credit points secured. 2.11 Transcript card is the consolidated report of list of courses completed by the student along with credit points, GPA of each semester and OGPA secured and issued by the University. 3. POST GRADUATE PROGRAMS The list of various post-graduate programs offered in various faculties of the University is as follows: 3.1 FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE Capital and Commodity Markets Organic Farming 3.1.2 MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE [M.Sc. (Ag.)] Agricultural Economics Agricultural Entomology Agricultural Extension Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology Agricultural Microbiology Agronomy Crop Physiology Plant Breeding and Genetics Plant Nematology Plant Pathology Seed Science and Technology Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Sericulture 3.1.3 MASTER OF SCIENCE [M.Sc.] Biotechnology Environmental Sciences 3.1.4 Master of Business Administration (M.B.A) 3.1.5 DUAL DEGREE MASTERS PROGRAM Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Food Science and Technology of Cornell University, USA and M. Tech. in Food Processing and Marketing of TNAU Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Plant Breeding of Cornell University, USA and M. Tech. in Biotechnology and Business Management of TNAU 3.1.6 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY [Ph.D.] Agribusiness and Development Management Agricultural Economics Agricultural Entomology Agricultural Extension Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology Agricultural Microbiology Agronomy Biotechnology


Crop Physiology Environmental sciences Plant Breeding and Genetics Plant Nematology Plant Pathology Seed Science and Technology Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Sericulture 3.2 FACULTY OF HORTICULTURE

3.2.1 Master of Science in Horticulture [M.Sc.(Hort.)] Fruit Science Vegetable Science Spices, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Floriculture and Landscape Gardening 3.2.2 Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture [Ph.D.] Fruit Science Vegetable Science Spices, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Floriculture and Landscape Gardening 3.3 FACULTY OF FORESTRY

3.3.1. Master of Science in Forestry [M.Sc. (Forestry)] 3.3.2. Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry [Ph.D.] 3.4 FACULTY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING

3.4.1 Master of Technology in Agricultural Engineering [M.Tech (Ag.Engg.] Agricultural Processing and Food Engineering Bio-Energy Farm Power and Machinery Soil and Water Conservation 3.4.2 Doctor of Philosophy [Ph.D.] Agricultural Processing and Food Engineering Bio-Energy Farm Power and Machinery Soil and Water Conservation 3.5 FACULTY OF HOME SCIENCE [M.Sc.]

3.5.1 Master of Science in Food Science and Nutrition

3.5.2 Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science and Nutrition [Ph.D.] 4. ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION 4.1. Masters /PG Diploma program Graduates who have completed four years degree program in any one of the State Agricultural Universities / Colleges affiliated to State Agricultural Universities alone are eligible to apply for masters / PG Diploma programs.

4.2. Doctoral programs Candidates who have studied four years degree program and two years masters program in any one of the State Agricultural Universities / Colleges affiliated to State Agricultural Universities alone are eligible to apply for doctoral programs. 4.3. Minimum OGPA /Aggregate requirement: Masters / Doctoral Programs: A candidate who has undergone course credit system with a minimum OGPA of 3.00 out of 4.00 or 7.00 out of 10.00 or 70% aggregate alone is eligible to apply for various Masters and Ph.D. programs. However, for SC/ST candidates a pass in the qualifying degree is sufficient for all programs. PG Diploma program: Candidates with an OGPA of 6.5 out of 10 are eligible to apply for PG diploma programs. However, for SC/ST candidates a pass in the qualifying degree is sufficient for all programs. Table 1 : Eligibility criteria for PG Diploma, Masters ad Doctoral Program Masters degree program 4.1. Agricultural Economics B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)/ B.Tech. (Hort)/B.Tech. (Ag.Biotech.)/ B.E.(Ag.)/B.Tech. (Ag.Engg.) B.V.Sc./ B.F.Sc./ B.Sc.(Dairy Science)/ B.Sc.(Sericulture)/B.Sc.(Home.Sc.)/ B.Sc. (Ag.Maco.) 4.2 Doctoral degree programs Agricultural Economics M.Sc.(Ag.) in Agricultural Economics/ Agricultural Marketing Management.

Agribusiness Development and Management

Masters degree in Business Management / Business Administration/ Agricultural Marketing Management /Agricultural Economics of State Agrl. Universities, Masters degree in Agribusiness Management of IIMs,PG Diploma (2 year) in management of All India Management Association, PG Diploma (2 years) in Agribusiness Management of MANAGE, Hyderabad, PG Diploma (2 years) in Rural Management of IRMA, Anand, Gujarat.


Agricultural Entomology B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Sc.(Forestry) B.Tech. (Hort.)/B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech.)

Agricultural Entomology M.Sc.(Ag.) in Agricultural Entomology Agricultural Extension M.Sc.(Ag.) Agricultural Extension / In service candidates with M.Sc. Home Science Extension


Agricultural Extension B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)/ B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech.)/ B.Tech.(Hort.)/ B.V.Sc./B.Sc.(Sericulture)/B.Sc.(Dairy Science)/B.Sc.(Home Science)/ B.Sc. (Ag.Maco)


Agricultural Microbiology B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc.(Hort.)/B.Sc.(Forestry)/ B.Tech.(Hort)/B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech.)/ B.V.Sc./ B.F.Sc.

Agricultural Microbiology M.Sc.(Ag.) in Agricultural Microbiology/M.Tech. Microbial Technology


Agronomy B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Tech.(Hort)/ B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)

Agronomy M.Sc.(Ag.) in Agronomy Crop Physiology M.Sc.(Ag.) in Crop Physiology or Plant Physiology. Plant breeding and genetics M.Sc.(Ag.) in Plant Breeding and Genetics Plant Nematology M.Sc.(Ag.) Plant Nematology/ M.Sc.(Ag.) Agricultural Entomology/ M.Sc.(Ag.) Plant Pathology with thesis research in Plant Nematology. Plant Pathology M.Sc.(Ag.) in Plant Pathology Seed Science and Technology M.Sc.(Ag.) in Seed Science and Technology Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry M.Sc.(Ag.) in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry M.Sc.(Ag.) in Agricultural Meteorology


Crop Physiology B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Tech.(Hort)/B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)


Plant Breeding and Genetics B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Tech.(Hort)/B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)


Plant Nematology B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Tech.(Hort)/B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)


Plant Pathology B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/B.Tech.(Hort)/ B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)


Seed Science and Technology B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Tech.(Hort)/ B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)


Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Tech.(Hort.)/ B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech.)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)


Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology B.Sc.(Ag)/ B.Sc(Hort.)/ B.Tech.(Hort.)/ B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech.)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)


Biotechnology Admission to M.Sc.(Biotechnology) is made based on the All India combined entrance test conducted by the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi every year. TNAU also admits students of B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.) / B.Tech.(Hort)/ B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc.(Forestry) for this course.

Biotechnology M.Sc. (Biotechnology) of TNAU or its equivalent in related field of specialization with basic Farm Science Degree. Candidates possessing Masters degree in Plant Breeding and Genetics / Agrl. Microbiology/ Agrl. Entomology/ Plant Pathology/ Horticulture/ Forestry/ Environmental Sciences/ Seed Science and Technology/ Crop Physiology/ Plant Nematology/Bioinformatics/ Biochemical Technology/Microbial Technology of TNAU are also eligible.


Environmental Sciences B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.) / B.Tech.(Hort) / B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech.)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)/ B.E.(Ag.)/ B.Tech.(Ag.Engg)/B.V.Sc./ B.F.Sc. B.Sc. (Dairy Science) and B.Sc. (Sericulture)

Environmental Sciences Candidates possessing a Masters degree in Environmental science from TNAU/ Agricultural Microbiology /Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry/Agronomy / Crop Physiology/Plant Breeding and Genetics/ Agricultural Entomology/ Plant Nematology /Plant Pathology/ Horticulture/ Forestry/ M.Tech Agricultural Engineering of TNAU or from a recognized university. Candidates with M.Sc. (Biotechnology) with basic farm science degree are also eligible to apply.


Master of Business Administration B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Tech. (Hort) /B.Tech. (Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)/ B.V.Sc./ B.F.Sc./ B.E.(Ag.)/ B.Tech. (Agrl.Engg.)/B.Sc. (Home Science)/ B.Sc. (Ag. Maco) Sericulture B.Sc.(Sericulture) /B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Tech.(Hort.)/B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc.(Forestry) /B.Sc.(Hort.) from SAUs. In-service candidates with a degree in Botany/ Zoology / Chemistry with three years experience. For fresh candidates a degree in Botany/ Zoology/ Applied Zoology/ Chemistry with a minimum second class with one year Post-graduate Diploma in Sericulture.
M.Sc. (Sericulture) / M.Sc. (Ag.) in Sericulture / M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agrl. Entomology / M.Sc. (Ag.) in Plant Pathology/ M.Sc. (Ag.) in Plant Nematology



Horticulture B.Sc(Hort.)/B.Sc(Ag)/ B.Tech(Hort.)/B.Tech(Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc(Forestry)


Agricultural Engineering Farm Power and Machinery B.Tech.(Ag.Engg.)/B.E.(Ag) of TNAU

Horticulture Fruit Science M.Sc.(Hort.) Fruit Science /M.Sc.(Hort.*) Vegetable Science M.Sc(Hort.)Vegetable Science /M.Sc(Hort.*) Spices, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops M.Sc.(Hort.) Spices and Plantation Crops/ M.Sc.(Hort.*) Floriculture and Landscape Gardening M.Sc.(Hort.) Floriculture and Medicinal Crops/M.Sc.(Hort*.) (*)M.Sc(Hort.) with thesis work in the concerned sciences/crops.

M.Tech. (Ag.Engg.)/M.E.(Ag.) of TNAU

Food and Agricultural Process Engineering B.Tech.(Ag.Engg.)/B.Tech.(FPE)/B.E.(Ag) of TNAU Bioenergy B.Tech.(Ag.Engg.)/ B.Tech.(EEE)/ B.E.(Ag) of TNAU Soil and Water Conservation B.Tech.(Ag.Engg.)/ B.Tech.(EEE)/ B.E.(Ag) of TNAU For in-service candidates, who do not Farm power and machinery B.E. (Mech) with 2 years of Government Service in the related field Bio-Energy B.E. (Chem) with 2 years of Government Service in the related field Food and Agricultural Process Engineering B.E. (Mech) with 2 years of Government Service in the related field Soil and Water Conservation B.E. (Civil) with 2 years of Government Service in the related field 4.20. Forestry [M.Sc.(Forestry)] B.Sc.(Forestry) /B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Tech(Hort.)/B.Tech(Ag.Biotech)

M.Tech. (Ag.Engg.)/M.E.(Ag.)

M.Tech. (Ag.Engg.)/M.E.(Ag.)

M.Tech. (Ag.Engg.)/M.E.(Ag.) possess B.E. (Ag.) / M.E. (Ag.) M.E. degree with 3 years of Government Service in the related field M.E. degree with 3 years of Government Service in the related field M.E. degree with 3 years of Government Service in the related field M.E. degree with 3 years of Government Service in the related field Forestry [Ph.D.] M.Sc. (Forestry). In-service candidates with M.Sc.(Ag.)/ M.Sc.(Hort.) with 3 years experience in Forestry/ AgroForestry. Food science and nutrition M.Sc. in Food science and nutrition of TNAU/other SAUs


Food science and nutrition B.Sc.(Home Science)/ B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/B.Tech.(Hort.)/ B.Tech.(Ag.Biotech)/ B.V.Sc./ B.F.Sc./ or Candidates with B.Sc. (Dairy Science) degree from SAUs.


PG Diploma Program Capital and Commodity Market B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)/ B.Tech. (Hort.)/B.Tech. (Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc.(Home Science)/B.Sc. (Ag. Maco)/ B.E (Ag. Engg)/ B.Tech. (Agrl.Engg.)/ B.V.Sc. or B.Sc. (Dairy Science)/ B.Sc. (Sericulture) Organic Farming B.Sc.(Ag.)/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Sc.(Forestry)/ B.Tech. (Hort.)/B.Tech. (Ag.Biotech)/ B.Sc.(Home Science)/B.E.(Ag. Engg)/ B.Tech. (Agrl.Engg.) / B.Sc. (Sericulture)

5. ADMISSION Selected candidates should pay the prescribed fees before the due date. If any student fails to pay the fees before the due date he/she shall forfeit the admission. 6. FEE STRUCTURE Fee structure is being revised every year with 10% fees hike. Lodging fees and charges for electricity, water and computer are revised based on the requirements and power tariff prevailing from time to time. 6.1 6.2 In the case of new admissions, the fees for the first semester should be paid the Office of the Dean (SPGS), Coimbatore. at

For the remaining semesters, the fees should be paid within seven working days including the date of commencement of the semester at the campus in which the student studies. In case of default of full payment of fee within seven working days, a fine of Rs.100/- along with regular semester fee will be collected. The students who fail to pay tuition fees within 30 working days from commencement of the semester will not be allowed to attend classes and their names will be struck off from the rolls. Students who are away on study tour or other extracurricular activities organized by the university or colleges concerned at the commencement of the semester may however pay their tuition fees and other fees within three days after they return from such tours. If the third day happens to be a holiday, the next working day shall be the last date for payment of fees without fine. A student who has been granted scholarship by the Adi Dravidar Welfare Department or by the Government of India or State Government through the Director, Adi Dravidar Welfare, Chennai will however be exempted from the levy of fine. Default of payment on the day next to the day of the disbursement of the scholarship amount, fine should be levied at the rate Rs.1.00/- per day up to the first seven days and thereafter the name will be struck off from the rolls. The concession mentioned above will apply to those who have actually been granted scholarship and not for those who have applied for and are expecting sanction. Candidates who discontinue after admission are not eligible for refund of fees except caution money deposit. The mess dues clearance certificate has to be produced by all the students at the time of registration and final examination of each semester and thesis submission.

6.3 6.4



6.7 6.8

7. LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT The medium of instruction is English. The post graduate students should have adequate knowledge in English to read, write and speak in English and able to prepare high quality research papers in English. Foreign students whose knowledge in English is inadequate shall take an audit course in English offered by the department of Language.

8. RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENT 8.1 8.2 The minimum residential requirement for PG Diploma program is one academic year (two semesters) from the date of admission. The minimum residential requirement for Masters degree shall be two academic years (four semesters) within the maximum period of four academic years (eight semesters) from the date of admission. The minimum residential requirement for Ph.D degree shall be three academic years (six semesters) within a maximum period of six academic years (12 semesters) from the date of admission. If any student fails to complete the program within the maximum time limit, the Deans committee can decide and give an extension for a period of one year (two semesters) over and above the maximum period of four and six academic years respectively for Masters and Doctoral degrees and Academic Council may consider extension of another one year (two semesters) based on the merit of individual case. The Academic Council shall not have the powers to grant further extension of time. Students who fail to complete even after two years of extension may seek readmission on their own accord. For getting extension of time beyond the normal period, the student shall apply in the proforma prescribed by the Dean (SPGS).



9. REGISTRATION 9.1 All newly admitted candidates should register during the first semester of the program. A candidate admitted to the Post-graduate program should report to the Head of the Department concerned on the date of registration. It is the responsibility of the candidate to register the courses in person on the due date prescribed for the purpose. In ABSENTIA registration will not be permitted on any circumstances. The Head of the Department and the PG coordinator shall help the student in selecting the courses for registration. Admitted candidates shall register with the respective Department at the beginning of each semester and this should be completed within two working days. Late registration is permitted by the Dean (SPGS)/ Deans of colleges within seven working days from the commencement of the semester provided a late fee of Rs. 600/- (Rupees six hundreds only) is paid before registration. Registration beyond seven working days is not allowed except for new entrants who are admitted late due to administrative reasons in the first semester. The Head of the Department, Chairman and the PG coordinator are responsible to furnish the registration particulars of the students with their signature in the format given in the Annexure to the Controller of Examinations through the Dean (SPGS) for preparing registration cards.


9.3 9.4

9.5 The registration cards will be prepared in the Office of the Controller of Examinations and sent to respective departments with a copy to Dean (SPGS). 9.6 The mess dues clearance certificate has to be produced by the student at the time of registration.

10. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT 10.1 A student who fails to secure 80 per cent of attendance in each course separately for theory and practical, shall not be permitted to appear for the final examination in that course and shall be awarded E (incomplete) and will be required to repeat the course when offered with juniors. 10.2 In respect of the student who has absented himself / herself for classes with or without valid reasons, that period will be treated as absence only and not as leave. Also, no attendance will be given for writing make up tests. In case of new admission, for calculating 80% attendance in the first semester, the number of working days will be calculated from the date of joining of the students who are permitted to join late due to administrative reasons. 11. DISCONTINUANCE AND READMISSION 11.1. Students who discontinue their studies before completing the degree with written permission from the Dean (SPGS) shall be re-admitted to the degree program, provided that the student should have completed the course work and qualifying exam before such discontinuance. However the period of such discontinuance should not exceed four semesters for masters degree and six semesters for Ph.D. Degree. 11.2. After completion of course work and qualifying examination a student is eligible to discontinue temporarily his research program only once within 4 academic years(8 semesters) for Masters program and within 6 academic years (12 semesters) for doctoral program. For every semester the student has to obtain prior written permission from Dean (SPGS) for temporary discontinuation. If the discontinuation period exceeds two semesters the student has to forego the research credits already registered and register afresh with revised program for both masters and doctoral program. In the case of field experiments or laboratory experiments in which continuity is essential for research and if a student temporarily discontinues in the middle without completing the experiments, then the entire experiment should be repeated even if the discontinuation period does not exceed two semesters. 11.3. The students who discontinue the course without prior permission of the Dean (SPGS) will not be allowed to re-register and may have to seek readmission on their own accord. 11.4. Dean (SPGS) can permit the students to temporarily discontinue the program before completion of course work and qualifying exam based on genuine medical grounds only as special case and with approval of Registrar and Vice-Chancellor. 11.5. A post graduate student joining the studies after discontinuation should pay the fees of the existing semester in which he/she joins instead of old rates of the fees of discontinued semesters. A penal charge equal to tuition fees will be collected from Post -graduate students for each discontinued semester. 11.6. When the Post Graduate students, on other reasons, are being permitted to register in other semesters, in addition to their regular registration without

exceeding the permissible credit load at any point of time, a separate semester fee is to be collected. 12. ADVISORY COMMITTEE Each Post-graduate student shall have an advisory committee to guide the student in carrying out the program. Only recognized teachers are eligible for teaching PG courses and guiding thesis research. 12.1 Chairman/Guide Every student shall have a Chairman of the Advisory Committee who will be from his/her major field of studies. The appointment of chairman shall be made by the Dean (SPGS) / Dean on the recommendation of the Head of the Department. The approved guides by the Dean (SPGS) / Dean at the colleges only can be the guide for the students. A teacher should have a minimum of three and two years of service before retirement for allotment of doctoral and masters students respectively. A Chairman of the Advisory Committee who is on transfer can continue to guide a student provided the student should have completed 75% of the total credits for M.Sc. and 75% of research credits for Ph.D. on the day of transfer. The Head of the departments will distribute the masters/doctoral, students among the recognized guides. Normally there should not be more than four masters and doctoral students at any one time under a guide. However a guide operating externally funded schemes with student JRF/SRF fellowship with the approval of Dean (SPGS) can supervise a maximum of six students. 12.2 Members For Masters Students, the advisory committee shall comprise of a chairman and two members. One member will be from the concerned department and other member from the related field of thesis research in other departments. For MBA students chairman will be form the department of Agricultural and Rural Management/Agricultural Economics. One member will be from CARDS and other member from outside CARDS/local institute/private industry. The advisory committee for Ph.D. scholar shall comprise of a chairman and three members. One member will be from the respective department and two members will be from other related departments. In thesis topics involving more of inter-disciplinary approach, the number of advisory committee members from other disciplines may be increased by one with prior approval of the Dean (SPGS) / Dean. A proposal for the formation of the advisory committee of the students, shall be forwarded by the Heads of the Department to the Dean (SPGS)/ Dean of colleges for approval within one month from the commencement of the I semester. External experts may be included as member/co-chairman in the advisory committee based on the need and expertise of the member, without any financial commitment to the university so as to improve the quality of the thesis. The external

expert member proposed should meet the minimum qualification required and the proposal is to be approved by the Dean (SPGS). 12.3. Formation of advisory committee 12.3.1. For Doctoral Program the advisory committee chairman will be in the cadre of Professors and members will be in the cadre of Professors and Associate Professors. 12.3.2. For Masters Program the advisory Committee chairman and members will be in the cadre of Professors and Associate Professors. Assistant Professors having five years of experience are also eligible for advisory committee members. 12.3.3. Only recognized teachers are eligible for teaching PG Courses and guiding thesis research. 12.4. Changes in advisory committee The proposal for changes in the advisory committee is to be sent to the Dean (SPGS)/ Dean for approval, if it is keenly felt that such changes are absolutely necessary. The reason for such change should be indicated. The changes may be effected immediately when the existing members are transferred elsewhere or resigned or retired. If a guide goes abroad/ within India for more than 6 months, to attend any training or on leave for more than six months, the Chairman of the Advisory Committee has to be changed immediately. The same conditions will apply to members also. 12.5 Absence of member during qualifying / final viva-voce examination

12.5.1. Conducting qualifying and final viva voce examination in the absence of members is not allowed. 12.5.2. Under extra-ordinary circumstances if the qualifying/ final viva-voce examination to postgraduate student has to be conducted in the absence of one or two advisory committee members, permission to conduct the examination by co-opting another members in such contingencies should be obtained from the Dean (SPGS) / Dean in advance. The co-opted member should be from the same department of the member who is not attending the examinations. 12.5.3. In the absence of the Chairman of advisory committee, respective Heads of Departments should act as Co-chairman with prior permission of Dean (SPGS) / Deans of Colleges. 12.6. Duties and responsibilities of the advisory committee Drawing the students academic plan for post-graduate program Guidance throughout the program of the student Guiding the student in selecting a topic for thesis research, seminar and topical research

Continuous monitoring of thesis research, seminar and topical research and maintaining monitoring register for each student for research Evaluation of research, seminar and topical research credits Correction and finalization of thesis draft The members should meet together along with the student for all the above purposes and sign the appropriate documents. 13. PROGRAM OF STUDY

The student's plan for post-graduate course work drawn up by advisory committee shall be sent to the Dean (SPGS) before the commencement of the mid semester examination during the first semester. 14. PROGRAM OF RESEARCH WORK

The proposal for research program of the student, in the prescribed proforma and approved by the advisory committee, shall be sent for approval of the Dean (SPGS) before the end of the semester in which the research credits are registered for the first time or before taking up of the research work whichever is earlier. 15. CREDIT REQUIREMENTS 15.1 PG Diploma A PG Diploma student should complete credits to become eligible for the diploma Organic farming I II III IV V Course work Project work Case study Study tour Personality Development Total Credits 13 6 4 1 24 Capital and Commodity Markets 16 6 1 1 24

15.2 Masters and Doctoral degree (Except Forestry) Details Course Work Major Subjects Minor Subjects Supporting Subjects Non Credit Compulsory Courses Seminar Research Total Credits 20 09 05 01 20 55 02 45 75 15 08 05 Masters Program Doctoral Program


15.3 Masters and Doctoral degree (For Forestry) Details Course Work Major Subjects Minor Subjects Supporting Subjects Non Credit Compulsory Courses* Seminar Research Total Credits 22 12 05 01 20 55 15 08 05 02 45 75 Masters Program Doctoral Program

* Six courses (PGS 1-PGS 6) are of general nature and are compulsory for Masters programme. Ph. D. students may be exempted from these courses if already studied during Masters degree. 15.4 Dual degree Details Course Work Research Credits to be transferred from Cornell University Total Credits Masters Program 34 14 07 55

A Masters degree student can register a maximum of 22 credits per semester including seminar and research. However, research credits registered per semester should not exceed 10, except in the disciplines of Agricultural Economics, MBA and Agricultural Extension and students of these disciplines can register upto 12 research credits per semester. Requirement for masters program shall also include successful completion of thesis/project work (PG Diploma) in the major field of study and submission of thesis/ project report thereon. 15.4 Extra Credits Over and above the prescribed minimum credit requirements, based on recommendation of advisory committee extra course credits up to a maximum of six can be registered for masters and doctoral programs with prior permission from the Dean (SPGS). The extra credits registered will be accounted for calculation of OGPA. 16. COURSE WORK

16.1 Major Subjects The subject (Department/Discipline) in which a student takes admission

16.2 Minor Subjects The subject closely related to a students major subject. 16.3 Supporting Courses (for masters program only) The subject not related to the major subject. It could be any subject considered relevant for students research work or necessary for building his overall competence. 16.4 Non-Credit Compulsory Courses

Six courses (PGS 1-PGS 6) are of general nature and are compulsory for Masters programme. PhD students may be exempted from these courses if already studied during Masters degree.

CODE PGS 501 PGS 502 PGS 503 (e-Course) PGS 504 PGS 505 (e-Course) PGS 506 (e-Course)

COURSE TITLE Library and information services Technical writing and communications skills Intellectual property and its management in agriculture Basic concepts in laboratory techniques Agricultural research, research ethics and rural development programmes Disaster management

CREDITS 0+1 0+1 1+0 0+1 1+0 1+0



For post-graduate program under the semester system, a special lecture of one and half hour duration may be arranged by inviting a specialist from other institution. An honorarium of Rs. 1000/- may be given besides travelling allowance. For this, necessary provision may be made in the department budget concerned. The Heads of Departments may suggest the names of specialists for the approval of the Dean (SPGS) before inviting them for special lectures. The external examiners visiting the department may also be requested to give special lecture in their field of specialization. 18. EVALUATION OF STUDENTS PERFORMANCE

All students shall abide by the rules for evaluating the course work under the semester system of education, as prescribed from time to time by the university. 18.1. Examinations There will be two examinations viz., mid semester and final examination. Wherever the course has practical, there will be a final practical examination also.

18.1.1. The online mid semester examination for the Post-graduate courses will be conducted online for a period of two hours and final examinations in theory and practical will be conducted for three hours each. The online mid semester examinations will be conducted by course teachers during the ninth week of the semester in common examination hall. 18.1.2. The final theory examination shall be conducted for three hours after completion of 105 working days and normally after three days of study holidays. The final practical examination should be conducted in the last practical class. The final theory examination for masters program and doctoral program will be arranged by the Controller of Examinations by adopting a common time table for all campuses. The external evaluation system is followed for all courses in masters program and core courses alone in doctoral program. 18.1.3. The students who are late by 30 minutes shall not be allowed to sit for the examination. Similarly no student will be allowed to leave the examination hall within 30 minutes after the commencement of the examination. 18.1.4. The distribution of marks will be as indicated below: Examination Mid-semester Final theory Final practical Term paper Course with practical 30 40 20 10 Course without practical 30 60 10 Course without theory 30 60 10

18.1.5. The question paper model and distribution of marks for mid semester and final theory examinations are as follows. Mid semester: For courses with/without practical (30 marks)

Type of question True or false Multiple choice Short notes

No. of questions 10 20 15

Mark 10 x 0.5 20 x 0.5 15 x 1.0 Total

Total mark 5 10 15 30

Final Theory: Courses with practical (40 marks) 20% choice may be given 1. Short notes 10 marks (5 x 2) 2. Essay type 30 marks (5 x 6) Courses without practical (60 marks) 20% choice may be given 1. Short notes 15 marks (5 x 3) 2. Essay type 45 marks (5 x 9) 18.1.6. Minimum marks for pass a) A student should secure a minimum of 50 per cent marks separately in the theory and practical.

b) The aggregate should not be less than 65 and 70 per cent for a pass in each subject in PG diploma and other PG courses respectively to successfully complete the course. c) Students who secure marks below 65 per cent in PG Diploma and 70 per cent in masters and doctoral will be awarded F grade and students without having the required minimum attendance of 80 per cent will not be allowed to write the final examination and they will be awarded E grade. Students who secure F grade should appear for reexamination in the next semester. d) If a student secured E grade, he/she has to re-register and attend the course again along with the juniors. 18.2. MISSING EXAMINATION Missing examination shall be permitted only for mid-semester examination in deserving cases on the recommendation of the course teacher / Chairman and Head of the department and on prior approval by the Dean (SPGS) / Deans of the Colleges concerned. Missing examination should be completed within 15 working days from the date of respective examination on payment of missing examination fee of Rs.500/- per subject. 18.3. TERM PAPERS/SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT a) b) Adequate steps must be taken by each teacher to assign term papers. Term papers should cover a wide range of subjects within the course limits. There is no need to insist on term paper for some courses. With the permission of the Head of the department, wherever term papers are not possible, the course teachers may allot special assignments to students and evaluate the performance for 10 marks.

18.4. MINIMUM GPA REQUIREMENT A post graduate student to continue his/her studies in the university should maintain certain minimum average Grade Point prescribed hereunder: a) b) Earn a grade point of 7.00 for a pass in each subject for masters and doctoral program. A P.G.Diploma student should secure a grade point of 6.50 for a pass A post graduate student who earned an OGPA of not less than 7.0 and 7.5 respectively for masters and doctoral programs alone will be permitted to appear for qualifying examination. The minimum OGPA will include only course work and seminar A Ph.D. student may repeat the course(s) in which he/she gets a Grade point below 7.50 and above 7.0 to improve the OGPA.


18.5. RE-EXAMINATION Students who secure F grade in a subject are permitted to write reexamination for theory and/or practical conducted by the Controller of Examination during semester break for the total marks indicated below.


Re-examination for Course with practical Course with theory alone or practical alone

Total marks 70 marks 90 marks

Theory re-examination will be conducted for the entire syllabus of the subject

The re-examination fee of Rs. 400/- per course is to be paid on or before the prescribed date. A student is permitted to write the theory and/or practical examinations only two times during n+n years (i.e. n+2 for PG Diploma and masters program and n+3 for doctoral program) excluding the regular final examination. In event of a student fails to secure pass in the two re-examinations permitted, he/she has to re-register the course along with juniors. The marks for term paper will be retained and the student should produce the practical record during reexamination. The registration cards for the re-examination shall be sent to the Controller of Examination through the Dean (SPGS) on or before the specified date. Each registration is considered as an attempt even if the student absents for the examination. One additional examination exclusively for final year student in respect of program has to be conducted to complete their arrears. 18.6. RETURN OF VALUED ANSWER PAPERS The valued answer papers of mid-semester/practical examination shall be shown to the students after the examination. Discrepancies if any, in awarding marks, the student can approach the teacher concerned immediately for rectification. The answer paper should be retained with the course teacher for six months and then disposed off. Evaluated final theory papers have to be retained upto six months by the Controller of Examinations after the conduct of examination and then disposed off. The same is applicable to improvement/re-examination also. 18.7. COMMUNICATION OF MARKS The mark list for mid semester and practical examination should be sent to the Controller of Examinations with a copy to Dean (SPGS) with in seven working days from the date of conducting the respective examination. 18.8. REVALUATION i) A student can submit a request for revaluation/re-totaling, in the prescribed format to the Controller of Examinations through the Dean (SPGS)/Deans concerned not later than ten working days from the issue of class grade charts to the student. Appeals received thereafter will be summarily rejected. The fee for revaluation or re-totalling is Rs.400/- per subject to be paid in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of the Controller of Examinations.

ii) The revaluation is not permissible normally for practical examinations. However, Dean (SPGS) / Deans concerned, if satisfied may constitute a committee consisting of at least three faculty members to moderate the marks of practical examinations. The report of the committee in such cases should be submitted within two days.

The decision of the Dean (SPGS)/Dean of the College will be final. 19. MODERATION OF MAKRS A student who needs upto 0.75 marks as moderation to get a pass mark in a subject should send a request along with marks obtained in mid term, term paper and final examinations through the Chairman and Head of Department and Dean (SPGS) to the Controller of Examination. The Controller of Examinations is empowered to give moderation upto 0.75 marks to the student and issue revised report cards. 20. QUALIFYING EXAMINATION (Masters and Doctoral Program) Only those post graduate students who successfully completed the qualifying examination will be admitted to candidacy of the degree. The qualifying examination consists of written and oral examination and the students should be allowed after completion of 80% course work separately in major and minor subjects Major subject papers Minor subject paper setting Evaluation Qualifying marks Viva Voce Grading 20.2 SELECTION OF EXAMINER The Controller of Examinations may also prepare a panel of examiners in addition to the panel of examiners suggested by the chairman of the advisory committee for qualifying examination. The examiners may be chosen from both the panels. The panel of examiners for qualifying examinations shall be given by the advisory committee chairman before three months of the date of completion of the students course work to the Controller of Examinations for PG Programs. 20.3 WRITTEN EXAMINATION For masters program the external member will be nominated by the Controller of Examinations while for doctoral program the Vice-Chancellor will nominate the examiner on recommendations of Controller of Examinations. For masters and doctoral programs the Controller of Examinations will conduct the examination by getting question papers from Head of Departments. The written examination will be conducted only for major and minor courses. The question paper for the written examination will be of 3 hours duration and each question (Essay type) need not be restricted to any particular topic in a course but it should be a comprehensive of the syllabus of each course. The written examinations will be conducted at the same time in all campuses. 20.4 ORAL EXAMINATION (For doctoral programs only) The advisory committee shall conduct the oral examination with one external Masters Programme Doctoral Programme One paper Two One paper One Internal Internal External External 60% 60% No External Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

member who shall be a specialist in the subject from outside the university. The external member will be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor on recommendation of the Controller of Examinations. 20.5. The Heads of departments will monitor and coordinate the conduct of the qualifying examinations both written and viva. 20.6. COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS OF QUALIFYING EXAMINATION The chairman of the advisory committee shall act as chairman for the examination committee and shall be responsible for communicating the results of the examination to the Controller of Examinations in the prescribed format (See Annexure). 20.7. FAILURE/ABSENCE IN QUALIFYING EXAMINATION When a student fails or absents for the qualifying examination, he/she may apply again for permission to appear for re-examination to the Controller of Examinations through the Dean (SPGS)/Dean with the recommendation of the chairman of the advisory committee and Head of the Department. A student who applies for reexamination should attend written examination and viva-voce. Re-examination shall not take place earlier than three months after the first examination and it will be conducted by the advisory committee as previously indicated. If a student fails in the reexamination he/she cannot continue as a student in the University for Award of masters/doctoral degree in the university. If the student fails in qualifying examination, the research credits registered in the final semester should not be evaluated unless he/she successfully completes the qualifying examination. 21. CREDIT SEMINAR

Seminar is compulsory for all the post-graduate students and each doctoral student should register and present two seminars each with 0+1 credits in two semesters and one by the Masters student. Registration of seminar credits is not allowed in the first semester A doctoral student can register only one seminar in a semester and only after successful completion of the registered seminar, the student is permitted to register another seminar. 21.1 SEMINAR TOPIC a. The seminar topic should be only from the major field and should not be related to the area of thesis research. b. The seminar topics are to be assigned to the students by the Chairman at the beginning of the semester in which he/she registers seminar credits and the progress made by the student should be monitored. 21.2 EVALUATION 21.2.1. The students should prepare a seminar paper after reviewing all the available literature and present the seminar after completion of 80% attendance in the semester

in the presence of the Advisory committee, staff and post-graduate students of the concerned department. 21.2.2. The circular on the presentation of the seminars by the post-graduate students may be sent to other departments to enable those interested to attend the same. After carrying out the corrections/ suggestions, the student should submit two copies of the seminar papers, one to the Chairman and the other to the department. 21.2.3. The performance of the student in the credit seminar has to be evaluated for 100 marks by the advisory committee. Grade Point may be given based on the following norms: Coverage of literature Presentation Use of audio visual aids Capacity to participate to discussion and answer the questions 22. THESIS RESEARCH : : : : 40 30 10 20

22.1. SELECTION OF TOPIC Once the Post graduate students joined the program, it is the responsibility of the Head of the department to organize a meeting of the students and PG teachers to make the students know about various activities of the department. The students should be informed about the thrust areas of research of the department, research projects undertaken by the scientists in the department, research problems taken by the senior PG students, field of specialization of each scientist and infra-structural facilities available in the department so that the student will develop some preliminary knowledge about the research problems. With the guidance of the advisory committee the students should identify the tentative area of research and include it in the plan of work. The advisory committee should guide the students in selecting a specific topic in the identified area and preparing a detailed proposal. While selecting the topic for thesis research, the specialization and competency of teachers, thrust area identified by the department, external funded schemes operated in the department and also the aptitude of the student may be taken into consideration. The topic for thesis research for the students of masters program should be of such a nature as to indicate a students potentialities for conducting research and to train him in research. The thesis research for the Ph.D. degree should be of the nature of a definite contribution to the subject and the results should be of sufficient importance to merit publication. The findings should have some practical utility or should lead to theoretical contribution. The thesis shall be on a topic falling within the field of the major specialization and shall be the result of the students own work. A certificate to this effect duly endorsed by the major advisor shall accompany the thesis. 22.2. RESEARCH PROPOSAL The research proposal has to be presented by the student in a meeting organized by the Head of the department to get the opinion / suggestions of the scientists of the department for improving it. Three copies of the research proposal in the prescribed format should be sent to the Dean (SPGS) through the Head of the department for approval before the end of the semester in which the student has

registered research credits for the first time or before taking up the field / laboratory experiments which ever is earlier. 22.3 EVALUATION OF THESIS RESEARCH After assigning the research problem, for each semester the student has to submit a detailed program of work to be carried out by him/her during the semester in the prescribed proforma (Form A). After scrutiny and approval, a copy of the program has to be given to the student for carrying out the work during the semester. 22.3.1. Attendance register must be maintained in the department for all the students to monitor whether the student has 80% of attendance in research. 22.3.2. The Chairman should maintain a register for each student to monitor the progress of thesis work (see appendix for proforma) 22.3.3. After completion of 80% attendance for research and on or before the last day of the semester, the advisory committee should evaluate the progress of research/project work as per the approved program and monitoring register and award SATISFACTORY OR NOT SATISFACTORY depending upon quantity and quality of work done by the student during the semester. The procedures of evaluating research credits under different situations are explained hereunder. 22.3.4. SITUATION I The student has completed the research credits as per the approved program and awarded SATISFACTORY by the advisory committee. Under the said situation the student can be permitted to register fresh research credits in the subsequent semester. If the student is awarded NOT SATISFACTORY he/she has to reregister the same block of research credits. 22.3.5. SITUATION II The student has not secured the minimum attendance of 80 percent (i.e. absent for more than 21 working days). 22.3.6. SITUATION III The student could not complete the research work as per the approved program of work for reasons beyond his/her control such as, a) b) c) d) Failure of crop Non-incidence of pests or disease or lack of such necessary experimental conditions. Non-availability of treatment materials like planting materials chemicals, etc. Any other impeding / unfavorable situation for satisfying the advisory committee.

Under the said situations (II & III) Grade E should be awarded. The student has to reregister the same block of research credits for which E grade was awarded in the following semester with prior permission from Dean (SPGS)/Dean. In the remarks column of the registration card, second time has to be mentioned and until the

completion of reregistered credits, the student should not be allowed to register for fresh (first time) research credits. In the class grade chart, it should be mentioned that E grade was awarded due to lack of attendance or want for favourable experimental conditions. 22.3.7. SITUATION IV When the student failed to complete the work even in the Second time registration the student will be awarded not satisfactory and in the class grade chart the second time should be mentioned. 22.3.7. SITUATION V If a student secures F grade in course work and cannot complete qualifying examination till the end of final semester / grace period E grade should be awarded for final block of research credits registered in final semester. He has to re-register the same block of research credits in the next semester and attend the qualifying exam when conducted by the Controller of Examinations. 22.4 RE-REGISTRATION OF RESEARCH CREDITS 22.4.1. Masters Program Students have to obtain prior permission of the Dean (SPGS) for reregistering the research credits. For the third time registration of research/project credits, permission has to be obtained from the Deans Committee for masters program. Permission for registration for the fourth time shall be given only by the academic council. 22.4.2. Doctoral Program For doctoral program the re-registration of research credits is permitted as given below upto four years Advisory committee upto five years Dean (SPGS) upto six years Deans committee Beyond six year Academic Council 23. SUBMISSION OF THESIS The research credits registered in the last semester of post-graduate programs should be evaluated only at the time of the submission of thesis, by the advisory committee. Students can submit the thesis at the end of the final semester. The list of enclosures to be submitted along with the thesis is furnished in Annexure. If a postgraduate student has completed the thesis before the closure of the final semester, the chairman can convene the advisory committee meeting and take decision on the submission of the thesis provided the student satisfies 80 per cent attendance requirement. Copies of the thesis, one for masters program and two for doctoral program to be sent for evaluation should be submitted in paper pack. After incorporating the suggestions of the examiners and those received at the time of vivavoce, the thesis should be submitted to the university in CDs (two copies). However, fellowship holder has to submit a hard bound copy also.

23.1. GRACE PERIOD Students can avail a grace period upto three months for submission of thesis/project report after the closure of final semester by paying necessary fine. For grace period upto one month a fine of Rs.1000/- has to be paid and for period upto three months Rs.2500/- has to be paid. If a student is not able to submit the thesis within three months grace period, the student has to re-register the credits in the forthcoming semester. The student(s) who re-register the credits after availing the grace period will not be permitted to avail grace period for the second time. The Heads of the Department can sanction the grace period based on the recommendation of advisory committee and a copy of the permission letter along with the receipt for payment of fine should accompany the thesis while submission. 23.2. RE-REGISTRATION AND SUBMISSION OF THESIS The minimum of 80% attendance requirement for submitting the thesis after, re-registration need not be insisted for those students who have fulfilled the minimum academic and residential requirement i.e. 2 years (4 semesters) and 3 years (6 semesters) and completed the minimum credit requirements with 80% attendance respectively for masters and doctoral students. 23.3. PUBLICATION OF ARTICLES Part of thesis may also be published in advance with the permission of the chairman. If any part is published the fact should be indicated in the certificate given by the chairman that the work had been published in part/ full in any scientific or popular journals, proceedings, etc. It is also prescribed the publication of research articles in NAAS indexed journals as the eligible criteria for submission of thesis by Doctoral students. Accordingly, a. Two research articles published or accepted for publication in peer-reviewed International / National journal indexed by NAAS. b. The student should provide a copy of the published article / acceptance letter at the time of submission of thesis. 24. EVALUATION OF THESIS

24.1. MASTERS PROGRAM The thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of a masters degree shall be evaluated by an external examiner nominated by the Dean (SPGS) from a panel of three names of specialists in the particular field in India. 24.1.1. An oral examination will be conducted by the Advisory Committee after the thesis is recommended by the external examiner and carrying out the corrections/ suggestions made by the external examiner by the student. The chairman shall send the recommendations of the advisory committee along with necessary certificate/documents in duplicate to the Dean (SPGS). On the unanimous recommendation of the committee and with the approval of the university the degree shall be awarded to the candidate. The result declaration proposal will be sent by the Dean (SPGS) to the Registrar through the Controller of Examinations.

24.1.2. In case of difference of opinion on the acceptability of thesis for the award, the Dean (SPGS) may on the special recommendation of the advisory committee, refer the thesis for scrutiny and independent judgment to a second external expert chosen by him. If the second external expert recommends the thesis for acceptance, this recommendation may be accepted. If however, the opinion is still not uniform the degree shall not be awarded. In the above case, the advisory committee shall send their recommendation to the Dean (SPGS) within one month from the date of receipt of the thesis for scrutiny. 24.2. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 24.2.1. The thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the Ph.D. degree shall be evaluated by two external experts nominated by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of Dean (SPGS). They shall be chosen from a panel of at least five names of specialists in the particular field, from outside the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, suggested by the Chairman. The Dean (SPGS) however may include the external experts from outside the panel also. The external experts shall send their evaluation reports on the thesis directly to the Dean (SPGS) along with the copy of the thesis evaluated. After a students thesis for Ph.D. degree is evaluated as indicated above, the thesis shall be finally accepted for the award only after the student satisfactorily completes a final oral examination. This final oral examination will be conducted by the students advisory committee with the addition of one of the nominated external examiners. The candidate is expected to defend the thesis at the examination. The degree shall be awarded on the unanimous recommendation of the examining committee in regard to the thesis itself and the performance of the student in the final oral examination. The recommendation of the committee shall be forwarded by the chairman, which shall be signed by all members of the committee and the external examiner. 24.2.2. In the case of difference of opinion on the acceptability of evaluation report of external examiner the Dean (SPGS) with the approval of Vice-Chancellor and on special recommendation of advisory committee may refer the thesis for scrutiny and independent judgment to a third external examiner. If the third examiner recommends the thesis for award of degree the recommendation may be accepted provided at least one of the two original external examiners who read the thesis also agrees with this recommendation, if not the thesis shall not be considered for award. 24.3. The Head of the Department should attend the final viva voce examination of masters and doctoral program students. The Dean (SPGS) can also attend the viva voce examination to the maximum extent possible to monitor the system. 25. REVISION OF THESIS If an examiner recommends for revision of thesis the following norms will be adopted. 25.1. For revision of draft, the thesis should be resubmitted after a minimum of one month and three months from the date of communication from Dean (SPGS) for masters and doctoral program respectively. 25.2. If the revision is recommended for repeating lab experiments, field trial etc, resubmission must be after a minimum of six months. 25.3. At the time of resubmission, the advisory committee should give a certificate for

carrying out the corrections/recommendations. The resubmitted copies of thesis should be got corrected carrying out the necessary corrections indicated by the external examiners and necessary certificates obtained from the chairman and Head of the department before the conduct of final viva-voce. 25.4. The fine for late submission of revised thesis may be collected from the students submitting thesis beyond the due date with the recommendation of the Chairman as below: Masters Degree Ph.D. Degree - Rs. 3000/- Rs. 5000/-

The Dean (SPGS) shall ensure that the delay is due to the fault of the student. 26. FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR FINAL VIVA/NON SUBMISSION OF THESIS AFTER VIVA If a candidate fails to appear before the examining committee for final vivavoce, on the date fixed by the chairman the following are the time-frame and penalty. 26.1. The re-viva must be completed within four and six years from the date first registration for masters and doctoral programs respectively. An amount penalty/ fine of Rs.2000/-(or) actual re-viva voce cost, whichever is higher must charged to the candidate. If not, the approval of the academic council must obtained. of of be be

26.2. When a student exceeded the residential requirement of four and six years for masters and doctoral programs respectively and later obtained the approval of academic council for late submission but fails to appear for final viva-voce, the student must complete the re-viva voce within six calendar months from the date of communication of appointment of external examiner for conducting final viva-voce to the chairman/by Dean (SPGS). However, the penalty as indicated in 27.1. has to be paid. 26.3. After successful completion of thesis final viva voce if a student fails to submit the corrected version of the thesis within 15 days he /she will be levied a fine of Rs.5000/- at the time of sending the proposal for result declaration. 27. RESULT NOTIFICATION 27.1. After the completion of each semester, the student will be given the statement of marks by the Controller of Examinations. 27.2. The transcript will be prepared by Controller of Examinations. 27.3. The result declaration proposal will be sent by the Dean (SPGS) to the Registrar through Controller of Examinations. 28. MERIT SCHOLARSHIP/RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIP Merit scholarships/Research Assistantships are awarded to students of Masters and Doctoral Program respectively who are native of Tamil Nadu. It is operated by the Dean (SPGS), Dean, AC&RI, Madurai, Dean, HC&RI, Periyakulam, Dean, FC&RI, Mettupalayam & Dean (HSC&RI), Madurai.

28.1. MASTERS PROGRAM TNAU merit scholarship is awarded every year for the students of masters program who are native of Tamil Nadu. The Dean (SPGS) will call for applications and sanction the scholarship every year. The details are given below: 28.1.1. It is awarded purely based on merit taking into account the OGPA secured in the under-graduate program. 28.1.2. The rate of scholarship is Rs.1000/- p.m. and payable for 10 months in a year. It is renewed for the next year on promotion. 28.1.3. The awardee should not receive any other scholarship or fellowship from any other source. 28.2. DOCTORAL PROGRAM The Research assistantship is awarded to Ph.D. students of the TNAU who are native of Tamil Nadu only. 28.2.1. Only full time Ph.D. students are eligible to apply. 28.2.2. It is awarded purely based on merit taking into account the total marks secured by the students for Ph.D admission 28.2.3. An amount of Rs.1500/- p.m is awarded for 10 months in a year and will be renewed for every semester on promotion. 28.2.4. The awardee should not receive any other scholarship/fellowship from any other source 28.3. Refund of scholarship/Research Assistantship In case, the scholarship holder discontinues the course at any time after the award, he/she has to refund the entire amount received by him/her in one lump sum with 6% penal interest from the date of payment up to the date on which it is repaid. 28.4. FELLOWSHIP/SCHOLARSHIP OPTION 29.4.1. The students availing any scholarship/fellowships are permitted to switch over to other fellowship/scholarship only one time during the course of study. 28.5. Student SRF/JRF 28.5.1. The selection of student SRF/JRF in external funded schemes will be made by the existing committee members for selection of regular SRF/JRF. The PG coordinator of the concerned department will be an additional member of the committee. The panel of names after the selection has to be sent to the Dean (SPGS) for approval in the prescribed proforma. 28.5.2. If a student SRF/JRF discontinues before submitting the thesis/project reports or switch over to other fellowship/ scholarship, the amount already paid has to be recovered in full in one lump sum with 6% penal interest. 29. MALPRACTICES IN EXAMINATION AND MISCONDUCT OF STUDENTS 29.1. The Dean (SPGS)/Deans of the Colleges shall be responsible for dealing all cases of unfair means by students in writing records, assignments and examinations.

29.2. The invigilator or the course teacher concerned shall report each case of unfair means with full details of evidence and written explanation of the student concerned to the Dean(SPGS)/Dean of the college immediately. 29.3. The Dean (SPGS)/Dean of the College shall take appropriate action on receipt of the report and the penalty may be as indicated below. 29.4. Students found using unfair means during the mid-semester examination will be debarred from the college for the remaining period of semester and deemed to have failed in all the courses during the semester. 29.5. Students found using unfair means during the final theory /practical examination will be deemed to have failed in all the courses in that semester and also debarred from the college for the next semester. 29.6. For using unfair means of a serious nature (which will be decided by committee nominated by the Deans concerned) warranting higher penalties than those indicated in clauses 30.4 and 30.5 the student may be debarred from the university for a period of two semesters or more or expelled permanently after obtaining the orders of the university. In such cases, the students concerned shall not be allowed to sit for the remaining examinations in the concerned course or other courses. 29.7. Details of each case together with all material evidence and recommendations of the Dean shall be communicated forthwith to the Registrar of the university. The Dean shall issue necessary orders and report each case falling under clauses 29.4, 29.5 and 29.6 to the Registrar immediately. 29.8. RAGGING RULES: Students found involved in ragging or in any other misconduct, or on a report received from the affected student(s), the Dean(SPGS)/ Dean of the college, shall immediately expel the concerned student(s) against whom the report is received from Hostel/College, for the current semester and the Dean shall further constitute a committee to probe and conduct enquiry into the matter and based on the report from the committee, shall pass the final orders on merit of the case within three working days. 29.9. UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES: In case of students found involved in any unlawful activities either within or outside the Hostel/College Campus, besides, expulsion both from the Hostel and College at the discretion of the Dean, the matter will be reported to the Police of the jurisdiction to be dealt with, in accordance with the appropriate law in force. 30. RECOGNITION OF POST-GRADUATE TEACHERS The Dean(SPGS)/Dean normally recognizes teachers for offering courses and guiding the students of masters program based on the request of teachers and the recommendation of Head of the department. These recognized teachers shall offer courses to masters students as required by the concerned Heads of departments, normally, in their own field of specialization unless extra-ordinary circumstances demand for offering other courses. All the recognized guides for masters program are competent to guide research work of Masters degree students in their own fields of specialization. The Heads of departments shall assign students to the recognized guides taking into account their specialization. The students should be uniformly distributed instead of all of them taking research topics in one or two specialized

branches in the department. In sending the proposal for the recognition of post-graduate teachers, the following guidelines may be adopted. 30.1. TEACHERS AND GUIDES FOR MASTERS PROGRAM i) ii) iii) Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors: Persons having Ph.D. degree with 3 years of active experience in the concerned field (or) Persons having a masters degree with five years of active experience in the field are eligible for recognizing as M.Sc./ M.Tech. Teachers after handling two PG courses he/she is eligible to guide M.Sc./ M.Tech. students.

The Heads of departments will use their discretion while sending the proposals based on the qualification and experience as given above. The proposals can be sent only when there is acute need for teachers/guide in the prescribed format, given in the annexure. 30.2. TEACHERS AND GUIDES FOR DOCTORAL PROGRAM Teachers in the cadre of Professors are recognized as Ph.D teachers and guides. In the case of Associate Professors, the recognized guides for Masters Program after guiding two M.Sc students can aspire to become a Ph.D teacher. After handling two Ph.D courses he/she becomes eligible to be a guide for Ph.D student. While forwarding the application the Head of the Department should consider the seniority of the teacher, number of courses handled and students guided and number of research schemes operated. 31. GUIDELINES FOR HEADS OF THE DEPARTMENTS PROGRESS OF POST GRADUATE STUDENTS IN MONITORING

31.1. STUDENT RECORDS The following records are to be maintained. a) Individual student file (clip file) containing all the academic records of the student concerned with students biodata. In each file a sheet containing the following information has to be attached. i) ii) Date of registration Date of qualifying examination : : : : : :

iii) Due date for thesis submission iv) Date of submission of thesis v) Date of viva-voce vi) Remarks


Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Particulars List of courses to be offered along with time table Course registration particulars Formation of advisory committee Program of course work Time table for mid-semester test Class grade chart Program of research work

Time schedule A week before the commencement of each semester Within 10 working days from the date of commencement of each semester Within one month of the commencement of first semester Before the commencement of mid semester examination in the first semester A week before the scheduled date for the test notified in the calendar Within 7 days from the date of closure of each semester Before the end of the semester in which the student registers the research credit for the first time or the commencement of the research work which ever is earlier. Two months before the completion of the course work. Three months before the probable date of submission of thesis The next day of the examination The next day of the examination

8. 9. 10. 11.

Proposal for qualifying examination Panel of external examiners Qualifying examination result Final viva-voce result

31.2. The schedule for the important records to be sent to the Dean (SPGS) is furnished below and it should be followed strictly so as to get back the above academic reports in time for maintenance in the students file. The time table for various examinations and evaluations of research credits should be prepared in advance as indicated in the calendar of semester concerned and such dates already fixed should not be postponed or changed subsequently. All the examinations and evaluation should be completed within 10 days after the closure of the semester or before the start of next semester. 31.3. The Heads of the Departments should monitor the progress of the post graduate students. He has to arrange for a common meeting of the chairman and students of his department once in a month. Each department should maintain a list of thesis produced so far with the abstract of the same.


PROFORMA FOR RECOGNITION OF TEACHERS FOR TEACHING/GUIDING 1. Particulars of the teacher seeking recognition
a. b. c. d. e. f. Name of the teacher UPF code number (as assigned by Comptroller) Date of birth of the teacher Designation & present official address of the teacher Date of joining service in TNAU in the entry cadre Academic qualifications a. Date of acquiring Bachelors Degree b. Date of acquiring Masters Degree c. Date of acquiring Ph.D degree g. h. 2. Total service as on the date of this proposal (excluding extraordinary leave) Date of retirement Recognition proposal submitted for (tick any one) a. Recognition as teacher for Masters Program b. Recognition as Guide for Masters Program c. Recognition as Ph.D teacher d. Recognition as Ph.D Guide 3. Teaching experience as on the date of application a. No.of UG courses offered b. Course associate for UG c. No. of M.Sc courses offered d. No. of M.Sc students guided e. No. of Ph.D courses offered 4. No. of students (guiding) under your guidance (if applicable) now Signature of the teacher with date 5. a. b. Particulars to be furnished by Head of the Department/Dean No. of existing recognized teachers/guides pertaining to this proposal in your department Justification for additional requirement of teachers/guide Signature of the Head of Department


Remarks/Recommendation of the Director/Dean Signature of the Dean/Director

Dean (SPGS)


TAMIL NADU AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY Evaluation Proforma for the award of Masters/Doctoral degree 01. 02. Name of the examiner Address Postal Address Telephone FAX E-Mail 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. Name of the candidate Title of the thesis Date of receipt of the thesis copy Date of despatch of the detailed report and thesis by the examiner to the Dean (SPGS)/Dean Examiners recommendations choosing one of the following based on quality of thesis: a. Recommended for award b. Recommended for revision 08. Please state whether a list of questions if any to be asked at the viva-voce examination attached (Questions to be attached) Department Office Residence

Date Official Seal

: :

Signature of the Examiner

Note : Please enclose a detailed report in duplicate duly signed by you giving the merits and demerits of the thesis on the choice of problem, review of literature, methods followed, results and discussion etc.



(To be sent in triplicate within one month from the commencement of I semester) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of the student I.D. No. Degree Subject Campus Advisory committee : : : : : :


Advisory committee Chairman Members

Name, designation And department

Date of Retirement


1. 2.

Chairman: Member 1. 2. 3.

3. 4.

Additional member Reasons for additional member


Additional members may be included only in the allied faculty related to thesis research with full justification at the time of sending proposals (Program of research) to the Dean (SPGS)/Dean for approval.



(To be sent in triplicate)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Name of the student Degree Subject I. D. No. Proposed change

: : : :

Name and designation a. b. 6. Existing chairman/ member Proposed chairman/ member Reasons for change :

Date of retirement





REGISTRATION CARD Department Year of Admission : : Semester: Masters/Doctoral Program: Date of commencement Date of Registration ID.No. Title of the course : Remarks : :

Name of the student : S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Total Course No.

Credit Hours

Signature of the Student

Signature of the Chairman

Signature of the Coordinator

Signature of the Head of the Dept.

REGISTRATION CARD FOR RE-EXAMINATION Department Year of Semester Admission : : : Masters/Doctoral Program Semester Date of Commencement ID.No. Title of the course : Credit Hours Remarks : : :

Name of the student : S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Total Course No.

Signature of the Student

Signature of the Chairman

Signature of the Coordinator

Signature of the Head of the Dept.




(To be sent in triplicate before the commencement of mid semester examinations in the first semester) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. S.No a. b. c. d. e. 7. MAJOR MINOR SUPPORTING SEMINAR RESEARCH Tentative area of research (indicate the major field of specialization) : Name of the student I.D.No. Degree Subject Course Program Part time / full time : : : : : : Course no Course title Credit hours

Signature of the student

Advisory committee Chairman Members

: : : 1. 2. 3. 4.






1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Name Degree I.D. No. Subject Date of joining Title of the research project Objective Duration Location (campus/station) Review of work done Broad outline of work/methodology Semester wise break up of work : : : : : : : : : : : :

Signature of student

Approval of the advisory committee

Advisory committee Chairman Members

: : : 1. 2. 3. 4.




PROFORMA FOR CHANGE IN THE PROGRAM OF RESEARCH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name Degree Subject ID.No. Reason for change Proposed change in program of research the approved : : : : : : : : :

Number of credits completed so far under the approved program a. Whether already earned credits are to be retained or to be deleted b. If retained, justification

Signature of the student

Approval of the advisory committee Advisory committee Chairman Members : : : 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Signature



PROFORMA FOR THE PROPOSAL OF QUALIFYING EXAMINATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sl.No. a. b. c. d. e. Name of the student Degree I. D. No. Subject Whether all the Courses have been completed No. of credits completed Whether he/she has an overall GPA of not less than 7.0 for M.Sc and 7.5 for Ph.D Title of thesis Panel of external examiners Name Address Specialization : : : : : : : :



Signature of chairman with name and designation

PROFORMA FOR COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS OF QUALIFYING EXAMINATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name of the student I. D. No. Degree Department Date of examination Result (Successful/ Not successful*) Remarks : : : : : : :

(*) to be written by the external examiner Name: [in block letters] Signature

Chairman: Members: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. External examiner

Signature of chairman with name and designation

Note: If this is the re-exam the date of previous examination may be reported



Name of the student and I.D. No. Total research credits completed so for


Research credits registered during the semester


Program of work for this semester (list out the items of research work to be undertaken during the semester)

Approval of advisory committee Chairman: Members: 1. 2. 3.

(Approval may be accorded within 10 days of registration)

PROFORMA FOR EVALUATION OF RESEARCH CREDITS PART - B EVALUATION (Evaluation to be done before the closure of semester) Date of closure of semester Date of evaluation 1. Whether the research work has been carried out as per the approved program If there is deviation specify reasons Performance * the : : :



(*) Performance may be indicated as SATISFACTORY /NOT SATISFACTORY Approval of the advisory committee

Chairman Members

: : 1. 2. 3.


PROFORMA FOR MONITORING REGISTER Date of meeting Work Assigned Time frame to complete the work Signature of the student Date of review of progress Remarks of Chairman Signature of Chairman and Student

PROFORMA FOR PROPOSAL OF EXTERNAL EXAMINERS FOR THE THESIS EVALUATION (To be sent in duplicate in Confidential cover) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name of the student I.D. No. Degree Subject Thesis title Name of the chairman Panel of external examiners : : : : : : :

Sl. No. i. ii. iii. iv. v.



Field of specialization

B. Remarks

Signature of the chairman of the advisory committee Three external examiners for Masters and five external examiners (Two from North India and three from South India) for Doctoral program should be given.

LIST OF ENCLOSURES TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THESIS 1. 2. One copy of abstract of thesis. One copy of the summary of research finding in Tamil and English (within 10-15 lines) Clearance certificates from Hostel, Library, Department, DSW and Physical Education Details of previous examination passed (one copy) (form appended) Permission for availing grace period The other documents viz. Post Graduate Transcript, List of courses completed and grades obtained, Attendance certificate, Semester wise registration particulars with GPA, Course completion certificate should be maintained in the department


4. 5.

LIST OF ENCLOSURES TO BE SUBMITTED AFTER FINAL THESIS VIVA-VOCE 1. 2. 3. 4. Report of the final thesis viva voce examination (To be sent in duplicate) External Examiners thesis evaluation report (Two copies original + Xerox) Certificate for having carried out the suggestions of the external examiner and advisory committee Soft copy the thesis in CD two Nos.



This is to certify that Thiru./Selvi/Tmt.______________________________ I.D. No.________________ has completed all the course and research credit requirements on _________________________ for the award of______________ degree in _____________________.

Professor and Head

Name and signature of the chairman with designation.














Any other remark

Name and signature of the chairman with designation


1. Name of the student :


I.D. No.




Department and College


Date of admission to the degree program Date of qualifying examination



Date of completion credit requirements Date of thesis submission of thesis



Address for communication


Semester wise registration particulars with grade/GPA of semesters

Name and signature of the chairman with designation



S. No. A. B. C. D. E.


Credit hours


Abstract Core Optional Supporting Seminar Research Total Title of the thesis: : : : : : :

No. of Credits

Name and signature of the chairman with designation



Abstract Major Minor Supporting Seminar Research Total Title of the thesis: : : : : : :

No. of Credits

Name and signature of the chairman with designation


JUSTIFICATION FOR LATE SUBMISSION OF THESIS (if applicable) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Name and designation of the student Degree Subject I.D. No. Date of first registration for the degree Number of semester for candidate could not register which the : : : : : : : : : :

Reason for not registering and continuing the study Period of delay in submission of thesis Period lost due to transfer/ill health Date of submission of thesis

Signature of the student


Specific remarks and recommendation of the chairman

Signature of the chairman with designation 12. Specific remarks and recommendation of the Head of department Signature of the Head 13. Recommendation of the Deans of colleges

Signature of the Dean 14. Recommendation of the Dean (SPGS.)

Signature of the Dean (SPGS)


School of Post Graduate Studies

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University REPORT OF THE FINAL THESIS VIVA VOCE EXAMINATION (To be sent in triplicate) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name of the candidate with I.D. Number Degree to be awarded Discipline/Major Faculty Name of the college Date and time of viva voce Title of the thesis as in final copy of the thesis : : : : : : :

Particulars of the external examiner(s) who has/have evaluated the thesis: S.No. 1. 2.
* Recommended/Recommended for Revision/Not Recommended

Name of the external examiner

Remarks of the examiners*

Recommendation of the Examining committee present at the time of final viva voce examination:

a. Recommends/ does not recommend unanimously the award of degree b. The performance of the candidate in final viva voce is assessed as ______________*

(very good/ good/ satisfactory/ not satisfactory)

S.No. 1.

Name in block letters


Chairman/Member Chairman Co-opted chairman & Head of the department Member Member Member ** Co-opted member External examiner


2. 3. 4. 5.

If co-opted in the absence of chairman/member

The original report(s) from the external examiner(s) is/ are enclosed. Head of the Department Chairman of the Examining committee/Advisory committee with designation



Certified that


_____________ has carried out all the correction and suggestions as pointed out by the external examiners(s) and the advisory committee and has submitted

.............................. copies of his/her M.Sc./Ph.D. thesis in hard bound cover and CDs

Signature of the chairman with designation

Signature of the Head of the department/Dean/ Director



This is to certify that Thiru./ Selvi/ a bonafide student of this Institution and he/ she is doing.................................... course

during the year.........................................

Signature of the Head of the department




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Name of the student I.D.No. Degree Department Semester Date of commencement Normal date of registration without fine Last date for registration with fine Date on which registration is sought Reason Signature of the student Remarks and recommendation of the chairman : : : : : : : : : : : :

Signature of

the chairman /

Signature of the Head of the department



Allotment of students under JRF/SRF student fellowship (To be submitted to the Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. a. b. Title of the scheme : Location of the scheme : (Department & College) Date of sanction of the scheme : Period of the scheme : Type of fellowship : Period of fellowship (only for the period of research credits registered) Amount of fellowship : Amount of contingent grant : Amount of T.A. provided : Whether the technical program : submitted by the student to Dean(SPGS) is the same as envisaged in the scheme proposal If not, whether the revised program : of research is submitted (If yes, date of approval by Dean(SPGS)) No. of research credit(s) completed : so far by the proposed fellowship awardees (student) Whether the credits earned earlier : are to be retained or to be cancelled? Whether funds received : Name of the student(s) & ID.No. : Period of II Sem III Sem fellowship for how many semesters () With or with out grace period ()


Rs..p.m Rsp.a. Rs..p.a. Yer or No

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Yes or No IV Sem V Sem VI Sem


Principal Investigator

Head of the Department


Dean (SPGS)

Vice Chancellor

List of Enclosures 1. Copy of concurrence of the sponsor of the sponsor to avail student fellowship 2. Copy of administrative sanction by Dean(SPGS)/DR 3. Students willingness and undertaking


1. 2. Title of the scheme Location of the scheme (Department & College) 3.a. b. 4. 5. a. b. c. d. e. Name & Designation of the PI Name and designation of the CO-PI Type of fellowship Period of fellowship Indicate the period of fellowship to be awarded Amount of fellowship Amount of contingent grant Amount of T.A. Provided Whether Institutional charges paid : : : : : : : : : Rsp.m. Rsp.a. Rsp.a. Yes/No Rs JRF/SRF : :

Signature of the Sponsor

To The Dean (SPGS)/Director of Research, TNAU, Coimbatore 3.

WILLINGNESS TO BE GIVEN BY THE STUDENTS TO AVAIL FELLOWSHIP FROM EXTERNALLY FUNDED SCHEMES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name of student & ID.No. Degree (Master/Doctoral) OGPA of Bachelor/Master degree Name of the Chairman Discipline/Department College in which studying Thesis topic, if allotted Current semester in which studying (like I,II, III or IV like that ) & year Whether all the course works have been completed , if not indicate the pending courses with credit loads

Undertaking by the student: i. I am willing to avail the proposed fellowship under the scheme entitled ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii. If I leave in the middle of the tenure of the fellowship, I am willing to repay the fellowship availed with 6% penal interest or any levy/fine imposed by the University. I am fully aware that in case of campus transfer due the award of the fellowship that I am have to loose the research credits already registered. I am fully aware that there is no guarantee for the continuation of the courses, which I currently undergo, in the other campus to which I am likely to be transferred. I am willing to abide by all the rules and regulations laid down by the University in this regard.

iii. iv.



Signature of Student


Chairman of the Student To

Head of the Department

The Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641 003

PROFORMA FOR OBTAINING PERMISSION TO UNDERTAKE STUDY TOUR (to be submitted in triplicate) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Name of the student(s) ID. No. Course No. & Title Period of tour (including travel time) No. of days away from Head Quarters Mode of travel Place(s) of visit Purpose of visit Name(s) and Designation of the course teacher(s) accompanying the students Cost of travel/DA How the expenditure is proposed to be met? Scheme/main/ICAR Development grant/ Dean SPGS budget : : : : : : : From.. to . :

Course teacher/ chairman

Head of the Department


Dean, School of PG Studies

Vice Chancellor


(to be issued by the Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies) 1. 2. 3. Permitted without any extra financial commitment to the University Period of absence from......... to...... (..... days) is permitted to be treated as on duty and are to be counted for attendance. The student / the team teacher should submit a report to the Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies within three days after completion of the tour. (By order of the Vice-Chancellor)

Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies


PROFORMA FOR OBTAINING PERMISSION TO PRESENT PAPERS IN SEMINAR/SYMPOSIA/TRAINING (For Masters & Doctoral Program students To be sent in triplicate) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name of the student & ID.No. Department & College Name of the chairman with designation /Dept. Whether course work has been completed? Title of paper/poster to be presented (enclose copy) Name of the seminar/symposium Period of absence (in days) inclusive of travel time Whether the paper was sent through proper channel (copy to be enclosed) Cost of travel & registration fee borne by the student himself (or) supported by the scheme in which he is drawing fellowship? : : : : : : : : : Venue Dates(From-To)

Date: Specific Recommendations: Chairman Professor and Head

Signature of the Student


Dean, School of PG Studies



(to be issued by the Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies) 1. 2. 3. 4. Permitted without any financial commitment to the University/Not permitted Period of absence from_____________ to __________________(_____ days) is to be treated as duty and can be counted for attendance. Period of absence from _____________to __________________(______days) is not treated as duty and cannot be counted for attendance. The student should submit a report to the Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies within 3 days after his return.

Dean School of Post Graduate Studies


APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF CONDUCT AND TRANSFER CERTIFICATES (To be submitted by the student with the recommendation of the Chairman/Head/Director/Dean)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Name of the student ID.No. Name of the chairman Designation of the chairman Name of the course undergone Year of joining course Year of leaving the course Whether copy of the PC enclosed Whether original clearance certificate from warden enclosed

: : : : : : : : :

Date: Recommendations:

Signature of the Student

Certified that the conduct and characters of Mr/Ms.____________________________ were______________________ during the period of his/her studies. The certificates may be issued accordingly.



Professor & Head


Please put the official stamps To The Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641 003.

64 Instructions to the Candidates Graduates applying for Certificates from the Dean SPGS/ Deans of Colleges/ Registrar of the university
Students may refer to the guidelines given in the rules and regulations book for applying for various certificates and note the prescribed fees for each certificate. The prescribed fee must be remitted in State Bank of India, TNAU Branch through chalan. For getting Provisional certificate, the masters/doctoral students can apply directly to the Registrar with the following: 1. Requisition form 2. A cloth lined / polythene lined (8 x 10) legibly superscribed with delivery address. Students who wish to get the certificate at their home address must affix required stamps towards postage and registration charges. 3. Demand Draft for prescribed fee drawn in favour of the Comptroller, TNAU, Coimbatore - 641 003. OTHER CERTIFICATES Similar set of above requirements is needed separately for the Office of the Dean (SPGS) / Dean of the respective college to issue Conduct certificate and Transfer certificates. Another set of above requirements is necessary for Transcript card (with A4 size cover) and all other certificates. For Migration certificate students may directly apply to the Registrar duly enclosing the copy of Provisional certificate. For Duplicate certificate of the university, students may directly apply to the Dean (SPGS) and Controller of Examinations for Doctoral and Masters degree respectively duly enclosing the copy of the certificate applied for (the duplicate conduct and transfer certificates will be issued by the Deans concerned).


The guideline for getting the duplicate certificates from the Registrar/ Dean (SPGS)/Controller of Examinations For Attestation of certificates students may directly apply to the Registrar/ Dean (SPGS)/Controller of Examinations duly enclosing the Original certificate and copies of the certificates to be attested along with suitable covers with the address of the receiving institute and the brochure for the cause of requirement of attestation. (Refer further for detailed procedure).

SPECIMEN FORM for applying duplicate Certificate Form of affidavit to be furnished in a stamp paper worth of Rs.10/- by the student of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University for obtaining a duplicate Provisional Certificate / duplicate transcript Card/certificate of having been admitted/duplicate diploma certificate/duplicate migration certificate Know all men by these presents that I, Thiru/ Tmt./ Selvi ______________________________________________Son / daughter / wife of Thiru____________________________________residing at____________________ _____________________________________________________________________ do hereby declare the following facts to the best of my knowledge and belief for obtaining a duplicate Provisional Certificate/ duplicate transcript card/

certificate of having been admitted/ duplicate diploma certificate/ duplicate migration certificate from the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003. Whereas I was a student of the ______________________________ (name and place of the Institution) studied ________________________ (mention the Degree Course) during the year ________ to _______ and completed my studies during the month of __________, _______ (year). My identification No. was _________________ . Whereas I have already received the original Provisional certificate/ transcript Card/ certificate of having been admitted / diploma Certificate/ migration certificate from the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641 003 and that the original document referred to above has been lost/damaged/spoiled* __________________________ (mentioned the actual cause such as transit/fire/ flood, etc.). Whereas I do hereby appeal to the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore that I may kindly be caused to be issued a duplicate provisional certificate / duplicate transcript Card/certificate of having been admitted/duplicate diploma Certificate/duplicate Migration certificate as per the terms and conditions stipulated therefore by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. And whereas, I do solemnly promise that the duplicate provisional certificate / duplicate transcript card/certificate of having been admitted/ duplicate diploma Certificate/duplicate migration Certificate issued by the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore will be utilized only for genuine purposes and even if the original is recovered at a later stage, that will not be utilized and that the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University may take any action as it deem necessary to the extent of withdrawing the degree/diploma awarded to me besides initiating legal prosecution against me for having misused the duplicate document referred to above, if found at any time. Signed, sealed and delivered by the above said person in the presence of _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ (Name and designation of the Officer of grade A or B of the State/Central Government) on this ______________ day of _______________ .

Signature Name and designation of the Officer of Grade A or B of the State/Central Government

Signature of the applicant

List of enclosure to be produced to the Registrar, TNAU, Coimbatore for migration certificate 01. 02. Request letter addressed to the Registrar, TNAU, Coimbatore. Demand Draft for Rs.1000/- drawn in favour of The Comptroller, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003 for all other duplicate certificates referred in the form of affidavit except the duplicate migration certificate. For the duplicate migration certificate Demand Draft for Rs.750/- drawn in favour of The Comptroller, TNAU,CBE-3 Xerox copy of the provisional certificate



The Procedure for the attestation of P.G. transcript cards / degree certificates / Provisional certificates for the purpose of applying the Foreign Universities for pursuing higher studies 01. Request letter addressing the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641 003 indicating specific purpose for which attestation of transcripts are needed. Fee for Rs.100/- for each copy of attestation either in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Comptroller, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 3. Original transcript cards of P.G. degree certificates for verification and return purpose. Envelopes containing the complete postal addresses of the Foreign Universities to which attestation of transcript to be sent in a sealed cover after attesting by the Registrar. Copies of the references received from the Foreign Universities seeking the attestation of transcripts from the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003. A self addressed A4 size cover duly affixing sufficient postages for despatching the following documents: a) b) 07. Sealed covers containing attested certificates Original P.G. transcript cards






The University gives the attested photocopies of the certificates only in sealed with name and addresses of the University / Institute, which should not be tempered on any account and no enclosures should be kept inside.

The University will not give attested copies of the transcript cards to the students in open covers since it is likely to be tampered. Attested copies will be placed

in the covers provided by the students, then sealed and delivered only to the addressee(s). The same procedure is also applicable to the students of TNAU who are in overseas, while applying for the attestation of transcripts.

DISCLAIMER The statements made in this rules and regulations for Post Graduate Studies and all other information contained herein are believed to be correct at the time of publication. However, the university reserves the right to make, at any time, without notice changes and in additions to the regulations, conditions, governing the conduct of students requirements for degree of diploma, fees and any other information or statements / rules contained in this rules and regulations. No responsibility will be accepted by the University for Hardship of expenses encountered by its students or any other person or persons for such changes, additions, omissions, or errors, on matter how they are caused.

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